Author Topic: new crew quarter options  (Read 3406 times)

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Offline Michael Sandy (OP)

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new crew quarter options
« on: March 19, 2017, 04:27:26 AM »
What if there was a cap for crew deployment?  Say, above a 5- year deployment, you could research 'ship is HOME' level quarters.  At that level, the crew have their families aboard, ala Star Trek TNG.

Or have something you could research that allowed for crew to relax faster, so instead of rewinding the deployment time at 10x, you could rewind it at 12x or 20x or more?
« Last Edit: March 19, 2017, 04:31:41 AM by Michael Sandy »

Offline Detros

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Re: new crew quarter options
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2017, 04:59:31 AM »
There already is that Recreational module though something smaller but less effective could be useful.

Offline TCD

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Re: new crew quarter options
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2017, 02:46:29 PM »
I've always assumed that the crew deployment time is both about recreational space and supplies of consumables like food and medicines. As Auroran tech doesn't seem to include replicators a ship will always need to return to a port to restock at least. I guess Steve is abstracting a whole mix of gyms/medical facilities/supply cupboards into that single deployment time stat to reduce complication, which makes what you're suggesting trickier to work out.

If Steve really wanted to flesh that side out I'd rather see medbays come in, perhaps a 1HS component that extends deployment time and reduces the risk of a disease outbreak. Which means Steve would also need to add in a random chance of space plague hitting.

Offline swarm_sadist

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Re: new crew quarter options
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2017, 07:28:07 PM »
I've never really understood the deployment time. Couldn't you just remove the entire crew and slap another crew in their place? 6 year on, 6 year off? But I guess that wouldn't be very narrative like.

I'd rather see a global crew fatigue level, with crew shortages putting more pressure on already worked crews. Crew deployment would then only really come into effect during deep space exploration, through budget cuts on manpower, or from long deployment due to war.

As for the OP, TNG had Pajamas for uniforms, had the ship's shrink sit right next to the captain, and had a kid drive. They also had handguns which could disintegrate people worn on the hip, with no trigger guards. In Aurora, maybe the kids should be left on the Orbital Habitats. :-\

Or have something you could research that allowed for crew to relax faster...
Direct your science department to study "Fun"?
« Last Edit: March 31, 2017, 07:31:54 PM by swarm_sadist »