Author Topic: Can't expand hierarchical categories under Populated Systems in the economy pane  (Read 9542 times)

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Offline AlphaDeltaBravo (OP)

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I cannot seem to expand or collapse the categories of items in the economic summary window.

As it stands, I can't access colonies in categories that are collapses, nor can I collapse that of colonies I am not in need of.

Is there anything I can do to fix this?

Offline Steve Walmsley

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I cannot seem to expand or collapse the categories of items in the economic summary window.

As it stands, I can't access colonies in categories that are collapses, nor can I collapse that of colonies I am not in need of.

Is there anything I can do to fix this?

Do you have the window open on a monitor to the left of your main monitor?

If so, try moving the window to the main monitor. The old Microsoft TreeView control in Aurora doesn't seem to be able to handle negative coordinates.


Offline AlphaDeltaBravo (OP)

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Unfortunately no, though I am running Windows 8 Pro, if that helps.

Offline Steve Walmsley

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Unfortunately no, though I am running Windows 8 Pro, if that helps.

I've avoided Windows 8 so far :)

Is there anyone else running Windows 8 who could check if this is a general problem for Aurora?

Offline AlphaDeltaBravo (OP)

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It looks like Windows 8 (with a touch screen) is the cause of the issue.  TreeView won't work with such a setup.
Thanks for trying to help, keep up the great work!  :)

Offline stonestriker

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I am running the game on Win8 on a desktop, without any issues with regard to expanding views.

Offline AlphaDeltaBravo (OP)

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It's definitely the touch screen:

hxxp: aurora2. pentarch. org/index. php/topic,5982. 0. html

hxxp: blogs. msdn. com/b/nikosan/archive/2012/04/20/support-statement-for-visual-basic-6-0-on-windows-8. aspx

Offline Five

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I have the same issue with my touch screen windows 8.1.

I was wondering though if anyone has tried it with windows 10? Curious if it was fixed for the new windows with touchscreens or if it still persists.

Thank you

Offline 83athom

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The hierarchy categories on the touchscreen on Windows 8.1 worked for me for my first couple of games. I only noticed it fail on my latest game (the most recent patch). However for some reason it worked fine again the last couple times I loaded it up. One thing I think did it (fix) was that I disabled the touchscreen functions in my control panel.
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Offline Goron

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I have the same issue with my touch screen windows 8.1.

I was wondering though if anyone has tried it with windows 10? Curious if it was fixed for the new windows with touchscreens or if it still persists.

Thank you
I am running windows 10 on my surface pro. The treeviews in the Combat Overview and the Naval Organization tab of the Task Groups dialog do not work. The population treeview actually works to an extent, though. I can still click on expanded items to display them on the right. It is just I can only expand or collapse one field at a time before I have to exit and come back in to the dialog - but since the state is remembered that is fine. Likewise going without a Naval organization is doable, but I pretty much cannot play without access to the Combat Overview.

Offline TheDeadlyShoe

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well, you can still manually assign fire controls in the Ships screen. It's *possible*. But very annoying. :O

Offline MarcAFK

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  •'s so simple an idiot could have devised it..
Seems to be a problem vb has with treeview, I'm finding results on google for a security update to mswhatever.ocx that broke treeview in several applications.
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". . .  We know nothing about them, their language, their history or what they look like.  But we can assume this.  They stand for everything we don't stand for.  Also they told me you guys look like dorks. "
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Offline Goron

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well, you can still manually assign fire controls in the Ships screen. It's *possible*. But very annoying. :O
Oh... yeah. I guess I did not think of that!
Possible, but a pain.... but possible!
Seems to be a problem vb has with treeview, I'm finding results on google for a security update to mswhatever.ocx that broke treeview in several applications.
Yeah, there are several threads about this problem on the forum. Unfortunately most of the threads also indicate there is no end user solution.
I figured I'd just post to say it is also an issue with win10, not just win8.

Here is to hoping Steve upgrades to windows 10 (which is actually quite nice, in my opinion)!

Offline TheDeadlyShoe

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oh smeg really

all windows 10?


Offline AL

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I've been playing on win 10 for a while now and haven't come across any problems, although my laptop doesn't have a touchscreen.