Author Topic: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?  (Read 273225 times)

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Offline Jacob/Lee (OP)

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #30 on: August 11, 2011, 07:49:12 PM »
So after a long time of random breaks in increment times for long battles, they have stopped. I think the offending navies have annihilated each other.

Oh man, millions of almost every mineral on a planet in a system next door to Sol! We're never going to run out of them and-

Motherfrakk. I hope the rating 140 geoteam can help.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 01:01:40 AM by Jacob/Lee »

Offline chrislocke2000

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #31 on: August 12, 2011, 04:57:37 AM »
I've just hit 25 years into game. So far I've had three NPRs visit sol and to date I've managed to track one of them back to their own home world.

Tech is now at a position where I can take on the precursors and I've managed to clear out a few systems of them and found one ruined city which my engineers are busily trying to loot. A 25mil ton habitat sits ominously in orbit awaiting the arrival of the freshly built marine assault craft - Trafalgar and it's five companies of marines.

The empire had a terrible duranium shortage for about five years whilst a new mining colony was founded so my fleets are far less developed then I would have liked.

I've failed to make contact with one of the NPRs and I don't know where he lives. The others are building diplomatic relations but one of them has started a massive expansion of jump gates which are now on the verge of linking up two of my own colony systems. Several gate builders have now been destroyed and I suspect its only a matter of time before the empire goes to war...

Offline shadenight123

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #32 on: August 12, 2011, 12:26:59 PM »
Jacob/lee, i feel your pain.
I truly do.

on my side, i must say it's simply astonishing the amount of things one may find after forgetting he had survey ships and geosurvey ships working together in a system.
and i'm currently placing jump gates like an absent minded person. 
people die all the time, it's not a problem.
it is if you're sending them to die.
i'm not. they just need to learn to be better.
they need NOT TO CARE!
my blog (updated 17/12/2011) (updated every saturday):

Offline Thiosk

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #33 on: August 14, 2011, 07:04:38 PM »
Captain Jacob Johnston of the Ticonderoga SWACS1 scanner vessel had lost his main active scanners.  New tech.  Untested.  No matter.  We can scan to 12 m km clicks... the enemy is centered on a single world at the center of their star system.  We will make due.  On jump, a fleet of primatives was sitting at the jump point.  Uhuru welcome delegation.  They hailed us.  We fire the engines and move about 6 megaclicks towards the star-- well out of range of their particle beams.  Thats when the Offenders opened up.  A hail of the new HonkeyTonk size-6 missiles sail towards the enemy fleet- backed by IdiotSlug size-4 missiles launched by the Defenders.  They took a beating, and were streaming atmosphere before even turning their heading to face us.  Their point defense could barely strike a single missile in each hail.

It wasn't long before they were gone; their pathetic nuclear pulse drives hardly broke 2000 km/s.  Fish in a barrel.  Picked up the lifepods and started the interrogations. 

There were more.  We sailed towards the star when 12 mclicks out we spot 15 FACs; our primary fire controls were illsuited for targeting them.  But no matter: the AMM platforms had little trouble saturating each with two salvos of 4 missiles... a few more to pick off the survivors.

From here, clear sailing to the Uhuru homeworld.  A few orbital installations were destroyed unopposed, as were their shipyards and some commercial vessels.   To make their impending doom clear... we targeted their ground forces from orbit, obliterating several units and filling the skies with a light dusting of smoke and fallout.

Three brigades, led by the the 1st Badonkadonk Brigade, landed and wrested control from the inferior Uhuru government. 

13 years since the Human Imperium began to spread among the stars, and already, the first alien species has been crushed under our thumb.  A paltry few vessels remain.  They will be hunted.

and exterminated

Offline Aldaris

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #34 on: August 15, 2011, 03:10:03 AM »
Why would you destroy the shipyards? Those are valuable installations you could make good use of.

Offline Thiosk

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #35 on: August 15, 2011, 05:04:31 AM »
Yeah, i kicked myself a little bit after i did it, but hey, it was my first real dance.  Most other combats I'd been involved in during my 5.42 game were all precursor.  Not much ground combat to be had.  I really didn't know how long it would take to finish the battle, and to be honest I didn't want anything popping out on me.  Next time, I'll be able to coordinate the invasion a bit better, and will catch more intact.  For now, I've got much more shipyard than I can support via component research, so their couple of crappy civ shipyards aren't that big of a loss.

There was also a bit of a cathartic feeling I got from subjugating them utterly.  Good times.

Offline Jacob/Lee (OP)

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #36 on: August 15, 2011, 09:05:06 AM »
Bah, I've never gotten a decent war started. Couldn't find a swarm to save my life, the Invaders bailed at the last minute, found some precursors and a single empire but I could've crushed those floating balls of space junk they try to pass off as ships in no time flat.

The funny part is, they're out there kicking each other's asses but I can't find any of them to join in on the carnage  :(

Offline mavikfelna

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #37 on: August 15, 2011, 11:35:24 AM »
Yeah, i kicked myself a little bit after i did it, but hey, it was my first real dance.  Most other combats I'd been involved in during my 5.42 game were all precursor.  Not much ground combat to be had.  I really didn't know how long it would take to finish the battle, and to be honest I didn't want anything popping out on me.  Next time, I'll be able to coordinate the invasion a bit better, and will catch more intact.  For now, I've got much more shipyard than I can support via component research, so their couple of crappy civ shipyards aren't that big of a loss.

There was also a bit of a cathartic feeling I got from subjugating them utterly.  Good times.

If you want to save their shipyards in the future, just build a tug and have it come in a tug the shipyard out of close orbit. They won't be able to use it anymore and you can then take it elsewhere or return it after you've got them under your control.


Offline Thiosk

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #38 on: August 15, 2011, 04:19:14 PM »
Can one seize shipyards with marines?  If yes, that would be awesome.

Offline Father Tim

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #39 on: August 15, 2011, 05:59:31 PM »
Can one seize shipyards with marines?  If yes, that would be awesome.

Not currently.  You should make that suggestion in the appropriate thread.  As it is, you either wait until you've conquered the population (at which point you get the shipyard automatically) or you use the tractor trick (exploit?) to seize it without boarding.

Offline Thiosk

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #40 on: August 22, 2011, 01:39:25 PM »
oh man

I previously wrote about my prior conquer.  Well it turns out the Uhuru commonwealth was still operating ships even after I took their homeworld-- and they opened up several new systems and a new alien species.  This species was crazily jumpgate happy, so I couldn't allow them to continue to operate.  First contact was blasting a couple of their jumpgate ships. The race appears more advanced, but my empire has a focus on missile, industrial, and propulsion tech-- I own the battlefield even though my armor and defenses are weak. Turns out they were a beam-heavy race, but had some FACs-- so after blasting their early contingent, I had to flee back out the jumpgate since I couldn't target their FACs before they were dropping nukes on my fast, but still primitive defended ships (i had only AMMs, no beam defense yet).  Put together a good FACship, and brought three of them to the front.

Wiped out their FACs, but then they had fielded new ships, so I started blasting them-- but I ran low on ordinance.  SO I had to retreat while I got the logistics together, sneaking in each time I got enough HonkeyTonk missiles to pop a few boats.  Another couple months of cat-and mouse, and putting a division and a half of ground forces together, I was getting ready to make a play for the core.  Flew in, BOP BOP-- three beam ships sitting on the jumpgate.  Oh my god it was horrible.  Both FACbombers destroyed, and they started chewing through the defenders before my fleet woke up and started flying towards the core.  Not a crippling loss, but it cut out ordinance I needed to hit them.  The last missile in my magazine popped the ninth vessel in orbit around their homeworld-- so now I could take station and try to invade.

In the week it took the troopships to arrive, I had the fortuitious delivery of a few more missiles, just about 20 of them but they'd be needed.  The troops dropped, I discovered they had a pretty good advantage numerically-- my ratio was only .8.  So I nuked em from orbit, and the war got under way.  They were still building ships though, and fast-- FACs were coming off their lines, and could drop a load of bombs on my ground forces before  I could pop em.  Frustruating.  This happened several times.  Eventually I cleared their forces, and dealt with the rest of their ships coming in from other systems.  I was reduced to flinging AMMs offensively (all of them, because I had seriously no missiles left at this stage-- both colliers were running overtime to pick up a couple construction cycles up from earth and uhurus and run them back to the front).  When I finally took the planet (required bringing every single unit from every planet I control) I captured 1.4 billion aliens with an intact industry, an order of magnitude more shipyard than I currently operate, doubled my research capacity, and obtained OODLES of research in beams and other defensive techs that I'd been neglecting.  My entire population- human and uhuru-- barely taps out at 1.4 billion spread over 5 worlds.  

Not a bad day, but it took all day to actually accomplish.  And there's gotta be 80 wrecks to chew through.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2011, 02:06:19 PM by Thiosk »

Offline Cassaralla

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #41 on: August 24, 2011, 11:26:51 AM »
Just found my first Black Hole.  Going to be an absolute pain to survey as my Grav survey ships will only have a speed of 200 due to the gravity pull . . . I think I'll be leaving that to last on my survey orders.  :)

Offline Ashery

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #42 on: August 24, 2011, 08:40:48 PM »
Just found my first Black Hole.  Going to be an absolute pain to survey as my Grav survey ships will only have a speed of 200 due to the gravity pull . . . I think I'll be leaving that to last on my survey orders.  :)

Heh, at least your survey ship managed to keep a positive speed. You can imagine how my first encounter went based on that comment, heh. Poor bastards took over a month to meet their end.

Edit: Damnit, there goes another. Fortunately it wasn't an experienced crew, but there goes another commander with 100 training skill.

I'm considering adding a boat bay with a small fighter that's jump capable in order to prevent the loss of more survey ships.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 01:05:43 AM by Ashery »

Offline Jacob/Lee (OP)

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #43 on: August 27, 2011, 09:21:54 AM »
Oh god, oh man, oh god, oh man

There's a stable wormhole 1 jump from Sol 10 years in!

Offline Culise

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Re: What's going on in your empire/planet/battlefield?
« Reply #44 on: August 28, 2011, 12:35:12 PM »
Quote from: Jacob/Lee link=topic=3808. msg38970#msg38970 date=1314454914
Oh god, oh man, oh god, oh man

There's a stable wormhole 1 jump from Sol 10 years in!

Heh.   I had something like that, except it was a conventional start, and the other side had a jump gate straight to Earth.

I'm surprised it took as long as it did to reach the obvious conclusion.