Author Topic: v2.2.0 Changes List  (Read 78571 times)

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Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: v2.2.0 Changes List
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2022, 11:54:33 AM »
Instant Build Parasites

When using the instant build option on the Miscellaneous tab of the Class window, you can now choose a new option (checkbox) entitled 'Include Assigned Parasites'.

When this option is selected, the new ship(s) will be given a squadron and all assigned parasites will be created instantly into the hangar and assigned to the squadron. This will consume instant build points (or free if using SM mode with no build points remaining).

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: v2.2.0 Changes List
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2022, 12:19:14 PM »
Instant Build Naming

When using the instant build option on the Miscellaneous tab of the Class window, you can now choose a new option (checkbox) entitled 'Enter Ship Names'.

When this option is selected, a popup box will appear for each ship with the default name selected. You can choose to change the name at this point and that will also be reflected in the squadron name if you are also using the parasite option.

If you instant build four ships for example, then four naming popups will appear in sequence.

This popup will not appear for any assigned parasites - only for the motherships.

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: v2.2.0 Changes List
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2022, 06:24:58 PM »
Class Default Ground Forces

Ship classes can now be assigned default ground forces in the same way as ordnance loadouts and strikegroups.

When a ship is constructed, it checks for ground forces that match the default. The eligible ground forces are those at the same population as the shipyard, which have a build template that matches the required template and are the same size as the template (no losses). Any eligible formations are instantly loaded in the same way as ordnance.

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: v2.2.0 Changes List
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2022, 06:52:38 PM »
Instant Build Ship Class Templates

When using the instant build option on the Miscellaneous tab of the Class window, you can now choose a new option (checkbox) entitled 'Include Assigned Templates'.

When this option is selected, all assigned ground formation templates will be created instantly and loaded into the troop transport bays. This will consume instant build points (or free if using SM mode with no build points remaining).

If both 'Include Assigned Templates' and 'Include Assigned Parasites' are both selected, any assigned formation templates for assigned parasites will be included.

For example, you might have a Strike Cruiser with four assault transports assigned as parasites. The assault transport class has a default ground template of 'Space Marine Boarding Force'. When Instant Build is used for the Strike Cruiser, it will automatically include the four transports in a single squadron with their ground forces already loaded.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2022, 06:57:17 PM by Steve Walmsley »

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: v2.2.0 Changes List
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2022, 07:33:15 AM »
Load Assigned Ground Templates

v2.2 adds a new order type called 'Load Assigned Ground Templates'.

A fleet given this order will move to the destination population, where each ship with assigned ground unit templates will load ground formations with the same original template and same size as that original template (no losses).

All the individual ground unit formations to be loaded will be chosen and loaded simultaneously when the loading period is complete. The time to load will be based on the maximum capacity of the loading ships.

I considered two alternative mechanics. Firstly, to immediately convert the 'Load Assigned Ground Templates' order into a series of Load Ground Unit orders based on what was available when the order was given. Secondly to convert the 'Load Assigned Ground Templates' order into a series of Load Ground Unit orders at the point of arrival at the destination, based on what was available at that time. Both require tracking other fleet orders and are more complex than the above solution and both would load in sequence, not simultaneously. The selected method also allows you to set the order while the ground units are still under construction or timed to arrive before the current fleet.

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: v2.2.0 Changes List
« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2022, 11:19:26 AM »
Particle Beam Size

For v2.2, all particle beams will be 300 tons, regardless of strength.

Even though this is a straightforward change, it is worth noting separately.

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: v2.2.0 Changes List
« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2022, 06:44:34 AM »
Refit Costs

A new section has been added to the Miscellaneous tab of the Class Design window, showing the cost of refitting to the selected class from each eligible class and also the cost of refitting from the selected class to each eligible class.

A percentage column shows the percentage of the target class cost required for the refit.

Note that the eligible class list might be different for the 'refit from' and 'refit to' lists. For example, a class of 10,000 tons could be refitted to a class of 8000 tons, as this is within the 20% tonnage restriction, but the reverse would not be true.

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: v2.2.0 Changes List
« Reply #22 on: November 06, 2022, 08:19:51 AM »
Empire Mining Production

I've updated the Empire Mining tab of the Economics window to show production per mineral per colony, in addition to the existing stockpile information. The production information will only appear after the first construction phase (after launching the game) as it is based on the construction phase calculations.

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: v2.2.0 Changes List
« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2023, 08:23:48 AM »
Combat Comparison

I've added a new tab to the Naval Organization window that allows you to view a list of all ships with combat history. The default is sorted by military tons destroyed, but there are a variety of ways to view the list. You can also include or exclude combat results by the strikegroup of each ship. Here are the results for my current campaign with the strikegroup option on and off.

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: v2.2.0 Changes List
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2023, 06:31:28 AM »
Create Habitable System

A new button entitled "Create Habitable" has been added to the System View when SM mode is active. This is adjacent to the existing "Create System" button.

If you click this button in a random stars game, a system will be generated that contains at least one 'habitable' planet (see below). If this is a known stars game, the 'Select Known System to Generate' dialog will appear for you to select the specific system. This selected system will be generated with at least one 'habitable' planet. The 'habitable' planet will be generated with home world minerals.

'Habitable' in this context does not mean ideal for humans, although that will often be the case. Instead, the process is similar to NPR system generation, which involves selecting candidate planets that have the following characteristics.
  • Starting surface temperature between 230K and 350K
  • Gravity between 0.5G and 2.5G
  • Hydro Extent greater than 20%
  • Not tidal-locked
  • Eccentricity less than 0.2
If a planet qualifies then any ruins and the existing atmosphere are removed. A new nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere is created with overall pressure between 0.75 atm and 1.25 atm and oxygen comprising 15% to 30% of that atmosphere. Any hydro extent above 70% is reduced to 70%.

The planet is then put through a condensation/evaporation cycle, after which the atmosphere and temperature are updated, including freezeout effects.

If the resulting temperature is between 250K and 310K (-23C and 37C), the planet qualifies as habitable and the dominant terrain is updated. If not, subsequent planets are checked. If no suitable planets are created, the system is discarded and regenerated until a suitable planet is created, at which point home world minerals are generated for that planet.

Note that this process could possibly result in one or more 'failed conversions' in a given system before the right planet is found, so a 'semi-habitable' planet might also be found in the same system as the habitable planet.

EDIT: The acceptable habitable range has since been updated to a range of -48C to + 67C
« Last Edit: December 11, 2023, 05:27:56 AM by Steve Walmsley »

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: v2.2.0 Changes List
« Reply #25 on: February 23, 2023, 08:27:45 AM »
Fractional Missile Warheads

For v2.2, missile warhead strengths will be rounded to three decimal places instead of being rounded down to integers.

The new fractional warhead strength will be applied to hits against shields, populations, shipyards, ground forces and missiles. Fractional damage will have no effect on armour. For example, a strength 3.5 warhead would inflict 3.5 damage to shields, but only 3 damage to armour.

A fractional warhead with a strength of 1 or greater will destroy any missile target. Where the warhead strength is less than 1, the percentage chance of destroying the target missile is: Warhead Strength * 20 / Missile Size in MSP. For example, a warhead strength 0f 0.2 would automatically destroy any missile of size 4 or less. Against a size 6 missile, it would have a 67% chance to destroy it and against a size 10 missile the chance would be 40%.

For ease of mechanics, fractional damage will not have any effect on internal ship systems. There are theoretically situations where fractional damage could be applied internally, such as fractional warheads hitting space stations or empty armour columns and subsequently striking zero HTK systems, but this would be rare and unlikely to be significant in gameplay terms. It would also require an overhaul of the damage template mechanics, so it is much easier to ignore it.

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: v2.2.0 Changes List
« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2023, 10:59:18 AM »
Point Defence Changes

For purposes of in-game lore, a missile is assumed to attack a target by moving as close as possible, or within a designated range if specified, before releasing sub-munitions or detonating its warhead. 'Standard' missiles generally use a shaped-charge warhead detonated at very close range to direct explosive force against space-based targets (I may introduce different warhead types for planetary bombardment). Future missiles may contain specialised warheads, such as bomb-pumped lasers, that are able to attack at a greater distance from the target. With this in mind, the following changes have been made to point defence.

The point defence modes for beam fire controls have been changed to the following.
  • Point Blank Defensive Fire: During the movement phase, the fire control will only engage missiles that are attacking a target within 10,000 km. The 'chance to hit' for any assigned weapons will be based on a 10,000 km range, regardless of the actual range.

  • Point Blank Defensive Fire (Self Only). During the movement phase, the fire control will only engage missiles that are attacking the mounting ship and are within 10,000 km. The 'chance to hit' for any assigned weapons will be based on a 10,000 km range, regardless of the actual range

  • Ranged Defensive Fire: During the movement phase, the fire control will engage missiles that are attacking a target within the maximum range of the weapons assigned to that fire control. This could include missiles attacking a target some distance from the mounting ship or missiles that are detonating a specialised warhead at some distance from the intended target. If the target is more than 10,000 km away, the 'chance to hit' for any assigned weapons will be based on the actual range to the missile at the intended point of detonation. This will be the default mode for automated fire control assignment.

  • Area Defence: During the naval combat phase, a fire control in this mode will engage the closest in-flight hostile missile within the range of the weapons assigned to that fire control. If the target is more than 10,000 km away, the 'chance to hit' for any assigned weapons will be based on the actual range to the missile.
The above is likely to lead to point defence weapons and their associated fire controls being divided into three broad categories: those intended to only provide close protection against 'standard' missiles, those capable of a dual role against standard and stand-off warheads and those intended for area defence, attacking missiles that pass though their engagement envelope. The latter capability is likely to require a more substantial investment in order to provide fast tracking and accuracy at range.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2023, 05:47:29 AM by Steve Walmsley »

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: v2.2.0 Changes List
« Reply #27 on: February 24, 2023, 11:44:34 AM »
New Missile Guidance Options

Two new options are available for missile design.

Active Terminal Guidance (ATG)
ATG is a new on-board sensor package requiring 0.25 MSP. This provides ultra-short-range tracking of the target during the last moments before detonation in order to improve the chance of successful interception. A new technology progression, called 'Active Terminal Guidance', adds an increasing percentage bonus to the final missile to hit chance, starting at 20% for 1000 RP and ending at 90% for 128,000 RP. The bonus is applied as a multiplier, not an addition. The cost of ATG is equal to bonus / 100 and requires Uridium. I may adjust the component size and tracking bonus progression based on play test.

Missile Retargeting Capability
'Missile Retargeting' is a new on-board sensor package, requiring 0.5 MSP. This provides ultra-short-range target assessment capability, using relative movement and damage projection to determine whether the missile will conduct a successful interception. If the on-board AI determines a low probability, the missile will not detonate and will continue past the target before attempting to re-engage. In effect, this guarantees this missile will never 'miss' and will keep attacking in subsequent increments until destroyed or it runs out of fuel. This applies to both standard and stand-off missiles. The cost of Retargeting is 0.5 BP and requires Uridium. The technology required for this capability costs 5000 RP.

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: v2.2.0 Changes List
« Reply #28 on: February 25, 2023, 12:46:07 PM »
Laser Warheads

For v2.20, missiles can be equipped with laser warheads and assigned a 'detonation range'. The missile will move to the designated range and explode, triggering a laser attack against the target ship.

Laser Warhead is a new checkbox option in missile design. When this is checked, the Laser Warhead Strength will be calculated by applying the 'Laser Warhead Damage Efficiency' to the normal warhead strength. For example, if the standard warhead is 12 and the Laser Warhead Damage Efficiency is 25%, the Laser Warhead Strength will be 3. This represents the efficiency with which the explosive energy is converted into the laser attack. The tech line starts at 20% for 1000 RP and ends at 90% for 128,000 RP.

The rate at which damage falls off from the initial detonation follows a similar mechanic to ship-mounted lasers, although they use wavelength while the associated technology for missiles is 'Laser Warhead Focus'. This starts at a range modifier of 10K for 1000 RP, and ends at 80K for 128,000 RP. The calculation for damage is as follows:

Effective Range = Distance / Laser Warhead Focus
If Effective Range < 1 then Effective Range = 1;
Target Damage = Laser Warhead Damage / Effective Range

Finally, the missile is restricted in the range at which the detonation takes place due to tracking limitations. This is equal to double the racial 'Beam Fire Control Range' technology. The chance to hit is based on the normal missile interception chance - this is on the basis that the missile will be aiming at the target to fire, rather than to intercept, but the principle remains the same.

Explosion contacts will be generated at the missile location for every warhead that detonates and energy impact contacts will be registered at the target location for each successful attack.

The cost of adding a laser warhead is equal to the Laser Warhead Damage Efficiency / 100 and uses Corundium. The size of the component is 0.25 MSP.

Note: This is a completely new concept so some of the parameters may chance after playtest. I will update this post if required.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2023, 02:07:15 PM by Steve Walmsley »

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: v2.2.0 Changes List
« Reply #29 on: February 26, 2023, 10:54:44 AM »
Priority Order

Priority order is used in numerous ways in Aurora and it hasn't always been consistent in terms of whether high numbers = high priority or the reverse. Therefore I gone through the code and changed everything I can find to use a priority order with 1 as the highest. You will no longer be able to enter zero or lower as a priority, as it will automatically be stored as 1.

Just to be clear, Priority One is now the highest priority.

Default Values for new populations, ships, etc. will be set to a higher number, usually 5, making it easier for ships or populations to be made higher or lower priority then the default.

This change applies to:
  • Population Importance
  • Naval Admin Command Importance
  • Ship Class Commander Priority
  • Ship Class Point Defence Protection Priority (new for v2.2)
  • Ship Class Refuel Priority
  • Ship Class Resupply Priority
  • Ship Class Maintenance Priority
  • Ship Refuel Priority
  • Ship Resupply Priority
  • Fire Control PD Priority (new for v2.2)
If am I missing anything from that list, please mention it on the changes discussion thread.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2023, 10:56:36 AM by Steve Walmsley »