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Offline ChildServices (OP)

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Journals of the Terran Alliance
« on: June 20, 2016, 08:01:13 AM »
Captain’s log, 21st of October 2284:
Upon entering a system which has been confirmed by our charts to be Ross 128, we discovered several shipwrecks. These are larger than the ones uncovered by Captain Anne von Biedermann’s flotilla in Gliese 229 two years ago. The precedent set by her upon encountering anomalies like this is to send the survey craft back through the jump point and proceed forward to the wrecks to probe for automated defences or traps, so I chose to do the same here.
Our actives were flaring at full strength. Nothing showed up. We went back through and retrieved our survey cohort, and they've set about surveying the system for more jump points.

We've explored at least two dozen solar systems and found evidence of intelligent life on two different planets, however all of these discoveries have been nothing but ruins, and shipwrecks, with none left alive to account for what happened to them. Our excavations of Troy, the capital of our primary shield-system at Procyon, have uncovered some of the picture, but we can only hypothesise as to whether or not the story of the Trojans is linked to the Saovicenti, whose tomb we've yet to exploit.
It’s as if humanity exists within a mausoleum. Are these findings warnings for us? Or could they simply be the misfortunes of those who’d come before us? The optimist in me hopes for the latter.
Either way, High Command has determined that we should not add ourselves to these fallen races and the government back on Terra has supported their proposal for the construction of a third generation spaceforce in twenty-five years time.

Captain's Log, 10th of January 2285:
Eureka! I think. We've detected hundreds, no thousands, of signatures upon entering a system confirmed to be "Gliese 408." I know for sure those aren't ours, and my suspicion of them being aliens is confirmed by the sheer amount of radiation coming off of the first planet from their sun. I've decided to call them Gliesians, not exactly creative I know.

The jump point here is linked to Ross 128. I hope they don't think we're the cause of those shipwrecks, if they're theirs. The whole survey cohort is retreating to the jump node, we're getting the hell out of here and returning to Procyon ASAP to notify the rest of the fleet. We don't know yet if they've seen us. If this comes to blows, we're far too outnumbered to fight an entire race on our own power. We may have to retreat and abandon the survey craft.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2016, 07:25:33 PM by ChildServices »
Aurora4x Discord:

Cold as steel the darkness waits, its hour will come
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Re: Journals of the Terran Alliance
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2016, 07:23:55 PM »
Captain’s Log, 17th of January 2285:
A lone contact has been closing in on us for the past 6 days. It’s only capable of a third of the speed of all of our cruisers, and she weighs about 75000 tonnes if our sensors are reading right. I haven’t ordered weapons free on her yet, despite being within Phase Two range of the TAC Amethyst’s missile batteries now. We don’t know if that thing’s a battleship or a construction vehicle that somehow can’t see us. Curse this ‘beyond visual range’ crap.

I’ve decided that, whatever it is, if it comes within Phase Three range without turning around, then we’re killing it. I may be starting a galactic war, but I’m sure General Brandstetter will see this situation my way when I return to Procyon.

Captain’s Log, 18th of January 2285:
My first officer just barged into my quarters and informed me that the enemy contact will be within Phase Three range in five minutes.

It’s time.

Captain’s Log, 18th of January Supplemental:
We killed it. There's no turning back now.
It appeared to be armed with some kind of point defence system. Admittedly, it wasn’t a very effective one. At least 95% of the missiles that we fired in two volleys hit their target. I don't really know if that was a military ship or not. It didn't turn around and run after the first volley, Commander Du Shu Jie onboard the ship that actually shot it down, seems to think that if it was a civilian ship it probably would have turned around as soon as missiles started hitting it, especially since I ordered him to give a two minute interval between impact and the second volley. If it did, I'd have been happy to let it leave.

After it flashed and reported as a wreck on our scopes, several life pods ejected. This is going to sound crazy but if we capture some of these aliens alive, HQ’ll be handing us medals in buckets. I’ve sent the TAC Johann Franz Encke forwards, it should only take them an hour to collect the pods and return to formation.
Aurora4x Discord:

Cold as steel the darkness waits, its hour will come
A cry of fear from our children, worshipping the Sun
Mother Nature's black revenge, on those who waste her life
War babies in the Garden Of Eden, she'll turn our ashes to ice

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Re: Journals of the Terran Alliance
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2016, 10:10:11 PM »
Captain's Log, 19th of January 2285, 08:57:51:

A 1000 tonne ship just approached us and fired a salvo of 24 missiles. Our defences destroyed all of them. The TAC Amethyst opened fire almost immediately after we detected the enemy missiles approaching, and with a volley of five missiles killed it outright as it tried to flee. No escape pods were detected from the destroyed craft. We are assuming that all hands died with the ship.
My intelligence officer believes this ship has a similar role to our bombers, however the carrier was nowhere in sight. Given the missiles it fired were less than half of the size of the Stiletto class bombs fired by our Achilles bombers, he argues that this ship is intended for long-range harassment and trades off firepower for expanded fuel stocks and maintenance supplies. We've decided to designate this craft the "GBB Khonsu."
We haven't seen much of them so far, but my intelligence officer's assessment of the Gliesian military seems to be that they are either less advanced, less efficient, or, for better or worse, less warlike than we are. He cites most of their ships being slower than our cruisers, with active sensor ranges that appear to be significantly lower than our own, as his reasons for why.

Given what just happened, we are considering any more alien contacts that approach our position over the jump point to be fully hostile. We will engage anything that enters weapons range. We will remain in position here as long as we can, at least until the bulk of the enemy fleet can organise itself in response. At that point we'll have no choice but to retreat and leave any remaining survey ships and their crews to the aliens.
God forgive me.

Captain's Log, 19th of January 2285, 16:32:67:
The TASV Ahmad ibn Fadlan reported several weapons impacts! They only suffered eight casualties from the exchange, however their engines are out and it'll take some time to repair them. Armour wore most of the damage and overall the enemy fleet was unable to destroy a defenceless survey vehicle barely a fifth the size of one of our cruisers, which tells me the aliens don't have very powerful missiles. At least, none that we know of.

I pray for the Fadlan's crew. I hope they repair their engines in time to get away from the alien vessels chasing them.

Captain's Log, 19th of January 2285, 19:17:21:
The Fadlan has restored its engines to function in record time! I guess the threat of death brings out the best performances in some people. They report it will take them two days to reach us, however. The alien fleet could fire a second volley and kill them in that time. Their efforts may have been in vain.

Captain's Log, 19th of January 2285, 20:08:16:
Oh my god.
Aurora4x Discord:

Cold as steel the darkness waits, its hour will come
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War babies in the Garden Of Eden, she'll turn our ashes to ice

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Re: Journals of the Terran Alliance
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2016, 07:01:42 PM »
Captain's Log, 21st of January 2285:
The Fadlan has been destroyed. Some of its crew made it to their escape pods, but we've got no way of retrieving them.

The enemy fleet made its way towards the Pasha, so I sent our two bomber wings out to attack opportune targets and hopefully divert them from their course. We diverted them, alright. We killed four 7.5KT vessels of unknown role at two different locations, and their fleet wheeled right around to protect their flanks. Our bombers weren't visible to their sensors and are five times faster than their fastest main-line combat ships, so they returned to their decks unscathed. I'll have those boys up for as many medals as they can carry out of the HQ centre on Troy if it's the last thing I do in my career.

Unfortunately our diversion was too late, the enemy fleet had already fired its volley off at the Pasha. I was informed by the ship's CO that one missile knocked out its fuel supplies, venting everything to space, and they were forced to scuttle her. Unfortunately we cannot retrieve their pods without engaging the bulk of the alien fleet and throwing away any more lives we might stand to save by sitting still. Lieutenant Riemer was quiet when I told him, but then he said he understands, and that serving me has been a pleasure.

We're going to wait here now, we've shot down one volley of missiles that was aimed at us. We're going to stay here until we run out of Sandpaper, and then we're going to jump with whoever managed to reach us.

Captain's Log, 24th of January 2285:
We've escaped with no more losses and are homeward bound. We destroyed another one of the 75000 tonne vehicles as it approached us yesterday, just before we jumped. The bombers dealt with this one.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2016, 08:46:39 PM by ChildServices »
Aurora4x Discord:

Cold as steel the darkness waits, its hour will come
A cry of fear from our children, worshipping the Sun
Mother Nature's black revenge, on those who waste her life
War babies in the Garden Of Eden, she'll turn our ashes to ice

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Re: Journals of the Terran Alliance
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2016, 12:40:34 AM »
9th of March, Star Marshal's Office, Troy:
Star Marshal von Brandstetter. That's new. When Captain Davis Caamano, commander of the 1st Scout Force, arrived on Troy after making contact with the race that's now being called the "Gliesians", he was operating under the belief that Star Marshal von Brandstetter was still just "General" von Brandstetter. Apparently in the eight months that he was gone, ol' Saladin turned over a surprise retirement and returned to his home on Mars. The senate naturally selected one "Joachim von Brandstetter" to take his place as Star Marshal, just as his grandmother Britta once did. Apparently "Captain" Meinhard, formerly commander of the TAC Active, was promoted to Colonel and now commands the TADL Mars, since Lt. General Braginsky was moved to the flagship of the 1st fleet, the TADL von Brandstetter, named after Joachim's grandmother. Unfortunately poor Braginsky wasn't gifted with a promotion like the other two men in the room.

"I've gone over all of your reports and I have to ask... Do you have any idea what the frakk you've just done, Captain? That first destroyer you shot down could've been a diplomatic envoy! You may have just thrown Humanity into a galactic war with an alien race we know nothing about!" Brandstetter yells as Colonel Meinhard and Lt. General Braginsky watch on without expression.
"I believe I had no choice but to fire, sir. We had no way of ascertaining the ship's intent. It closed to within Phase Three range, and showed no signs of slowing down. Sir, if it wanted to stop and envoy--" The captain makes a pair of finger quotes "--with us it would have cut its engines and let its TN hull do the rest for it. I did what was necessary to ensure the safety of my crew, and to give the crews of the other eight survey craft the opportunity to escape." Caamano straightens his posture as he stands his ground against the Commander-In-Chief. "You'll see from our sensor logs that several of the ships that we believe killed the Fadlan and Pasha were already en-route to do so. The only thing I regret about this exchange is that we did not kill the Ankt-oh-oh-one sooner, and that I lacked the firepower to smash more of their fleet before we left."
The other two senior officers look at Brandstetter in anticipation for his response.
"Very good, Captain. I like the way you speak." The Star Marshal responds, and the two other officers display a great deal of confusion.
"What you did is exactly the same thing I would have done. I just wanted to see if you had the strength of character to defend your actions, Colonel. If you can defend them infront of me, Colonel, then you can defend them infront of the senate."
Colonel Davis Caamano had a nice ring to it, but he couldn't believe it. Surely he heard something wrong and the Star Marshal was addressing Meinhard?
"Yes, you heard me right. You'll have your new rank in July, and you'll be placed in command of the TADL Guardian. Between then and now, I want you to keep your captain's badge. You're coming with me to Earth, we'll meet the president, and then we'll be delivering this information to the senate. I expect with ol' Claud holding the presidency for the next three years, we'd have found ourselves at war regardless of what you'd done. Even if we don't go to war, we need to be prepared to defend the border at Procyon just in-case these Gliesians are a vengeful people and come looking for us. Now get some rest, and in the morning send those medal recommendations for your men to Braginsky. You're dismissed, Colonel."
"Yes sir!" Davis gives a salute and then turns to leave the office.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2016, 12:48:33 AM by ChildServices »
Aurora4x Discord:

Cold as steel the darkness waits, its hour will come
A cry of fear from our children, worshipping the Sun
Mother Nature's black revenge, on those who waste her life
War babies in the Garden Of Eden, she'll turn our ashes to ice

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Re: Journals of the Terran Alliance
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2016, 05:28:47 AM »
Keep up the good work! I sorta wanted to do something like this for my first game or two, but that never happened...
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Re: Journals of the Terran Alliance
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2016, 08:10:47 AM »
Thanks for the kind words! I really appreciate it. :)
Aurora4x Discord:

Cold as steel the darkness waits, its hour will come
A cry of fear from our children, worshipping the Sun
Mother Nature's black revenge, on those who waste her life
War babies in the Garden Of Eden, she'll turn our ashes to ice

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Re: Journals of the Terran Alliance
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2016, 05:48:58 AM »
Colonel's Log, 10th of November 2285:
Wow, saying "Colonel's Log" still sounds strange after four months.

We performed an autopsy on one of the Gliesians who expired in captivity. I have to say... They look... Familiar. Like a butt-ugly version of a Human.

Apparently their environmental needs almost mirror our own, which adds to the familiarity. The oxygen content that they need to survive is .11atm greater, and their gravity requirements are .12G greater. This means that accommodating our prisoners has been extremely easy. Apparently they respond reasonably to the prison food we've been making for them. It's a synthetic mock-up based on the rations in their escape pods. They're extremely well treated, since they're considered a vital strategic asset by Allied Terran Intelligence.
We've deciphered their primary language and are able to communicate with our captives. They call themselves the New Covenant. Apparently they named their home world and thus themselves after a cornerstone of their planetary religion. Their government officially calls itself the "New Covenant Imperium." In spite of this, we're still continuing to call them Gliesians.
The leader of the captives, the equivalent of a senior NCO on one of our own ships, states that his Emperor will seek revenge for the attack on their home system. To be fair, I don't blame them. We'd do the same.

We've learnt several new things from the information gathered by my old fleet over the course of the battle it was involved in, and have begun construction of three new support ships to augment our capabilities. Brandstetter has established a support group within the first fleet to place these vessels in the chain of command. Officially it's being called the 1st Fleet Support Group, but I've overheard a few fighter jocks on Trojan shoreleave refer to it as the "Baggage Train" and I've gotta say I like the nickname far more than the official print.
The first is the TARSV Centaur:

Code: [Select]
Centaur class Replenishment Ship    50,000 tons     535 Crew     4403 BP      TCS 1000  TH 2000  EM 0
2000 km/s     Armour 5-120     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 41     PPV 0
Maint Life 10.21 Years     MSP 22257    AFR 487%    IFR 6.8%    1YR 389    5YR 5830    Max Repair 100 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 60 months    Spare Berths 1   
Magazine 5400    Tractor Beam     

Shen-Zhao Engineering Company 400 EP Commercial Magneto-plasma Drive (5)    Power 400    Fuel Use 1.77%    Signature 400    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 11,750,000 Litres    Range 2389.8 billion km   (13830 days at full power)

Sandpaper Mk3 (920)  Speed: 72,000 km/s   End: 3.2m    Range: 14m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 792/475/237
Stiletto Mk2 (320)  Speed: 54,000 km/s   End: 9.3m    Range: 30m km   WH: 25    Size: 8    TH: 630/378/189
Interceptor 269B (80)  Speed: 72,000 km/s   End: 13.9m    Range: 60m km   WH: 4    Size: 6    TH: 864/518/259
Sunfire B (80)  Speed: 72,000 km/s   End: 10.4m    Range: 45m km   WH: 9    Size: 6    TH: 624/374/187
Phoenix II (160)  Speed: 72,000 km/s   End: 6.9m    Range: 30m km   WH: 16    Size: 6    TH: 288/172/86
The role of this ship is as a replenishment ship. It carries enough fuel, spare parts, and ammunition to resupply four Fenris class escort cruisers, in addition to refilling the bomb-stockpiles of the Orion class destroyer and a Daedalus class scout carrier along with it. It also carries a monofilament tow cable, allowing it to tractor damaged ships. It's not a space vehicle intended to be deployed in combat, having a very low speed, even slower than recorded Gliesian ships. Six of them are requested for completion by mid-2286, so that the entire line of cruisers in the first fleet has at least one full ammunition resupply.
I've theorised some tactics which could be used to give this a battlefield role, like rotating the front lines back to the resupply ships to restock and then pushing forwards the second rank of cruisers, effectively making them the new front and allowing the second group to resupply, similar to an ancient Roman battle-line, but this tactic would be extremely expensive on fuel. A better solution to make these into a battlefield vehicle would be to make these ships faster than the Fenris and loaded down on CIWS, but that'll have to wait until the "Third Generation."

The second ship is the TAMLV Lysander:

Code: [Select]
Lysander class Minelayer    25,000 tons     571 Crew     5280 BP      TCS 500  TH 1500  EM 0
6000 km/s    JR 5-100     Armour 3-76     Shields 0-0     Sensors 120/120/0/0     Damage Control Rating 32     PPV 75
Maint Life 3.83 Years     MSP 4224    AFR 156%    IFR 2.2%    1YR 454    5YR 6808    Max Repair 750 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 48 months    Spare Berths 1   
Magazine 2460   

GTC Atlas J25000(5-100) Military Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 25000 tons    Distance 100k km     Squadron Size 5
Vishnevsky Space & Security 1000 EP Magneto-plasma Drive (3)    Power 1000    Fuel Use 17.47%    Signature 500    Exp 12%
Fuel Capacity 1,875,000 Litres    Range 77.3 billion km   (149 days at full power)

Han-Ronald Co. Size 60 Minelayer (5)    Missile Size 60    Rate of Fire 22500
Han-Ronald Co. Minelayer Control Suite (1)     Range 1.5m km    Resolution 100
HRC-SMB01 "Limpet" (42)  Speed: 0 km/s   End: 0m    Range: 9.5m km   WH: 0    Size: 58    TH: 0/0/0

Bazargan  Electronics Thermal Sensor TH5-120 (50%) (1)     Sensitivity 120     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  120m km
Bazargan  Electronics EM Detection Sensor EM5-120 (50%) (1)     Sensitivity 120     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  120m km
The general principle is mostly my own idea, the design itself was cooked up by much more learned men than myself however. It's based on the Daedalus class scout carrier, however the hangar decks and point defence weapons were all removed and replaced with massive magazines to store 42 "Limpet" space mines, as well as the mine droppers that deploy them. To save on tonnage with the introduction of the heavier systems, we have stripped five layers of armour from the original Daedalus also.
We realised just how terrifying the sensor shock delivered by making an FTL jump is given the fact we didn't realise an entire alien race was there for quite awhile upon entering the Gliese 408 system. I came up with the idea that this could be utilised defensively, by simply covering the jump point in space mines designed to launch multiple warheads at hostile contacts upon crossing through the jump point. Five of these ships are requested as part of the Baggage Train of the 1st Fleet.
HRC-SMB01 "Limpet":

Code: [Select]
Missile Size: 58 MSP  (2.9 HS)     Warhead: 0    Armour: 0     Manoeuvre Rating: 10
Speed: 0 km/s    Engine Endurance: 0 minutes   Range: 0.0m km
Thermal Sensor Strength: 12    Detect Sig Strength 1000:  12,000,000 km
Cost Per Missile: 83.24
Second Stage: HRC-SMM01 "Limpet" x4
Second Stage Separation Range: 150,000 km
Overall Endurance: 4 minutes   Overall Range: 9.9m km
Chance to Hit: 1k km/s 0%   3k km/s 0%   5k km/s 0%   10k km/s 0%
Materials Required:    9x Tritanium   17.208x Boronide   28.68x Uridium   28.352x Gallicite   Fuel x524
HRC-SMM01 "Limpet":
Code: [Select]
Missile Size: 10 MSP  (0.5 HS)     Warhead: 9    Armour: 0     Manoeuvre Rating: 18
Speed: 43200 km/s    Engine Endurance: 4 minutes   Range: 10.0m km
Active Sensor Strength: 4.17   Sensitivity Modifier: 240%
Resolution: 100    Maximum Range vs 5000 ton object (or larger): 10,000,000 km
Cost Per Missile: 16.01
Chance to Hit: 1k km/s 777.6%   3k km/s 252%   5k km/s 155.5%   10k km/s 77.8%
Materials Required:    2.25x Tritanium   2.502x Boronide   4.17x Uridium   7.088x Gallicite   Fuel x131.25

The third ship is the TASRV Styx:
Code: [Select]
Styx class Salvager    50,000 tons     295 Crew     1431 BP      TCS 1000  TH 2000  EM 0
2000 km/s     Armour 1-120     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 14     PPV 0
MSP 250    Max Repair 250 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 60 months    Spare Berths 0   
Cargo 25000    Cargo Handling Multiplier 40   
Salvager: 1 module(s) capable of salvaging 1000 tons per day

Shen-Zhao Engineering Company 400 EP Commercial Magneto-plasma Drive (5)    Power 400    Fuel Use 1.77%    Signature 400    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres    Range 50.8 billion km   (294 days at full power)
Straightforward. The Styx is designed to carry salvage crews. We haven't attempted to actually examine in detail any of the wrecks we've encountered in neutral territory. Now that we have the supporting theories, we intend to change that. Five of these ships are requested as part of the Baggage Train of the 1st Fleet.

Brandstetter seems adamant on organising a wide-scale invasion of the Gliesian home system. The plans have already been approved by the senate, providing they fall within certain budget constraints and he is capable of achieving his goals with mostly ships that're already in our Armada. The Fenris cruisers that are a part of the 1st Army Group's transport fleet will be redistributed to battle-line and escort units in the first fleet, and the troop transports will be added to a vanguard section of the Baggage Train. The scout escorts are being rebranded as Light Carrier Groups, and their survey vehicles are being re-assigned to the baggage train fleet.

The fleet will assemble in Procyon after all combat ships have reset their maintenance clocks, and then we will jump in battle order all the way from Troy to New Covenant. We will stage our fleet for the final assault at the Gliese 408 jump point in Ross 128. The three battle-line cruiser groups will go first, then the light carrier groups will follow, and then the Orions will come through last, escorting the troop transports. After we overcome the defending fleet of the aliens, we will bomb any military targets on their homeworld that we can detect, and then land three army divisions to begin our occupation.

The Terran Defence Fleet under the command of Governor General Esther Vahdani, which admittedly isn't much of a fleet since it only consists of two Daedalus scout carriers and six Fenris cruisers, will be divided in two. The two groups will take over defence of the core region until the return of our fleet. The only reason Esther agreed to this plan at all is because she demanded her own Orion class destroyer along with two extra cruiser groups. Brandstetter obviously gave in to her concessions, and her new ships are slated for construction by mid 2286 when all Baggage Train ships have been completed.
Aurora4x Discord:

Cold as steel the darkness waits, its hour will come
A cry of fear from our children, worshipping the Sun
Mother Nature's black revenge, on those who waste her life
War babies in the Garden Of Eden, she'll turn our ashes to ice

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Re: Journals of the Terran Alliance
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2016, 11:35:29 PM »
Colonel's Log 17th of June 2286:
Preparations for the invasion are almost complete. Once Troy has the maintenance facilities to overhaul Orion class destroyers, we'll begin the final overhauls of the fleet, and then the attack will be underway. We should be fully prepared by the end of Q1 2287.
Not all has been smooth, however. Five Gliesian survey craft entered Procyon. We destroyed all five that we had detected, and then captured their surviving crews and transported them to prison facilities on Troy. The second cruiser group of the Governor General's defence fleet has been posted to defend the jump point. If any are left in the system they're going to have to come back through that jump hole to go home, and I assume they'll be destroyed there by Esther's crews as they are completely defenceless.

The official story is that they were vanguard elements of an invasion fleet, which gave us lease to fire on them despite their complete lack of armament.

Because the Gliesians have already explored far enough to be right on our doorstep, we consider the systems between here and their home to be under their control until we've secured the jump points with mines.

I don't know why but I have a bad feeling about the future. We may be going down a very dark road, one I'd thought had been buried after the Third World War.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2016, 02:49:56 AM by ChildServices »
Aurora4x Discord:

Cold as steel the darkness waits, its hour will come
A cry of fear from our children, worshipping the Sun
Mother Nature's black revenge, on those who waste her life
War babies in the Garden Of Eden, she'll turn our ashes to ice

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Re: Journals of the Terran Alliance
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2016, 03:06:36 AM »
Colonel's Log 21st of Februrary 2288:
Preparations have been delayed by a full year. The maintenance facilities were delivered on time in October of 2286, but it took significantly longer than expected to finish overhauling all of our Orion class destroyers. They only just completed earlier this month.

In the mean-time, the aliens have been sending combat vessels through the jump-point to Lalande. Esther's lads have all done their jobs, killing every single one with zero losses, taking prisoners and salvaging a significant number of the alien warships in order to learn about their technology and design ethos.

(Images not in chronological order)

Esther's requisitions have been completed, and are undergoing training exercises as I write. She intends to station both of her new cruiser groups in Procyon, bringing her presence up to three groups. She hasn't actually told me her defence strategy personally, but I assume she will rotate the three groups between defence postings at the Lalande jump-node and leave on Troy in order to keep the crews as fresh as possible if something actually happens while the main fleet is gone. It's what I'd do, anyway.

We received an opportunity to test the effectiveness of Han-Ronald Co.'s "Limpet" space mines. We believe the protection that they provide will be satisfactory, however there exists the issue of over-saturation of a single target. All the aliens would need to do to bypass the grid is send a single small suicide ship through a mined jump-node and then wait for awhile before sending the rest of the fleet through. We believe this will be the only effective means of the aliens defeating our mines, as of the dozen or so classes that we have destroyed, only the large civilian ships have displayed the presence of point-defence systems.

On the 5th of March we will finally begin our offensive operation. I'll write again once we're assembled at the Gliese 408 jump-hole in Ross 128, or after something significant happens. Whichever comes first.

God be with us.

If anybody's interested I can talk about how the Terran Alliance's government works. I've been doing a few "house rule" kind of things that might become relevant later if certain characters disappear.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2016, 03:15:37 AM by ChildServices »
Aurora4x Discord:

Cold as steel the darkness waits, its hour will come
A cry of fear from our children, worshipping the Sun
Mother Nature's black revenge, on those who waste her life
War babies in the Garden Of Eden, she'll turn our ashes to ice

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Re: Journals of the Terran Alliance
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2016, 02:26:34 AM »
Colonel's Log 3rd of July 2288:
These past few months of travel have been tense. We're about to do something huge, that's never been done before. The travel was fairly uneventful. We encountered a single gate construction vessel and destroyed it with our fighters. The Star Marshal saw the presence of the alien civilian ship as the perfect opportunity to trial our as-of-yet untested Angel fighters...
Let's just say it was over quickly. We captured the crews, of course.

Along the way each jump was very simple. The battle line headed forwards and blockaded the point we were headed to whilst the minelayers laced the other jump-points and we waited for the main fleet with the support ships to catch up. After the fleet was assembled, the battle line refueled and spearheaded the entrance into the system.

Our plan of attack is very simple. The battle-line will breach the jump point and move forwards in a phalanx. Our Orion destroyers will move in a second line behind them, with their flanks screened by their strike craft wings. Behind them, two of our three light carrier groups will provide escort to the army transports as they approach the alien homeworld, with the third guarding the support vessels on the other side who will move into the system behind the marine transports once the order is delivered back through the jump-point.
Right now, we're assembled in Ross 128 on the home end of the jump-point into the alien capital. The battle will begin within the hour.
Aurora4x Discord:

Cold as steel the darkness waits, its hour will come
A cry of fear from our children, worshipping the Sun
Mother Nature's black revenge, on those who waste her life
War babies in the Garden Of Eden, she'll turn our ashes to ice

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Re: Journals of the Terran Alliance
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2016, 04:24:56 AM »
Looking forward to the battle, and of course seeing the spoils after conquering the homeworld. Do you believe in cleansing by nuclear fire, or an honourable ground assault?

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Re: Journals of the Terran Alliance
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2016, 04:38:11 AM »
Looking forward to the battle, and of course seeing the spoils after conquering the homeworld. Do you believe in cleansing by nuclear fire, or an honourable ground assault?
A mixture of both, since I've only got 3 full divisions and 12 replenishment battalions. We're going to not even bother assaulting PDCs and just smash them with tac-nukes from orbit.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2016, 04:42:32 AM by ChildServices »
Aurora4x Discord:

Cold as steel the darkness waits, its hour will come
A cry of fear from our children, worshipping the Sun
Mother Nature's black revenge, on those who waste her life
War babies in the Garden Of Eden, she'll turn our ashes to ice

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Re: Journals of the Terran Alliance
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2016, 08:12:34 AM »
Apologies for the delay. I've been playing this battle for the past three days. It's mostly been 5-second auto-turns through what I've decided to call "Macross Slowdown" (where the AI is spamming missiles at me from outside of sensor range), but I look to be winning. I should have an actual update tomorrow night (East Australia time)
Aurora4x Discord:

Cold as steel the darkness waits, its hour will come
A cry of fear from our children, worshipping the Sun
Mother Nature's black revenge, on those who waste her life
War babies in the Garden Of Eden, she'll turn our ashes to ice

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Re: Journals of the Terran Alliance
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2016, 03:37:33 AM »
Good start, keep it up!