Author Topic: 32,000 Spoiler vessel just sitting in the Sol System  (Read 4624 times)

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Offline Hydrofoil (OP)

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32,000 Spoiler vessel just sitting in the Sol System
« on: October 11, 2015, 12:24:19 PM »
So several years into my game I am starting to reach out and colonise other worlds outside of SOL. Sometime ago I came across a Wormhole two jumps from sol (ive been playing this game for some time now) so i crapped myself, once i had collected myself i decided to carry on as if in character it was just a naturaly occuring wormhole. Anyway longt story short several years later SOL is a huge Human presence Mars have been totally terraformed ad is home to almost 300 million folks earth is home to over 1000 million and Luna is home to 360 million people. Traffic is flying each and everyway and outward to my two small colonies that are connected via my small but growing gate network. Recently a small scout entered my system my and started survaying jump points i managed to intercept it on the JP it came in and got one shot off only damaging it slightly. Shortly after this huge behmouth of a ship came hurtling into SOL 32,000 tonnes i managed to intercept it several times and get shots off by it travels at 8000 km/s+ which is about double the speed of my fastest ships.

Im doomed i thought it was hurtling towards the inner SOL system the Cradles of Humanity were going to become desolate wastelands as they get bombarded from orbit (i had concetrated alot of Beam weaponry and didnt have much in the way of missiles or missile defence.) So i was smegting myself but one thing that struck me as very odd was the fact that the ship never fired back not once despite coming into contact with several of my fleets. It is now stopped about 400 million Kms from jupiter orbit doing nothing at all i have parked a fleet right ontop of it and it has gotten no reaction at all.

Was just wondering is this normal? Can someone explain to me what is happening? The Alien image on my diplo screen is that of the robot is this the precursors or the invaders i cant quite remember which is which.

Offline GreatTuna

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Re: 32,000 Spoiler vessel just sitting in the Sol System
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2015, 03:15:41 PM »
SOL is a huge Human presence
my two small colonies that are connected via my small gate network.
two small colonies
I can already see the hugeness!
Sorry. Couldn't resist.

Anyway, yes, this is Invaders. They have a lot of armor, moderate speed and 32kton ships aren't the largest.
Yes, things like that happen. Maybe ship is out of missiles or has sensors not working because of bug.
If you damage it enough, it'll 'awaken' and you'll be in even more trouble, because it'll either start shooting lasers or start ramming.

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Re: 32,000 Spoiler vessel just sitting in the Sol System
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2015, 03:39:24 PM »
looks like out of missiles one

Offline Rich.h

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Re: 32,000 Spoiler vessel just sitting in the Sol System
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2015, 04:19:42 AM »
Take full advantage of it sitting there and see if you can get out a HPW weapon suitable for some fighters. Get lots of them ready along with a fair few assault shuttles and give it the old one, two. First wipe out all fire controls in a single massive attack, then send a huge wave of assault shuttles that each drop a single combat unit, with any luck enough of them will survive to give such a large combat advantage that the fight will be over before the ship can get close enough to anywhere to ram. Then reap the rewards of all that shiny new tech.

Offline Hydrofoil (OP)

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Re: 32,000 Spoiler vessel just sitting in the Sol System
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2015, 02:21:02 PM »
Update on my Invader infestation.....

The 32,000 tonne ship didnt "awaken" as predicted, i battered it for about 2 days straight with the bulk of my navy (most of which are Beam ships) I eventually ended it when a lucky shot ruptured the things missile cartridge and resulted in a massive 163 strength explosion. After this i noticed a small scout was also flitting around the system doing grav survay, i was about to move my forces intercept when it decided to ram one of my civillian freighters ending its own life. Im crash coursing salvaging tech to gain the knowledge from the wrecks whilst retooling shipyards to mass produce a new frigate that im hoping will be able to spam enough missile to atleast let me build up enough defensive bases around my worlds in SOL.

wish me luck.....

PS. I feel sorry for the buggers that the Invaders got to before me!
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 02:23:43 PM by Hydrofoil »