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Offline SteveAlt (OP)

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Trans-Newtonian Campaign - Part 12
« on: February 05, 2009, 07:43:46 AM »
As soon as the lead Angel ships detected the shipyard and the base, all five ships changed course to head for New London. At 04:34, the first two alien ships came to a halt one hundred and fourteen million kilometres from New London and held their position. A third cruiser, which had repaired minor engine damage suffered during the first corvette attack and had been following seven million kilometres behind the first two cruisers, came to a stop at the same range eleven minutes later. Because of the course changes involved, the cruiser was still six million kilometres away from its sister ships. The only reason that Rear Admiral Toyota's staff could find for the aliens to cease their advance was that they had entered missile range, which was extremely worrying given that indicated a missile range double that of the Commonwealth's anti-ship missiles.

Spruance arrived in New London orbit at 06:00, bringing her cargo of Trident missiles and exposing herself to the Angels' active sensors. Four of the Molniya's began loading the missiles ready for another run at the alien fleet. This time they would have to approach within twenty-two million kilometres to deliver the smaller missiles. Due to their small size and the resolution of the alien sensors, they would still be able to evade detection. Spruance was held back as the aliens would be able to track her all the way, which would probably make it a suicide mission. The fifth Molniya class corvette, Orlan, had only recently returned from her solo attack and as the task of preparing her box launchers for reloading required five hours, it would be almost four hours before she would be ready for departure. At 06:45, the fourth 12,500 ton Angel Cruiser reached one hundred and fourteen kilometres and stopped. This cruiser was still moving at 3200 km/s and had repaired no further engines in the previous six hours, presumably because it had exhausted its maintenance supplies.

At 07:20, almost three hours after the first two alien cruisers halted their approach, the MD2000 Active Search Sensor on Sentinel picked up thirty-six size 4 missiles inbound at 10,200 km/s at a range of one point nine million kilometres. Both her fire control systems were set for automated defensive fire so her twelve AML-15 Missile Launchers immediately started launching twelve Dagger anti-missile missiles every fifteen seconds. The incoming missiles were relatively slow compared to the latest Commonwealth models and would have been fairly easy targets for the new SA-N-2 Gauntlets. Unfortunately due to the missile shortages that had plagued the Commonwealth, the base was equipped with European-built Daggers, a pre-war design from 2030 that was seventeen years out of date.

Code: [Select]
Sentinel class Missile Defence Base    6000 tons     380 Crew     928 BP      TCS 120  TH 0  EM 0
1 km/s     Armour 3-29     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 4     PPV 12
Annual Failure Rate: 72%    IFR: 1%    Maintenance Capacity 387 MSP    Max Repair 192 MSP
Magazine 1272    

AML-15 Missile Launcher (12)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 15
AMF-2000 Missile Fire Control (2)     Range 1.9m km    Resolution 1
Dagger AMM (1084)  Speed: 23,700 km/s   End: 1.4m    Range: 2m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 79 / 47 / 23
MD2000 Active Search Sensor  (1)     GPS 192     Range 1.9m km    Resolution 1

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s
As the third salvo of Daggers was launched, a second wave of thirty-six alien missiles was detected 375,000 kilometres behind the first followed shortly thereafter by a third wave just 250,000 behind the second. The first twelve Daggers killed just one alien missile between them. Not a very auspicious start to the defence of New London. Rear Admiral Toyota considered ordering Spruance to use her Trident missiles defensively but her Raytheon R600 Missile Fire Control System could only track the incoming missiles at 16,000 km, which was not enough to launch and intercept before the Angel missiles passed through that range. Instead he ordered the destroyer to move away from the planet in the opposite direction to the incoming missiles.

No further Angel missiles were detected after the third wave but that still left one hundred and eight inbound. Sentinel's launchers fired at their maximum rate, sending salvo after salvo of Dagger AMMs at the incoming missile wave. One hundred and forty-four Daggers killed thirty-two of the first wave before the last four smashed into the base. All four strength-5 warheads were absorbed by Sentinel's armour but the next wave of missiles was just 375,000 kilometres away and there was far too little time to launch enough Daggers to seriously deplete it. Sentinel's crew did their best but they only killed eight missiles. Fourteen of the second wave blew the base into very tiny pieces and the rest passed through the wreckage in pursuit of Spruance, followed by the thirty-six missiles of the third wave. Spruance had only moved a few hundred thousand kilometres away from New London and could not outrun them. Eight of the second wave missiles struck her, causing considerable armour damage and knocking out one of her six NPO Energomash Ion Drives. Thirty seconds later she was overwhelmed by the third wave and exploded. The only small piece of good news was that the Angel warships had not targeted the space station or the planet's population.

Realising that bringing Cole and Fitzgerald, the two Arleigh Burkes IVs, within alien sensor range would be futile, Rear Admiral Toyota ordered them to head for London III, well outside the reach of Angel missiles. The battle fleet units from Sparta were already heading directly toward the Angel cruisers, still holding position one hundred and fourteen million kilometres from New London. The corvette Orlan broke off from the preparation of its box launchers for reloading to pick up survivors from Sentinel and Spruance. Just two hundred and thirty-four were rescued from a total crew of eight hundred and ninety-one.

Two hours and forty-five minutes after the destruction of the Spruance, the four Trident-armed Molniya class corvettes reached firing range. All sixty-four missiles were launched at one of the two Angel cruisers that had apparently escaped any internal damage so far. With the relief force from Sparta four hundred and eighty million kilometres from the aliens, the priority was to cause as much damage as possible so the Angel cruisers could not escape. As they had shown an ability to carry out a significant amount of self-repair, Rear Admiral Toyota intended to deliver as heavy a blow as possible to a single ship. Nine minutes after the corvettes launched their Tridents, tracking stations on New London detected sixty-seven thermal contacts at 800,000 kilometres, inbound at 10,200 km/s. Given their small size they were undoubtedly a fresh wave of missiles. The missiles were in four salvos of eighteen, eighteen, fourteen and seventeen and their courses corresponded to the locations of the four Angel cruisers. The smaller salvos sizes from the two previously damaged cruisers suggested that some of their missile launchers had been knocked out, or perhaps the Angel Cruiser One class, which had fired fourteen missiles, had fewer launchers for some reason.

There was nothing that could be done to stop the Angel missiles. All that Rear Admiral Toyota and his staff could do was wonder if their target was the space station or the planet. That question was answered less than two minutes later when the destruction of the Nikolayev Shipyard lit up the skies above New London. The shipyard's two 14,000 ton capacity slipways were working on a pair of Jovian class Fuel Harvesters that were due for delivery within a week. Both were completely destroyed. With nothing left in orbit of New London that the Angel active sensors could detect, their ships began moving toward the planet.


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Offline SteveAlt (OP)

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Re: Trans-Newtonian Campaign - Part 12
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2009, 07:48:02 AM »
Meanwhile, the Trident missiles launched by the corvettes continued on course. Fifteen minutes after the loss of the Nikolayev Shipyard, they reached their target. Although sixty-four missiles attacked, the 4480 km/s speed of the Angel cruiser and their own relatively slow speed of 12000 km/s meant the cruiser managed to evade most of them. Eleven strength-4 explosions blossomed around the alien warship but it sailed through apparently undamaged. A thoroughly disheartening result for all the Commonwealth crews in the system. The Molniyas came about and headed back to New London. Orlan, the fifth Molniya class corvette had reloaded its box launchers with Tridents and was en route to try another missile attack, although after four Molniyas had failed to even slow down the Angel ships, hopes were not high regarding the chances of the fifth.

Three of Orlan's sixteen missiles hit the cruiser targeted by the other corvettes, again without any visible signs of damage. The toughness of the Angel warships was considerable. All five corvettes were en route to New London, which still had one hundred and twelve Trident missiles, although with five hours required for a reload, their chances of another attack were low. The alien cruisers continued to close on the planet. Why they hadn't opened fire on the population was unknown; although some of Rear Admiral Toyota's staffers speculated that despite their long-ranged active sensors, the Angels had weak passive sensors. That would explain why they ignored the presence of the Yaguar, because weak EM sensors would not have detected her emissions, and why they were approaching New London, presumably because their active sensors had picked up a shipyard in orbit and they were investigating to see if there was a population on the planet.

By 16:53, on the afternoon on the 3rd, the three Angel cruisers capable of full speed were within ten million kilometres of New London. The cruiser with engine damage was at forty million kilometres and the destroyer sized vessel that had been out of range during the fighting so far was at eighty-two million. All five corvettes were still in orbit but they were a long way from completing a reload and they could remain because they would be detected if the aliens moved within five million kilometres. Rear Admiral Toyota ordered them to pull out. Yaguar was already well past New London, maintaining her active scan of the lead Angel units.


At 17:08, tracking stations on New London detected a wave of fifty incoming missiles. With no defences and no other potential targets except the colony, the Admiral and his staff could only take cover. Fifty thermonuclear blasts merged together into one colossal nuclear firestorm, lighting up an entire hemisphere of the planet and leaving nothing of the colony but radioactive ash. Hails from the approaching battle fleet units were met with static. Twenty-three million civilians were annihilated by the Angel attack, or almost five percent of the human race, along with one hundred mines, fifty maintenance facilities and three deep space tracking stations. The fifth largest human colony had been totally wiped out.

The first three Angel warships continued on course to the planet, arriving in orbit at 17:35. After confirming that nothing had survived, they turned to pursue the transponder signal of the civilian colony ship that had recently delivered fifty thousand people to their deaths. Because of the loss of the planetary sensors on New London meant that alien sensor emissions and thermal signatures could no longer be tracked, the locations of the fourth Angel cruiser and the smaller Angel ship were lost. Yaguar began working it's way around the three cruisers in an attempt to re-establish contact with the other ships. Cole and Fitzgerald could play no further useful part in the battle so they were ordered to head for the Sol jump point, as were the five Molniya class corvettes that no longer had anywhere to reload. The battle fleet units that lay between the Angel warships and the colony ship were now moving along a head-on intercept course and were eager to exact revenge for the loss of New London.

Yaguar picked up the fourth Angel cruiser at 19:01, running parallel with the three that had attacked New London at a distance of thirty-five million kilometres but still at a speed of 3200 km/s. At 19:40 she detected the fifth ship, also on a parallel course seventy million kilometres from the main cruiser group. As Yaguar continued to track all three groups, she crept gradually closer and suddenly all five Angel ships turned toward her, almost certainly because their EM sensors had finally detected the corvettes active sensor. Captain Gonçalves quickly realised his error and ordered his helmsman to pull the corvette back out of range of the Angel passive sensors. By 22:30 hours Yaguar had successfully avoided her pursuers and the alien ships had settled back on to a course to intercept the Commonwealth colony ship.


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Offline SteveAlt (OP)

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Re: Trans-Newtonian Campaign - Part 12
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2009, 07:52:36 AM »
As the fourth of May dawned, the Commonwealth battlecruisers and their escorts moved within Angel sensor range. Commanding the fleet was Rear Admiral Owen Scott on board his flagship Peter the Great. The Fleet Admirals on Sparta had been watching the events in London via a live feed through the jump gate network but they would not intervene with the tactical decision of the commander on the scene, unless due to some extraordinary circumstances. Before battle commenced, they informed Rear Admiral Scott that his fleet was  officially designated as the First Striking Force, while the Commonwealth fleet in Xia, which had an identical order of battle, was designated as the Second Striking Force.

Well aware he was advancing into enemy missile range without being able to reply, Rear Admiral Scott detached three of his six Tribal III class escort cruisers and four of his eight Trafalgar class destroyer escorts and sent them 200,000 kilometres ahead of the rest of the fleet. Their job was to intercept incoming missiles and draw fire from the Angel cruisers. His four battlecruisers and the rest of the escorts, which would form a second line of defence, remained together as the main body. The leading three Angel warships continued to close, moving well within the hundred and fourteen million kilometre distance they maintained against the ships in New London orbit. Finally, at ninety-seven million kilometres, they reversed course and began heading away from the Commonwealth ships, indicating they either had fired their missiles or had decided to retreat for some reason. Thirty minutes later, the lone cruiser moving at 3520 km/s, which had apparently repaired another engine, carried out a similar course reversal but at one hundred and ten million kilometres. The Angel destroyer stayed on course for the First Striking Force and by 2am on the 4th was at ninety-three million kilometres.

At 02:23, the MD960 Missile Detection Sensors on the three Tribals in the leading group detected a wave of fifty inbound missiles and all three began launching anti-missiles in automated mode. Comanche was the only Tribal in the First Striking Force with the latest SA-N-2 Gauntlet while the other five were loaded with  SA-N-1 Grails. A second wave of fifty missiles was detected 230,000 kilometres behind the first, just as the first wave moved within range of the fire control systems of the Tribals in the main body, which began launching their own anti-missiles

Code: [Select]
Tribal III class Escort Cruiser    6000 tons     509 Crew     849.6 BP      TCS 120  TH 540  EM 0
4500 km/s     Armour 1-29     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 3     PPV 12
Annual Failure Rate: 96%    IFR: 1.3%    Maintenance Capacity 266 MSP    Max Repair 96 MSP
Magazine 732    

NPO Energomash Ion Drive (9)    Power 60    Efficiency 0.80    Signature 60    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 150,000 Litres    Range 56.3 billion km   (144 days at full power)

AML-15 Missile Launcher (12)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 15
AMF-960 Missile Fire Control (2)     Range 960k km    Resolution 1
SA-N-2 Gauntlet (1)  Speed: 25,400 km/s   End: 1.8m    Range: 2.7m km   Size: 1    TH: 194 / 116 / 58
SA-N-1 Grail (732)  Speed: 35,500 km/s   End: 1m    Range: 2.2m km   Size: 1    TH: 118 / 71 / 35

MD960 Missile Detection Sensor (1)     GPS 96     Range 960k km    Resolution 1

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s
Over the next few minutes, a total of ten incoming missiles wave were detected. The first six with fifty missiles each, followed by a wave of thirty-four, two of fourteen and a final wave of ten; three hundred and seventy-two missiles in total. All the Angel missiles were targeted on the main body, which gave the escort group precious extra seconds to launch their anti-missiles and engage the inbounds. As the successive waves arrived, the explosions of anti-missiles moved closer and closer to the First Striking Force as the defences were slowly pushed back. The last missiles of the fifth wave were destroyed between the escort group and the main body. Fourteen missiles from the sixth wave penetrated all the Tribals could throw at them but were destroyed at point blank range by the four Trafalgar class destroyer escorts in the main body, as were seven missiles from the seventh wave. That was close as the Angels got to scoring a hit. The last three under strength waves were easily destroyed. The escorts expended sixty hundred and seventy SA-N-1 Grails and one hundred and forty-one SA-N-2 Gauntlets, with an average kill rate of forty-three percent. The fleet still retained over three and a half thousand anti-missile missiles.

As soon as the last missile was destroyed short of the fleet, the group of three Angel cruisers set a course direct for the Budapest jump point. Rather than head for their current location, Rear Admiral Scott ordered the First Striking Force to head for the jump point too in an attempt to cut them off, although with only a 20 km/s speed advantage it would be a long chase. The fourth Angel cruiser continued to hold a steady distance, possibly indicating it was controlling more missiles, while the destroyer was at eighty million kilometres and  still closing.


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Offline SteveAlt (OP)

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Re: Trans-Newtonian Campaign - Part 12
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2009, 07:55:00 AM »
The Angel destroyer entered maximum missile range of the First Striking Force  at 03:11. Rear Admiral Scott held back from an immediate launch as he was concerned the alien ship might suddenly reverse course and outrun the missiles and his fears were confirmed two minutes later when the destroyer began heading away from the Commonwealth fleet. At 03:29 the First Striking Force came under missile attack for the second time as eight waves of seventeen missiles each came in from the port bow. The missiles were almost certainly fired by the fourth Angel cruiser and as the fleet changed course to head for the Budapest jump point, the missiles curved around to follow, resulting in a flank attack. As the waves were approaching 225,000 kilometres apart, the anti-missile defences of the fleet had little trouble in dealing with them. No Angel missiles made it within half a million kilometres. Sixty-six SA-N-2 Gauntlets and two hundred and thirty-three SA-N-1 Grails were expended.

Commonwealth sensors detected a third missile attack at 03:49. This time the missiles were in groups of six, forty seconds apart, and were travelling at 18,000 km/s rather than the 10,200 km/s of the previous attacks. This new type of Angel missile - shorter ranged but faster - was probably fired by the destroyer. In all, eighty missiles attacked and all eighty were destroyed, seven of them by railgun fire. Once the attack was completed the destroyer set a course for the Budapest jump point. For some reason, the fourth Angel cruiser, still moving at 3520 km/s, was moving on a heading of seventy degrees, directly away from the First Striking Force rather than heading for the jump point, which lay at 115 degrees. Unfortunately, this meant that if the fleet chased the main enemy force, the fourth cruiser would eventually move outside sensor range. If the fleet pursued the lone cruiser, the other Angel ships would certainly reach the jump point first.



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Offline SteveAlt (OP)

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Re: Trans-Newtonian Campaign - Part 12
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2009, 10:28:17 AM »
Fairly confident that the Angel warships had expended their missiles, Rear Admiral Scott recalled his escort group then detached a small force comprising the battlecruiser Yuri Gagarin, the escort cruisers Seminole and Shawnee and the destroyers Revenge and Téméraire, ordering them to pursue and destroy the lone cruiser then rejoin the main body. The rest of the First Striking Force continued on course for the Budapest jump point. At 05:21 the collier Castletown entered London via the Sol jump point. Rear Admiral Scott ordered her to set course for the Budapest jump point so that if the First Striking Force did manage to catch the aliens, its missiles could be replenished before moving into Budapest.

By 13:40, the detached ships were a hundred million kilometres from the rest of the First Striking Force and less than eighty million from the wounded cruiser. Yaguar was still within active sensor range of all four cruisers while the First Striking Force had the destroyer at the edge of sensor range. Unfortunately, with the lone Angel cruiser on a diverging course, she was struggling to hold all the cruisers in range. Determined that the cripple would not escape, Rear Admiral Scott ordered the corvette to give it priority until Yuri Gagarin was within sensor range, then try to re-establish contact with the other three which the Admiral prayed would remain on the same course.

Yuri Gagarin finally drew within sensor range of the cruiser at 20:00. Yaguar accelerated to full speed and raced after the three cruisers that dropped off sensors six hours earlier. The battlecruiser could not yet engage as her target was at fifty-seven million kilometres while her SS-N-3 Scarabs had a maximum range of sixty million kilometres. In the time it took for the Scarabs to reach the cruiser's location, it would have travelled a further ten million kilometres. Rear Admiral Felicitas Arguello Armas, captain of the Yuri Gagarin and senior officer of the detached force, waited until her ship was within forty-three million kilometres before giving the order to open fire. She watched three salvos of ten Scarabs, sixty seconds apart, streak toward the far off alien warship before ordered her tactical officer to cease fire. Missiles were a precious resource so she intended to see the results of her initial attack before deciding whether to launch a fourth salvo.

At 00:31 hours on the 5th of May, the first salvo of SS-N-3 Scarabs reached its target. The crippled ship had already suffered twenty-three hits from SS-N-2 Sunburns with strength-6 warheads. She took six more hits, this time from strength-8 warheads, and her speed dropped to 2280 km/s. Seven more hits from the second salvo left her crawling at 640 km/s, although her primary sensor was still defiantly active. She was struck nine times by the third salvo and finally exploded after taking a total of forty-five missile hits. Yuri Gagarin detected a wreck and life pods so Rear Admiral Armas detached the destroyer Revenge to pick up survivors and took the rest of his force toward the Budapest jump point. The location of the wreck was marked for further investigation.


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Re: Trans-Newtonian Campaign - Part 12
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2009, 12:08:22 PM »
Have Commonwealth ships been able to gather any intel about the Angels from active sensors?

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Re: Trans-Newtonian Campaign - Part 12
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2009, 12:23:28 PM »
Quote from: "SteveAlt"
Code: [Select]
Tribal III class Escort Cruiser    6000 tons     509 Crew     849.6 BP      TCS 120  TH 540  EM 0
4500 km/s     Armour 1-29     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 3     PPV 12
Annual Failure Rate: 96%    IFR: 1.3%    Maintenance Capacity 266 MSP    Max Repair 96 MSP
Magazine 732    

NPO Energomash Ion Drive (9)    Power 60    Efficiency 0.80    Signature 60    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 150,000 Litres    Range 56.3 billion km   (144 days at full power)

AML-15 Missile Launcher (12)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 15
AMF-960 Missile Fire Control (2)     Range 960k km    Resolution 1
SA-N-2 Gauntlet (1)  Speed: 25,400 km/s   End: 1.8m    Range: 2.7m km   Size: 1    TH: 194 / 116 / 58
SA-N-1 Grail (732)  Speed: 35,500 km/s   End: 1m    Range: 2.2m km   Size: 1    TH: 118 / 71 / 35

MD960 Missile Detection Sensor (1)     GPS 96     Range 960k km    Resolution 1

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

By talk about an eggshell!  No passive defenses at all.  If this thing's active defenses are penetrated, or a beam equipped ship gets in range, then it is toast.  


Offline Charlie Beeler

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Re: Trans-Newtonian Campaign - Part 12
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2009, 01:24:19 PM »
Quote from: "Kurt"
Quote from: "SteveAlt"
Code: [Select]
Tribal III class Escort Cruiser    6000 tons     509 Crew     849.6 BP      TCS 120  TH 540  EM 0
4500 km/s     Armour 1-29     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 3     PPV 12
Annual Failure Rate: 96%    IFR: 1.3%    Maintenance Capacity 266 MSP    Max Repair 96 MSP
Magazine 732    

NPO Energomash Ion Drive (9)    Power 60    Efficiency 0.80    Signature 60    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 150,000 Litres    Range 56.3 billion km   (144 days at full power)

AML-15 Missile Launcher (12)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 15
AMF-960 Missile Fire Control (2)     Range 960k km    Resolution 1
SA-N-2 Gauntlet (1)  Speed: 25,400 km/s   End: 1.8m    Range: 2.7m km   Size: 1    TH: 194 / 116 / 58
SA-N-1 Grail (732)  Speed: 35,500 km/s   End: 1m    Range: 2.2m km   Size: 1    TH: 118 / 71 / 35

MD960 Missile Detection Sensor (1)     GPS 96     Range 960k km    Resolution 1

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

By talk about an eggshell!  No passive defenses at all.  If this thing's active defenses are penetrated, or a beam equipped ship gets in range, then it is toast.  


With it's mission I'd have to agree.  My own design protocol has been to match detection sensor range to missile range.  Though twice the active detection range of the missile might be tactically better.  

I now that's "armchair admiralling" :D
« Last Edit: February 05, 2009, 01:38:34 PM by Charlie Beeler »
Amateurs study tactics, Professionals study logistics - paraphrase attributed to Gen Omar Bradley

Offline vergeraiders

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Re: Trans-Newtonian Campaign - Part 12
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2009, 01:35:05 PM »
Did the Angel main cruiser group stop before or after they fired their missiles? The defense was a near thing. If they closed up the waves as much as possible (and 3.5 k or so on 10k or so missiles is at least respectable), it might have made a difference.

Of course its all hingsight knowing the Commonwealth missiles are shorter range and the ships had a much better defense than the colony.

Offline SteveAlt (OP)

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Re: Trans-Newtonian Campaign - Part 12
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2009, 03:06:55 PM »
Quote from: "Kurt"
Tribal III class Escort Cruiser  

By talk about an eggshell!  No passive defenses at all.  If this thing's active defenses are penetrated, or a beam equipped ship gets in range, then it is toast.  
I decided to go all out for anti-missile capability on the basis that the enemy will probably be shooting at larger targets. They have been very successful so far but haven't come close to using up all their magazine capacity so I may armour the next version.


Offline SteveAlt (OP)

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Re: Trans-Newtonian Campaign - Part 12
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2009, 03:11:22 PM »
Quote from: "vergeraiders"
Did the Angel main cruiser group stop before or after they fired their missiles? The defense was a near thing. If they closed up the waves as much as possible (and 3.5 k or so on 10k or so missiles is at least respectable), it might have made a difference.

Of course its all hingsight knowing the Commonwealth missiles are shorter range and the ships had a much better defense than the colony.
I think they were closing while they were firing. At the moment the NPRs won't fire a few salvos at a waypoint in the same way as a human and then release them all together as they aren't that smart yet. I will probably add that ability in a future version. Although I have been thinking about some expensive, one-use anti-missile decoy technologies (as per early HH books) that would work against all missiles within a certain range. That could make multiple waves more effective than one large wave under certain circumstances. When I eventually revamp ECM and ECCM from their current very basic form to something more like modern jamming that will also affect missile combat.


Offline SteveAlt (OP)

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Re: Trans-Newtonian Campaign - Part 12
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2009, 03:16:54 PM »
Quote from: "Erik Luken"
Have Commonwealth ships been able to gather any intel about the Angels from active sensors?
So far they have detected:
Missile Reload Rate 3
Active Grav Strength 21
Composite Armour

This small sample makes them roughly equal to the Commonwealth in technology terms, although the Commonwealth only has Active Grav Strength 16. The Yaguar gained about 2100 points towards the next level of active sensors


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Re: Trans-Newtonian Campaign - Part 12
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2009, 05:12:16 PM »

Strangely the Steve's Ships are very "little" on tonnage.
Armor near to ZERO

In Megatraveller the MINIMUM ships tonnage for an "Cruiser" Class was more than 10000 50000.
An Battleships near to 1.000.000 tons..

Steve tell me this "game" are very near to Megatraveller example..but ships are ever strange.
All are Megatraveller like,save the "Class" of ships..

An "Aurora" Cruiser are "ridicolous" (5k or 8k tons????????? i think r near to an Corvette:DD on SPACE,bulkhead,engines,life space,engineer,fuel,cargo,spare parts,subsystems,rooms,hagars for shuttle decent CRUISER with some armor,and others components,reach easy 10k tons and more.)

Offline SteveAlt (OP)

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Re: Trans-Newtonian Campaign - Part 12
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2009, 08:14:12 PM »
Quote from: "waresky"

Strangely the Steve's Ships are very "little" on tonnage.
Armor near to ZERO

In Megatraveller the MINIMUM ships tonnage for an "Cruiser" Class was more than 10000 50000.
An Battleships near to 1.000.000 tons..

Steve tell me this "game" are very near to Megatraveller example..but ships are ever strange.
All are Megatraveller like,save the "Class" of ships..

An "Aurora" Cruiser are "ridicolous" (5k or 8k tons????????? i think r near to an Corvette:DD on SPACE,bulkhead,engines,life space,engineer,fuel,cargo,spare parts,subsystems,rooms,hagars for shuttle decent CRUISER with some armor,and others components,reach easy 10k tons and more.)
I initially set the tonnage to 50x ship size with the intention of modifying this during development. However, its been that way a long time so its not likely to change now. There are two ways to look at this. One is to mentally multiply everything by a factor of 10 or 100 if you want to think in larger terms and use those larger tonnages when writing up reports. The other is to consider that the small ships early in the game are probably not unrealistic for early interstellar civiliazations. I am already considering a 20,000 or 24,000 ton ship for the next major Commonwealth class and as the game progresses, the ships will get bigger.  So ships of 50,000 or 100,000 tons can still appear in the game. They will just be in the later stages.

The hull designations are purely cosmetic, as they are in real life, so one race may class a 5000 ton ship as a cruiser but to a higher tech race, that might be a patrol ship because their cruisers are 50,000 tons. In 1852, HMS Agamemnon was classed as a battleship and she was 4600 tons. Less than 100 years later, HMS Vanguard was also classed as a battleship and she was 52,000 tons. The new Type 45 destroyers are 8100 tons, or twice as large as an older battleship.


Offline jfelten

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Re: Trans-Newtonian Campaign - Part 12
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2009, 05:09:54 AM »
Quote from: "SteveAlt"
Quote from: "vergeraiders"
Did the Angel main cruiser group stop before or after they fired their missiles? The defense was a near thing. If they closed up the waves as much as possible (and 3.5 k or so on 10k or so missiles is at least respectable), it might have made a difference.

Of course its all hingsight knowing the Commonwealth missiles are shorter range and the ships had a much better defense than the colony.
I think they were closing while they were firing. At the moment the NPRs won't fire a few salvos at a waypoint in the same way as a human and then release them all together as they aren't that smart yet. I will probably add that ability in a future version. Although I have been thinking about some expensive, one-use anti-missile decoy technologies (as per early HH books) that would work against all missiles within a certain range. That could make multiple waves more effective than one large wave under certain circumstances. When I eventually revamp ECM and ECCM from their current very basic form to something more like modern jamming that will also affect missile combat.


How about just disallowing the waypoint missile swarm entirely?  That would seem to resolve a bunch of issues.  Otherwise I expect it'll become SOP since there seems to be little down side to it and a lot to gain by forming a swarm.