Author Topic: Ships of the Grand Terran Union  (Read 4123 times)

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Offline kuhaica (OP)

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Ships of the Grand Terran Union
« on: February 05, 2020, 03:14:29 PM »
Been playing a new playthrough recently and decided to start posting on the forums rather than being a lurker.  Anyways, ships posted here I'm a bit proud off even though they got whipped out in the first combat engagement of the game, but for such an overwhelming fight they preformed fairly adequately managing to give a 200,000-ton ship a bloody nose. 

These three classes operate in task groups of 5, two Darts, two Javelins and a single Visor class ship.  All of them are long-range frigates whose purpose are to explore dangerous systems which may contain hostile Xenos.  And picket jump points outside of controlled territory.  Not meant to really be much of a threat or even complement a larger fleet.

Code: [Select]
F-Dart B class Frigate    4 000 tons     105 Crew     728.5 BP      TCS 80  TH 19.2  EM 0
3000 km/s     Armour 3-22     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 2     PPV 24
Maint Life 3.05 Years     MSP 228    AFR 64%    IFR 0.9%    1YR 37    5YR 552    Max Repair 99 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Spare Berths 0   
Magazine 208   

F/S-3 120 EP Internal Fusion Drive (2)    Power 120    Fuel Use 10.04%    Signature 9.599999    Exp 6%
Fuel Capacity 585 000 Litres    Range 262.2 billion km   (1011 days at full power)

Size 4 Missile Launcher (6)    Missile Size 4    Rate of Fire 25
MFC-AS/L-2 Missile Fire Control FC116-R100 (25%) (1)     Range 116.6m km    Resolution 100
AS/4/L-2 (52)  Speed: 50 500 km/s   End: 33m    Range: 100m km   WH: 4    Size: 4    TH: 791/474/237

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

The Dart as it names suggests is simply a light missile frigate, each of those size 4 missiles pack quite the punch and speed, just the range proved to be a problem in the fight (even if I outranged the Xenos by 20,000,000 km.  Every missile made it past the AMM's of the enemy and did a number to its shield. 

Code: [Select]
F-Javelin B class Frigate    4 000 tons     120 Crew     743.5 BP      TCS 80  TH 19.2  EM 0
3000 km/s     Armour 3-22     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 4     PPV 24
Maint Life 7.19 Years     MSP 476    AFR 31%    IFR 0.4%    1YR 16    5YR 242    Max Repair 99 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Spare Berths 1   
Magazine 152   

F/S-3 120 EP Internal Fusion Drive (2)    Power 120    Fuel Use 10.04%    Signature 9.599999    Exp 6%
Fuel Capacity 585 000 Litres    Range 262.2 billion km   (1011 days at full power)

Size 6 Missile Launcher (4)    Missile Size 6    Rate of Fire 40
MFC-AS/L-2 Missile Fire Control FC116-R100 (25%) (1)     Range 116.6m km    Resolution 100
AS/6/S-2 (25)  Speed: 50 300 km/s   End: 33.2m    Range: 100.1m km   WH: 9    Size: 6    TH: 754/452/226

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

The Javelin class frigates are the heavier hitting big sister of the Dart, yet I was a fool and never updated their missiles due to the limited range of my MFCs.  I figured it would be better to not use the longer range, higher damaging missiles built for my first generation of cruisers.  So, rather than 9 damage, they could have been doing 16 and moving only slightly slower.  It wouldn't have saved my ships from the dreadnaught but might have done more than just bloody it. 

Code: [Select]
FL-Visor A class Frigate Leader    4 000 tons     100 Crew     1827.5 BP      TCS 80  TH 19.2  EM 0
3000 km/s    JR 5-50     Armour 3-22     Shields 0-0     Sensors 72/72/0/0     Damage Control Rating 4     PPV 10.3
Maint Life 8.24 Years     MSP 1142    AFR 32%    IFR 0.4%    1YR 30    5YR 449    Max Repair 675 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Spare Berths 0   

Frigate JD J4000(5-50) Military Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 4000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 5
F/S-3 120 EP Internal Fusion Drive (2)    Power 120    Fuel Use 10.04%    Signature 9.599999    Exp 6%
Fuel Capacity 590 000 Litres    Range 264.4 billion km   (1020 days at full power)

x4 Light CM-2 Gauss Cannon R4-17 Turret (2x16)    Range 40 000km     TS: 40000 km/s     Power 0-0     RM 4    ROF 5        1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
BFC-Gauss CM-2 Fire Control S01 50-40000 H25 (1)    Max Range: 100 000 km   TS: 40000 km/s     90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Ship-ASS/M-2 Active Search Sensor MR103-R100 (25%) (1)     GPS 5760     Range 103.7m km    Resolution 100
Escort-2 Thermal Sensor TH4-72 (25%) (1)     Sensitivity 72     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  72m km
Escort-2 EM Detection Sensor EM4-72 (25%) (1)     Sensitivity 72     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  72m km

Compact ECCM-4 (1)         ECM 40

Now, I've always been bad at setting up PD defence with turrets and this battle 'kinda' proved that again.  The Visor, however, managed to shoot down 7 of the 10km/s missiles trying to kill it specifically on final defence.  Out of the 81 per volley.  So I'm unsure about this design exactly, it did a good job of being the eyes of the fleet and served its purpose of a Jump Frigate.  Overall I think when the time comes I just need to give it more PD and some AMM's/CM's. 

Anywho, these are three of my tried and tested ships in the GTU (Grand Terran Union) I may post the other designs after my battle with the enemy dreadnaught. 
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Offline kuhaica (OP)

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Re: Ships of the Grand Terran Union
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2020, 04:50:12 PM »
So, turned out that 200,000 ton dreadnaught was a 200,000 ton carrier with 100 750 ton fighters.  But I atomized those fighters and turned the carrier into dust.

The main fleet consists of 10 destroyers, 7 cruisers.  Three Python class Destoyers, Three Viper class Destroyers, Three Mongoose class Escort Destoyers, One Wolf Class Destroyer Leader.  Then I got Three Pig class Crusiers, Three Badger class Cruisers and a Single Crocodile class Cruiser. 

Code: [Select]
DD-Python Mk2 class Destroyer    8 000 tons     227 Crew     1580.5 BP      TCS 160  TH 960  EM 0
6000 km/s     Armour 3-35     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 8     PPV 36
Maint Life 3.44 Years     MSP 864    AFR 73%    IFR 1%    1YR 111    5YR 1668    Max Repair 240 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Spare Berths 0   
Magazine 826   

480 EP Internal Fusion Drive (2)    Power 480    Fuel Use 92.59%    Signature 480    Exp 15%
Fuel Capacity 1 030 000 Litres    Range 25.0 billion km   (48 days at full power)

Size 4 Missile Launcher (6)    Missile Size 4    Rate of Fire 25
Size 6 Missile Launcher (2)    Missile Size 6    Rate of Fire 40
MFC-AS/L-2 Missile Fire Control FC116-R100 (25%) (2)     Range 116.6m km    Resolution 100
AS/4/L-2 (112)  Speed: 50 500 km/s   End: 33m    Range: 100m km   WH: 4    Size: 4    TH: 791/474/237
AS/6/L-2 (63)  Speed: 38 900 km/s   End: 86.3m    Range: 201.5m km   WH: 9    Size: 6    TH: 570/342/171

Ship-ASS/M-2 Active Search Sensor MR103-R100 (25%) (1)     GPS 5760     Range 103.7m km    Resolution 100

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

The python is meant more to have sustained fire so it can stay in the fight long, the test against fighters and the carrier didn't let it shine in its primary role.  I plan on the larger version of this fellow to have some more PD on it.  I just call it a destroyer as a place holder/following my Classification system. 

Code: [Select]
DD-Viper Mk2 class Destroyer    8 000 tons     190 Crew     2555.3 BP      TCS 160  TH 960  EM 0
6000 km/s     Armour 3-35     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 27     PPV 42.76
Maint Life 5.35 Years     MSP 1517    AFR 67%    IFR 0.9%    1YR 89    5YR 1330    Max Repair 675 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Spare Berths 0   
Magazine 712   

480 EP Internal Fusion Drive (2)    Power 480    Fuel Use 92.59%    Signature 480    Exp 15%
Fuel Capacity 1 030 000 Litres    Range 25.0 billion km   (48 days at full power)

x4 Ultra Light CM-2 Gauss Cannon R4-8 Turret (2x16)    Range 40 000km     TS: 40000 km/s     Power 0-0     RM 4    ROF 5        1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
BFC-Gauss CM-2 Fire Control S01 50-40000 H25 (1)    Max Range: 100 000 km   TS: 40000 km/s     90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Size 6 Missile Launcher (2)    Missile Size 6    Rate of Fire 40
Box Size 6 Box Launcher (24)    Missile Size 6    Hangar Reload 45 minutes    MF Reload 7.5 hours
Size 1 Missile Launcher (4)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 10
MFC-CM/S-2 Missile Fire Control FC97-R1 (25%) (1)     Range 97.2m km    Resolution 1
MFC-AS/L-2 Missile Fire Control FC116-R100 (25%) (2)     Range 116.6m km    Resolution 100
CM/L-2 (196)  Speed: 45 600 km/s   End: 18.3m    Range: 50.1m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 714/428/214
AS/6/L-2 (86)  Speed: 38 900 km/s   End: 86.3m    Range: 201.5m km   WH: 9    Size: 6    TH: 570/342/171

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

The Viper here is "Alpha strike is stronk" design philosophy.  Which I didn't really get to test yet.  Again, just a place holder design at the moment to get more tonnage out on the field, later on, it'll be mostly PD because of that's good.

Code: [Select]
DE-Mongoose Mk2 class Destroyer Escort    8 000 tons     243 Crew     4313.5 BP      TCS 160  TH 960  EM 0
6000 km/s     Armour 3-35     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 31     PPV 10
Maint Life 4.88 Years     MSP 3707    AFR 46%    IFR 0.6%    1YR 257    5YR 3859    Max Repair 2349 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Spare Berths 1   
Magazine 470   

480 EP Internal Fusion Drive (2)    Power 480    Fuel Use 92.59%    Signature 480    Exp 15%
Fuel Capacity 1 035 000 Litres    Range 25.2 billion km   (48 days at full power)

Size 1 Missile Launcher (10)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 10
MFC-CM/S-2 Missile Fire Control FC97-R1 (25%) (2)     Range 97.2m km    Resolution 1
CM/L-2 (470)  Speed: 45 600 km/s   End: 18.3m    Range: 50.1m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 714/428/214

Missile-ASS/-2 Active Search Sensor MR187-R1 (25%) (1)     GPS 1044     Range 187.9m km    MCR 20.5m km    Resolution 1

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

The Counter missile destroyer.  It served me well having taken down most of the fighters before the cruisers cleared up the damaged ones.

Code: [Select]
DL-Wolf Mk2 class Destroyer Leader    8 000 tons     247 Crew     4155.9 BP      TCS 160  TH 960  EM 0
6000 km/s     Armour 3-35     Shields 0-0     Sensors 72/72/0/0     Damage Control Rating 26     PPV 41.7
Maint Life 6.45 Years     MSP 3062    AFR 80%    IFR 1.1%    1YR 127    5YR 1901    Max Repair 1350 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Spare Berths 1   
Flag Bridge    Magazine 12   

480 EP Internal Fusion Drive (2)    Power 480    Fuel Use 92.59%    Signature 480    Exp 15%
Fuel Capacity 1 110 000 Litres    Range 27.0 billion km   (52 days at full power)

30cm C4 Far Ultraviolet Laser (1)    Range 800 000km     TS: 10000 km/s     Power 24-4     RM 5    ROF 30        24 24 24 24 24 20 17 15 13 12
x4 Light CM-2 Gauss Cannon R4-17 Turret (6x16)    Range 40 000km     TS: 40000 km/s     Power 0-0     RM 4    ROF 5        1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
CIWS-400 (1x8)    Range 1000 km     TS: 40000 km/s     ROF 5       Base 50% To Hit
BFC-Laser-1 Fire Control S02 400-10000 H25 (1)    Max Range: 800 000 km   TS: 10000 km/s     99 98 96 95 94 92 91 90 89 88
BFC-Gauss CM-2 Fire Control S01 50-40000 H25 (1)    Max Range: 100 000 km   TS: 40000 km/s     90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Size 0.5-1 Tokamak Fusion Reactor Technology PB-1 (1)     Total Power Output 4    Armour 0    Exp 5%

Box Size 6 Box Launcher (2)    Missile Size 6    Hangar Reload 45 minutes    MF Reload 7.5 hours
MFC-SD-2 Missile Fire Control FC304-R500 (1)     Range 304.3m km    Resolution 500
SD-1 (2)  Speed: 12 400 km/s   End: 407.8m    Range: 303.4m km   WH: 0    Size: 6    TH: 49/29/14

Ship-ASS/M-2 Active Search Sensor MR103-R100 (25%) (1)     GPS 5760     Range 103.7m km    Resolution 100
Escort-2 Thermal Sensor TH4-72 (25%) (1)     Sensitivity 72     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  72m km
Escort-2 EM Detection Sensor EM4-72 (25%) (1)     Sensitivity 72     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  72m km

Compact ECCM-4 (1)     ECCM-5 (1)         Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

The "Eyes" of my Destroyers, it's the one with all the specialized sensors and of course, PD as Escorts should have.

Code: [Select]
CA-Pig Mk1 class Cruiser    16 000 tons     457 Crew     6178 BP      TCS 320  TH 1920  EM 0
6000 km/s     Armour 7-56     Shields 0-0     Sensors 144/72/0/0     Damage Control Rating 33     PPV 67.3
Maint Life 3.39 Years     MSP 3137    AFR 157%    IFR 2.2%    1YR 415    5YR 6228    Max Repair 1350 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Spare Berths 1   
Magazine 965   

480 EP Internal Fusion Drive (4)    Power 480    Fuel Use 92.59%    Signature 480    Exp 15%
Fuel Capacity 2 165 000 Litres    Range 26.3 billion km   (50 days at full power)

38cm C4 Far Ultraviolet Laser (1)    Range 800 000km     TS: 10000 km/s     Power 38-4     RM 5    ROF 50        38 38 38 38 38 31 27 23 21 19
x4 Light CM-2 Gauss Cannon R4-17 Turret (2x16)    Range 40 000km     TS: 40000 km/s     Power 0-0     RM 4    ROF 5        1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
BFC-Laser-1 Fire Control S02 400-10000 H25 (1)    Max Range: 800 000 km   TS: 10000 km/s     99 98 96 95 94 92 91 90 89 88
BFC-Gauss CM-2 Fire Control S01 50-40000 H25 (1)    Max Range: 100 000 km   TS: 40000 km/s     90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Size 0.5-1 Tokamak Fusion Reactor Technology PB-1 (1)     Total Power Output 4    Armour 0    Exp 5%

Size 1 Missile Launcher (5)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 10
Size 10 Missile Launcher (4)    Missile Size 10    Rate of Fire 60
MFC-CM/S-2 Missile Fire Control FC97-R1 (25%) (1)     Range 97.2m km    Resolution 1
Artemis MFC-HVY/10/L-1 Missile Fire Control FC233-R100 (25%) (1)     Range 233.3m km    Resolution 100
CM/L-2 (185)  Speed: 45 600 km/s   End: 18.3m    Range: 50.1m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 714/428/214
HVY/10/L-2 (78)  Speed: 33 400 km/s   End: 100m    Range: 200.5m km   WH: 25    Size: 10    TH: 412/247/123

Ship-ASS/L-2 Active Search Sensor MR210-R100 (25%) (1)     GPS 11700     Range 210.6m km    Resolution 100
Cruiser-2 Thermal Sensor TH8-144 (25%) (1)     Sensitivity 144     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  144m km
Escort-2 EM Detection Sensor EM4-72 (25%) (1)     Sensitivity 72     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  72m km

ECCM-5 (1)         ECM 50

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

The Pig is my Missile cruiser, as you can see it's fairly balanced all things go.  With more space, I try to give a bit of everything so it can function well enough and even protect itself somewhat. 

Code: [Select]
CA-Badger Mk1 class Cruiser    16 000 tons     438 Crew     9784 BP      TCS 320  TH 1920  EM 0
6000 km/s     Armour 7-56     Shields 0-0     Sensors 72/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 31     PPV 30.3
Maint Life 2.15 Years     MSP 4204    AFR 186%    IFR 2.6%    1YR 1216    5YR 18246    Max Repair 2349 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Spare Berths 0   
Magazine 388   

480 EP Internal Fusion Drive (4)    Power 480    Fuel Use 92.59%    Signature 480    Exp 15%
Fuel Capacity 2 645 000 Litres    Range 32.1 billion km   (61 days at full power)

x4 Light CM-2 Gauss Cannon R4-17 Turret (2x16)    Range 40 000km     TS: 40000 km/s     Power 0-0     RM 4    ROF 5        1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
BFC-Gauss CM-2 Fire Control S01 50-40000 H25 (1)    Max Range: 100 000 km   TS: 40000 km/s     90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Size 1 Missile Launcher (20)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 10
MFC-CM/L-2 Missile Fire Control FC466-R1 (25%) (2)     Range 466.6m km    Resolution 1
CM/L-2 (388)  Speed: 45 600 km/s   End: 18.3m    Range: 50.1m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 714/428/214

Ship-ASS/L-2 Active Search Sensor MR210-R100 (25%) (1)     GPS 11700     Range 210.6m km    Resolution 100
Missile-ASS/-2 Active Search Sensor MR187-R1 (25%) (1)     GPS 1044     Range 187.9m km    MCR 20.5m km    Resolution 1
Escort-2 Thermal Sensor TH4-72 (25%) (1)     Sensitivity 72     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  72m km

ECCM-5 (1)         ECM 50

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

My support Crusier, the Badger class is nothing to write home to about, but it performed well in taking down fighters as well. 

Code: [Select]
CA-Crocodile Mk1 class Cruiser    16 000 tons     507 Crew     9448.4 BP      TCS 320  TH 1920  EM 0
6000 km/s     Armour 7-56     Shields 0-0     Sensors 72/72/0/0     Damage Control Rating 35     PPV 61.25
Maint Life 2.66 Years     MSP 5536    AFR 136%    IFR 1.9%    1YR 1114    5YR 16711    Max Repair 4050 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Spare Berths 1   
Flag Bridge    Magazine 246   

480 EP Internal Fusion Drive (4)    Power 480    Fuel Use 92.59%    Signature 480    Exp 15%
Fuel Capacity 2 200 000 Litres    Range 26.7 billion km   (51 days at full power)

38cm C4 Far Ultraviolet Laser (1)    Range 800 000km     TS: 10000 km/s     Power 38-4     RM 5    ROF 50        38 38 38 38 38 31 27 23 21 19
x4 Light CM-2 Gauss Cannon R4-17 Turret (3x16)    Range 40 000km     TS: 40000 km/s     Power 0-0     RM 4    ROF 5        1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
BFC-Laser-1 Fire Control S02 400-10000 H25 (1)    Max Range: 800 000 km   TS: 10000 km/s     99 98 96 95 94 92 91 90 89 88
BFC-Gauss CM-2 Fire Control S01 50-40000 H25 (1)    Max Range: 100 000 km   TS: 40000 km/s     90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Size 0.5-1 Tokamak Fusion Reactor Technology PB-1 (1)     Total Power Output 4    Armour 0    Exp 5%

Size 8 Missile Launcher (4)    Missile Size 8    Rate of Fire 50
Box Size 6 Box Launcher (2)    Missile Size 6    Hangar Reload 45 minutes    MF Reload 7.5 hours
MFC-SD-2 Missile Fire Control FC304-R500 (1)     Range 304.3m km    Resolution 500
MFC-AS/S-3 Missile Fire Control FC116-R100 (25%) (1)     Range 116.6m km    Resolution 100
SD-1 (2)  Speed: 12 400 km/s   End: 407.8m    Range: 303.4m km   WH: 0    Size: 6    TH: 49/29/14
HVY/8/D-3 (28)  Speed: 40 800 km/s   End: 40.9m    Range: 100.1m km   WH: 25    Size: 8    TH: 489/293/146

Dedicated-ASS/-2 Active Search Sensor MR324-R1 (25%) (1)     GPS 1800     Range 324.0m km    MCR 35.3m km    Resolution 1
Ship-ASS/L-2 Active Search Sensor MR210-R100 (25%) (1)     GPS 11700     Range 210.6m km    Resolution 100
Escort-2 Thermal Sensor TH4-72 (25%) (1)     Sensitivity 72     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  72m km
Escort-2 EM Detection Sensor EM4-72 (25%) (1)     Sensitivity 72     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  72m km

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

And the Crusier Leader, this one needs quite a bit of an overall, in fact, all of my sensors and fire controls need overhauls.  Which was good to learn at the very least.  I tried to use none dedicated and just "Situational" fire controls and sensors but while that may work on some vessels this did not work at all for my larger ships.  I kept on miss firing things, miss targeting things and constantly had wrong ranges for my weapon systems which were good fun. 

Been a long time since I've played so glad I was able to get a wakeup call before getting into a fleet battle. 

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Offline kuhaica (OP)

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Re: Ships of the Grand Terran Union
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2020, 07:38:05 PM »
A few more designs I'm currently using, a Gunboat base and my attempt at an Inner System defence craft. 

Code: [Select]
GB-Missile B class Gunboat    1 000 tons     16 Crew     297.2 BP      TCS 20  TH 120  EM 0
6000 km/s     Armour 1-8     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 0     PPV 8.4
Maint Life 10.55 Years     MSP 93    AFR 16%    IFR 0.2%    1YR 2    5YR 23    Max Repair 49 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 1 months    Spare Berths 4   
Magazine 56   

GB-3 60 EP Internal Fusion Drive (2)    Power 60    Fuel Use 108.02%    Signature 60    Exp 15%
Fuel Capacity 195 000 Litres    Range 32.5 billion km   (62 days at full power)

Box Size 4 Box Launcher (14)    Missile Size 4    Hangar Reload 30 minutes    MF Reload 5 hours
MFC-AS/L-2 Missile Fire Control FC116-R100 (25%) (2)     Range 116.6m km    Resolution 100
AS/4/L-2 (14)  Speed: 50 500 km/s   End: 33m    Range: 100m km   WH: 4    Size: 4    TH: 791/474/237

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

I have two other variants of this design all function basically the same way just using different weapons.

Code: [Select]
GB-FR Missile A class Gunboat    1 000 tons     13 Crew     269.8 BP      TCS 20  TH 200  EM 0
10000 km/s     Armour 1-8     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 0     PPV 12.6
Maint Life 11.85 Years     MSP 84    AFR 16%    IFR 0.2%    1YR 1    5YR 17    Max Repair 50 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 1 months    Spare Berths 2   
Magazine 84   

GB/FR-3 100 EP Internal Fusion Drive (2)    Power 100    Fuel Use 387.38%    Signature 100    Exp 25%
Fuel Capacity 80 000 Litres    Range 3.7 billion km   (4 days at full power)

Box Size 2 Box Launcher (42)    Missile Size 2    Hangar Reload 15 minutes    MF Reload 2.5 hours
MFC-AS/S-2 Missile Fire Control FC38-R100 (25%) (2)     Range 38.9m km    Resolution 100
LAM/D-2 (42)  Speed: 18 600 km/s   End: 11.8m    Range: 13.2m km   WH: 9    Size: 2    TH: 248/148/74

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

And the fast attack/fast response version which is more meant to just sit back inside hangers and defend the planet it's stationed on.  The philosophy with my gunboats is to keep them 1000 tons and make them have as much firepower as I can.  They are meant to be strike craft and nothing more.  Basically big fighters.

Code: [Select]
MN-Knight Mk1 class Monitor    20 000 tons     557 Crew     11623 BP      TCS 400  TH 2400  EM 0
6000 km/s     Armour 10-65     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 35     PPV 58.6
Maint Life 2.28 Years     MSP 5448    AFR 213%    IFR 3%    1YR 1415    5YR 21219    Max Repair 2349 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Spare Berths 2   
Magazine 798   

800 EP Internal Fusion Drive (3)    Power 800    Fuel Use 47.52%    Signature 800    Exp 12%
Fuel Capacity 1 395 000 Litres    Range 26.4 billion km   (50 days at full power)

38cm C4 Far Ultraviolet Laser (1)    Range 800 000km     TS: 10000 km/s     Power 38-4     RM 5    ROF 50        38 38 38 38 38 31 27 23 21 19
x4 Light CM-2 Gauss Cannon R4-17 Turret (4x16)    Range 40 000km     TS: 40000 km/s     Power 0-0     RM 4    ROF 5        1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
BFC-Laser-1 Fire Control S02 400-10000 H25 (1)    Max Range: 800 000 km   TS: 10000 km/s     99 98 96 95 94 92 91 90 89 88
BFC-Gauss CM-2 Fire Control S01 50-40000 H25 (1)    Max Range: 100 000 km   TS: 40000 km/s     90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Size 0.5-1 Tokamak Fusion Reactor Technology PB-1 (1)     Total Power Output 4    Armour 0    Exp 5%

Size 8 Missile Launcher (2)    Missile Size 8    Rate of Fire 50
Size 1 Missile Launcher (10)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 10
MFC-CM/L-2 Missile Fire Control FC466-R1 (25%) (2)     Range 466.6m km    Resolution 1
MFC-AS/S-3 Missile Fire Control FC116-R100 (25%) (1)     Range 116.6m km    Resolution 100
CM/L-2 (510)  Speed: 45 600 km/s   End: 18.3m    Range: 50.1m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 714/428/214
HVY/8/D-3 (36)  Speed: 40 800 km/s   End: 40.9m    Range: 100.1m km   WH: 25    Size: 8    TH: 489/293/146

Missile-ASS/-2 Active Search Sensor MR187-R1 (25%) (1)     GPS 1044     Range 187.9m km    MCR 20.5m km    Resolution 1

ECCM-5 (1)         ECM 50

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

The Knight Class Monitor, it's not pretty and after my last battle with other beam weapons, she'll be needing some work.  Regardless of that, the purpose of this one is to be mostly PD and DPS.  A brawler if you will. 

Code: [Select]
MN-Paladin Mk1 class Monitor    20 000 tons     713 Crew     7620 BP      TCS 400  TH 2400  EM 0
6000 km/s     Armour 10-65     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 26     PPV 141.2
Maint Life 1.1 Years     MSP 1429    AFR 533%    IFR 7.4%    1YR 1192    5YR 17885    Max Repair 1350 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Spare Berths 1   
Magazine 480   

800 EP Internal Fusion Drive (3)    Power 800    Fuel Use 47.52%    Signature 800    Exp 12%
Fuel Capacity 1 320 000 Litres    Range 25.0 billion km   (48 days at full power)

38cm C4 Far Ultraviolet Laser (1)    Range 800 000km     TS: 10000 km/s     Power 38-4     RM 5    ROF 50        38 38 38 38 38 31 27 23 21 19
x4 Heavy 25cm Meson R56/C4 Meson Cannon Turret (2x4)    Range 560 000km     TS: 10000 km/s     Power 64-16     RM 56    ROF 20        1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
x4 Light CM-2 Gauss Cannon R4-17 Turret (4x16)    Range 40 000km     TS: 40000 km/s     Power 0-0     RM 4    ROF 5        1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
BFC-Laser-1 Fire Control S02 400-10000 H25 (1)    Max Range: 800 000 km   TS: 10000 km/s     99 98 96 95 94 92 91 90 89 88
BFC-Gauss CM-2 Fire Control S01 50-40000 H25 (1)    Max Range: 100 000 km   TS: 40000 km/s     90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
BFC-Meson Heavy-1 Fire Control S02 400-10000 H25 (1)    Max Range: 800 000 km   TS: 10000 km/s     99 98 96 95 94 92 91 90 89 88
Size 5-1 Tokamak Fusion Reactor Technology PB-1 (2)     Total Power Output 80    Armour 0    Exp 5%

Size 8 Missile Launcher (5)    Missile Size 8    Rate of Fire 50
MFC-AS/L-3 Missile Fire Control FC233-R100 (25%) (1)     Range 233.3m km    Resolution 100
HVY/8/L-3 (60)  Speed: 39 200 km/s   End: 85.1m    Range: 200.2m km   WH: 16    Size: 8    TH: 535/321/160

Ship-ASS/L-2 Active Search Sensor MR210-R100 (25%) (1)     GPS 11700     Range 210.6m km    Resolution 100

ECCM-5 (1)         ECM 50

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

The Paladin I think fills the role of brawler a bit better than its counterpart, and was my first attempt in this playthrough of using turreted Lasers.  I'm unsure how well they'll function but the fire controls and sensors require plenty of work as my battle had shown. 

All of this said, the primary purpose of these (as you can see by its horrible, horrible MSP) is to sit on top of a planet with high enough maintenance and never move.  This was a move after my last campaign ended with an NPR sending two fleets at me.  One engaging my main fleet, the other bullying past my smaller fleet and then destroying my homeworld.  It was not a fun time.  RP wise, the idea of these are not so much to protect from NPRs but to instead give a sense of ease to the people. 

"Look at the ships and crews, ever vigilant in their duty to protect you"

Overall, they are a test design, with some fixes I hope to give them a proper combat test at some point and I hope they'll perform well.

Anyways, any comments/suggestions are appreciated.  While I may have been playing this game for some time.  I'm quite noobish. 


Offline Gabethebaldandbold

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Re: Ships of the Grand Terran Union
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2020, 09:55:09 PM »
I dont really know what you are facing, but in my experience, against bigger, or more technologically advanced civilizations, you need:
A: big-sish missiles, 6-12.
B: the smallest launchers you can get, while still reloading your own weapons. this will give you a big wave of missiles that is very hard to deal with, using any tipe of PD, even anti-missile missiles.
C: Long range (10 million km) anti missile missiles, this gives you multiple chances to engage enemy missiles, allowing you to be more economical with your AMM, and usually, if your AMM are good, 20 missiles every 5 seconds can handle everything the game has thrown at me so far (keep in mind that I play sporadically, and usually dont go super super far)
To beam, or not to beam.   That is the question
the answer is you beam. and you better beam hard.

Offline Michael Sandy

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Re: Ships of the Grand Terran Union
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2020, 08:15:26 PM »
My beam ship philosophy is that if I do not have a known enemy, design a ship with the longest range fire control and weaponry I can, with as much speed as my tech can generate.  Preferably, I match the speed and the tracking of the fire control.  In theory, I don't need many of them.  Either I outrange the enemy or I don't.  What I strive to have a lot of is point defense.  If I can nullify the enemy missiles completely, then all I need to do is destroy their beam ships, at least those beam ships that can outrange my few long ranged beam ships, I win.

I like having railgun fighters early, because I can always just shove them into planetary PDCs for colony security.

If I can't have an absolute range advantage, having a range bracket where my shields will be able to keep up with the enemy fire while I am either using large caliber mesons to plink through any shields, or lasers to just pick apart enemy unshielded ships, will suffice.

When you have an engine and fire control advantage, you can beat fleets that considerably outmass you.  It is somewhat difficult and expensive to beat fleets substantially larger than you with missiles, because it takes so many BP of missiles to totally destroy an enemy fleet. But if you can defeat their missiles, having a speed and range advantage on your beam ships can deliver absolutely lopsided victories vs the AI.
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Re: Ships of the Grand Terran Union
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2020, 08:34:20 PM »
Thanks for the feedback, It does make sense to make beam ships a bit faster.  I've always been in the mindset of using lots of PD and Missiles until I get better tech then start spamming carriers.  But having some dedicated Beam ships to just rush down the enemy, I can see being quite effective.  I just need to relearn everything about BFC's again as my current designs are hot garbage.  I got fire controls that are triple the range of my weapons. 

Offline Gabethebaldandbold

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Re: Ships of the Grand Terran Union
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2020, 03:19:07 PM »
on the other hand, missiles allow you to capitalize on a mass advantage against technologically superior enemies. against certain spoilerboyz beams just take way too long to kill them, and you will be losing ships fast, to things that there is no point in trying to tank.
beams are very efficient
missiles are safe, but lack logistical endurance.
you should know your enemy, and design acordingly.
dont be me.
dont do a beam and PD only challenge.
and if you do get yourself some really, really big guns. sandpapering your enemies is asking to lose ships.
To beam, or not to beam.   That is the question
the answer is you beam. and you better beam hard.