Author Topic: Updating the list of components, installation and technologies  (Read 4500 times)

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Offline Mor (OP)

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As the game progress many little changes are introduced, is there any way to extract the latest list of components (designed and otherwise), installation and technologies?

I suppose I can use the space master to skip techs and write them down, but it seems a bit anal. Any ideas?

Offline swarm_sadist

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Re: Updating the list of components, installation and technologies
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2015, 12:34:26 PM »
You could SM all the tech, then go into the design window and look at each of the option you can change for components. They are in the order you research them in.

Offline Mor (OP)

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Re: Updating the list of components, installation and technologies
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2016, 06:31:48 AM »
Well I figured that manually typing them all is too error prone and annoying. Luckily the power at be, steve, provided  me with a full list for the new year. I already partial checked it out, while the rest waiting until I find I can find the time to look over some related pages.