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Posted by: nuclearslurpee
« on: March 22, 2024, 12:44:49 PM »

They both do the same thing in terms of detection, except EM sensor is smaller.

Clarified, since EM sensors don't give ELINT. Probably obvious but I want to make sure no one gets confused.  :)
Posted by: Garfunkel
« on: March 22, 2024, 12:26:58 PM »

They both do the same thing, except EM sensor is smaller.
Posted by: bankshot
« on: March 22, 2024, 12:25:56 PM »

I thought you should only have one ELINT per ship.  For additional detection range I add an EM sensor. 
Posted by: Ulzgoroth
« on: March 22, 2024, 02:07:40 AM »

I'd note that I got one of my embassy ships blown away apparently by accident. The NPR was fine with my ship being there, but saw another enemy, volleyed missiles at it, and a bunch of them killed my ship too. (Possibly self-guiding missiles.)

Probably not what happened to you if they killed your ship immediately on arrival instead of after a while though.

As for sneaking information, stealthy ELINT ships are possible. I've got small ones with cloaking and stealthy engines. A big one with several ELINT modules might instead be able to read its target from very far out so it doesn't need as much sneak. ELINT that can detect a colony generates intel points on the colony that will eventually give you an idea of what is there. (And on serious colonies give you other information about the owning civilization, like design datasheets or system maps.)
Posted by: Steve Walmsley
« on: March 21, 2024, 11:31:56 AM »

The later treaties will give you geo and grav data and eventually research data.
Posted by: Garfunkel
« on: March 20, 2024, 06:22:08 PM »

Unless the system is something they consider extremely important, they will leave as long as your claim is serious enough. So, you need ships and a colony and the aliens need to see them. Trading brings in wealth and you might learn about new systems that you have not discovered yet as your civilians go there to trade. I have never gotten the further treaties so I don't know how useful they are.
Posted by: Ush213
« on: March 20, 2024, 09:47:16 AM »

Iv never actually got to the point of trading with NPR. Usually I'm like Frank Reynolds and just start blasting when i see them.
Is there much benefit to setting up trade and alliances? How does territory work with an neutral NPR. I always find that they don't respect my warnings to leave the system and it end up in a challenge race to get enough infrastructure in a system.

It it worth it to ally with them and what is a good approach to claiming fringe/border systems.
Posted by: nuclearslurpee
« on: March 20, 2024, 09:21:30 AM »

With regard to Diplomatic ships, an NPR will allow them into their home system if that is their only system. Otherwise, they will be upset by Diplomatic ships in any of their 'Core' systems, which is their home system plus any other heavily populated systems.

I'll admit this has always been counterintuitive for me. Usually when you set up an embassy it's supposed to be in the capital on account of the government being seated there.

I guess the idea is to make it a bit harder for players to pull off classic exploits like diplo-ship-with-ELINT-module shenanigans on the NPRs.
Posted by: Droll
« on: March 20, 2024, 07:33:41 AM »

With regard to Diplomatic ships, an NPR will allow them into their home system if that is their only system. Otherwise, they will be upset by Diplomatic ships in any of their 'Core' systems, which is their home system plus any other heavily populated systems.

I'll admit this has always been counterintuitive for me. Usually when you set up an embassy it's supposed to be in the capital on account of the government being seated there.
Posted by: Steve Walmsley
« on: March 20, 2024, 04:25:25 AM »

With regard to Diplomatic ships, an NPR will allow them into their home system if that is their only system. Otherwise, they will be upset by Diplomatic ships in any of their 'Core' systems, which is their home system plus any other heavily populated systems.
Posted by: Andrew
« on: March 19, 2024, 11:53:52 AM »

You can gain information on planets in several ways. All of these work better if done early with an NPR before hostilities break out as  the problem of being shot at makes all these harder
1) Geosurvey needs a ship or drone with geosurvey sensors in orbit for a long time. Not going to happen until after you destroy the ships and any STO on the planet
2) Passive EM and thermal sensors. A real NPR will have a thermal and EM Signature of thousands you can pick that up from a long way away with passive sensors. Gives you an estimate of population and industry compare to your homeworld. Big sensors a long way away or small sensors closer and outside their missile range. On a ship faster than theirs. Spoilers may have a very small EM/thermal signature of 5-10 totally not worth trying to spot that it tells you nothing
3) Scan with resolution 1 active sensors will give you an estimate of the amount of ground forces , it will be low as dug in troops look smaller. You will not identify what percentage are STO's until they open fire.  Getting this without coming within weapons range of the defenders is hard but a big enough resolution 1 sensor could do it. But better to win the space battle before worrying about the ground battle

With a real npr ELINT Modules on a diplomacy ship or small scoutship within range of the planetary population EM signature can slowly give you information
Posted by: undercovergeek
« on: March 19, 2024, 10:59:09 AM »

Presuming an actual npr not a spoiler. To provoke them all you have to be is detectable , so getting shot is just a matter of being in range and they have warships for that.  As I said before there is no distinction between a ship in orbit and a ship at the jump point as far as getting you negative diplomacy points as far as I am aware.
In general a diplo ship does not provoke much but still works better if it is not in their home system but in detection range of another ship or colony. However if you had other ships in the system that may have provoked them.

Usually before an NPR fires on you there will be messages demanding you leave the system, if you do not yet understand the language these will be incomprehensible transmissions noted as such in your log. If there were no transmissions and or your log said the aliens were not responding to attempts to communicate particularly if there is no large population you are aware of then probably spoilers

Ah ok - everything seems to be pointing at your description of spoilers - there is however only one ship above their planet and in the system of many planets they only have one colony

Which leads me to the question I was going to ask next - are there super sneaky ways at getting a peep at the colony to get more info
Posted by: Andrew
« on: March 19, 2024, 10:28:22 AM »

Presuming an actual npr not a spoiler. To provoke them all you have to be is detectable , so getting shot is just a matter of being in range and they have warships for that.  As I said before there is no distinction between a ship in orbit and a ship at the jump point as far as getting you negative diplomacy points as far as I am aware.
In general a diplo ship does not provoke much but still works better if it is not in their home system but in detection range of another ship or colony. However if you had other ships in the system that may have provoked them.

Usually before an NPR fires on you there will be messages demanding you leave the system, if you do not yet understand the language these will be incomprehensible transmissions noted as such in your log. If there were no transmissions and or your log said the aliens were not responding to attempts to communicate particularly if there is no large population you are aware of then probably spoilers
Posted by: undercovergeek
« on: March 19, 2024, 09:07:51 AM »

after 3 years of no comms, i mayyyyyyyy have moved the diplo ship into orbit of a colony

it got 38 missiles to the face

have ruined any chance of peace talks?

how close is close enough without triggering a salvo response?

Posted by: Ulzgoroth
« on: March 17, 2024, 08:22:27 PM »

Also, if you can find their outer-system presence you can post your diplo ship near a fuel extractor site or something where the aliens hang out but don't have vigorous territorial interests. That should cut back on the damage control.
NPRs are simpler than that. They only care about the system not parts of it so hanging out around the gas giant , hanging around near the homeworld, surveying the system its all the same. If they have multiple systems having  a diplomat ship hang out in one of their outer systems will work well as they don't care as much. A diplomat ship in the home system should not be disastrous unless they are xenophobic to a high degree and if they are you probably are going to war eventually anyway
Outer-system wasn't clear, I meant outer systems, not the outer part of systems.

My contact has lots of Sorium extractors in predictable spots outside their actual settled space.