Author Topic: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?  (Read 283732 times)

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #2025 on: July 27, 2019, 10:39:22 AM »


Exactly how big is that military of yours?

Offline ExChairman

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #2026 on: July 27, 2019, 11:51:29 AM »
Been playing for 65 years now and its getting slow...

Ohhh, some 56 Armored. mechanized, marines and garrison divisions, 34 Engineer divisions and 15 independent brigades, mostly garrison....

250 combat vessels from BB down to FACs (150ish) and a lot of fighters (around 700 , but only about 200 of latest design) 190 Forrest class of terraformers, some 200 cargo and colony haulers... 55 Trooptransport and 6 assault Transports, around 600 PDC and other space station/bases...

Need quasar4x  ;D

Latest annextion gave 187 Ground Force training centers, so I probobly doubled my production of ground troops...
Veni, Vedi, Volvo

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #2027 on: September 04, 2019, 08:26:52 AM »
The Aikhibba Imperium and the Valletta Commonwealth share a planet orbiting the secondary star of the Nullarbor system, directly adjacent to Sol.
Diplomatic overtures were made and we granted trade access to both, but only the Imperium reciprocated. Eventually, the Commonwealth turned hostile and destroyed several of our merchant vessels.

Since our offensive capabilities were missile-based and we had insufficient ammunition for a prolonged war, the high council voted to resolve the matter with a single overwhelming display of force. A convenient Lagrange Point allowed an intra-system jump that almost brought us into missile range, and since our missiles were considerably faster (30000km/s vs 12000km/s) we would be able to withdraw unengaged after making our displeasure known. Our battlefleet expended most of its ordnance in a volley of 252 missiles against Valletta population centers, overwhelming the surprisingly capable point defence and causing an immediate surrender.

The dispersed enemy forces appeared unlikely to overwhelm the newly acquired 5 Orbital Beam Bases with their combined 140 twin laser turrets, so the Missile Bases and AMM-armed escort vessels in orbit were used offensively against approaching ships, with breaks to thin out occasionally large volleys over 50 missiles (highest encountered: around 80). All in all, thousands of seized Valletta missiles were fired.
Some hostiles managed to close the distance to as little as 80k, but our new subjects held the line without coming under beam or point-blank missile fire. The immediate vicinity of the planet is clear, and while skirmishes will continue for a while, complete victory seems inevitable.

Planetary casualties are unknown, but we have acquired 790 million new subjects who will need to be pacified and cared for. Emergency housing and infrastructure projects are underway, as the nuclear winter with temperatures below -34°C is currently expected to result in millions of new deaths each month. This has to be balanced against the need for maintenance facilities, as the acquired orbital defences are in a woeful state of disrepair. Fortunately, the nation exhibits a high degree of industrial development - without the current disruption its industrial output would be higher than Earth's, with large mineral stockpiles and several times the shipyard capacity. Curiously, there is almost no educational or financial infrastructure.

The Aikhibba Imperium so far showed remarkable restraint, we haven't received as much as a protest note. Hopefully there will be no cause for further unpleasantness, the history books will likely be unkind to us as it is.
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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #2028 on: September 06, 2019, 01:33:32 PM »
Our 20 Luna-class corvettes (4800t) departed Valaik to secure the system, accompanied by all spaceworthy Valletta ships that fell into our hands: 6 escort cruisers (newly designated "Valiant", 16000t) and 5 escort destroyers ("Valkyrie", 8000t), all exclusively armed with AMMs of dubious quality. Assurances of faithful service were given, in return for our dedication to a rebuilding and relief program. The terraforming fleet is underway in an attempt to stabilise the climate, as are freighters with all the infrastructure we can spare.
What we did not receive was information about size and capabilities of the resistance fleet, apparently that would be an unthinkable betrayal in Valletta culture.

Several lone resistance vessels were run down and destroyed with beam fire, their crew taken aboard. The 30cm carronades of the 2 "Deimos" variants usually finished the job before we closed to railgun range. On the way to a group of 3 immobile 40000t vessels and several sensor signatures that did not yet show up on actives, our anti-missile sensors suddenly picked up a group of 249 200t fighters at a distance of 15 million km, with a comfortable speed advantage over our ships. With a grand total of 32 missiles left and one beam fire control each, our corvettes were in no way equipped to deal with them.
Our vassals, with their run-down ships, undisciplined crews and substandard missile weaponry, rose to the occasion magnificently. From 4m km, they fired seven salvos before the enemy opened the range to a point where we could not be certain of obtaining any hits. Shortly thereafter, they thinned out the volley of 249 size-3 missiles to the point where our railguns almost dealt with the remainder. No ship took serious damage, and 42 enemy fighters were shot down.

Had our Vallettan auxiliaries not acted with honour and competence, this could have been a major setback. Appropriate recognition is suggested. Fleet command also encourages R&D into more capable AMMs and vessels that can handle such a threat without outside assistance. Apart from the political implications, relying on Vallettan designs would be burdensome because of their atrocious fuel efficiency.


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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #2029 on: September 09, 2019, 10:13:54 AM »
Skirmishes with missile fighters and FACs continued, but none came close to overwhelming our defences and the Vallettan resistance ran out of craft before the colonial fleet ran out of ammunition. With no more known hostiles in the system, our own warships left for earth. The war bounties were to follow as soon as planet-bound defences were in place, built by fighter factories so heavy industry could focus on the relief effort. Withdrawing our fleet was meant to show our continued peaceful intentions towards the Aikhibba.

They struck 3 days later. Without warning, Valletta colony ships in orbit were hit by small missiles and what later turned out to be Gauss weapons. After the initial confusion, our laser bases cleared the orbit before rendering what defence they could, while the AMM forces commenced planetary bombardment. The Aikhibba responded in kind, splitting their fire between Valletta population centers and civilian ships . There was no maneuvering, no finesse, no heroism. Just killing. The artless slaughter ended in an Aikhibba surrender within minutes, but the dust and the ashes will not settle for years.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2019, 10:15:27 AM by Iranon »

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #2030 on: January 09, 2020, 03:20:56 PM »
I recently decided to start a new game (after a long break) in anticipation of Aurora C# being closer than it ever was before. It also gave me a good opportunity to refamiliarize myself with the game. As it turns out you can forget A LOT in two years (last time I touched it).
Using the automated research distribution at the start of the game, I ended up with full box launchers. I take that as a sign  :)

Overall the game has been rather gentle towards me. I encountered aliens in to systems next to Sol, but the rest were clear, and I have started moving into Sirius, where there are a number of good mineral options. I'm expanding slower than I wanted to, but I suppose that's a side effect of forgetting how to play. It also took me several tries to exterminate the two ships and two PDC's in Alpha Centauri. But, oh boy, was that a good thing. The aliens kept me out of surveying most of the bodies, but now, about 25 years after game start, we are about to mine the smeg out of this system. Once Luna is terratormed, we'll have plenty of industry to start settling for good and establishing a presence. There are even enough minerals, that I might consider redirecting some manufacturing there. It might be easier than shipping the minerals back to Sol (except for Boronide, which is the only mineral that is truly limited)

Here's a selection of the best goodies. I left a few out due to low availability, but there should be enough here to last a while :)
Oh, and there's an 80% Power & Propulsion boost at Alpha Centauri A-III


Offline Garfunkel

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #2031 on: January 10, 2020, 12:38:11 PM »
Looks like you're set until C# gets here  ;D

Offline ExChairman

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #2032 on: January 20, 2020, 02:58:34 PM »

Swedish forces have found the 3rd race in known space with space capabilities.

In the star system 41 Area we have found an insect-like breed. We receive lots of signals from their "radio waves", it has about 80% higher EM radiation than the earth with its 6 billion souls. A possible hostile race lives on the other planet's moon, beautiful they are not.

In a giant station orbiting the planet, there seems to be an endless amount of shipyards that we estimate can build 10% less tonnage than the total Swedish Empire's yards. But we do not yet know what their distribution is on merchant ships vs warships.

The 7 Swedish cruisers with HMS Tor at the head are slowly moving towards the planet.

Vice-Admiral Maria Hernander quickly makes the decision to retreat and not challenge fate, we have seen maybe 30 ships in frigate / chase size and 25's ships up to battle cruisers move quickly out of the planet's vicinity. They seem to be led by a ship of 47 000 tonnes, we suspect it is some type of aircraft carrier, if we go after our own Gotland's ship it can have anything from 40-100 warships depending on the size of these. We seem to have about 25% higher speed than their fastest ships.

Admiral Hernander knows that the 2nd Fleet's 4 aircraft carrier has been upgraded to the latest Gotland class and should be in refitted within 4 months, to which are added 15 light cruisers and 40 destroyers that can be assigned to a possible attack.

Then the 1st fleet is left as a home defense with the two battleships HMS Sweden and HMS Finland together with 2 older Gotland ships which are being rebuilt, together with around a hundred missile boats for protection.

What the Swedish kingdom lacks most is ground troops, only 7 armored divisions exist, totally insufficient for a possible invasion.

But at least we try to talk to them, the Foreign Ministry sends a group under Foreign Minister Amanda Danielsson.
Veni, Vedi, Volvo

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #2033 on: January 21, 2020, 01:31:55 PM »
Sweden can into space?  :D

Offline ExChairman

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #2034 on: January 25, 2020, 03:37:00 AM »
Oh yes!
After Charles XII conquered Russia, Prussia/Poland and Denmark/Norway during the Great Northern War 1700-1711.
In 1721 the War for Europe begun and in 19 years Sweden crushed all European great powers, mostly because they couldn't unite against Sweden and was absorbed one after the other. Charles XII died in 1751 and his son replaced him, By 1790 most of the other  nations on earth were nations were under Swedish rule, one way or the other.

In 1900 the benevolent rule of Sweden had created a unified Earth with a King as its ruler and a elected Parliament. 1901 a new science was discovered, Transnewtonia. After 20 years of colonisation of Luna, Mars and several other colonies the first jump capable survey ships went out into the great unknown. Several systems with huge mineral deposited were found and a huge colonization effort were begun a lot of ruins were also found and fueled Terras research projects. In 1960s a sentient race were found some 6 jumps from Sol system, the become fast friends and trade is flourishing.

In 1989 a new race were discovered. In less than a week there were war, Sweden mobilized a fleet, the ships of the navy were mostly old ships that had been upgraded the last 40 years and there were some "flaws". Light on armor was one thing but coupled with shields that were shut down during wormhole travels it become obvious that several new class off ships were needed... Entering 41 Area was costly after the clouds of light became dark again, Sweden had lost 39 Fighter Bombers, 7 Destroyers and 4 cruisers. The flagship HMS Sverige had its huge hull pockmarked by small lasers and AMM, stripping away almost 75% of its armor, but only 3 breaches with light losses, But almost 6000 swedes were lost in the opening battle.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2020, 12:17:52 PM by ExChairman »
Veni, Vedi, Volvo

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #2035 on: January 25, 2020, 12:15:48 PM »
Swedish Empire in 1989.
Veni, Vedi, Volvo

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #2036 on: February 03, 2020, 09:28:19 PM »
The Empire is mourning at the death of Emperor Serapion I of the Greater Roman Empire. His 39 year reign from January 1st, 1960 to January 5th, 1999 has seen the Empire go from dominant planetary power to interstellar empire. Representatives from all across the Empire are expected to attend the funeral. Included are to be representatives from the recently conquered United Kingdom of Thurrock. Emperor Serapion's last act as emperor was granting candidate population status to  the Thurrock.

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #2037 on: February 08, 2020, 04:24:29 PM »
So... It seems an NPR is shooting at something in my home system, that I can't see. For some reason this is more terrifying than it should be.


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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #2038 on: February 08, 2020, 09:51:37 PM »

Though it should be equally terrifying that you can't see what launched the missiles.  #:-]

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #2039 on: February 09, 2020, 04:50:58 AM »
June 8th 2036. Three other ships turned up on our radar. They appear to be patrolling the area without engaging, so we might be safe for now. Nonetheless... efforts to expedite a military deployment in our home system have tripled. We need to be safe.