Author Topic: Ship wont move  (Read 1002 times)

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Offline Norm49 (OP)

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Ship wont move
« on: September 19, 2020, 07:34:23 AM »
Hi I am trying to move a TG with a command ship but the TG just wont move. The TG with out the command ship move with out any problem. The command ship if alone in is TG move with and any problem but a soon as I make it part of a task group with more that 3 ship they all stoop. None of the TG i test have ship in construction going in it. All ship have crew/fuel and are undamaged. The slowest ship goes a 4997 km/s and the fastest goes at 5005 km/s. Any one have a ides of what the problem is?


Offline dag0net

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Re: Ship wont move
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2020, 08:00:27 AM »
Are you rying to squadron jump with a jump engine? The default name for jump engines   JMaximumTonnageofShipsJumped(Maximum number of ships in squadron-Maximum Distance From JP)
So the default 1st is J3000(3-50)

3000 ton maximum ship size
maximum 3 size of squadron/tg taken through jp
maximum distance from jp in km.

To jump a tg of 4 ships at once using such a jump drive is not possible, requiring more technology invested in the equipment.

That's the only occasion I can think of that undamaged ships with engines, fuel, crew, not in overhaul and not tractor beamed will not move, even if they are tractored they should move tho iirc, not used one lately. Oh, unless they are in training fleet, but you'd get a popup trying to order them away then.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2020, 08:04:01 AM by dag0net »
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Offline Norm49 (OP)

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Re: Ship wont move
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2020, 08:05:46 AM »
No I am not trying to use a jump engine. Actually I don't even have jump engine on those ship. I use a jump gate, witch work fine I use it many time. Any ways even if i am trying to move my ship at a planet they still wont move so I don't believe jump engine have anything to do with this.
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Offline dag0net

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Re: Ship wont move
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2020, 08:41:01 AM »
I can't imagine what the problem is, suggest you make a copy of the db in case you don't identify or workaround the problem so Steve can if it turns out to be a bug.

Then the next thing I'd suggest without more information & in the absence of somebody who recognizes the problem.. is to turn on SM and deploy a copy of the same class as the problem ship.

Create a New Fleet
Open Class Design Window
Select Class
Select 'Miscellaneous'  Tab (Class Design..Ships in Class..Components)
Select desired Fleet/TG from drop-down
Instant Build
Add other ships to TG

Try moving TG.

If it still doesn't move the problem seems most likely to be the Class Design, tho I expect it will and the problem is the individual ship.
If that doesn't help or you've already tried no other ideas atm I'm afraid. Good luck.
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Offline Norm49 (OP)

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Re: Ship wont move
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2020, 08:47:41 AM »
I was about to try that but i remove the fleet commander form the flybrige before and it fix it. But now I no longer have a fleet commander. So I still have a problem but now at lest we can narrow down the problem.

Edit I change the officer and now it work. I don't know how the the officer was assign as XO of a ship and the flybrige of the fleet. It bug out and I had to retire the officer form service.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2020, 08:59:17 AM by Norm49 »

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Re: Ship wont move
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2020, 10:32:45 AM »
This is a known bug. It's possible to get a reaction bonus so large (by stacking naval admin commands, ship CO, and fleet commander) that it overflows, causing an infinite order delay. If the task force has 100% fleet training this doesn't happen.

The fleet commander getting reported as being an executive officer is also a known bug.

The function number: N/A
The complete error text: N/A
The window affected: tactical map (DEN 0817-6155)/fleet org window
What you were doing at the time: ordering fleet movements with a fleet with a flag officer and incomplete fleet training
Conventional or TN start: TN
Random or Real Stars: Real
Is your decimal separator a comma? No
Is the bug is easy to reproduce, intermittent or a one-off?: Easy to reproduce

Something screwy is happening with order delays when I place a fleet with incomplete training under a high reaction bonus command. In the attached database, United Earth Confederacy game, the 3rd expeditionary force is not fully trained. However, it has a fleet commander with a reaction bonus and just before transiting into hostile territory I tried to place it under a series of PTL commands (Extraterrestrial Observation and Extermination, see DB). Suddenly, it wouldn't do anything! I found that I could detach individual, fully trained vessels from it and they would work fine, but the fleet itself wouldn't take orders. Eventually I moved the fleet to a different admin command that cannot reach the current location and it started responding instantly. It seems like the reaction bonus from the PTL commands is making the order delay LONGER not shorter. Oddly, there are not hostiles in the system that I am aware of, so no order delay should be happening anyway.

The delays ONLY happen if the fleet contains a flag bridge with an assigned officer who has a reaction bonus. If I remove the flagship from the fleet, the fleet behaves normally and the flagship does not. If I remove the fleet commander from the flagship, the fleet containing the flagship behaves normally. If I assign a fleet commander with no reaction bonus, the fleet behaves normally.

Additionally, the fleet, even with a fleet CO, behaves normally while in range of and assigned to my Home Fleet (a naval admin command) which applies a smaller  but non-zero reaction bonus. Thus, I hypothesize that this is some sort of overflow issue, where the combination of the large reaction bonus of the PTL commands and the bonus of the fleet CO I had set was enough to cause issues, but neither by itself is sufficient:
The PTL commands in which the issue occurs apply a 1.1449x reaction bonus if I understand how it propagates.
Home fleet should apply a 1.054x reaction bonus.
The fleet CO has 50% reaction, so that should be a 1.25x bonus.

Thus, the problem arises with >1.43x bonus but NOT with a 1.318x bonus.

It would be nice if the cumulative effects of naval admin commands were displayed somewhere. It would also be nice if a fleet's effective reaction rating were displayed (cumulative effect of fleet training, CO reactions, fleet CO reactions, and naval admin commands if I understand correctly).

One last thing. The record for Chang Shi Dan, the fleet CO of interest, shows that he was assigned as flag officer. But if I REMOVE him, his history shows that he was relieved as Executive officer. The ship has had an executive officer, but does not currently.
Spike: Confirmed.  There is another report of the same issue (fleets not responding to orders), but the offending vessel does not have a flag bridge.
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