Author Topic: Timeline of the Senatus Populesque Romanus  (Read 7393 times)

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Offline Þórgrímr (OP)

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Timeline of the Senatus Populesque Romanus
« on: September 11, 2007, 12:28:19 PM »
The dates will be in AUC Ab Urbe Condita, Foundation of Rome and AD, Anno Domini.


1 -753 Founding of Rome

39 -715 Apotheosis of Romulus. Numa Pompilius becomes King.

81 -673 Tullus Hostilius becomes King.

113 -641 Ancus Martius becomes King.

138 -616 Tarquinius Priscus becomes King.

175 -579 Servius Tullius becomes King.

220 -534 Tarquinius Superbus becomes King.

245 -509 Expulsion of Tarquinius Superbus, beginning of the Republic.

246 -508 Defense of the Sublician Bridge [Pons Sublicius] by Horatius Cocles against the Etruscans led by Lars Porsenna.

303 -451 Publication of the Twelve Tables.

358 -396 Fall of Veii to the Legions.

364 -390 Sack of Rome by the Gauls.

376 -378 Construction of the Servian Wall.

411 -343 First Samnite War.

414 -340 Latin Revolt or the Social War.

427 -327 Second Samnite War.

431 -323 Death of Alexander The Great.

433 -325 Battle of the Caudine Forks.

456 -298 Third Samnite War.

474 -280 Invasion by Pyrrhus of Epirius.

490 -264 First Punic War.

494 -260 Battle of Mylae.

513 -241 Battle of Aegates.

525 -229 First Illyrian War.

535 -219 Second Illyrian War.

536 -218 Second Punic War.

537 -217 Battle of Lake Trasimene.

538 -216 Battle of Cannae.

540 -214 First Macedonian War.

543 -211 Capture of Syracusae

552 -202 Battle of Zama.

554 -200 Second Macedonian War.

582 -172 Third macedonian War.

605 -149 Third Punic War.

606 -148 Fourth Macedonian War.

608 -146 Destruction of Carthage.

608 -146 Destruction of Corinth.

620 -134 Destruction of Numantia.

621 -133 Assassination of T. Gracchus. Gift of Asia to Rome by King Attalus II of Pergamum.

633 -121 Execution of C. Gracchus.

642 -112 Numidian Wars.

652 -102 Battle of Aquae Sextiae.

653 -101 Battle of Vercellae.

664 -90 Marsian War.

665 -89 First Mithridatic War.

666 -88 First march of Sulla on Rome against Marius.

671 -83 Second march on Rome against Cinna.

671 -83 Second Mithridatic War.

680 -74 Third Mithridatic War.

681 -73 Slave Revolt of Spartacus.

687 -67 Campaign against the Cicilian Pirates by Pompey.

691 -63 Conspiracy of the Catiline.

694 -60 First triumvirate - Pompey, Crassus and Caesar.

696 -58 Beginning of the Gallic Wars.

701 -53 Battle of Carrhae and the destruction of Crassus and his Legions.

702 -52 Siege of Alesia. Ending of the Gallic Wars with the capture of Vercingetorix.

705 -49 Crossing of the Rubicon by Caesar. Beginning of the Civil Wars.

706 -48 Battle of Pharsalus.

707 -47 Battle of Zela.

708 -46 Battle of Thapsus.

709 -45 Battle of Munda.

710 -44 Assassination of Caesar, beginning of a new round of Civil War.

711 -43 Battle of Mutina. Second Triumvirate - Octavian, Antony, Lucullus

712 -42 Battle of Philippi.

723 -31 Battle of Actium.

724 -30 Death of Mark Antony and Cleopatra.

727 -27 Octavian, also know as Augustus, ascends to the purple.

758 6 Rebellion in Pannonia

761 9 The Ambush of Gaius Avidius Maro in the Teutoburg Forest is a disaster for the Cherusci tribe. Arminius and his rebelling German tribesmen are wiped out by the counter ambush set up by Maro. Who is then given the agnomen, (Honorific title) Germanicus. Germanicus becomes Augustus's adopted heir. Beginning the tradition of the Emperor adopting military genius's as their heirs.

780 28 Mutiny of the German and Danubian Legions.

782 30 Germanicus sucessfully puts down the Revolting Legions. In a move of magnaminity to celebrate his Triumph, Germanicus commutes all sentences of death, including a little known carpenter in the province of Iudea.

793 41 Emperor Horatius ascends to the purple.

795 43 Invasion of Britannia.

812 60 Rebellion of Queen Boudicca in Britannia.

818 66 First Jewish Revolt.

820 68 Emperor Servius ascends to the purple.

821 69 Emperor Servius dies unexpetedly without issue, and sets off the year of the four Emperors, Servius, Otho, Vitellius, Vespasian.

822 70 Destruction of Hierosolyma (Jerusalem).

823 71 Plague and fire in Rome.

831 79 In a move that tries to overturn the tradition of Augustus, Vespasian on his deathbed announces his son Titus as his heir to the purple.

831 79 Eruption of Vesuvius.

832 80 First games held in the Flavian Amphitheatre (Colosseum).

840 88 Revolt of Saturninus.

848 96 In a move that surprises the Senate, Titus names a relatively unknown but Very successfull Legion Commander his heir, Lucius Sempronius.

849 97 Sempronius ascends to the purple, and the tradition of Augustus is restored.

850 98 Trajan ascends to the purple.

853 101 Dacian War, Dacia Conquered.

867 115 1st Parthian war, Mesopotamia up to the Tigris and Euphrates taken from Parthia in the treaty of peace. The Praefecturus Arabiae is reorganized with the new Arabian provinces added.

871 119 Hadrian ascends to the purple.

873 121 Construction of Hadrian's Wall.

883 131 Tineius Rufus performs the foundation ceremony of Aelia Capitolina, the Roman city built on top of the ruins of Hierosolyma (Jerusalem).

884 132 Beginning of the Second Jewish revolt.

885 133 With the capture of Jerusalem the state of Israel is proclamed, led by Simon Bar Kokhba, who took the title Nasi Israel.

885 133 Hadrian called his general Sextus Julius Severus from Britain, and troops were brought from as far as the Danube.

887 135 Romans batter down the the walls of Hierosolyma and slaughter the entire Jewish population. Hadrian prohibits the Torah law, the Hebrew calendar and executes all Judaic scholars. The sacred scroll is ceremoniously burned on the Temple Mount. At the former Temple sanctuary, he installs two statues, one of Jupiter, another of himself. To wipe the memory of the Jews from history he replaces the name of the provice Iudea with Syria Palaestina, after the Philistines, the ancient enemies of the Jews. He reestablishes Hierosolyma as the Roman pagan polis of Aelia Capitolina, and Jews were forbidden from entering it.

887 135, Arrianus repels an Alan invasion by successfully organizing the legions and auxiliary troops at his disposal. He deployed the legionaries in depth supported by polyboros ballistae, veiltes armed with pila in ambush, and Cavalry on the flanks defeated the assault of the Alan cataphracts using these combined arms tactics. The battle was a victory of a Roman infantry heavy force against armored barbarian cavalry and it stood as proof that they could defeat barbarian cavalry heavy armies if proper tactics are used.

888 136 Seeing how devastated the Alan army was, Arrianus decided to put pay to the Alan account by following up the Alan attack by launching an assault of his own. In a campaign that would have been worthy of the divine Caesar, Arrianus sweeps the Caucaso (Caucasus) clear of the Alans and uses the Tanais (Don) and the Rha (Volga) as stopping points. He then fortifies the open section of the steppe between the narrow portion not covered by the rivers.

890 138 The Senate organizes the Praefecturus Caucaso with the provincae Colchis; Populi Colchis, Iberia; Municipum Iberia Superior, Albania; Montana Albania Inferior, and Alania; Isca Silurum**.

During this period Arrianus wrote several works, in Latin, on military tactics, including Ektaxis kata Alanoon, which detailed the above Campaign against the Alans.

892 140 Antoninus Pius ascends to the purple.

897 145 Revolt in Mauretania.

900 148 Invasion of Caledonia and Hibernia.

903 151 Second Parthian War.

911 159 Second Parthian war ends with the absorbtion of Parthian provinces that are organized into the Provincae of Persia Maior, consisting of, Iberia; Meschistha, Media; Ecbatana, Elymais; Susa, Mesene; Spasinou, Persis; Persepolis*, Tamis; Tamis.

915 163 Marcus Aurelius ascends to the purple.

916 164 The secret of Fulminata (Gunpowder) is discovered.

936 184 Continuing the tradition of Augustus and realising his son Commodus is not fit to rule, Marcus Aurelius takes Avidius Cassius as his heir.

937 185 Avidius Cassius ascends to the purple.

940 188 The third Parthian War begins and ends with th full absorbtion of the rest of the Parthian Empire and reorganized as the Praefecturus Arbita with the Provincae of Arbita consisting of, Hyrcania; Gurgan, Parthyenae; Nisa, Aria; Alexandria Ariorum, Bactria; Bactra, Capisenae; Capisa, Arachosia; Akra, Indoskythiae; Portus Mecedonum*. And the Provincae of Persia Minor consisting of Gedrosia; Barna, Maketa; Armuzia*, Carmania; Karman, Sardae; Bardasir.

953 201 Publius Sextius ascends to the purple.

982 230 Nepius Flavius ascends to the purple.

984 232 The beginning of the Germanic War.

987 235 First appearence of Fulminata armed Tormentum and are used to batter down the walls of Modi'in to end the Third Jewish Revolt. The Jews are then scattered across the empire.

990 238 The first in what will become an escalating series of attacks by the Goths occurs. They attack the Roman city of Tyras, but are driven off by the Tormentum stationed in the local Legio vexillatio's Castra.

993 241 The Germanic war ends with a massive shift eastwards of the Roman Northern Frontier with the addition of the Provincae of Germania added to the Praefecturus Rheni consisting of, Frisia; Alisia, Langobardia; Chaucia, Chattia; Colonia Germanicus**, Cheruscia; Colonia Hermundurum, Ager Decumates; Colonia Drusa et Germania*, Boiohaemum; Colonia Octaviana, Marcomannia; Colonia Atia Julia. And the completely new Praefecturus Transdanuvii with the provincae of Gothicae consisting of Gothica I; Colonia Grineva, Gothica II; Tyras, Dacia II; Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa**. And the Provincae of Transdanuvii consisting of Hunnia; Colonia Augusta, Vandalia Inferior; Forum Aurelii*, Carpia; Colonia Iazygia, and the Provincae of Germania Magna consisting of Teutonia; Caesarea, Saxonia; Colonia Saxonia*, Suebia; Albia, Vandalia Superior; Augusta.

1000 248 Millenial celebration of the Founding of Rome.

1001 249 The Goths once again attempt to take Tyras, but this time are driven off by the VIII Cohors of Legio XXIII Britannia.

1002 250 First appearence of Roman Fulminata using Pila. They are little more than bronze tubes strapped to a wooden stock. Their range is limited to fifty yards and at first they are mainly used for their shock value before closing to melee range with the Gladius.

1003 251 The Goths under Cniva began the invasion of the Roman Empire when he crossed the Dniester. He sent detachments throughout the Roman province of Gothica II with forces of Goths, Germans, and Sarmatians. His considerable forces demanded the attention of the provincial Pro-Consul Decimus Publicus Paratus. While Cniva was laying siege to the city of Tyras, Publicus arrived, and the Goths left and headed towards Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa, the Prefecture's capital. Publicus and his troops, now reinforced by the troops of the Prefecture, pursued Cniva through the difficult terrain, but after many a forced march, Cniva turned his his troops on Publicus, who had assumed he was further away from the Goths than he actually was. The Roman castra was surprised and Publicus fled while his army was defeated. Cniva then laid siege to Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa, and after a long resistance he conquered the city, slaying one hundred thousand people, and taking just as many prisoner.

1004 252 The Empire's Response
The sack of Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa invigorated the Emperor, who began to form another army to intercept any troops consisting of Germans, Sarmatians and Goths.

The new Pro-Consul, Titus Atticus Iulian, repaired and strengthened his fortifications along the Dniester, intending to oppose Cniva?s forces. The Romans in time, with their superior numbers, surrounded the Goths, who attempted now to retreat from the empire with their booty and prisoners. But Atticus, seeking revenge and confident of victory, attacked the Goths at a small town called Forum Longinus. The Gothic army was caught in a swamp and when they attempted to attack the Roman army, the Tormentum opened fire. The Legionaires fired one volley, dropped their Pilas, and drew their Gladuis's. Like the Divine Caesar had done centurys ago, they began the slaughter up close and personal. Every member of that invading army, including Cniva, were slain in this battle. The battle was known as the Battle of Forum Longinus.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2008, 02:48:54 PM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2007, 12:32:35 PM »
Any comments of suggestions are heartily welcomed.  :D

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Þórgrímr »
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Offline kdstubbs

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« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2007, 06:53:37 PM »
Need to work on the Huns, Avars, Kazars, Magyars, Mongols, etc. also need to work on Asoka's empire in India, nad the Kushans in Bactria.  Then you will need to incorporate the Chinese, Burmese, Cambodians, Thais, etc.,

You've worked the timeline very well, great job.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by kdstubbs »
Kevin Stubbs

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Re: Timeline
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2007, 07:58:20 PM »
Quote from: "kdstubbs"
Need to work on the Huns, Avars, Kazars, Magyars, Mongols, etc. also need to work on Asoka's empire in India, nad the Kushans in Bactria.  Then you will need to incorporate the Chinese, Burmese, Cambodians, Thais, etc.,

You've worked the timeline very well, great job.


Kevin, thanks for the compliment, but my knowledge of history in this time period outside of Europe is nil.  :D

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Þórgrímr »
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Offline kdstubbs

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Roman Timeline
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2007, 11:42:29 AM »
Get a copy of the Time's Historical Atlas, it has sufficient detail and great graphics to allow you to build your history.  One thing you need to do is to have the Romans advance to the Vistula and Oder Rivers in Central Europe and to the Dneiper in the Ukraine.  They must seize and hold the Carpathian Mountain Passes, and secure the Dobruga gap between the Carpathian Mountains and the Black Sea coast near the mouth of the Danube. Once they secure the Vistula Carpathians Gap in the North etc., they have secured access to the peninsula of Evropa, to use the Latin.  Then you face the Huns, Avars, Kazakhs, etc., driving east into the Volga basin and on to the Urals gives you the vast open plains of Russia.  the Ural Caspian Gap is the main danager geographically.

In Parthia and Bactria you secure the Amu and Syr Darya Rivers to the Aral Sea and you control the Pamirs in Afghanistan.  Control over the Hindu Kush and the Khyber Pass controls the NW Frontier, and then on into India.  

Down South the control over the Full range of the Nile gives you control over the Red Sea and into East Africa, but here you will need to introduce the germ theory of disease, so you can begin to deal with the Disease Horizons in Central Africa and into Southern Africa.  No white man could go into the interior without modern medicine, because the local parasites and diseases would kill them.  From Britain to India was one great disease horizon in the Classical world.  

South India and the Deccan Plateau however were not part of that disease pool., which gave rise to the caste system.  untouchables were just that, touch them and get sick and die.  The local populations were carriers for diseases the indo-european invaders had never been exposed to.  Nothing to do with racism, just an ossified response to disease.  

your major problems will be dealing with the Norse Empire in North America, a Mayan and Inca culture in central and south america.  See the book 1491.  

Hope this helps  Please forgive my stream of consciousness here

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by kdstubbs »
Kevin Stubbs

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Roman Timeline
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2007, 11:42:41 AM »
Get a copy of the Time's Historical Atlas, it has sufficient detail and great graphics to allow you to build your history.  One thing you need to do is to have the Romans advance to the Vistula and Oder Rivers in Central Europe and to the Dneiper in the Ukraine.  They must seize and hold the Carpathian Mountain Passes, and secure the Dobruga gap between the Carpathian Mountains and the Black Sea coast near the mouth of the Danube. Once they secure the Vistula Carpathians Gap in the North etc., they have secured access to the peninsula of Evropa, to use the Latin.  Then you face the Huns, Avars, Kazakhs, etc., driving east into the Volga basin and on to the Urals gives you the vast open plains of Russia.  the Ural Caspian Gap is the main danager geographically.

In Parthia and Bactria you secure the Amu and Syr Darya Rivers to the Aral Sea and you control the Pamirs in Afghanistan.  Control over the Hindu Kush and the Khyber Pass controls the NW Frontier, and then on into India.  

Down South the control over the Full range of the Nile gives you control over the Red Sea and into East Africa, but here you will need to introduce the germ theory of disease, so you can begin to deal with the Disease Horizons in Central Africa and into Southern Africa.  No white man could go into the interior without modern medicine, because the local parasites and diseases would kill them.  From Britain to India was one great disease horizon in the Classical world.  

South India and the Deccan Plateau however were not part of that disease pool., which gave rise to the caste system.  untouchables were just that, touch them and get sick and die.  The local populations were carriers for diseases the indo-european invaders had never been exposed to.  Nothing to do with racism, just an ossified response to disease.  

your major problems will be dealing with the Norse Empire in North America, a Mayan and Inca culture in central and south america.  See the book 1491.  

Hope this helps  Please forgive my stream of consciousness here

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by kdstubbs »
Kevin Stubbs

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« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2007, 12:53:39 PM »
Kevin, those are great suggestions, and Some have been achieved. The Germanic War has reached the Vistula and the Dniester. The front line of the empire is the Marshes near where our timeline is Brest-Litovsk, the Vistula and the Dniester.

I had planned on the next Roman advance up to the Dnieper, to hook in the Crimea with a land route, and also up to about Smolensk in our world.

But that will happen After the Conquest of India.

As for the Vikings, the next dust up with the Romans won't go so good for the SPQR. Lets just say, it is the loss to the Vikings that instigates the civil war that Pro-Consul Aratus uses to reach the Purple and Laurel.  :D

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Þórgrímr »
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Offline crucis

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« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2007, 01:34:32 PM »
??rgr?mr, Shouldn't the AD dates from the founding of Rome up until "758 6 Rebellion in Pannonia" have negative AD years?  For example, shouldn't the Founding of Rome be in -753 AD, not 753 AD?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by crucis »

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« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2007, 02:04:50 PM »
Quote from: "crucis"
??rgr?mr, Shouldn't the AD dates from the founding of Rome up until "758 6 Rebellion in Pannonia" have negative AD years?  For example, shouldn't the Founding of Rome be in -753 AD, not 753 AD?

D'OH!  :D

 Cheers, ??rgr?mr
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2007, 02:11:41 PM »
Corrected the mistake pointed out by Crucis, thanks dude.  :D

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2007, 02:26:16 PM »
I thought that it looked a little off seeing that Rome founded in 753 AD, not 753 BC or -753 AD.

I take it in this Roman history that Jesus is little more than a historical footnote.  ;)  (Not a criticism, just an observation...)

BTW, where does your historical divergence begin?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by crucis »

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« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2007, 03:17:38 PM »
Quote from: "crucis"
I thought that it looked a little off seeing that Rome founded in 753 AD, not 753 BC or -753 AD.

I take it in this Roman history that Jesus is little more than a historical footnote.  :D

The Second major POD is the pardon of Germanicus.

The third and most critical POD is the discovery of Fulminata, gunpowder,  in 98 AD. That came about due to a Roman trying to find the secret of Vulcan after the eruption of Vesuvius in the hopes of preventing any more Pompeii's or Herculanium's.   :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Þórgrímr »
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Offline kdstubbs

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Roman Timeline
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2007, 03:37:29 PM »
I would think the conquest of India would lead to the capture of Sri Lanka, by the way, and as you most certainly know, the Romans knew the Indian subcontinent's geography.  One Travel Map preserved from Rome shows the world from Hadrian's wall to Sri Lanka, to the Crimea, and to southern Egypt into the Sudan.  They understood geography but did not plot their maps using spherical coordinates.  The conquest of India should lead to movement into Burma, Thailand, Southeast asia, and on to Indonesia and Australia.  Once you conquer the sub continent you have a vast territory that will eventually bring you in contact with Tang and Shia China.  Then the Ming period, and gunpowder warfare with a very professional army.  Love to see your discussion of the conquest.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by kdstubbs »
Kevin Stubbs

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« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2007, 04:58:51 PM »
Kevin, That was the basic plan. And the Orbis Sericum, Chinese Sphere, is the last place to fall to the Imperium. So it lasts up to just after the Romans discover space flight and a REALLY nasty surprise on the darkside of the moon!  :D

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Þórgrímr »
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Offline Steve Walmsley

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Re: Roman Timeline
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2007, 07:01:58 AM »
Quote from: "kdstubbs"
Get a copy of the Time's Historical Atlas, it has sufficient detail and great graphics to allow you to build your history.  One thing you need to do is to have the Romans advance to the Vistula and Oder Rivers in Central Europe and to the Dneiper in the Ukraine.  They must seize and hold the Carpathian Mountain Passes, and secure the Dobruga gap between the Carpathian Mountains and the Black Sea coast near the mouth of the Danube. Once they secure the Vistula Carpathians Gap in the North etc., they have secured access to the peninsula of Evropa, to use the Latin.  Then you face the Huns, Avars, Kazakhs, etc., driving east into the Volga basin and on to the Urals gives you the vast open plains of Russia.  the Ural Caspian Gap is the main danager geographically.

I have the Times Atlas of European History and it is a useful book. Another useful (and cheaper :)) reference work is the Atlas of World History published by Dorling Kindersley and you can probably pick it up for $15 on

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Steve Walmsley »