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Offline Zook (OP)

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Aurora Succession Game: The Gold Rush
« on: September 12, 2012, 07:20:30 PM »
After the discovery of Trans-Newtonian minerals and the breathtaking prospects the opened up for intergalactic expansion, Earth was deeply divided about who or what organization should head mankind's reach for the stars.

Recently elected US President Willis (a former thespian) called for western nations to unite under US leadership and finance the exploration of space, while a consortium of private corporations (under US leadership) would undertake the financially risky part of producing and marketing TN minerals. Unfortunately, Congress was completely deadlocked over the decision, but they didn't have the money anyway.

In Europe, things didn't look much brighter, with the recent breakup of the Eurozone making political unity a dream of the past. While the British accepted the US proposal even before knowing any details of the plan, the Germans would participate only if they got to supply at least 50% of all mining machinery, the French opposed it out of principle, the Dutch for tax reasons, the Poles didn't want to upset the Russians and the Italians and the Spanish because they could not agree on whether the first exploration ship should be named Cristoforo Colombo or Cristóbal Colón.

Then the Chinese threatened to launch their own interstellar program, the Japanese actually did it, but had to admit later that construction would be delayed until 2040 because of bureaucratic obstacles, India was preoccupied with the Pakistanis, African nations made several proposals that were promptly ignored, and the most-read space program article in 2024 was about the King of Tonga appearing before the UN in full royal regalia - grass skirt and all - pleading that there should be made room for his people on Earth's first colony because all the remaining land in his island kingdom would be submerged by late August.

And while most pundits had already concluded that the 21st century would see very little progress towards the final frontier, there appeared to be only one man who could cut through the red tape and make the impossible a reality: Jean-Claude Zatapatique.

Called Zappa by his many friends, he is the former prime minister of Luxembourg, respected UN diplomat, heir to a private banking firm, four-times-winner of the Luxembourgian tennis championships and avid golfer and skeet-shooter. He's clearly a man of many interests, and his four ex-wives can attest to that.

It seems an unlikely coalition he has brought together. Saudi Aramco's Sorium division will provide fuel production and refining, Japan most of the sensor equipment, the US gets to build all necessary energy-projection systems for scientific uses (communication lasers etc.), a Chinese-European joint-venture will put it all together. Financing (lots of it) is provided by the newly founded Cosmos Capital Group on the sunny Caiman Islands. An Italian company supplies the space suits. Finally, the engine contracts have been announced to go to the lowest bidder.

The political squabbling, expected to last years, if not decades, is surprisingly brief. Or perhaps unsurprisingly, considering that no less than twenty-eight former (or acting) prime ministers, presidents, chancellors and supreme leaders serve on the board of CCG, swayed by the personal charm of Zatapatique, as well as financial incentives. One business insider is quoted as "With all the stock options he's been giving away for free, Zappa already sold the Oort Cloud five times over - before we even know if it exists".

And so, on January 1, 2025, the United Earth Cosmos Holding LLC opens its lavish new headquarters on the shores of Lake Geneva, Switzerland.

Mankind finally reaches for the stars.

Offline Zook (OP)

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Re: Aurora Succession Game: The Gold Rush
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2012, 07:37:30 PM »
Jan 1, 2025

In his first press conference, Jean-Claude Zatapatique, CEO of United Earth, praised UE's investors for their "exceptional vision and determination" and promised to "exploit all possibilities to the utter maximum and beyond".

"Our first order of business is to lay solid foundations for Earth's future expansion, while charging ahead with research and development. Time is money, but as Einstein said: Time is relative. Money is not!"

He then announced that contracts for the construction of five hundred new TN-mineral using factories had been signed, increasing global TN-manufacturing capacity by more than 250% within the next ten years. A new commercial shipyard, able to build and launch massive transport ships into space, is expected to be finished by 2030. Also, "several other measures" are taken to strengthen the "long-term economic viability of space exploration".

Offline Zook (OP)

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Re: Aurora Succession Game: The Gold Rush
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2012, 08:22:37 PM »
Jan 3, 2025

Pierre Leclair, a childhood friend of Zatapatique, is appointed Director of Earth Operations of UE. He promises to speed up development of mineral exploration and transport by investing part of the firm's government-contributed money in private shipping start-ups, who "should be able to do most of the routine work for us in less than five years".

Meanwhile, the company unveiled the designs for its first interplanetary survey vessel, the first of which will be laid down by EADS-Haier Space in Shanghai later this year:

Code: [Select]
Offshore Explorer class Survey Craft    1,750 tons     157 Crew     348 BP      TCS 35  TH 120  EM 0
3428 km/s     Armour 1-12     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/2     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Life 4.49 Years     MSP 124    AFR 24%    IFR 0.3%    1YR 10    5YR 149    Max Repair 100 MSP

ACME Senator 40 (3)    Power 40    Fuel Use 100%    Signature 40    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 200,000 Litres    Range 205.7 billion km   (694 days at full power)

Geological Survey Sensors (2)   2 Survey Points Per Hour

The Offshore Explorer is designed to find Trans-Newtonian minerals within the entire solar system, including the outer asteroid belt. Despite new fuel-saving drive technology that was developed at MIT, EADS-Haier engineers decided not to use it in the craft because of safety concerns and budgetary constraints.

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Re: Aurora Succession Game: The Gold Rush
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2012, 11:00:01 AM »
Make sure to name some officer after yourself :)

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Re: Aurora Succession Game: The Gold Rush
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2012, 01:07:53 PM »
This will be... interesting. Corporate government (not necessarily ingame, just playstyle) could make things VERY interesting, both ingame and in narrated backstory. So telegraph, are you going to assassinate Zook at the beginning of your turn and take over the corp? :P I'm also considering what such a setup would mean in terms of a navy - possibly microwaves because of their civilian applications and non-lethal nature, almost certainly not missiles because those can be expensive. Beam-crazy money-grubbers? Maybe that's how they start and move toward ultra-militarization? Gah, that's what's great about a succession game - anything goes.

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Re: Aurora Succession Game: The Gold Rush
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2012, 01:21:55 PM »
I am not that bloodthirsty :)

Offline Zook (OP)

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Re: Aurora Succession Game: The Gold Rush
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2012, 02:12:56 PM »
(Fast forward to November 2029. As the first player I'm not adhering to the five-year term limit because all I did so far was mostly clicking the 30-day button a few times).

The final results of the great solar survey have been announced today. While the far-away Kuiper asteroid belt might still hold a surprise or two, only few planets (or bodies, as the astronomers say) contain significant amounts of TN minerals. Some duranium could be obtained on the moon, and while massive amounts of resources have been discovered on Venus, Saudi experts say that exploiting them would not be economical for at least fifty years without massive investment in production technology. Only Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, holds enough minerals to fuel Earth's industry in the decades to come.

The question of resource depletion has become a political wedge issue lately, as some geologists apparently believe that proven reserves of TN minerals on Earth might last only for another 20-40 years, which would endanger the entire global TN industry, as well as the share price of UE. Kaleem al-Yamani, UE's director of cosmo-geology and exploration, said that no shortages of any kind are forseeable and that the 21st century would mark only the beginning of a bright new future. Critics point out, however, that apart from small deposits of Sorium in Greenland, no TN resources have been discovered in the past four years, that UE has lately closed all its tritanium mines in Peru and New Zealand and that asteroid mining is physically impossible.

Offline Zook (OP)

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Re: Aurora Succession Game: The Gold Rush
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2012, 02:39:06 PM »
January 30, 2030

United Earth today announced plans for developing Titan's resources. "Within the next five years, the Titan Special Economic Zone will be a bustling hub of mineral production and scientific research as well as a family-friendly holiday destination", UE's CEO Zatapatique said as he unveiled a scale model of the Deng Xiaoping space freighter that will carry the heavy loads of minerals to Earth. The ships will be built in Shanghai and the first one is expected to be laid down in early 2032, assuming that the Glorious March shipyard can be finished within the original time frame.

In other news, several NGOs today called for United Earth to explain its continued hiring of security personnel. Not only has the entire army of Luxembourg (all 450 personnel as well as over 600 civilian administrators) been leased to UE, US and Russian regular troops have also been put under a 30-year contract to provide "technical assistance". UE is also negotiating with Paris about the transfer of a Foreign Legion paratroop regiment.

Reports on the tabloid blogosphere about the construction of secret military training centers in the jungles of French Guyana and the Rub al Kahli desert of Saudi Arabia have been proven to be the "work of conspiracy theorists", a UE spokesperson said. "We train a lot of personnel for deployment in the harsh environment of the extraterrestrial workplace. But why would we send armed troops into space?"

Offline Zook (OP)

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Re: Aurora Succession Game: The Gold Rush
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2012, 03:04:07 PM »
Meanwhile, the King of Tonga thanked UE for an interest-free 50-year loan which will allow the now submerged kingdom the construction of giant floating rafts out of plastic particles siphoned off of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It is expected that at least 150 such rafts, each about the size of an aircraft carrier, are needed to house all 60,000 Tonganese who have been unable to find a new home after all pacific rim countries denied them asylum. Both Amnesty International and Greenpeace applauded the generous gesture.

Offline Zook (OP)

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Re: Aurora Succession Game: The Gold Rush
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2012, 07:44:43 PM »
February 2033

United earth's first interstellar expeditions have successfully departed the solar system and discovered new worlds. According to Pierre Leclair, UE's vice president for Earth operations, the star systems of Lexus and Pepsi (formerly known as Ross 154 and Gliese 526) promise to hold enough resources to supply earth with industrial raw materials for centuries. He perfectly understands the harsh criticism of astronomers who protested the stars' renaming, Leclair said, but it didn't affect the board's decision. "After all, the sponsorship of our industry partners allows UE to finance that second shipyard which is absolutely crucial to our growth and the growth of the global economy."

In other news, UE scientists declared the second planet of Pepsi, now named Mountain Dew, to be a possible candidate for large-scale terraforming tests later in the decade.

Offline Zook (OP)

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Re: Aurora Succession Game: The Gold Rush
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2012, 04:25:27 PM »
June 2033

UE is getting serious about developing the solar system. The company's R&D department today unveiled plans for a the Benjamin Franklin class of astrographical survey ships. The Ben Franklins are equipped with a powerful laser system that is designed to measure the distance between two planetary bodies with an accuracy of less than one tenth of an inch. This is a necessary precondition for installing mass drivers later, massive magnetic accelerators which will hurl huge packets of valuable minerals to Earth.

Code: [Select]
Benjamin Franklin class Science Vessel    3,300 tons     321 Crew     279 BP      TCS 66  TH 200  EM 0
3030 km/s     Armour 3-19     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 2     PPV 9
Maint Life 5.24 Years     MSP 106    AFR 43%    IFR 0.6%    1YR 6    5YR 97    Max Repair 22 MSP

ACME Senator 40 (5)    Power 40    Fuel Use 100%    Signature 40    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 100,000 Litres    Range 54.5 billion km   (208 days at full power)

Northrop 10cm C1 Visible Light Scientific Laser (3)    Range 60,000km     TS: 3030 km/s     Power 3-1     RM 2    ROF 15        3 3 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
Nakatomi Precision Array S12 30-5000 (1)    Max Range: 60,000 km   TS: 5000 km/s     83 67 50 33 17 0 0 0 0 0
Pebble Bed Reactor Technology PB-1.05 (1)     Total Power Output 3.15    Armour 0    Exp 7%

This design is classed as a purely scientific vessel for maintenance purposes.

The Franklins are scheduled to be built from 2035 onwards and will be complemented by the Russian-designed Projekt 902B, a new class of scientific probe-launching vessels.

Offline Zook (OP)

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Re: Aurora Succession Game: The Gold Rush
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2012, 04:44:40 PM »
January 2034

The newly discovered systems of Epsilon Eridani and Alpha Centauri are being surveyed by Offshore Explorer and Offshore Horizon ships. According to business insiders, Apple has purchased the naming rights to Epsilon Eridani for an undisclosed sum, while the negotiations over the Alpha Centauri license still continue.

In other news, the most popular Twitter channel of 2034 is @UESpaceFun, where approximately 900 million people on Earth can follow the adventures of UE's survey vessels in realtime. According to the social network's own statistics, the most popular Tweet ever is still the one made in November 2031 by the crew of Offshore Explorer 002, after the ship was rattled badly in a magnetic storm: "OMG capt leclerc lst hs brkfast ovr ur anus ROFL".

Offline Zook (OP)

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Re: Aurora Succession Game: The Gold Rush
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2012, 05:07:21 PM »
June 15, 2034

00:34 AM @UESpaceFun: OffEx1 - Apprchng CS A-7. big boring gas ball. prtty colors tho

00:51 AM @UESpaceFun: OffEx1 - sensr#1 +2 show pulsating signl in bow quadrnt. frckng malfction, but in both??

01:41 AM @UESpaceFun: OffEx1 - dbl checkd evrythng. pulsating sigs till their. freakin sht

02:00 AM @UESpaceFun: OffEx1 - actives its a frecing active!!! itsalive!!! omg

02:04 AM @UESpaceFun: OffEx1 - ths freakin thng comming rght at US!!!!!

02:05 AM @UESpaceFun: OffEx1 - sht shtsht smeg

02:12 AM @UESpaceFun: This channel is undergoing routine maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please try again later.

Offline Zook (OP)

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Re: Aurora Succession Game: The Gold Rush
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2012, 05:15:05 PM »
Still June 15, 2034

United Earth has announced an emergency meeting of the board for yet undisclosed reasons. All board members as well as the heads of every major department are expected to arrive in Geneva within the next four hours, or will attend the meeting via holoconferencing. The media are speculating as to the reason of this highly unusual event.

Also, the Observer's website is running the headline "More Stars In Geneva Than In The Night Sky", which alludes to the unusual number of high-ranking officers from NATO, China and Russia recently sighted at Geneva Airport.

Offline Zook (OP)

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Re: Aurora Succession Game: The Gold Rush
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2012, 05:57:27 PM »
Still June 15, 2034

While the board meeting in Geneva is still going on behind closed doors, Bill Bannister of the Washington Post has just posted a blog entry accusing Jean-Claude Zatapatique, almighty CEO of United Earth Holding LLC, of insider trading, shameless nepotism and wasting more than 50 billion dollars of the company's money. According to documents obtained by the Post, the thirty high-tech research stations "Zappa" has had built over the past nine years are actually prefabricated office blocks. Ninety-eight floors high and costing UE more than three billion each, these giant cubicle containers were to be shipped to Mars Investment Park and assembled there to provide office space for several financial service companies from the Caiman Islands and Switzerland. MarsIP is headed by Zatapatique's wife, Marine, who is the sister of Pierre Leclair, UE's director of Earth operations.

The documents, apparently leaked by an inside source, detail how Zatapatique pushed for the construction of these financial centers and ordered subordinates to conceal their actual purpose. Then in December last year, during space trials of the new Deng Xiaoping freighters, it turned out that these office blocks cannot be transported into space at all - the frames, built for the low gravity of Mars, are too delicate to withstand the acceleration during take-off and the untested composite wall sheets will quickly deteriorate and fall apart when hit by cosmic radiation.

Zatapatique's lawyers in New York immediately issued a statement saying that "our client has always acted in good faith and in the best interest of the company's shareholders, and that includes all of humanity."

While it is true that 181 of the 208 nations on Earth (209 if you still count Tonga) have bought shares in United Earth through the United Nation's Space Development Fund, UNSDF controls only 31% of the stock, the remainder being owned by various companies in the Caiman islands and Switzerland. The UNSDF has, however, contributed the money for over 80% of UE's expenditures, and the agency is headed by Jean-Paul Bonald, husband of Paulette Zatapatique-Bonald, a leading researcher for UE's Jump gate project and youngest daugther of the CEO.

"It would take the biggest supercomputing cluster a hundred years to untangle the financial web Zappa has woven", a financial analyst for CitiSpace said. "But that is child's play compared to untangling the personal connections holding the biggest company on Earth together."