Author Topic: Manticore Defiant: A Star Kingdom AAR  (Read 12398 times)

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Offline rainyday (OP)

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Manticore Defiant: Chapter Five: Kingdom Under Siege (1589-1590)
« Reply #30 on: October 02, 2022, 12:00:42 PM »
Chapter Five: Kingdom Under Siege (1589-1590)

29 May 1589

HMS Casey and her division mate HMS Locatelli had been at Readiness Two, with their weapons charged, nodes hot, and all stations manned for over ten months. This had put an immense strain on their hardware and personnel. In the beginning, no one begrudged the grueling duty schedules or increased maintenance requirements because every spacer knew they were the Star Kingdom’s first line of defense. Now, they were utterly exhausted and ready to rotate home for some well-deserved rest and recreation.

Any other crew would have gotten sloppy. Fatigued people often cut corners or lapsed in vigilance through no fault of their own. But Commander Nikos Franklin ran the tightest ship in the RMN. Where his peers considered assignment to an aging light cruiser undesirable, he felt only tremendous pride. HMS Casey was the service’s most decorated command, with a rich storied past and unmatched battle honors. He believed living up to that legend was his duty and expected nothing less than perfection.

Some officers can attain such performance through sheer charisma, instilling a sense of comaraderie and loyalty that inspires their subordinates to go above and beyond. Commander Franklin was not one of those. Everyone on his ship despised him. They knew their CO might appear anywhere, anytime, seemingly materializing out of thin air to peer over their shoulders and offer unsolicited feedback or criticism. He never stopped talking about the important mission, or forcing them to run rigorous daily combat drills, as if there wasn’t enough work. Phrases like “meddling busybody”, or even less charitably, “slave driver” were applied liberally outside his hearing.

But when seven alien LACs shot out of the wormhole, not a single member of the bridge crew was slacking.

ONI’s analysis showed they got off a missile launch in under five seconds. A remarkable feat for a Navy with so little actual combat experience. Tarnished somewhat by the fact that nine of the twelve missiles missed. Through no fault of the junior officer who fired, ONI hastened to add, because the aliens’ speed and electronic countermeasures rendered the Mark 4A Light Missile only 40% effective under idea circumstances, which these were assuredly not.

Both light cruisers unleashed their beam armaments on full rapid-fire, cycling as fast as their capacitors could recharge. Energy torpedoes tore gaping wounds in the enemies’ flanks, lasers stabbed through their armor, and then autocannon switched to offensive mode hammered the gaps. The LACs turned to run, but the Manticoran vessels charged after them, spitting death, and one by one the alien craft died under heavy bombardment. The enemy, their sensors confused by the wormhole transit, hadn’t fired a shot.

Careful analysis of the debris uncovered a shocking truth. The LACs weren’t ships at all. They were living organisms, space going creatures capable of traveling through wormholes. The Star Kingdom’s scientific community, staggered by the implications, would debate them for years to come. Meanwhile, ONI wondered what had happened to the horrifying humanoid monsters who boarded Wayfarer and slaughtered her crew.

The scouts’ arrival ended the era of uncertainty at the Admiralty. The RMN trained to defend the home system and the strategic situation, limited to one wormhole terminus, was simple enough. Mere hours after the incursion, they dispatched CruDiv 2, the heavy cruisers HMS Kodiak and HMS Hexapuma, reinforced by the older energy armed cruiser HMS Gryphon, to join the Hennesy picket. By seniority, this placed Captain Pryce Dunne in overall command.

Concern that the invaders might discover an alternate, unknown route between Aral and the other wormhole chains meant parceling out frigates to monitor those termini as well. Between accompanying survey squadrons, escorting convoys, picketing various wormholes and defending colonies, the RMN’s light units were stretched thin, and some had already gone dangerously long without overhauling. The Admiralty was juggling deployments as best it could, but the situation was unsustainable.

In response, BuShips developed the Mark 1 Gravitic Detection Buoy and Active Sensor Buoy 4R14, stationary drones with almost unlimited endurance that could be launched from standard Mod 4 missile tubes. HMS Galactica filled her magazines with probes and set out to deploy them at each of the Wormhole Junction termini. If the program proved successful, the Admiralty intended to extend coverage to other systems.

Two months after the initial incursion, seven more LAC sized aliens appeared. This time, their translation vector put them squarely under the guns of CruDiv 2. The heavy cruisers were slower off the mark but just as effective. This time the battle lasted forty-five seconds, and the Manticoran ships again received no damage. The Kodiaks’ outstanding performance boded well for the Mercury-class destroyers.

First Space Lord Summervale waited for the other shoe to drop, and it happened on August 12th, when HMS Kodiak detected two creatures emerging from the wormhole. Not LACs this time. Her active sensors pegged them at 9300 and 22500 tons hydrogen displacement. The larger beast was even bigger than the Manticoran heavy cruisers, though CruDiv 2 enjoyed a 5:3 advantage in tonnage. Still, it was the RMN’s first proper battle in fifty years.

Captain Dunne brought his ships to action stations, and all three opened fire. Unlike in previous encounters, these intruders recovered rapidly from the transit effect and started shooting back. ONI later concluded the creatures spat, farted, or otherwise emitted globules of a greenish substance that could burn through duranium at a hundred thousand kilometers. Really, this was no more unlikely than cruiser sized aliens living in vacuum. However, it would spark an intense debate in military and academic circles about how and why such an extreme defense mechanism might have evolved. That question would haunt xenobiologists’ imaginations for decades.

At the moment, the strange green goo splattered across HMS Gryphon, striking at least sixteen times and dropping her armor to 90%. In response, the heavy cruiser savaged the smaller alien with a vicious salvo of energy torpedoes that ripped it apart. The larger one, caught under the combined firepower of HMS Kodiak and HMS Hexapuma, soon followed it to the grave.

This decisive victory catapulted Pryce Dunne to celebrity status overnight. The Liberal government needed to show the public that their tough stance on military spending hadn’t harmed the Navy’s ability to defend the Kingdom. A rakish aristocrat wasn’t their first choice for a hero, but they couldn’t pass up a good publicity campaign when one dropped into their lap. It didn’t hurt that his face was straight out of a recruiting poster.

In the battle’s aftermath, Captain Dunne received the Order of Gallantry, a promotion to Commodore, and command of the entire Junction Fleet, including the wormhole tenders, support vessels, their escorts, picket ships, and any theoretical future bases. In reality, it amounted to a couple cruiser divisions, but to him it seemed better than being appointed CO of Home Fleet. The action happened out there.

Research projects continued to deliver results in rapid succession: Maintenance Modules, Research Rate 240 RP, Maximum Engine Power x2.5, Terraforming Modules, Fusion Boosted Warheads, 20cm Plasma Carronades, Magnetic Mirror Fusion Reactors and Max Tracking Time for Bonus vs Missiles: 30 Seconds were all developed during this period. The propulsion division at BuShips switched gears to work on wormhole transit devices.

Proposals for a new missile series incorporating the upgraded engine and warhead technology floated around the Admiralty, but gallicite was still in short supply. They deemed present stockpiles sufficient, since the RMN hadn’t fired many missiles yet. Mass production and deployment could wait for mining to ramp up in Basilisk.

Commodore Dunne’s mettle was tested again in October 1589 when another heavy cruiser sized alien arrived. For the moment, he retained direct command of HMS Kodiak. She and her consorts in CruDiv 2 engaged and destroyed the intruder without incident.

Late that year, four Mercury-class destroyers—Mercury, Venus, Terra, and Mars—completed their builder’s trials and set out to relieve the heavy cruisers. Since the defenses seemed to be holding, Parliament declined to fund a second flight. The new ships proved their worth almost immediately by destroying a pair of cruiser sized adversaries.

The incursions’ increasing frequency suggested the aliens had now taken full control of the wormhole chain beyond Hennesy. One faction in ONI argued the creatures lacked intelligence and were just migrating. This explained why they kept lumbering into the Navy’s guns and hadn’t attacked in force.

The Royal Manticoran Marine Corps demonstrated a modified reconnaissance drone capable of scanning planetary surfaces for hidden mineral deposits. They began training specialized Survey Companies intending to deploy them throughout the system late next year. The Marines also launched another pair of transports: Ancona and Asiago. This gave them six such vessels with a combined capacity of 150,000 tons. They decided not to build more Anzio-class ships for now.

The civilian yards continued to churn out freighters, completing two Vegas and three Clydesdales this year. These brought the total up to eight of the larger Vega-class, capable of moving 500,000 tons but limited to operations in the Manticore system, and sixteen smaller Clydesdale-class, with a capacity of 400,000 tons. The Royal Merchant Marine also had four Orpheus-class colony ships which could carry 400,000 passengers. These were ferrying people to Medusa.

In June, the reconstituted 1st Survey Squadron made up of the survey cruisers HMS Explorer and HMS Pioneer, accompanied by the frigates HMS Amphitrite and HMS Antheia, set out to finish the geological survey in Reevesport and probe the wormholes there. They found large, high accessibility deposits of Neutronium, Corbomite, and Corundium on the third planet. The system also had several promising comets. Next, they transited into a system called Poicters, which had seven planets, eighty-two moons and over two hundred asteroids. The second world had water and a nitrogen atmosphere with trace amounts of oxygen.

It had now been seven months since the last attack. ONI wanted to send a frigate to check if the aliens had moved on. The animal migration theory had gained a lot of traction and if the creatures weren’t intelligent, they wouldn’t have posted guards. The First Space Lord reminded them that something had boarded Wayfarer and killed her crew.

Finally, the Admiralty decided on a course of action. HMS Gryphon was due to rotate back to the Hennesy terminus in August. First, she would go to Sphinx, detach her marine assault pinnace, and take two Mark 1 Wormhole Probes into her boat bay for transport. This new shuttle sized drone had enough conventional thrust to hurl itself through an open wormhole.

Off-Topic: show
Mark 1 WH Probe class Sensor Platform      56 tons       1 Crew       12.5 BP       TCS 1    TH 0    EM 0
1 km/s      No Armour       Shields 0-0     HTK 1      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 0      PPV 0
Maint Life 0 Years     MSP 0    AFR 11%    IFR 0.2%    1YR 1    5YR 10    Max Repair 12 MSP
Lieutenant (SG)    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 days   

AN/SML-3a Missile Tracking Array (1)     GPS 12     Range 4.8m km    MCR 430.9k km    Resolution 1

Although the strategic situation hadn’t changed, dispatch boats would be ready soon and BuShips expected to have HMS Swiftsure converted next year. The Admiralty decided it was time to reconnoiter the Hennesy system, determine if the aliens were still present, and attempt to establish a beachhead for future operations. All six light cruisers had just completed overhauls, so orders were dispatched sending them to the terminus, along with a destroyer escort division, and HMS Trailblazer to provide transit.

On October 14th, HMS Trailblazer sent the first probe into Hennesy. It broadcast back active sensor recordings for several seconds before disintegrating in a cloud of corrosive spit. Obviously, the creatures were smart enough to guard the wormhole after all. ONI spent several hours trying to make sense of the brief jumbled data. In the end, they determined that forty-five of the LAC sized aliens waited almost on top of the terminus. They identified three unique subspecies, all of which had been seen before. During the original Wayfarer analysis, ONI labeled each enemy ship class after a city from Old Earth’s Australia continent and this convention stuck so their final report stated the OpForce included 30 Brisbanes, 11 Adelaides and 4 Melbournes. 

The First Space Lord was content to settle back into a defensive posture. Commodore Dunne was not. The Admiralty had tasked him with leading the expeditionary force and he had planned to transfer his flag to HMS Donnelly, still commanded by Crown Prince Michael. Having the future King of Manticore as flag captain while he led the Kingdom to a glorious victory over the alien menace could only be good for his career. He refused to abandon the operation when faced with a few mere animals.

The Commodore called his staff and captains to a meeting aboard HMS Kodiak to discuss the issue. Together, the forty-five aliens totalled only 31500 tons. They would enjoy the advantage of the wormhole transit, which Manticore had used to devastating effect. It would scramble his force’s sensors for critical minutes, during which the beasts would be free to ravage his ships. But he had over four times their displacement. True, the Donnellys hardly counted, since their only short-range weapons were a few autocannon, but they would add to the confusion.

To his credit, no Manticoran had ever assaulted a wormhole. No human anywhere had. The Naval Academy didn’t have training for this. There were no established doctrine or rules to follow. He would write the book. The staff estimated they would lose several ships in those critical first minutes, but enough should survive to finish the job. Losing ships would be a tremendous blow to the Navy, but since Wayfarer’s crew, the aliens had killed no one in the fighting. Most captains agreed a few casualties would help solidify the public’s opinion of the RMN as valiant defenders of the Kingdom. Noone expected *their* ship would be among those destroyed.

In the end, the tactic that developed was slightly more complicated than crash translating everything into Hennesy and hoping for the best. HMS Trailblazer’s wormhole transit device could drop three ships about fifty thousand kilometers from the terminus. One of those would have to be Trailblazer herself, whose low speed of 3200 km/s and complete lack of armor made her a significant liability, since they would be well within range of the alien’s spit weapon. That couldn’t be helped. HMS Trailblazer’s CO, as a mere Lieutenant Commander, wasn’t invited to the meeting and therefore had no say in this plan.

Commander Nikos Franklin settled the question of which ships should make up the vanguard by volunteering HMS Casey. It was only proper for his historic ship to lead the charge. As it had the heaviest armor and energy weapons, the other Captains agreed. CruDiv 5 would accompany HMS Trailblazer into Hennesy and move away from the terminus. With luck, the aliens would pursue. Then, the expeditionary force could drop in behind them.

With this decided, Commodore Dunne adjourned the meeting, had his chief of staff dispatch orders for HMS Pathfinder to join the fleet, and wrote up a hasty proposal to send to the Admiralty.

The First Space Lord rejected the plan outright, calling it absurd and reckless. However, Defense Minister New Dijon had become enamored with Commodore Dunne’s recent wave of successes and overruled him. The operation would go forward as planned at the Commodore’s discretion.

The Junction Fleet - October 1590

CruDiv 1: HMS Manticore, HMS Gryphon (Hennesy wormhole terminus)

CruDiv 2: HMS Kodiak, HMS Hexapuma (Hennesy wormhole terminus)

CruDiv 4: HMS Condor Owl, HMS Peak Bear (Basilisk wormhole terminus)

Transit Tenders:  RMAS Arrowhead, RMAS Alyssum, HMS Pathfinder (Basilisk wormhole terminus)

Expeditionary Force - October 1590

CruRon 2 (Light) - HMS Casey, HMS Locatelli, HMS Donnelly, HMS Heissman, HMS Marcello, HMS Shapira

DesDiv 6 (Escort) - HMS Honourable, HMS Galahad, HMS Gargoyle, HMS Grizzly

DesDiv 7 (Beam) - HMS Mercury, HMS Venus, HMS Terra, HMS Mars

FrigDiv 1.2 - HMS Akheron, HMS Amymone

Attached Survey Cruiser: HMS Trailblazer.

Total Tonnage: 129,300 tons

Next - Chapter Six: The Battle for Hennesy (1590)
« Last Edit: October 16, 2022, 06:59:01 PM by rainyday »
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Offline Gyrfalcon

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Re: Manticore Defiant: A Star Kingdom AAR
« Reply #31 on: October 03, 2022, 02:04:43 AM »
Perhaps realize that in works of FICTION, tropes are used quite often.  A more accurate portrayal of Weber's works would be that he writes very strong Pro-Military Bias in the political structure of his Science Fiction MILITARY works.  It's almost like it moves the story and provides some internal conflict to enhance the external threats...

*gasp* No, you don't say?! I thought the Honorverse were historical novels!

Okay, sarcasm aside - tropes are tropes because they come up so often. They can be used like a sledgehammer or scalpel, or subverted in various ways. Weber tends towards the sledgehammer approach with his early books. That doesn't take away that they're fun stories to read, but I do tend to skim the political sections because he's too heavy-handed with his depictions.

To directly contrast, I enjoy rainyday's Countess New Dijon because while she starts with the Liberal base point of scrap the expensive fleet ships, she's then shown to have good, cognizant reasons to want to do so - the battlecruisers are expensive hanger queens that are only useful if Manticore itself is under direct threat as their range, lack of jump capability and short deployment times strictly limit their effectiveness. (And yes, she can appreciate that her own party is partly at fault for that).

edit: That said, Dunne is about to solve the fleet's maintenance issue. I hope getting the Crown Prince killed doesn't throw the Kingdom into succession turmoil.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2022, 02:19:23 AM by Gyrfalcon »
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Re: Manticore Defiant: A Star Kingdom AAR
« Reply #32 on: October 03, 2022, 04:22:25 PM »

edit: That said, Dunne is about to solve the fleet's maintenance issue. I hope getting the Crown Prince killed doesn't throw the Kingdom into succession turmoil.

This will be complete destruction of Manticoran Expeditionary Force most likely. I wonder how this will affect the government. It was after all Countess New Dijon, who overruled First Space Lord.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2022, 04:25:26 PM by Black »

Offline nuclearslurpee

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Re: Manticore Defiant: Chapter Five: Kingdom Under Siege (1589-1590)
« Reply #33 on: October 07, 2022, 07:22:55 PM »
Careful analysis of the debris uncovered a shocking truth. The LACs weren’t ships at all. They were living organisms, space going creatures capable of traveling through wormholes. The Star Kingdom’s scientific community, staggered by the implications, would debate them for years to come. Meanwhile, ONI wondered what had happened to the horrifying humanoid monsters who boarded Wayfarer and slaughtered her crew.

We need a suitable in-universe name for these baddies. Naturally I assume that they will become known as "the swarm" due to whispered rumors amongst the rank and file crew members as is tradition.

By seniority, this placed Captain Pryce Dunne in overall command.

Oh good, now we know that there will be shooting of things.  ;D

Two months after the initial incursion, seven more LAC sized aliens appeared. This time, their translation vector put them squarely under the guns of CruDiv 2. The heavy cruisers were slower off the mark but just as effective. This time the battle lasted forty-five seconds, and the Manticoran ships again received no damage.

At some point, one begins to suspect that these ships may not be transit-addled, but rather unarmed, and the early successes are not necessarily indicative of future results...

Unlike in previous encounters, these intruders recovered rapidly from the transit effect and started shooting back.

Ah, yep.

ONI later concluded the creatures [...] farted

Hee hee.

Really, this was no more unlikely than cruiser sized aliens living in vacuum.


Late that year, four Mercury-class destroyers—Mercury, Venus, Terra, and Mars—completed their builder’s trials and set out to relieve the heavy cruisers. Since the defenses seemed to be holding, Parliament declined to fund a second flight.

This is what those outside of politics immediately recognize as famous last words.

Mark 1 WH Probe class Sensor Platform

For roleplay reasons, you could probably get away with putting a minimum-size jump drive on this thing, although it would admittedly double the cost but it is not as if you need very many nor do you need much of a sorium stockpile I am sure.

ONI spent several hours trying to make sense of the brief jumbled data. In the end, they determined that forty-five of the LAC sized aliens waited almost on top of the terminus. They identified three unique subspecies, all of which had been seen before.

Okay, I guess they do have armaments then. Or, given the nature of the adversary, arms?

Having the future King of Manticore as flag captain while he led the Kingdom to a glorious victory over the alien menace could only be good for his career.

Having the future King of Manticore as a casualty while he led the Kingdom to an ignominious defeat at the hands of the alien menace, on the other hand, could certainly be something other than good for his career.

Losing ships would be a tremendous blow to the Navy,

It would be a net benefit as this would convince Parliament that more ships are needed. At least I foresee this justification being given in a court-martial proceeding in the near future.

Most captains agreed a few casualties would help solidify the public’s opinion of the RMN as valiant defenders of the Kingdom. Noone expected *their* ship would be among those destroyed.

A timeless classic, this one.  :P

HMS Trailblazer’s CO, as a mere Lieutenant Commander, wasn’t invited to the meeting and therefore had no say in this plan.

And another, you're really on a roll with this sequence here.

The First Space Lord rejected the plan outright, calling it absurd and reckless.

Thank God, there is at least one sane person somewhere in the chain of command.

However, Defense Minister New Dijon had become enamored with Commodore Dunne’s recent wave of successes and overruled him. The operation would go forward as planned at the Commodore’s discretion.

...and only one, apparently.  :-\

I suspect that the good Commodore is going to discover that his plan is a tad less than optimal, as the majority of the fleet will find themselves transit-addled for perhaps a minute or more due to lack of squadron jump capabilities. This is likely to be a very expensive learning experience for the RMN, albeit it sounds like it will have the useful side effect of purging some of the less sensible commanders from the chain of command.

edit: That said, Dunne is about to solve the fleet's maintenance issue. I hope getting the Crown Prince killed doesn't throw the Kingdom into succession turmoil.


This will be complete destruction of Manticoran Expeditionary Force most likely. I wonder how this will affect the government. It was after all Countess New Dijon, who overruled First Space Lord.

Clearly our author is Weber in disguise and this is actually yet another roundabout proof that monarchism is the one true way of government.
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Offline rainyday (OP)

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Manticore Defiant: Chapter Six: The Battle for Hennesy (1590)
« Reply #34 on: October 08, 2022, 11:59:15 AM »
WARNING: This Chapter contains major spoilers for the more... unique capabilities of the Star Swarm. If you have not fought them and would prefer to be surprised, you may want to skip this chapter. I will provide a spoiler free summary of the outcome in the first paragraph of Chapter Seven.

Chapter Six: The Battle for Hennesy (1590)

15 October 1590

“Good hunting, Casey,” Commodore Dunne said on his private link with Commander Franklin. “See you on the other side.”

Watching the green icons of vanguard force wink out, he thought of a more sinister interpretation for his last words, and leaned back with a sigh. Earl Greenlake said the most important duty of any Admiral was to appear confident and dispense inspirational speeches. That tracked with the type of holo-dramas Dunne enjoyed, but it was hard and he always put his foot in his mouth somehow.

Which was a shame, because HMS Donnelly needed some confidence and inspiration now. The tension in her cramped Combat Information Center was palpable. Serving with the Junction Fleet, he had forgotten how raw most RMN personnel were. Despite the Admiralty’s best efforts to disperse veteran NCOs throughout the fleet, there weren’t enough, and it would never be the same as lived experience.

“Contact! Multiple contacts!” The petty officer overseeing CIC’s sensor stations called out. “Ten, twenty, no… it’s all of them, sir!” His voice had risen to a squeak by the end of the report.

Dunne’s eyes snapped to central the plot where forty-five red icons had just appeared in the middle of his formation. Days of contingency planning and he had never even considered this one! Did they butcher Casey so fast and decide to launch a counterattack? Surely not! But then, what were they doing?

It didn’t matter. He slammed a finger onto the comm switch. “Scatter! I repeat, scatter! Fire at will!” Releasing the button, he turned to his staff tactical officer. “Linda, contact Captain Ainspan. Tell him to bring the heavy cruisers into our tacnet.”

Outside, the Junction Fleet reacted with reflexes honed by years of sporadic invasions. HMS Manticore fired first. Her energy torpedoes enveloped the nearest alien, and it vanished in an inferno of hot plasma. The rest of the units followed a moment later with their full beam broadsides, inflicting fifteen penetrating hits across seven targets.

“Missiles free!” Dunne said. Parliament had restricted using missiles for close wormhole defense, but with so many enemies, the fleet needed every bit of firepower it could muster. He could face the wrath of a Liberal budget committee if it prevented damage to his ships.

As soon as he gave the order, salvos began flying in rapid succession. Most started twenty to fifty thousand kilometers from their targets, so the streak of their drives flashed across the plot in seconds. Nuclear fireballs blossomed among the pack of creatures, killing six of them and maiming two more.

Crown Prince Michael kept his squadron together as they broke free and raced to open the distance. Captain DuChene of HMS Hexapuma, present commander of CruDiv 2, shadowed them, keeping her Kodiaks between the aliens and the lightly armored Donnellys. She needn’t have bothered, since the invaders were running away from the terminus at full speed in the opposite direction. CruDiv 1 and the destroyers were in pursuit, trying to keep the creatures in range of their autocannon. The constant stream of energy and metal took out six more enemies.

Why were the aliens in Manticore? Unless… could they have spooked at the sudden arrival of vanguard force and stampeded into the wormhole? A lemming response? These little ones had never stuck him as being especially intelligent. The move had brought them under the guns of his heaviest warships and cost them thirty percent of their strength in the opening minute.

HMS Gryphon’s Forward Weapons Division erupted into chaos as a massive, unexplained power surge shorted every piece of electronic equipment in the primary compartment. Computer terminals literally exploded, showering the crew with sparks, jagged bits of plastic and scraps of molecular circuitry. Acrid white smoke filled the air. The pulse of energy flooded past safety systems in battle override and fed back into a plasma conduit, which ruptured under the strain and vaporized a dozen spacers at neighboring stations.

“Commodore!” the petty officer manning communications called. “Gryphon reports she’s lost beam fire control. They have casualties. Captain Ross is requesting permission to withdraw to missile range.”

“Yes, yes, of course!” Dunne stared at the small schematic of HMS Gryphon on his console, flashing orange with battle damage despite the computer’s estimate of 98% armor integrity. He turned to his tactical officer. “What’s happening over there? What did they hit us with?”

“Report from Mars!” a different tech said. “Her beam fire control is out too, sir. Unknown number of casualties.”

“Tell them,” Dunne began and then punched the comm key again. “All ships, fall back! Open the range to 100k!”

“I think it’s those Adelaides, sir.” His tactical officer said from his side. “They’re generating a directional microwave pulse that’s overloading our electronic systems.”

Of course they were. If aliens could shoot duranium melting goo out of their butts, why not electronics destroying microwave pulses? Dunne scowled at the plot. Out of the forty-five creatures, only eleven had been Adelaides, but the more numerous Brisbanes had taken the brunt of his fleet’s undirected fire. Eight of the little monsters remained. “Do we know what the Melbournes do?”

“No, sir.”

Lovely. The clump of aliens had come to a halt fifty thousand kilometers “northeast” of the Hennesy wormhole terminus. For the moment, they only clustered around their wounded companions instead of pursing his ships. How could such stupid creatures pose such a massive threat to the Kingdom?

He pressed the comm stud again. “Beam units form up on HMS Manticore and withdraw to 160k. Focus fire on Adelaides and Melbournes.”

A hundred and sixty thousand kilometers put the fleet well out of the alien weapons’ range but also beyond the effective range of its own lasers. The beasts declined to pursue even as his retreating ships killed five more of them.

Dunne looked to his left where a display showed Crown Prince Michael seated on the bridge. “Your Highness, how soon can your squadron launch another missile salvo?”

“Seven minutes.”

Seven minutes might as well be eternity if the aliens changed their minds and came after his beam ships. Dunne made a note for his after action report. Weight of fire might be of paramount importance in a fight between equal tech warships, but perhaps a ten minute reload cycle was pushing reduced size launchers too far.

“Target the remaining Adelaides and fire when ready.”

“Four of them.” Prince Michael said. Then, at Dunne’s raised eyebrow, he added. “The Donnelly class has one missile telemetry unit. We can’t split our launch between multiple targets like your Kodiaks.”

There were six Adelaides left. After this, Dunne planned to have harsh words with someone at BuShips. “Very well. Target four of them. Coordinate with the destroyers so they take the rest.”

For seven minutes, the beam armed warships fired ineffective potshots. Except for HMS Kodiak, who picked off both an Adelaide and a Melbourne. Dunne mentally added another commendation to Cynthia Colenso’s file. He hated to lose her, but HMS Kodiak’s tactical officer was long overdue for a promotion. Maybe even her own ship. He ought to have enough clout at the Admiralty to accomplish that.

Forty-eight missiles streaked out from the light cruiser squadron, followed by twenty-four from the Mercury class destroyers. Every salvo killed its target, eliminating the rest of the Adelaides. Dunne smiled when he saw HMS Mars had fired the shot that took out the final one, payback for her dead and injured spacers.

Seventeen Brisbanes and a Melbourne remained. They still had some fight in them despite taking damage. He pressed the comm stud again. “Beam units, advance to energy range and engage.”

The Manticoran cruisers’ and destroyers’ lasers stabbed out with a vengeance as they closed, killing five more creatures. HMS Manticore led the charge and her schematic flashed orange as the aliens concentrated their return fire. No internal damage or electronics failures this time, but her armor dropped at an alarming rate.

“Captain Ainspan,” Dunne said. “Fall back. Kodiak, Hexapuma take the lead.”

HMS Manticore decelerated and reversed course. Finally, the enemy reacted. The fifteen survivors surged after the retreating heavy cruiser at their full 8226 km/s. Like wild animals that scented blood, they raced through CruDiv 2’s autocannon kill zone, oblivious to the trail of corpses they left behind, and honed in on the hapless injured ship, hammering it again and again with globules of goo as the schematic flashed crimson damage reports.

“Oh my God,” his tactical officer whispered.

Dunne stared in horror at the expanding cloud of debris obscuring the heavy cruiser’s aft hammerhead.

“Manticore just lost her aft impeller ring, sir! Her maximum speed’s down to 2250 km/s.”

“Kill those Brisbanes!” An unnecessary order, as Kodiak and Hexapuma were doing everything in their power to aid their wounded comrade. Moments later, the final alien vanished in a fury of laser and autocannon fire.

But were they in time to save HMS Manticore?

Damage Control Petty Officer 1st Class Rebeka Eremenko and her team watched the monitors in horrified anticipation as HMS Manticore’s armor integrity dropped. Most of the heavy cruiser’s crew had seen a little action during Junction deployments, but the ship had never taken serious damage. No drill or simulation could have prepared them for what would happen next.

Crimson indicators flared across the board as enemy fire penetrated. The division's junior lieutenant flew into action. “Hull breach in Engineering Seven and Eight! Fuel Storage Two is venting!”

“On it!” Rebeka called and hustled her spacers into the corridor. They had only gone a dozen meters when an explosion rocked the ship so hard it hurled the entire damage control party to the deck. A whoosh of fire shot over their heads before dissipating into nothing. The vacuum indicator on her skinsuit’s heads-up display lit as she climbed back to her feet.

“Eremenko?” the lieutenant asked.

“Alive, sir. That an alpha node?”

“I think so.” The young officer’s voice sounded as unsteady as she felt. “Something set off a chain reaction and took out the whole ring. Acceleration dropped 50%. Computers are out. I can’t raise the engine room. Go back and do a visual inspection. Be careful. The hull’s peeled open like a can of near-tuna.”

“Aye, sir.” Rebeka waved her team forward. “Come on lads. Ya heard the boss. Move your butts!”

The scene awaiting them aft was straight out of a low budget horror film. Not the mangled bodies or twisted wreckage — she had expected those. It was the pulsating green alien slime everywhere and the unnerving sight of whatever it touched vaporizing in little puffs, then flash freezing into glittering crystals that rained down to the deck and crunched under foot. The stuff ate through everything: bulkheads, consoles, power conduits, people. Worse, it was moving straight towards the cruiser’s vitals.

Casey-Rosewood didn’t teach a class on stopping toxic alien goo from eating your ship. Maybe next term. If someone thought of something clever fast enough to save HMS Manticore. What though? Vacuum had no effect. The gunk could eat through blast doors in under a minute. There were supplies for acid spills in Engineering Stores, but they weren’t stocked by the ton!

Rebeka keyed her uni-link. “Engine room’s gone, sir. Open to space, like ya said. And full of alien goop.”

“Sorry PO,” the lieutenant said. “Say again?”

“Alien goop, sir. I reckon that’s the technical term. Acid or something. It’s eating holes in the…”

HMS Manticore bucked again and Rebeka scrambled for a handhold to avoid being hurled face first in the mass of green sludge. Two members of her team weren’t so lucky. One man fell into the ooze and became a cloud. Another just brushed against it and dropped to the deck, screaming.

Rebeka raced to his side, hauling him up and handing him off to an uninjured spacer. From this position, she could see through shattered bulkheads fifty meters forward to the boat bay where green gunk clung to the marine assault pinnace and chewed its way with relentless indifference through the flight operations machine shop.

Feeling a growing sense of horror and desperation, she keyed her uni-link. “LT?”

“Eremenko, thank God.” The kid’s voice sounded haggard. “I thought we lost you when the beta ring went. We have a problem.”

That comment should win the Star Kingdom’s award for understatement of the century. “We’ve a lotta problems, sir, but we aren’t gonna have any in forty-five seconds ‘less ya call the bridge and tell ‘em corrosive alien slime is eating into the primary magazine!”


“Alien slime! Burning into the magazine!”

“Worse than that.”

Worse than alien goo that had detonated two impeller rings getting into forty-eight heavy warheads? “Alright, sir. I’m listening.”

“It’s the aft fusion bottle. Automatic jettison failed. Control runs are out. The readings are crazy. I don't know what's happening. But It could go any second. Someone has to trigger the manual override.”

Yeah, that was worse. “You call the TO, sir. I’ll do the reactor.”

At least the trip was quick, thanks to holes in the deck and bulkheads. One look into the control room confirmed her worst fears. Everybody was dead and the alien gunk had coalesced in a giant blob around the magnetic bottle, which sparked and flickered continuously under relentless assault. The miniature star inside flared and flashed, its fuel lines and regulators disintegrated. Either could overload the field and then HMS Manticore, and everyone aboard her, would die.

Rebeka found the manual emergency release mechanism. That panel was armored enough to survive a direct hit from a missile, but a mass of goo clung to the outside, ablating layers as she watched. She didn’t have time to think. No time to find help or tools. She lunged for the box, flung it open, and pulled the ejection lever with her other hand in one motion. The pain was incredible. Worse than she’d imagined. The reactor was going into space when she lost consciousness.

“Hold position at 100k,” Commodore Dunne told Captain DuChene of HMS Hexapuma. “I want every small craft performing search and rescue operations. We’ll send over the assault pinnaces with damage control parties and then use them to evacuate wounded through…”

An ear-rending squeal of static interrupted the transmission, and someone spat out a curse as the main plot filled with snow. Dunne waited in horror for the interference to dissipate and heaved an audible sigh of relief when HMS Manticore’s icon reappeared.

“What was that!?” He snarled at the image of Captain Ainspan filling a quarter of his display.

“That was the aft reactor safety kicking in and jettisoning a malfunctioning fusion bottle.”

“I’d like some warning before the next part of your ship explodes! Good Lord, man! What if our shuttles were there?”

Ainspan looked sheepish. “Sorry, sir. All the instrumentation back there is out. I believe anything that could explode has. The… um… alien bioweapon seems to have halted amidships. I believe the immediate crisis is over, but half my ship is gone and I have enormous casualties.”

“Commodore?” a communications tech called. “Pathfinder is asking if you want someone to look for Casey?”

In the chaos of the last twenty minutes, Commodore Dunne had completely forgotten the vanguard force. “Yes, of course. Have Akheron transit, assess the state of affairs in Hennesy, and contact Commander Franklin, if possible.”

Miraculously, HMS Casey and her consorts were unharmed. Confused, but who wasn’t? Finding no opposition, Franklin had drawn his ships up on the terminus to wait for the rest of the Expeditionary Fleet. When they didn’t arrive on schedule, he suspected the missing aliens might have gone into the wormhole, but feared sending a ship back into an active firefight might cause an accident.

Since Akheron saw no opposition on her long range gravitics, Commodore Dunne ordered Crown Prince Michael to take his squadron and the Mercury-class destroyers into Hennesy and hold that terminus. He returned to Kodiak to oversee the Junction Fleet’s recovery effort.

The final tally was one hundred and fifty lives lost in a skirmish grandiosely known thereafter as the Second Battle of Manticore. One hundred and twenty-eight of those from HMS Manticore alone, a fifth of her complement. Fourteen had died aboard HMS Gryphon and another eight on HMS Mars.

It took days to restore power to the damaged heavy cruiser’s beta impeller ring and patch one of her propellant tanks while RMAS Anubis made the slow journey from Manticore with additional fuel, maintenance supplies and a load of yard dogs from HMSS Hephaestus to relieve the exhausted crew. The survivors evacuated to Kodiak and Hexapuma for transport home. Their battered ship was two months limping into space dock and BuShips estimated she would remain there until July.

On December 2nd 1590, the same day that HMS Manticore arrived in orbit, First Space Lord Sir Michael Summervale knighted Commodore Dunne for his continued success in battle and initiated him to the Order of King Roger. The ceremony was broadcast throughout the Star Kingdom and included prestigous awards for many of the fleet’s leaders and key personnel. Despite the high honors bestowed upon him, Dunne remained uncharacteristically subdued throughout the presentation, contemplating the high price his people had paid in blood.

Some hours later, Captain Marius Ainspan of HMS Manticore, who had earlier received the Distinguished Service Order for valor in command of the heavy cruiser division and tireless effort to save his ship during the days following the battle, arrived at the RMN’s Bassingford Medical Center with a small box tucked into his pocket.

In a narrow room on the fourth floor, he found Petty Officer 1st Class Rebeka Eremenko propped up on a pile of pillows, swathed in bandages, with a regen cast encasing the remains of her right arm. She faced the window, looking out on the park that ajoined the center’s grounds. Her hazel eyes widened with alarm when she saw who the visitor was and she tried, unsuccessfully, to sit up straighter.

“As you were, PO.” Captain Ainspan pulled up a chair beside the bed. “How are you feeling?”

“Like I lost a bar fight with a Kodiak Max, sir. Biggun too. I think the regen hurts more than the acid. I’m a good candidate, though. Doc says I’ll be right as rain in no time.” She looked back at the window. “Just lying here, thinking about walking on that grass. Hugging a tree. Ya know, sir? It’s years since I’ve been home. Near death experience makes ya regret spending so much of your life in the void.”

“I hope you aren’t thinking of giving it up forever.”

“Oh, no sir! Just wanting more time dirtside is all.”

“Well, I’d say the Navy owes you an extended leave. If BuPers won’t give you a ride to Gryphon, I’ll buy a commercial ticket myself.” Captain Ainspan smiled. “And after that? Well, it’s not the Attica Mountains, but I recall there’s decent hiking around the Naval Academy. The weather is certainly nicer. Not that you Highlanders care.”

Eremenko turned back towards him with a confused frown. “Captain?”

“You missed the awards ceremony, so I brought this to you.” He took the box from his pocket and presented it with a small flourish. Inside was a silver cross on a dark blue ribbon.

The young woman’s eyes widened even further. “The Osterman Cross? No, sir! Lorelei Osterman was a hero. She saved the Star Kingdom! That’s not for me, sir! It must've been a mistake at BuPers.”

“You saved 425 people on HMS Manticore. Maybe twice, with that magazine warning. Plus, you came as close as someone in our line of work can to throwing yourself on a grenade to save your crewmates. That makes you a hero in my book. And my wife’s.” Ainspan shrugged. “Besides, the Queen read your name on holo-vision and everything. She’d be terribly upset if you refused now.”

“The Queen, sir?” Rebeka wilted. “I wouldn't want to upset her! But... sir, what do I do?”

“First, concentrate on healing. Then, a few months’ rest on Gryphon. After that, it's back to school, Lieutenant.”

Author's Notes: The Osterman Cross is the highest award given to enlisted personnel in the RMN and always comes with a commission. This is only the second time it has been handed out to date. The original was after the First Battle of Manticore. Anyway, I figured with all the highfalutin noble Admirals and Captains making a right mess of the Navy, this story could use its very own mustang Sharpe character to straighten them all out.  ;D

Sad to see you all had such low expectations for Commodore Dunne. Shame. Or you all very much overestimated the AI in C# which is still dumb as bricks. Sadly, the Navy's budget problems will continue unabated.

Next - Chapter Seven: New Discoveries (1590-1591)
« Last Edit: October 16, 2022, 07:45:02 PM by rainyday »
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Re: Manticore Defiant: Chapter Six: The Battle for Hennesy (1590)
« Reply #35 on: October 09, 2022, 10:39:10 AM »
Why were the aliens in Manticore? Unless… could they have spooked at the sudden arrival of vanguard force and stampeded into the wormhole? A lemming response?

This may be the most colorful and accurate term for the Aurora tactical AI yet. Well played.

Of course they were. If aliens could shoot duranium melting goo out of their butts,

I am glad this is now officially canon.

why not electronics destroying microwave pulses?

Game mechanics aside, bioelectrical EM pulses would be rather effective at disabling biological enemies, albeit in Aurora crew casualties from such a pulse are remarkably light.

Computer terminals literally exploded, showering the crew with sparks, jagged bits of plastic and scraps of molecular circuitry.

Sci-fi standards must, after all, be maintained.

How could such stupid creatures pose such a massive threat to the Kingdom?

One might note that it takes one to know one, in general.

And in fairness, we already know that the stupid creatures back home pose an even more massive threat, particularly the ones in Parliament with names like Baronet Nouveau Heinz Ketchup.

Dunne looked to his left where a display showed Crown Prince Michael seated on the bridge. “Your Highness, how soon can your squadron launch another missile salvo?”

“Seven minutes.”

Seven minutes might as well be eternity if the aliens changed their minds and came after his beam ships. Dunne made a note for his after action report. Weight of fire might be of paramount importance in a fight between equal tech warships, but perhaps a ten minute reload cycle was pushing reduced size launchers too far.

Thus highlighting one of the lesser-known roles of full-size launchers. Most are familiar with the use for AMMs, of course, but the need for fast-firing launchers for anti-fighter/FAC work is rather less common of knowledge.

Miraculously, HMS Casey and her consorts were unharmed. Confused, but who wasn’t?

Indeed. It's not that you'd expect dumb aliens to think through and realize that they have better odds defending a wormhole assault than trying one themselves, but you'd certainly expect them to be too dumb to think about trying one themselves in the first place. The operative word being "think".

OOC: It is a persistent flaw in the game's tactical AI, simply put the AI has no ability at all to consider any threat it cannot actually see unless the Danger Rating™ for a system is sufficiently high enough to give it a clue, if even then. Notably, it has no idea about things like "the enemy might be defending this wormhole we have not yet attacked through" or "the enemy fleet destroyed the last 7 frigate squadrons we sent with no losses, but the 8th will do the job for sure!"

If there is one thing I wish the AI in Aurora were capable of, it would be basic reconnaissance. Send a small scout through the jump point before assuming it's all clear, run a sensor scan of the inner system before you send another hapless squadron to Planet Hell, and so on. If the scout dies without finding anything, it found something all right. This more than any other single change would help curtail the persistent lemming infestation in this galaxy and the others.

Despite the high honors bestowed upon him, Dunne remained uncharacteristically subdued throughout the presentation, contemplating the high price his people had paid in blood.

Here, the RMN's inexperience in the ways of space warfare are showing themselves. In the future, the price paid today will be considered a steep discount. That future, of course, is whenever they fight against another player-controlled race.

Author's Notes: The Osterman Cross is the highest award given to enlisted personnel in the RMN and always comes with a commission. This is only the second time it has been handed out to date. The original was after the First Battle of Manticore. Anyway, I figured with all the highfalutin noble Admirals and Captains making a right mess of the Navy, this story could use its very own mustang Sharpe character to straighten them all out.  ;D

Indeed. Perhaps not all hope is lost for the RMN after all.

Sad to see you all had such low expectations for Commodore Dunne. Shame.

In our collective defense, he is a damn lucky bastard as no one had predicted that his foolhardy jump point assault plan would be preempted by an even stupider one.

Or you all very much overestimated the AI in C# which is still dumb as bricks.

On this point we have no good defense to offer.

Sadly, the Navy's budget problems will continue unabated.

At least something good has come out of this, then.

In any case, an absolutely thrilling battle if perhaps the casualty rates have been a bit overblown by the propaganda department.  ;)  And now that the threat to Manticore is assuredly over we can return to more important matters like the elongation of the Countess New Dijon's entirely overblown titles.

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Re: Manticore Defiant: A Star Kingdom AAR
« Reply #36 on: October 09, 2022, 12:09:57 PM »
I was trying to get the new update out before responding to the comments since I didn't want to inadvertently give away the outcome. This was another massive chapter, coming in around 3500 words and it was a bear Kodiak Max to write because while it lasted about a billion five second increments the battle itself was really not very exciting. Almost 300ktons of ships taking out 30k like shooting fish in a barrel. I did three drafts from Dunne's POV or jumping around between various named characters who were present trying to make it more dramatic before I realized the most interesting part for me while playing was HMS Manticore's dilemma. The main thought in my head at the time was "oh no my base magazine neutralization tech" ;D So I decided to focus part of the chapter on that and then when I combined it with my earlier drafts it got ridiculously long, and this was the best I could do after judicious editing. The worst part for our damage control crew is that the whole incident aboard their ship took about two minutes after the shooting stopped, so, like me, they couldn't do much but watch in horror as stuff exploded around them.

To directly contrast, I enjoy rainyday's Countess New Dijon because while she starts with the Liberal base point of scrap the expensive fleet ships, she's then shown to have good, cognizant reasons to want to do so - the battlecruisers are expensive hanger queens that are only useful if Manticore itself is under direct threat as their range, lack of jump capability and short deployment times strictly limit their effectiveness.

The battlecruisers are a source of much political conflict in the Manticore Ascendant books. On the surface, the idea that this small nation has these six giant expensive battlecruisers does seem pretty ludicrous and Weber uses that in his usual way. The part that makes it silly is that in the Honorverse the *bad guys* also have battlecruisers. Apparently because the Solarian League is so corrupt it just sells surplus military gear to anyone. Every two-bit pirate and mercenary has them. The Volsung Mercenaries had *three* newer Solarian battlecruisers than Manticore and the Quintessence in the latest book has several as well. The no military faction never acknowledges this reality just like the no war faction in the older books never acknowledges Haven being the aggressor. It also makes you wonder how expensive the maintenance and logistics for such a ship could really be in GDP terms if non-state actors can afford keep and crew so many of them.

We need a suitable in-universe name for these baddies. Naturally I assume that they will become known as "the swarm" due to whispered rumors amongst the rank and file crew members as is tradition.

Indeed. This will probably come up in the next chapter as they can't just keep calling them "the aliens" forever.

At some point, one begins to suspect that these ships may not be transit-addled, but rather unarmed

The LACs are armed for sure, but the 22000-ton ships that keep coming are unarmed military engine salvage ships. The Swarm Queen is absolutely desperate to salvage the Raider light cruiser in the Manticore system. According to the Game Log, the Hive has produced nothing but salvage ships since they discovered it and keeps sending them, occasionally with a single destroyer for escort, to the wreck despite the fact every single one has been destroyed at the jump point. This has basically neutered what was a Large Swarm since it seems like they won't make any more armed ships for as long as that wreck exists. I'm trying to hurry and salvage it myself to unstick the AI. Yes, this does mean Dunne got his big promotion for shooting down an unarmed ship.

For roleplay reasons, you could probably get away with putting a minimum-size jump drive on this thing

That's a good idea. I might do that in the Mark 2 Wormhole Probe if I ever build one.

OOC: It is a persistent flaw in the game's tactical AI, simply put the AI has no ability at all to consider any threat it cannot actually see unless the Danger Rating™ for a system is sufficiently high enough to give it a clue, if even then. Notably, it has no idea about things like "the enemy might be defending this wormhole we have not yet attacked through" or "the enemy fleet destroyed the last 7 frigate squadrons we sent with no losses, but the 8th will do the job for sure!"

I had a suspicion this might happen when I realized how low the tonnage of the enemy group was. I thought they might stupidly run into the wormhole when the main force came through, despite the fact it would be in jump shock for minutes and they could easily win. I've seen the AI do that sort of thing before. What makes it especially silly is they were only there guarding the wormhole because somewhere in the AI code it *knew* that JP led into my territory and I've killed enough of their ships for it to have a danger rating. That didn't get to the retreat code though.

One other small thing that would make battles with the Swarm in particular absolutely devastating is if they detached damage ships. I really don't understand why the AI doesn't do this when it's automatic for the player (even when I don't want it). They could have inflicted way more damage on me if they had actually engaged my ships and not sat around at 1 km/s for most of the battle. I learned this in my previous 2.x game. It doesn't matter if there are 45 of them when you only need to hit one to make them all stop moving.

Here, the RMN's inexperience in the ways of space warfare are showing themselves.

Well, for this generation of the RMN's flag officers these are the first casualties they've ever had, so perhaps it'll make some of them reevaluate their willingness to charge blindly into wormholes.  ;)

In our collective defense, he is a damn lucky bastard as no one had predicted that his foolhardy jump point assault plan would be preempted by an even stupider one.

Indeed. Attacking into that wormhole was a major gamble and I was prepared for it to go poorly, I just thought it would be more interesting to read than several more chapters of shooting unarmed salvage ships, which there will be plenty more of in the next chapter anyway.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2022, 12:46:10 PM by rainyday »
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Re: Manticore Defiant: A Star Kingdom AAR
« Reply #37 on: October 09, 2022, 01:58:35 PM »
One other small thing that would make battles with the Swarm in particular absolutely devastating is if they detached damage ships. I really don't understand why the AI doesn't do this when it's automatic for the player (even when I don't want it). They could have inflicted way more damage on me if they had actually engaged my ships and not sat around at 1 km/s for most of the battle. I learned this in my previous 2.x game. It doesn't matter if there are 45 of them when you only need to hit one to make them all stop moving.

This one may be worth a bug report as it should be a relatively simple fix.

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Re: Manticore Defiant: A Star Kingdom AAR
« Reply #38 on: October 09, 2022, 03:09:20 PM »
I was looking in my Lieutenants list for people with high engineering skill and struck gold here. Now I just have to find her an assignment where she can be on hand as a foil for Commodore Dunne until she gets her own ship in a couple years. ;D

« Last Edit: October 09, 2022, 03:14:50 PM by rainyday »
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Re: Manticore Defiant: Chapter Six: The Battle for Hennesy (1590)
« Reply #39 on: October 10, 2022, 01:52:35 PM »
Amazing writing and an amazing story.

Dunne is a hot headed officer who is having massive luck so far.
If he would proceed with the mission according to the plan, there would be a lot more casualties.  ;D

I'm rooting for Rebeka Eremenko to get her own ship  :)

If it's stupid but it works, it isn't stupid.

If fire fighters fight fire and crime fighters fight crime, what do freedom fighters fight?
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Re: Manticore Defiant: Chapter Six: The Battle for Hennesy (1590)
« Reply #40 on: October 10, 2022, 02:12:25 PM »
Amazing writing and an amazing story.

Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it.

Dunne is a hot headed officer who is having massive luck so far.

Yeah, the Star Kingdom thinks they're doing so well right now with all these "heroic victories" that Dunne is winning, but he hasn't even been in a real fight yet. The first time they run into a small Precursor base, it's going to be a rude awakening. Not to mention any of the other player races. The ongoing fuel crisis has been limiting offensive operations and expansion quite a bit but expect some exciting developments in the next few chapters. :)
« Last Edit: October 10, 2022, 02:16:51 PM by rainyday »
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Re: Manticore Defiant: A Star Kingdom AAR
« Reply #41 on: October 12, 2022, 08:48:13 PM »
Excellent story so far, I'm eagerly waiting for more!

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Manticore Defiant: Chapter Seven: New Discoveries (1590-1591)
« Reply #42 on: October 15, 2022, 08:31:41 PM »
Chapter Seven: New Discoveries (1590-1591)

The Office of Naval Intelligence report on Second Manticore contained nothing but speculation. Why had the enemy sallied forth and given up their strong defensive position? Did they panic? Did they assume the Star Kingdom left its terminus unguarded? Was it possible for humans to comprehend the workings of an alien mind? The only real conclusion it drew was obvious. The creatures didn’t know about Commodore Dunne’s fleet, and its massed firepower overwhelmed them. A decisive, if puzzling, victory for the Royal Manticoran Navy.

On November 30th 1590, HMS Akheron detected multiple gravitic signatures approaching the Hennesy terminus from Aral. This new alien group appeared identical to the one destroyed in Manticore: thirty Brisbanes, eleven Adelaides and four Melbournes. Facing them was Commander His Royal Highness Michael Winton’s force of six light cruisers, three destroyers and two frigates. The Manticoran ships maintained tight emissions control, and the enemy appeared oblivious to their presence.

At eight million kilometers, HMS Donnelly lit up her active sensors, and her consorts launched ninety-four missiles before accelerating away on a perpendicular heading. The aliens reacted by first attempting to flee, then milling about in confusion after the warheads detonated in their midst. The Manticorans held the range open for the next forty minutes, emptying their magazines of three hundred and eighty-eight Mark 4 Light Missiles.

It wasn’t enough. Fifteen Brisbane type creatures survived the onslaught. All bore terrible wounds, but most appeared combat capable. 

To finish the job, HMS Casey led the Mercury-class destroyers in a valiant charge. Together, they destroyed the remaining aliens, but the light cruiser took significant damage in the exchange. She lost an impeller, multiple weapon mounts, and fifty-four members of her crew. Fortunately, she could still limp back to space dock.

This battle left the Hennesy Defense Force severely under strength. Down to only four ships with energy armaments and without a single missile among them. But the RMN refused to fall back from its hard won beachhead unless it had no choice. None of the crews slept easy during the two weeks it took the collier RMAS Apollo to arrive with reloads.

Even the Lords hesitated to call Crown Prince Michael to personally account for his “excessive ordnance expenditures.” Anyway, he was off in Hennesy, while the First Space Lord and Defense Minister were both available and more politically expedient punching bags. The hearings lasted for days and the continued poor performance of the Mark 4 Light Missile became a major sticking point for both sides.

Summervale argued that if Parliament wanted the Navy to use fewer missiles, it should give them more effective ones. The proposed Mark 7 Light Missile offered a fifty percent improvement in hit rate against the fast moving alien targets. This sounded much better in BuShips’ slide deck than in reality, a point raised by several Lords who noted their performance would go from abysmal to merely bad. They questioned whether the money should instead be spent refitting all the Navy’s missile ships with energy weapons. After all, laser beams were free and had a proven track record.

Defense Minister New Dijon responded with a passionate speech about the inherent value of human lives. Replacing missiles was far cheaper than replacing the brave men and women of the RMN. This appealed to her Liberal and Progressive colleagues, who proposed and passed a bill to develop the needed ordnance. Privately, the Conservatives questioned her math skills. The outrageous price tag attached to new missiles could put a lot of peasants through Casey-Rosewood’s bootcamp. Saying that out loud, however, would be political suicide in the Commons.

Most of the Star Kingdom’s media accepted the government narrative on the threat posed by the alien invaders. In the aftermath of the two battles, they ran stories on the mysterious “Swarm” and the brave naval officers who opposed them. However, as the first half of 1591 passed without further attacks, a contrarian viewpoint reemerged, questioning whether the creatures were hostile or even sentient.

A group of pundits got their hands on several heavily redacted ONI reports pushing the ‘migratory animal’ theory. They noted the RMN had fired first in every encounter and accused the Navy of provoking the docile space whales by using them for target practice. Particularly damning was Commodore Dunne’s own Parliamentary testimony in which he referred to the poor things as “lemmings.” Few citizens gave this any credence, as two hundred human deaths were too fresh in the public consciousness, but it resonated with a vocal segment of the Liberal base who pressured the government to end the senseless slaughter.

With military usage down, more fuel was available for the cargo fleet. It transported several loads of construction factories to Medusa to enable on-site manufacturing of infrastructure and free up freight capacity for more important industry. This also meant the colony ships could resume shipping settlers.

Meanwhile, the Vega-class bulk freighters busied themselves with replacing the automated mines on Gryphon’s moon Egg with manned ones. The existing equipment was then hauled to the junction for transshipment to the Gallicite rich dwarf planet Basilisk VI. At the moment, that world’s orbit placed it only four days from the Basilisk-Manticore terminus, making it ideal for the purpose.

Drewson Cartel Yard #1 received a contract to build the experimental tug ship Sisyphus, which began construction from prefabricated parts in February. The firm that made them retooled to produce the Admiralty’s new large wormhole transit devices for installation in HMS Swiftsure and HMS Victory.

Sphinx’s small craft factories produced a trial run of four Marathon-class dispatch boats. The Admiralty sent one to each of Medusa, Chimera, Hennesy, and Manticore. For now, they would only carry priority military and government messages. Civilian mail and packages would continue to be delivered by the intermittent freighter traffic.

In March, the Royal Manticoran Marine Corps completed training four Geosurvey Companies. It deployed two to Sphinx and kept the others at Gryphon. The Kingdom had high hopes of finding additional minerals on both worlds. Unfortunately, the ground survey of Sphinx turned up nothing. The team on Gryphon found an unknown deposit of eleven million tons of Mercassium with good accessibility. Manticore’s existing deposits were poor, so this would be beneficial in the long term. After this, the Gryphon team relocated to Basilisk.

Midshipwoman Rebeka Eremenko reported to the Royal Naval Academy in May to begin a rigorous, accelerated officer training program. Because of her previous rating and experience, BuPers put her in the Engineering Track. She had hoped for Tactical, as that was the more likely path to eventual command, but her first weeks dashed those daydreams. The RMN didn’t have many warships, and it surely wasn’t planning to give one to the likes of her.

Some people, even instructors, thought she walked on water. Others seemed scandalized by breathing the same air as a yeoman’s daughter from the Gryphon Highlands. She couldn’t decide which reaction was worse. But she figured if another 20-year-old noble brat turned up his nose when she entered a room, she might break it, and that would ruin everything, promised commission or no. So, she kept her head down, concentrated on her studies, and limited social interactions as much as possible.

In June, the new survey cruisers HMS Traveler and HMS Wanderer passed their acceptance trials. At the moment, Survey Squadron 1 was in Hancock beyond Trevor’s Star, while the rest of the ships were undergoing overhaul or on long-term military deployments. The Admiralty designated the fresh ships Survey Squadron 2 and sent them to Minorca, an unsurveyed system in the Matapan chain.

HMS Wanderer won a friendly competition between their crews by finding the Squadron's first wormhole. Its terminus lay only a few million kilometers from her present position, so she called HMS Amphitrite to perform an immediate probe. The frigate transited into a two planet system with a G2 primary. The outermost world was a Cold Desert with a nitrogen oxygen atmosphere and minimal hydrosphere. It was the most habitable planet discovered to date.

The new government had promoted Vice Admiral Sorbanne to Second Space Lord during its reshuffling of the Admiralty. Although this took him out of Survey Command, they still reported to him through the Bureau of Planning, and the aftermath of the Wayfarer Incident was fresh on everyone’s minds. Unwilling to risk her ship or career, Lieutenant Commander Ernestine Alexander, niece to the current Earl White Haven, sent Amphitrite on ahead to investigate.

On July 4th, the frigate detected a small population signature including 3800 tons of ground forces. With great trepidation, she crept into orbit and her crew breathed a collective sigh of relief when no shots came. They expected pirates or smugglers, but found roughly two thousand bipedal lizard-like aliens in a settlement on the planet’s southern continent. It appeared to be a military force with modern, high-tech weaponry. However, the Manticoran sensors saw no signs of space flight capability and it was unclear how the soldiers had gotten here.

While HMS Amphitrite attempted to communicate with the oblivious natives, HMS Wanderer surveyed the planets. The habitable world held enormous concentrations of Neutronium, Boronide and Corundium, and was also a good candidate for ground survey. Perhaps the alien troops were staking a claim to the minerals? This didn’t seem likely as their settlement was far from the best deposits.

HMS Wanderer popped back into Minorca just long enough for Lieutenant Commander Alexander to send HMS Traveler scurrying home with her report. Then returned to the inhabited system, which she had named Hyperion, to continue communication attempts and search for wormholes. It was imperative for the Star Kingdom to determine where these new aliens originated as soon as possible.

Oblivious to the excitement in Minorca, the Admiralty organized a powerful reconnaissance mission to Hennesy. The new transit capable battlecruiser HMS Swiftsure, escorted by four heavy cruisers, would go looking for the unusually quiet Swarm. If it found nothing, they would proceed to the Aral terminus, investigate it with a wormhole probe and, at Commodore Dunne’s discretion, search that system as well.

The probe detected a powerful Swarm force on the Aral side of the wormhole. It included four heavy cruiser sized aliens of an unknown type designated Sydney, four light cruiser sized Hobarts, nineteen of the more common LAC-sized creatures and seven Perths. The latter had not been seen since Wayfarer’s sensor data. ONI speculated they might belong to the mysterious boarders, although the relationship between those humanoid beings and the large space going ones was still unclear.

The enemy fleet displaced just under 130k tons, slightly more than the reconnaissance squadron. The RMN had more than enough firepower to sweep them aside. Still, several factors made an assault infeasible. First, the Kingdom didn't have enough fuel to send such a large force. Second, there was a non-zero risk of losing both wormhole transit devices and stranding the heavy warships in a remote alien-controlled system. Third, a full-blown invasion against the Swarm’s home would outrage a small portion of the population and likely cause protests just in time for the Commons elections.

Any such operation would have to wait.

The Kingdom’s researchers finished several high-profile projects this year including: Mark 7 Light Missiles, Mark 8 Heavy Missiles, Ordnance Production 12 BP, Planetary Sensor Strength 300, Sorium Harvesters and Xenoarchaeology Equipment.

Now that the long awaited Sorium Harvesters were available, civilian industry constructed two massive refinery platforms, each containing a hundred harvesting modules. RMAS Sisyphus towed them out to the gas giant Draco. Between them, the stations’ annual production was over 2/3rds the entire output of the planet Manticore, which should go far towards easing the fuel crisis.

20 December 1591

“Ma’am,” the young woman at HMS Wanderer’s communications station said into the silence of her bridge. “We’re receiving a tight beam transmission from directly ahead. They’re broadcasting in the clear.”

Lieutenant Commander Ernestine Alexander clamped down the sudden surge of adrenaline and tried to keep her voice steady. “Put it on my display. And signal Amphitrite.”

Were they about to meet the mobile forces of the lizard-like aliens on Hyperion II?

No. The figure who appeared was a human man in his early thirties with clear Old Earth Chinese ancestry. He wore a sharply tailored white uniform with red piping and a tall peaked cap.

Guten Tag,” he said, sending her confusion into the stratosphere. Then, he switched to English with a heavy German accent. “Manticoran light cruiser, I am Korvettenkapitän Lizhu Fiedler of His Imperial Majesty’s Survey Ship Führung-2. Please forgive our intrusion. My vessel is unarmed. We are on a peaceful exploration mission and just arrived here through a wormhole. If you tell us where we are—for my report—we will leave immediately.”

Andermani. He had to be. And the main plot showed no contacts anywhere. “Is this a bi-directional link? Put me on.”

“Yes ma’am. Hot mic.”

Korvettenkapitän,” she only stumbled a little over the word. “I am Lieutenant Commander Alexander of Her Majesty’s Ship Wanderer. You’ve arrived in the neutral system of Hyperion.” She mentally counted the seconds until she saw him relax just a little. Twenty! That meant his ship was right on top of her command. But where? Muting the audio, she said, “Active sensors.”

If the Andermani was lying about his vessel being unarmed, he might take exception to the aggressive action and blow her out of space. Still, this was the first contact between Manticoran and Andermani vessels in a decade. Every scrap of information she could glean on their capabilities would be valuable.

“There it is!” Chief Johnson said from the sensor station. “One ship at 3 million kilometers. Computer reads it as four thousand tons.”

Which might still be a battlecruiser given what ONI suspected of these people’s stealth tech. “Actives off.”

The man on her display held up his hands in a gesture of surrender. “Really, Commander. There is no need for hostility. We are only mapping wormholes.”

Time to toss the dice. She unmuted the microphone. “As are we, Korvettenkapitän. And I would love to see yours.”
« Last Edit: October 16, 2022, 07:45:35 PM by rainyday »
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Re: Manticore Defiant: A Star Kingdom AAR
« Reply #43 on: October 17, 2022, 01:53:29 PM »
None of the crews slept easy during the two weeks it took the collier RMAS Apollo to arrive with reloads.

There should be a head rolling for this. It is one thing to make a terrible battle plan, or to only survive an encounter through sheer dumb luck, but flubbing the logistics timetable so badly is utterly unforgivable.

Anyway, he was off in Hennesy, while the First Space Lord and Defense Minister were both available and more politically expedient punching bags.

Political expediency makes the world go 'round.

Not all the worlds, though. Just this one. Which is why the politicians only cared to search as far as this world for their punching bags.

Defense Minister New Dijon

I cannot speak as to the minister herself, but her name and title have clearly been on a diet as this is perhaps only half as glorious overlong as we have previously seen. Clearly the lowest point of this update.

Privately, the Conservatives questioned her math skills. The outrageous price tag attached to new missiles could put a lot of peasants through Casey-Rosewood’s bootcamp. Saying that out loud, however, would be political suicide in the Commons.

They are just saying what we are all absolutely no one was thinking.

In the aftermath of the two battles, they ran stories on the mysterious “Swarm” and the brave naval officers who opposed them.

As is tradition.

But she figured if another 20-year-old noble brat turned up his nose when she entered a room, she might break it, and that would ruin everything, promised commission or no

She is clearly enlisted into the wrong Navy, as there are others in the Auroraverse which would be glad to have a commander of her pugilistic proclivities if only for, um, historical interest.  ;D

On July 4th, the frigate detected a small population signature including 3800 tons of ground forces. With great trepidation, she crept into orbit and her crew breathed a collective sigh of relief when no shots came. They expected pirates or smugglers, but found roughly two thousand bipedal lizard-like aliens in a settlement on the planet’s southern continent. It appeared to be a military force with modern, high-tech weaponry. However, the Manticoran sensors saw no signs of space flight capability and it was unclear how the soldiers had gotten here.

Their ships are in orbit, but you can't see them because they are painted purple.

While HMS Amphitrite attempted to communicate with the oblivious natives,
"Wait, but why? Just invade them already!" - some Andermani general, probably

Third, a full-blown invasion against the Swarm’s home would outrage a small portion of the population and likely cause protests just in time for the Commons elections.

As much as some of the Admiralty would dearly wish to believe that politics is simply war by other means, we all know the real, horrible truth.

Korvettenkapitän,” she only stumbled a little over the word. “I am Lieutenant Commander Alexander of Her Majesty’s Ship Wanderer. You’ve arrived in the neutral system of Hyperion.”

The word "neutral" in that sentence will prove to be a grave political error, I suspect. Now the Andermani know they can claim it without even having to fight a war first, what is left to stop them?

...this just in, I am hearing that some fringe theorists claim that "logistics" might cause some difficulty, not sure what that is all about though.

Time to toss the dice. She unmuted the microphone. “As are we, Korvettenkapitän. And I would love to see yours.”

The remainder of this AAR will be a slightly-above-average rom-com with political elements. That's right, people, we're starting in on the Star Wars prequels now.

Enjoyable as always, rainyday, keep it up, only at a reasonable pace of course.  ;)
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Re: Manticore Defiant: A Star Kingdom AAR
« Reply #44 on: October 18, 2022, 11:38:46 AM »
The remainder of this AAR will be a slightly-above-average rom-com with political elements. That's right, people, we're starting in on the Star Wars prequels now.

Yes, in hindsight, that was certainly a sentence to end the update with. :D  But, you know, two survey ship commanders from opposing nations on long multi-year deployments, unable to seek companionship among their own crews because regulations, carrying on a clandestine romance over decades whenever their paths should cross at the fringes of explored space. Not saying that's going to happen, but... I'd read that.

Enjoyable as always, rainyday, keep it up, only at a reasonable pace of course.  ;)

I will say the current pace is challenging. I thought updating once a week would be reasonable but there were several long updates in a row including that two-parter, which have made it a real struggle to get them out. Unfortunately, given my tendency to ramble about politics, it's also been challenging to fit more than one year into an update. And since I'd like this to cover a fairly long timespan, it's already going to take forever at one year a week.

I have Chapter Eight (1592) finished, a draft of Interlude Two, and part of Chapter Nine (1593 and maybe 1594, if I'm lucky). The current plan is to complete the decade, then post up a full Overview of both the Manticore and Andermani Empires at the start of 1595 with maps, colony installations, ship totals and fleet deployments.

After that, I may take a short break to recover and actually play the game a bit before starting in on "Book Two" which should have a bit more structured plot and antagonists.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2022, 11:44:42 AM by rainyday »
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