Author Topic: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?  (Read 275648 times)

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Offline xeryon

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #390 on: September 21, 2012, 07:47:47 AM »
I found another ruin:

with 10 something installations. :(

What I always found to be an interesting concession to video game play is that the universe is billions of years old yet in all space games we consistently discover races of a similar development age range as our own. 

Aurora has it's older races but to me it seems that reality would unfold along one of two avenues: First option is that there is almost nothing out there to find either because a means to travel faster then light is impossible or there is literally so many planet bearing systems no race could possibly find each other in the crowd, and the second path is that due to the age of the universe there are ruins and races EVERYWHERE of every conceivable technological level.  So many you can't throw a stone in space without hitting someone.  Aurora seems to do a decent disbursement between young races and few higher developed ones but the feel of the age of the universe just isn't there.

Long story short: if we are finding ruins why aren't we finding ruins of vast galactic empires instead of all these singular planets with intact facilities?  I would find it more interesting to discover ruins of an empire spanning numerous systems which housed trillions of people but installations were not as easily recovered.  The possibility of this race having existed 10 million years ago would mean there isn't much to recover but there might be substantial technology gains to be found.

Offline Havear

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #391 on: September 21, 2012, 07:58:45 AM »
Mainly? Precursors. They were the first on the TN scene and spread through the galaxy. I don't know if they met any other races during their diaspora period. After the First Incursion their polity was the only one to survive, and tried to stamp out other potential threats (namely everything sentient) as fast as they could find them. The period between the Second Incursion and the Third Incursion (now) was empty because they simply were the last race with a technology level higher than pre-industrial, so between then and now was just a wait for the younger races to reach the stars.

Offline Shooer

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #392 on: September 21, 2012, 08:17:55 AM »
I've always thought the precursors were a coalition of races (lead by one in particular) dedicated to defending against the Invaders with a uniform fleet design (target identification simplicity) but a with a mixture of races.   Goes to explain the guardian ships protecting ruins of different races across random systems.

Offline icecoldblood

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #393 on: September 21, 2012, 08:30:14 AM »
To me and from the fiction i've read, most believe the precursors were automatic guardians who, after their controlling race vanished, proceded to sanitise the galaxy, leaving traps in ruins for young races to discover and be destroyed.

Offline Havear

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #394 on: September 21, 2012, 09:44:03 AM »
Steve wrote about the Aurora backstory somewhere, if you can find it it's an interesting read, but I summed it up pretty much. And yes icecoldblood, from what I understand they did leave traps in any civilization's ruins they came across (or made into ruins) to catch anyone that came later in case they were called away.

Offline Sinensis

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #395 on: September 22, 2012, 01:39:29 AM »
I always pretend they were a same race/species, but different political entity.  Like how the human species are divided in multitude nations/countries/provincial identity.  I always thought "Unified Galactic Union" are very hard to archive, so the more likely is multiple smaller nations/planets/entities working with less or more a same goals akin to our United Nations.  So the hypothetical 'Precursors UN' are composed by various 'planet/nations/members', so it can explain why the Precursor ships are more or less the same (they follow almost similar tech progress like how Russia and US ships are almost similar in appearance) and they had similar robot army while had different tech levels (like how Most Africa are Tech 2, Latin America tech 3, US tech 5 and so on?). . .
Then they all got eaten by spoilers from beyond the Stable Wormhole. . .

Offline Marski

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #396 on: September 23, 2012, 08:00:04 PM »
Currently purging Tau Ceti with two battle divisions (two battlecruisers, four missile frigates, eight anti-missile corvettes) after encountering what seems to be a robotic defence force (no loss of atmosphere despite massive damage). Which earlier proceeded to kill my geosurvey ship on the first encouner and almost my whole corvette division sent in to recover the lifepods.

I'll put out an AAR later today if I can
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 08:03:19 PM by Marski »

Offline Sotak246

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #397 on: September 24, 2012, 12:08:01 PM »
I have a VERY annoyingly helpful NPC ally.  He has several warships parked around Earth, not a big deal, I roll-play they are there to escort all the cargo ships plying between us.  The problem comes that I am excavating a BIG ruin on Mars and hit robot defenders pretty often.  The NPC then flies over and helpfully nukes the bad guys.  This doesn't hurt my colony but does run the dust/radiation levels on Mars up like crazy.  I also have to SM my diplomacy rating back up because my population rightfully get a bit pissed at this.

Offline Steve Walmsley

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #398 on: September 24, 2012, 12:46:44 PM »
I have a VERY annoyingly helpful NPC ally.  He has several warships parked around Earth, not a big deal, I roll-play they are there to escort all the cargo ships plying between us.  The problem comes that I am excavating a BIG ruin on Mars and hit robot defenders pretty often.  The NPC then flies over and helpfully nukes the bad guys.  This doesn't hurt my colony but does run the dust/radiation levels on Mars up like crazy.  I also have to SM my diplomacy rating back up because my population rightfully get a bit pissed at this.

I really did laugh at loud at this one :)



Offline Marski

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #399 on: September 25, 2012, 01:34:59 AM »
Tau Ceti cleared, 6 hostile ships of 21,000-30,000 tons were all destroyed. They had pretty strong armour and electronic warfare equipment, the 21,000 ton ones required atleast 30 missiles to be destroyed, the 30,000 ton ships a whopping 50. "Granit" series P-8400, P-8518RH (Radar homing), P-8600TH (Infrared-homing [Thermal]) and P-8500 (Passive radar [EM]) size 5 anti-ship missiles were used. Original maximum range is 135 million kilometers, which was reduced only to 134 by enemy ECCM thanks to onboard ECM on the missiles.

Only missiles encountered on the second battle of tau ceti were size 7's, which were all destroyed by the AMM of the escorting corvettes.
On the first battle, the corvette fleet faced salvos of 48 size 1 missiles near a planet while enroute to rescuing lifepods of a destroyed geosurvey ship. Luckily those size 1 missiles have very limited range.

What was salvaged from the massive amounts of wrecks in the system only low-tech components were recovered.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2012, 03:22:13 AM by Marski »

Offline Shininglight

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #400 on: September 25, 2012, 05:38:18 PM »
I'm currently engaged in a now decade and a half war with some Spoilwarm, I've killed 2 queens over a dozen workers and nearly a hundred FACS at point blank range around the jp, I was scouting down the chain when i ran into some prespoilers and sent my main battle force, 8 destroyers, 4DE'S and 4 DDG's, and my main heavy fleet component about 3 CLE's with heavy PD... the fleet get's there only to meet the wreckage of the Prespoilers and a dozen FACS and a worker, they kill the FACS and board the worker capturing it and jumpstarting my meson tech, then i detect a jump. then another, and another, I'm currently running out of minerals in Sol and haven't been able to expand for fear of leaving my colonies exposed as my entire military, 4 battle groups now, none of the CLE's have survived more than one battle so there's about 12 destroyers in system, still the Spoilwarm keep jumping in and i pot away for about 5 minutes with Box launched CAMS and longer ranged shipkillers, as well as triple barreld 15cm laser turrets, i'm still losing ground.
Admiral Damien James Winter, Defender of the Proxima Gate.

Offline icecoldblood

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #401 on: September 27, 2012, 09:14:34 AM »
The GEV Thor Heyerdahl was completed today. At the ceremony, a moment silence was observed to commemorate the crew of the not one, but two, previous ships of the same name that had gone down in unfair and completely unprovoked combat by the Destroyers(Precursors). There had been murmurs of disagreement when the name was chosen a third time, with some believing the name to be cursed. As the Thor Heyerdahl, like those before it, left the Stephens and Sons shipyard and powered up its engines toward the edge of known space, the families of it's crew prayed history would not be repeated.

Offline Sinensis

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #402 on: September 28, 2012, 02:57:54 AM »

The Martian colony are proceeding vell well. . .  All of the 1600 ruins had been explored.  After more than 29 years of battling horde of guardian robots.  Mars populace finally know peace.  No lnger they need to terrified when the robot will attack again.  The multitude soldiers that was on Mars are now entering the shuttles that will take them to the UNFS Trireme class TroopShip.  They service are needed to conquer the backstabing Ulle Theocracy on Ulle Prime Systems.  1 Army Divisions had been airlifted (spacelifted?) from Mars, only one Garrison Brigade stay as Defense Force.

The Martian ruins was VERY nice.  My tech goes from Nuclear Thermal to Magnetoplasma in just 20 year and I keep finding mining tech.  Now using the Free Mars Army I will finally enslaved yet another alien populations and not bombard them to stone age.

Offline Icecoon

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #403 on: September 28, 2012, 03:28:07 AM »
I have encountered an NPR after cleansing 2 systems from spoilers. They are in the pre-space age and they completely ignore me. My relation with them is cca at 800 points. I've proposed them a trade treaty, friendly status and geo-data sharing, but they did not reciprocated. I have a feeling, that they would fire at me if they could. Maybe they're are trying to launch big rocks at me with catapults, but they always fall back at them. :D
My galactic domi... friendship can not be refused. I'm considering a punitive expedition. ;D
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 03:35:23 AM by Icecoon »
If it's stupid but it works, it isn't stupid.

If fire fighters fight fire and crime fighters fight crime, what do freedom fighters fight?

Offline Marski

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #404 on: September 28, 2012, 06:21:35 AM »
I have encountered an NPR after cleansing 2 systems from spoilers. They are in the pre-space age and they completely ignore me. My relation with them is cca at 800 points. I've proposed them a trade treaty, friendly status and geo-data sharing, but they did not reciprocated. I have a feeling, that they would fire at me if they could. Maybe they're are trying to launch big rocks at me with catapults, but they always fall back at them. :D
My galactic domi... friendship can not be refused. I'm considering a punitive expedition. ;D

Educate them of the wonders of the nuclear age, I think they would really appreciate some examples of tightly-packed plutonium.