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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2016, 03:21:14 AM »
Mass depression? So that episode of Futurama with the dog is banned in space?

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2016, 11:12:00 AM »
The NAU would like any new version of the Outer Space Treaty to retain the ban on deploying weapons of mass destruction in space. We also dispute the need of the Mars-Luna treaty at the moment, as the current Outer Space Treaty already guarantee their neutrality. We could consider a exemption for Mars and Luna in a new version of the OST.

As for the Registration Treaty, I personnally support it, and have submitted it to Congress for approval.

Nikki De Boer, Deputy Attache to the UN (Zambia)

Senator Sheb,

We agree that the Mars-Luna treaty is not fully ripe, however the FSA wanted to make sure it clear to all citizens that we view Mars and Luna as the common heritage of mankind.    We do feel that the Outer Space treaty does need to be reviewed, as it currently written is untenable, and we would much rather negotiate in good faith for a update to the treaty then be forced to withdraw from it. 
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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2016, 11:35:40 AM »
We are of one mind then. I'm pleased to report that Congress seems enthusiast about the UN Registration Treaty. We probablt will be in position to officially ratify it by tomorrow.

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #18 on: May 14, 2016, 05:29:43 AM »
And the vote passed. The NAU officially ratify the US registration treaty. As per the treaty, I can report that 12 Hathor MkI Geological Probes are planned to be built and launched as they come off the production line.

If any party would be interested in buying geological survey data or probes of their own, I recommend they contact their respective ambassadors.

Offline Drgong

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #19 on: May 14, 2016, 09:01:24 AM »
And the vote passed. The NAU officially ratify the US registration treaty. As per the treaty, I can report that 12 Hathor MkI Geological Probes are planned to be built and launched as they come off the production line.

If any party would be interested in buying geological survey data or probes of their own, I recommend they contact their respective ambassadors.

Admin hat: Just as a note, I as admin will auto-add the Hathor Mk 1s to the UN registry if the NAU wishes.  I might make the Registry a Sticky. 
Also, with two powers signed up, its now a offical treaty, and I will add it to the list of treaties.   Russia still can sign it or refuse to sign it.

FSA hat: 

The FSA is happy to hear that the NAU has signed and ratified the treaty.

The FSA senate ratified the treaty to a 22-1 vote. 
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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #20 on: May 14, 2016, 09:57:52 AM »
Admin hat: Just as a note, I as admin will auto-add the Hathor Mk 1s to the UN registry if the NAU wishes. 

That is fine by us.

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2016, 07:10:03 AM »
Helga Gavrilov of the Russian Confederation

Ladies and Gentlemen of the United Nations Assembly, we are please to announce that the Russian Confederation with be a signatory of the UN Registry Treaty.
On the Matter of the Outer Space Treaty, the Russian Confederation feel that the Treaty need no be updated, revised or abrogated.
The Celestial bodies of the Sol System are the collective inheritance of all of the children of mother earth, and none shall lay claim to any of them.
Peaceful colonies on Mars and Luna are in now way prevented by the current wording of the Outer Space Treaty, nor would the employment of police forces on those colonies, for the public order and good, be against the spirit of the Outer Space Treaty.

That the TWO Alliances that possess Trans-Newtonian Interplanetary vessels are seeking to rewrite the treaty to allow them to lay claim to Entire planetary bodies for their own exploitation should remaining ONE HUNDRED AND NINTY SOME nations on Earth simply are excluded from this next chapter of Humanity?

The Russian Confederation hopes the Member states of the United Nations follow the Confederation's lead by voting against any changes to the Outer Space Treaty. We do not need Weapons of Mass Destruction in Space, we do not need another Gold Rush to make the rich richer and the poor planet locked to a single world.

As the Right honourable Nikki De Boer said to this very Assembly, only TOGETHER shall save our planet, dividing the Solar system among a few at the expense of the many, is not, I say again, NOT, the way we Save humanity as a whole

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #22 on: May 21, 2016, 04:33:30 PM »
A open message to the Russian Confederation:
Dear people of Russia,

we, the congress of the North American Union, would like to invite a delegation of the Russian Confederation to a visit to one of our former ICBM launch sites. The new age the trans newtonian elements has brought us will hopefully soon obsolete these old weapons of mass destruction. For one and a half centuries the nuclear bombs were the greatest danger for mankind. However the trans-newtonian physics will soon eliminate the rules preventing their use which is why we pledge to you to begin to disarm your nuclear arsenal. A new race of arms must not happen. We have decided to take the first step and converted one ICBM launch site to suit a new type of rockets.
So a new, trans-newtonian rocket system which can be launched by these sites, the Hathor Mk I, was developed. It is however by no means a new, trans-newtonian version of the old weapons of mass destruction, but instead a vehicle to be used for science. A tool not for destruction, but a tool to ensure the prosperity of mankind. These missile carry a small sensor probe we can launch to nearby planets, moons and asteroids and conduct a throughout geological survey of the planet. We will launch a few of these probes to our nearest neighbours the coming months and will allow a delegation of your goverment to be present at these launches to convince themself we have no ill will.

With best wishes to Russia,
Carlos Smith, congressman of the NAU

Following the standing invitation of congressman Carlos Smith, the 3 chosen delegates of Russia were finally on their way to attend a tour through the repurposed ICBM launch silo. The commissioned trio consisted of the army Colonel Karen Timiryazev (f), navy Captain 2nd Rank, Nadia Aksyonova (f), and an actor of the central committee and current interim ambassador to the North American Union, Katria Zinoview (f).
After going through various demonstrations of the silo’s new functions, the launch protocols and demonstrably demilitarized redesigned work hierarchy, it was finally time to have a seat in the facilities’ meeting room. Despite the obvious political intentioned demonstration of good intention and maybe prosperity oriented development, there was some rather large incident overshadowing what could have been a first step to international collaboration gathering:
A Union sent team of agents had been trying to perforate the Confederation’s perimeter, and was killed when they tried to resist a police arrest attempt. Since happenings like this usually register as an offensive act, and become a major seed of political mistrust, tension deflecting talks were dearly necessary, but had been delayed for long enough so that only the cremated remains could now be given back to NAU to be buried in their homeland.

After having the facilities’ cantina serve quality dishes for the first time of its operation date, Katria Zinoview, sitting between the army and navy representatives, opens to the collected NAU envoys:
“So shall we start then? Don’t worry, as previously promised by Captain Aksyonova here, we have not come to exert pressuring inquiry. After some months of digestion of the incident, I think we might actually have grown a fairly forgiving understanding towards why you chose to network a team of operatives into our midst. We recognize that our external face has been quite lacking throughout the whole year, though not intentionally I want to assure. Of course having a new government, - on top of that one of such reach as ours-, turn inwards for such an elongated period of time just after reforming itself completely, naturally would raise alarms at any other nation which gets influenced by its dealings. We have been suspecting that the collection of information onto our internal dealings might have been the primary goal of your agents.
…Unfortunately there was absolutely no opportunity to verify this before, as the personnel you sent chose to rather fight to their death (and to that of some of our policemen), which had so far been the main source of mistrust on our side. We have problems understanding as to why you would order your operatives to react so violently if all they wanted to achieve was reporting on stability and potential danger analysis.
So this would be the first point we would like you to take up position to us.”

Zinoview exchanges looks left and right with her two companions. “On different note, we would like you detail or confirm your position on the current Outer Space Treaty. Despite our hesitance to take up direct contact in the past months, we do have been listening to announcements, and specifically the those of the White House Press Office.”
A nervous smirk flashes over Zinoview’s face before she continues: “We have people worried that you might not take the demilitarization of space to the letter, as you have voiced conflicting proclamations in that regard. The colonel here…”, - she makes a hand gesture towards Karen Timiryazev -, “…might be especially interested in a statement towards why you had chosen to word literally ‘…develop the right amount of Earth-based and space-based armed forces…’.
As you might relate, we all shared a collective raised eyebrow day when this proclamation reached us.”
Nadia puts a hand on Zinoview’s shoulder. “Uhm, yes, right, forgive the joking. So since you have made statements to the UN too, which spoke of you honoring the Outer Space Treaty, we three would just like to hear statements of you in this regard too.”

Katria leans back and throws a quizzical look towards Captain Aksyonova, who nods but holds one hand up to signal patience. Assumingly there was another, third point that was still delayed to give the envoys time to answer to the previous questions.
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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #23 on: May 21, 2016, 08:26:47 PM »
Diary of LT-Col Faerly Rowbust - NAU Air Force representative at the Hathor Launch and tasked with accompanying the Russian delegation

"...Why?, oh why did I apply apply to be a Russian Foreign Area Officer?  I have no idea how high these three are in the Russian food chain. They are probably just like me; peons left out to dry..."

After Zinoview talks about the operatives:"Ha! I guess we lost a CIA team inside Russia and they are mighty pissed off about it.  Good, kudos to that wimp Point-Rouge. At least, he is trying to get intel on those opaque SOBs" thinks Rowbust.

"Sorry Ladies, but I don't have a clue what you are talking about!  I am but a lowly Air Force Officer tasked with showing you around while we go about this marvelous task the NAU Congress has authorised. Is this issue being brought up through Ambassador kks? I am sure the government wil get to it in time." is what Rowbust officially declared.

"On the OST, I can but reiterate the "official" perspective that, even with the abundance of TN elements on Earth, eventually mankind must leave its birthplace and the best way to do this is through capitalism. Just look at what Elon Musk and those early 21st Century entrepreneurs did for the space program and you will realise that we are only being pragmatic. As you well know, capitalism means ownership and that basically means that the OST was a UN 'pipe dream' back in the 20th Century just like it is in the 22nd Century."

"Forgive my abruptness, but you appeared to have a third point?


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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #24 on: May 22, 2016, 03:37:12 AM »
"..As you well know, capitalism means ownership and that basically means that the OST was a UN 'pipe dream' back in the 20th Century just like it is in the 22nd Century."

Karen Timiryazev replies to this:
"Your ideas on capitalism and the assumption that the rest of the world will accept the american viewpoint on this are.. fascinating. The propaganda machinery of your state is most impressive."
The last part is said with admiration in her voice.

"Forgive my abruptness, but you appeared to have a third point?"

"We will get to that in time" answers Karen.
"As you said yourself Lieutenant Colonel we are only doing the tour at the moment, but we do of course expect to meet with some government representatives as well while visiting. I am sure your government is not planning to just show us a demonstration and send us on our way again without any possibility for questions and discussion. That could probably even be seen as a bit rude under the circumstances so surely not what is intended. But I did not get any information if the ambassador is in town for the occasion or if there is someone else who will be meeting us as representative for your congress."

Offline Red Dot

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #25 on: May 22, 2016, 05:09:27 AM »
Diary of LTC Faerly Rowbust - NAU Air Force representative at the Hathor Launch and tasked with accompanying the Russian delegation

Reflecting on the Russian request for a high-level meeting: "I better call Washington. I had heard that this meeting was going to be held at the UN. I think somebody may have to take the Hyperloop to South Dakota in the next few hours..."

"Sorry Ladies, but this deep in South Dakota is not a popular tourism destination for Congressmen, but let me call Washington and see if anything can be arranged" is what Rowbust actually said to the Russian delegation.

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #26 on: May 23, 2016, 08:20:08 AM »
Diary of LTC Faerly Rowbust - NAU Air Force representative at the Hathor Launch and tasked with accompanying the Russian delegation
"Well ladies, I have heard back from Washington and they will sending a representative later today.  I understand that it will be the Third Undersecretary of State for Global Affairs - Dr Sebastian Pinscher-Doberman. I have requested a secure conference room from the Base Commander."

Offline Drgong

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #27 on: May 23, 2016, 10:20:31 AM »
Meanwhile in Geneva


Nikki De Boer looked at her data-pad.  Being the semi-offical spokesperson for the FSA was hard, as the FSA was a trans-national organization.  She reread it again and then typed out letter to her cohorts in the NAU and FSA.

"Dear Sirs or madams

The FSA welcomes any discussion in details about our treaty proposals with the Outer Space Treaty (OST)

The FSA views on the treaty are hereby noted.

- We fully agree that Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) are banned space
- We state that there is no prohibition on placing non-WMD in space
- the treaty expressly prohibits their use for testing weapons of any kind, conducting military maneuvers, or establishing military bases, installations, and fortifications.
- The treaty prohibits claiming of property in space outside of the actual bases and ships in space.

The FSA treaty concerns are the following

- The FSA is laying the groundwork to establish colonies in space, a new "Great Trek" if you will.  a military base and a large police station are not dissimilar, and it is unreasonable to ask a colony of millions of persons not to have a police force.
-We are not alone, the ruins on mars proves this, so it is our duty as protectors of our citizens to build up a defensive force able to defend earth and it colonies.  We need to do this in a peaceful manner among humans as these weapons are for defending us from external aggression.
- That not allowing exclusive economic zones in space will mean that there will be tension and threats in space - which is counterproductive for peace.

The FSA wishes to discuss this matter, outright rejection of discussions will leave the FSA no choice but to leave the treaty, and we remind all that not all member states of the FSA have ratified the treaty (Iran), some have not signed the treaty (Rhodesia-Zimbabwe, SWA-Namibia) and all treaty members have the right to leave the treaty with a year's notice.
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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #28 on: May 23, 2016, 08:19:57 PM »
Diary of LTC Faerly Rowbust - NAU Air Force representative at the Hathor Launch and tasked with accompanying the Russian delegation

" OK, Now what did I do?  I didn't think I screwed up this assignment this much that Washington now feels they need to backstop me this much...."

"Colonel Timiryazev, Captain Aksyonova and Mrs. Zinoview. I have had a call from Washington and it appears Ambassador kks will be available to meet with you after all.  Seems my initial message to the Pentagon wasn't sent to the Ambassador and he is quite unhappy that we asked Dr Pinscher-Doberman to attend in his stead.  Please be ready to meet with him when he makes his way to South Dakota."

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #29 on: May 23, 2016, 08:33:07 PM »
Helga Gavrilov of the Russian Confederation

In response to the very honourable Nikki De Boer

The Russian Confederation does not consider the deployment of Para-Military Police for the good of the Public order on off world colonies to be a counter to neither the wording nor intent of the Current Outer Space treaty.

I am as convinced that the ruins on Mars are justification of the weaponization of Space, as I am convinced the ruins of Troy found in Turkey are justification for the ICBMs we all possess here and now.

If Space exploration is for the benefit of all Humankind, what is the need for Exclusive Economic Zones, no one nation or alliance block on Earth is capable of exploiting the full resources of an exo-planet alone.

One can lay claim to the resources extracted from extra-terrain bodies, by right of the work required to extract them, but none can lay claim to the body itself for their sole exploitation.

If the Russian confederation was to mine Europa, what concern is it of ours, if the NAU or the FSA decide to do the same, or one of the Non Aligned nations do the same, is Europa not big enough for us all?

The Russian confederation invites the non aligned nations to express their feelings on the Power blocks dividing up the solar system, to ensure that the mineral rich ones stay in the hands of a few.