Author Topic: Finished Video Tutorials  (Read 10881 times)

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Offline Paladin (OP)

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Finished Video Tutorials
« on: March 04, 2014, 11:11:26 AM »
To all:

I have completed all my video tutorials and have posted them on YouTube.  It's been a hell of a journey for me.  They're up, they're Spartan, not edited, not fancy.  They're not even pretty, let alone beautiful, but they get the job done.  All the way done--which is what I set out to do.

I'm exhausted now.  I have a midterm tomorrow for which I'm not even close to prepared.  I didn't want to waste anytime getting them up though, most of us have seen what happens when we wait around and let things lapse.  They get forgotten, they get abandoned.  That was my fear: that these videos get abandoned, left to waste in the unhelpful "unfinished" category.  But I also wanted to be quick about things, give the bare bones to spark an appetite.  

Will I make more? Maybe, sure.  Did I have plans to do so? Yeah, a few small things I wish I had gotten to, but these tutorials are enough to get you the answer you need for those things I did not cover, even if I didn't touch on it expressly.

Thus ends a goal I have had since 2012.  There are 6 hours of tutorials: each I tried to keep between 10-15 minutes long, some more or less than that goal.  Each has a plain title, and I delve into everything that I do, while sometimes glossing over my reasons with "um. . . educational purposes. " There are 30 videos plus one quickly showing this website.

I am a better writer than speaker (as will become apparent from watching), but I realize that seeing *how* something is done is better than reading it.  That's why I did these videos, that, and a few other reasons.  First, I wish I had these videos when I was learning this game.  Second, I wanted to be a part of the game; I wanted to contribute to her.  This contribution, albeit small, I hope pays dividends in the future for the game.

My last reason for these videos? To show Steve my deepest, most sincere gratitude for a game so beautiful.  Thank you.  I hope you continue on the march towards perfecting Aurora, and I hope these videos attract or maintain players that this game wouldn't otherwise have.

I hope you all enjoy my videos.  Or at least find them helpful: that's all I ever wanted.  

« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 11:15:45 AM by Erik Luken »

Offline TheDeadlyShoe

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Re: Finished Video Tutorials
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2014, 04:56:48 AM »
skimmed a few so far, looks pretty cool :)

Offline Paladin (OP)

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Re: Finished Video Tutorials
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2014, 07:55:07 AM »
Thanks, DeadlyShoe, you were not only an inspiration, but your tutorials long ago taught me to play the game. I offer my humble gratitude.

#31 also gives you a mention, by the way

Offline andrea69

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Re: Finished Video Tutorials
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2014, 04:42:58 PM »
I wanted to wait for 6.4 before giving Aurora some more of my time, but I think you just convinced me to start a new campaign, and have a look at your tutorials while waiting for "end of turn".
Good job.

Offline Paladin (OP)

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Re: Finished Video Tutorials
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2014, 09:46:59 PM »
Andrea, I hope you enjoy them, and I hope they work for you! But I hope you don't have to watch my tutorials for too long while waiting!

DeadlyShoe, Andrea, and really everyone else in the community: if I misstate anything, or screw up some information, let me know so I can get an annotation up.

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Re: Finished Video Tutorials
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2014, 03:42:50 AM »
Cheers Paladin :)

Glad you did a combat vid... this was desperately needed in the community!  I'm a little jealous f how fast your game is running even after combat starts, heh.

Everything looks alright so far. Your mike starts breaking up a couple times, but oh well ;)
« Last Edit: March 08, 2014, 03:54:01 AM by TheDeadlyShoe »

Offline Paladin (OP)

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Re: Finished Video Tutorials
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2014, 11:44:52 AM »
DeadlyShoe, I assure you my computer is nothing that great. My trick was to have a pretty fresh universe and space time bubble that system. My regular games are usually way slower.

Yeah, the production value just really isn't there with my vids, but really, that wasn't the goal.

I'd be open to suggestions to more tutorial vids, and your ear is to the ground, DeadlyShoe, of what needs to be focused on. Let me know if I should do some more.

Offline Starmantle

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Re: Finished Video Tutorials
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2014, 05:13:34 PM »
Thanks so much for doing this!

They look great.

Offline andrea69

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Re: Finished Video Tutorials
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2014, 11:26:47 AM »
Interesting, as I said I wanted to wait 6.4 was out before starting playing Aurora again, and now that I just finished downloading and watching your videos, 6.4 is there. Great timing.
Regarding the videos, it was nice to go through them, I cannot say they helped me because I already spent countless hours on the forum and wiki, but for a new player for sure they will be helpful.
As a side note, sometimes it was hard for me to understand what you were saying. Just in case you decide to make new videos, please remember that for someone here english is not the mother-language  ;)