Author Topic: Aurora RP - Anatrian Republic  (Read 14158 times)

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Offline MrAnderson (OP)

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Aurora RP - Anatrian Republic
« on: October 26, 2013, 10:21:36 PM »
You are the best and brightest of the Republic. It is a time of great importance, where every decision you make will have lasting effects.

While Earth time has long since been discarded and lost track of, It is the 231th year on Saito. While in all other circumstances the year started off normally, this year is special in the fact that the Anatrian Dominion has opened peace talks between the Dominion due to unrest over the war that has gone on and on with no end in the horizon. It is a welcome change of attitude after the 39th year of war between the two. While active fighting is still going on somewhat, most of the commanders on both sides appear content to maintain defensive positions.

Should the peace talks succeed, it'll allow both nations to rebuild their shattered industrial base,

The current President of Anatria is Max Sanders, a administrative genius who, as of late, has lost favor in the eyes of the people, and will most likely not win the next election. Erika Fremont, a new candidate just out of the academy, has many contacts and is a very heavy hitter in the political field. While not the most experienced in administration, her parties platform promises improved living standards and damage compensation for those affected by the war, providing more jobs to the more than 10% currently un-employed, and restarting their space program.

With the hopes of a space program bearing military ships, Commander Travis Gordan, a ace fighter pilot and the best in mobile warfare that the Republic has to offer. However, getting the rank of captain will be met with difficult competition, and the current captains are held in high standing with the people, and might get ship postings before Commander Travis Gordan

Offline MrAnderson (OP)

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Re: Aurora RP - Anatrian Republic
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2013, 10:28:43 PM »
((OOC: Player Characters:

Administrator Erika Fremont:
Rank vs Peers: 5
Current Assignment: None
Administration Level 2
25% Political Reliability Bonus
15% Shipbuilding Bonus
5% Factory Production Bonus
10% Population Growth Bonus
15% Xenology Bonus

Commander Travis Gordan
Current Assignment: None
Rank vs. Peers: 3
Crew Training Rating 50
Fleet Movement Initiative Rating 374
10% Survey Bonus
20% Fighter Combat Bonus
10% Espionage Bonus

Offline Destra

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Re: Aurora RP - Anatrian Republic
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2013, 12:13:34 PM »
Most excellent, I would be most pleased that,  if when I win this next election, I may have a list of all our industrail and military assets sent to my personal email, my good senator.

(Or you know anything else of relevance :p)