Author Topic: Why Can't I Stay Away?  (Read 1305 times)

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Offline Caplin (OP)

Why Can't I Stay Away?
« on: May 24, 2014, 03:16:03 AM »
Hi All,

So I haven't touched Aurora for quite a while, again—chalk it up to my being on a mac now and not really liking virtual machines if I can avoid them, let alone Bootcamp. Anyhow, I've recently become interested in trying to play StarFire, which Aurora was inspired by, and lo and behold, I'm back to Aurora again. I think solo SF might be a bit too much number crunching for multiple empires.

So I hope the interest factor stays with me this time. I seem to run into issues every so often which make it frustrating to continue, though it's hard to remember what they are, specifically. Perhaps the fact that the 10K coordinates Steve added way back in the 5.20 days seem to be cut off when read by my screen reader? I'm stuck at 1280 by 800, which is hardly ideal.

Perhaps with a few more tweaks, Steve willing, I could really make some more forward progress. I'm glad to see the forums are still active—moreso than ever, it seems. Happy to be back, even if I struggle with the game regularly. :) Long live Aurora!