Author Topic: Pulsar 4X Bug Thread  (Read 4903 times)

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Offline Antagonist (OP)

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Pulsar 4X Bug Thread
« on: September 04, 2012, 04:10:33 AM »
Since we are encouraging people to test our in-progress code, may as well have a thread for bugs.

NOTE: Unless the version you are testing is a release or marked stable, then it is likely in active development so we may already be aware of gameplay bugs.  OpenGL errors though we are always interested in.

Even if not a developer you are welcome to join us on skype.  Send me or sublight a PM or add me on skype (l.skyfire) and we'll add you to the group!

Issue tracker at that we really should start using.

To get the code to test:
No current stable versions
Development source code is available on github.

On windows:
You'll need Visual Studio 2010.  Express will do:
Then you need github for windows:
Sign up for an account at
Head to this link:
and click on clone in windows.

This should place a copy of the source in the Documents\Github\Pulsar4x directory by default. Double click premake4.exe to generate the solution and project files, then double click on the resultant .sln.

On mac:

On linux:

If relevant and especially for OpenGL bugs, please include a copy of your Pulsar4X.log file.
Should be located at: Pulsar4x\Pulsar4X\Pulsar4X.WinForms\bin\Debug\Pulsar4X.log


Currently seeking Mac and Linux users to help us get Pulsar4X working on those platforms!
Coding experience preferred but not needed.  Command line knowledge, experience with installing packages and knowledge of library layout on your platform is.  Please send me a PM and preferably join us on Skype!

« Last Edit: September 05, 2012, 07:15:35 AM by Antagonist »

Offline Elster

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Re: Pulsar 4X Bug Thread
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2012, 08:31:58 AM »
I have the honor to report the first bug:

Unable to find an entry point named 'glGenVertexArrays' in DLL 'opengl32. dll'

After clicking to continue the Pulsar 4x map appears empty.  I attach to screenshots of the error.