Author Topic: First Contact: Iota Pegasi: You Decide!  (Read 2077 times)

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Offline Thiosk (OP)

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First Contact: Iota Pegasi: You Decide!
« on: March 08, 2012, 10:28:37 PM »
The Exploration ship Intrepid transited through a warp point near the Kuiper Arm class V black hole and encountered ships of a new alien race.  Intrepid is withdrawing from the system at full speed in order to avoid hostilities, and is observing the alien vessels as returns to the black hole system.  The unidentified vessels appear quite slow, their average speed of approximately 6100 km/s only half that of our standard fleet ships.  The alien homeworld appears quite populous-- there are enormous thermal and electronic signatures on the planet.  

Astonishingly, the as-yet unnamed species resides on an oxygen free homeworld.  The biological research community is in a state of chaotic uproar as they come to grips with the implications of this realization.  The most likely answer is that the species is using the methane as an energy source, and obtaining its primary oxidants from food, or from another source-- a condition not unlike that observed for plants with carbon dioxide.  There is also the possibility that the species is methanogenic-- but this is considered unlikely by top research scientists.  Dr. Kevin Lang, team leader at OlyMons Laboratories, said "...there may be methanogenic life on the planet, there is too much chemical energy stored in a methane molecule for higher organisms to simply breath it out.  Essentially breathing in their food from the atmosphere, however, may be how this species supports the vast population we suspect exists.  It all depends on the chemistry they use to release that energy."

Diplomatic teams have been dispatched, and our sources in the Grand Imperial City confirm that an an espionage team is being assembled, though no formal plans for their insertion are yet in place.

The hallowed War Bells of Terra have not yet rung, leading observers to speculate that perhaps the new Emperor will take a more reserved approach with first contact events than his predecessor.  The major naval engagements with the Meinacos and Manjil empires in '36 and '38 were over within weeks of first contact in both cases-- the then Emperor ordering the bells rung minutes of the reports of their encounter, hoping to avoid the political turmoil following the Barnardian massacre by Precursor ships in '32.  The earth Main Battle Fleet, however, has assembled in formation, and several task groups have been dispatched from Lacertus to Kuiper.  We've also received notice that shore leave has been canceled for six combat divisions, and the bulk of the forces are expected to rejoin the Legionarrium by September 7.

Peace demonstrations were planned in several Meinacos cities on Lacertus Prime, but no permits were authorized for public demonstrations by the Imperial Authority in the Lacertus system.  Instead, the Meinacos peace groups have turned to the airwaves to ask Emperor Bradshaw not to use atomic ordinance if he should decide to subjugate this new people.  Large swaths of Lacertus Prime were rendered uninhabitable by orbital strikes in June of '36, and they were later determined to have had little effect, forcing neither a surrender nor breaking the back of the Meinacos resistance.

There was no comment on the developments given by the Manjil Emmisarriat office.  Observers say it is unlikely that any Manjil demonstrations will occur, as their full membership status in the imperium was granted only in '48.

*I enjoyed Arwyn's Newsreel format so much I tried my hand at it. ~~thio

Now, what does Public Opinion say?

  --Opt for peace?
  --Opt for War?
  --Wait and see how the diplomatic team does?
« Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 11:39:46 PM by Thiosk »

Offline Beersatron

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Re: First Contact: Iota Pegasi: You Decide!
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2012, 12:06:05 AM »
Lure them into the Black Hole system and laugh as they die a slow death?

Then ... Profit!

Offline Thiosk (OP)

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Re: First Contact: Iota Pegasi: You Decide!
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2012, 12:10:09 AM »
Heh, war it is.  I can probably trick em that way too.  I don't think it will be difficult-- fly in, shoot someone, then make for the JP nice and slow

And Lo, the War Bells of Terra Rang.  

I'm going to turn on Invaders the moment I arrive at the system.  Actually, I think to start, I'm going to use my new fast transport ships to sneak some deep space tracking stations into the systems.  I doubt they'll pick em up if i place em right.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2012, 12:13:22 AM by Thiosk »

Offline Rendap

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Re: First Contact: Iota Pegasi: You Decide!
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2012, 10:19:41 AM »

Sorry, bout that - Don't know where it came from.  Yet Methane Breathers. . . .

Conquer their planet, drop some terraforming installations there and start making it into a Human habitat, while killing off the original population?

Offline Garfunkel

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Re: First Contact: Iota Pegasi: You Decide!
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2012, 12:12:18 PM »
In the GRIM DARKNESS of the far future, there can be only WAR.

Keep us posted!

Offline Thiosk (OP)

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Re: First Contact: Iota Pegasi: You Decide!
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2012, 01:07:07 PM »
In the GRIM DARKNESS of the far future, there can be only WAR.

Keep us posted!

Xenos are best studied through the scope of a las rifle, you know.

Jubilant throngs on Terra rejoiced today on news that the First Fleet had emerged victorious against the Xeno threat.  This marks the first battle tests of the new laser-equipped warships Saratoga, Insidius, Thunder, Anastasia, and Hornet.  The well-trained fleets performed flawlessly and were able to support one another without error.  The hornets and and anastasia jump ships provided area defense against incoming missiles at a range of 450,000 km, while the thunder gauss ships were able to easily shred any missiles that passed this range.  The Xeno forces, now identified as the Zaltraxian Oligarchy, were divided into two primary battle groups-- a missile heavy group stationed near the third planet in the system, and a large mixed force patrolling the periphery of the planetary system.  Our heavy cruisers and carrier remained stationed at the jump point to prevent the xenos from fleeing through the black hole system (though such a strategy would be ultimately fruitless, fleet containment is a primary concern).  Even xeno-antimissile fire was easily shrugged off by our beam weaponry.  Once we had closed to primary weapon range, approximatly 100,000 km, the aliens did score a series of direct hits against our primary command ship; there was not enough time to track, target, and fire on the fast missiles at our engagement range.  However, two volleys managed only to bring the shields to one half strength.  

The saratogas, now in optimal firing range, opened fire.  Each of the 8 40cm Far-xray lasers cut through the alien hulls, puncturing the armor and doing substantial internal damage.  No ships targeted by a saratoga were able to survive a single shot.  The Insidius, of which 18 joined this engagement, mopped up the stragglers in small packs of three.  Many of these corvettes did not need to fire.  

Two wings of fast attack craft were handled similarly: the xenos fired their missiles in futility, and were easily chased down and punctured by ships more than 20x their size.  The large caliber beams on the saratoga were said to penetrate both sides of the small vessels.

The fleet now turns its attention to the Zaltraxian homeworld.  The ground campaign is likely to be hard fought, scientists estimate that there are greater than 6 billion citizens residing on the primary planet.  Observers wonder whether 6 divisions of crack troops will be enough to stamp the aliens down.  It will take greater than a month for reinforcements to arrive, as the older troop transports used for reinforcements will be unable to navigate the black hole gateway to the Zaltraxian system.

in other news

Propulsion engineers on Mars today reported a breakthrough on interdimensional physics.  Says Kurt Engle of New Angelas Labs: "We've long understood that jump points connect two points in real space through a tunnel in a higher dimensional space, however, we've never had any way of accessing those higher dimensions directly.  Our new transmitter technology has allowed us to broadcast directly into the higher dimensions, enabling us to measure bleed-through of the electromagnetic energy from the higher dimensions back into our own.  Our preliminary results support a notion that this higher-dimensional space is a highly efficient medium for ultra long range, ultrafast interstellar communication.  We estimate that the relatively weak energy envelope expanded to enshroud several galaxies in our galactic neighborhood.  We postulate that with some investment and advancement, we will be able to generate wormholes that will allow for far greater travel range than the naturally-occurring jumpgate travel allows."

« Last Edit: March 09, 2012, 04:12:25 PM by Thiosk »

Offline xeryon

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Re: First Contact: Iota Pegasi: You Decide!
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2012, 01:08:09 PM »
Subjugating CH4 breathers would make for a nice way to colonize planets that might be extremely high colony cost to your O2 breathers.  By force or friend make them part of your empire without killing them off.

Offline Thiosk (OP)

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Re: First Contact: Iota Pegasi: You Decide!
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2012, 02:44:09 PM »
Victory Parade Coverage

July 5, 2053
And now we're going live to Dianne Sommers at Imperial Square for coverage of the Victory parade celebrations.  Hi Dianne, looks like people are pretty happy down there!

Hi John, as you can see people are elated over the news of the Zaltraxian subjugation.  The Emperor's policy of subjugation and containment of non-human lifeforms appears to be working, and the grossly inferior Zaltraxian armed forces surrendered without much of a fight.  The planet is uncontaminated, and though hostile to human life, the industrial planning commission is salivating over this planetary acquisition.  Checking our figures here, the Zaltraxians approximate 8.5 billion people had built an industrial base equal to a raw Production Rate of a quarter million.  We expect that once the economy is fully converted to imperial standards, the Zaltraxian world will have an economic output that--

Sorry Dianne.  We've got breaking news from the front.  Reports are coming in now that fleet operations in the newly discovered system of Gleise 863 reported contact with an unknown contact.  The vessel was approaching the Iota Pegasi jump point, so our strike fleet assumed an offensive posture.  Reports are hazy at this time, but the unknown vessel was reported to be three times the size of a homestar carrier ship, which have a 70,000 ton displacement.  As our strike fleet closed to range, the vessel emmitted an intense meson projection that bypassed shielding and armor, triggering overloads and explosions within the vessels.  The large craft was escorted by dozens of smaller fightercraft.  Several ships have been lost.  Commander Mason Turner of the Gallant Defender, an Insidius class corvette, died coordinating evacuation during the breakup of his vessel.  At least four other warships were lost in this engagement.  We do have confirmation that the large vessel and its escorts were destroyed, though at great cost.  We'll bring you more information as it is available.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 02:46:04 PM by Thiosk »

Offline MehMuffin

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Re: First Contact: Iota Pegasi: You Decide!
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2012, 07:59:35 PM »
Lure the new aliens back through the jump point to the Zaltraxian Homeworld, and then let them kill off the Zaltraxians to save missiles. Why commit xenocide when you can have someone else do it?