Author Topic: A Test of Wills: Discovery  (Read 13786 times)

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Offline Þórgrímr (OP)

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A Test of Wills: Discovery
« on: October 03, 2007, 07:23:02 PM »
Since this is an Aurora Campaign I did not know whether it should have gone in my Roman Fora or here, so I erred on the side of caution and put it here in the Aurora forum.

I am going to run this campaign like a story, but I will have reports on events and stuff going on in the campaign. But if anybody has any questions on what is happening in the campaign, just ask and ye shall recieve.  :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Þórgrímr »
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
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Offline Þórgrímr (OP)

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« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2007, 08:23:22 PM »
Home Star System: Sol
Nation: Senatus Populesque Romanus
Date: This the 18th Day of the Ides of Iulius, In the Year of 2757, Ab Urbe Condita.  
Heads of State: Pro-Praetor Flavius Curius Strabo,  Imperator Casca Rufius Longinus
National Flag:


In the Misty Legends of Roma, that are lost in the haze of time, it is said that Iuppiter and Mars had foreseen the time when the barbarians would overcome Roma Mater. Iuppiter despaired of ever seeing his children out among the stars. So he along with Mars began to weave the ether to recreate Sol down to the last detail, and then created the volcanic eruption of Vesuvius Mons, while devastating, it allowed Vulcan to pass on the secret of Fulminata. Armed with Fulminata and trained by Mars himself Roma was able to overcome her enemies and continued to expand the empire. Iuppiter reasoned that if these Romans whom he deemed worthy of fulminata could not carry Roma Mater to the stars, then none would be worthy to carry on the name Roman.
Iuppiter warned that they had to display all the virtues of a true Roman and these virtues were: Officium (Duty), Aequitas (Respect), Gravitas (Dignity), Nobilitas (Nobility), Concordia (Harmony), Humanitas (Culture), Pietas (piety), Virtus (Courage), Firmitas (Tenacity), Industria (Hard Work). And if not displayed the people of Rome would go the way of the Alexandrian empire, fragmented and finally conquered. These Romans had to have more in common with Seneca and Cicero than with Commodous and Nero.
As Iuppiter had foreseen only true Romans would prosper and eventually make it to the stars. But what is a Roman without conflict? So Mars placed within the grasp of other cultures that he deemed worthy to fight the Imperium, the secret of fulminata. If the Romans were not vigilant these other cultures would be able to fight for the fate of the new world Iuppiter and he had created. If these Romans were not worthy, then none would be. It would be an interesting fight either way.
In the Year 2757 A.U.C. Ab Urbe Condita, the Romans had shown they were worthy of Iuppiter and Mars, for they had finally conquered the Orbis Sericum (Chinese Sphere) and united Terra under the Pax Romana.
The Discovery of the Gates of Apollo was just a few short years away.


Roman Terra, like our Earth, has their version of Luna they call Pugio Caelum, The Sky Dagger. Sky Dagger is approximately 24% the size of Terra and like Luna is tide locked to its parent planet. Sky Dagger is named for the unusual pattern the dark and light areas of the moon make. Where in our reality these resemble a ?face?, the Roman version of Luna in this reality resembles a large Dagger, which has its point down and to the right, and it?s hilt up and to the left.

As the closest astral body to Terra the Sky Dagger was studied throughout Humanity?s history in much the same way Luna has been studied on our Earth. As with Luna a lot of speculation has been made as to why Sky Dagger is not a Terran type world. After all it?s at the same distance, developed at the same time and is almost as big. Plans were made to try to terraform the moon, but more recent analysis the Romans had determined it to be out of the question with current technology.

During the latter part of the Roman Republic?s final take over of Terra, one of the other nations, the Han, looked into opening up off world mining operations to try and improve it?s chances of holding out against the Roman Republic?s expansion. As part of their planning they decided that it would be a good idea to see what was on the other side of Sky Dagger. So they launched satellites to the far side of Pugio Caelum to see what was there. What they found only became public much later and in the end had helped speed up the growth of the Senatus Populesque Romanus and their eventual demise.


As the small spacecraft passed around the far side of Sky Dagger one of the instruments added as an after thought detected something that no one had expected. When it finally came back out from the radio shadow of Sky Dagger it passed on the information. The small spacecraft had picked up a radio signal from the surface!

For the first time in the history of Terra the leaders of all the nations came together and discussed the implications. Unless the satellite was faulty the Human race was not alone in the galaxy. An agreement quickly followed joining all of the smaller nations under Roman leadership. The now stronger, and greatly expanded Roman Republic finally was able to remove those nations that refused to join the Republic from existence.

Plans then began for a manned mission to the far side of Sky Dagger. Even with the resources of the whole planet the mission was a challenge for the Romans. It took nearly a year to get to the point where everything was ready and even then the odds were that it would be a one-way trip. The Emperor felt no more time could be taken; whoever was on Sky Dagger might decide to do something at anytime.


Four Brave Romans were blasted into space along with a number of relay satellites to allow signals to be sent from the dark side of Sky Dagger.
The following is an extract from the log of the mission?s landing stage. Nova Capua {Capua} is the Roman equivalent of Houston in terms and location of their early space program. Aquilia is the name given to the Lunar Excursion Module and Peregrine to the Command Module.
?Aquilia, Capua. If you read, you?re Go for powered descent. Over.
?Aquilia, this is Peregrine. They just gave you a Go for powered descent.
?Aquilia, Capua. Your alignment is Go on the AGS. On my mark, 3:30 ?til ignition.
?Mark. 3:30 ?til ignition.?
?Ignition. 10 percent, Throttle up. Looks good!?
?Aquilia, Capua. Everything?s looking good here. Over.?
?Okay, Capua; (garbled) the ED Batts are Go... 4 minutes.?
?Roger. You are Go. You are Go to continue powered descent. You are Go to continue powered descent.
?Aquilia, Capua, 6 plus 25. Throttle down...?
?Roger. Copy.?
?Capua, Aquilia, 5000 feet. 100 feet per second (descent rate) is good. Going to check my attitude control. Attitude control is good.?
?Aquilia, you're looking great. Coming up 9 minutes? Aquilia, Capua. You?re Go for landing. Over.
?Contact Light. Okay. Engine Stop? Mode Control, both auto. Descent Engine Command Override, Off. Engine Arm, Off. 413 is in.?
?We copy you down, Aquilia.?
?Capua, Campus Tranquilatus here. The Aquilia has landed.?
?Roger, Tranquilatus. We copy you on the ground. You got a bunch of guys about to turn blue. We?re breathing again. Thanks a lot.?
?Tranquilatus. Be advised there?re lots of smiling faces in this room and all over Terra. Over.?
?Well, there are two of them up here.?
?Roger. That was a beautiful job, you guys.?
?And don?t forget two smiling faces in the command module.?
?Campus Tranquilatus, Capua. All your consumables are solid. You're looking good in every respect. We copy the DPS (Descent Propulsion System) venting. Everything is going as planned. Over.?
?Thank you, Capua.?
?Peregrine, Capua. We have a P22 update for you, if you?re ready to copy. Over.?
?At your service, sir.?
?Roger, Marcus. T1, 104:32:18; T2, 104:37:28. And that is 4 miles south. This is based on the targeted landing site. Over.?
?Roger. Understand. Based on the targeted landing site; T1, 104:32:18; T2, 104:37:28, and 4 miles south.?
?Arminius: From the surface, we could not see any stars out the window; but out my overhead hatch, I'm looking at Terra. It's big and bright and beautiful. Decius is going to give a try at seeing some stars through the optics.?
?Roger, Tranquilatus. We understand. Must be a beautiful sight. Over.?
?Aquilia, Capua. Have a latitude (and) longitude-over-two update for Suspected Signal position. Over. (Pause) Aquilia, Capua. Over.?
?Go ahead, Capua.?
?Roger. Aquilia, it's plus 7 - correction - plus 0.799 for the Lat, plus 11.730 for the longitude-over-two. Over.?
?Thank you. The signal strength remains unchanged??
?That's affirmative Aquilia.?
?Capua, Tranquilatus.?
?Go, Tranquilatus. Over.?
?Roger. Our recommendation at this point is planning an EVA, with your concurrence, starting about eight o?clock this evening, Capua time. That is about 3 hours from now.?
?Stand by.?
?Campus Tranquilatus, Capua. We thought about it; we will support it. We?re go at that time. Over.?
?Roger that.?
?Peregrine. Did you see any signs of a base? Over.?
?Well, the area looks smooth, but I was unable to see any sign of a base. I just picked out a distinguishable crater nearby and marked on it.?
?Peregrine. Capua. I understand you could not see any signs of a base. What were you marking on? Over.?
?Capua, Peregrine. I say again, I could not see anything. Auto optics pointed at a spot very close to the coordinates which you gave me, so I picked a tiny crater in that area and marked on it so I will be able to have repeatable data, but I was unable to see any signs of a base.?
?Roger. Copy that.?
?Capua, this is Campus Tranquilatus. We are beginning our EVA Prep.?
?Campus Tranquilatus, this is Capua, Roger. Copy.?
?Peregrine, this is Capua. We request that you perform another P22. We'd like you to let the Auto optics take care of the tracking and devote your energies to trying to pick out the LEM on the lunar surface. Then we want you to keep looking for signs of a base or signal tower. We?re looking for marks on it; but tracking of geographical features doesn?t do us all that much good. Over.?
?Okay. Fine. I'll do it.?
?Capua, this is Tranquilatus. We?re standing by for a Go for cabin depress. Over.?
?Campus Tranquilatus, this is Capua. You are Go for cabin depressurization. Go for cabin depressurization.?
?Roger that.?
?I?m at the foot of the ladder. The LEM footpads are only depressed in the surface about 1 or 2 inches, although the surface appears to be very, very fine grained, as you get close to it. It?s almost like a powder. Groundmass is very fine. I?m going to step off the LEM now? That?s one small step for a Roman; one giant leap for the Senate and people of Rome.?
?Aquilia this is Capua, begin recon of the landing zone.?
?Capua this is Aquilia, we have arrived at the transmission site, there is nothing on the surface. We?re beginning a sweep of the local area.?
?Capua this is Aquilia, We have found a hidden door 50 yards from the transmission point.?
?Capua this is Aquilia, I believe we have found the opening device. Should I open the door??
?Aquilia this is Capua, wait one while we confirm the go-ahead for you.?
?Aquilia this is Capua, permission granted.?

The ground team entered what turned out to be a small base, which had been abandoned by whomever had built it. The few pieces of equipment still in the base indicated that the base was for research of some sort. There was no sign of any aliens, however the control devices (keyboards etc.) seemed oddly designed to the Romans and so the conclusion was made that they were extra-solar. Further investigation revealed some plants and animals from Terra. From the study of those plants and animals it became apparent that the base was several thousand years old. Almost immediately the Romans began to wonder just how much of a ?myth? their origins were.

The discovery pushed the Romans into space and they quickly visited the other planets and moons in their home system to see if there was any sign of other bases or the makers of the base found on Sky Dagger. They found nothing. One of the side effects of this was that various theories were formed and eventually they led the Romans to their most recent discovery, the Gates of Apollo. It also led to the Roman usage of corvettes as survey craft as they felt they needed to quickly go looking for whomever or whatever built the base.


Casca once again turned to his Magister Classis and said, "So nothing was found on that base? How long did you say it had been evacuated?"

Tiberius Drusus Pomponius replied, " Imperator, the botanists and biologists reports say that the age of the specimens found on Sky Dagger were, they estimate, several millenia old, and that the base must have been abandoned for at least several thousand years. We have dispatched an archeological team to comb the base for any possible technology the base builders may have been left behind."


News Extract from the Imperial News Network

Today the Classis announced that they have recently tested an ?Ion drive engine?. This follows amateur astronomer reports of fast moving ships seen close to Terra over the last few months. According to a Classis spokesman the ?Ion drive engine? will revolutionize intra-system travel.

"Imperator, I am happy to announce that our first test of the new drive technology we found on Sky Dagger was a resounding success. With this drive we should have no problems exploring the rest of Sol."

"Very good Tiberius, keep up the good work. Tell your men that the Senate and people of Rome are proud of their Classis."


Deep space, Sol system

Far out in the Sol system, beyond the planet Iuppiter, a small probe slowly activated itself once the parameter for revocation of observation status was achieved. Millennia ago the probes builders had set the probe with the task of watching this world. And now its sensors had detected a drive signature powerful enough, near the planet under observation, to indicate the species in question has finally developed an Ion drive, the first technology needed to begin the first steps to the stars.

For a few moments the probe double-checked its results ensuring the information was correct. Then it powered up its Ion drive and began to head out of the system. It headed unerringly for an empty spot in space very similar to infinite other spots in space. When it arrived at the spot it suddenly stopped.

If the probe could have been confused it would have been. The probe?s jump drive should have opened up the wormhole at this location, but it wasn?t here. It double checked its maps and checked the local stellar marker stars to confirm it was where it should have been. The probe went over to a back up program and began to spiral out from the wormholes supposed position. Once it reached 5 Light Seconds from the point it had stopped at, a new program took over and the probe aimed itself for deep space.

After almost 6 months it self destructed far from the system to ensure the inhabitants would never find any trace of it.


"Imperator, I have grave news, and we need to speak of it." Tiberius said with a nervous tic, not knowing how the Emperor would react to the news he bore.

"Go ahead Tiberius."

"Approximately 144 minutes after the Ion drive of our Experimental Vessel was activated a second Ion drive signature was detected in the outer reaches of the Sol system. The operators initially believed this was a sensor image from the Experimental Vessels Ion drive. After additional analysis of the drive signature it became apparent that the drive signature was markedly different from the Experimental Vessels drive signature."

"Unfortunately, the unknown Ion drive signature was visible for only 30 seconds before vanishing. This sighting combined with the base found on the dark side of Pugio Caelum brings the Classis to the conclusion that some unknown person or persons is watching Terra and they now will know we have developed an Ion drive and the technology to support it."

"We recommend outfitting a ship as fast as humanly possible to investigate the locale of the unknown Ion Drive's last known position."

Casca was dumbfounded! Somone else was in their system, and they had to find out what was going on. "Tiberius, I think you are right, we need to get a ship out there quickly. Unfortunately, there are no such ships with which to do that."

"The architects on my staff have thrown together a design for a scout to survey the area where the unknown disappeared. They also took the time to prepare a design for surveying the other planets and moons for signs of any other bases or technology left behind."

"Very good Tiberius, show me the plans for the new ship classes you were telling me of."

"First off Imperator we have the Liburnia Class scout, it consists of:

Code: [Select]
Liburnia class Survey Ship    5000 tons     540 Crew     1241 BP      TCS 100  TH 118  EM 0
2360 km/s    JR 3-50     Armour 1     Shields 0-0     Sensors 36/36/22/5/0     Damage Control 0-0     PPV 12
Magazine 400    Replacement Parts 5    

Apollo J5000(3-50) Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 5000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Mil Ion Engine EE0.76 AR-0 (4)    Power 59    Efficiency 0.76    Signature 29.5    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 160,000 Litres    Range 181.9 billion km   (892 days at full power)

Missile Launcher 06-060 (2)    Missile Size 6    Rate of Fire 60
Artemis Class Missile Fire Control S02-040 (1)    Range: 400k km

Thermal Sensor TH2-36 (1)     Sensitivity 36     Detect Signature 100: 3.6m km
Excubitus Active Sensor MR1920-R2.4 (1)     GPS 192     Range 1.9m km    Resolution 2.4
Cura Grav Pulse Detection Sensor GPD2-36 (1)     Sensitivity 36     Detect Strength 100: 3.6m km
Custos EM Detection Sensor EM2-22 (1)     Sensitivity 22     Detect Strength 100: 2.2m km
Phased Gravitational Sensors (1)   5 Survey Points

"next we have the Magellus class survey ship, it consists of:

Code: [Select]
Magellus class Geosurvey Ship    5000 tons     540 Crew     1041 BP      TCS 100  TH 118  EM 0
2360 km/s    JR 3-50     Armour 1     Shields 0-0     Sensors 36/36/22/0/1     Damage Control 0-0     PPV 12
Magazine 400    Replacement Parts 5    

Apollo J5000(3-50) Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 5000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Mil Ion Engine EE0.76 AR-0 (4)    Power 59    Efficiency 0.76    Signature 29.5    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 160,000 Litres    Range 181.9 billion km   (892 days at full power)

Missile Launcher 06-060 (2)    Missile Size 6    Rate of Fire 60
Artemis Class Missile Fire Control S02-040 (1)    Range: 400k km

Thermal Sensor TH2-36 (1)     Sensitivity 36     Detect Signature 100: 3.6m km
Excubitus Active Sensor MR1920-R2.4 (1)     GPS 192     Range 1.9m km    Resolution 2.4
Cura Grav Pulse Detection Sensor GPD2-36 (1)     Sensitivity 36     Detect Strength 100: 3.6m km
Custos EM Detection Sensor EM2-22 (1)     Sensitivity 22     Detect Strength 100: 2.2m km
Geological Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points

"Outstanding Tiberius, how long will it take to get these into production?"

"We can have one prototype of each available in a few of weeks, but to get a production line set up will take a considerable amount of time."

"We can't wait that long, so knock out the prototypes with all haste."

?Vestri ero perfectus Imperator.? (Your will be done Emperor). There was nothing more to be said so Tiberius turned and left.

NOTE: technically speaking, the ships should not have their jump engines yet, but I just did not feel like making an extra design just to show a temporary version without the jump engines.  :D
« Last Edit: April 05, 2008, 10:02:12 PM by Þórgrímr »
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Offline Steve Walmsley

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« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2007, 06:21:14 AM »
Intriguing so far. Looking forward to more!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Steve Walmsley »

Offline wildfire142

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« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2007, 11:32:28 AM »
Very interestering again write more :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by wildfire142 »

Offline Þórgrímr (OP)

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« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2007, 02:05:55 PM »
Casca always loved to watch the Mare Tyrrhenum from his office overlooking that wine dark sea. He wondered what they would find once they got the Dido ready for launch. Nothing must interfere with that launch. He looked at his wrist chrono and noticed his meeting with the magistrates of production was in fifteen minutes. he gave the sea one last look before heading to the meeting.


"All right Tiberius, lets get on with it, who is first to present their report?"

"Imperator first up is the Magistrate for mineral production Servius Maelius Maursus."

With the introduction Servius stood and began, "Imperator, as you well know, the technology we found on Pugio Caelum has led to many significant discoveries. One of which was of the new elements that were added to the periodic table. We have completed the survey of Terra and found the following concentrations:"

Duranium 1,468,609  Acc: 1
Neutronium 504,622  Acc: 0.4
Boronide 1,741,179  Acc: 0.1
Mercassium 260,158  Acc: 0.1
Vendarite 652,155  Acc: 0.1
Sorium 239,337  Acc: 0.4
Uridium 701,315  Acc: 0.2
Corundium 358,158  Acc: 0.1
Gallicite 300,158  Acc: 0.1

"Next we completed a survey of Luna and found the following concentrations:"

Duranium 680,978  Acc: 1
Neutronium 74,602  Acc: 0.8
Corbomite 39,638  Acc: 0.1
Tritanium 7,038  Acc: 0.1
Boronide 16,338  Acc: 0.1
Mercassium 22,269  Acc: 0.5
Vendarite 30,160  Acc: 0.5
Sorium 14,343  Acc: 0.5
Uridium 88,338  Acc: 0.1
Corundium 74,513  Acc: 0.3
Gallicite 94,738  Acc: 0.1

"We believe these amounts can keep us going for several years. Of course, once the Megellus launches we can begin a proper survey of the rest of Sol's system bodies."

"We estimate that we will have converted roughly 1800 mines to handle processing the new elements." With his report given Servius returned to his seat.

Next up was the Magister Militum (Commander of the Army) Galerius Laetonius Eugenius. "Imperator, with the new elements we have been able to significantly upgrade our Campus and Continental Class Planetary Defense Centers. They will be structurally far stronger and capable than they had been. The Campus Class PDC has been upgraded to the following:

Code: [Select]
Campus class Planetary Defence Centre 34950 tons     3100 Crew     4447 BP      TCS 139.8  TH 0  EM 0
Armour 8     Shields 0-0     Sensors 36/36/22/0/0     Damage Control 1-3     PPV 180
Hangar Bay Capacity 500   Troop Capacity 6 Divisions    Magazine 1000  

Max Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres    Range 0.0 billion km   (0 days at full power)
Missile Launcher 06-060 (10)    Missile Size 6    Rate of Fire 60
Artemis Class Missile Fire Control S02-040 (1)    Range: 400k km

Thermal Sensor TH2-36 (1)     Sensitivity 36     Detect Signature 100: 3.6m km
Excubitus Active Sensor MR1920-R2.4 (1)     GPS 192     Range 2m km     Resolution 2.4
Cura Grav Pulse Detection Sensor GPD2-36 (1)     Sensitivity 36     Detect Strength 10: 36m km
Custos EM Detection Sensor EM2-22 (1)     Sensitivity 22     Detect Strength 10: 22m km

ECCM-4 (1)         This ship is classed as a Planetary Defence Centre

"As you know Imperator, the Campus Class is also the base facilities for our Armies and we feel we can have all six upgraded by the time Dido and Megellus launch."

"The Continental Class PDC's will be upgraded to the specification on their re-design shown here:"

Code: [Select]
Continental class Planetary Defence Centre    248850 tons     27560 Crew     44775 BP      TCS 995.4  TH 0  EM 0
Armour 22     Sensors 36/80     Damage Control 5-2     PPV 1700
Flag Bridge    Hangar Bay Capacity 5000    Magazine 10000    

Fuel Capacity 2,500,000 Litres    Range N/A
12cm C3 Ultraviolet Laser (50)    Range 48,000km     TS: 2400 km/s     Power 4-3     RM 4    ROF 10        4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pilum Standard Fire Control S01 24-2400 (5)    Max Range: 48,000 km   TS: 2400 km/s     79 58 38 17 0 0 0 0 0 0
Scutum PD Fire Control S01 6-9600 (5)    Max Range: 12,000 km   TS: 9600 km/s     17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gas-Cooled Reactor PB-0.975 AR-0 (20)     Total Power Output 180    Armour 0    Exp 5%

Missile Launcher 06-060 (50)    Missile Size 6    Rate of Fire 60
Artemis Class Missile Fire Control S02-040 (5)    Range: 400k km

Thermal Sensor TH2-36 (5)     Sensitivity 36     Detect Signature 100: 3.6m km
Excubitus Active Sensor MR1920-R2.4 (5)     GPS 192     Range 1.9m km    Resolution 2.4
Cura Grav Pulse Detection Sensor GPD2-36 (5)     Sensitivity 36     Detect Strength 100: 3.6m km
Custos EM Detection Sensor EM2-22 (5)     Sensitivity 22     Detect Strength 100: 2.2m km

ECCM-4 (5)        
This design is classed as a Planetary Defence Centre

"In review you know the Continental Class PDC's are our main line of defense against any attack from space. The Magistrate of Production," nodding in his direction, "Feels he can assure me that all seven Continentals, including the one in Antarcticus Inferior will be fully upgraded by the launch date."

"Here is the current list of the active Legios, Vexillatios (HQ's) and Cohors Urbanae (Garrions) and their current deployments:"

 I Basilikos Exercitus (1st Imperial Army) Campus Martius, Provincae Italia
+ Legio Equites Singulares Augusti Legio,  Provincae Italia
+ Legio I Cohors Amazona,   Provincae Italia

I Consular Exercitus Campus I Consular,  Provincae Guangddum
+ Legio ALA I Numidiorum Lepidiana,  Provincae Guangddum
+ Legio XII Fulminata, Provincae Honsua

II Consular Exercitus Campus II Consular,  Provincae Lacus Magni
+ Legio ALA I Bataviorum Aratiana, Provincae Medialantica
+ Legio V Macedonica, Provincae Mexicus

III Consular Exercitus Campus III Consular,  Provincae Gallia
+ Legio XX Valeria Victrix,  Provincae Britannia
+ Legio VII Gemina,  Provincae Hispania

IV Consular Exercitus Campus IV Consular, Provincae Trans Danuvii
+ Legio ALA I Galliorum Tremeriana,  Provincae Sarmatia
+ Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix, Provincae Germania Maior

V Consular Exercitus Campus V Consular,  Provincae Iudea
+ Legio II Traiana Fortis, Provincae Aegyptus


I Cohors Urbanae Africae, Provincae Aegyptus
II Cohors Urbanae Africae, Provincae Mauretania
III Cohors Urbanae Africae, Provincae Aethopia
IV Cohors Urbanae Africae, Provincae Melanogaetulia (Burkina Faso)
V Cohors Urbanae Africae, Provincae Bambotus (Gambia)
VI Cohors Urbanae Africae, Provincae Hesperia (Guinea)
VII Cohors Urbanae Africae, Provincae Nyssa (Kenya)
VIII Cohors Urbanae Africae, Provincae Nigeria
IX Cohors Urbanae Africae, Provincae Mediae Africae (Rep Cent Afr)
X Cohors Urbanae Africae, Provincae Congensis (Congo)
XI Cohors Urbanae Africae, Provincae Zambezia (Mozambique)
XII Cohors Urbanae Africae, Provincae Menuthias (Madagascar)
XIII Cohors Urbanae Africae, Provincae Africae Australis (South Africa)

America Septentrionalis

I Cohors Urbanae America Septentrionalis, Provincae Insulae Bahamenses
II Cohors Urbanae America Septentrionalis, Provincae Insulae Iuventutis (Cuba & Jam)
III Cohors Urbanae America Septentrionalis, Provincae Insula Hispanolae
IV  Cohors Urbanae America Septentrionalis, Provincae Insulae Maris Caribaei (Rest of Carib Is)
V Cohors Urbanae America Septentrionalis, Provincae Groenlandia
VI Cohors Urbanae America Septentrionalis, Provincae Marklandia (Lab N Fndlnd N Queb)
VI Cohors Urbanae America Septentrionalis, Provincae Vinlandia L Queb NS & N England to Mass)
VII  Cohors Urbanae America Septentrionalis, Provincae Medialantica (NY PA NJ MD DE VA NC KY TN)
VIII Cohors Urbanae America Septentrionalis, Provincae Septentrionalis Australis (SC GA FL AL MS AK LA OK TX NM)
IX Cohors Urbanae America Septentrionalis, Provincae Lacus Magni (Ont MI OH IN IL WI, N. MN)
X Cohors Urbanae America Septentrionalis, Provincae Magnus Cerealis ( IA, S. MN MS KS NE ND SD MB SK)
XI Cohors Urbanae America Septentrionalis, Provincae Mons Terraum (CO UT WY ID MT AB)
XII Cohors Urbanae America Septentrionalis, Provincae Septentrionalis Occidens (BC WA ID OR CA AZ)
XIII Cohors Urbanae America Septentrionalis, Provincae Septentrionalis Borealis AK NT YK BI)
XIV  Cohors Urbanae America Septentrionalis, Provincae Sinu Honduriae et Meridie Occidenteque (Yucatan & All of Cent Am)

America Australis

I Cohors Urbanae America Australis, Provincae Columbiana
II Cohors Urbanae America Australis, Provincae Aequatoria
III Cohors Urbanae America Australis, Provincae Incae (Peru)
IV Cohors Urbanae America Australis, Provincae Caesalpinia Echinata (Brazil)
V Cohors Urbanae America Australis, Provincae Colonia Batavi (Guyana)
VI Cohors Urbanae America Australis, Provincae Cisplatina (Uru. & N Arg.)
VII Cohors Urbanae America Australis, Provincae Terra Ignium (S Arg, & Chi.)
VII Cohors Urbanae America Australis, Provincae Portus Valles Paradisi (Chile, Bolivia)


I Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Asia Minor (Turkey)
II Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Iudea
III Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Oriens (Syria)
IV Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Mesopotamia (Iraq ( W. Iran)
V Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Arabia
VI Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Arbita (NW Iran)
VII  Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Persis Minor (Iran coastal PG and IO)
VIII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Archosia (Afghanistan)
IX Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Scythia (Central Asia)
X Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Issedonia (Chirgirz)
XI Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Caucaso
XII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Sindhus (Pakistan)
XIII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Immao Caxmirque (Jammu & Kashmir)
XIV Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Aquae Quinque (Punjab)
XV Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Fines Regnum (Rajhasthsn)
XVI Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Massilia (Andhra Pradesh)
XVII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Natio Magnum (Maharashtra)
XVIII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Dehlium
XIX Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Guiaratus (Gujarat)
XX Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Carnatica (Mysore)
XXI Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Bengalia (Bang. & Indian W Ben.)
XXII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Puducherria (Puducheri)
XXIII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Selediva sive Taprobane (Sri Lanka)
XXIV Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Insulae Andamanis Nicobarisque
XXV Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Sogdiana (Tadjickistan)
XXVI Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Saccaea (Turcmenistan)
XXVII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Bactria (Uzbeckistan)
XXVIII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Bautaea (Tibet)
XXIV Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Moscuensis
XXV Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Rostovia ad Tanaim
XXVI Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Caurealis
XXVII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Chabarovscum
XXVIII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Novosibirscum
XXIX Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Catharinoburgum
XXX Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Novogardia Inferior
XXXI Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Birmania (Burma)
XXXII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Cambosia (Cam. & Thai.)
XXXIII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Annamiticam (Viet & Laos)
XXXIV Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Aurea Chersonesus May. & Sing.)
XXXV Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Iava
XXXVI Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Borneum
XXXVII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Sumatra
XXXVIII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Celebes
XXXIX Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Novae Guineae
XL Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Prasodum Insulae (Phil.)
XLI Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Australia Occidentalis W Aust. NT SA)
XLII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Terra Regnum (Queensland)
XLIII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Nova Cambria Australis (NSW Vic Tas)
XLIV Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Aotearoa (NZ)
XLV Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Oceanus Pacificus (Islands in Pac)
XLVI Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Anhuius
XLVII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Fujinium
XLVIII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Gansum
XLIX Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Guangddum
L Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Guizhus
LI Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Heilongjianum
LII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Hainanus
LIII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Henania
LIV Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Hubia
LV Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Hunania
LVI Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Iunnanum
LVII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Iunnsum
LVIII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Liaoninum
LIX Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Shaansi
LX Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Sichuanum
LXI Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Taivania (Taiwan)
LXII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Yunnanum
LXIII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Zhejianum
LXIV Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Mongolia
LXV Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Coreae (Korea)
LXVI Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Hoccaido
LXVII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Honsua
LXVIII Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Sicocus
LXIV Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Ciusium
LXX Cohors Urbanae Asia, Provincae Ocinava

With his report finished Galerius returned to his seat.

Up next was the Magistrate for production Numerius Matius Gordio, "Imperator, As the Magister Militum indicated we will be able to have all of the current PDC's upgraded by launch time. Now, as for our conversion to be able to handle to new elements the figures are as follows:"

"1200 Factories, 1800 mines, 200 Fighter factories, 200 Ordanance factories," With this Numerius paused and gave Marcus Lucius Gavros a nervous look then began again, "200 Fuel Refineries, 24 Research Facilities, 10 Ground training facilites, 4 Deep Space Tracking stations, 4 Naval academies, a Commercial Freight Facility to handle the new traffic once we open up the planets for colonization, 4 Fleet Maintenance facilites, and a Fleet Training Center."

"As indicated these will be online by Launch day." Numerius noticed the hard stare Casca was giving him, and he fervently hoped that the Imperator would not blame him for Lucius' avarice.

Next up was the Magistrate for Armaments, Marcus Lucius Gavros, "Imperator, it seems we have having difficulty adapting our current Ordanance and Fighter production facilities to use the new elements. Therefore I request an increase in the budget for armaments. Below is the design for our initial anti ship missile using the new elements and technologies we found on Pugio Caelum:"

Code: [Select]
Spiculum Anti Ship Missile

Missile Size: 6     Warhead: 3    Armour: 0
Speed: 10,000 km/s    Endurance: 56 seconds   Range: 560k km
Manoeuvre Rating: 25
Cost Per Missile: 6.2
Chance to Hit: 1k km/s 250%   3k km/s 75%   5k km/s 50%   10k km/s 25%
Materials Required:   0.75x Tritanium  0.9x Sorium  4.55x Gallicite

Development Cost for Project: 620RP

"Unfortunately, it looks like we will only have ten of these Spiciulum's finished by Launch Day."

If looks colud kill, Lucius would have died right there the way Casca was staring at him. "So Lucius," not even bothering to use his Praenomen, "are you telling me that my ships will have to go looking for a potential enemy unarmed?"

Lucius was sweating now, Casca's non usage of his praenomen a deadly insult, "Yes Imperator, unfortunately. It will take that budgetary increase I requested to get the Pilas rolling off the assembly line like sausages."

"I see," was all Casca said. "Gentlemen I thank you for your reports and will forward them to the Pro-Praetor and the Senate. Dismissed." When the Magistrates got up to leave Casca said, "not you Titus," Titus Decimus Vitus head of the Imperial Intelligence Agency, "we need to talk."

"As you wish Imperator."

When all of the other ministers filed out of the room Casca turned to Titus, "Whats the real story on why the Ordinance is so far behind?"

"Imperator, Magistrate Gavros - according to the banking records and electronic fund transfers from the ministry - has been siphoning off millions of sesterces into his own hidden accounts. We only finished the paper trail as of yesterday."

"And you can verify this with the proper documentaion?"

"Yes Imperator."

"Send me your best Fumum Vendere when you leave, and in the mean time I will get the paperwork rolling on an Imperial Edict of execution. Dismissed Titus."
« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 08:19:24 AM by Þórgrímr »
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
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Offline Steve Walmsley

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« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2007, 06:45:33 AM »
The Continental class PDC is very impressive but you need to add some PDC barracks so you can garrison them. Otherwise, if somone manages to land some troops they will be able to walk into them and capture them. Based on the Continental's armour, that is likely to be the best way to take them out so you need to guard against it. Even a couple of divisions would present a problem for an attacker because of the huge defensive ground-combat bonus you will get from the armour.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Steve Walmsley »

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« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2007, 07:56:26 AM »
Quote from: "Steve Walmsley"
The Continental class PDC is very impressive but you need to add some PDC barracks so you can garrison them. Otherwise, if somone manages to land some troops they will be able to walk into them and capture them. Based on the Continental's armour, that is likely to be the best way to take them out so you need to guard against it. Even a couple of divisions would present a problem for an attacker because of the huge defensive ground-combat bonus you will get from the armour.


Steve, good point, but since I am not trying to min-max everything I will leave them as is. I feel good RPing and story telling requires even the best of things should have some sort of weakness that can be potentially exploited. So the design philosophy behind the PDC's were that the Campus's were the ground unit Garrison Bases from where the military units would deploy to prevent planetary takeover, and the Continentals were the defense against space faring threats. So they would deploy one or two Campus's per Continental. Then trying to keep it 'realistic' The Romans won't know about their potential weakness till one is taken. But then again if any Fleet can fight it's way through seven of those bad boys plus the Campus' to land troops, I have no chance at all.  :D

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2007, 08:23:23 AM »
Salonius Curio?s heart jumped as the Gray clad secretary open the door to the inner office for him and he entered the elaborate chamber. His nerves were on edge, as they always were when he came here; to be in the presence of this man was to risk death if he was displeased with you. Salonius heard the door close behind him, but he was focused on the man before him. The man was wearing the purple armor of the Equites Singulares Augusti, but with intricately flowing golden lines all over the chest. On his head was the golden laurel leaves that only one man in Roman society was allowed to wear.

Casca Rufius Longinus, the Primus Princeps lifted his hand towards Salonius and Salonius breathed a sigh of relief and bowed forward to kiss the large ring on his middle finger.

The Emperor began to speak and Salonius?s eyes opened a little wider. Salonius had known he was here for something important, but this was the old tongue the Imperator was speaking! The language was from the original Latin of the Caesars and was only used now when issuing one kind of order, someone important was in a lot of trouble.

?Est existimatio adeo meus intentio ut Marcus Lucius Gavros est rapio ex Respublica. Ut aeque rapio ex Respublica est amo sit rapio ex suus prosapia. Abs surripio ex nostrum universus natio nationis. Salonius, damnari voti quis est mereo mereor; planto est publicus sic totus mos teneo meus offensus Respublica. Ostendo fio fieri factus erroris ab suus mores?? Imperator Longinus said.

Salonius listened as his armor translated the Latin of the Caesars into standard Latin. ?It has come to my attention that Marcus Lucius Gavros is stealing from the Republic. When he steals from the Republic it is like he steals from his family. He robs from our whole race. Salonius give him what he deserves; make it public so all will know the displeasure of the Republic. Show him the error of his ways.?

Salonius spoke the required words in standard and the translator transferred it into the old tongue. ?Vestri ero perfectus Imperator.?

There was nothing more to be said so Salonius saluted and then turned and left.


Marcus Lucius Gavros was the head of the Ministry for armaments production and as such was paid very well by the Republic. Why he was stealing wasn?t important, Salonius had his orders and as a Fumum Vendere he would carry them out without hesitation.

Salonius entered the room on the third floor of the building across the road from the Ministry's headquarters in Roma. He put his case down on the bed and opened it up. In a few minutes the contents had been converted into a high-powered and very accurate sniper rifle. Next Salonius slipped the shoulder boards from his gray uniform, turned them over and slipped them back on. The inside of the shoulder boards were purple and told anyone who saw him now that they?d better pretend they hadn?t. Only a member of the Curatores Fumis (Imperial Intelligence Agency) could wear purple shoulder boards, their presence set Salonius above almost all laws and even if the vigiles spotted him they?d do nothing.

Salonius waited as the normal arrival time of Lucius Gavros came and went. Was it possible someone had warned him? Salonius doubted it, but it was possible. Then finally Salonius saw Lucius?s G.E.V. pull up over an hour later than normal. The man who stepped from the car wore the Purple of the Equites Singulares Augusti with high-ranking shoulder boards declaring how important he was to the world. Salonius' H.U.D. confirmed the identity and Salonius fired a single shot. Lucius?s head exploded.

Salonius turned away from the window and began to pack away the rifle. The street below suddenly became alive with shouting and the sound of people running. Salonius took a quick look out of the window and marveled at the ingenuity of the weapons makers and their art, in a perfect pattern around Lucius?s body in his own blood was the sigul of the Curatores Fumis, the Emperor?s enforcer?s, no one would mistake this as anything but an execution of a traitor to the Republic. Others would look at it and think twice before betraying the Republic, as always, Roman justice had been swift and deadly.


                         News Extract from the Imperial News Network

?It?s only nine weeks since the Classis tested its Ion drive engine and today they announced that the first ship equipped with these new engines will begin its maiden voyage Wednesday next week. The ship will be commissioned as the Dido.?
?This reporter finds it a marvel that such a ship could have been completed so quickly. It?s an indication of how quickly our technology is improving. Let us hope the Dido doesn?t have any problems and once again shows why Roma Mater, in its manifest destiny, was fated by the Gods to rule Terra and bring the Pax Romana to the stars.?

NOTE: I have never taken a Latin course in my life, so if my Latin is truly atrocious, that's why.  :D

NOTE 2: The backstory is complete and from here on in it will be the actual campaign.  8)
« Last Edit: April 01, 2008, 08:03:58 PM by Þórgrímr »
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Offline Pete_Keller

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« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2007, 12:00:44 PM »
I am enjoying the story.

I think it should be in the Roman Forum.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Pete_Keller »

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« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2007, 08:55:40 AM »
@Pete and the others, I am glad you are enjoying the story, I am having fun trying to think up plot items for things that are happening in the campaign. Here is one item, if you are enjoying this campaign/story, thank Steve for two things; Aurora and his Preserver campaign.

The Preserver campaign gave me the idea for this backstory and I have just been waiting for Aurora to be stable enough where I could fill in the details and would not have to re-start every week or two.  :D

Post Removed.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2008, 09:54:57 AM by Þórgrímr »
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
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« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2007, 09:00:18 AM »
Bridge of the Dido

Trierarchus Fabia Andronica looked around the bridge, her bridge. Although much of the ship was still being finished, and in some cases being built, the bridge looked complete. Fabia knew if she looked behind the panels and consoles she would see what a mess the wiring and circuitry was inside, but at least from her command chair it looked good. The rest of the ship was a different thing altogether. All over the slipway crewmen were still painting, wiring and finishing it off. Worst of all in some places they were still fitting some of the ships systems.

Both she and the crew were still struggling to get used to the new ship. It was nothing like any ship Rome had produced before. Almost no one had had time to get used to the ship as it had been rushed into production and then into service. All because of that unknown drive signature the ground stations had detected far out in the system.

And now she was going out there to look for it. What ever it was, and with a ship ready for nothing. She looked down at her displays that showed her the state of all the ships systems. Green lights showed for most systems, but worryingly, one of the engines and both Pila Launchers were still offline.

She keyed a few commands and brought up a comm line to her Praefectus Fabrum. The ships main screen flicked from a view of the slipway to show the inside of one of the ships four engine rooms. ?Iustus when are we going to have room three up and running?? She asked the gray-clad officer, Iustus Dardanius, her chief engineer.

?Well Trierarchus, we now know what the problem is, but its not good news. It seems someone installed engine three with the new engine control software, but all the other engines have the old software.  We can either have engine room three up OR the other three engines up, but we can?t have both or the drive pulse times will clash and shake the ship apart. Unfortunately, all the engine software is hard coded into the engine to avoid tampering. The yard-hands down here tell me we can get a new engine control unit here in two hours.?

?Iustus we leave in thirty minutes, and no later.?

?That?s what I said to them, but that?s the quickest way we can do it, sorry Trierarchus. Seems like a poor design on the face of it, I?ll add it to my report. Lets hope someone reads it.?

?What about the Pilas, will they be available if we bump into something??

?Yes Trierarchus, the yard-hands and my Fabrii are just fitting the last power relays as we speak. They?ll be up and running just after we break orbit, but have you checked the ammo manifest??

Fabia brought up the manifest and sat for a moment in shock. ?Ten Pilas? Where?s the rest?? She was talking to herself really but she had forgotten the line to her chief engineer was still open.

?Apparently that?s every pila available for the launchers. One of the yard hands tells me the order for the pilas seems to have only been sent out a couple of weeks ago and none have come in yet. The ten we?ve got are the pre-production test versions.?

?A couple of weeks ago, isn?t that about the time Lucius Gavros was executed??

?Yeah boss, almost to the day.?

Fabia cut the link and started to think about calling Navarchus Scipio to see if he could do anything about the ammo problem when her P.D.A. informed her someone had entered the bridge behind her. What caught her attention and broke her train of thought was that the P.D.A. did not tell her who it was. The P.D.A. should have known everyone on the ship and the fact that it did not meant this was someone new up from Terra. She noticed that the P.D.A. was already contacting the Central Computer Network for the persons name, but she also knew it would take the P.D.A. a little while, so she turned to see what the newcomer was while the P.D.A. found out who he was.

The Roman before her was wearing the gray one-piece E-Suit of an Equestrian and on his shoulder boards the rank markings of a Decurio. He began to speak but at the same moment Fabia realized the color of those shoulder boards and felt a cold shiver run down her spine.
?Trierarchus Andronica, my name is Salonius Curio and I have been assigned as your executive officer. I have some special orders for you.? He held out his right hand in the traditional Roman greeting.

Fabia snapped herself back from the shock she was feeling. She felt dumb but managed to bring up her own right hand up in greeting. As soon as she touched Salonius?s P.D.A. she downloaded her special orders directly to her P.D.A.

?Welcome aboard Decurio.? She somehow managed to say, hoping her voice didn?t give away her fear. Fabia?s P.D.A. brought up the orders as she tried to fathom why she had been sent a Fumum Vendere (Imperial Enforcer) as her executive officer.

The orders read ?

Trierarchus Andronica as you are no doubt aware, it is of the highest importance that the Plebs and Equestrians feel confident that the future is bright and that the Republic can protect them from any extra-solar threats that may appear. You are ordered to ensure that your ship leaves Terra in a nice smooth manner, which leaves the assembled media with no doubts that your ship is the first of many perfect defenders of the Roman people. Carry out this mission well and make Roma proud of its Classis.

Casca Rufius Longinus ? Primus Princeps et Imperator.

Fabia re-read the order. She had no doubt if she screwed this up she would end up dead, why else would the Emperor have sent an Imperial Enforcer to deliver the message?

With renewed focus Fabia returned to the preparations for the Dido?s departure. Checking and re-checking reports and system readiness. It was only later she realized she had completely forgotten about Salonius Curio.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2008, 08:30:28 PM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2007, 08:40:36 AM »
Since Steve released V2.3 already I am going to put this campaign on hold till I get the new version set up. The back story will remain the same, but the extra-solar items will change. Fortunately, I have not written of them as of now.  :D

The Dido began to move, but at nowhere near the maximum speed possible for the ship. With four engines it should have been capable of two thousand three hundred and sixty kilometers a second, but Fabia had ordered the Dido to move at only fifteen hundred per second. She had chosen that speed since it was possible to maintain this speed with only two engines, and she really only had three engines to play with anyway because of the problem with engine number three?s control software.

As Fabia watched the ship gave a slight shudder and her heart leapt into her mouth. She opened the comm to her chief engineer. ?Iustus, what was that??

?We?re getting drive pulse clashes and I?m looking at it now. I think I?ll have to take engine number one offline to correct it. But if we do I don?t think I?ll be able to bring it back up without us stopping.?

?Take it out if you have to, but we can?t afford anything but a smooth trip Iustus.? She looked across at Salonius Curio as she spoke.

Iustus?s gaze followed hers. ?I see, I?ll sort it out Trierarchus,? and he cut the link.

Fabia sat and waited, she knew it was pointless pressing Iustus and his fabrii. She knew they were doing their best and so all she could do was wait. Every few seconds the ship shuddered a little and then suddenly Fabia noticed the engine noise change and looked at her displays. A red light now showed on engine number one; showing Iustus had had to take it off line. Fabia waited once again, the shuddering didn?t return and she was able to relax a little.

Thankfully nothing else went wrong and an hour later Fabia stopped the Dido so her engineers could do some work on engine number one. They were too far away from Terra for anyone to see what was happening so she also had them break into engine number three?s control unit and try to reprogram it. Unfortunately this attempt failed, but Iustus and his people had gotten engine number one up and balanced it with the other engines, so thing weren?t all together heading south.


The Dido had been sweeping the area around where the unknown drive field had vanished for just over a week and the whole crew was bored. After the excitement of leaving Terra almost nothing had happened. For a brief time they had had more engine control problems but it seemed that Iustus and his crew had sorted them out at last. Each time Fabia spoke to the chief engineer he was a little happier with their knowledge of how the drive pulses interrelated with each other.

Fabia had hoped that her science crew would have picked up some sort of trail for them to follow when they arrived at the site of the disappearance but so far they had found nothing.

She readied herself for yet another day of boredom and made her way up to the bridge. Along the way she almost ran into Salonius and cursed to herself. She had successfully avoided the Imperial Enforcer for the whole week and now she would have to speak to him.

?Is everything so boring in the Classis?? He said before she had a chance to ask if he was alright. ?Being almost knocked over by the ship's Trierarchus is just about the most exciting thing that has happened on the whole voyage so far.? He said trying to break the ice wall that had formed between the two.

Fabia was surprised to hear amusement in his voice. Somehow she had never thought an Imperial Enforcer would have a sense of humor. To be honest she had tried not to think about Enforcers at all. Normally you only ever met them briefly and normally only at your death.

?The Classis is still young and I wouldn?t be at all surprised if the history books don?t look back on this as a truly exciting exploration of the unknown.? She replied.

?Something tells me you?re probably right, Trierarchus.? He said with more amusement in his voice. They continued to talk and by the time they had reached the bridge they both had come to the surprise conclusion that they liked each other.

When they entered the bridge Fabia was surprised to see her entire science team already crowding the bridge and talking excitedly. She tried to understand the conversation but could not make any sense of it. The scientific terms being used eluded her. Her chief Science Officer Decurio Helvia Cotta suddenly spotted the Trierarchus and her Exec in the doorway and hushed the other scientists.

?Trierarchus we think we?ve found something!? She said as she made her way over to her commander.

?We?re picking up gravitic variances well outside what we wouldd expect to find out here.? She continued excitedly.  ?Only thing is we can?t pinpoint the center of the anomaly. It might be something left by the unknown or it might be something else, but it?s something!?

Fabia reeled for a moment, Iuppiter be damned, and she only had ten pilas if something went wrong! ?Can we follow their trail?? She asked, torn between wanting to find what they had come out here for and not feeling ready to meet who ever it was.

?We?ll need to expand the search pattern a bit Trierarchus. We?re not sure what we?ve found yet, I think I?ll be able to tell you that in a couple of days, yes, a week at most, probably.? Fabia realized that Helvia was not really talking to her anymore.

?Carry on with the search then.? She ordered. ?And take this discussion to a conference room, I need the bridge clear in case we find who we?re looking for and they turn out to be less than friendly.?

The scientists stopped talking for a moment and then headed for the hatchway, clearly heading for the conference room just off the bridge. ?Well I?m glad someone?s excited.? Salonius said sarcastically.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2008, 08:32:21 PM by Þórgrímr »
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Offline Kurt

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« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2007, 10:48:37 AM »
Quote from: "??rgr?mr"
Since Steve released V2.3 already I am going to put this campaign on hold till I get the new version set up. The back story will remain the same, but the extra-solar items will change. Fortunately, I have not written of them as of now.  :D

It really sucks running long-term campaigns when Steve is releasing so much new and interesting stuff.  Damn you Steve!

That doesn't mean stop, of course  :D

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Kurt »

Offline Þórgrímr (OP)

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« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2007, 11:04:44 AM »
Quote from: "Kurt"
It really sucks running long-term campaigns when Steve is releasing so much new and interesting stuff.  Damn you Steve!

That doesn't mean stop, of course  :D  But with the goodies Steve is putting into the new releases I will put up with having to reset every now and then.  8)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Þórgrímr »
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Offline Þórgrímr (OP)

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« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2007, 12:06:41 PM »
Ok folks, with the release of 2.41 I can begin to re-open this campaign again. Give me a few days to get to the point where the Dido makes the first ever transit of a Gate of Apollo.  :D

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Þórgrímr »
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war