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Offline JacenHan (OP)

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Reaching for the Stars
« on: July 30, 2013, 01:40:12 PM »
In the year 2014, a new force was rapidly coming to power in the Middle East.    The Arab Empire had conquered most of the major powers there and by 2017 would control almost the entire area, and seemed ready to take on anyone who challenged them.    In response to this new threat, two new alliances formed.    The European Union was changed from a council of nations into a nation in and of itself.    Ruling all of Europe, as well as many former British colonies, it is one of three major powers.    The South American Coalition was formed out of the realization that the relatively weak South American countries were individually weak, but as a whole were able to stand up to other powers, at least more than before.     

The United States and China gear up their war machines, ready for the inevitable conflict, yet unwilling to start it off.    Slowly, both nations start to absorb the countries around them, China taking many Asian nations, and the US annexing Mexico and portions of Africa.    The US and EU, with their similar world view, are closely allied but still wary of each other.     

In late 2019, a science team in Berlin discovered a great new realm of science, dubbed "Transnewtonian Science", which opened up thousands of possibilities for the human race.    After thorough testing, their findings were released to the world.    Although some said that it was impractical, most realized that this new science had the ability to change the world.     

It is now 2020, and humanity is ready to reach for the stars.     

This is a five nation conventional start, but please be aware that this is my first fiction writing and will probably not be as good as many others'.    With that in mind, here are the game's stats:

United States
Population: 600m
Labs: 8
Army: 18 LTI, 12 LTA
CI: 1200

The United states has the most research capabilities, and the second largest army of all the powers. 

Population: 1200m
Labs: 6
Army: 24 LTI, 12 LTA
CI: 1700

China has the largest army and biggest population, as well as the most industry, but is hampered by the US-EU alliance.     

European Union
Population: 800m
Labs: 7
Army: 16 LTI, 8 LTA
CI: 1450

The EU is the second largest power for population and industry, and when combined with the US, has a force capable of taking on China.     

Arab Empire
Population: 400m
Labs: 4
Army: 12 LTI, 6 LTA
CI: 560

The Arab Empire is the smallest nation in industry and population, but has dreams of defeating all others in battle.     

South American Coalition
Population: 500m
Labs: 3
Army: 8 LTI, 4 LTA
CI: 600

The SAC was formed out of the hope that when united, South America would not be simply another territory to conquer.    They are the weakest power, but are desperate and hopeful that they will remain independent.     

Part 1 should come sometime within the next 1-3 days.     
« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 07:54:41 PM by JacenHan »

Offline JacenHan (OP)

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Re: Reaching for the Stars
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2013, 04:13:35 PM »
Part 1

1st of January, 2020

The powers have begun putting their finest scientists to work on practical applications of Transnewtonian Science, and have begun using their conventional industry to mine out the 11 TN minerals.

21st of April, 2020

Commodore Abigal Hall, Commander of EU Naval Forces, has been forced to retire, and has left no one eligible for the position she held.  The position has been left open for the time being, until another is promoted there.

21st of October, 2020

The European Union assigns a new researcher to their Transnewtonian Science project who is expected to increase rate of research by 25%.  The Arab Empire also does the same, again increasing efficiency by about 25%, albeit still much less than the EU.

1st of January, 2021

The first year of the TN age is over, and although not much has happened, there is still much excitement about the new possibilities of TN materials.  Scientists all over the world have theorized on many things, ranging from superstrong alloys, to weapons-grade lasers.  Each power hurries to be the first to research TN tech, but it is clear that the US, with it's high research lead, will be the first to the finish line around 2022.  The EU will follow second in early 2023, and China after that in the middle of the same year.  The Arabs will be fourth in 2024, and the Coalition last in late 2025, although at that point there is a high possibility to simply steal it from the other factions.

26th of May, 2022

After some short talks between the US and EU, they have agreed to share any geological data they discover, in preparation for the new Transnewtonian discoveries.

16th of September, 2022

The United States is officially the first power to finish it's research on Transnewtonian tech.  They have begun further research into both geological survey sensors, and realizing that conflict with the other powers may be forthcoming, the use of TN tech in infrared lasers.  They have also begun the conversion of industry to newer, more powerful, TN industry.

21st of February, 2023

The European Union is the second power to research Transnewtonian technology.  They begin work on new Duranium armor, and a 10cm railgun for use in an orbital station.  Immediate work has begun on converting industry.

21st of April, 2023

The United States' work on an infrared laser is finished, and work has begun on a 10cm aperture to fire it.

6th of June, 2023

China has entered the Transnewtonian age, and has begun industry conversion, as well as research into a conventional rocket engine and magazine systems.

16th of July, 2023

China completes research into engines for ship and missile use, and begin work into active sensor strength.  The United States finishes work on geological survey sensors and begins research into a conventional engine much like the Chinese version.

1st of August, 2023

The United States finalizes it's conventional engine, and starts to research Mobile Infantry, essentially an upgraded infantry battalion.

6th of August, 2023

The US has commissioned the first TN ship capable of space flight, the geological survey vessel USS John Glenn.

Code: [Select]
John Glenn class Geological Survey Vessel    1,000 tons     20 Crew     169 BP      TCS 20  TH 1  EM 0
50 km/s     Armour 1-8     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/1     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Life 8.77 Years     MSP 106    AFR 8%    IFR 0.1%    1YR 2    5YR 37    Max Repair 100 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Spare Berths 0   

Conventional Engine (1)    Power 1    Fuel Use 95%    Signature 1    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 160,000 Litres    Range 30.3 billion km   (7017 days at full power)

Geological Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points Per Hour

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

It is expected to be finished early 2024.

1st of September, 2023

The EU finsishes research on applications of Duranium in hull structure.  They then start research on Alpha shields to protect their ships.

1st of November, 2023

Chinese scientists finish a magazine ejection system, and start work on finalizing the Bombardment Missile Mark 1, a heavy, short ranged 15 ton missile to retaliate against any attack on Earth.

6th of December, 2023

EU scientist Patrick Sharpe finishes his research into a 10cm barrel for a railgun, and starts working on an accelerator.

1st of January, 2024

As the 3rd year of the Transnewtonian age comes to a close, the Chinese finalize their missile designs and start work on a missile launcher.  At this point, every power has deployed espionage teams, except for China, who had no experienced officers to spare.

Thank you for reading Part 1 of Reaching for the Stars.

Offline Brainsucker

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Re: Reaching for the Stars
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2013, 09:15:04 PM »
interesting start up. Well, looking at the real world, I can ask "where is Russia and India?" but I won't.  Because it is your story and I will follow the story with excitement.

Offline JacenHan (OP)

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Re: Reaching for the Stars
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2013, 12:01:19 AM »
What happened is I tried this earlier with Russia and India, but it was kind of unbalanced and as you add more factions it gets harder and harder to manage.  So I decided to stick with what I have.  I suppose you can presume that Russia is part of the EU and India was taken by China, but again, I really did it for gameplay purposes.

Hopefully the next update will be more exciting as we get out of the conventional phase.

Offline kks

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Re: Reaching for the Stars
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2013, 03:42:43 PM »
If you start with more factons in a conventional start, you'll have to kill/conquer some of them before big space explorations begin. If you don't it will get painfull to run the game, especially if you have quite a few civilians.

Offline JacenHan (OP)

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Re: Reaching for the Stars
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2013, 08:32:37 PM »
I'll keep that in mind for the future.

Part 2

11th of March, 2024

China finishes it's plans for a Size 6 Missile Launcher.  Work begins on how to fit new TN missiles into a magazine safely.

21st of April, 2024

The USS John Glenn leaves dock.  The US has had this event announced for months, as well as it's  mission, but the other powers are wary and keep their eye on what it's doing.

It's first mission is to survey Luna, and find out what minerals lie within.  After that it will go to the two inner planets, then Mars.  The situation will then be reasessed and sent to it's next destination.

21st of April, 2024

Only 2 hours after leaving Earth, the USS John Glenn arrives at Luna and begins surveying it.  There is an estimate of 4 days necessary to survey it, then on to Mercury and then Venus, as at the moment Mercury is closer.

25th of April, 2024

The USS John Glenn has found no TN minerals on Luna.  Geologists are not surpised, as they believe TN minerals form best in larger gravity wells.

19th of June, 2024

The month long journey was doubled in length due to several course corrections enacted along the way.  Surveying of Mercury has begun.

24rd of June, 2024

No minerals found on Mercury.

3rd of July, 2024

The US has finished research into a 10cm focal size, and work will finish on the practical application of it in just a few days.

7th of July, 2024

With a working laser cannon now in hand, the US begins research on new Duranium Armor, like that which the EU already finished.

22nd of July, 2024

The Arab Empire becomes the fourth power with TN technology, and boasts the best energy weapons scientist in the world.  They begin work on a new type of weapon, the Meson Cannon.

8th of August, 2024

The survey of Venus is finished, and Mars is plotted into the ships computer.  The trip is expected to take anywhere from a month to a year.

13th of September, 2024

The EU finishes it's preliminary reasearch on Alpha shields and Railgun Velocity, and begins work on a primitive 10cm Railgun Battery, as well as Shield Recharge rate.

24th of September, 2024

The USS John Glenn finds no minerals on Mars.  It will survey Phobos and Deimos, then head out to Jupiter.

4th of November, 2024

The EU espionage team recovers blueprints for the Bombardment Missile Mark 1 from China.  The mere fact that such a weapon exists makes the EU even more wary of China, and the need for an anti-missile system even more urgent.

14th of November, 2024

The EU finishes research on it's 10cm Railgun Battery and starts to work out beam fire control rangefinding.

24th of November, 2024

The US finishes it's Duranium armor, and starts on the same rangefinding techniques as the EU.

4th of December, 2024

The SAC is the last nation to become Transnewtonian.  Realizing that without action, it will soon be extremely weak compared to the other nations, it begins research on a missile that can be fitted in a conventional ICBM base, which were all decommisioned ages ago.  5 bases, each with 5 silos, are being refitted for use by the new missile, and will be ready in early 2026, although some industrial conversions are also taking place, so it will in fact be done sooner.

18th of December, 2024

The United States discovers unfinished blueprints for the Luhu class Orbital Weapons Platform, equipped with two size 6 missiles.  Being a development blueprint, this is likely to change, making this information obselete.

23rd of December, 2024

An independent research group finalizes a document on how TN technology can be used in a replacement battalion.  This was openly published, so every power recieves it.  This coincides with the US research on Mobile Infantry, which immediately begin training.  The same team starts work on pressurised water reactor technology.  China also researches a magazine system with an effiecency of 75%, and begins work on an implosion fission warhead.

This is the end of Part 2.  Thank you for reading, and once again, this is my first fiction writing ever, so any criticism is welcome, as well as comments.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 04:10:05 PM by JacenHan »

Offline Brainsucker

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Re: Reaching for the Stars
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2013, 09:28:17 PM »
interesting. missile and laser...

Offline joeclark77

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Re: Reaching for the Stars
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2013, 02:20:39 PM »
Seems a little unfair to have two of the most powerful powers (US and EU) allied with one another.  That sure makes it tough for the South Americans or the Arabs to compete.  I hope you're planning a dramatic betrayal or something to even the odds later!  Anyway this should be an interesting read.  I like that you're trying to send each power down a different technological track, hope that continues.  Will any of the nations be specializing in carriers/fighters?

Offline Brainsucker

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Re: Reaching for the Stars
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2013, 09:06:57 PM »
Well, South America and Arab can lean themselves to China to balance the odd.

Look at this : US + EU = 8 +7 tech = 15

China + Arab + South American : 6 + 4 + 3 tech = 13

Offline MWadwell

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Re: Reaching for the Stars
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2013, 04:50:58 AM »
Seems a little unfair to have two of the most powerful powers (US and EU) allied with one another.

Well - I suppose that depends on the nature of the alliance. So far, none of the nations have shared anything, so the term "alliance" may simply mean "we don't hate them much...."  ;D

That sure makes it tough for the South Americans or the Arabs to compete.  I hope you're planning a dramatic betrayal or something to even the odds later!

I agree. A pretend alliance, followed by a nice backstab would help out the smaller nations.....

Anyway this should be an interesting read.  I like that you're trying to send each power down a different technological track, hope that continues.  Will any of the nations be specializing in carriers/fighters?

I think that it's a bit early to specialise to that degree. But give it time, and we may see someone.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2013, 04:53:36 AM by MWadwell »

Offline JacenHan (OP)

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Re: Reaching for the Stars
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2013, 09:05:15 PM »
That is very much how I see the alliance. One will help the other, if only to keep someone else from getting the advantage. For clarification, the US and EU are only sharing geological data, and nothing else. China also has a significant population and industry advantage over the other powers.

Part 3

21st of March, 2025

The Coalition's first Missile Complex finishes.

21st of April, 2025

The Arab's research into a focusing device for a Meson Cannon finishes, and work begins on a working prototype.

19th of May, 2025

The USS John Glenn discovers the first extraterrestrial Transnewtonian minerals on Jupiter, in the form of Sorium in Jupiter's atmosphere. 1 million tons of Sorium, estimated at 50% optimal extraction rate, were found, which should fuel the US and EU's ships for a long time.

The John Glenn has been ordered to proceed in surveying the rest of the planets and moons.

4th of June, 2025

The Arabs have finished research into their Meson Cannon, and begin researching Pressurized Water Reactor technology.

19th of June, 2025

The second Missile Complex is finished by the Coalition.

15th of July, 2025

The US finishes training a battalion of Mobile Infantry, and China finishes researching Active Sensor Strength 10. Research begins into the Garrison Battalion, a purely defensive TN ground unit.

7th of September, 2025

The Coalition's espionage team was captured by the United States. Although the team steadfastly claims to be independent, there are strong suspicions toward the Coalition.

12th of September, 2025

The EU research into a shield regeneration system finished, and a practical shield generator is being developed.

17th of September, 2025

The third Missile Complex is finished by the Coalition.

17th of November, 2025

The EU researches a range-finding device for beam weapons, and starts working on active sensor technology.

12th of December, 2025

The fourth Missile Complex is built by the Coalition.

12th of February, 2026

The EU completes it's prototype R300 Alpha Shield, and starts researching the technology for reducing thermal signature.

7th of March, 2026

The Coalition completes the 5th and last Missile Complex, and the US finishes research into Pressurized Water Reactor technology and Beam Fire Control Range technology. Research is funneled into active sensor technology and a working reactor for their lasers.

2nd of April, 2026

The US researches it's reactor, and starts work on the AN/SPG-1 Beam Fire Control system. After this, which will finish shortly, it will work on Nuclear Thermal Engine technology, the first purely Transnewtonian engine type.

2nd of May, 2026

The EU captures an Arabic espionage team. Unlike the Coalition team, this one confessed that they were operating for the Arab Empire. Anti-Arab parties lobby to invade the Arab Empire and capture their industry. Although they failed, future attempts to increase power are likely, and it is doubtful that the Arabs are their only motivation.

The US also recalls the USS John Glenn for maintenance and shore leave.

17th of May, 2026

The EU espionage team captures the same Chinese space station blueprints that the US caught before, and it troubles them in the same way. Work hurries on their Active Sensor technology.

China finishes reasearch into the Garrison Battalion and starts work on the Mobile Infantry Battalion, like what the US is deploying now.

22nd of May, 2026

United States espionage agents are killed in a firefight on Chinese territory. China, although unhappy that the US was doing this, is not surprised. US-Chinese relations have always been low, and espionage teams have been constantly operating in each others' territory since the pre-TN age.

7th of July, 2026

The Coalition finalizes it's ICBM design, and begins researching Gauss Cannon technology. ICBM's are queued up for when ordinance factories are built.

17th of July, 2026

The US begins retooling it's only shipyard to build the Prometheus class Space Station.

Code: [Select]
Prometheus class Space Station    750 tons     31 Crew     48.5 BP      TCS 15  TH 0  EM 0
1 km/s     Armour 2-7     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 6
Maint Life 23.84 Years     MSP 40    AFR 4%    IFR 0.1%    1YR 0    5YR 2    Max Repair 6 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months    Spare Berths 3   

10cm C1 Infrared Laser (2)    Range 30,000km     TS: 1250 km/s     Power 3-1     RM 1    ROF 15        3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
AN/SPG-1 Beam Fire Control (1)    Max Range: 60,000 km   TS: 1250 km/s     83 67 50 33 17 0 0 0 0 0
S-1-2 Pressurised Water Reactor (1)     Total Power Output 2    Armour 0    Exp 5%

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

It will finish retooling in September.

2nd of August, 2026

Arab scientists finish the basic thesis of the Pressurized Water Reactor. Work starts on Active Sensor strength.

12th of September, 2026

The first Prometheus class Space Station has been commissioned, the USS Prometheus. This was a public announcement, although it was carefully set up so no details of it's function were released. Officially, it is simply a TN research station.

7th of October, 2026

China finishes Implosion Fission Warhead technology and starts on a small orbital sensor, fine-tuned to detect missiles.

17th of November, 2026

The EU finishes Active Sensor technology, and begins work on a small orbital sensor, much like the Chinese.

1st of December, 2026

The first Prometheus class is launched, and a second has begun construction.

11th of December, 2026

The Chinese finish their sensor, and move on to a fire control for the Orbital Bombardment missile. After that, they will research Geological Survey sensors.

26th of December, 2026

The EU finishes it's own sensor, and start work on a railgun fire control. After that, it must research reactor technology to power their creation.

Offline Brainsucker

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Re: Reaching for the Stars
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2013, 09:19:42 PM »
US is lead the way for now, with their first space battery. It can siege the earth if a war is erupted in the future.

Offline JacenHan (OP)

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Re: Reaching for the Stars
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2013, 03:27:44 PM »
Lasers cannot penetrate through atmosphere. However, they can penetrate the armor of other space stations...

Part 4

6th of February, 2027

The European Union steals Implosion Fission research from the Chinese, increasing any missile's warhead power.

11th of February, 2027

The US finishes Active Sensor technology, and begins working on two sensors, a missile detection sensor and a normal ship detection sensor. Both are larger than either of the other powers' sensors.

China finishes designing it's Luhu class Orbital Weapon Platform. Unlike the US station, this is dedicated to striking at stationary targets in a small radius around the earth. It is also 33% larger than the Prometheus.

Code: [Select]
Luhu class Orbital Weapon Platform    1,000 tons     40 Crew     89 BP      TCS 20  TH 0  EM 0
1 km/s     Armour 1-8     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 0     PPV 12
Maint Life 0 Years     MSP 0    AFR 200%    IFR 2.8%    1YR 40    5YR 596    Max Repair 24 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months    Spare Berths 1   
Magazine 12   

Size 6 Missile Launcher (2)    Missile Size 6    Rate of Fire 180
Orbital Bombardment FC (1)     Range 6.7m km    Resolution 20
Bombardment Missile Mark 1 (2)  Speed: 100 km/s   End: 6.1d    Range: 53m km   WH: 9    Size: 6    TH: 0/0/0

Small Missile Sensor (1)     GPS 10     Range 500k km    Resolution 1

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

Retooling is immediate, as no class has been built before it. The first ship, the Luhu, will be finished in June.

21st of February, 2027

The USS Hyperion is finished, and no further stations of the class are planned.

16th of March, 2027

The US finishes expanding Freedom Orbital Docks in capacity by 500 tons. The USS John Glenn exits overhaul and is ordered to proceed surveying the planets and moons in the system.

11th of May, 2027

The Arab Empire researches Active Sensor technology, and starts work on a working reactor. After that, they will finalize a small sensor, and then work on beam fire control range.

6th of June, 2027

The Luhu is finished, and the second ship is commissioned.

26th of July, 2027

China adds 1000 tons to it's shipbuilding capacity, leaving it with the largest shipyard in the world.

11th of August, 2027

The EU expands it's shipyard with a slipway, allowing it to build 2 ships at once.

1st of September, 2027

The EU researches Thermal Reduction technology, and plans several logistics techs to be researched, starting with an enlarged fuel storage tank.

6th of September, 2027

The US adds capacity to it's shipyard, now equaling China. No more expansions are planned for now.

1st of October, 2027

China launches it's second Luhu class, and has troubled the US to the point that it restarts the Prometheus program, and starts expanding it's shipyard to have 2 slipways.

1st of November, 2027

The US finishes it's sensor projects and begins building the Atlas class Space Station.

Code: [Select]
Atlas class Space Station    425 tons     17 Crew     80 BP      TCS 8.5  TH 0  EM 0
1 km/s     Armour 1-5     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Life 29.62 Years     MSP 118    AFR 1%    IFR 0%    1YR 0    5YR 4    Max Repair 30 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months    Spare Berths 0   

AN/SPS-3 Active Sensor (1)     GPS 900     Range 8.2m km    Resolution 30
AN/SPD-2 Active Sensor (1)     GPS 30     Range 1.5m km    Resolution 1

This design is classed as a Fighter for production, combat and maintenance purposes

It is equipped with sensor capabilities for the Prometheus class, and can be built in the on planet factories. Two begin construction. The research facilities used in the sensor project are directed to research shield generators.

11th of November, 2027

The Coalition finish their Gauss Cannon Velocity research, and move on to Rate of Fire.

21st of December, 2027

The third Prometheus is completed, and work begins on fourth.

Offline Mel Vixen

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Re: Reaching for the Stars
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2013, 05:38:10 PM »
Its interresting that The chinese build a Station for a MAD doctrine but wouldnt it make more sence for them to build one that houses a few more but smaller missiles? The highter fire-rate and the deeper arsena means they can fend of the Prometheus stations and orbital shipyards.
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- Damaged robot found on Sirius singing a flat 5th out of t

Offline Brainsucker

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Re: Reaching for the Stars
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2013, 08:47:24 PM »
it is interesting to see an early weapon race between two factions in this game. Will it expand to a cold war or even a hot war, no one know. I think the next race would be about the colonization of Luna and Mars, then Venus and Mercury. The war for resource will be happen in near future. Especially for gaining the right to own a resource rich planet. Unless everybody can share the resource without a fight.