Author Topic: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread  (Read 116853 times)

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Offline Paul M

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #435 on: September 29, 2014, 06:26:19 AM »
One thing that would be good to see is fighter construction using stored parts.  Right now I can scrap my pinnaces and get back the sensors and engines but I can't reuse them in building new pinnaces ever though both versions use the same engines and sensors.  So it seems pointless to salvage the engines from fighters if you can't reuse them as they just end up being scrapped a second time.

Offline Haji

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #436 on: September 30, 2014, 09:09:46 AM »
I'd love to seen an option to change racial wealth generation in game, not only during empire creation. I'm in the middle of creating an empire and I've just remember that it was supposed to have a weakness in the form of low per capita income, but I'll be damned if I delete it and make it again just to implement it.

Offline alex_brunius

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #437 on: September 30, 2014, 10:36:42 AM »
I'd love to seen an option to change racial wealth generation in game, not only during empire creation. I'm in the middle of creating an empire and I've just remember that it was supposed to have a weakness in the form of low per capita income

Agreed. Would also be very useful for RP campaigns where you want one of your empires to gradual improve it's wealth over time.

Offline Jorgen_CAB

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #438 on: September 30, 2014, 11:05:41 AM »
Agreed. Would also be very useful for RP campaigns where you want one of your empires to gradual improve it's wealth over time.

I couldn't agree more because the only solution right now is to remove population. In the real world you can have one faction easily be 50 or even 100 times the wealth per population over another. Certainly most would use more balanced approaches but a modern US versus a modern India in the game are quite imbalanced unless you like to give US a very advanced wealth tech advantage which seems weird given how much RP is needed for a significant difference.

Offline ExChairman

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #439 on: October 04, 2014, 04:47:39 AM »
Could there be a note where the troops are stationed in the text file...
Veni, Vedi, Volvo

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Offline chrislocke2000

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #440 on: October 09, 2014, 11:21:57 AM »
Readiness Ideas
In my current campaign I’ve noticed just how powerful and capable a fully trained crew can be. Their ability to react instantly to threats after years of time in space / on picket duty gives a massive advantage to defenders without reflecting how arduous such a constant vigil would actually be.

I’ve therefore been thinking about how a system of alert states could be introduced which, whilst adding a further layer of complexity, should bring more tactical / strategic decision making and enrich the Aurora gameplay experience.

Each vessel would have an alert state which can either be manually set and could also be changed through a conditional order. The alert state would affect the responsiveness of the crews, their morale and the maintenance of the vessel.

A broad structure (assuming a fully trained crew) for this would be:

1)   Red Alert:
All crew are at stations, ships weapons are charged / missiles loaded / shields able to be put up and down / sensors on or off instantly etc.
Crew would begin to suffer temporary morale reductions and impacts as with current system after a number of hours based on level of training and bonus. Hence after a while at Red alert crew will actually be slower to respond then if not at Red Alert. As with fighters this temporary morale reduction would be lost by periods of not being at red alert.

2)   Amber Alert:
Crew at stations on shifts, weapons and defences are ready but not fully powered up.
There would be a time delay between bringing ship to full alert and being able to activate weapons etc based on crew grade etc. Whilst in Amber alert the base rate at which time in space is recorded is doubled. Hence crew at Amber alert for longer periods of time will need shore leave sooner to avoid morale loss.
To reflect that systems are powered up and ready failure rate may also be increased by 50% when checking maintenance requirements.

3)   Green Alert:
Crew on normal shifts, weapons and systems not being used are not charged / missiles loaded etc. Will take the crew longer to move to full alert and will also require usual load time for weapons systems to charge weapons / load tubes etc.

At green alert the ships accrues time in space and maintenance at normal rate.This would be the default setting

4)   Black Alert:
Systems are generally powered down to minimum; will take several hours for ship to react to orders.
At black alert the ships active sensors / shields / weapons / engines are offline and hence thermal output and EM output are set to minimal. Rate at which crew loose morale and maintenance failures occur reduce.
Could possibly reduce rate at which maintenance age increases as well.
Other thoughts on this are that ships may continue to provide protection to colonies and hence this setting may be used when deploying vessels on protection duties. Of course a complete opposite to this would be to require ships to move and patrol a system in much the same way they currently complete training in order for them to provide a contribution to the defensive value for a colony. 

5)   Shore Leave:
Ship has a delay of possibly several days before it is able to react to orders. Maintenance usage again reduced against normal rates. Crew will regain morale etc as with current game mechanics.
(In this situation shore leave would need an order rather than just moving a ship to a planet with sufficient population).

6)   Mothball:
Ship has a delay of up to a month before responding to orders.
Failure rate significantly reduced / rate of maintenance age build up significantly reduced. Could also return of say 75% of the crew to training facilities to reflect just a skeleton crew on board.

Carriers and Fighters
I would love to see a similar system for the launch of fighters with the delay in launch based on the ships readiness level and a rate of fire for launches.

Thoughts (I accept that the names for the alert states used above are rubbish!)?

Offline swarm_sadist

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #441 on: October 09, 2014, 05:49:52 PM »

I think better names would be:
1. Battle Stations
2. Alert
3. Guarded
4. Peace

Just having 4 might be better, and have mothballing and shore leave be the same as transit delay (IE a status effect from an order).

As for fighters and bombers, having a separate alert system for individual squadrons could work. A modern destroyer can launch a light helicopter in 45 minutes when at minimum alert level.

Offline IanD

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #442 on: October 10, 2014, 02:59:01 AM »
I think better names would be:
1. Battle Stations
2. Alert
3. Guarded
4. Peace

Just having 4 might be better, and have mothballing and shore leave be the same as transit delay (IE a status effect from an order).

As for fighters and bombers, having a separate alert system for individual squadrons could work. A modern destroyer can launch a light helicopter in 45 minutes when at minimum alert level.

Since Aurora takes its inspiration from the wet navy an alternative would be:
Action (or Battle) stations. Ship is closed up and ready for immediate action.
Defence stations where 50% of weapons are manned and crews are sleeping at their weapons, but ship is not closed up. This could be maintained for a considerable time in WW2, eg time for convoys to pass through threat areas where attack could be expected.
Cruising stations. Ship is on passage weapons at nominal readiness.
Then if ship is in orbit of a planet it could be at 1 to several hours notice to space, systems powered down as appropriate. 

However none of this would affect automated weapons ie CIWS. This could open a whole new research path! :D


Offline GodEmperor

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #443 on: October 10, 2014, 03:42:10 AM »
Tactical net research path would be great.

Right now every ships acts like he is linked with others ( can use their sensor data, coordinates defensive fire etc. ).
Everyone who read Starfire knows how much of an advantage the tactical Net was for the Federation Navy in their war with Arachnids.

We could treat that net somewhat like jump drive - researching efficiency to include more ships, range so they do not have to travel packed in one group etc.
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Offline ExChairman

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #444 on: October 25, 2014, 05:59:29 AM »
Not sure if its been asked before, but it would bee nice to be able to see wich ship is firing certain missiles, or for that matter energy weapons.

Are under attack by an enemy with some 30 ships, his ASM ships went away in an one direction.

His AMM ship is in the middle of his main group, that went in the oposite direction...
But I cant se who is firing alot of AMMs, at 1.8 M/km...
Veni, Vedi, Volvo

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Offline ardem

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #445 on: October 28, 2014, 01:03:41 AM »
Since Aurora takes its inspiration from the wet navy an alternative would be:
Action (or Battle) stations. Ship is closed up and ready for immediate action.
Defence stations where 50% of weapons are manned and crews are sleeping at their weapons, but ship is not closed up. This could be maintained for a considerable time in WW2, eg time for convoys to pass through threat areas where attack could be expected.
Cruising stations. Ship is on passage weapons at nominal readiness.
Then if ship is in orbit of a planet it could be at 1 to several hours notice to space, systems powered down as appropriate. 

However none of this would affect automated weapons ie CIWS. This could open a whole new research path! :D



Offline alex_brunius

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #446 on: October 28, 2014, 02:02:28 PM »
Not sure if its been asked before, but it would bee nice to be able to see wich ship is firing certain missiles, or for that matter energy weapons.

Are under attack by an enemy with some 30 ships, his ASM ships went away in an one direction.

His AMM ship is in the middle of his main group, that went in the oposite direction...
But I cant se who is firing alot of AMMs, at 1.8 M/km...

I recall this being mentioned before at least.

It would make sense that if you can track individual missiles at launch your sensor resolution would also allow you to see clearly what ship that launched them...

Offline Haji

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #447 on: October 29, 2014, 10:08:56 AM »
Shipyard damage calculation needs adjustment. I'm attacking an outpost (both sides are player controlled) with a forty thousand tonne shipyard complex, numerous forty thousand tonne maintenance space stations (civilian unarmored constructs) and a couple of twenty thousand tonne warships. The shipyard took twice as many hits as the warships and five or six times as many hits as the space stations and is still standing. And since it has only a single slipway it's not even damaged in any way.

Offline swarm_sadist

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #448 on: October 29, 2014, 11:34:07 AM »
Have jump drives allowed on ships too large for them, allowing for other ships to transit (that are the required size) but not the ship with the JD. I currently have a large military base protecting a jump point and I would like that station to open jump points for my destroyers. I would like to do this without designing a 20kT jump drive for that base.

Offline MarcAFK

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Re: Semi-Official 6.x Suggestion Thread
« Reply #449 on: October 30, 2014, 11:06:46 AM »
Shipyard damage calculation needs adjustment. I'm attacking an outpost (both sides are player controlled) with a forty thousand tonne shipyard complex, numerous forty thousand tonne maintenance space stations (civilian unarmored constructs) and a couple of twenty thousand tonne warships. The shipyard took twice as many hits as the warships and five or six times as many hits as the space stations and is still standing. And since it has only a single slipway it's not even damaged in any way.
SHouldn't it have lost capacity s a result of the bombardment?
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". . .  We know nothing about them, their language, their history or what they look like.  But we can assume this.  They stand for everything we don't stand for.  Also they told me you guys look like dorks. "
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