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Death of a Director. (12)
« on: October 26, 2012, 09:32:49 AM »

Tales of the Union.

Death of a Director.(12)

28th October 90. Eta Sepentis.
The Satellite Layer Gungnir searching for some sign of the Caserta Empire entered the unexplored jump point in Gliese 731 and discovered Zeta Serpentis.  Zeta Serpentis was an uninteresting system with an F6-V primary and a handful of planets, the Gungnir dropped a satellite on the jump point and returned to Gliese 731 and thence to the main route down the Imperial Arm.

13th November 90. Gliese 215.
Gliese 215 was discovered by STG 8 out of V491 Persei, through the last unexplored jump portal in V491 Persei. Several Destroyer and Hierarchy wrecks were located in system. These included the wrecks of a Barcelo, a Cabo Fradera and Mistral orbital forts,  a Hernan Cortez, a Centinela, two Delfins plus three wrecks of unknown classes, one of 13400 tons and two of 6700 ton wrecks, all of which appeared to be of Destroyer origin. While for the Hierarchy there were two Acclamator wrecks and two Kora scout ship wrecks.
Gliese 215 was an orange K7-V star orbited by ten planets. Gliese 215-A III had a colony cost of 1.90.

20th November 90. Gliese 215.
Venture B-006 detected the signature of a Tramontana class transport at the edge of its sensor envelope.  

23rd November 90. HIP17743.
STG 4(G) entered an unexplored open jump portal in HIP 21482 and discovered HIP 17743; fortunately there was an open jump portal on other side. HIP 17743 was a red dwarf M0-V star with a substantial planetary family for STG 4(G) to survey.

24th November 90. Woolley 9120.
Task Force 7 entered Woolley 9120 from Wolf 225. Woolley 9120-A II had a colony cost of 0! The Destroyer troop transport Tramontana 013 was detected on entry to the system. Woolley 1920-A II appeared to be unoccupied on closer inspection. Not finding any Hierarchy colonies Squadron Leader Norris ignored the Destroyer troop ship and left the system in search of the elusive Hierarchy colonies.

26th November 90. 42 Capricorni.
Carrier group 2 entered 42 Capricorni from Upsilon Eridani looking for the last Hierarchy scout ship, but found nothing on its search sensors. 42 Capricorni was another nondescript system with nothing special to commend it.

5th December 90. Algol.
Task Force 7 discovered the Algol system out of an open jump portal in Wolf 225. There were several Hierarchy merchant vessels in system. This immediately raised the suspicion there was a Hierarchy colony in system.

6th December 90. Upsilon Eridani.
As Carrier Group 2 was moving to explore jump point #3 in Upsilon Eridani the last Hierarchy scout vessel, YT-2800 004, appeared on sensors, probably having emerged from jump point #4 during the carrier group’s absence. The Union task force immediately moved in pursuit of its prey.

HD 38114.
Task Force 7 investigated a further open jump portal in Wolf 225 and found HD 38114. This was a single G5-V star with but a couple of uninteresting planets.  

8th December 90. V398 Aurigae.
Task Force 7 entered another open jump portal in Wolf 225 which revealed V398 Aurigae. A Destroyer vessel, Tramontana 014, was detected close to the jump portal; once again it was ignored in the rush to locate the holdout Hierarchy colonies. V398 Aurigae was an F0-V star with a substantial solar system. The planets in the fourth, fifth and sixth orbital slots all had a colony cost of 1.9. But there were no Hierarchy colonies.
As Task Force 7 moved in system a Destroyer battle group was detected which consisted of a Neptuno, two Bergantin and a Barcelo class warship, the latter being a new class to the Union. A Mistral and Cabo Fradera orbital fort orbited V398 Aurigae-A V. Task Force 7 reversed course and left the system, fighting Destroyers would have to wait. The fact was there were other open jump portals to investigate.

10th December 90. Upsilon Eridani.
Carrier Group 2 launched the 1st section, No. 8 squadron, 2.6 billion klicks from target. The attack shuttles began their run in to the target.

11th December 90. Upsilon Eridani.
1st section leader in Thunderhead 117 ordered the survey vessel to surrender but his transmissions went unheeded, reluctantly he locked on and launched 4 Sunsnake missiles while YM-2800 004 sat at a survey location. Twenty-two minutes later it blew apart on a thermonuclear pyre as four Sunsnake missiles descended on it undetected, their nine-kiloton warheads found its defences wanting.

Phi-2 Ceti.
Another group of Destroyer clockwork killers emerged from a crypt on Beaumaris - Phi-2 Ceti- A II. Many of the seasoned troopers of the 12th Leviathan Division had been rotated out to other divisions in the front line of the war with the Hierarchy. Much of the 12th Leviathan consisted of green recruits. They had never experienced the emergence of the mechanical murderers before. Thus when the alert came in from the 341st Engineer Brigade which had disturbed an underground vault on Beaumaris Alpha - Phi-2 Ceti-A II they were slow to respond.
While they arrived at the dig in time to devastate the robotic reavers that remained, they actually only accounted for a quarter of the demented ‘droids. Unseen the rest moved towards the settlement, home now to over 5 million Union citizens.

12th December 90.
The last unexplored jump portal out of wolf 225 found Task Force 7 in Gliese 30. It only had two planets but the two both had a colony cost of 1.90.

16th December 90. Phi-2 Ceti.
The first the unsuspecting settlers of Beaumaris Alpha- Phi-2 Ceti-A II knew of the catastrophe threatening them was the incendiaries exploding. Fire raising ‘droids rushed through the first residential block they could reach en masse. The flames consumed infrastructure and settler alike. It took just minutes for the duty brigade of the 12th to respond and massacre the deadly ‘droids. But 25,000 settlers were killed in the conflagration and crossfire.

20th December 90.  Beaumaris Alpha - Phi-2 Ceti-A II.
The last few mechanical monsters were tracked down and exterminated. The 12th Leviathan returned to barracks, duty done but honour besmirched.

25th December 90. Algol.
Task Force 7 cruised in system, as it approached Algol-C 1 the sensors detected a Hierarchy population on Algol-C1 with thermal and EM emissions of 1390 and 1385 respectively. Squadron Leader Norris took note but decided to check out the entire system before dealing with the Hierarchy colony

28th December 90. Gliese 215.
An unexploited alien ruined city was discovered on Gliese 215-A III by Venture B-006 of STG 3. This was a surprise considering the proximity of the ruins to V491 Persei and the Hierarchy.

29th December 90. Algol.
Task Force 7 returned to the Hierarchy colony on Algol-C 1and opened fire on the defending ground forces present at the colony using lasers to strike any military installation from orbit. It took only a handful of seconds to reduce the Hierarchy battalions to ash. The thermal and EM emissions of the colony were both reduced to 880.

2nd January 91. Woolley 9120.
STG 3 completed the gravitational survey of Woolley 9120, none of the jump points were open portals. Thus with the system possessing an unoccupied colony cost 0 world the Hierarchy had probably not explored beyond this system

3rd January 91. Algol.
STG 4(G) completed a mineral survey of the Algol system, it discovered substantial deposits of TN minerals in the planets orbiting the C component, notably 52 million tons of Neutronium  ( 0.8 ) on Algol-C II. If the Hierarchies freighters had not been so slow it need never have wanted for neutronium.  

3rd January 91. Algol.
The 16th Light Assault Division began their occupation of Hierarchy colony on Algol-C I, locally called The Pit or usually just Pit after the enormous open mine workings that dominated the landscape and descend klicks into the planetary interior. It was TN mineral rich having deposits of seven of the TN elements in megaton quantities.

5th January 91. Algol.
Union forces took the formal surrender of the Hierarchy colony on Algol-C I. 175 automines were found in the colony and brought into Union service.

9th January 91. 72 Ophiuchi.
In the continuing search for the home systems of the Caserta Empire exploration of a jump point in the Gliese 720 system by Survey Task Group 1 revealed the new system of 72 Ophiuchi. The system was a binary of an A4-V and an M4-V, both with extensive planetary systems. The A component had two colony cost 1.9 worlds suitable for terraforming.

23rd February 91. HIP 8382.
STG 8 found HIP 8382 out of an open jump portal in Gliese 140. HIP 8382 was a dim M2-V star with a family of ten planets and an asteroid belt. HIP 8382-A II and A III both had a colony cost of 1.90.

25th February 91. Luyten 421-25.
STG 7 having completed a gravitational survey of the Luyten 431-25 system concentrated prior to investigating Luyten 421-25-A II, the colony cost 0 planet in the system. It was suspected of having mines in orbit as many other Destroyer occupied planets had.
14:58. As the STG approached the planet the combat comps aboard the survey vessels announced the presence of nine size 24 mines in orbit of the planet. Squadron Leader Abigail Gregory, the hero of Phi-2 Ceti ensured her charges were prepared for combat and took her squadron in to deal with the menace.
15:14. With the range down to 621,000 klicks Gregory gave the order ”shoot.” The Survey Task Group 7 opened fire. It took 50 seconds to destroy all the mines. Gregory then took her task group into orbit before dividing her command for a geological survey of the system. Destroyer ground forces were detected on the planet along with the thermal signature of a listening post.

30th January 91. Gliese 30.
Survey Task Group 5 (G) entered the system from Wolf 225 through yet another open jump portal. They discovered a K5-V star with but three planets, two with a colony cost of 1.90. Sitting on the jump point to Wolf 225 was the Simiyiar 003 a Hierarchy portal construction vessel.

28th February 91. Woolley 1920.
An abandoned alien colony was discovered on Woolley 9120-A II by Venture B-010 of STG 3.

30th February 91 Luyten 431-25.
A deserted intact alien city was discovered on Luyten 431-25-A II by Venture B-003 of STG 7.

6th March 91. Algol.
SGT 2 discovered an open portal in Algol. Venture B-003 was detached to explore the new open portal.

20th March 91 14:18:21,Avalon.
Fearless (Vanguard Mk ID class) was completed in the Excalibur - Avalon-A IV ‘Yard complex and assigned to Training Squadron Excalibur. This was the first ship completed destined for Task Force 9.
Code: [Select]
Vanguard Mk ID class Jump Escort Cruiser    15,000 tons     1345 Crew     8692 BP      TCS 300  TH 336  EM 6000
14000 km/s    JR 6-1000     Armour 5-54     Shields 200-400     Sensors 54/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 40     PPV 25
Maint Life 4.38 Years     MSP 3622    AFR 180%    IFR 2.5%    1YR 304    5YR 4560    Max Repair 289 MSP
Flag Bridge    Magazine 1145    

J15200(6-1000) Military Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 15200 tons    Distance 1000k km     Squadron Size 6
MilSpec SCAD E2.75 (20)    Power 210    Fuel Use 27.5%    Signature 16.8    Armour 0    Exp 7%
Fuel Capacity 365,000 Litres    Range 159.3 billion km   (131 days at full power)
Sigma R400/20 Shields (25)   Total Fuel Cost  500 Litres per day

Size 1 Missile Launcher (25)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 5
Missile Fire Control FC28-R1 (5)     Range 28.8m km    Resolution 1
Arrow IV (1145)  Speed: 72,000 km/s   End: 4.2m    Range: 18m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 888 / 532 / 266

Active Search Sensor MR19-R1 (1)     GPS 60     Range 19.2m km    Resolution 1
Active Search Sensor MR230-R16 (1)     GPS 2880     Range 230.4m km    Resolution 16
Thermal Sensor TH3-54 (1)     Sensitivity 54     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  54m km

ECM 70

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

25th March 91. Aitkin 2329.
STG 8 discovered Aitkin 2329 out of HIP 8382. Knowledge of the binary system was acquired from the Hierarchy on the defeat of their home world, STG 8 had been sent to check it out and complete the gravitational survey. The A component had no planets but there were no less than three candidates for terraforming in the B component.

11th April 91. Algol.
STG 2 located another open jump portal in the Algol system and detached Venture B-004 to investigate it.

12th April 91. 47 Arietis.
The new open portal in Algol revealed the system of Arietis 47.  This system of four planets orbited an F5-V star, The second out from the star had a colony cost of 1.9 while the third planet out had a colony cost of 2.85. Venture B-003 of STG 2 began a gravitational survey.

16th April 91. 12 Persei.
Venture B-004 discovered 12 Persei out of Algol.  13 Persei was a F9-V star with a small four planet solar system, 12 Persei-A III had a colony cost of 0.

19th April 91. Avalon.
Seer (Super Scout Mk I class) was completed in the Excalibur - Avalon-A IV ‘Yard complex and assigned to Training Squadron Excalibur prior to joining the nascent Task Force 9.

24th April 91. Avalon.
Formidable (Vanguard Mk ID class) was completed in the  Excalibur - Avalon-A IV ‘Yard complex and assigned to Training Squadron Excalibur prior to joining Task Force 9.

29th April 91. Algol.
STG 2 Completed the Gravitational Survey of the Algol system. The system had a total of three jump points including the one to Wolf 225.

29th April 91. EG 16.
STG 9 discovered EG 16 out of a stabilised jump portal in Gliese 140. EG 16 was a planetless D9-VII white dwarf.

21st May 91. HIP 8043.
A stabilised jump portal was located in EG 16 and Venture C-015(STG 9) detached to investigate it. The survey craft discovered HIP 8043 out of EG 16. HIP 8043 was an orange K0-V star with but one planet that possessed an ore deposit of eleven million tons of 0 .8 accessibility neutronium.

24th May 91. Avalon.
Fireblade (Vanguard Mk ID class jump escort cruiser) was completed in the Excalibur - Avalon-A IV ‘Yard complex and assigned to Training Squadron Excalibur prior to joining Task Force 9.

5th June 91. Tau Eridani.
Venture C-007 (STG 8 ) discovered Tau Eridani out of SW Burnham 543. There was a wreck in system of an unknown type, but the tonnage at 67,850 tons was suspiciously similar to that of a jump portal construction ship. Tau Eridani was a F6-V/ F7-V binary each star having a single planet apiece.

11th June 91. Tau Eridani.
Captain Apsaras Karai was an experienced and decorated officer of Survey Command, a veteran of 94 Aquarii, Gliese 25, Wooley 9833 and Lambda-2 Fornacus. He was still senior Officer of a Survey Task Group, now STG 8. He had ambitions to command one of the new survey cruisers now on the drawing tablet, but for now he was commander of Venture C-008, the latest marque of survey vessel to be accepted into service. He watched as his crew transitioned from cruising stations to gravitational survey stations with the minimum instruction from their officers, all it took was for his Executive Officer to announce over the intraship, “Assume survey stations” and they changed roles like a well oiled machine. It was turning into a long deployment with no end in sight but all understood that any Hierarchy holdout colonies could not be allowed to pose a future threat to the Union. So far the crew had held out remarkably well.
07:49. Some sixty hours into the survey and 14 watches later. “Sensor contacts, 226.2 million klicks, bearing 318o, declination 4.35o” rang out from the sensor  station. As the watch officer added, “hostiles sir” the combat comp started up identifying the three contacts as three 6,700 ton Galerna class Destroyer warships, a type last seen in Lambda-2 Fornacus. Captain Karia, having relieved his first officer only recently, considered the plot “Comms, squadron alert if you please, crew to defence stations, Weapons, prep shields but no need to  raise them just yet we should be able to lose them easily. Its Lieutenant Klopstock in Venture C-006 and Captain Bibi in Venture C-009 who will have problems, they both have in excess of 800 million klicks further to travel than we have. It all depends on what the Destroyers do.”
09:14. The Destroyer squadron had been left far behind
11:19. Contact with the Destroyer squadron was regained as they cut across the course of Venture C-008, but thirty minutes later it was lost again, the Destroyer vessels had nowhere near the velocity required to catch Venture C-008.

13th June 91. Tau Eridani.
Karia gathered his squadron at the jump point to S.W. Burnham 543 ready to rush to the aid of any of his brood threatened by the Destroyer warships. But all made the rendezvous safely. The Task Group would transit back into S.W. Burnham 543 and the Destroyer squadron would hopefully return to guarding the mausoleum they had been set to protect.

26th June 91. HD 37008.
STG 3 discovered HD 37008 out of HIP 38114. They found Simiyiar 004, a Hierarchy portal opening vessel, sitting on the jump point. HD 38114 was a yellow G5-V star with two nondescript planets.

5th July 91. HR 8853.
The remains of a ruined alien settlement on HR 8853-A II were fully surveyed by the Trishna MudiRaj Xenologist Team. The alien race which inhabited the planet was identified as the United Kingdom of Roadrunner, both their language and symbology were translated. The civilisation had achieved a level commensurate with tech level 2. Twenty-five abandoned installations were found which might be recoverable by an engineer regiment. The planet was renamed Roadrunner.

Venture C-014 (STG 9) discovered NN3021 out of HR8043, again the jump point had been stabilised. NN3120 was a dim M4-V red dwarf with a reasonable sized solar system. NN3120-A II had a colony cost of 1.90.

12th July 91. 47 Arietis.
Survey craft from STG 4(G) discovered a Hierarchy colony on 47 Arietis-A II with a thermal and EM emission signature of 140 and 173 respectively. There were Hierarchy ground forces, strength 30, present at the colony.

24th July 91. 12 Persei.
Detached survey craft from STG4(G) discovered a Hierarchy colony on 13 Persei-A III with  thermal and EM emissions of 199 and 409 respectively. There were Hierarchy ground forces, strength 40, present at the colony.

25th July 91. 47 Artietis-A II.
The 1st Leviathan Division launched its attack on the Hierarchy colony on 47 Arietis-A II. The initial advance was unopposed.

29th July 91. SAO 89188.
New deposits of duranium were found on SAO 89188-A VIII - Moon 11 by the Satyavati Brar Geology Team, The total amount available has increased from 81,153,800 to 81,353,800 tons. They were also able to increase the accessibility of duranium on SAO 89188-A VIII - Moon 11 from 0.1 to 0.7.

29th July 91. 47 Arietis-A II.
First contact came as a shock to the Hierarchy garrison, Three Hierarchy battalions were savaged by the 1st Leviathans continental siege units, each losing 25-30% of their establishment killed, wounded or captured in the fierce fighting around the colony outskirts.

1st August 91. 12 Persei.
A Lleida Hierarchy colony was discovered on 12 Persei- A IV – moon 4 with a thermal emission of 114 by elements of STG 4(G).

3rd August 91. Hamal.
STG 9 discovered the Hamal system after exploring a jump point in  NN3120, part of the Lleida Expanse. Hamal was a relatively bright orange K2-III star with ten planets, two of which had a colony cost of 1.90.

3rd August 91. 47 Arietis.
Elements of STG 2 completed the gravitational survey in the 47 Arietis system. The system had a total of one jump point, that to Algol.

4th August 91. 47 Arietis-A II.
The fighting continued unabated, it took the sacrifice of one of the Hierarchy garrison unit to allow the other two to escape the jaws of the trap the 1st Leviathan had sprung on them. The stay behind unit lost 60% of its effectives, only a platoon sized unit managed to extract itself to a place of relative safety. The other two battalions didn’t escape unscathed, each losing a fifth of their complement.

5th August 91. 12 Persei.
Elements of STG 2 completed the gravitational survey of the 12 Persei system. The system had a total of one jump point, that to Algol.

9th August 91.47 Arietis-A II.
The remnants of the Hierarchy garrison stood arrayed before the Governors mansion. The CSUs of the 1st Leviathan barely noticed them as they were crushed and ceased to exist as a fighting force.

12 Persei.
Elements of STG 2 discovered a Lleida Hierarchy colony on 12 Persei-A III, the colony cost 0 world. It had an EM emission of 137 and a ground forces combat strength of 40.

11th August 91. 10 Tauri.
STG 8 discovered 10 Tauri out of a stabilised jump portal in Gliese 140. 10 Tauri was a white F8-V star with an asteroid belt and eight planets, two of which had a colony cost of 1.90.

14th August 91. 47 Arietis-A II.
The Union Division took the formal surrender of the Hierarchy colony. It had a population of 0.86 million and possessed one mass driver. Reparations to the value of 42.58 shillings were appropriated.

17th August 91. 12 Persei.
A Destroyed alien outpost was discovered on 12 Persei-A V by STG 2.

19th August 91. GJ 1240.
Back in the Imperial Arm in the search for the Caserta Empire exploration of a jump point in the Gliese 781 system by Survey Task Group 1 revealed the new system of GJ 1240. GJ 1240 was a K5- V star with just four planets and an asteroid belt. Two of the planets had colony costs of 1.90.

20th August 91. 12 Persei.
Elements of STG 2 discovered a second Hierarchy colony on 12 Persei-A IV – moon 4 with a thermal emission of 200 and an EM emission of 411.

21st August 91. 12 Persei-A III.
3rd Leviathan Division unloaded on 12 Persei-A III and deployed for their attack on the Hierarchy colony.

23rd August 91. 12 Persei-A III.
12 Persei-A III was a very pleasant planet, the sort of place you would choose for a quiet back to nature vacation. This ambience appeared to have affected the troops on both sides as little more than light skirmishing took place the entire week. That was until the last day when an emboldened Hierarchy battalion thought it could push the 3rd Leviathan off planet. The cold reality of the force equation was brought home to it as it took 25% casualties.

28th August 91. 12 Persei.
The Union push was under way. The Hierarchy was reduced to two effective units while the third regrouped. The Hierarchy tried to stand in the way of the Union armoured brigades, but all they achieved was to scatter the battle ground with broken and destroyed equipment, both battalions suffered 35% casualties in the process.

2nd September 91. 12 Persei.
5th Leviathan Division landed on 12 Persei-A IV – moon 4 and spend a fruitful few days unloading lighters and marshalling for the attack to come.

4th September 91. 12 Persei-A III.
The campaign on 12 Persei-A II ground on and continued to grind down the Hierarchy garrison. All four Hierarchy battalions saw action; three received 30% casualties, while the other was almost overwhelmed only escaping with 35% of its men and equipment.

12Pesei-A IV – Moon 4.
As the colony proper hove into view of the 5th Leviathan a battle erupted as two Hierarchy garrison battalions attempted to engage the Union armour from prepared positions. This did them little good and they still lost 25-30% casualties.

9th September 91. 12 Persei-A III.
The 3rd Leviathan met the bulk of the Hierarchy forces before the gates of the colony, three battalions proved little more than speed bumps and were totally annihilated, the remaining battalion retreated in a vain attempt to hold the gates against the Union CSUs.

12 Persei-A IV - Moon 4.
The Hierarchy were spending troops with careless abandon as they tried to slow up the Union advance. It made little difference they just could not penetrate the armour of a continental siege unit and most fell trying. Two battalions were reduced to a shadow with barely 25% of their strength remaining.

14th September 91. Gram – Avalon-A II.
Gram, the desert planet, was still home to some of the Star Union’s most venerable institutions even with its reducing population. The Star Corps command structure still had its HQ on Gram and the residence of the Sector Controller of the Avalon sector, and thus the Director of the Star Union of Avalon was still on Gram.
05:00. Lakshmir Ponarkaar was sitting at his desk, a broad sheet of a fine exotic  timber and metal laid upon two ornate pillars inset with a multitude of drawers, most of which served to conceal electronic aids. The orange sun of Avalon was not yet above the horizon but its first few rays were peaking through the large window wall which was set to give a spectacular view over Camelot and the bay it now encircled. The Director of the Star Union of Avalon followed his usual routine, rise at 04:45 hours after six hours sleep, half an hour’s work before a stroll on the broad boulevard to Star Corps HQ, get a highlights briefing on the progress of the war followed by breakfast as the Star Corps staff officers briefed him in depth. Lakshmir would then return to his office at 08:00 hours and work until 12:00 hours when he would have a light lunch followed by an hour’s catnap. A stroll in the Directors private garden( it was just too busy to walk the public ways at this time) preceded another few hours work , chairing the essential committees, considering policy and meeting his few direct reports until the day was rounded off at 18:00 by the arrival Marshall Preston to brief him on the events of the day. He then relaxed with his family in the Directors residence within the same complex until 10:30 and thence to bed. He had been told by his advisors to ease up, but that was not his way. Not for him the sheer luxury and sybaritic trappings of power so enjoyed by his predecessor. This day was like every other one of late, the same routine, war burning bright in his waking mind as the sun began its struggle into the sky.
05:30. Lakshmir’s personal secretary alerted him o the fact his escort had arrived. The escort used to be a company from the 5th Leviathan Division, but they had now been deployed to Algol and 10 Tauri and he hated walking hemmed in by the light and medium armour the Division insisted on sending to escort him. He had managed to reduce his escort to a squad, and refused to ride the short distance in the back of an armoured personnel carrier. His current escort was drawn from the 469th Assault Brigade of the 17th Assault Division, still in the process of being raised on Gram and Excalibur. Lakshmir entered his private lift to the vestibule where a dozen armoured troopers awaited him, kitted out with heavy gauss guns and hyper-velocity missile launchers. Six troopers preceded Lakshmir through the main entrance; he was next with three aides who would accompany him followed by the final six troopers. Once the party was outside on the boulevard the troopers spread around the official party screening off any unwelcome attention. A light scout car preceded the group and another brought up the rear. There was little if any traffic at this time of day, vehicular or foot. It was only three quarters of a klick to Star Corps HQ building and took twenty minutes at most.
05:40. A ground car cruised past the procession, troopers swung their weapons and the scout car turrets rotated to track it, but it continued on without slowing down. Three minutes later a small liquid sorium fuel tanker approached on the other side of the boulevard.  This was unusual but not unheard off.  Once more weapons swung to cover it. The tanker kept on going and as it passed the formation, the truck driver waved. That was the last thing Lakshmir Ponarkaar, Director of the Star Union of Avalon ever saw. The tanker exploded with a blindingly bright light. Faster than a human thought protective screens came up in front of the buildings, quicker than either shockwave or fireball could reach them, protecting all within, the force of the bomb venting skywards. The shock wave picked up the Director, his aides and the troopers and threw them into the nearest building screens as the fireball engulfed the entire boulevard. The scout cars were no match for the violence of the explosion; they too were tumbled into buildings now harder than duranium armour. No one unprotected could have survived that terrorist act, and less than three troopers lived, hideously wounded and burnt. The scout cars’ crews were more fortunate but all sustained serious injuries.
Little remained of Lakshmir Ponarkaar to be interred at the state funeral held five days later. His mausoleum declared Lakshmir Ponarkaar, Director of the Star Union of Avalon, 12th August 89 to 14th September 90. Lakshmir Ponarkaar served for almost exactly two years, the shortest term ever for a Director of the Star Union of Avalon.
Very little remained of the tanker driver, but enough microscopic bits of him were recovered for a genetic analysis which proved he was from the Lleida Hierarchy. Outwardly and to a large degree internally the Lleida resemble humans but are suited to slightly warmer planets with half the oxygen concentration, But they can function well enough unprotected on human worlds and easily pass for human. The tanker had been stolen from a depot in the very early hours of the morning and was not missed until 07:00 when the first drivers clocked in. The ground car was eventually found burned out and was clearly a scout for the bomber. As far as the public at large were concerned it was a tragic accident, no point in adversely affecting morale in the middle of a war. The entire episode was placed under a security blanket.  
It was mid-November before the mystery of how the Hierarchy team had entered Union space. After the subjugation of the final Hierarchy colony in 10 Tauri a jump point was found in that system that lead to Ross 555, and the Beaumaris Sector. Thus the team from the Hierarchy had entered the Union via the 10 Tauri – Ross 555 – Gliese 100 – Gliese 36 – Phi-2 Ceti jump route. They had managed to time their insertion into Beaumareis Alpha – Phi-2 Ceti-A II during one of the Destroyer android excursions when it was easy to claim papers had been lost in the fighting. Once in the Union with clean ID it was child’s play to reach Gram, still the centre of government for the Union and plan the assassination of the Director of the Star Union of Avalon. The unspoken questions were how long had the Hierarchy known of this backdoor into the Union and how many other assassination teams had entered the Union that way?

12 Persei-A III.
The final Hierarchy battalion just inside the Colony gates surrendered, it consisted of less than 150 personnel and they had lost all their support weapons. All the 5th had to do now was invest the colony, active resistance had ceased.

12 Persei-A IV - Moon 4.
The fighting reached a new crescendo as the 3rd Leviiathan moved into the colony, the Hierarchy resisted every step of the way, but it did them no good. One battalion just melted away and ceased to exist, the two of the remaining three lost 65-75% of their effectives.

18th September 91. 12 Persei.
The Hierarchy colony on 12 Persei-A III surrendered to the 5th Leviathan Division. It had a population of 4.86 million, a DSTS. In addition between 500-4500 tons of each of the TN minerals were recovered. Reparations to the value of 260 shillings were appropriated.

12 Persei-A IV - Moon 4.
After fierce house to house and street by street fighting the survivors of the final two Hierarchy battalions were killed or captured. Active combat ceased, now it was time to clean up the chaos that resulted.

21st September 91. 10 Tauri.
Lieutenant Jay Walsh in Venture C-010 was enroute to the single unexplored jump point found in the system so far. His course cut directly across the inner planets of the system. As the survey vessel passed close to 10 Tauri-A IV the sensor subofficer announced “colony signature on planet sir! Looks like a Hierarchy colony at that.”  The colony stood out on the sensor screen with a thermalemission of 85 and an EM emission of 120. There was also a sensor return indicating a strength 40 ground force.

23rd September 91.10 Tauri.
STG 8 completed the gravitational survey of the 10 Tauri system. The system had a total of two jump points, both stabilised.

24th September91. 12 Persei-A IV – moon 4.
Major-General Boa took the Hierarchy Governors formal surrender of the colony. The colony had a population of 0.6 million and two DSTS remained intact. Reparations to the value of 33 shillings were paid across.

Beaumaris Alpha - Phi-2 Ceti-A II.
The 338th Engineer Brigade disturbed an underground vault on Beaumaris Alpha - Phi-2 Ceti-A II that contained hostile Destroyer droids. The 12th Leviathan duty brigade responded. Initial reports indicated it was a single battalion of the murderous mechanicals and they suffered appropriately at the hands of the 12th distributing half their number as spare parts around the combat zone.

28th September 91. Beaumaris Alpha - Phi-2 Ceti-A II.
It too k the 12th Leviathan the next week ferreting out all the droids that had managed to scatter and hide, hopefully to create confusion once the hue and cry died down.

1st October 91. 10 Tauri.
Lieutenant Jay Walsh in Venture C-010 had been diverted after his earlier discovery and was now surveying the inner asteroid belt of 10 Tauri. It was not long before another, larger thermal emission of 1390 was detected, it belonged to an even larger Hierarchy colony on 10 Tauri-A II – moon 20.  

HD 37008.
Survey Task Group 10(G) was still following the bread crumb trail of stabilised jump portals.  They were in HD 38114 which linked directly to the Wolf 225 hub system. Exploration of a jump point in HD 38114 revealed the new system of HD 37008, a K2-V star with a small planetary family. However, on the jump point was Simiyiar 004, a Hierarchy portal stabilisation vessel. This was as far out as the Hierarchy got down this particular route.

2nd October 91. 10 Tauri.
1st Leviathan Division landed on 10 Tauri-A IV and deployed for their assault on the Hierarchy colony.
A closer inspection of the Hierarchy colony on 10 Tauri-A II – moon 20 revealed the presence of strength 130 ground forces!

3rd October 91. 10 Tauri-A IV.
The Hierarchy commander was an aggressive one and did not wait for the 1st Leviathan but attacked the landing zone inflicting serious losses on the 169th Heavy Assault Battalion, destroying 42% of its CSUs. In return the hierarchy suffered minor losses.

8th October 91  10 Tauri-A IV.
9th Marine Division landed on 10 Tauri-A IV to reinforce the 1st Leviathan Division. It landed directly into a fire fight and the 209th Marine Battalion suffered 10% Casualties. But in return the marines destroyed 35% of the attacking Hierarchy brigade.

10th October 91. Woolley 9583.
Exploration of a jump point in the Gliese 781 system by STG 1. revealed the new system of Woolley 9583 Woolley 9583 was  an F9-V star and seven not very interesting planets. There was no evidence of the Caserta Empire.

10th October 91 HD37008.
SGT 10 was surprised to discover a Hierarchy colony on comet #3, with a thermal emission of 10 and EM emission of 5, but a combat strength of 70. Probably a listening post, based on the thermal emission of the outpost. But there was a strong ground force presence. Strangely the colony cost 2.87 planet was empty.

10 Tauri-A III.
STG 8 discovered a third Hierarchy colony in 10 Tauri on the third planet from the star (A III). It had a thermal emission of 78 and an EM emission of 96. There was also a strength 30 ground force.

13th October 91. 10 Tauri-A IV.
The two Union divisions were able to pin a Hierarchy battalion and render it hors de combat. A second battalion lost 65% casualties and a quarter of another was destroyed.

18th October 91. 10 Tauri-A IV.
The Union steamroller rolled on, nothing could stand in its way. In an attempt to avoid collateral damage to the colony the Hierarchy commander met the Union Divisions in the plain before the colony and was completely destroyed for his pains.

Venomous, Vindictive, Vengeance and Vanquisher (Venomous Mk I class) built on Excalibur - Avalon-A IV and assigned to Training Squadron – Avalon before deploying to Task Forces 1 and 3 to boost those fleets’ anti-missile defences. These particular task forces have been reconfigured and now consist of seven task groups which now included a total of twelve missile frigates and an additional fleet scout. Task Forces 2 and 4 were disbanded to provide ships for the new formations.
Code: [Select]
Venomous Mk I class Escort    10,000 tons     867 Crew     6390.75 BP      TCS 200  TH 235.2  EM 5700
14700 km/s     Armour 4-41     Shields 190-375     Sensors 54/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 38     PPV 15
Maint Life 5.19 Years     MSP 3195    AFR 100%    IFR 1.4%    1YR 198    5YR 2965    Max Repair 289 MSP
Magazine 995    

MilSpec SCAD E2.75 (14)    Power 210    Fuel Use 27.5%    Signature 16.8    Armour 0    Exp 7%
Fuel Capacity 270,000 Litres    Range 176.7 billion km   (139 days at full power)
Tau R375/25 Shields (19)   Total Fuel Cost  475 Litres per day

Size 1 Missile Launcher (15)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 5
Missile Fire Control FC28-R1 (3)     Range 28.8m km    Resolution 1
Arrow IV (995)  Speed: 72,000 km/s   End: 4.2m    Range: 18m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 888 / 532 / 266

Active Search Sensor MR76-R16 (1)     GPS 960     Range 76.8m km    Resolution 16
Active Search Sensor MR19-R1 (1)     GPS 60     Range 19.2m km    Resolution 1
Thermal Sensor TH3-54 (1)     Sensitivity 54     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  54m km

Compact ECCM-5 (3)         ECM 70

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

End of Part Twelve.