Author Topic: Celtic Campaign Year 3135  (Read 2719 times)

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Offline welchbloke (OP)

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Celtic Campaign Year 3135
« on: November 05, 2010, 07:56:35 AM »

5th Semivisonna 3135 – 1st (Grav) Survey Sqn non-survey detect a hostile Garn Singh thermal contact in the new system they have just entered, the newly christened Vidyut class has a thermal signature of 2099.  The Theta Persei system also appears to have another alien race occupying the system; there is a strength 27210 thermal signature on the third planet of the A-component.  There is also a possible colony site on the fourth planet of the B component.  The ships under the command of Deputy Space Marshal Amynedd Grunna activate their shields and sensors.  10 secs later the alien ship is scanned and is determined to have a size of 69700 tonnes.  The Task Group intel officers estimates the ship is either a freighter or a JP construction ship.  The 3 Tan frigates open fire.  They open fire at 13:21 after shaking off the effects of transit.  Tan 24 opens fire and destroys the ship with a single volley of 8 15cm Ultraviolet lasers.  The ships of the TG recover 401 survivors.  The ships then move towards the thermal contact on the third planet.  While heading towards the planet the TG attempts to communicate.

8th Semivisonna 3135 – Another Vidyut class ship is detected by 1st (Grav) Survey Sqn.  The FFs are detached to finish it off.

9th Semivisonna 3135 – At 23:11 the alien ship turns away from the FFs and attempts to run.  Unfortunately for them they only had a speed of 1506 km/s compared to 10 000km/s.  At 23:31 the FFs get within range and open fire.  2 volleys destroyed the ship and the FFs move in to pick up the 197 survivors.

11th Semivisonna 3135 – The gravitational survey of the 107 Piscium system is completed, the system has a grand total of 4 JPs.  Amynedd Grunna is promoted to Space Marshal today.  At the same time she is awarded the Diplomacy medal for making first contact.  Grunna now has 10 medals.

13th Semivisonna 3135 – 1st (Grav) Survey Sqn enters orbit around the alien planet and scans the planet.  It appears that the aliens are an insectoid race that has not yet discovered TN technology.  They are quite obviously not the aliens that attacked the freighters in the Arkhangelsk system.

14th Semivisonna 3135 – 2 JPs are discovered in the 87 Gliese system.  BC Sqn #1 investigates.

15th Semivisonna 3135 – BC Sqn #1 discovers the Gliese 33 system; the system contains 2 planets one of which is an ideally habitable world.  BC Sqn #1 moves in to take a look.  Another JP is discovered in the Gliese 87 system.

16th Semivisonna 3135 – Another JP is discovered in the Gliese 87 system.  The system is becoming a veritable JP nexus.

21st Semivisonna 3135 – Cruiser Sqn #1 is sent to reinforce 3rd Fleet.  BC Sqn #1 reach the terrestrial planet in the Gliese 33 system and discovers that it is uninhabited.  Geo-surveying this system is made a priority after the system has been made secure.

23rd Semivisonna 3135 – Another JP is discovered in the Gliese 87 system.

28th Semivisonna 3135 – 1st (Grav) Survey Sqn discovers the 40 Eridani system.  The system is a trinary system with 2 HI 1.7 planets orbiting the C component.  Unfortunately, the C component is so far away that it is not a viable colony site. At 10:37, after 1st (Grav) Survey Sqn had jumped back into the 107 Piscum System, three thermal targets are detected jumping into the system after them.  The targets are determined to be Precursors that are 98M kms behind the ships of the survey sqn.  The Precursors are 2 new classes the KULGAN and ERLAND.  There are 2 ERLANDS accompanying a single KULGAN.  BB Div #3 and Destroyer Sqn #5 head towards the new arrivals.

At 11:27 BC Sqn #1 discovers the Gliese 849 System.  The system contains a HI 0 planet; worryingly, the planet has 2 15200 tonnes wrecks orbiting it.  BC Sqn #1 activates shields and sensors and decides to take a closer look.

29th Semivisonna 3135 – At 18:07, a Jump Gate is detected by BC Sqn #1 as it heads towards the second planet in the Gliese 849 system.

2nd Eqvos 3135 – At 0607, Pentrebach a Penyrheol Improved class fleet scout launches a DRA-2 towards the thermal targets.  At 12:44, the drone passes the thermal targets outside of sensor range.  It appears that the aliens had manoeuvred.  At 19:41, the Precursors enter active sensor range of Pentrebach, both classes have an estimated tonnage of 22800.  At 1800, Carrier Group #3 launches its fighters (57 Dreigiau F2 and 5 Gliesion R2 under the command of Space Commodore Drysi Howell), they will reach firing range in 1hr and 50 mins.  At 2130, 342 Bolt Mk2 missiles are launched with their targeting spread between all 3 targets.


40 Secs later the missiles hit their targets and it appears they are all damaged to some degree.  The KULGAN appears to have lost its active sensor and has been reduced to a thermal signature of 1500.  The ERLANDS have been reduced to thermal signatures of 2000 and 2100.   Rather than sticking together the Precursors close at their best speed.  At 22:21, the Precursors are within shipboard missile range and 20 Arrow Mk3s are fired by the Cymru Batch 2 BBs, Eidal and Franc at the second ERLAND that appears to have lost its ECM installation.  At 22:34 the missiles arrive and destroy the ERLAND.  At 22:37, the fire control on the BBs burns through the Precursors’ ECM and open fire on the remaining ERLAND.  At 22:47 the last ERLAND is destroyed.  The BBs FC shifts to the KULGAN and open fire.  At 22:58 the KULGAN disintegrates under the salvo of missiles.  Chief Space Marshal Kenderick is awarded the Distinguished Service Order.

Offline welchbloke (OP)

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Celtic Campaign Year 3135 PART 2
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2010, 08:43:36 AM »

8th Eqvos 3135 – Van Maanens Star system discovered by BC Sqn #1;the Van Maanens Star system contains 3 jovian planets orbiting a white dwarf star.

10th Eqvos 3135 – Delta Trianguli system discovered by Cruiser Sqn #1.  The system is a G-K binary system with a single planet orbiting the system primary.  The planet is a terrestrial planet with a trace atmosphere and a surface temperature of 165 degrees.  BC Sqn #1 enters the EP Eridani System.  The system contains no planets but does contain the wrecks of 3 ArkCon ships.  1st (Grav) Survey Sqn is called forward to survey the system.

16th Eqvos 3135 – A JP is discovered in the EP Eridani system.  The JP has a JG so Cruiser Sqn #1 goes to investigate at 1358.

17th Eqvos 3135 – A further 2 JPs are discovered in the EP Eridani system.  Both of these JPs also have JGs.  The aliens in the Theta Persei system identified themselves as the Dyrys Monarchy.  A terraforming installation is recovered on the Deliverance.  At 14:28, Cruiser Sqn #1 enters the Delta Eridani system.  The system contains a terrestrial planet with an atmosphere that (according to the spectral signature) contains chlorine.  This system is not the home system for the aliens.

20th Eqvos 3135 – Cruiser Sqn #1 discovers the GJ1065 system.  The system contains a Terrestrial planet with a HI of 1.70 and an atmospheric pressure of 0.07.  With such a thin atmosphere it is unlikely to be the aliens’ home system.

21st Eqvos 3135 – At 17:58, Cruiser Sqn #1 (CO Space Marshal Haurwar Ffolkes on CG Lee Byrne) enters the final unexplored WP in the EP Eridani system.  They reappear in the Gliese 84 system and it is immediately apparent that they are in the home system of the aliens.  There are 10s of wrecks in the system and a strength 112429 Thermal Signature on the closest planet to the M3 class system primary.  Cruiser Sqn #1 jump back out and a message is sent to all the combat elements of 3rd Fleet calling them forward to the EP Eridani system.  It is decided that one of the moons of the 4th planet of the Gliese 87 system will be used as a forward base for the assault on the alien’s home system.  2nd Assault Inf Div is the first formation to be shipped out.

28th Eqvos 3135 – At 1400, the rest of 3rd Fleet arrives in the EP Eridani system.  The Fleet heads across the system to the Gliese 84 JP.

2nd Elembiv 3135 – At 01:14 the last of 3rd Fleet arrives at the Gliese 84 JP.  With BB Div #3 leading the way the ships enter the Gliese 84 system.


At 01:16, after shaking off the effects of the transit the TF heads in system.  Initially, they are going to approach the second planet no closer than 100Mkm. 
At 05:16 another JP with a JG is detected in the EP Eridani system. Space Marshal Grunna decides to check it out with her support ships, there are the wrecks of an ArkCon and an alien ship next to the JP.

4th Elembiv 3135 – At 10:25 the fleet detects thermal 17 contacts near the second planet.   At 20:55 the fleet detects 12 targets with tonnages of about 13700 tonnes.   These targets have low thermal cross sections and are probably 2 classes of orbital base.  There is also 87 000 of shipyard capacity on orbit.  Finally the previous 17 ships are determined to have masses of 34 400 tonnes.  These ships are probably freighters and will be ignored for now.  The fleet will close to 70M km in order to fire some Arrows at max range.  That range should be attained in 6hrs 44 mins. 

5th Elembiv 3135 - As they get to 70M km, the freighters attempt to run for it at a speed of 1571 km/s.  Also, alien ground forces are detected with a combined strength of 428.  At 0300, the fleet fires at 8 of the bases (3 UDAYGIRI and 5 RANVIR), each base has 10 Arrow targeted against it.  At 0305 the first Arrows arrive and it appears that the UDAYGIRI are easier to kill than the RANVIR.  None of the RANVIR are destroyed whilst the one UDAYGIRI targeted by this salvo is destroyed outright.  The next salvo arrives at 03:12 and another 2 UDAYGIRI are destroyed and another 2 RANVIR are heavily damaged.  2 RANVIRS are destroyed at 03:13.  Another 3 RANVIR are destroyed at 03:16.  At 03:21, the final UDAYGIRI is destroyed.  At 03:29 the last 2 RANVIRS are destroyed.  FF Sqn #5 is detached from the main force to run down and destroy the 17 enemy freighters.  At 03:47 the FFs had closed to min range and opened fire.  6 Freighters are targeted in the initial salvo and all 6 are destroyed.  The FFs shift fire to the next 6 ships.  After 3 salvos all 17 freighters have been destroyed.  The FFs move to pick up the lifepods from the bases and freighters.

5th Elembiv 3135 – At 04:00 SAR ops are completed; over 2000 alien prisoners are captured.  Furthermore, hidden in the effects of one of the officers is a data stick containing the geological survey information for the Gliese 87 system. After all of the TGs rendezvous a few million km from the alien home world, BC Sqn #1 is sent to investigate the rest of the system along with FF Sqn #5.  At 06:28, a small ground unit is found on Gliese 84-A-IV.

Offline welchbloke (OP)

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Celtic Campaign Year 3135 PART 3
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2010, 04:25:27 PM »

6th Elembiv 3135 – Gliese 190 discovered by 1st (Grav) Survey Sqn.  The system is a M class star with a terrestrial planet with a primordial atmosphere of Helium, Hydrogen and Nitrogen, giving it a HI of 2.53.  At 19:58 3 ships of a new class of alien ship is detected running away from Gliese A-IX.  BC Sqn #1 and FF Sqn #5 move to investigate.  A further 2 alien ships are detected are detected just in front of the first 3 ships detected.

7th Elembiv 3135 – At 01:58, the ships come within sensor range and at 236M km they are determined to have a mass of 32400 tonnes.  They are probably some kind of freighter so Space Marshal Winifred Thomas elects to close and kill them with lasers.  By 11:16 the last of them is destroyed.

12th Elembiv 3135 – The Mabli Jeavons Xenologist team complete their assessment of the second planet of the LHS-292 system.  The planet was an outpost of the Theocracy of Praseodymium and appears to have up to 23 installations that could be recovered.  At 04:01 a single alien ship is detected approaching from the alien home world.  The ship must have just been built.  The Viraat class has an estimated tonnage of 6900 tonnes.  A single salvo of 10 Arrows is fired at it.  The salvo destroys the target at 04:06.

14th Elembiv 3135 – Luyten 870-2 system discovered by 1st (Grav) Survey Sqn.  The system is a D class brown dwarf with no planets.
27th Elembiv 3135 – First of the Gwaywffon class escort cruisers enters service.

13th Aedrinios 3135 – Cynol Emlyn Phillips (Co 32nd Eng Bde) is killed in an accident.

17th Aedrinios 3135 – A new alien vessel with a mass of 13800 tonnes is detected and assigned the reporting name of TRINKAT.  Cruiser Sqn #1 moves to intercept.  After watching the TRINKAT for some time it appeared that the ship was not attempting to engage.  At 13:02 they opened fire with a salvo of 20 Arrow Mk2s.  The missiles hit at 13:16, it appears 15 Arrows are required to kill a TRINKAT, the wreckage of which joins the ever increasing number of wrecks in the system.  As normal, the cruiser squadron approaches the planet to recover the life pods (321 survivors).

30th Aedrinios 3135 – TT Sqn #1 has collected 1st Heavy Assault Div from Daear and set course to conduct an assault of the alien home world.  Carrier Group #2 is also dispatched.  Their Magnel class FACs will be used to support the landings with their Meson cannon.

2nd Cantlos 3135- A ground training facility and details of ground unit strength 36 are discovered in Deliverance by 20th Engineer Brigade.

18th Cantlos 3135 – At 06:21 a new class of alien warship is detected in the Gliese 84 system.  The 1000 tonne class is allowed to close.  The class appears to have no long range weaponry and, once the class has been scanned, the CG Gweilch fires 5 Arrows at point blank range.  The ship is destroyed at 06:26; however, a salvo of 7 enemy missiles also was fired at point blank range.  3 of the missiles hit Albanwyr and just scratch her armour.

1st Samonios 3135 – At 18:26, Carrier Group #2 rendezvous with the rest of 3rd Fleet.

9th Samonios 3135 – At 0625, a new MAGAR class is detected launching from the Alien Shipyard
s.  The ship is only 18.49M km away, so CG Sqn #1 fires 5 Arrows at it without leaving the rest of the fleet.  At 06:30, the MAGAR becomes another wreck in the system.  FF Sqn #5 goes to pick up the survivors.
20th Samonios 3135 – Troop Transport Sqn #1 has arrived in the Gliese 84 system and whilst they are loading the drop ships in preparation for the first planetary assault in Celtic history another 2 MAGAR FACs are detected leaving the orbital ships yards.  At 04:01 CG Sqn #1 fires 5 Arrows at each.  At 04:03, fourteen missiles are detected inbound from the FACs.  At 04:04, both FACs are destroyed.  Without guidance their missiles self-destruct.

22nd Samonios 3135 – D-Day, the first Heavy Assault battalions land at 02:18, HQ 1st Heavy Assault Bde under the command of Brigadydd Puw Atha is the senior formation for the initial landing.  The units dig in whilst they await the rest of the Div HQs.  The Magnel FACs follow them to provide fire support.  At 02:33, the Magnels fire at the enemy ground units and the units on the surface go on the offensive.  It turns out the Meson cannons are no use against ground units.  The atmospheric pressure is 0.49 so lasers should have an effect.  Consequently FF Sqn #5 is sent to support and the Magnels are left to engage any alien ships that might get launched by the shipyards.  At 03:03, the FFs arrive over the alien planet and immediately open fire.  The bombardment catches a brigade HQ, a Mobile Infantry btn and a Garrison btn in the open and destroys them.  The aliens also lose around a hundred facilities to collateral damage.  

25th Samonios 3135 – The first proper offensive of the invasion engages 5 alien units causing 58%, 26%, 14% and 6% (twice) casualties.  In return, 18th Heavy assault Btn suffers 1% losses.

30th Samonios 3135 – The offensive continues with a further 5 enemy units pushed back suffering losses estimated at 20%, 20%, 17%, 12% and 9%.

5th Dvmannios 3135 – The offensive stalls briefly as 11th Heavy Assault Btn walks into an ambush taking 24% casualties.  Even so the ambush costs the aliens far more with another 6 units taking 37%, 27% 13%, 13%, 9% and 4% losses.  The units that suffered the heaviest losses were the garrison btns that were used to bait the trap.  The CO of 11th HVA (Cyrnol ApOwen Jermyn) acted with extreme gallantry during the ambush and is awarded the first ground forces Space Cross.  To ensure the offensive doesn’t lose momentum, the Co of 1st Heavy Assault Div (Cadfridog Rhian Ifan) requests another laser bombardment.  FF Sqn #5 open fire and destroy 7 enemy units including one of what was believed to be only 3 heavy assault btns.  103 facilities are also destroyed by the bombardment.

9th Dvmannios 3135 – Whilst advancing towards one of the major cities of Garn Singh Prime (as it has been discovered the aliens called their planet) 2 garrison btns are forced back (21% and 34% losses) and an engineering bde that was attempting to build new defences for the btns is destroyed.

14th Dvmannios 3135 – It appears that the resistance of the Garns is weakening.  Over the last few days several uncoordinated enemy attacks have been beaten back with the units involved suffering losses of 56%, 34%, 23%, 20% and 10%.  Furthermore, a garrison btn that had been cut off from the main enemy front was overrun and destroyed.

19th Dvmannios 3135 – An enemy mobile infantry btn is destroyed covering the retreat of a 7 other formations that had been badly mauled by the 2nd and 4th Heavy Assault Bdes.  The 7 retreating unit suffer losses estimated at 52%, 52%, 32%, 23%, 21%, 13% and 3%.  Celtic forces didn’t have it all their own way with 2 HVA btns (17th and 21st) taking losses of 8% and 3% respectively.

21st Dvmannios 3135 – Troop Transport Sqn #1 lands the 2nd Assault Inf Div on Garn Singh Prime to reinforce the 1st Heavy Assault Division.  The TT Sqn then heads to Daear to pick up a garrison div.

24th Dvmannios 3135 – Both divisions go on the offensive and push back a significant portion of the enemy front line.  Two enemy bde HQs are heavily damaged but the attacking btns (24th HVA, 126th ASI) suffer losses of 35% and 16% respectively.  14 enemy units suffer varying degrees of damage.  After the battle it is determined that a replacement btn heading to the front was overrun by the 24th HVA on the way to attacking one of the bde HQs.  For their bravery the COs of 24th HVA (Cyrnol Ffethryll Pricket) and 126 ASI (Cyrnol Sadwm Sais) both receive Space Crosses.

30th Dvmannios 3135 – The enemy appear to be collapsing as 6 btns are overrun and destroyed for no measurable loss to the invasion forces.  The destroyed enemy btns are all garrison btns; however, a further 9 btns suffer losses between 4% and 52% (average 30%) during the headlong retreat from the victorious Celtic units.  Over 35% of Garn Singh is under Celtic control, the remaining enemy units are dug in around the primary cities.  Intelligence suggests that only 20 or so formations remain intact most of which are at less than 50% strength.  There appears to be a mostly intact reserve force of 4btns (1HVA, 1MI, 2GAR) and a HQ hidden somewhere near the planetary capital.  Word also reaches Daear The Union of Bhuj have granted us trade access.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2010, 04:27:18 PM by welchbloke »

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Celtic Campaign Year 3135 PART 4
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2010, 08:58:40 AM »

5th Rivros 3135 – The end is close for the Garns, another 9 of their btns are overrun as the second largest city on the planet is captured.  3GAR, 4MI and one of the 2 remaining HVA are destroyed.  Also caught and wiped out is an engineering bde that had been building defences around the city.  An attempted relief operation by a bde consisting of the remaining HVA and 3 MI is beaten back with heavy losses inflicted.  12th HVA takes 28% losses stopping the attack by itself.  The CO of 12th HVA Cyrnol Cragen Warlach leads his btn from the front and receives a Space Cross for his bravery.  The enemy retreat back to their capital city and another 2 GAR take heavy losses to a recce in force by the Assault Infantry.

10th Rivros 3135 – As the noose tightens around their capital the Garns attempt to re-organise their lines.  In the resulting melee, 10 enemy btns are hammered and a retreating bde HQ is destroyed.  In a local counter-attack an ASI btn overruns an enemy eng bde.

15th Rivros 3135 – Half of the capital city is overrun and 5 enemy units are destroyed.  There appear to be 6 ragged enemy units left in the city; the last organised Garn resistance.  The 122nd ASI btn overruns 3 of the enemy units including 2MI btns and a bde HQ.  They suffer 11% losses in return but their CO (Cyrnol Mabon Peters) receives a Space Cross.  This is Peters’ second action as he commanded 309th Marine Btn in an assault on one of the Precursor listening posts in the Delta Pavonis System.

20th Rivros 3135 – The net has closed on the remaining Garn forces another 4 units (HVA, 2GAR and Bde HQ) have been destroyed leaving the remnants of a MI btn and a bde HQ clinging to the ruins that was the main government building in the capital.  Gwendi Lloyd (PP30%) contracts a disease that affects her long term health.

1332UST 20th Rivros 3135
Gwendi Lloyd pushed the door open from the women’s changing rooms and walked towards the drinks dispenser.  Her lunchtime workout had been just what she needed after a very frustrating week.  During the session it had occurred to her that the problem with the development of the next generation of engine technology she had been wrestling with was primarily down to being wedded to existing notions of engine design.  If the solid core of the engine was replaced by a gas core, it may be possible to improve the per-mass output.  Taking a swig out of the bottle dispensed by the machine, she turned towards the exit and headed back to work.

‘One to Two, target has taken the pathogen.’

1349UST 20th Rivros 3135
As she sat down in front of her terminal, Gwendi started to feel clammy and nauseous.  Before she knew it the room was spinning and she collapsed out of the chair.

Chronometer error.  Location unknown


Closing the report with a frown, the individual known as ‘The Director’ activated his communicator.  ‘Operations, this is the Director, possible interference in the timeline detected, OPERATION PHOENIX II is to be brought to immediate readiness.’

‘Operations acknowledges, PHOENIX II now activating.’
25th Rivros 3135 – The last 2 enemy units on Garn Singh Prime are destroyed; the invasion force moves to consolidate their hold over the planet.

29th Rivros 3135 – It appears that the invasion force has insufficient numbers to force a capitulation of the planet.  Hopefully the incoming 2nd Garrison Division will help redress the balance.  At 09:35, new alien class (VIKRAMADITAYA) is detected leaving the orbital shipyard.  FF Sqn #5 turns it into scrap 5 secs later.

4th Anagantios  3135 – Another VIKRAMADITAYA class is detected and the Magnel FACs attack it.  After 30secs of fire the FACs destroy the ship.  The Magnel FACs return to their carrier and are replaced by missile armed FACs.  FF Sqn #3 is ordered to patrol the route between Sol and the Garn Singh home world. 

9th Anagantios  3135 – Now that the major war-fighting phase of the conflict with the Garns is over, 1st (Grav) Survey Sqn sets out to expand the boundaries of the Celtic Empire once more.

15th Anagantios  3135 – At 01:06 a new GODAVARI (suspected Freighter) class ship is detected approaching Garn Singh.  FF Sqn #5 moves to engage it.  At 01:11 the ship is destroyed.

24th Anagantios  3135 – The Garn Singh government in hiding formally acknowledges itself as the Duchy of Garn Singh.

29th Anagantios  3135 – At 23:42 another newly constructed ship attempts to run the blockade.  FF Sqn #5 turns the latest VIKRAMADITAYA into scrap metal.

4th Ogronnos 3135 – At 20:12, yet another newly constructed VIKRAMADITAYA is turned into scrap as it attempts to leave the shipyard complex.

9th Ogronnos 3135 – Despite having more than enough firepower to destroy all organised resistance on Garn Singh, the Celt forces do not have anywhere near enough troops to force surrender, another 3 or so divisions will be required.  It will take months to ship them in.

12th Ogronnos 3135 – Gliese 471 system discovered by 1st (Grav) Survey Sqn.  The system has an M-Class primary with a single super Jovian planet in orbit around it.

14th Ogronnos 3135 – It appears that a Garn ship must have been loose as a series of explosions are detected by the embassy in the Ark system.

15th Ogronnos 3135 – At 08:58, yet another VIKRAMADITAYA tries to run the blockade and fails miserably.  The expanding debris cloud adds to the artificial asteroid clouds circling the Garn home world.  Interrogations of the survivors reveals the existence of a system called Struve 2398.  The system is an M-M binary with a HI 1.70 planet orbiting the secondary star.

16th Ogronnos 3135 – Gliese 410 system discovered by 1st (Grav) Survey Sqn.  The system is an M class star with 2 terrestrial planets with HIs of 1.04 and 1.70 respectively.  The scout Wanoeur is sent to investigate.  Neither of the planets appears to be inhabited.

20th Ogronnos 3135 – 1st Engineer Bde (Cynol Cubert Gibbs) recovers a mine and the tech plans for mining output 25 tonnes on Deliverance.

25th Ogronnos 3135 – 2nd Garrison Division arrives on Garn Singh.  At 23:13, yet another VIKRAMADITAYA tries to run the blockade and fails miserably.

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Celtic Campaign Year 3135 PART 5
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2010, 07:30:07 AM »

0225UST 26th Ogronnos 3135 Capella System

Ship’s Master Hywel ap Griffiths turned to his communications chief.  ‘Open communications with trade control centre.’

‘Comms channel open.’

‘Honoured servant of Bhuj, this is Ship’s Master ap Griffiths aboard the Rothero freighter Stellar Sailor.’

Almost immediately a burst of alien accented Celt blasted out from the speaker grill.  ‘Alien, you have insulted my brood siblings and me with your lack of honour.  Do not approach and apologise immediately!’

‘What the hell? Comms, why isn’t the translation programme working?’

‘The translation programme is working, for some reason the Bhuj have been insulted by your hail.’

‘Impossible, that is the exact same hail I have used for every other visit.  There must be something wrong with the translation programme.’

The speaker blared to life again.  ‘Alien, you continue to insult me and now you insult the Bhuj, prepare to die!’

‘Wait we haven’t transmitted anything, cease fire, cease fire!’

‘The aliens have opened fire, time to impact 2 minutes.’

Over a billion km away towards deep space, a figure opened a communications channel and spoke ‘One to Two, it has begun.’

26th Ogronnos 3135 – At 02:26, the Union of Bhuj opens fire on and destroys an unarmed freighter in the Capella system.  There are another 6 civilian freighters in the Capella system they all turn and run for home .

29th Ogronnos 3135 – BC Sqn #2 is despatched to pin the Bhuj into their home system.  Meanwhile, Home Fleet mobilises to crush the Bhuj.   A massive number of ground forces start training.  It is also finally admitted by the Council of Kings that more than 8 ammo colliers are required to support 3 active fleets.  The Conwy Batch 2 is designed.  5 of the Rothero Line freighters make it out of the Capella system; unfortunately, one more freighter (the one closest to the Bhuj Homeworld when the shooting started) is destroyed at 00:31.

30th Ogronnos 3135 – 1st (Grav) Survey Sqn discovers a new JP in the Gliese 410 system.

1st Cvtios 3135 – After exploring the JP, 1st (Grav) Survey Sqn discovers the Wolf 497 system.  The system contains 2 terrestrial bodies both with Nitrogen Methane atmospheres and HIs of 2.61 and 2.31 respectively.  The Scout Waneour is sent to investigate.

5th Cvtios 3135 – At 21:31, another VIKRAMADITAYA tries to run the blockade in the Gliese 84 system and fails miserably.

10th Cvtios 3135 – Another JP is discovered in the Gliese 410 system.

15th Cvtios 3135 – At 17:46, another 2 alien ships launch from the shipyards in the Gliese 84 system.  One of them is a MAGAR class FAC; the other is a new 13800 tonne class given the reporting name of VIBHUTI.  The VIBHUTI managed to get just over 3 Mkms from the planet before being detected.  The FFs fire on the FAC, whilst the Powys FACs salvo half of their missiles (50 Bolt Mk1s) at the VIBHUTI.  5 Secs later the MAGAR exploded.  The FFs the moved to close on the VIBHUTI.  At 15:47, the salvo of Bolts arrives and the VIBHUTI explodes.  It took 40 Bolts to kill the target.  The FFs move in to pick up survivors.  The senior FAC officer, Space Commodore Drew Harries, receives a DSC for his actions.  The lifepods from this ship held a datacore that included gravitational survey information on the Gliese 33 system.  This system, which includes a HI 0 planet, is a prime colony site once the war is over.  The survey data shows that it is a dead end system.

16th Cvtios 3135 – At 11:47, FF Sqn#1(CO Space Commodore Gavin Broun) jumps into the Capella system to find the entire strength of the Bhuj Navy waiting for it on the JP.  Tan 001 (CO Space Captain Gavin Thomas) is destroyed in the first salvo, but the rest of the Sqn fight back.  As they run from the JP towards the other JP in the system, the FFs open fire on one of the 21 000 tonne warships in the pursuing fleet.  205 survivors are rescued by the Arleoswr as the sqn ran for it.  The next enemy salvo heavily damage Tan 002, Tan 003 and Arleoswr.  The third salvo destroys them. 

Offline welchbloke (OP)

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Celtic Campaign Year 3135 PART 6
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2010, 01:12:29 PM »

The frantic messages from FF Sqn #1 reach BC Sqn #2 in the adjacent Ross 594 system.  As her ships are still more than a day away from the JP, rather than jump straight into trouble, the CO of BC Sqn #2 (Space Marshal Amynedd Grunna) decides to enter via the second system JP and reroutes through the Gliese 211 system.  2 more salvos finish off Tan 004 and Tan 005Tan 006 is also heavily damaged.  By 11:48, Tan 006 is also lost.  The FF sqn did its job and screened the BC Sqn from harm but at the cost of 6FFs, a DEJ and 8136 personnel killed or missing.  This battle was the first loss in the history of the Celtic Space Navy.  Based on the contact reports sent by 1st FF Sqn, there were at least 28 enemy ships, most of which appeared to be armed with anti-missile missiles. 

‘Comms, send a message to the rest of the fleet inform them that the primary entry JP is contested.  Suggest to the Chief Space Marshal that they reroute through Gliese 211.’

‘Marshal, Comms, Fleet Flag acknowledges receipt.’

In the depths of the Ross 594 system aboard a ship that could not be detected by any sensor the Celts operate, ‘One to Two, message intercepted and spoof acknowledged sent.  The fleet has no knowledge of the ambush.’

1st (Grav) Survey Sqn also discovers the Gliese 505 system today.  The system is a K-M binary with each star having one planet of interest in orbit around them.  The primary has a HI 1.70 planet and the secondary has a HI 2.00 planet.  The scout Waneour is sent to check them out.

17th Cvtios 3135 – 1st and 2nd Mobile Infantry Divs arrive on Garn Singh.

18th Cvtios 3135 – For some reason the message about the ships on the Capella JP does not reach the rest of the fleet and Cruiser Sqns #2 and #3 blissfully jump into the Capella system.  Ynys Mon is destroyed immediately along with her CO Deputy Space Marshal Rhonwen Sayvage. 5Secs later the ships’ sensors snap on and a message is received by the following carriers and BBs.  The Carriers divert to the another entry JP (following BC Sqn #2) and the BBs shake out into a formation for a combat jump.  The Sgrio dies next hit by an avalanche of size 1 missiles.  Abertawe is the next ship to die.  Within 30 secs, Pel-Dreod, Mike Phillips, Ritchie Hibbard and Shane Williams are also gone.

‘Marshal, Tactical, two cruiser squadrons have just jumped into the Capella system!’

‘What! Send another FLASH message warning the fleet against entering the system.’

‘Marshal, Comms, I can’t seem to raise anyone.’

‘Marshal, Tactical, the battleships and carriers seem have to have received the message, they are turning towards the Gliese 211 jump point.’

‘Copied, I want a department head meeting in my ready room in 10 minutes.’  With that Grunna got up from her chair and headed for her ready room.

As the door opened Grunna stepped inside and headed for her usual place at the head of the table.  As the door closed, she sensed a presence behind her.  Turning she saw a tall human in a dark outfit aiming a weapon at her.

‘Who are you?’


The last thing she saw was a blue flash and then she fell into darkness
