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Suggestions for additions to Electronic Warfare
« on: July 15, 2023, 06:50:59 PM »
Hello! I would like to once again look at Electronic Warfare with this post making suggestions for a few additions specifically for my carrier loving friends.

Current Situation: In Aurora as it currently stands Electronic warfare is split into three, ECCM, ECM and ELINT, the last is not of subject to this discussion while the former two are, both ECCM and ECM are due to be changed and those changes I largely believe are good however I think one addition/mechanic could really improve the experience for players, that addition is the ability for ECCM and ECM to provide their effects for an entire group of friendlies, you may ask how could this be achieved well lets get to that.

Addition of Group Jamming and Anti Jamming:
Group Jammers/anti jammers would act in the same manner as the current planned jammers except for the following - The effects of the jammers will apply to all ships within the fleet the ship equipped with the module is in that fit within the tonnage limit prescribed to the Group Jammer, this means that if an enemy is attempting to lock onto a friendly ship within the fleet the jamming will effect this enemy as if the jamming craft was being targeted itself, the Tonnage limit would be an effort to balance what would otherwise just be a defacto better capability, in that vein of balancing the addition of "Jamming Radius" could be added this would make it so you could only provide support using your electronic warfare craft to a set amount of vessels.

Both the tonnage limit efficiency and the jamming radius would require investment by research and would not be cheap components with the more capability the more expensive the system becomes. Furthermore the addition of a tonnage limit working like jump drives would also allow small group jammers for use on fighter crafts for supporting fellow fighter craft but these jammers would not help larger vessels, as these vessels would instead require much more costly and larger sized electronic warfare systems potentially even requiring specific ships for the purpose in fleet

Balance: Group/anti Jammers would be balanced compared to regular jammers based off the tonnage limit research, the jamming radius research and its overall cost for being EW.


Other Ideas: Balancing for both ECM and ECCM based systems could also be done via the use of recharge rates, for example lets say you are being attacked by missiles and one of the vessels in your fleet is under fire and the Group ECCM begins to take effect at that point it is 100% efficient but as more vessels are simultaneously targeted this efficiency drops as the system tries to keep up with multiple incoming threats, this could make it so enemy forces could overwhelm the system, not to mention the vulnerability of EW fighters.

I liked the idea of having an active sensor like range for such group systems to allow EW fighters or vessels to provide such support from significant distance making them lone targets for operations and ensuring you don't need to send your expensive EW crafts into fire, i removed this from my main suggestion just due to potentially annoyance in making it work and or balancing otherwise i think this could be incorporated well into the system.


Il probably add more to suggestions around electronic warfare as i begin to think about it more but this was my first preliminary thinking around the subject that could add mechanics that are enjoyable to the game whil ebeing balanced and allowing me to live out my modern USA fantasy in space

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Re: Suggestions for additions to Electronic Warfare
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2023, 07:21:15 PM »
It's an interesting idea, but I think the concept of the tonnage limit needs refinement. The way the tonnage limit seems to work from this description, the way to work around the limit is to start splitting your fleets up into multiple smaller fleets, each with a dedicated EW ship. This means that the "optimal" play (arguably, because more jammer ships means more cost to build them, but still) requires extra micromanagement. This is likely even more true for the concept of EW fighters as any large fighter force will have to break into potentially dozens of smaller wings which really makes fighter combat even more micro-y than it already is.

Additionally, how will the AI be able to understand this limit? NPRs already struggle due to fairly rigid fleet compositions, and I think trying to teach the AI to split up fleets into smaller units that can receive EW support is difficult at best, not to mention coordinating those fleets effectively which is its own big hairball. If a new feature cannot really be used by the AI then it is questionable whether it should be added at all.

Intuitively, I do like the idea, because from a RP perspective it makes sense to be able to build dedicated EW craft that support a fleet, I'm just not sure it mechanically fits well into Aurora at least as described. If Aurora was built around squadron mechanics, like how datalinks work in Starfire, then it might be easier to slot in with a EW support module that can support X datalinked groups for example, but the current combat mechanics are mostly based around monolithic fleets and I'm not sure how to accomplish this without creating a "micromanage or suffer" experience.

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Re: Suggestions for additions to Electronic Warfare
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2023, 07:32:00 PM »
 "start splitting your fleets up into multiple smaller fleets, each with a dedicated EW ship. This means that the "optimal" play (arguably, because more jammer ships means more cost to build them, but still) requires extra micromanagement. This is likely even more true for the concept of EW fighters as any large fighter force will have to break into potentially dozens of smaller wings which really makes fighter combat even more micro-y than it already is."

A: Two main points here, 1 in terms of optimal play being to split up your EW fighters into multiple smaller fleets I have to somewhat disagree, to start with if you split them  up too much you might as well have just put on the smaller sized, less costing regular jammers (if those can even go on fighters), and that cost of having so many EW fighters provide that support seems to be a serious downside id like to see balance where 1 EW craft is worth an entire wing of 9 ish fighters to give you an idea, I am also not opposed to the idea of having multiple EW fighters within a fleet that add up their radius while this wouldnt be exactly ideal it would cut down on micromanagement you claim to see.

Also on the "will have to break into potentially dozens of small wings" I categorically disagree with have to, at the end of the day you can choose never to use EW fighters its not a zero sum system where if you dont use this very specific thing you can never do well or even build fighter wings.

"Additionally, how will the AI be able to understand this limit? NPRs already struggle due to fairly rigid fleet compositions, and I think trying to teach the AI to split up fleets into smaller units that can receive EW support is difficult at best, not to mention coordinating those fleets effectively which is its own big hairball. If a new feature cannot really be used by the AI then it is questionable whether it should be added at all."

A: So with AI there is a reason I decided to use the Jump drive as the model for this kind of system, the AI already have fleets based around single ships capable of squadron jump operations or jump operations as a whole, this could crossover to the jamming as they could spawn in fleets or make fleets that instead of having a jump ship as lead can have a jamming electronic warfare ship included, also NPRs still do not use Fighters so the mass splitting into small groups is unlikely to be an issue until steve implements fighters, the only vessels that come close to that size that are used by AI are FACs and the Swarm wouldnt have EW and FACs are a lot bigger than fighters

"Intuitively, I do like the idea, because from a RP perspective it makes sense to be able to build dedicated EW craft that support a fleet, I'm just not sure it mechanically fits well into Aurora at least as described. If Aurora was built around squadron mechanics, like how datalinks work in Starfire, then it might be easier to slot in with a EW support module that can support X datalinked groups for example, but the current combat mechanics are mostly based around monolithic fleets and I'm not sure how to accomplish this without creating a "micromanage or suffer" experience."

A: Aurora is built around fleet mechanics as you describe monolithic fleets however aurora is not incapable of working in the way I have described to the best of my knowledge, we already know that jump drive mechanics effect ships in an extremely similar way, we also know that formation orders exist and we already have "datalink" in terms of active sensors of any ship providing it to all, of course am not gonna claim i have the perfect way to work the system in and at the end of the day all i want is a way for EW to not be a target to target thing, a 1 ship to another ship thing, to not only make it more realistic but also allow creation of specific ships that are better at the job, in aurora  single specialized ships are already meta so why not for EW as well and with the changes to EW already occuring it fleets like the perfect time to overhaul it, also i really wanna live out my american airpower fantasy with carriers carrying all the specialized crafts

Online nuclearslurpee

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Re: Suggestions for additions to Electronic Warfare
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2023, 08:46:30 PM »
id like to see balance where 1 EW craft is worth an entire wing of 9 ish fighters to give you an idea,

This is pretty much my concern. Usually when I use fighters I am using large groups numbering in the dozens, potentially even over a hundred if I am using very large carriers/fleet. I'm sure I'm not alone, if Steve's BSG AAR is anything to go by, either. Managing a dozen small wings instead of 1-2 large ones is an exercise in tedium when it comes to fighter combat.

Also on the "will have to break into potentially dozens of small wings" I categorically disagree with have to, at the end of the day you can choose never to use EW fighters its not a zero sum system where if you dont use this very specific thing you can never do well or even build fighter wings.

I don't agree with this line of reasoning. There is nothing you "have to" do in Aurora, but making a mechanic which promotes a micromanagey style of gameplay to use it optimally is not a direction I think the game design benefits from taking.

I am also not opposed to the idea of having multiple EW fighters within a fleet that add up their radius while this wouldnt be exactly ideal it would cut down on micromanagement you claim to see.

I think this is probably a better way to handle it, and also much more NPR-friendly. This also mirrors some of the other decision-making in Aurora, for example when it comes to point defense we can have dedicated PD ships and/or light PD on every ship, each approach has pros and cons but both are viable. Something parallel for EW decision-making seems good to me.

A: So with AI there is a reason I decided to use the Jump drive as the model for this kind of system, the AI already have fleets based around single ships capable of squadron jump operations or jump operations as a whole, this could crossover to the jamming as they could spawn in fleets or make fleets that instead of having a jump ship as lead can have a jamming electronic warfare ship included, also NPRs still do not use Fighters so the mass splitting into small groups is unlikely to be an issue until steve implements fighters, the only vessels that come close to that size that are used by AI are FACs and the Swarm wouldnt have EW and FACs are a lot bigger than fighters

I'm not sure jump drives are a good comparison. A squadron jump is (at least for an NPR) a fairly rigid procedure that can be executed in basically the same way every time (though I admit, I'm not sure how well NPRs actually conduct these, since I've never let them do so successfully).

One simple example of a challenge for NPRs: if the smaller fleets have different top speeds, how will the NPR handle this? NPRs currently do not adjust their fleet speeds manually for any reason, AFAIK - in principle, this should be simple to add in, but there are a lot of edge cases even for this simple question - for example, if a ship in one fleet takes engine damage and that fleet slows down, should the other fleets also slow down? This is the kind of tactical decision making the NPR doesn't necessarily do well right now - it can handle one big fleet okay, but multiple small fleets don't necessarily cooperate well.

we already have "datalink" in terms of active sensors of any ship providing it to all,

This isn't really the same, since active sensor contact is a one-to-all function - it even works for ships in separate fleets. What I mean by squadrons or by the example of data links is the game design which is built on using squadrons of smaller size as a "building block" for game mechanics, which makes it a lot easier and more intuitive to build in these kind of limited-number-of-ships mechanics.

make it more realistic

As mentioned, I do like the idea, but I think we have to be careful with "realistic" as there is no rule that says wet navy or aircraft EW mechanics should match space warfare EW mechanics particularly closely. In some cases it makes sense, active jamming for example should work on similar principles regardless, but other concepts such as stealth do not translate so well.
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Re: Suggestions for additions to Electronic Warfare
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2023, 09:21:23 PM »

"This is pretty much my concern. Usually when I use fighters I am using large groups numbering in the dozens, potentially even over a hundred if I am using very large carriers/fleet. I'm sure I'm not alone, if Steve's BSG AAR is anything to go by, either. Managing a dozen small wings instead of 1-2 large ones is an exercise in tedium when it comes to fighter combat"

A: While I understand your concern, I do not share the same experience in terms of using carriers and I do tend to build rather large ones, furthermore the point I was making was primarily that the cost of an EW fighter should be high, a very dense in terms of cost platform that are not cheap to field and you dont want to be spamming them out.

"I don't agree with this line of reasoning. There is nothing you "have to" do in Aurora, but making a mechanic which promotes a micromanagey style of gameplay to use it optimally is not a direction I think the game design benefits from taking."

A: I dont believe it promotes micromanagement to that extent and this can be worked around as previous points will discuss, one mans micromangement is anothers fun.

"I'm not sure jump drives are a good comparison. A squadron jump is (at least for an NPR) a fairly rigid procedure that can be executed in basically the same way every time (though I admit, I'm not sure how well NPRs actually conduct these, since I've never let them do so successfully).

"One simple example of a challenge for NPRs: if the smaller fleets have different top speeds, how will the NPR handle this? NPRs currently do not adjust their fleet speeds manually for any reason, AFAIK - in principle, this should be simple to add in, but there are a lot of edge cases even for this simple question - for example, if a ship in one fleet takes engine damage and that fleet slows down, should the other fleets also slow down? This is the kind of tactical decision making the NPR doesn't necessarily do well right now - it can handle one big fleet okay, but multiple small fleets don't necessarily cooperate well."

A: They are a good comparison because of a few things, number one is the fact that the AI specifically creates jump fleets for attack and what not this proves out that they can handle building fleets around specialized ships and operating them, secondly the radius and tonnage limits in my opinion work brilliantly for balancing and they already exist as systems, my goal in suggesting the mechanics i suggest is to use current systems to both cut down on time and effort from steves end and give an idea of how it would work within the system of aurora consistently.

"This isn't really the same, since active sensor contact is a one-to-all function - it even works for ships in separate fleets. What I mean by squadrons or by the example of data links is the game design which is built on using squadrons of smaller size as a "building block" for game mechanics, which makes it a lot easier and more intuitive to build in these kind of limited-number-of-ships mechanics."

A: What I was primarily trying to say that information being shared is possible and that this means systems I alude to where jamming range (akin to active sensor range)  could apply to all ships under the proper limitations in the same way

"As mentioned, I do like the idea, but I think we have to be careful with "realistic" as there is no rule that says wet navy or aircraft EW mechanics should match space warfare EW mechanics particularly closely. In some cases it makes sense, active jamming for example should work on similar principles regardless, but other concepts such as stealth do not translate so well."

A: Perhaps realistic was not the right word, I do think however that electronic warfare should be based in some reality to make it relatable and interesting that means using existing examples where they exist and the best examples of it are in wet navy operations on earth since space navy operations share similar naming, capabilities and weapon systems as well as overall design concepts, in terms of the concepts you brought up, stealth is in aurora and is essentially what stealth is IRL, in aurora its a cloaking device that reduces your TCS or total cross section, in real life the design of the aircraft among other thing scan help reduce its Radar Cross Section making it harder to detect by radars, this translates pretty damn well and is the same mechanic.