Author Topic: The Clan of Turtolia  (Read 2071 times)

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Offline ToothyTurtle (OP)

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The Clan of Turtolia
« on: November 19, 2020, 04:34:41 PM »
The setup is generally as standard but the following also apply; Start date 2020, 10000 stars, 86440 Construction Cycle Time, 20% Research pre TN Start, 250m pop, 200% Earth Minerals. 

This will be an attempt at an Expansion campaign.  I will be attempting to do a weekly update.
There will be a council, initially made of the characters with the highest Political Reliability.  In future - Military will simply be the Highest ranked member who will be promoted to the highest rank.  Colony wise will be the character in Sector Command (when we get it) at Sol but that may change.  Scientist will be the Character with the highest Political Score or Reliability as determined when one of the council members passes. 
I’ll be following different people at different times but I won't be recording new nor retire/dead characters unless they have been mentioned and/or done something important. 
I have set up medals but will be playing as if the first issue of the medal(s) is when they are created. 

The Intro:

After a disease that spread throughout the Humans on Earth.  Humanity is devastated and massively reduced in numbers, years went uncounted and a reversion to more clan-based societies happened.  A single unifying force from the UK and Europe formed Called Turtolia, led by a man called Turtle he managed to stamp his authority and unite the clans that were left. 

Shortly after unification a messenger advises that new TN elements had been found on Earth.  Turtle immediately calls his council together.  After much discussion the potential advantages these new elements had for heading to other planets in the Solar system was revealed.  It was agreed that using these elements to rebuild humanity and spread throughout the system.  Partly to get more minerals and partly to not allow Humanity to be once again decimated by a local disease. 

Turtle commissioned Shipyards to be made and, on the inauguration, ‘reset’ the year to 2020 to try and restart Humanity from that point.  He announces we are now Turtolians and renamed Earth as Turtolia. 

Turtles current advisors are First Space Lord Jordan Norton, Turtolias civilian Administrator Imogen Adams, Field Marshal Jamie Kirby and Scientist David Baker (all selected for Political Reliability). 

1st Jan 2020 Council Meeting. 

Turtle – There is a lot to do.  Give me the run down. 

David Baker (Science) – The new elements.  The possibilities are endless. 

Jordan Norton (Naval) – But what good if we can’t do anything with them.  They take so much to take out of the ground.  It takes so much to work with them. 

David Baker (Sci) - We need to study them further; they are the future. 

Imogen Adams (Admin) - But how do we build for getting settlements set up on Mars and the Moon. 

Jamie Kirby (Military) - We need to consider Public restlessness. 

Imogen Adams (Adm) - What do mean? Everyone is happy. 

Jamie Kirby (Mil) - Happy now.  In the future maybe not.  How will you police everyone.  I suggest we research some Turtolian Guards to keep the peace here and on any colonies. 

Imogen Adams (Adm) - People are good we don’t. . . 

Turtle – No he’s right.  Commission 2 sets of Guards.  Move one set to the Moon ready for infrastructure and a population. 

Jamie Kirby (Mil) - We can’t move them yet.  I know, I know.  But we don’t have a method to move them in Space. 

David Baker (Sci) - We have an idea but we will need to investigate the new elements. 

Turtle - Okay assign 5 Labs to the new regiments, 3 to the required Engines for the ship that Jordan gave a blueprint for, and finally 2 to the new element properties.  Have the shipyards expand.  50k for Commercial and 25k for the Military that should suffice for the moment.  Imogen begin producing Infrastructure ready for Luna and Research Labs to help us along. 

End Meeting

Planned Ship for Luna deliveries:
Norton Shipper class Cargo Ship (P)      49,429 tons       193 Crew       348 BP       TCS 989    TH 175    EM 0

177 km/s      Armour 1-119       Shields 0-0       HTK 80      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 0

MSP 4    Max Repair 50 MSP

Cargo 25,000    Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 1     

Lieutenant Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   

Intended Deployment Time: 3 months     

Archie Thomas Commercial Conventional Engine  EP12. 5 (14)    Power 175. 0    Fuel Use 11. 18%    Signature 12. 5    Explosion 5%

Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres    Range 1. 6 billion km (106 days at full power)

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

Next update will be once either something happens or the first ship is made. 
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Offline ToothyTurtle (OP)

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Re: The Clan of Turtolia
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2020, 03:49:20 PM »
TLDR: Apologies for not updating on Thursday but when I read through the 'list of happenings', lots of things happened but no real accomplishments.  Therefore in future I will only be putting major/unique/'first' accomplishments, and trying to put in more of a narrative version.  See below for the full list of what happened.

24 February 2020
Francesca Dodds completes the first research project.  Allowing Units of Static Infantry to be produced.  We decide to honour this with a medal for researching her first topic. 

28 February 2020
Archie Thomas completes his first research project.  Allowing Engines to be built for the first class of star ship.  As before a Medal is awarded for his research. 
Research labs are reallocated to investigate the new elements. 
18 November 2020
Francesca Dodds completes research into the Logistics Light Vehicle. 

02 December 2020
Francesca Dodds completes research into the Infantry Guard. 

31 December 2020
10,000 tons of capacity added to the Commercial Shipyard, only 30,000 more to go. 

18 April 2021
Francesca Dodds completes research into the Guard HQ. 
Research labs are reallocated to investigate the new elements. 
2 Units of Turtolian Planet Guards are ordered at Turtolia. 

09 November 2021
10,000 tons of capacity added to the Commercial Shipyard, only 20,000 more to go. 

08 April 2022
Both Planet Guards have now been completed and are keeping peace on Turtolia. 

11 August 2022
10,000 tons of capacity added to the Commercial Shipyard, only 10,000 more to go. 

12 April 2023
10,000 tons of capacity added to the Commercial Shipyard, it’s capacity is now 50,000
The Kingfisher is commissioned.  This is a Norton Shipper class ship.  It will try to move Infrastructure to Luna. 
As we will need to somehow get to Mars it is decided to increase the capacity of the Commercial Shipyard to 100,000. 

13 October 2023
The Kingfisher is finished.  Lieutenant Commander Jay Harley is assigned as captain.  Her only orders are to move infrastructure to Luna. 
The decision is made to see how this performs before commissioning any further ships. 

31 January 2025
The Kingfisher cannot find any more infrastructure to take to Luna from Turtolia. 
The Kingfisher is therefore advised to wait at Turtolia until further notice. 

28 August 2026
Capacity of the Commercial Shipyard increased to 100,000. 

22 March 2029
A new Research lab is built.  Unfortunately, we cannot assign this to the new element research as the scientist looking into them is already struggling with the ten he is managing. 
It is assigned to try and learn about Improved Command and Control.  This should allow us to manage all colonies that appear in Sol. 

01 January 2030
It’s been ten years since the unification of Turtolia.  Turtle awards all the Officers, Administrators and Scientists who were with him in the beginning a 10 Year Service Medal. 

01 March 2030
Council Meeting
Turtle - … well why haven’t we got people on Luna yet?
Imogen – We don’t have much Infrastructure and we can’t move people in numbers.  Hey once they get there isn’t a lot for them to do.  I can understand why we don’t have applicants. 
Turtle - Is there anything we can do about it? Improve production maybe or force people to go?
Imogen – I don’t think that would be. . . 
Stephen Dixon bursts in with a bundle of papers – We did it.  It’s amazing. 
Turtle - What is?
Stephen – The results are more than we could have hoped for. 
David – Give me those papers. 
Turtle – What are we. . . 
David Are these results confirmed?
Stephen – Yes.  That was the delay we couldn’t believe. . . 
Turtle – What has happened?
David – If I’m reading this correctly, it will solve construction and mining issues. 
Blank stares
David – We can retool the Industry on Earth and for each factory produce one that works 10 times better, mines too.  We can scan planets to see if they have new elements, well we ned to get some dedicated sensors researched.  With this we believe we can improve our engines and their efficiency.  There are so many options. 
Turtle – Okay get the Sensors researched. 
Jamie – What about moving troops to Luna. 
Turtle – That will be third on the list.  Second an engine for this Survey ship.  Imogen, you see to the colony, start converting the existing Industry and expand it.  You know the drill. 

Research is split with 1 still researching Improved Command and Control, 5 for the new engines and 5 for Troop Transport Bay. 

24 April 2030
10,000 tons of capacity added to the Military Shipyard.   As the Survey ship on the drawing board is 10,000 tons it is decided to hold off any further increase of capacity. 

26 April 2031
Joel Thornton completes research into Geological Survey Sensors.  A Medal is awarded for his research. 

01 May 2031
Jay Hartley, our first ship captain retires. 

12 July 2031
Engines for Survey Vessel have been researched
Archie Thomas Conventional Engine  EP15. 00
Engine Power 15    Fuel Use Per Hour 12. 2 litres    Fuel per EPH 0. 82
Thermal Signature 15    Explosion Chance 10%
Military Engine
Cost 7. 5   Size 750 tons   Crew 15   HTK 3
Base Chance to hit 100%
Materials Required: Gallicite  7. 5
Start of construction of first Survey Vessel the class is named after our first captain Jay Hartley
Hartley Surveyor class Geosurvey Ship      9,968 tons       200 Crew       383. 8 BP       TCS 199    TH 135    EM 0
677 km/s      Armour 1-41       Shields 0-0       HTK 46      Sensors 0/0/0/1      DCR 10      PPV 0
Maint Life 7. 06 Years     MSP 240    AFR 79%    IFR 1. 1%    1YR 8    5YR 127    Max Repair 100 MSP
Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 2 months    Morale Check Required     
Archie Thomas Conventional Engine  EP15. 00 (9)    Power 135    Fuel Use 81. 65%    Signature 15    Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 100,000 Litres    Range 2. 2 billion km (37 days at full power)
Geological Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points Per Hour
This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes 
5 labs are added to the Troop Transport Bay.

08 March 2032
The GSV A.  Laurent is built at the Military Shipyard.  Commander George Power is assigned to command the ship. 
George Power is immediately ordered to conduct a survey of Luna. 

14 March 2032
On board the GSV A.  Laurent
Crew - Commander we have results. 
Commander George Power – What? Send it to me. 
A Pause
Commander George Power – You know what this means, more Sorium for fuel than remains on Eartha and Neutronium for construction purposes.  Send this to Turtolia and start plotting a course for Mars.
David – It's confirmed Luna has new elements.  It’s possible other planets have them too. 
Turtle – Well can they move to another planet?
Jordan – They are already plotting a route.  The plan is to do the inner planets first then we will try to sacn the Asteroid Belt.  We could do with better engines though. 
Turtle – Don't push for that though.  Luna and getting Turtolians set up off planet is the most important priority. 

Luna Minerals -
Neutronium - 146,031 - 0. 5
Sorium - 638,433 - 0. 9

08 May 2032
The GSV A.  Laurent gets to the 2 month limit and begins to return to Turtolia for its Overhaul. 
Jordan – We have a problem. 
Turtle – What would that be?
Jordan – We can’t overhaul the GSV A.  Laurent. 
Turtle – Why not?
Jordan – We didn’t expand the Maintenance facilities enough.  We need 5 more. 
Turtle – Imogen we really need to prioritise that now. 
Imogen – Will do but it’ll take about 4 months. 
Turtle – That's quicker than expected. 
Imogen – Our output has increased due to the conversion into Construction Factories that have been underway and our productivity is up just over 60%. 
Turtle – Anyway, bring them home.  We can’t save them if they are not in range of Earth, and any new ships will have the same issue. 

12 May 2032
Horns are Blaring throughout the main complex. 
Turtle, Jordan, Imogen, and Jamie rush in.  Jordan is already there. 
Turtle – What is going on?
David – We have had an anomalous reading from Mercury.  It appears we answer an ancient question today.  We are not alone. 
Turtle – What do you mean?
Jamie – We are not alone. 
David – Correct. 
Imogen – What?
Turtle – Tell us. 
David – Well it appears that before returning home the GSV A.  Laurent scanned Mercury. 
Jordan – They had already started their scan so we decided to leave them out, they hadn’t had any issues requiring repair so we advised Commander Power to complete the scan before returning home. 
Turtle – That being said what do you have for us David>
David – Well they also discovered an Alien Ruin with an Ancient Construct. 
Turtle – What? Aliens? That’s just myth and folklore. 
David – Not anymore. 
Jamie – We don’t have any offensive weapons, we don’t have sensors.  We can’t defend if they are hostile. 
David - Depends on what we want to do.  Currently we are still waiting on Troop Transport and then we believe we can create a better Colony transporter.  Weaponry would be good but you need to decide between Kinetic, Missile and Laser. 
Jamie – We'll need better sensors too.  We can’t hit what we can’t see!
Turtle – How old is this settlement, will they attack us soon?
David – The site appears to be ancient.  Unlikley we will be immediately attacked unless they come back. 
Turtle – Okay.  Priority is getting Luna set up, new engines for further colonisation.  We’ll deal with sensors and weapons after Luna is set up.

19 September 2032
Turtolia Maintenance increased to 10, 000 tons.  Turtolia resumes investing in Mines and Construction Factories. 

Big gap where not much happened.  GSV A.  Laurent continued surveying the inner solar system. 

19 January 2037
A glorious celebration was held as the last asteroid of the asteroid belt was scanned. 
When totalling the elements found it was discovered some of the elements were in short supply. 
Our main concerns are Mercassium (223,363 total with 65,348 already allocated) which may hamper our research efforts, Corundium (168,642 total with 31,414 already allocated) which may slow further mining of the new elements. 

A new Surveyor ship was designed for further surveying Sol and therefore expansion of the Naval Shipyard began and a request to increase the available Maintenace facilities at Turtolia. 
Power Surveyor class Geosurvey Ship      14,960 tons       330 Crew       1,140. 1 BP       TCS 299    TH 150    EM 0
501 km/s      Armour 1-54       Shields 0-0       HTK 105      Sensors 0/0/0/5      DCR 25      PPV 0
Maint Life 13. 56 Years     MSP 1,190    AFR 72%    IFR 1. 0%    1YR 12    5YR 181    Max Repair 100 MSP
Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Morale Check Required     
Archie Thomas Conventional Engine  EP15. 00 (10)    Power 150    Fuel Use 81. 65%    Signature 15    Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 1,250,000 Litres    Range 18. 4 billion km (425 days at full power)
Geological Survey Sensors (5)   5 Survey Points Per Hour
This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

06 December 2037
GSV A.  Laurent is retired.  Whilst it can reach Jupiter it cannot stay out there too long and is wasting a lot of fuel going back and forth.  We will await the new Power class Surveyor before resuming Surveying. 

05 August 2038
Naval Shipyard has been expanded to take the new Survey design. 
The Retooling of the Shipyard begins. 

01 September 2038
The last of the Turtolian Industry is converted to Factories and Mines which means output is at 500%. 

26 December 2038
Francesca Dodds completes research into the Troop Transport.  As she has researched 5 separate projects we honour her with a new medal. 
Research into Cryogenic Transport begins. 
A Troop Transport is designed
Dodds Troop 5k class Troop Transport      22,059 tons       155 Crew       325. 1 BP       TCS 441    TH 125    EM 0
283 km/s      Armour 1-70       Shields 0-0       HTK 72      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 0
MSP 9    Max Repair 80 MSP
Troop Capacity 5,000 tons     Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 1     
Lieutenant Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months     
Archie Thomas Commercial Conventional Engine  EP12. 5 (10)    Power 125. 0    Fuel Use 11. 18%    Signature 12. 5    Explosion 5%
Fuel Capacity 100,000 Litres    Range 7. 3 billion km (298 days at full power)
This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

The Commercial Shipyard is retooled to build this class. 
3 further Planetary Guards begin training at Turtolia. 

19 June 2039
The Commercial Shipyard is retooled and building for the TT Achemar begins. 

01 December 2039
Retooling for the Power Surveyor is completed.  Building of the GSV Horace W.  Babcock is started. 

27 June 2040
The TT Achemar is deployed.  First orders are to move two guards to Luna. 

24 July 2041
Sarah Wades research into the Cryogenic Transport is completed. 
A new ship is designed to take colonists to Luna. 
Wade Colonist Mover class Colony Ship      19,092 tons       150 Crew       317. 6 BP       TCS 382    TH 125    EM 0
327 km/s      Armour 1-63       Shields 0-0       HTK 60      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 0
MSP 10    Max Repair 100 MSP
Cryogenic Berths 10,000    Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 1     
Lieutenant Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 5 months     
Archie Thomas Commercial Conventional Engine  EP12. 5 (10)    Power 125. 0    Fuel Use 11. 18%    Signature 12. 5    Explosion 5%
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres    Range 4. 2 billion km (149 days at full power)
This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

Retooling for the Wade Colonist Mover begins. 
Research is split 5 labs to Sensors (EM Sensitivity) and 5 to Engines (Pressurised Water Reactor)

09 October 2041
The GSV Horace W.  Babcock is built and leaves to scan the remaining asteroids and planets. 
The CS Rod begins building as our first colonist ship as the Commercial shipyard is retooled. 
First Space Lord arranges some Admin commands.  One overall Admiral for the Sol System, below that three commands one for Sol defence, one for Logistics and one for Surveying. 

24 September 2042
CS Rod is built and begins transfer of colonists to Luna. 
The FT Kingfisher is tasked to move 50 Construction Factories to let the Colony become self-sustaining. 

22 May 2043
1 Research lab added.  Research into Ground Xenobiology begins. 

20 July 2043
Research into the Pressurised Reactor is Completed. 
Research into Nuclear Thermal Engine Technology begins. 

02 February 2046
Sarah Wades research into the EM Sensitivity is completed. 
Sarah retains the 5 labs to work on Thermal Sensitivity. 
09 May 2046
Archie Thomas completes research into Nuclear Thermal Engine Technology. 
Archie Thomas begins research into two new engines. 
Engine Power 62. 5      Fuel Use Per Hour 6. 99 Litres
Fuel Consumption per Engine Power Hour 0. 112 Litres 
Size 25 HS  (1,250 tons)      HTK 5
Thermal Signature 62. 5      Explosion Chance 5%      Max Explosion Size 15
Cost 15. 625      Crew 12
Commercial Engine
Development Cost 156 RP
Materials Required
Gallicite  15. 625

Engine Power 50. 00      Fuel Use Per Hour 50. 00 Litres
Fuel Consumption per Engine Power Hour 1 Litres 
Size 10 HS  (500 tons)      HTK 3
Thermal Signature 50. 0      Explosion Chance 10%      Max Explosion Size 12
Cost 25. 00      Crew 10
Military Engine
Development Cost 250 RP
Materials Required
Gallicite  25. 00

New ship designs are made with the new engines:

Cargo Ship;
Brady Shipper class Cargo Ship      46,369 tons       185 Crew       515. 2 BP       TCS 927    TH 625    EM 0
673 km/s      Armour 1-114       Shields 0-0       HTK 68      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 0
MSP 6    Max Repair 50 MSP
Cargo 25,000    Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 5     
Lieutenant Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months     
Archie Thomas Commercial Nuclear Thermal Engine  EP62. 5 (10)    Power 625. 0    Fuel Use 11. 18%    Signature 62. 5    Explosion 5%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres    Range 8. 7 billion km (149 days at full power)
This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

Colony Ship;
Summers Colonist Mover class Colony Ship      14,242 tons       130 Crew       407. 5 BP       TCS 285    TH 313    EM 0
1097 km/s      Armour 1-52       Shields 0-0       HTK 38      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 0
MSP 17    Max Repair 100 MSP
Cryogenic Berths 10,000    Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 5     
Lieutenant Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 5 months     
Archie Thomas Commercial Nuclear Thermal Engine  EP62. 5 (5)    Power 312. 5    Fuel Use 11. 18%    Signature 62. 5    Explosion 5%
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres   Range 5. 7 billion km (59 days at full power)
This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

Troop Transport;
Metcalfe Troop 5k class Troop Transport      17,232 tons       135 Crew       413. 6 BP       TCS 345    TH 313    EM 0
906 km/s      Armour 1-59       Shields 0-0       HTK 50      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 0
MSP 14    Max Repair 80 MSP
Troop Capacity 5,000 tons     Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 5     
Lieutenant Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months     
Archie Thomas Commercial Nuclear Thermal Engine  EP62. 5 (5)    Power 312. 5    Fuel Use 11. 18%    Signature 62. 5    Explosion 5%
Fuel Capacity 100,000 Litres    Range 9. 3 billion km (119 days at full power)
This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

Retooling for the Brady Shipper begins. 

27 June 2047
Retooling for the Brady is Completed. 
The Kingfisher is updated to the Brady class. 

12 July 2047
New Military Engines are researched. 

New methodology:
New ships will be designed and built using the new engines.
The Main research areas are Weapons (Missile and Laser), Jump Drives as Sorium is low, and Sensors still.
The main aims are to make Luna self sufficient and then colonise Mercury.
Secondary aim is to investigate Mercury to check the Alien Ruins and investigate other systems.
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