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I stabilis(z)e the ones in my core systems.

I have captured alien ships with half their missile load remaining. I also have the same alien missile types from earlier captures stockpiled on my planet.
Is their any way (incl. SM) to those stockpiled alien missiles into my alien ships?
Whatever I tried so far only got rid of the alien load out and left me with my own designed missiles.

Antonin, in the system map, on the left of the screen, you can select the Display options you like, to highlight the objects in the system and various characteristics of them, including asteroids with minerals or with colonies, or even hide bodies or others that you don't care to see.
The only ones you can't never hide are the comets (but you can hide their orbits).

C# Mechanics / Re: v2.6.0 Changes Discussion Thread
« Last post by paolot on Today at 12:13:13 PM »
Really thank you, Steve!
Fantastic addictions both the screenshots printing and the flags!  :o
I would like I can play my current match using all the new features you are introducing!  ;D
C# Mechanics / Re: v2.6.0 Changes Discussion Thread
« Last post by skoormit on Today at 09:02:57 AM »
The screenshot feature is amazing; also it would be really nice to be able to see my race's flag on systems that I have claimed in the galaxy map.

Any system without a flag is effectively your system. If I included all the viewing race flags as well, so that all systems had flags, it would be crowded.

Yes, but it does seem useful to be able to see on the map which systems you have specifically claimed (via Protection Status), rather than which systems are effectively yours.
C# Mechanics / Re: v2.6.0 Changes List
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on Today at 06:19:48 AM »
Flag Status Options

I've added a new option at the bottom of the display tab on the Galactic Map called Flag Status. It is a dropdown menu that contains "Default View", the name of the viewing race and the names of all known alien races.

Default is the current situation, where a flag is displayed if the viewing race has specified a system as controlled by an alien race and no flag is displayed for no control, or viewing race control.

Selecting the viewing race option will remove all alien control flags and instead display the viewing race flag for all non-alien systems.

Selecting an alien race will use the flag of that race to highlight all systems where that race has been detected, based on the tactical intelligence data for that race. Note this is NOT every system the alien race has explored, but every system in which you have detected them. Patrols or buoys, etc, will improve this intel.

This concept of this new function is to understand the true extent of known alien exploration, without having to check TacIntel, and how that view matches your own estimates of where control lies.

Here is an area of my current campaign with the default view, with my own race selected and with four different alien races selected

You can also use the Mineral Search window to search all bodies in all systems for specific types, amounts and accessibilities of minerals. Its another button at the top.
You can also click the Minerals button on the left, among all those tabs and in the Display tab, you can toggle on show only asteroids with minerals.
C# Mechanics / Re: v2.6.0 Changes Discussion Thread
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on Today at 05:33:19 AM »
The screenshot feature is amazing; also it would be really nice to be able to see my race's flag on systems that I have claimed in the galaxy map.

Any system without a flag is effectively your system. If I included all the viewing race flags as well, so that all systems had flags, it would be crowded.
C# Suggestions / Re: Suggestions Thread for v2.4.0
« Last post by Kaiser on Today at 05:26:35 AM »
Steve, small suggestion, would it be possible to add a small legenda in the galactic map that explain what coloured circle indicates what? I know it is dumb maybe, because they are not that much, I do not know the other guys, but personally I tend to forget what a single circle indicates and I have to check and uncheck the box to figure out so, having a written legenda could give an immediate visual association between color and purposes.
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