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Offline Sheb (OP)

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United Nations Thread
« on: April 08, 2016, 01:05:12 PM »
This thread is intended to offer a forum for all members of all nations to argue and shout at each others.

I would like to congratulate all nations on the new discovery of trans-newtonions minerals and the possibility they offer for the benefit of all mankind. I hope we all follow the lead of our predecessors that signed the Outer Space Treaty and make space a place of peace, not a battlefield.
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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2016, 01:25:05 PM »

UN council, Geneva.
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Offline Vandermeer

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2016, 01:28:15 PM »

Removed comment to rise to proper seriousness now.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2016, 01:36:18 PM by Vandermeer »
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Offline Drgong

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2016, 10:30:55 AM »
Nikki De Boer, Deputy Attache to the UN (Zambia) spoke today.

Mr. President, honored delegates, ladies and gentlemen:

We meet in an hour of change and challenge. The old world is dead. The new world rises from the ashes like the proverbial phoenix, wings golden with hope.   Trans-Newtonian technologies are opening space exploration to new vistas.  But they also provide new chances for industry, solving the energy crisis in one fell swoop, and can uplift the lives of our citizens.   It is important to remember that it is our duty as the leaders of our nations to use this to improve the lives of all our citizens. 

The UN must grow to meet the challenges of our age, or it will be gone with the wind, without influence, without force, without respect. Were we to let it die, to enfeeble its vigor, to cripple its powers, we would condemn our future.   Let me quote some famous words spoken to the UN over 100 years ago.

"For in the development of this organization rests the only true alternative to war--and war appeals no longer as a rational alternative. Unconditional war can no longer lead to unconditional victory. It can no longer serve to settle disputes. It can no longer concern the great powers alone. For a nuclear disaster, spread by wind and water and fear, could well engulf the great and the small, the rich and the poor, the committed and the uncommitted alike. Mankind must put an end to war--or war will put an end to mankind. "

Later he spoke of "But the mysteries of outer space must not divert our eyes or our energies from the harsh realities that face our fellow men. Political sovereignty is but a mockery without the means of meeting poverty and illiteracy and disease. Self-determination is but a slogan if the future holds no hope." 

 Those word still ring true.  As you know, one of the Free State Alliance slogans is "together we are strong".   When individuals, peoples, and nations subsume themselves for the greater state, they grow stronger as the state grows stronger.   I invite all nations to not look east or west, but to look south to see the leadership that will uplift all people to a better life.   He or she who hesitates is lost.   Be it the UN, peace, or natural leaders of the peoples of the world.  I say there is still hope, even to us who stand with a book in one hand and a rifle in the other.   Look up to the stars, but make the world a better place.   The people, and thus the state demands it.

I will close with another quote:

"Ladies and gentlemen of this Assembly, the decision is ours. Never have the nations of the world had so much to lose, or so much to gain. Together we shall save our planet, or together we shall perish in its flames. Save it we can--and save it we must--and then shall we earn the eternal thanks of mankind and, as peacemakers, the eternal blessing of God. "

God bless and may god save the state.
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Offline Vandermeer

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2016, 01:33:09 PM »
Captain 2nd Rank, Nadia Aksyonova, officially one of those officers assigned to help the Russian Confederation form a new TN-aware branch in its force's organization, is now out of official schedule in Geneva, trying to personally meet Jonathan von Sheb late. He had recently signed a formal letter of NAU, inquiring about the possibility of objective related development collaboration in the matters of trying to implement TN materials into viable propulsion technology for the first time.
A letter that has since not been answered.

Finding him in a teahouse close, but not quite on official UN soil, she sits down with him to discuss the matter.
"I would apologize for the lateness of current official response, but I fear I am not authorized to voice such sentiments in name of the Confederation by myself. You can however take my apology on personal level if that is of any remedy.
As you may know, there is currently a bit of a disarray caused by running new elections at the same time as having all these other changes turning over society and organizations. I am sure the new administration has already gotten their plans around when to approach you formally, but in the meantime, let me just say that these plans are not in any way final, and that some groups in our rows mainly stagger towards this collaboration, since so few details can be known without ever having inquired about it.
...Now, if that were to change, and exclusive information would reach these groups before the current administration releases first details about the offer to us, it may just change what everybody thinks of it beforehand, and sway the decision towards a bilateral beneficial outcome."
Nadia takes a small spoon to steer some Candis through her tea, looking down why formulating in pressed English:
"Now, before I can even speak about what I see the Confederation could arrange to offer to you, I would need to know the answer to one question in advance: When NAU spoke about 'developing TN propulsion that would open the way to the stars', did they have a nuclear based engine in mind?"... she asks while her view wanders up again to assessingly fixate the eyes of Von Sheb, raising the brows to articulate pivotal matter of the question.
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Offline Sheb (OP)

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2016, 09:35:34 AM »
"Good Morning Captain.

Those are indeed confusing time. We ourselves are just now getting a proper foreign policy establishment. I took the liberty of inviting Congressman Point-Rouge to our meeting, as he seems likely to be the future NAU Ambassador to Russia. You have to understand that my letters were sent in a semi-private capacity, although the proposal they contained represented has broad support within Congress.

We would indeed like to cooperate in scientific terms with Russia. I'm not a technical person, so I don't know exactly what kind of rocket the JPL has in mind though. I could enquire if you wish so."
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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2016, 10:52:48 AM »
“It is great to make your acquaintance Captain Aksyonova. I am sure this is the start of a mutually beneficial relationship between our two great supranational organisations. As my colleague von Sheb so ably put, the NAU Congress may nominate me in the near future as Ambassador to Russia.  I would hope that you will be able to confirm who would be the definite spokesperson from Russia.”

Congressman Point-Rouge takes a sip from his espresso macchiato and looks at Captain Aksyonova:

“If you don’t mind, I am able to give you part of the answer to your question to von Sheb.  What the NAU wishes to put on the table is a TN-version of Project Orion. If you did not know, Project Orion was a American study back in the 1950s…yes, the 1950s … about a nuclear pulse propulsion system. Mundane issues like nuclear fallout on lift-off and the Partial Test Ban Treaty killed Orion back then but our scientists believe that with the detailed plans still in our possession and the application of TN discoveries, we could develop a new version in about 24 months.”

While speaking, Point-Rouge keeps a close look at Aksyonova trying to assess her reactions.  When he sees little to no impact to this revelation, he goes on further:

“I do not know if you are the right person to begin these negotiations, Captain Aksyonova, but basically what the NAU wants to put on the table is the Nuclear Pulse Engine technology in about 24 months.  We would expect an equivalent technological exchange from Russia based on your areas of capabilities over the same timeframe.  I know you cannot give me an answer at this stage but I sincerely hope that this is the beginning of a great collaboration as we start exploring our solar system.”

Rising with von Sheb, Point-Rouge adds: “Da svidania, Captain. Stay in touch.” (Goodbye!)

Offline Vandermeer

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2016, 12:53:23 PM »
Nadia shook her head as Von Sheb and alias Point-Rouge turned their backs to leave. The meeting did not play out in the way she had mildly anticipated, and her mind was racing with the implications that this short talk had brought to contemplate. Though she had hoped for an actual exchange of information, it was still very insightful about the character and workings of NAU itself, which constitutes valuable information at least flowing in her direction.
She smirked after the first conclusions of this talk had finished processing. "This is going to be easy."
Suddenly in a cheerful mood, she got up, paid at the bar, and jested a bit with the waiter, pretending only to hold foreign currency. Then she took her leave, looking forward to the meeting with the three military chiefs. There were some things to report that would probably put at least Kuzmin and Ochinnikov into an equally vital mood.
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Offline Sheb (OP)

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2016, 08:30:33 AM »
It is my honour and pleasure to announce to this august assembly that appointments to our ambassadorships have been made.

Congress elected myself as Ambassador to the Free State Alliance and Ambassador-at-large to the non-aligned countries. Congressman KKS was elected as ambassador to the Russian Federation. We urge the Russian federation to appoint a representative to facilitate diplomacy between our nations.

Offline Drgong

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2016, 01:13:48 PM »
It is my honour and pleasure to announce to this august assembly that appointments to our ambassadorships have been made.

Congress elected myself as Ambassador to the Free State Alliance and Ambassador-at-large to the non-aligned countries. Congressman KKS was elected as ambassador to the Russian Federation. We urge the Russian federation to appoint a representative to facilitate diplomacy between our nations.

Nikki De Boer,  Deputy Attache to the UN (Zambia)

The FSA welcomes Congressman Sheb to the role.  The Free State Alliance and its member units look forward to work with the NAU to uplift all of humanity. 
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Offline Drgong

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2016, 11:17:58 AM »
Nikki De Boer,  Deputy Attache to the UN (Zambia)

Fellow Nations.  I have been tasked with one of the greatest announcements in human history.

As many are aware, the FSA established a permanent base on Mars.   Soon after landing the team discovered odd, minor gravitational anomalies.   At first it was thought this was the new Trans-Newtonian technologies interfering with standard sensors.   However, Elysium Base was tasked with researching these anomalies.   The reasons for these issues was solved, and this is what I have been tasked with discussing.

We are not alone.  The FSA base has discovered Alien Ruins on mars.   I cannot go into more detail, but we can confirm the ruins are not human, and that our system was visited by aliens in the past.   This came to a deep shock to us.  The size and scope of these ruins are still to be fully determined, and our Elysium Base crew is currently marking off and protecting the site. The FSA is not making any claims on the ruins at this time. 
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Offline Drgong

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2016, 12:14:23 PM »
The FSA wishes to propose a treaty for discussion.   The FSA has deep concerns about the Outer Space Treaty as written.   And proposes changes to the treaty to correct the problems.  If some of these issues are not met, the FSA may be forced to leave the treaty.

The following is a summary of the proposals the FSA wishes to discuss.

The New Outer Space Treaty (NOST) Proposal for discussion.   These are FSA concepts, but not demands.

- The concept of no claiming any objects in space in the new Trans-Newtonian world is obsolete.
- That objects (defined as comets,  asteroids, and Kuiper belt objects (KBOs))  should have a well understood means of claiming for use.
- That Mars, being the planet most suitable for human settlement should be treated as a special case.
- That Luna, being the moon of Earth, shall be treated as a special case.
- That there are 4 major planetary systems.   (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) that have extensive moon systems.  That each of the major powers should be able to claim one of these as their own domain.  The remaining Planet-moon system would be open to claims by any nation.
- That all ships and probe launches are to be registered with the UN.   This registration would be a very general.  (Such as VSS Fajr: Exploration, or USS Cape Lookout:  Logistics, or HMS Assult: Military)  This registration follows the UN registration of launches that currently exists.  (OOC: Also lets people following the game but cannot see the private forums a idea of what is being built.  And gives a chance to name civilian ships)

As for some proposals for actual mechanics

- Object claims:  Upon placing some permanent full time equipment (Such as a civilian mining base or a automine) on the object, and a public announcement of such to the UN, the object will be viewed as claimed.   each object claim gets a 20 million KM exclusion area.

- That Mars and Luna should fall under a treaty like the Svalbard Treaty.  Commercial and scientific exploration will be allowed by all parties of the treaty, and settlement can occur.  However, no military bases are allowed on Mars (No PDCs) and military ships are only allowed to orbit and land to drop off personnel.   Phobos and Deimos can be used for observation to make sure that the treaty is being followed on mars.  The only troops allowed are garrison troops to keep public order in the settlements and construction battalions.

- That each Power selects a Major Planet moon system, and gains a claim with a large exclusion area (100 million KM?) around that planet.  The 4th system is open to all.

- exclusion area is a area around a object that no state owned craft may enter.    However it is understood that if a orbit takes it into a area that accidents can happen, and that private craft can ignore this.  (I cannot control the private companies craft).   Thus if Eros is claimed, and Earth swings by, you don't get to claim that everything around earth is violating its space (And comets effectively have zero claims)

- Mercury and Venus need to be discussed.   
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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2016, 05:26:51 PM »
A open message to the Russian Confederation:
Dear people of Russia,

we, the congress of the North American Union, would like to invite a delegation of the Russian Confederation to a visit to one of our former ICBM launch sites. The new age the trans newtonian elements has brought us will hopefully soon obsolete these old weapons of mass destruction. For one and a half centuries the nuclear bombs were the greatest danger for mankind. However the trans-newtonian physics will soon eliminate the rules preventing their use which is why we pledge to you to begin to disarm your nuclear arsenal. A new race of arms must not happen. We have decided to take the first step and converted one ICBM launch site to suit a new type of rockets.
So a new, trans-newtonian rocket system which can be launched by these sites, the Hathor Mk I, was developed. It is however by no means a new, trans-newtonian version of the old weapons of mass destruction, but instead a vehicle to be used for science. A tool not for destruction, but a tool to ensure the prosperity of mankind. These missile carry a small sensor probe we can launch to nearby planets, moons and asteroids and conduct a throughout geological survey of the planet. We will launch a few of these probes to our nearest neighbours the coming months and will allow a delegation of your goverment to be present at these launches to convince themself we have no ill will.

With best wishes to Russia,
Carlos Smith, congressman of the NAU

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2016, 08:04:14 PM »
Congrats to the NAU for doing a plowshare program with the ICBMs.   The FSA is so impressed that we may invest in a similar program.   

In addition, for clarity, the FSA proposal has been broken into three Treaties.

The Mars-Luna Treaty.

Mars and Luna - being essential colonization targets for all of mankind, shall be treated as follows.

- That all members of the Mars-Luna treaty will be allowed access to the bodies.  This includes settlement, commercial, and scientific access.
- That each nation laws shall prevail in its own colonies.
- No military bases shall be established on Luna or Mars.
- No military troops shall be placed on Luna or Mars except for Garrison troops to maintain the peace and construction battalions to exploit ruins and build infrastructure.
- No military ships (both landing and orbit) shall land on Luna or Mars with the exception of transferring personnel.   Military ships and bases will be allowed on Phobos and Deimos to allow national means of verification that treaty terms are being met.  For Luna, Earth orbit will allow the same.

If all powers agree to this treaty, the FSA will give up all claims of rights to exclude access to the ruins adjacent to the current FSA colony.

Following the footsteps of the UN treaty to register satellites,

UN registration Treaty

-That clarity on what is being launched is essential to maintain the peace
-That national means of detection means that launches can be detected by other nations.
-That A UN registry of ships and probes shall be established.   The Registry shall list a Name/Hull number, and a general use (Such as but not limited to commercial, logistic, military, observation, cargo, liner).  In addition, the registrar of the vessel can add additional information if they see fit.   

The FSA officially signs this treaty.  It is still pending ratification, however the FSA will submit it ships and probes to the UN pending ratification.

(OOC:  This is to also help people following see what is launched who are not part of the game.)


The New Outer Space Treaty (NOST)

The FSA wishes to propose a mechanism that objects in space can be claimed for exclusive use. 
« Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 08:14:07 PM by Drgong »
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Offline Sheb (OP)

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Re: United Nations Thread
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2016, 03:05:03 AM »
The NAU would like any new version of the Outer Space Treaty to retain the ban on deploying weapons of mass destruction in space. We also dispute the need of the Mars-Luna treaty at the moment, as the current Outer Space Treaty already guarantee their neutrality. We could consider a exemption for Mars and Luna in a new version of the OST.

As for the Registration Treaty, I personnally support it, and have submitted it to Congress for approval.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2016, 04:10:03 AM by Sheb »