Author Topic: Small accessibility fix/suggestion  (Read 1041 times)

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Offline bomby587 (OP)

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Small accessibility fix/suggestion
« on: December 29, 2021, 04:33:43 AM »
Hello Steve

I am wondering if it would be possible to fix or add a blind accessibility feature

I have only experienced this in ship design tab however it could be present in other areas of game as well.

When I want to add a component to a ship design I tab to the component I want to add
However I then have to use a couple keyboard commands to route cursor to screen reader focus and double click using a keyboard command because it requires you to double left click on a mouse which I can’t use.

However this is teadious and I’m wondering if you could change it so I could add a component by clicking the space bar or enter key once or twice.  As this is the keys I use to select things usually

Also this is just another suggestion would it be possible for you to add a keyboard shortcut to move between the component select bit of window to the details of ship/component design as at the moment I have to tab all the way round to that window