Author Topic: Turning invaders off?  (Read 3937 times)

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Offline Porjate (OP)

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Turning invaders off?
« on: February 09, 2015, 08:44:00 PM »
So, after a long period of putting off my scavenger campaign attempt, I finally started a couple of days ago to see how it went, with no NPR's but all spoilers on.          After a fair few years of peaceful exploration, sensors detected the very first invader ship jumping into my home system.          After a bit of chasing around, my fleets managed to destroy it, only for two missile ships to enter eight days later and wipe out the majority of my spaceyards before suicide ramming some military ships.       

Three years after the incident, another small ship was detected, chased down and destroyed.         A couple of months after that, two very large ships (54kt) entered the system, rammed several ships and were destroyed, but not before causing numerous overflow errors with their active sensors max range.         The start of the next year saw two more of the same class enter, which were promptly destroyed before they could cause more trouble.       

Halfway through the same year, I got the first report of strength 24 nuclear detonations (x51) hitting civilian shipping.         Recalling my somewhat sizeable navy of 23 ships from task force training, I prepared to enter the system and eliminate the threat.         Four civilian wrecks and thirteen military wrecks later, we had managed a victory without killing the rear admiral, but were left understrength and paranoid.       

It's near the end of 2039, 14 years since the start of the game, and more invader ships have been detected in a neighbouring system by a newly built DST.         While they seem content to sit around the wormhole, some civilian ship decided for no particular reason to travel straight in their direction and I'm worried that one of the ships is a dedicated AMM ship; judging from it's thermal signature, it would be a 36kt AMM ship, which my navy has no hope of fighting against; and that is without the ~15kt escort by its side.       

As much as I like the struggle against such a dangerous enemy, I wouldn't mind a break until I was capable of taking them on outside of overwhelming numbers and letting them suicide ram my own ships.         However, every time I've ticked invaders off, they have continued to spawn and the option turns itself back on.         Is there anyway I can turn them off now, or do I have to continue my struggle for the rest of the campaign?

Edit: As it turns out, the larger enemy ship is focused on beam weapons, which is good news, as my ships shields should mitigate most of the damage, especially considering the beams only do 3 damage - although it appears to have upwards of 29 hits every 5 seconds, making for a total of 87 damage every 5 seconds, which is quite worrying.     

Double Edit: Maybe I should have considered the enemies ECM and wavelength techs before attacking.     I am now down to five combat capable ships.   

Edited: A survey ship entered my home system.    There are at least 6 hostile contacts heading straight for my homeworld, and I only have two anti-missile beam frigates to defend it.    All commercial ships have been sent to picket asteroids in the hope they escape detection, but the situation doesn't look good for the population.  
« Last Edit: February 09, 2015, 09:53:48 PM by Porjate »

Offline DIT_grue

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Re: Turning invaders off?
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2015, 12:09:01 AM »
Remember that you need to Save the changes when making alterations in the Game Information screen.  And of course, even once you do have them turned off, that only prevents new spawns, rather than removing anything that's already there.

Offline Porjate (OP)

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Re: Turning invaders off?
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2015, 12:59:25 AM »
That would explain why it always appeared on.  I'll keep that in mind for the next campaign, this one has been overkilled beyond recovery with bombardment.

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Re: Turning invaders off?
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2015, 01:42:17 AM »
my 2 cents
civilian ships are great magnets for invaders missile ships
especially when you are limited with military options
this was how I did win vs 450kt 1st invasion in 2060 :)

Offline linkxsc

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Re: Turning invaders off?
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2015, 04:29:35 PM »
If your having issues with invader missile boats, it never hurts to build a "fast" CIWS equipped civilian ship to troll around and pull aggro.

Quick question, how is the scavenging side of your adventure going? Pulled anything good off the hostile wrecks?

Offline Porjate (OP)

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Re: Turning invaders off?
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2015, 08:52:18 PM »
The civilian ships were useful for absorbing the larger missiles, but the AMM invaders tore through the armour-less civilians and proceeded to destroy my homeworld with a thousand missiles.

The scavenging side of things was as slow as I expected; it seems the Invaders liked to use size 8 engines, which generally let me scavenge a fair few, but I would need to destroy a lot of ships for the research in engines. Another problem was the lack of reactors on most of their ships, which meant I had no idea how progress was going for magneto-plasma engines, and was stuck at a very low tech level of beam weaponry as the beam-equipped invaders out ranged all of my ships.

Apart from the lack of reactors though, I was making a decent amount of progress in sensors and missile magazines/reload rate. I forget what component it was, but one of the components gave me points in 4 separate tech fields, beam fire control range/speed and active sensor strength/sensitivity (Might have been some CIWS).

I probably should've stuck to my original plan of saving components to use them in new ships, as that would've let me at least match the speed of the invaders (And their ECM), although I would not recommend a beam-focused play through of such a scenario: Missiles would be a far better option for a game with all spoilers on, as the majority of components you salvage are missile/kinetic focused (Although there is also the problem of finding the missiles themselves for better warheads).

I've started a new campaign with the same self-imposed limits, without invaders on to start with. Hopefully I can get something useful off of the precursors or star swarm; there's also an NPR in the system right next to my homeworld, but I'm not sure what tech level they are at. If this campaign doesn't go well, I'll try a third based on missiles instead with invaders on; as difficult as they are, they seem the best way to gain tech from salvage.

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Re: Turning invaders off?
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2015, 09:11:11 PM »
Dont forget to stack a few 100 AMM launchers on earth. Doesnt cost a lot or take long to put a crapload of them together (usually ill do 1 max size detector pdc, can be built in a couple months. Then i constantly expand earths amm capability 10 or so launchers per year at minimum. Doesnt take much construction to turn them out