Author Topic: Walking among giants  (Read 1854 times)

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Offline misora (OP)

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Walking among giants
« on: March 25, 2015, 02:29:19 PM »
[ooc]So, I thought I would put the Shining City on the back burner because I recently got inspiration for an AAR from a timeline on the Alternate History forums.[/ooc]

February 20th 2018
The Escot had spent the last half a century watching Humanity from their hidden base under the Martian polar ice cap, they had learned many things from watching the Humans and had determined that they would've liked to establish first contact at a much later date when humanity was less likely to blow itself into the annals of history at a moments notice. But as they say on Earth, "No battle plan survives contact with the enemy.". The Escot scientists had been greeted by a strange transmission from their homeworld and hadn't heard anything in weeks, despite the fact that they were do for a supply ship to arrive. They had been forced by circumstances to launch a contact craft and land it on Earth, landing near the Canadian Parliament Building to establish first contact and try to negotiate some of kind of treatise for supplies for their colony as it was not yet self-sufficient in terms of food output, although it was swimming in Trans-Newtonian minerals. The site of an alien spacecraft landing in front of a major government's seat shook the world to its core, and caused some of the more radical groups to call out for the extermination of the aliens, even though they had shown no hostile intentions towards Humanity over the last half century according to the Aliens.

April 15th 2018
The Escot had negotiated a treaty with the humans through the UN, but they left dissatisfied with the results, they had been forced to give up basic knowledge on Trans-Newtonian Tech to the major human powers, Russia, US and Canada, The EU, and the newly formed South American Union.

To be continued....

Offline misora (OP)

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Re: Walking among giants
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2015, 04:38:57 PM »
[ooc]The idea behind this is that the aliens out in the universe are leagues ahead of us at the start, being that the enemy difficulty is set 300%[/ooc]

May 1st 2018 Major work is being undergone by all the Earth Powers in order to bring their industry up to basic TN standards, it would take years, but all of them had the manpower to do it. The NAU and EU appeared to have the best starts out of all the Great Powers, having the most industry and researchers.
Meanwhile the Escrot are slaving away trying their best to meek out an existence without their home planet. They are largely an enigma at this point…

June 1st The NAU completes research into experimental duranium armor and basic laser armament for a space station, while the EU has also completed its work into duranium armor for ships. The NAU also lays down the beginnings of its first TN spacecraft, a humble Geosurvey vessel. First contact had left the world’s major monotheistic religions in disarray, but Catholicism was the quickest to respond to this with the Pope calling a meeting of cardinals to discuss the future of Catholicism and Christianity as a whole.

July 1st The quietest month so far for the humans, but the Escot are hard at work having finally setup facilities for the creation of essential supplies, and having started to develop plans for a basic ship to explore for their lost Homeworld.

August 1st
Russia is the second human power to lay down a vessel in a shipyard again it’s just a basic geosurvey vessel, with the human powers not having the ability to build effective weapon systems yet. The NAU’s first vessel is due to launch later this year, or next it’s up in the air because of the bureaucracy.

September 1st A major event happened today for Humanity with the NAU launching its first Geosurvey to much fanfare from their press in an attempt to play down the other powers. The ship heads to Luna in order to discover if it has any minerals and then it will head to Mars.

September 10th
To the chagrin of the mineral companies of the NAU, Luna appears to have no TN minerals, but an on planet mineral expedition has been planned by the newly formed Bell Minerals company.

October 25th Mars is shown to have massive mineral wealth, but is considered off-limits at the moment for fear of antagonizing the Escot, Venus is also extremely rich in minerals although at very low accessibility.

November 3rd Mercury is a complete desert mineral wise, although it is rich in Non-TN minerals it is of little actual worth to humanity at this moment and in a rather bold move, The NAU declares Venus to be its property which causes the some massive backlash from the SAU, the EU, and the Crazies running the PRC.

December 3rd The EU completes research into a basic meson cannon and the NAU sends it’s vessel off to the outer system in order to study the gas giants.