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The Forever War - Part 06
« on: September 20, 2022, 12:58:58 PM »

   Five kinhalan battlecruisers, each massing nearly eighty three thousand tonnes, jump into the Escudo system which was chosen to be the defensive line against the invaders on the second front.
   Due to having only very few ships Korea have refused to station any forces in the system for the time being, but Poland and Brazil have dedicated nearly their entire mobile strength for the picket duty although the ships have to rotate home for overhaul and shore leave. As a result the Republic has two cruisers and six escort cruisers on station, all equipped with short range, interceptor sized missiles while Brazil has six cruisers and ten destroyers.
   Jump point assaults are far too quick for humans to interfere so the AIs on the ships chose their firing pattern out of several predefined ones. While the enemy was few in number, those ships were expected to be incredibly though. As a result nearly the entire Brazilian fleet launched their missiles, leaving four of the cruisers in reserve while Poland have limited themselves to their railguns. As the enemy emerged about two hundred and fifty thousand kilometers away, they weren’t going to do much damage, but for now the picket force didn’t want to spend itself in case another wave was coming.
   The alien ships have proven even more resilient then expected and only one was destroyed, while the rest fired their own missiles destroying two Brazilian cruisers. The three Federal cruisers that didn’t fire previously and survived fired their missiles, but that was enough to kill only two more enemies.
   Poland was asked to use their shipkillers after all, but fortunately only two more salvos were needed.
   The entire fight lasted less than two minutes. Brazil was out of ammunition and two cruisers short, but the Polish force was essentially intact. As the other Federal force is currently undergoing overhaul, the ships will stay in place without re-arming. While this will significantly reduce their combat capability, there isn’t much that can be done right now.


   A kinhalan fleet arrived in the Parana system. It comprised eleven battleships massing one hundred seventy thousand and two hundred tonnes, supported by seven battlecruisers massing eighty two thousand and eight hundred tonnes, a heavy cruiser massing fifty nine thousand and eight hundred tonnes and ten escort cruisers massing thirty six thousand and eight hundred tonnes. In total the fleet massed nearly two million and nine hundred thousand tonnes, more than what attacked Parana twenty five years ago.
   Five of the vessels – one battleship and four battlecruisers – were jump ships. Two smaller ones accompanied the fleet, while the other three stayed at the jump point. After that the armada set course straight for Brazil.


   With the invaders keeping their course for nine hours now Poland have decided it is safe enough to fire although if the aliens decide to retreat within the next several hours the entire strike could be wasted.
   Baszta have not lain idle during the last twenty five years and whenever it had enough spare missiles, it was building a new base so that all could be fired in a single salvo. This meant there will be only one strike, but the moon could fire thirty six hundred and twenty Osas D.
   The massive wave needed nearly fifteen hours to reach their targets. Only a little over a thousand of the eighteen thousand submunitions have been intercepted by the alien point defense, while the rest slammed into the enemy force destroying four battleships, their only remaining heavy cruiser, five battlecruisers and three escort cruisers.
   As coordination was impossible and there were fears that missiles could lose lock if their targets were destroyed, Korea have not fired yet. They did so now. They could launch only six thousand missiles and those were of lower quality but all were targeted at the seven remaining escort cruisers which had heavy missile defenses for their size.


   The aliens seemed unfazed by the previous strike, continuing towards Brazil. With the range growing ever larger, the Korean strike needed nearly thirty hours to arrive at their target. Nearly twenty seven hundred shipkillers were intercepted by alien anti-missiles, but the rest was enough to kill six escort cruisers and one of the battleships, while also damaging the seventh, and last, cruiser and one of the battleships.
   The kinhalan fleet has been reduced to five battleships and a cruiser and it was obvious they have had enough. The ships begun rescuing survivors and turned around towards their entry jump point.
   Humans decided not to pursue. Brazil and Poland had quite larger fleets in the system, but those were part of the Escudo picket rotation and were in overhaul. Closing the ships up and preparing them for battle would take nearly a month and while the process begun the moment the enemy arrived, it won’t be completed before they leave. Korea had a ready fleet of four cruisers, but taken together they don’t even have the same tonnage as one of the battleships, making them essentially useless.
   While the Republic is spent, Korea still has two thousand missiles they could use, but with the enemy retreating the Parana nations believe it’s better to not fire another salvo as that would give the enemy hard numbers of what is available. Better to make the enemy underestimate the defenders so that they commit insufficient forces in the future.


   The enemy fleet have left the system.
   The Intelligence have been studying the attack, trying to understand the change in kinhalan strategy, as they attacked much sooner than expected. They believe it has to do with the second front. The five battlecruiser group that invaded Escudo was powerful enough to deal with any tip wire defense and their loss must have been seen by the enemy as a result of a significant fleet deployment, which it was. With that the aliens concluded, correctly, that Parana was essentially stripped of mobile forces and they must have believed they will be able to do at least some damage to infrastructure, potentially keeping Brazil and maybe Korea dawn.
   It didn’t work like that, thanks to the new long range missiles, but that isn’t necessary a good thing. It is very likely the enemy will take their time to build a truly monstrous invasion fleet and they will know what they have to deal with now. The Intelligence points out the aliens can do several things that will make their warships much more resistant to damage – they haven’t really improved their sensors, resulting in the same problem Poland and Brazil once had, they still use old missile launchers with ten second cycle time, something they can easily improve before the next attack and, last but not least, they will likely improve the safety of their magazines. The Polish missile strike was accompanied by large number of enormous secondary explosions, the largest of which was nearly seven hundred mega tonnes, equivalent to over two hundred submunitions. If the enemy can improve their safety, their ships will become much more difficult to kill.


   As Poland have not expended any anti-missiles, the decision was made for Baszta to focus entirely on the interplanetary munitions. At the current construction rates this means around three hundred and fifty will be constructed every year, meaning the recent expenditure should be replaced within a decade. Marzanna will focus on interceptors and small shipkillers.
   In addition a new version of Osa was designed. A couple of years ago the Republic developed new warheads but for the sake of uniformity those weren’t implemented. Now the submunitions will have range of thirty million kilometers rather than ten million. As it is expected the aliens will develop much better sensors, this can easily make the difference between a strike being successful and not. The destructive power haven’t increased however with the Zadlo submunitions still having three mega tonne warheads.


   There have been some issues surrounding the most recent alien wrecks. Brazil didn’t participate in Parana plus they never salvaged anything as they had no need, but they still claimed all wrecks in Escudo while claiming none in the home system which was fine with everyone, but Poland and Korea couldn’t agree on how to divide the rest.
   The Republic wanted for each power to claim what they killed, but Korea insisted that they should be split evenly since both powers contributed and it was DPRK strike that ultimately made the enemy retreat, even if their strike was smaller in scale. Ultimately Poland won, mostly thanks to Brazilian support, but Korea was not happy.
   Those wrecks are important as the Republic desperately needs boronide. In fact production of new fuel harvesters have been suspended due to lack of that particular mineral. The Bogdanka colony is supposed to deal with the issue, but the first mines are still en route and the population is only two hundred thousand. Salvaging will be an important stop gap measure.


   Kleczanow have completed its expansion of industry, giving it the same manufacturing power the capital has. Unfortunately the population of nearly two hundred million is insufficient, with shortages causing the industry to operate at only eighty percent efficiency. For now the planet will focus on production of orbital habitats for other colonies.
   The government has been aware of the problem for some time and has been trying to solve the issue by increasing the number of state owned colony ships, but that is simply not enough, at least not yet. Civilian shipping lines are also not the answer. There are ninety privately owned vessels, but as there was no large scale colonization in the past, most of those are freighters with only fourteen colony ships in operation. Worse they are almost all small vessels below twenty five thousand tonnes so their carrying capacity is only a fraction of what the government is capable of.


   One thing that has been worrying the government about their defenses is their utter reliance on anti-missiles. Gauss cannons and railguns were being used, but only on ships that were usually in orbit around Marzanna. However over the past years the research sector have provided new gauss cannons that had range of forty thousand kilometers. As Baszta orbits the capital at mere twenty seven thousand kilometers, this meant the moon bases would be able to cover the planet as well. Now the design process is finally complete and Poland can build a planetary defense center armed with twenty four quad gass cannons that can intercept up to three hundred and eighty four incoming missiles, all without any use of ammunition.
   While impressive, there are some drawbacks, the greatest of which is the cost. Baszta will be able to build only one of those each year, assuming their entire industry focuses on the task. Moreover due to tracking speeds it is very likely the accuracy will be around thirty three percent which means each base will be able to intercept only a little over a hundred missiles in practice. Nonetheless the new base is considered an important part of the future defenses and Baszta will be building them whenever possible.


   Poland have finally managed to re-arm their missile bases. Korea on the other hand have been static for several decades now, being able to launch six thousand missiles at once. This is due to them using their bases quite often, their need to focus on their economic recovery after Second Invasion and thanks to progressing technology they had to replace their ordnance a couple of times. The Intelligence doesn’t have hard numbers but it is believed they can fire one full salvo of quite old missiles with reach of only four hundred million kilometers, full salvo of the same ordnance they have used during the Third Invasion and they are now working on arming their bases with newest models. Those are minimum estimates but it is very unlikely Korea can fire two salvos of any given type of munitions.


   The population of Kleczanow now exceeds that of Baszta. Both bodies have population of around three hundred and fifty million but the former is habitable while the latter requires orbital habitats.
   Kleczanow still has slight manpower shortages although this is mostly due to ongoing production of ordnance facilities. In the future the planet will be the primary naval shipbuilding center and the government wants the new ships to be fully combat ready, including ammunition, hence the current industrial project. Nonetheless for now there are only four shipyards in orbit of the planet, set to build light cruisers for patrol so it will take years, possibly decades, before the rest can be brought in.
   Baszta on the other hand will likely no longer expand. Up until now production of new military bases was limited due to available ammunition, allowing the moon to produce new habitats whenever it could spare the industry. However with the design of the gauss cannon armed bases, the colony can continuously build military hardware, leaving no room for expansion. Having said that it is likely that other colonies will build habitats for Baszta.
   There are other Republican colonies, but those are mostly static. Marzannas moon of Pniewy has population of two million and has not been expanded since its inception as it is a small mining location that is almost depleted. The dwarf planet of Turow has population of twenty eight million and produces duranium and neutronium but due to its exposed position the government is not willing to invest further.
   The mining colonies of Belchatow and Bogdanka are also housed in orbital habitats and have population of twenty one million each. They may be expanded in the future, especially Belchatow due to its deposits of gallicite, but for now those colonies are considered to be reasonably sized.
   Wieliczka will likely be expanded further. It has population of less than nine million but medium sized habitats are en route and once they arrive they will allow the population to increase to thirty million. The moon is primarily a mining location but its located close to the star and bathed in unusual radiation that will increase the speed of any research into sensors by sixty percent. So far this potential have remained untapped, but the government hopes that now that the mineral situation is more or less secure, they will be able to expand the colony enough to take advantage of that opportunity.
   Aside from the inhabited colonies, Poland operates fifty five mining vessels, scattered throughout their space. Taken together they have output equal to over sixteen hundred mines and for the money spent on them the government could have bought thirty cruisers. Unfortunately due to how spread out they are it is impossible to protect them.


   With their mineral situation more or less secure and most colonies grown to a target level, Poland have been slowly planning to finally establish a naval base at Escudo, something that was delayed due to kinhalan attack in 3306, which was believed to give humans time to sort out their issues before they had to return to militarization. However there was an unexpected development – Brazil no longer wanted them there.
   The Federation have done an extraordinary job rebuilding their forces after they’ve lost their yards during the Second Kinhalan Invasion of 3282. By now their fleet comprises fifty four ships – thirty three cruisers and twenty one destroyers. Numerically speaking it is the largest force ever deployed, even larger than the alien fleet although in tonnage terms it is less than half of what was thrown at Parana during the last two attacks. For comparison Poland has only thirty warships, although the old and obsolete destroyers and frigates are not counted, which adds up to only about sixty percent as much tonnage.
   That however is only half of the story. The colony of Fortaleza de Gelo in the Escudo system have been growing rapidly with population exceeding one hundred and thirty million and industry comprising mining, terraforming, fuel production and fleet support. Not only that but space stations have been deployed to the jump point to allow the warships to stay there permanently. As a result the entire Brazilian force is right on top of the jump point, ready to fire all they have at the invaders the moment they appear and before they can recover from transit effects.
   But the Federation does not intend to end there. They have twelve old, small orbital stations around Amazonia that will be moved to the jump point. While they mass fifteen thousand and six hundred tonnes, far less than one of their cruisers, they have neither engines nor fuel storage and as a result they can fire one hundred large, interplanetary missiles and four hundred anti-missiles, or the recently designed small shipkillers, at once. Moreover the capital is now protected by thirty four larger and newer bases, so this won’t make much dent in their defense.
   Those are the most immediate plans, but the Brazilian government also intends to build new shipyards in Escudo as soon as its manpower issues are resolved. Their ultimate goal is to have a total of twenty four yards split equally between the two frontline systems with twelve building orbital bases for both planets, six building warships and six building space forts to be placed at the jump point.
   In addition the Intelligence believes Brazil have designed a two stage, extended range missile for both their large launchers on their orbital bases and their smaller launchers on board their ships. Those were also designed in such a way that a combined strike was possible. The exact numbers are not available but the Amazonian bases are believed to be able to fire fifty one hundred to eighty five hundred missiles, as many as Korean ground bases. Their fleet should be able to fire around sixty five hundred missiles. This means that if the fleet was in orbit of Amazonia, the Federation could fire a wave of missiles nearly as large as what Poland was capable of.
   Last but not least Brazil is now expending their yards to build the first human battlecruisers and battlecruiser sized orbital installations. And while some within the Polish Intelligence community are doubtful that the Federation has the resources to accomplish all of this, they always were the most secure nation minerals wise and they are expending their extraction operations. Mines are already in place in the Fortaleza de Gelo colony and they intend to establish a brand new one in another system, although that one will require orbital habitats to function.
   Due to all of that Brazil believes they no longer need a Polish missile base in the system to protect their space. The Federation was always isolationist and while they weren’t fanatical enough for their ideology to overcome their common sense, their newfound strength makes them go back to their old practices. However they have not yet requested that Poland withdrew their picket.
   While in theory this is good news for the Republic as it means another nation will take full responsibility, and costs, of protecting the human space, this is in reality a very bad situation for Marzanna. The Wrota system must be protected at all costs or Poland will fall and having a base at the front line, together with another nation would be the best option. With that possibility no longer on the table, the Republic will have to build their own fortification at the Wrota system which will be much more difficult due to location of jump points and won’t be as effective if other nations aren’t participating.
   Most likely Poland will simply invest more heavily in their fleet. The government already begun taking steps towards that, building four new shipyards in Marzanna that are being expanded to build cruisers and will be moved to Kleczanow as soon as manpower is available. This will double the number of their primary warships the Republic can build and eventually those will be expanded in size as well. As the Wrota system is only nine days from the capital and forty one days from the Escudo system, redeployment will be easy, assuming of course Brazil will warn the other nations if their defenses are breached.
   A colony may be established in the Wrota system so that any redeployed ships could stay there indefinitely, but that is currently just a proposal that may not be implemented.


   The population of Kleczanow have exceeded six hundred and ten million, allowing Poland to move all naval yards from Baszta to the colony. Four more will be moved soon, as they are finishing expansion above the capital, although this will likely mean Kleczanow will have manpower shortages for some time. Once that is done the Republic will be capable of building eight cruisers and six light cruisers at the same time and once the worker issue is resolved, those will finally begin expanding to build something even larger.
   Despite having one fifth of Marzannas population, Kleczanow is not the largest planet by population outside Parana – the Korean colony of Chogjin is, being inhabited by over six hundred and sixty million people. Despite that the moon have been effectively abandoned by the DPRK government once they begun developing Kangwon, which has grown to three hundred and sixty million people.
   The only other colony outside Parana with population exceeding a hundred million is the Brazilian world of Fortelaza de Gelo, inhabited by one hundred and ninety million people.


   Poland developed magnetic confinement fusion drive, allowing them to design new version of their warships and missiles. Their combat vessels will now travel sixty eight hundred and seventy five kilometers per second. For now the government plans to use this opportunity to upgrade all vessels to newest standard, as there are three generations of cruisers and light cruisers, but if the time or costs end up being too high, a simple engine replacement for each version may be chosen.
   Another issue will be building sufficient ammunition to replace what is currently used. For example the missile bases on Baszta can now fire a total of over nine and a half thousand Osas with over two thousand of the newest ones in storage, as there was no time to build missile bases to house them. This will take the moon over twenty years to do so, during which time the Republican strike capacity won’t be improving. The one piece of good news is that with the yards gone, Baszta can enlarge its missile production sector though not by much.
   This new technology is very welcome news for the government. Both Brazil and Korea have developed internal confinement fusion drives which the Republic have been using so far, although the two nations are still implementing those. What is a real problem however is the fact that Unity usually has technology equal to those two nations, so they are also on the same level, at the very least.


   The first six Brazilian battlecruisers arrived in Escudo to reinforce the picket there, bringing the total number of Federal ships to twelve forts, nineteen destroyers (two were detached for picket duties), thirty six cruisers and the six new arrivals for a total of over one million and eight hundred thousand tonnes of death ready to fire while the aliens are still addled from transit effects.
   The Polish picket force is split in two as they don’t have a base in the system, which forces ships to rotate. As such on station, at any give time, are only seven light cruisers and seven cruisers. Now that eight yards are operational the force should grow more rapidly, but it is obvious that unless those ships receive support they will always be far inferior to what the Federation can bring.
   Due to all this Brazil believes it will be best for the Polish forces to withdraw from the system. As they point out the Republican ships don’t add up much to the defense of Escudo while also being unable to protect Parana. Worse, with Korea keeping all their ships in Kangwon, the home system is essentially without a mobile force.


   Poland delivered seven medium sized habitats to the third planet of the Wrota system, named Niedzica. This will become the main naval base of the Polish navy and should be able to react to the invasion of the capital, assuming the enemy will keep the previous operational patter and goes after Brazil first, while also being deployed closer to the front in the Brazilian space. The planet can now house over thirty two million people but actually building up the necessary facilities will take significant amount of time.
   The habitats were originally destined for Wieliczka, but the colony will have to support itself alone for the time being. Considering the huge build up that was necessary to establish an R&D sector, the government decided to take it a step further and industrialize the colony. While the population is seventy five million, there are enough habitats for over a hundred and ten million and the planet already has industrial capacity equal to forty percent of what the capital is capable of. For now there aren’t enough people to expend it further, but it is enough for the planet to start building its own habitats. Logistical networks have also been reworked to ensure steady supply of minerals for the colony as while it has significant mining sector, many resources are in minimal accessibility.


   The Polish sensors and tracking stations detected six more Brazilian battlecruisers moving out of Parana system, most likely to join the picket in Escudo. While a significant reinforcement, it is becoming obvious that the shipbuilding rate of the Federation have decreased significantly, most likely due to them running out of prefabricated components.
   It is unlikely that Brazil will ever hit their previous tempo again. Most components have been manufactured while shipyards were expanding. More over the Intelligence is certain that the Federation is suffering resource issues and their entire industry is currently dedicated to solving the problem. It is uncertain if they have any shortages, although if they do, they don’t seem to impact naval spending, but even so their industry simply cannot be distracted from expansion of the mining colonies. This also means Brazil haven’t even begun implementing their plan to build new naval shipyards above Fortalaza de Gelo and it may be decades before they can start working on the project. This only further reinforces the need for Poland to expand their own fleet. 


   Due to gallicite shortages Marzanna suspends production of missiles. The capital has a thousand ordnance factories, producing primarily anti-missiles and interceptor sized shipkillers.
   Baszta and Kleczanow will continue their own production however. Marzanna is at the very end of the logistical networks and both of those bodies have been able to continue production of ammunition and refit of warships, so there is enough extraction for that. Resources are also redirected towards securing more of the mineral – the Belchatow colony is being expanded and new mining ships are moving towards comets with gallicite deposits. Still it will take time for the situation to stabilize, but the Navy will continue to grow, just a little bit slower.


   Korea have launched the largest human ship to date, a one million tonne tug.
   While it is essentially impossible to gather information about the nation from their sources due to every information channel being state propaganda, observations show that Korea is heavily improving their mining output from Parana colonies, but it is also almost certain that those colonies don’t have enough resources to sustain DPRK long term. And while nothing is known about their own space, using the Polish systems as baseline it is almost certain that worlds with any colonization potential simply don’t have necessary resources unless the other side got unreasonably lucky. As such they will need to start moving habitats over interstellar distances and tugs like this are a good solution for that problem.
   Poland also has a similar shipyard that is retooling for a very similar tug, although one with more advanced engines, but it is unknown when the first one will be laid dawn due to current gallicite issues. Even so the Republic is in a good place, as they have nine tugs massing two hundred and fifty thousand tonnes that can move nine medium sized habitats from Kleczanow to Wieliczka in two years. That is faster than those can be produced by a single world, although if distances were greater, for example by having those built on Marzanna, that would of course change. Even so larger ship would significantly simplify logistics and would allow use of larger habitats.


   One of the largest problems for Poland have always been available freight capacity. While the government operated a lot of cargo ships, those were necessary to move minerals from various comets to the industrialized worlds, leaving very little to move around actual installations. Now however the problem is being solved thanks to four commercial yards that have been expanded from one hundred thousand to two hundred and fifty thousand tonnes and are constructing new freighters and colony ships.
   By now the only habitable planet in the nation, Kleczanow, has population of one billion and one hundred and fifty million, giving it more than enough manpower to not only man all the existing installations but also to allow expansion, while also making it the most populous human world outside the Parana system. More importantly however that is over a quarter of the planets capacity. Because of this and thanks to the new freighters the government decided the time has come to establish a new colony.
   The pickings are slim. For all instances and purposes there are no colonizable bodies with any mineral deposits of note. Many other worlds are also not very inviting. In the end the decision is made to colonize the third planet in the Solidarnosc system, the same star orbited by Kleczanow.
   The planet is a low density superterrestrial with dense atmosphere of carbon dioxide and nitrogen and, consequently, very high temperature. As a result the world will require over fifty percent more infrastructure than Mars would. However once terraformed the planet will have habitability score of six, similar to Kleczanow, but will also be much larger, capable of housing over thirty billion people. That single fact is the primary reason the planet have been chosen.
   The world is renamed Gdansk.


   Marzanna resumes production of missiles. While it took them eleven years, nothing else was impacted – ships were being constructed and upgraded, Baszta was building more interplanetary munitions and Kleczanow was manufacturing Iglas and Wlocznias for the fleet.
   One interesting consequence of the interruption was the fate of the gauss cannon armed bases that were being deployed on Baszta. Those were something of a filler, a useful construct to be built when production of more valuable bases outstripped missile manufacturing, and that is precisely what happened, but due to the interruption a total of twenty eight are now operational on Baszta. More over those represent four different generations with the newest ones having not only better firing rates but also tracking speeds. As a result the moon can fire a wall of thirteen thousand slugs against any incoming salvo. And while due to hit chances this likely adds to between three and four thousand missiles, the aliens design their ships to launch five salvos, which means the bases may end up intercepting up to twenty thousand alien munitions all by their own.


   While the Polish long range missile strike during the Third Invasion was a resounding success, the military knew from the beginning that it had a weak link – the spotter ship. If it could be destroyed, then the strike could not be launched.
   Ultimately it is impossible to completely guarantee security of such a vessel, but the navy realized there is a way to significantly decrease the options available to the enemy by making it much harder to detect and target through implementation of stealth characteristics. The research have been ongoing ever since and a new design if finally ready in the form of Projekt 047 light cruiser.
   Like other ships of that designation, she masses sixteen thousand tonnes, but her cross section is only one thousand and six hundred tonnes, making her essentially impossible to target from the spotting distance, unless very specialized sensors and fire controls are used and the enemy has no reason to use those. Moreover while she has an additional engine to make it easier for her to perform her task and can move at eight thousand, two hundred and fifty kilometers per second, those engines have reduced thermal signature. Last but not least the sensor itself is designed to be as weak as possible while still having the necessary range. Depending on what the aliens are equipped with, they may not even realize they are being shadowed, or painted for missiles. She has no offensive armament and only eight gauss cannons, but her armor is quite heavy. It will take time before first ships are even laid dawn, but they will take over the scouting duty.
   The stealth systems however ended up being useful for one other type of ships – exploration vessels. A new version of such was designed, the Projekt 048. She is also sixteen thousand tonnes, can deploy drones and has significantly increased range and survey capabilities, but as there is nothing to survey right now, those ships are even further away from deployment.


   Wieliczka begins construction of the first Polish Bishops Ring, although a smaller one than what Brazilians have built that will be able to house eighty million people.
   The colony has grown to one hundred and fifty seven million people, but the government is no longer providing new habitats as those are necessary for other projects. It also has seventy percent as much industry as Marzanna which, together with the mining sector, employs all available manpower. The Ring, which will take about a decade to manufacture, will provide enough living space for Wieliczka to enlarge the industry to its maximum size, the second will finally allow establishment of an R&D sector and the one after that will allow enlargement of the mining sector.


   Twenty three years after introduction of magnetic confinement fusion drives the refits of the main Polish fleet are finally complete. The time scale is considered intolerable and in the future the navy will no longer strive to keep all vessels up to the newest standards. Instead once several upgrades are ready, they will be implemented into a nominally new design and future upgrades will either not happen or will include only the engines due to the importance of speed in the Republican doctrine. This can easily lead to a situation where a warship would have newest drives and a hundred year old guns, but more hulls are desperately needed.
   The fleet comprises twenty two cruisers and fourteen light cruisers with combined mass of a little over a million tonnes and is stationed on Niedzica. The planet has population of fifty million and enough space in habitats for one hundred and ten million but both Kleczanow and Marzanna continue to build orbital habitats for the planet as more will be needed. The government wants Niedzica to be another industrialized world that, instead of receiving constant support from outside, will be able to support the fleet on its own and will also develop its own defenses. That will require significantly larger population than what is currently available.
   The size of the Korean fleet is unknown as they have moved all their naval yards into their space and haven’t sent many ships to Parana. They have at least eight naval yards and those had enough time to expand to build battlecruisers or battleships, but it is unlikely, though not impossible, that DPKR is building something that large.
   Brazil has massive fleet of nineteen destroyers, thirty six cruisers and eighteen battlecruisers with combined tonnage of around two and a half million tonnes – nearly as much as the aliens have thrown at humanity during the Second and Third Invasions. Despite that however all this firepower is glued to the jump point in the Escudo system which means the Federation may as well not have a fleet. They have built new yards that will build space fortresses, but those are still expanding to build even the smallest of those. For that matter Brazil is still fully focused on solving their mineral issues and it is unknown when they will be able to expand their military production.
   Poland however is doing mostly fine, although gallicite is still in rather tight supply. Moreover the refit process gave them a lot of time to expand their shipbuilding and now the eight primary yards are retooling to build the first Polish battlecruisers.
   The Projekt 046 is one hundred and two thousand and four hundred tonnes, half again as large as the Brazilian battlecruisers. Her primary armament consists of thirty six railguns, each with caliber of four hundred millimeters and is supported by ten gauss cannons and eighty anti-missile launchers with nearly two and a half thousand rounds in her magazines. She also has thirty decimeters of armor while also having the standard fleet speed of six thousand, eight hundred and seventy five kilometers per second. In short her entry into Republican service will herald an enormous leap in the Polish capabilities but between retooling and construction of the first ships it will be over a decade before those are deployed.