Author Topic: The Chicxulub Crater debates  (Read 6253 times)

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Offline Panopticon

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Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2011, 08:40:48 AM »
[ooc]What Sol treaty? Any treaties we created were during the last game and haven't happened in this one, unless I missed something. And treaties done in real life have no bearing on this game as basically none of the original countries exist.[/ooc]

"The American Dominion recognizes Neo-Italia's right to colonize Titan, but not it's right to exclusivity, we all know Titan is one of the most accessible sources of may TN minerals in the Solar System and refuse to deny ourselves access to those simply because of a few thousand colonists in protective domes on the surface."

Offline shadenight123

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Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
« Reply #16 on: November 21, 2011, 08:42:19 AM »
[ooc]i corrected myself in the previous statement, to avoid the error i made, i thought titan was unoccupied. since it is actually occupied, i retracted to "the places where the colony is built is neo italy"[/ooc]
people die all the time, it's not a problem.
it is if you're sending them to die.
i'm not. they just need to learn to be better.
they need NOT TO CARE!
my blog (updated 17/12/2011) (updated every saturday):

Offline Destra

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Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
« Reply #17 on: November 21, 2011, 11:28:33 AM »
"The Veil has no issue with Neo italys colonization of titan. Venus is from this moment on a military outpost and salvation for the people of the veil. With the attack of the horde on our native soil and large amounts of nuclear arms on earth we can no longer feel safe. Gearing up to the exodus is in process and any hinderence to our evacuation of earth will be met with deadly force. "

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Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
« Reply #18 on: November 21, 2011, 02:06:59 PM »
Random commentators response to the news of the Veil wishing to evacuate:

"Can I have your stuff?"

Offline Destra

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Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
« Reply #19 on: November 21, 2011, 02:35:17 PM »
"Those that remain on this world may indeed have whatever we leave behind. Though that will be a few years."

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2011, 03:42:40 PM »
[ooc]Panopiticon is correct the SOL treaty was a dream of the past, not reality in this game. The question is anyone wish to claim rock or moon is whether they can back it up by force or not. And well the person who attacks it could meet that force or risk the losses associated even in winning.

As for the treaty it would not be too hard to reintroduce.

Even with treaties they are not GM rules so they can be broken. I leave this game as open ended as I can. As for colony claims, if requested by the party if they wish to do oribtal scan with geosurvey ships on a planet I will let them know if a colony exists or is a fabrication. And the type of colony a mining colony or habit colony, listeningpost. But don't blame me if there is a person on the ground nuking your geosurvey craft for snooping. You can get thermal sensor from other craft but will to get those piece of deal, you just thermal size.

I will not class teams or an administrator on a planet as a colony, neither will aurora.


Offline mavikfelna

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Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
« Reply #21 on: November 22, 2011, 01:42:01 PM »
[ooc]My bad. Thanks for the correction.[/ooc]

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Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
« Reply #22 on: November 22, 2011, 01:59:07 PM »
[ooc]Just in case people thought the Trade League still exists as well: It's is just the name of the alliance between the Dutch, Canada and Zion now.[/ooc]

Offline Vynadan

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Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
« Reply #23 on: November 25, 2011, 10:03:48 AM »
Late 2046

One would have expected some form of commentary from the Antarctican Harbour regarding their intervention in Europe with the Horde. However, the elderly embassador - now nearing his 80ths birthday - had retired earlier this year. While it is the general assumption that it was because of his high age, no official statement was ever given.
Surprisingly, it had taken the better portion of the year for the Antarctican Harbour before a new ambassador was appointed to the Chicxulub Embassies, as the government down south apparently failed to do so prior to the old ambassador's retirement. Dubious voices blamed this on a change in international politics brought by the new Prime Minister Kuznetsova.

Regardless, the new ambassador moved into the Antarctican building in Chicxulub come october. Sun Wu Shan formally introduced himself in a lengthy speech to the embassies in fluent English, during which he also adressed several announcements now officialy made by the Antarctican Harbour.

"... which brings me to the recent happenings in Europe, or more specifically the Horde. Several news agencies have reported about Antarctica's military operation and it is now, almost half a year later, due time for us to officially comment on them. While we certainly had no interest in interfering with Shadowveil or American Dominion matters, we felt the time to strike the Horde was right. The events of 2045 did show that despite their combined efforts the Horde was merely fought back with losses on both sides. Favourable circumstances - among them the brave fighting of the previous year - lead to our decision to finish the obviously aggressive and intolerant warband ..."

"... Another matter is the existance of The League and the non-TN nations that make it up. Although the Antarctican Harbour has previously annexed the area of pre-Invader Brazil, we hold no ill will against the unity that these remnants of the previous Earth represent. In fact, we officially acknowledge the sovereign existance of The League as an alliance of equally sovereign nations of Earth, with all entitlements that come with nationhood. We further urge all TN nations to think twice about any actions against the states that form up The League, as they would trespass the sovereignity of a fellow country. Further, we wish to encourage any other TN nation to follow our example and officially acknowledge the soverignity of The League. Besides, similiar to Brazil, there are countless so far nationless territories on Earth that require more help and provide better opportunities for expansion than aggressive actions against The League ..."

The apparently Chinese ambassador is surprisingly young with his twenty-eight years. Despite his age, he formerly held the rank of Brigadier General in the Antarctican Harbour Army, although no detailed records of him are publicated by the embassy. Unconfirmed rumours tell of him as the commander of a unit during the attack on the Horde and others again blame his presence there for his inability to take over the embassy earlier this year, despite the obvious time gap in between.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2011, 10:19:31 AM by Vynadan »

Offline Destra

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Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
« Reply #24 on: November 28, 2011, 11:29:05 AM »
"The veil would like to publicly thank AH for their assistance with the horde, the attack was not required but appreciated."

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Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
« Reply #25 on: December 05, 2011, 02:20:08 PM »
"The Veil would like to simply state, no, the league of Non TN nations cannot have a voice in our affairs off world. They have no stake in anything that happens off earth. They shall not have a voice here."

Offline Panopticon

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Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
« Reply #26 on: December 05, 2011, 02:49:10 PM »
The American Dominion is in complete agreement, if the League of Non TN Nations manages to get off world, then it may have a voice in those areas.

Furthermore, the League's very existence and name is confrontational and appears directly in opposition to the goals of the nations of this assembly. Humanity barely survived it's first encounter with Trans-Newtonian technology, Israel, one of the League member states, only survives today due to the intervention of a TN nation, and the League desires that we ignore this option? That way lies extinction. The AD makes no commitment to respect the views of the League in regards to any TN issue until or unless major changes in attitude occur.

The AD does however acknowledge the League as a nation with all the rights and responsibilities thereof in regards to on planet activities. And will respect their territories for the time being, as well as allowing trade, tourism, and immigration at our new city in Brazil.


Offline shadenight123

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Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
« Reply #27 on: December 05, 2011, 02:54:30 PM »
[ooc]made a post in game discussion for a suggestion...but if you prefer public decision[/ooc]

Neo italy mantains a completely neutral attitude. Simply not deciding on a vote but suggesting:
"voting matters should be done in neutrality and anonymous conditions to avoid intimidation, attrition among states, and to guarantee fairness. For that purpose, Galactical neo Italy is more than ready to take on the role of neutral scrutiny party and attest the votes, which in their anonymity would be delivered inside prepared rooms of the neo italians ambassy at the crater...if you prefer public announcements however, wherever the rest votes for free will or to avoid conflict lies in doubt and might lead to annulment of vote..." is politely stated.
people die all the time, it's not a problem.
it is if you're sending them to die.
i'm not. they just need to learn to be better.
they need NOT TO CARE!
my blog (updated 17/12/2011) (updated every saturday):

Offline Panopticon

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Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
« Reply #28 on: December 05, 2011, 03:19:09 PM »
The AD sees no need for a vote, moreover a vote would be pointless. This forum is not an administrative body, merely a place for our ambassadors to meet and negotiate with each other, we don't even have the influence the old UN had before the Invaders.

If Neo Italy is proposing we form such a body then that is a discussion we can have, however the statements made so far should represent nothing more than our respective national policy.

Offline Destra

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Re: The Chicxulub Crater debates
« Reply #29 on: December 05, 2011, 03:54:19 PM »
"We must agree with AD's ambassator, while a vote to allow them to speak here could be had, the veil wishes to have no involvement of the league in our activities, on planet or off. Should you wish to consult a secret vote, do so you all know our place. On a side note, should the league feel our statement is unsatisfactory and wish to push the issue with force, we are of course ready to respond in kind."