Author Topic: Anima ~ Imperium - A Two Post Digression  (Read 7606 times)

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Offline Vandermeer (OP)

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Anima ~ Imperium - A Two Post Digression
« on: March 10, 2016, 08:53:27 AM »
I am still in wait for 7.2 so that I can continue on the EU Stars game, since there was something that I wanted to test out there, which I didn't come to yet. ..However, I couldn't wait and instead started another long held game concept in which I wanted to at least see if it was feasible at all.
...Well, stuff happened way before I got there + I have questions to some things that happened which I didn't expect, so some documentation.

So this game is inspired from by a spanish pen&paper game called Anima Beyond Fantasy, which is essentially an Anime version of your classic Tolkien DnD etc. games (in Germany we play "The Dark Eye"). Though technically set in a medieval to early renaissance world, they try to serve every possible Anime hunger right by giving the option to play futuristic if you so desire, since there are advanced spaceborne forces alla Xenogears, enigmatically hiding behind the curtains of their little test-tube social study project world.
In the fluff of their world, technology, Ki powers of the soul, and the primal force that created the laws of the universe: magic, blend together to form a coalition of what they call Technomagic equipment, ships etc., and genetic engineering that borders ascension grade. Their military members consist mostly of literal test-tube babies, created by combining their DNA with the milked essence of various celestial beasts, prime elementals, and even divinities. (a distillation named "Protodeus")
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Earth, or Gaia, is (quite literally) split up into 3 factions here, constituting your fill of classical rpg races: Humans, Elves (here "Sylvain"), and Dark Elves (here "Duk'Zarist")
For the humans, there is Imperium.

They are described as the most powerful of the 3, so I started them as my race with 100m population and 3 labs.

For Dark Elves there is Illuminati.

Their medieval counterpart is the most perfect race walking on earth, gaining all around stat boni, the fastest healing, and at least some sort of supernatural ability each. However, being so perfect and long-lived maybe robbed them of some important ambition that drives the short lived (and 'challenged') races, so their space counterpart is somewhat weaker. Started at 80m and 2 labs.

The Elves are actually just the strongest representers in this last faction, the Technocrazy:

This is a coalition of basically all other fantasy races you could think of. In classical fashion, the in medieval times nature endorsing elves become somewhat the opposite after industrial evolution, and now form a vulcanian-type logic based, technology snuggling, well behaved society.
Started at 60m and 2 labs.

...Then there is a fourth faction, which in Anima original setting is left in some mystery. There are two powerful forces and their divine entourage of further 7+7. These are C'iel and Gaira, and are supposedly responsible for the armistice and division of the planet. There is no clarification what these two are, some overgods, ancient alien AI space weapons maybe, or just principles of nature even. Thing is they found earth and were fascinated with the life sprouting there, which is apparently quite unique in this universe, so they stayed around trying to preserve it (..and enlarge it; hence the genesis of supernatural races, beasts, magical creatures, etc.).
Of course, the 3 advanced factions of Gaia eventually grew up to see this oversight as tyranny against their complete freedom, and giving their immense ego that they acquired by becoming better than even the earthly gods (through science!), this is now their last enemy that they plan to overthrow, whatever it really is.

So, given these really low (and no extra science points) starting conditions, it took naturally really long to get somewhere. Even just getting a couple of mining colonies on the asteroids was a task taking me decades at the immense resource shortage. (btw.: Earth didn't have home planet resources, but a random generation whose results I didn't look up. Then everyone got a starting package of all resources of a couple thousand each, and had to make the best of it.) I have become to love minimalistic starts like this. Feels more like you really accomplished your later successes.
Anyway, so at first I wasn't sure how to really deal with the other two factions. I "quickly" created an absolutely destructive PDC of 168 meson shots per interval that was supposed to ward against possible conflict, which you can only win by turtling in this setup (..200% difficulty too). However, diplomacy went so well that they soon started throwing all their technology at me (while gaining nothing in return! o,,o), so I started to like and accept this alliance, given how insanely slow tech progress already was. The jump point mapping in Sol had actually been done by my friends here, because I had no resource to spare to invent the 5k points jump point theory + sensors (which would have been a around 6 years detour at least in the early decades).
The game eventually got slower as it moved on, because these two started owning yet again large amounts of low teched shabraques. I then got occupied catching up on jump theory nonetheless, because my only geo scout got lost in the only other system I saw when using my friends' jump ships to get there. Cannot confirm, but is it possible that jump engines now don't work for both sides anymore? There were still some gate jumpers on the point when I wanted to get back, but it was not possible anymore, and the geo ship got stuck. (this had worked fine in the EU game before, where I also didn't have jump or gating technology for long, and instead relied on the japanese fleet to guide me through)

I had my only freighter (5 bays) refitted with ion magitech drives and gate builder at year 60, and just after finishing the first gate and starting to work on the other side, so that the geo surveyor could get back, Ciel and Gaira finally started interfering:
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As you can see, the first salvo fired there was immense and took the first trespasser out before I could even get a good look at him. This is because the AI, -maybe coincidentally-, used supreme tactics against these intruders.(for fun, lets call them "invaders") The fleet sitting on that jump point there consists mostly of ships that also had just returned maybe 15 days before. I didn't see the other side, but some strange time intervals already suggested there was conflict somewhere in the last year. For all it looks like, these ships here returned to homeland and waited in ambush to get to the otherwise overwhelming pursuers.
My feeling is that this is just an emergent phenomenon coming from unrelated code's overlap, instead of an actually written out tactic guide, but it definitely looked convincing, so I just like to think they were smart now. :)

These ships now were still blind and could not fight back, so despite their supposedly overshadowing technology and relatively massive size, they pitifully fell against 100mm capacitor 1 lasers in just another 30 seconds.
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There was some resting time, and I eagerly looked forward to salvaging those precious wrecks, but I was also wary that this was surely not the only encounter, and next time my friends might not be so wise, so I instantly pushed a second PDC to top priority, which still had ETA 2 years at full industry though.
And indeed, just 5 days later there was a second wave.
playing Aurora as swarm fleet: Zen Nomadic Hive Fantasy

Offline Vandermeer (OP)

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Re: Anima ~ Imperium - A Two Post Digression
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2016, 09:12:10 AM »
Despite the seemingly intelligent tactics from before, the allied forces on the jump point were left by their smarts and decided to move back a bit in those 5 days. A very poor decision, as it prevented them from getting another preventive and decisive strike on what was to come.
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Another 4 ships entered, identifying themselves as 2 FAC-Killers, 1 Colossus, and 1 Deadly Reaper. They were also large, but not quite as much as those ships from the first wave. Technically they posed about an equally big threat.

As it quickly became evident, these, or some these ships were mainly armed with missile weaponry, and of such grade and range, that there was no hope of efficiently intercepting their trajectory. Thus, the huge beam armed fleet who managed to shoot through superior armor of large ships in just one turn, could still not hope to repell even a single salvo.
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The enemy used two types of ammunition so far, - a standard sized missile of strength 20, and a large torpedo of incredible range and a yield of even 35 sylvester units. The later he already intelligently deployed against only further out flying targets, while the narrow ones were decimated by the standard ordnance.
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Even the small jump gate service force at another point in over 1 trillion meters distance was not spared from the touch of the torpedoes.
The four ships then continued further inwards in slightly loose formation, bombarding mining bases and some more disorganized sub-fleets on the way
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Yet even their big ships must feel exhaustion when dealing with so many targets, so like bees swarming on the bear, the overwhelming mass eventually managed to close in and succeed a couple hits back.
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{Side-Note and somewhat of a question: It appears to me the AI is more rational with its ammunition economy now though. Before they would often blast out salvo after salvo until either the enemy was destroyed or their magazine depleted. Giving the long flight times, usually the later happened first, so even when facing an opponent that went down on first strike, they would essentially exhaust all their supplies just for that. It may still be so though, because the missiles here fly to their target fast and maybe have some minimum sensor too.
One definitely positive thing happening here is that I could also never make out who was firing missiles and how often by just watching the timer. In 7.x it seems now that the launches are finally hidden inside other intervals (as long as they aren't yours of course). Much needed and good change. No more jedi disturbance in the morse sensing.}

The separation of the 4 enemy ships worked in our favor, as it allowed to swarm them individually and so reduce losses from their deadly 2.7% lightspeed ramming maneuvers.
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In this way, the Colossus and the 2 FAC-Killers were successfully dispatched, and retroactively identified as the torpedo and 2 missile ships. Then the Deadly Reaper closed in, and it should not be such an easy target, as it unveiled sheer apocalyptic laser broadsides.
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Not only that, but its anti-missile defenses were strong enough to absorb around 75% of all ordnance thrown at him, resulting in mere scratching ~200 hull damage before the complete annihilation of the remaining Illuminati standing fleet.
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Now all that was left was the hope of the close range defense FAC formations. Illuminati and Technocrazy smartly bundled together their forces and set up a flanking attack to pummel the Reaper from two sides at once.
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This fight already took place in earths solar orbit. The missiles of the FACs were much weaker than those of the ships however, so even in their combined effort and higher hit rate, the whole maneuver did not amount to much more than another 150 michael bay standard transformer points of damage.(and without gaining any results in weakening the intruder)
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With all military fleet eliminated mostly to the hands of the Reaper, there was now only the final defense perimeter of the installations of Earth. Luckily, Imperium had been putting special emphasis on this one, and had many years ago managed to hide a powerful ground to space precision shooting platform behind Earths atmosphere, which no other faction had accomplished. For all intends and purposes, this essentially made Earth invulnerable in this situation, as the enemy ship, -being only armed with energy weaponry-, could not hope to reach these installations without the aid of real bombing capacity.
Hence, Imperium had been very relaxed from the point on where it was clear that the enemy had lost its ammunition stamina. All that was needed now was to wait for the Reaper to fly inside the 30 million meter kill-zone they established around the planet.
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However, the enemy was not as stupid as hoped for, and actually stopped just a bit outside the range of this weapon and started shooting at the orbital defenses and yet not evacuated civil fleets of Imperium's allies.
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Seeing that the confidence of Imperium was not completely thought through, the allies started to firing their own defenses, though to little effect, as the enemies vast computer technology fooled our missiles into pursuing ghost targets instead.
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Owned to the sheer mass of the assault, some missiles still made it to their destination, but only again to scratch on the Reaper's mantle without any noteworthy effect.

Terrified and finally acknowledging that Earth was not a safe haven either, the remaining civil ships finally started to flee as well.
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...But the Reaper comes to everybody, so just after finishing the orbital earth defenses and the lunar base, even the civil fleets were pursued and both destroyed.
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{A note of great importance for what is to come: The Deadly Reaper indeed destroyed all the allied ships in orbit. He waited there until that was done, and only then, when absolutely nothing was flying there anymore, moved out to the civil fleet just as if being out of targets.}

Finishing this endeavor, the invading ship returned supposedly to take aim on the shipyards or just besiege Earth with its presence. The research staff of Imperium had already anticipated this potential outcome and began looking for longer ranging ground weaponry, though that could easily take a decade.
However, the Deadly Reaper flew reckless this time, and crossed the kill-zone on its way back, giving the Chimney base a short window of firing opportunity that was not missed.
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A lot of hope was put into that lighting a ship up with 150 direct internal damage would finally be enough to even down this monster, but instead it appeared as only half crippled. Everybody was now hoping for just another shot opportunity, but then the unspeakable happened:
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...The Reaper's laser based weaponry somehow shot directly through the atmosphere and exploded the last defense the life on Earth had. Experts mumbled something about the mastery of quantum tunneling in advanced fusion ages, but no one was interested listening anymore. Who could have predicted that this perfect turtling weapon could be bested against what all tests had shown to be impossible.
The attacker needed no bombardement to win, and leaving only the defensive ground base left after destroying everything else had just been a form of mockery. He sensed the confidence, and decided to make the loss complete by first finishing all other objectives before finally crushing our last and biggest hope. Why else would he have left this base as the only target to survive?

Losing this way was soon not as gruesome anymore, as it was quickly seen that the alliance could only have been defeated. Just after the enemy managed to deal the killing blow to ground installation and shipyards, a third wave of ships passed through, and took formation with the Reaper for a final assault. ..Those were planetary bombardment ships.
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The density of their ordnance was so high and elusive, that it would have taken approximately 9 defensive installations in order to counter them completely; - something that had been impossible at the Earth's budget in any case.

They first took out most mining bases, and the Venus colonies, then proceeded to earth. It was the end times.
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The final state after the bombardment stopped - "evernight":
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So, this was the first game I legitimately lost since my actual first game, and definitely the first one to be lost despite me knowing what to do. Also the first game for me to really see invaders in action.(the only other time I didn't even see them shoot because my TL12 Ha'tak was just too good at finishing them from a distance)
These here were only TL7, which is a bit underwhelming. The Astral Republic guys would have wiped the floor with those, but at such a low tiered start, it is of course a doomsday scenario.
Interesting that it might have just been that first maneuvering mistake in the beginning, -leaving the jump point position-, that made all this disaster possible. Appears technology is still not the greatest winning factor, but an effective jump point defense/ or siege strategy can win out even much more.

However, I was legitimately shocked that the laser strikes through atmosphere are possible for spoilers now (or is it all NPR, or maybe just Invaders?). In all my games, a good powerful beam ground base had been the center of my defense, because they are just so powerful in their PD density, and made beam ship advance foolish.(at least so I thought)
In the EU stars game I tried to count on that one too, but maybe good that I pulled back that investment.

Anyway, seeing those escorts come in relieved the bitterness about the unfair tunnel-lasers, as it was impossible of winning against those without the allied fleet anyway.
playing Aurora as swarm fleet: Zen Nomadic Hive Fantasy

Offline Vandermeer (OP)

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Re: Anima ~ Imperium - A (now) Several Post Digression
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2016, 07:04:25 PM »
Guided by the thunderclaps
As mentioned before, the only two ships that Imperium owned in this game were currently one jump away just behind the point that leads to Proxima Centauri.
The "Da Vinci" was a ~4kt survey ship equipped with geo sensors and about 580 terrameter range, but it got stuck after its first jump to that system, as the allied gating force that let it there either partially retreated or had technical trouble. So, many years of unplanned scientific divergence and development later, the only other ship of Imperium, - a 2 cargo hold freighter which had carried out all mining development by itself in Sol -, was disassembled and rebuilt with jump gate construction capacity. It increased significantly in size and became practically a civil multi-role ship of 2/3 mission tonnage as 5 cargo holds, and the rest for gate building and possible salvage.
Despite this relatively inefficient placement of design focus, that essentially forced to carry around unnecessary tonnage no matter the mission type, it was of little concern thanks to the revolutionary new engine type, which none of the advanced races of Gaia(/Earth) had seen before. It was the first ship of its kind to test the Magilev concept prototypes, a propulsion principle that stopped channeling simple and vulgar combustion magic, and instead relied on invoking lightning magic around the ship to induce artificial levitation on its magnetic hull.
This procedure was suddenly so slick and economic, that despite its even 12.5% higher thrust output, it managed to achieve more than double the range on the same amount of sorium-crystalline reserve. -> Enough to make the multi-role feasible.

Code: [Select]
Sheherazade Io class Freighter    331,250 tons     1210 Crew     5267.4 BP      TCS 6625  TH 9540  EM 0
1440 km/s     Armour 1-426     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 21     PPV 0
MSP 209    Max Repair 200 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months    Spare Berths 6   
Cargo 125000    Cargo Handling Multiplier 200   
Jump Gate Construction Ship: 180 days
Salvager: 1 module(s) capable of salvaging 500 tons per day

180 EP Magipuls Lev Engine (53)    Power 180    Fuel Use 1.73%    Signature 180    Exp 3%
Fuel Capacity 7,230,000 dm³    Range 227.1 Tm   (1825 days at full power)

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes

Now that Gaia had been lost, there was no reason and quite some risk in trying to return. Though the gate had now been finished, it seemed wiser to turn around and search for other opportunities in hopes that humanity might fight another day. The ingredients were nearly there: A large freighter, fully fitted with a spaceborne factory and debris collection devise, which could both easily be re-purposed to generate some of the necessities of a colony. Then nimble scouting ship, able to spot the directions that the mothership should navigate, and capable of surveying eventually promising locations.
All that was left was for the current Patriarch of the fleet, Rear Admiral Abigail Todd, to assume the role as the expedition's space master, and refit the Da Vinci with an additional set of gravitational sensors (..and upgrade to the new engine type while being at it...).

Code: [Select]
Optarch class Science Vessel    4,400 tons     95 Crew     462 BP      TCS 88  TH 180  EM 0
2045 km/s     Armour 1-23     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/1/1     Damage Control Rating 11     PPV 0
Maint Life 16.01 Years     MSP 722    AFR 14%    IFR 0.2%    1YR 5    5YR 79    Max Repair 100 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months    Spare Berths 2   

180 EP Magipuls Lev Engine (1)    Power 180    Fuel Use 1.73%    Signature 180    Exp 3%
Fuel Capacity 510,000 dm³    Range 1205.7 Tm   (6824 days at full power)

Gravitational Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points Per Hour
Geological Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points Per Hour

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

The journey was perilous. Between cautious system entries on silent running "modus: grey", the constant editorial intermissions when the makeshift gravitational sensor would break again and again, and ominously orbiting wreck findings from maybe not all too ancient battlefields, there was also the constant pressure to move forward, further from Sol first, before trying alternate routes. Nobody knew if the forces of Ciel and Gaira might not be pursuing just on jump behind. If they found the expedition, it would be finally over.

More lucky than expected however, no opposition had caught up or waited down the road, when finally an object akin to the Patriarchs vision revealed itself:
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...A binary star, whose lesser twin would orbit far enough outside the gravitational jump surge, so that mere scouting crafts were unlikely to stumble upon a base set on one of its satellites; yet also not so far out as to that traveling there meant isolation from the rest of the galaxy. Although the unfortunate eccentric position of the entry point meant that there was a time window of 150 years before the secondary star would pass dangerously close and make possible immediate detection, being the only jump point also meant it was unlikely to get visitors, and defensive resources could easily be focused, or even arranged in the 3 layers: asteroid belt, entry point guard, stationary asteroid belt of the adjacent system (early spotting).

Another determining factor was of course to even have a viable base of operation around the twin, and though the planet that was found orbiting closest was certainly no pearl, it was certainly a harbor, with gravity, diameter, tilt axis, magnetic field and tectonics much like mother Gaia. Even an initial, though not opulent lode of valuable supernatural ore had been found winding through its depths. The only real downside was however powerful - a complete lack of atmosphere.
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[--Original system name was "Herrschel {some number}" btw., but the rename is a nice contortion of that. "Herrscher" means "ruler" in german. Fits the race theme.--]

As there was not enough resource nor knowledge to possibly set up a functioning base on a planet being scorched to over 900°Kelemvor, Admiral Todd, after the nearly 25 years of nomad life now aged 101, knew he had to make the final sacrifice for his people.
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His idea was to utilize what Imperium ever understood about the reality splitting Barrier magitech that had been responsible for splitting up Gaia into the 3 territories that each power had inhabited. Ciel and Gaira changed their plans when the 3 grasped for space, leaving their split up habitat, so the original Barrier became obsolete. There was a certain revenge and irony in Imperium now trying to use that very same technology to escape the wrath of their jailers.
There was also a catch: Only the raw energies of a exceptionally powerful soul's death ensuring Limit KI could jumpstart the system. Todd, in this small entourage, was currently the only one to possess powers of that magnitude, and so he called on all his lifespan's acquired soul complexity and extinguished himself to ashes, vitalizing the machinery, and leaving a sizzling green energy field around the planet as his legacy. {+0.8atm anti-greenhouse-something}

Now Imperium had a chance, and quickly established a new seed in form of a military base. The abilities of even the modified Navis Prime were limited however, -especially just after the loss of the current (exploration) space master-, and so there were only facilities for the barest of necessities, and living room for no more than future 500,000.
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Much relieve was felt also through the ranks of the few officers who had also managed to outlive the ordeal, and so, just a year after the foundation of the Abel base, most of the venerated commanders retired, finally able to pass the torch to the first fresh new recruits in a generation.
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Starting from this save haven, not everything was yet secured. Abel, and the Herrscher system as a whole lacked many of the essential resources to even hope to re-establish Imperium's former glory. Meanwhile, a treasure trove of all the ancient metallurgy, and the further riches acquired by the spared and still functioning mining complexes, were waiting in Sol, just to be picked. It would be a daring risk to return at this state, and as to so potentially alert the ancient forces of their failed genocide, yet one convincing argument existed: A tiny amount of Illuminati and Technocrazy forces had also survived, as first evident by their surprise aid survey activity in the system adjacent to Herrscher:
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As there were no ships alive in Sol when the Navis Prime set out to its voyage, this must either have meant that these were newly produced ships from eventual nearby (or even Sol) colonies, or they must have survived just like the Imperium ships by hiding in adjacent systems, which meant they likely flew through Sol without being harmed, indicating the danger might have passed - for now.
Communications quickly revealed that indeed the storm had passed, and though Gaia was lost, both factions had somehow managed to keep around 10000 people alive there over all these years, while Illuminati even managed to set up a prosperous Mars colony numbering nearly a million inhabitants, which they all directed towards finally figuring out the already dated pulse combustion technomagic.
None had however regained the ability to manufacture new starships, and maybe for the better. Ciel and Gaira had parted and left through the two southern jump points of Sol, luckily overlooking the one that pointed towards Imperium's retreat. They might be far of into the depths by now, yet the risk was still too great to really consider any real repopulation if it needn't be.

Thus, Navis Prime had amassed enough confidence to fly back and try to rescue in resources what could be rescued. Abel lay about 20-30 terrameter distant from Gaia.
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Six flights were needed, each one costing about 1.5 million dm³ of crystallized sorium, which could be financed by Gaia's remaining fuel reserves of also nearly 20 million dm³. Though this quickly draining reserve posed a strict limit on what could be done with even the efficient Magilev engine, it was easily worth it, as Abel now owned a vault whose riches it couldn't spend in a century.
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As there was yet still room for about another 6 flights into Sol, a greedy idea started to circle in Imperium's rows. The ancient wreckage, including the 5 advanced vessels of Ciel and Gaira's fleet, had not yet been cleared. Everything looked as if it just happened, - perfectly conserved by space, and still untouched by rotational momentum even.(because {residual} magic)
It had been shown that the Illuminati and Technocrazy vessels themselves weren't really worth the results, nor the encounter risk that elongated salvaging operations would pose. However, the advanced intruder ships were propelled by means yet inconceivable to the minds of Imperium, making them highly desired prices in this age that saw no resource to spare for own development ventures.

15 advanced drives and some missile defense barriers could be found inside the 3 ships that formed the unlucky vanguard, ~ now identified as mere gate construction vessels similar to, but more compact than Navis Prime.
Another voyage should soon also shed light on their most wondrous military technomagic.

Well, now this is a scenario of an even more basic "start" + backstory with some real ruins for once. ;)
I can only hope that the new 7.x way of letting freshly generated races have higher technology with rising game time isn't too severe. This is year 100 now, and I can already tell that even the next 100 years won't get me anywhere sunlit either, so if every newly generated NPR should then come out with invader-grade inertial fusion drives and billions of population, I will start adding saltiness to the composition of my cannons' gunpowder.
playing Aurora as swarm fleet: Zen Nomadic Hive Fantasy

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Re: Anima ~ Imperium - A Two Post Digression
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2016, 01:14:48 AM »
Admiral Abigail Todd isn't (or rather wasn't) a "he". :P

Offline Vandermeer (OP)

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Re: Anima ~ Imperium - A Two Post Digression
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2016, 07:01:32 AM »
Though not usually, I sometimes give this a little ambiguous dynamic, like in this past game:
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..Coming from this post in this thread (at the end):

It's not like I try to do it forcefully to get some nonsense social justice fighting in.("it's the year 2025 sheeple, wake up. She wants to be a man, this guy sexually identifies as a clockpunk bombardment gyrocopter, - everyone gets to be what he wants today")
It's just that some names imply a certain gender to me, and then I have to ignore what Aurora gave. "Alfie" before was for example a name I only once saw, and that was for a female fighter in an rpg maker game. She was extremely overpowered with her long sword and extra "genius" growth boni, so in memory of Final Fantasy VII, I even renamed her Alphiroth later.
So no chance to leave that as a man in Aurora when I saw it, and in leadership.

Similar, but not as severe with the last name Todd, which especially for an Admiral just implies the visual of a classical, non-scifi Admiral. And those only come in male.

I think there was one more case about which I have forgotten, but that was it for all my Aurora history I think. I guess I only bother anyway once they are in command of something that a story remembers.(leader Admiral, staff officers in time of war, or captains of larger frontline ships when a conflict is met)

That Kyoko avatar did not go unnoticed btw. . :) The only slice-of-life anime I really found entertaining so far.(all others I tried, I gave up on a couple episodes in) I still play these awkward staccato themes on piano sometimes.
playing Aurora as swarm fleet: Zen Nomadic Hive Fantasy

Offline Vandermeer (OP)

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Re: Anima ~ Imperium - A Two Post Digression
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2016, 01:33:05 PM »
Some less eventful but nonetheless time consuming update:

Around 30 years after founding Abel, growth programs have been very successful, so the initial seeding of the 120.000 survivors grew to amazing 6.5 million in just about 30 years.
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..Now, if Imperium didn't utilize testtube cloning techniques to enhance their population, this would have meant completely sapping every women there to the physical maximum of their fertility. Detailed calculation:

- The initial seed gave Abel 60k women on average, which could, -assuming already exhausting 1 child per year-, themselves bear 28 children over this short period.
- This would have only multiplied the total population by factor 15 though, so seeing how the actual factor is 53.75 (=107.5 children on every initial women), the offspring had to mature quickly.

- Assuming they start to contribute to the growth plan with age 15 already, that slowly increases the number of available women by half of their matured offspring after year 114.
In year 115, an initial women will so actually result in further 1.5 children, and 2 in year 116, then 2.5 in year 117, etc. . Every year they get 0.5 "Population Production/Year" in addition to the capacity of those initial women.

- This can be detailed as the sum of natural numbers for 14 years, so (14²+14)/2 = Number of matured offspring at year 128, but only half of those are women who further contribute, bringing the total to 52.5. Together with the 28 children that an initial women is able to produce themself in that short time, it totals out as 80.5 offspring for every initial women as of year 128.

- ...That is still below the needed 107.5, meaning that either some offspring reproduced before the age of 15, or the period of convalescence for a women would have to be completely eliminated (with help of medicine perhaps), bearing a child every 9 months in assembly line, for a maximum of 107.33333 (close enough).

- This is even though there had been periods in Abel's development where there was not sufficient infrastructure to house the rabbits the growing populus, so they stagnated for a while even.

- ....Interestingly, the average women in this statistic still only has 2 children.

Nownow, luckily Imperium is beyond such barbarism, and aside from a few natural children, most were grown as powerful and highly intelligent Jürgand design babies, and call the laboratory home.

In year 137 and at the flexible age of 110, the renown and last serving officer of the fleeing migration, and commander in chief Admiral Uwe Schädler finally passed away. Where the self sacrificing Admiral Todd had been the previous chief, Uwe Schädler had been the second in command, serving as Commodore and commander of Navis Prime during the voyage. In time he grew even more powerful than his previously record breaking predecessor and mentor. In fact he became so strong, that perhaps he will never be surpassed.
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Schädler was also the last serving officer back from that period of the great migration, meaning that the fate of Imperium was from then on completely in the hands of a new generation, of which most had never known any other life than that of their new home.

The next in line was one very hopeful disciple of humble personality, yet so far unsurpassed talent. He joined the officers of Jürgand Navy with a potential that would have already guaranteed him position as Commodore before even training any skills. In fact, to later separate these two brightest stars, the Navy had to push a proposition to invent a new rank, just to be able to distinguish between the still more powerful Schädler and his pupil, while also not denying him the deserved rank as admiralty.

Unfortunately his life ended all too soon just a few years after taking over the position as chief, and as the three other commodores with sufficient power had retired shortly before, there was now a lack of talent in the leadership.
A choice had to be made nonetheless, and the position fell to the wonderous talent of Callum Potter, who had actually been amply rewarded for his scientific achievements (Survey 67%!) with the position of Commodore despite his just about Commander level lying martial prowess. ..But since he had only had about 2 years to retirement, this was also an opportunity to preserve his likely unique 'one in a trillion' expertise.

And so he has been serving as head from that point on, often ridiculed as "the fool admiral", seeing how a handful of high ranking officers under him clearly surpassed him in power. On the other hand, his less muscle orientated vision of the navy soon directed Imperium's development into a fruitful and less isolationist direction. Under his command, a new program was raised that aimed to ignite an exploration drive amongst the people of Abel, with the goal to complete the cartography of all these systems between Herrscher and Sol that were passed but not thoroughly examined in their escape. A couple of dedicated factories were built which could manufacture tiny probes that could be sent out to systems without risking many resources. Though the danger of detection by ancient Ciel and Gaira was always there, Abel felt now secure enough to risk this, as enough resources had accumulated to face potential long periods of hiding.

The findings updated what Imperium knew and revolutionized their plans for the sector, where Abel might be capital, industry center, vault, and last resort save haven fortress; but also not the singular settlement it was supposed to be.

As evident, the Herrscher system was just part of an entire pocket of star systems, which had all been isolated from the network that the rest of the galaxy formed. This further established the role of Abel as remote unknown fortress haven, but it also increased security for the remainder of the pocket. The key to defending this little realm was to fortify only Lucrecio, and luckily that seemed amazingly viable:
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Lucrecio was easily defensible through its asteroid belt that engulfed the critical entry point from Epsilon Indi, and the system itself was by far the largest goldmine in the sector. With Du Lucart being in many regards pretty much a second Earth, and also being the richer one of two planets to have access to all resources in basically inexhaustible quantities, it would have been an easy decision first priority colonization goal in the past, if not for Navis Prime's urge to find a safe and less exposed position first.
Further and more easily mineable sites could be found throughout the system, and its direct neighbor Galgados no less, which contained the second world with all resources and huge supply, Hekate. This world excelled especially in the most precious resources Duranium and Gallicite, and Galgados itself brought with it a whole garden of easily mineable comets with until now unseen large deposits for bodies of their size.
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Seeing how easy this positioning made it to supply Du Lucart for the buildup into its role as front line and core world, it would for sure be a plan to be kept in mind for future generations.

For now, Abel still had to stabilize and regain its abilities in matters of ship construction and self-sufficiency. Maybe once there was time for science again, and Imperium had a couple new freighters. Once some early warning bases had been placed, and once a fighting solution against at least singular intruders had been found.
Music of the future.

In the end of year 149, as if to herald in a new age, two decisive things happened. The last bit of dust had settled on distant Earth, enabling Technocrazy despite the still severe radiation to slowly grow once again after almost 90 years in bunkers.
Also in that year the atmosphere of Abel finally became breathable, and such removed most restrictions and all the need to build further specialized habitation and processing complexes.

As of the start of year 150, Abel's industry had grown from the mere 2 construction factories of its seeding to proud 100, and in addition to that 10 fuel refineries which made occasional movement of Navis Prime possible again. Also 5 "probe factories" had been erected, but should soon be replaced by actual yards for slightly more enduring manned probes of 1kt size.
On top of that, and most importantly 1 research institute had taken up procedures, so that theoretic ship design was possible once again.
playing Aurora as swarm fleet: Zen Nomadic Hive Fantasy
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Re: Anima ~ Imperium - A Two Post Digression
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2016, 04:03:53 AM »
Whoa, now that's an interesting game!