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Starfire Rules / Re: Starfire 3'rd vs. Solar Starfire
« Last post by Paul M on February 17, 2022, 11:51:49 AM »
I own Galactic Starfire, and I have made spreadsheets to handle it, but my solo game collapsed when I ran into my first NPR and I realised I would have to make a set of 3 EXCEL spreadsheets for it and every other race in the game.  I don't think spreadsheets work, and I have played Starfire Play By Mail where I had a binder full of system data sheets and so on, I have also played PBEM with spreadsheets but only for a single race.  What I would never want to do is run a game like that.  Marvin likes short games with small numbers of stars...for that the overhead may be sufficiently small you can do it as a spacemaster.  That this sort of game tends to keep fleet sizes small and the changes to starfire's mechanics push the exponential growth till later likely means the game is over before the paperwork crushes it.

SFA makes the sort of games that Kurt, myself and starslayer, or for that matter Steve played possible.  Frankly I have never seen a game aid with the features of SFA, when I have tried to interest Starslayer in Galactic Starfire or other systems (Squadron Strike, or VBAM) it is "does it have a SFA-like program?" ... as the answer is always no, we stick to starfire 3rdE or play Stellaris.
Starfire Rules / Re: Starfire 3'rd vs. Solar Starfire
« Last post by Kurt on February 17, 2022, 09:08:45 AM »
kurt, do you actively like 6th, or was that possibility just a brief impulse?  kiero, do you have a strong opinion?

i disliked 5th so strongly i just passed on 6th.  now im kind of looking for an excuse to buy it, even though the odds of any non-solitaire 6e campaign ever existing seem remote.

I wouldn't say that I actively like it, I don't have enough experience with it for that.  I wanted to give it a shot, to see how I felt about it once I got some experience with it.  I might still. 

Starfire Rules / Re: Starfire 3'rd vs. Solar Starfire
« Last post by misanthropope on February 16, 2022, 06:46:53 PM »
kurt, do you actively like 6th, or was that possibility just a brief impulse?  kiero, do you have a strong opinion?

i disliked 5th so strongly i just passed on 6th.  now im kind of looking for an excuse to buy it, even though the odds of any non-solitaire 6e campaign ever existing seem remote.
Starfire Rules / Re: Starfire 3'rd vs. Solar Starfire
« Last post by Kurt on February 16, 2022, 09:07:33 AM »

I've just got myself a brand new copy of Solar Starfire (6'th edition) and I would like to ask.
What is the rules complication level in relation to Starfire 3'rd edition? Especially regarding the campaign rules?

Also is it possible to use "Starfire Assistant" to run a game if I know 6'th edition rules or do I need the previous version?

I have Solar Starfire someplace, but I haven't run a campaign using that rules-set so I can't say what the relative complication factor is, however, as Steve says, SA is for 3rdR games and I don't think it could be modded (easily) to work with a different version.  I know Marvin, or one of his people, created some spreadsheets to use with Cosmic and Solar versions, though, so if you can handle spreadsheets and wanted to use those rules that'd be the way to go. 

I considered using the Solar rules to run my current campaign within, however, I just couldn't get past the lack of SA for that rules-set. 
Starfire Rules / Re: Starfire 3'rd vs. Solar Starfire
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on February 16, 2022, 05:20:58 AM »
Starfire Assistant is for 3rd edition revised. The later editions are so different they are incompatible with SA.

Starfire Rules / Starfire 3'rd vs. Solar Starfire
« Last post by Kiero on February 16, 2022, 01:04:51 AM »

I've just got myself a brand new copy of Solar Starfire (6'th edition) and I would like to ask.
What is the rules complication level in relation to Starfire 3'rd edition? Especially regarding the campaign rules?

Also is it possible to use "Starfire Assistant" to run a game if I know 6'th edition rules or do I need the previous version?

SA Questions / Re: Hive economy
« Last post by Kurt on February 13, 2022, 08:38:00 AM »
FOUND IT!!! cunningly nestled betwixt the nethers in SM#2. . .  and right next to it the Machine Race and J'rill rules I was after!

so, to go back to my earlier question, to use Hive/machine/J'rill, is it as simple as setting the Government type in SA and that's it, SA takes care of the rest?

or is there somewhere else I need to click?

cheers again

I believe it's as simple as selecting hive/machine/J'Rill race type in SA.  Hive races, in particular, are seamless in that SA takes care of everything below your notice, but with machine and J'Rill you have to actually understand how the rules work to play the races. 

SA Questions / Re: Hive economy
« Last post by haggis on February 12, 2022, 06:32:40 PM »
FOUND IT!!! cunningly nestled betwixt the nethers in SM#2. . .  and right next to it the Machine Race and J'rill rules I was after!

so, to go back to my earlier question, to use Hive/machine/J'rill, is it as simple as setting the Government type in SA and that's it, SA takes care of the rest?

or is there somewhere else I need to click?

cheers again
Starfire Rules / Re: Machine race rules
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on February 12, 2022, 04:53:08 AM »
The J'Rill rules are in Alkelda Dawn. They are also in the unpublished unified rules for 3rd edition, but I don't want to quote large sections of that or I will probably end up with copyright issues :)
SA Questions / Re: Hive economy
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on February 12, 2022, 04:47:47 AM » "...Each medium sized world produces 50% more income than normal (after all other factors). Each large produces 75% greater income and very large worlds produce twice as much income. However, their crews are always average. Research and Development is 3x as expensive and twice as slow. Populations increase at 2x rate (Use the per turn rates for them). PTUs take only 25% normal transport requirements. Planets can automatically covert 10% of their population to PCFs (twice normal rate) in the case of an invasion per Interception turn..."

Above is from third edition.
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