Author Topic: The Alpha Centauri incident  (Read 7427 times)

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Offline Marski (OP)

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The Alpha Centauri incident
« on: June 24, 2012, 07:42:35 PM »
>>1. December. 2038// Contact lost with Kriegsmarine scout frigate in Alpha Centauri, attempts to re-establish contact have been unsuccesfull

>>7. December. 2038// No contact has been made with the scout frigate sent to Alpha Centauri. Alert threshold passed, ship declared "MISSING". Kriegsmarine High Command alerted.

>>8. December. 2038// Partial mobilization commenced, 1st. Frigate Group re-called to Neo Terra (former "Earth") for loading of ordnance
//1st. Frigate Group consists of :
-5 x M-2036 - Class Missile Frigate

>>9. December. 2038// Loading of ordnance completed, 1st. Frigate group mobilizes and proceeds to Alpha Centauri Jump point.
Breslau Protocol in effect

>>10. December. 2038:1632 Hours// 1st. Frigate Group (will be referred as "Battlegroup A" from now on) succesfully arrives in the system, and detects a wreck within the system.

The Wreck was identified as being the missing scout frigate, group leader alerts the high command.
Battlegroup A activates radar systems and weapon systems, and proceeds to move towards the wreck with as much caution as possible.

>>10. December. 2038:2246 Hours// Thermal contact detected

Unknown target moving directly towards the fleet, and somehow was not detected by the long range radar systems. Speed and thermal signatures confirms it to be a ship. Battlegroup A following the Breslau protocol assumes it to be hostile, all ships are given permission to activate all weapon systems. Course changed towards the unknown target on "W" formation at full speed. High command alerted. Kriegsmarine put on full alert.

Readings reveal that the alien ship weights 6 650 tons and moving towards the Battlegroup A at 4812 km/s.
The ship is in the range of the battlegroup's missiles, rest of the fleet holds fire as command ship targets the vessel due to unknown capabilities of the alien ship, and to save ammunition. However, the range of missiles have been reduced to around 60m km due to the target deploying ECCM. Only after several minutes the target is in range to be engaged.

The missile frigate acting as the command ship starts launching salvoes.

Thermal contact detected

Four small contacts moving in fast. Point defence systems engaging.

Missiles destroyed.

Another salvo detected

Missiles destroyed.

Our own missiles should be hitting the alien vessel any minute now.

Target hit

The target appears to be still mobile despite massive damage

Target destroyed

Battlegroup A proceeds to sweep the system, two other fleets arrive in the system in the following days, which then proceed to salvage the wreckages.

Alpha Centauri is declared clear from hostiles after a week.

The captains and crew who took part of the mankind's first engagement against alien threat were rewarded accordingly.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2012, 08:27:42 AM by Marski »

Offline Redshirt

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Re: The Alpha Centauri incident
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2012, 08:36:58 PM »
Nice. I liked the after-action report.
Living up to my username. . .