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Offline ranger044 (OP)

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United Nations of Earth - New AAR
« on: August 14, 2020, 01:50:37 PM »
So I've never actually done one of these, but I'm looking forward to it.

This first post has no story, only setup and numbers.  Let me know if something seems bonkers or completely illogical.

United Nations of Earth
AAR Series

Starting Parameters
Global Game Settings
  • Systems-Difficulty unchanged
  • Research . 75
  • Terraforming . 5
  • Survey . 75
  • NPR Chances 0 for both (More on this below)
  • Ruins-Sol Disaster unchanged
  • Add Commander Political Bonuses (RP)
  • Starting year 2140
  • NPR races 0 (More on this below)
  • Random jump points (if isolated I can manually add a couple)
  • Add Planet X (Because why not give Minerva some love)
Starting Racial Settings
  • Human/United Nations of Earth/UNE
  • Conventional Empire
  • Pop Density 0. 9 (Humans still value property rights and have innate distrust of each other in 2140 CE)
  • Research 0. 9 (Slightly lower than galactic average, RP purposes)
  • Production 0. 33 (Nearly all races will have this to counteract massive Pops)
Racial Stats calculated as follows (will apply to NPRs later as well)
  • Base 50/0 for translation
  • Republic/Democratic (More united than a federation) +5 Diplomacy, +5 Trade, +1 Translation, -5 Xenophobia
  • Federation (Mostly independent nations states within empire) +5 Determination, +5 Expansion, +5 Trade, +5 Xenophobia
  • Monarchy (In any form outside of theocracy) +5 Determination, -5 Diplomacy, +5 Expansion, -1 Translation, +5 Xenophobia
  • Theocracy +10 Determination, -5 Diplomacy, +5 Militancy, -5 Trade, +1 Translation, +10 Xenophobia
  • All stats then randomized by an RNG multiplier between 0. 50-1. 50.  Translation will be treated as -25=25, 0=50, and +25=75 for this purpose.  (Should result in a wide range of stats without any maxed out or zeroed stats).
UNE Stats
  • Determination 62
  • Diplomacy 44
  • Expansion 74
  • Militancy 53
  • Trade 37
  • Translation 1
  • Xenophobia 58
Racials Continued
  • Population - 6,600m
    • For RP purposes I wanted a more realistic number.  I decided the world population in 2140 would be about 12 billion.  Multiple pandemics and resource scarcities kept the population from exploding.  This number was then multiplied by 0. 55 as the current adult population of Earth is 65% and is slowly declining, which means a younger/longer living population as a whole.  Aurora’s pops have always represented working adult population in my mind.
  • Shipyards 3N/0C
  • Represents the Three Major Powers of 2140 CE and commercial space programs had no value prior to Trans-Newtonian Discoveries.
  • Research Facilities 5
  • CI 1000
  • Ordnance 3
  • Fighter-FC 0
  • Maintenance 3
  • GFCC 3
  • Tracking 0
  • Academies 1
  • Fuel-Points 0

Beginning Role Play Elements
  • Three Major nations on Earth = US, Russia, China.  Name Generation will reflect this
  • SM in 3 armies from these nations as follows
    • 1 Army > 4 Divisions > 3 Brigade > 2 Regiments > 3 Battalions > 5 Companies
      Unit Comps will vary, and all will be obsoleted before advancing time
      And yes, I am aware that this is a complete waste of time, but I really enjoy OOB and military logistics/design so deal with it.
  • United Nations of Earth will start as a Federation -> The UN “rules” humanity but it is extremely ineffectual at dictating policy without the support of the big 3.  This may change later on, who knows.
  • Academy level will be set to 3 with no story characters allowed.  I usually just tick 5 and roll with it, but roleplaying means not min maxing everything.  Nations generally put forth the best of the best, but as we all know this is not always the case and politics can be very shady.
  • No energy weapon tech beyond the basic until either meeting an NPR with them or destroying Precursor ships.  Humanity will be sticking to kinetic weaponry until forced to change or an opportunity arises.
  • Since NPRs are turned off, I will be manually doing the percent rolls that Aurora would normally do.  I turned them off because I enjoy the slow rolling of the game.  I’m not opposed to a fight (the only good xeno is a dead xeno) but for roleplay I want humanity to enjoy reaching the stars and not immediately facing a threat a system or two away.  (Seriously I hate that, in RL we would have found SOMETHING if an advance species was just chilling in Alpha Centauri ready to wreck our $h#t).  Basically, I wanted to reach out at least 4, maybe 5, jumps in all directions before encountering an NPR.  They’ll still get their boosts and starting points as usual, maybe even more.  I’m still debating on RNGing their starting BP and RP with a multiplier.  We’ll see.

Without further ado, I’ll see you in the first AAR
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Offline idefelipe

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Re: United Nations of Earth - New AAR
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2020, 04:05:45 AM »
Great! I was waiting for an AAR like yours :)

I like the set up you made, although I would include the EU (European Union), because it is also a big "nation" to deal with. Specially in 2140, it is supposed that the cooperation between nations in the EU would be stronger.

In any case, with those 3 big whales the fun is guaranteed!!!

Eager to see the NPRs management you have in mind.
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Re: United Nations of Earth - New AAR
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2020, 08:47:44 AM »
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Offline Zap0

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Re: United Nations of Earth - New AAR
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2020, 01:08:18 PM »
I like your setup, limiting both the research and industry despite having a realistic number of total population and taking NPR generation into your hands. You mentioned precursors, are more of the spoilers on?

Offline ranger044 (OP)

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Re: United Nations of Earth - New AAR
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2020, 11:38:57 PM »
Quote from: Zap0 link=topic=11835. msg140068#msg140068 date=1597601298
I like your setup, limiting both the research and industry despite having a realistic number of total population and taking NPR generation into your hands.  You mentioned precursors, are more of the spoilers on?

Precursors and Swarm will are on.  I've never played with Invaders on and probably won't for this series.


I like the set up you made, although I would include the EU (European Union), because it is also a big "nation" to deal with.  Specially in 2140, it is supposed that the cooperation between nations in the EU would be stronger. 

That's a good point and I will make some changes.  Replacing Russia with the EU sounds like a more realistic way to go about it.

I'm planning on having the first AAR done within the next day or two (work has been crazy with people not showing up for their shifts).  Gonna add some historical/lore embellishments in the reports as well.
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Offline ranger044 (OP)

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Re: United Nations of Earth - New AAR
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2020, 01:15:19 AM »
Sorry this took so long, took quite a bit of setup and this past week was hellish. 

Here we go though!

United Nations of Earth
History of Humanity in the Stars
Part: 1

The First 30 Years Post-TN

Those readers that are interested, there is an additional report that may be released detailing events on Earth leading up to the discovery of the Trans-Newtonian elements that is in publishing at the time of writing.   This initial part will look at how humanity took its first true steps into the void; how human ingenuity led them from their humble homes on Earth and into the Greatest of Unknowns. 

Presidency of Mario Dollison, 2140-42

Little can be said of Dollison's presidency.   He was first elected President of the UN General Assembly in 2140 and won two subsequent reelections.   During his time in office the global economy was going through a massive recession with unemployment and poverty rates spiraling.   Despite this, however, Dollison was always the consummate negotiator and helped found and enact the arms treaty that expanded the UN's World Army, giving it a true standing force with authority over it outside of the Security Council.   This was one of the only steps towards centralizing a global government that the world had seen in nearly a century.   A cause for praise, surely, but he would be overshadowed by the great physicist Malik Stretch.   Early on in 2140, Malik Stretch was named team lead on the project that would change humanity's destiny forever. 

It was Malik Stretch that would crack the enigma of the Trans-Newtonian elements. 

During these early years of discovery, the TN elements were simply referred to as the Asthenosphere Elements, as this was where the first two elements, Mercassium and Sorium, were found under Earth's surface.   By mid 2140 Malik Stretch named his colleague, Yang Yun Bi, as head of the experimental division of the Asthenosphere Element Research Initiative (AERI). 

First Presidency of Jacqueline Ploch, 2143-45

Jacqueline Ploch's first presidency was a time of economic growth.   She proved to be quite the hard-liner against poverty and corruption.   She imposed sanctions and gave relief frequently, barely winning reelection after her first term as she seemed to be too radical.   Her results secured her second reelection as many around the globe began referring to the end of 2144 and early 2145 as the "Ploch Boom".   Under her presidency the global recession all but ended.   Towards the tail end of 2144 she was able to arbitrate a deal between the competing powers of the US, EU, and PRC to secure more funding and support for AERI.   With their additional support secured by February of 2145, AERI proceeded twice as fast as before.   2145 closed quietly as humanity blossomed under economic growth and a bull economy, or rather, Ploch Boom. 

Wang Shi Xue Presidency, 2146-47

Although people rejoiced under the Ploch Boom, it wasn't enough to secure a 4th term as Wang Shi Xue won the 2146 UN General Assembly election.   She was a pro-industrialist that garnered much support from the nations of production and mining economies.   Her platform would only grow with the breakthrough AERI midway through her first term. 

On 15 June 2146, Malik Stretch and Yang Yun Bi announced that they had discovered how to harness and exploit the Asthenosphere Elements.   In his announcement, Stretch first coins the term Trans-Newtonian to relay the peculiar properties of these newfound elements.   Not only did the hold immense energy potential, but they could even break conventional laws of physics.   The could, quite possibly, even hold the key to interstellar travel and open up the cosmos for humanity. 

If he only knew how right he was. 

A quintessential gold rush was sparked by this announcement with nations of every size and private citizens alike scrambling to stake their claims on the resource.   Although Wang Shi Xue was the industrialist's industrialist, even she was unprepared to deal with the ensuing infighting within the UN.   A true armed conflict hadn't occurred for over a century, and terrorism was a thing of the past.   Despite this, the General Assembly quickly turned xenophobic and began rekindling centuries-old hate.   Well before the 2148 election, Wang Shi Xue had made clear her intention of not seeking reelection and retiring from the political sphere. 

The Rise and Fall of Daniel Valient, 2148-52

Daniel Valient is a colorful figure, to say the least.   Leads a second Ploch Boom, wins the Nobel Peace Prize, Pilots the first cryogenics programs, get indicted by Interpol, and is ultimately removed from office in disgrace.   Despite Wang Shi Xue announcing her plans for retirement, it is entirely likely that she would have lost to Valient anyway.   Valient presented a solidifying force within the General Assembly, with many past experiences of arbitrating disputes between nations and private citizens alike.   Before the end of his first term, the global economy reached brand new heights expanding on the foundations of the first Ploch Boom. 

As the old adage goes, however, "Good times create weak men; Weak men create hard times".   On 16 November 2148, a PRC research team led by Jin Bo E successfully adapted Duranium to conventional composite armor.   For the first time in human history a material that was truly bullet proof, at least with conventional propellants, had been produced.   This Duranium armor was capable of stopping forces in excess of any period anti-personnel munitions.   Understandably, this shook the balance of power to its foundation.   The US immediately began researching into and testing new missiles in the Pacific Ocean.   A Cold War was quickly forming with the potential of going hot quickly. 

By the end of his second term, however, Daniel Valient was able to broker a landmark arms treaty between the PRC and the US.   PRC Duranium Armor would be disseminated to all members of the United Nations and the United States would not only stop its testing, but it would also continue to fund the UN research institute.   This deal helped further centralize the UN and would earn Valient the Nobel Peace Prize the following year. 

Shortly after his prize, his efforts in cryogenic research paid off with the first successful cryogenic tests being completed on 17 April 2150.   Researchers claimed that the TN element Mercassium was entirely responsible for the successes of the project. 

2151 and 2152 saw the expansion of the space programs within the three superpowers of the day.   The US and the EU began a joint effort to expand their low-orbit stations in preparation for the hopeful exploration of our solar system.   The PRC followed suit shortly after.   Things would move smoothly and the three would eventually cooperate rather than compete.   Daniel Valient, however, had a far more eventful year.   With his reelection, rumors of bribery and coercion began to circulate.   On 13 August 2152 Daniel Valient would be removed from office.   He initially claimed he was resigning due to "developing a condition that would effect his long-term health", but this would later be recanted during his trial hearing.   Valient would eventually be found guilty on 2 counts of espionage, 5 counts of accepting bribes, 1 count of voter fraud, and 2 counts of coercion. 

Oh how the mighty have fallen. 

Quiet Years: The Toshiharu Presidency, 2153-54

Following a short interregnum council after Valient's disgrace, Kawakami Toshiharu was elected by the General Assembly.   His presidency saw no tangible growth in the global economy, nor did it see a recession.   During his terms, Maximo Augusto would begin his development into TN Nuclear Reactor technologies.   Maximo was a billionaire entrepreneur that also possessed doctoral degrees in quantum theory and astrophysics.   A dangerous combination, to be sure.   Maximo unveiled his original reactor design and an improved reactor fit for propulsion within the Toshiharu presidency. 

Second Presidency of Jacqueline Ploch, 2155-58

Seeing her opportunity, Jacqueline Ploch made a bid for the presidency in the later days of Toshiharu's second term.   Her bid paid off as many representatives within the assembly owed their stature and wealth to her and her "Ploch Boom".   She was faced with a crisis almost immediately after her election. 

On 16 March 2155, a flashpoint engagement occurred over a Vendarite mine between the EU and the PRC.   The PRC claimed that the EU open fire on their security personnel at the facility resulting in the death of preeminent scientist Yang Yun Bi, the same scientist that was a part of the AERI team.   The EU claimed that Yang Yun Bi's death was the result of a "work accident" and that the PRC fired the first shots. 

Jacqueline Ploch was quick to react and enacted sanctions on both nations, despite the two of them being superpowers.   This was made possible by the newfound wealth of minor countries and indirect support from the US.   By 5 April de-escalation had begun. 

Unfortunately, on 30 April 2155 Major Nadia Vladimirova was KIA after a skirmish broke out in the DMZ.   Official reports from both sides claim that her death was a result of a "Training Accident", and both sides deny any claims of shots being fired. 

By 9 June 2155 the situation had been resolved with the EU being forced to pull out of the mine. 

Jacqueline Ploch enjoyed ensuing quiet years, presiding over the 3rd Ploch Boom economy. 

Poland Can Into Space? The Haldar and Nitsch Presidencies, 2159-62/2163-67

Not much of anything occurred in the first two years of Sur Haldar's presidency.   The economy stagnated again, but construction projects were completed and the combined US and EU space program expansion completed phase 1.   During his 3rd, however, the US launched a UN backed program named "Project Newtonian Cartographer".   The project aim was to map the solar system and search for TN deposits on the celestial bodies.   On 17 September 2161, Borcharding-Sacher Turbines won the federal licensing bid to produce Augusto Nuclear Pulse Engines for Project Newtonian Cartographer.   Prototype design testing was completed by 1 December and the construction the the project's flagship was underway. 

The USS Lewis & Clark would be launched under Nitsch presidency later.   Its design specs were as follows:
- Raleigh Class Geological Survey Vessel
- Max Speed 4,000 k/s
- Deployment Window  - 24 months
- Fuel Reserves up to 41B Kilometers
- Engineering Supplies to last 2 Deployment Windows
- 2 Borcharding-Sacher Turbines Augusto Nuclear Pulse Engines

In 2165, under Beno Nitsch's presidency the Lewis & Clark would launch for her maiden voyage.   Over the next five years humanity would take its first tastes of the endless, and it would develop a hunger that would compel them to stars that their ancestors could only dream of. 

Thanks for reading Part 1! I'm sure this wasn't like many other AAR series.   I wasn't sure how best to format it, as this is my first series.   I felt like reading purely event after event would be boring, but I also felt like too much novelization would take away from Aurora.   On that same note, however, this was a conventional start with a lot of time to cover in this first AAR.   I wanted to get through at least to the first survey ship.   Tried to strike a balance, let me know your thoughts. 
« Last Edit: August 21, 2020, 01:20:57 AM by ranger044 »
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Re: United Nations of Earth - New AAR
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2020, 07:59:41 AM »
Very original and fresh AAR style!!

Good job  ;D
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Re: United Nations of Earth - New AAR
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2020, 05:02:18 PM »
Quote from: idefelipe link=topic=11835. msg140288#msg140288 date=1598101181
Very original and fresh AAR style!!

Good job  ;D

Thanks for the feedback! I think I will continue on with this narrative style for awhile.  It's actually been a lot of fun to format.  The presidencies are actually administrators being replaced as governor of Earth.  It's tedious but adds a lot of fun.  I basically let them rule for two years minimum then took a look at their stats.  Political reliability was taken into account when deciding if they "won" or not.  The economic situation was secondary but was accounted for. 

I actually made the mistake of not accounting for the fact that I have 0. 33 species production when I SM'd in the armies.  Within 3 months I was at -3k wealth. . . . oops.  I decided this was the "recession" lol.  After the 3rd Ploch Boom I was at about 2k positive.

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Re: United Nations of Earth - New AAR
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2020, 07:31:28 AM »

I was wondering how you made the presidencies. Yeah, a lot of micrimanagement, but the results are amazing. Specially if you narrate the results.

Are you going to add other "branchs" like navy command or ground generals?

Offline ranger044 (OP)

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Re: United Nations of Earth - New AAR
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2020, 11:43:11 AM »
I most certainly am! Right now the fleet and ground units are in the background, but they will absolutely be front and center when the time is right ;).

I did put in the army formate that I mentioned in the setup post - hence the insane debt right out the gate. . . speaking of which, do you have any suggestions for Division names for the EU or PRC? I put in the US Division nicknames in their respective places -1st ID -> 4th ID/ "Big Red One" -> "Ivy Division" but I really have no idea what to do for the other powers.

As Earth becomes more centralized more "mechanics" will be introduced.  Humanity may need a spark to kick start it, though.

Offline idefelipe

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Re: United Nations of Earth - New AAR
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2020, 03:32:20 AM »
I most certainly am! Right now the fleet and ground units are in the background, but they will absolutely be front and center when the time is right

Awesome!! :)

I did put in the army formate that I mentioned in the setup post - hence the insane debt right out the gate. . . speaking of which, do you have any suggestions for Division names for the EU or PRC? I put in the US Division nicknames in their respective places -1st ID -> 4th ID/ "Big Red One" -> "Ivy Division" but I really have no idea what to do for the other powers

As far as I know, in my country (Spain) we have specialized brigades instead full divisions. So we have Mechanized Infantry Brigades, Cavalry (Tanks) Brigades, Paratroop Brigades, Marine Brigades and so on... each of them has its own name.

I think that is the same in other EU countries (UK, France, Germany...), but you can use those names to make full divisions, or regiment names at your own. I searched for some names:


Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)
Royal Berkshire Regiment
Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)
Connaught Rangers
Coldstream Guards
Much more of british names here


Currently they name their regiments with "1st Regiment of XXXX" (being XXX hunters, fussiliers, mechanized, paratroops). But in the old wars, each regiment had a name, some of them:

Regiment de Picardie
Regiment Dauphin
Regiment D'Aunis
Regiment De Lorraine
Regiment Royal Vaisseaux
Regiment de la Reine
Much more of french names here


As France, currently they name their units with the specialization: Panzerdivision (Panzer means armoured, it has not any political meaning with the WW2), Airborne Brigade, and so on. If you want to name them in german:

Panzer = Tanks
Panzergrenadier = Mechanized Infantry
Jäger = Light infantry
Gebirgsjäger = Mountain infantry
Lehr = Trainning
Sturm = Assault
Volks = Militia
Pionier = Engineers

If you don't mind with the WW2 political issues, the werhmacht (the regular army) named some of their infantry divisions (Obvbiously, I don't include the SS divisions):

Gespensterdivision (Ghost Division)
Luftwaffe-Division Meindl
Marine-Infanterie-Division Gotenhaufen
Feldausbildungs-Division Kurland
Feldausbildungs-Division Nord
Festungs-Division Danzig
Festungs-Division Frankfurt/Oder
Festungs-Division Kreta
Festungs-Division Stettin
Festungs-Division Swinemünde
More non SS divisions names here

Finally, in the Holy Roman Empire (c. 1600) they organized their army in "circles" (Austrian circle, burgundian circle, etc.)


The same situation, we use specialized brigades and regiments instead full divisions. Some examples:

Brigada "Guzmán el Bueno"
Brigada "Extremadura"
Brigada "Guadarrama"
Brigada "Aragón"
Regimiento "Alcázar de Toledo"
Regimiento "Covadonga"
Brigada "Rey Alfonso XIII"
Grupo de Caballería "Reyes Católicos"
Some more names and nicknames of regiments here

And more names here


They have some regular divisions and some brigades, most of them with historical names:

Granatieri di Sardegna
Division Acqui
Division Vittorio Veneto
Mechanized Brigade Aosta
Regiment San Martino
Regiment Trieste
Regiment Roma
A big list with the names here

I hope this can help you :)

PS: Probably someone could help you more in detail. I just made a quick search on google for information  ;D
« Last Edit: August 24, 2020, 03:34:05 AM by idefelipe »
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