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2043: The pursuit of Sustainable Progress and Collaboration.

In a bold move fuelled by a commitment to environmental responsibility, the OA sought sole access to Jupiter's Sorium deposits to pioneer a revolutionary Sorium Harvesting technology by declaring it a strategic site falling under the new Solar System Resource Sharing Pact (SSRSP) treaty. The ambitious plan aimed to relocate polluting refineries from Earth to space, minimizing environmental impact while harnessing a valuable resource, triggering discussions that held the potential to reshape the dynamics of space resource management.

Since Jupiter was a gas giant, the powers opted for a shared access agreement, arguing that no colonies could have been established on the surface, voiding the strategic clause of the SSRSP.
While not reaching the desired outcome and in a collaborative effort to advance space exploration and sustainable resource management, the OA approached the issue from a different angle.

In a strategic manoeuvrer, the Oceanic Alliance (OA) employed a calculated approach to enhance and streamline their production capabilities. Historically, the OA had primarily centred its production efforts in Japan, relying predominantly on the industrious contributions of the Nipponian region. However, this approach yielded the least number of construction facilities among the five major powers, placing the OA at a relative disadvantage in terms of overall production capacity. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive and efficient production strategy, the OA leveraged a tactical move to rectify the imbalance.

The OA drafted then a proposal for a mutually beneficial arrangement: in exchange for sharing their groundbreaking Sorium Harvesting technology, the OA would receive a dedicated Sorium Harvesting Ship from each participating power. This innovative exchange sought to not only propel the OA ahead with a head start in the implementation of their pioneering technology but also ensure that fair compensation was provided to all contributing factions.

The essence of this agreement lies in the acknowledgement of the OA's crucial role as the torch-bearer of environmental responsibility and technological innovation. Each participating power recognized the transformative potential of the Sorium Harvesting technology and, in turn, offered a dedicated ship to the OA. This approach not only facilitated the accelerated deployment of the technology by the OA but also ensured that each power contributed actively to the initiative.

The Sorium Harvesting Ships provided by the participating powers were equipped with state-of-the-art technology, aligning with the specifics of the Sorium Harvesting methodology proposed by the OA. This collaborative endeavour aimed to establish a harmonious balance, where the OA gained a valuable head start in implementing their technology, and each contributing power received fair compensation for their active involvement in the cooperative venture.

By capitalizing on the diplomatic and technological advances gained through the shared access agreement and the Sorium Harvesting technology, the OA strategically repurposed their existing fuel refineries into multifunctional construction facilities.

This transformative initiative marked a paradigm shift in the Oceanic Alliance's production landscape. The once-specialized fuel refineries were now dual-purpose establishments, contributing not only to fuel production but also to the construction of various structures and assets. This innovative adaptation effectively doubled the construction capabilities of the Oceanic Alliance, catapulting them into a position of greater influence and efficiency among the solar powers.

The repurposing of the fuel refineries was a meticulous process, requiring technological adaptations and reconfiguration of infrastructure. Engineers and scientists collaborated seamlessly to ensure that the conversion was seamless, with minimal disruption to ongoing operations. The outcome was a network of versatile construction facilities strategically distributed across OA territories, fostering a more resilient and dynamic production framework.

This strategic move not only addressed the initial production disparities but positioned the OA as a formidable force in the solar system's construction landscape. The dual-purpose facilities not only met the alliance's immediate production needs but also allowed for flexibility in responding to evolving demands and challenges.

As the transformed facilities hummed with renewed vitality, the Oceanic Alliance stood at the forefront of a new era in production efficiency. The once-disadvantaged construction landscape had undergone a remarkable metamorphosis, reflecting the alliance's commitment to adaptability, innovation, and sustained progress in the ever-evolving tapestry of solar system dynamics.

The exchange went beyond a mere transaction; it symbolized a collective commitment to pushing the boundaries of technological progress in the solar system. As the Sorium Harvesting Ships set forth into the cosmic expanse, they carried not only advanced machinery but also the aspirations of a united solar community embarking on a journey towards sustainable exploration and resource utilization.

The perception update echoed positive sentiments, recognizing the OA as a leader in Sorium Harvesting technology and fostering improved diplomatic ties through collaboration. The adjusted political landscape reflected an atmosphere of positivity and cooperation among powers, with OA's diplomatic standing elevated as a technological leader.

The solar system, with its ever-evolving dynamics, has taken a step towards a more sustainable and collaborative future.

Meanwhile, the Euro-African Coalition (EAC) propelled itself into the forefront of space exploration with an ambitious naval modernization and expansion initiative, the echoes of its endeavours reverberated through the diplomatic corridors of the solar system.

Amid a backdrop of groundbreaking breakthroughs in research through their many laboratories, the EAC set its sights on a comprehensive overhaul of its Commercial and Civilian Navy. Simultaneously, the coalition invested heavily in the construction and expansion of naval and commercial shipyards, envisioning a future where it would wield unparalleled technological prowess in the vast expanse of space.

The EAC's intentions were clear: to not only assert its dominance in commercial ventures but also to hint at a latent military capability that could be harnessed if circumstances demanded. The stakes were high, and the reactions of other solar powers would shape the trajectory of future diplomatic relations and strategic collaborations.

As news of the EAC's ambitious space endeavours spread, the reactions were as diverse as the celestial bodies that dotted the cosmic landscape.

Some powers responded with enthusiasm, viewing the EAC's modernization efforts as a commendable stride toward the collective strength and stability of space exploration. This positive reception opened avenues for collaborative initiatives and improved diplomatic ties, signalling a potential era of shared progress among the solar powers.

However, not all responses were painted in shades of optimism. Some powers, while acknowledging the EAC's commitment to space capabilities, couldn't shake off the shadow of suspicion. In their eyes, the advanced naval modernization seemed not only a beacon of progress but also a potential precursor to military build-up. This scepticism led to cautious diplomatic interactions and a reconsideration of military strategies by neighbouring powers, introducing a layer of complexity to the ever-evolving political landscape.

The most significant concerns emanated from the EAC's flexing of its military and commercial muscles, creating ripples of tension that traversed the cosmic expanse. The coalition's actions were scrutinized closely, and whispers of potential threats to the balance of power in space heightened diplomatic unease. These concerns ripened the atmosphere for discussions on arms control and military limitations in space, thrusting the solar system into a phase of recalibration and strategic reassessment.

As the political landscape adjusted to the mixed reactions, the EAC found itself navigating through diplomatic challenges. The delicate balance between its commercial ambitions and potential military implications required strategic finesse to dispel suspicions and foster a collaborative spirit.

The solar system, once characterized by a harmonious dance of celestial bodies, now witnessed the intricate choreography of political manoeuvring and diplomatic negotiations. The future unfolded against the backdrop of uncertainty, with the EAC at the centre of a cosmic drama that held the potential to reshape the dynamics of space exploration and redefine the alliances that spanned the vast reaches of the cosmos.

Perception Update for All Powers:
OA is recognized as a leader in Sorium Harvesting technology, contributing to a positive perception.
The shared agreement improves diplomatic ties and encourages collaboration.

Asian Dominion (AD) vs Euro-African Coalition (EAC)
Suspicious Perception: The AD remains cautious and seeks further clarification on the EAC's military intentions. There is a need for increased intelligence gathering to assess the potential military implications.

Oceanic Alliance (OA) vs Euro-African Coalition (EAC)
Positive Perception: The OA welcomes the EAC's advancements in space capabilities, seeing potential for collaboration in environmental initiatives and sustainable technologies.

South American Union (SAU) vs Euro-African Coalition (EAC)
Suspicious Perception: While acknowledging the potential benefits, the SAU remains watchful of any military implications and may advocate for diplomatic discussions on arms control.

United Terran Federation (UTF) vs Euro-African Coalition (EAC)
Positive Perception: The UTF sees the EAC's advancements as an opportunity for collaboration in technological innovation and space exploration.

Euro-African Coalition (EAC) - Internal Perception
Positive Self-Perception: The EAC is proud of its technological achievements and sees the mixed reactions as an opportunity to showcase its commitment to peaceful space exploration.

Adjusted Treaties or Restrictions:
A new shared access agreement is established, potentially impacting SSRSP and other resource-sharing pacts. The details of the agreement will be subject to further negotiations and diplomatic discussions. This may lead to amendments in existing treaties to accommodate the shared Sorium Harvesting initiative.

Adjusted Goals:
The EAC recognizes the need to address suspicions diplomatically and strives to maintain a positive image in the global community. These perceptions are dynamic and subject to change based on future events, diplomatic efforts, and the actions of each power in response to the EAC's modernization and expansion.

Adjusted Strategies:

Asian Dominion (AD)
Government System: Authoritarian Regime

Goals: Assert dominance in space, and control Trans-Newtonian resources.

Economic Strategy: State-controlled economy with a focus on military production.
Diplomatic Strategy: Focuses on internal stability and potential alliances to counterbalance UTF's influence.
Military Strategy: Offensive posture, large ground forces.

Colonized: Moon, Titan, Io

United Terran Federation (UTF): is perceived as a diplomatic and military influencer.
Euro-African Coalition (EAC): seeks further clarification on the EAC's military intentions. There is a need for increased intelligence gathering to assess the potential military implications.
South American Union (SAU): Economic potential is acknowledged, but there's a sense of superiority in terms of military might.
Oceanic Alliance (OA): Perceived as weak due to minimal military presence. However, recognized for innovative technologies, especially in environmental sustainability.

Euro-African Coalition (EAC)
Government System: Parliamentary Confederation

Goals: Promote scientific research, and enhance diplomatic ties.

Economic Strategy: Mixed-market economy with a focus on research and development.
Diplomatic Strategy: Recognizes the need to address suspicions diplomatically and strives to maintain a positive image in the global community.
Military Strategy: Defensive stance, strong naval presence.

Colonized: Mercury, Ganymede, Io

United Terran Federation (UTF): Considered a potential diplomatic ally and valuable trading partner. Concerns exist about internal political divisions.
Asian Dominion (AD): Acknowledged as a significant military power, with caution due to perceived aggressive tendencies.
South American Union (SAU): Viewed as assertive in economic matters.
Oceanic Alliance (OA): Valued as a partner in environmental initiatives. Concerns exist about potential conflicts with other powers.

Oceanic Alliance (OA)
Government System: Direct Democracy

Goals: Environmental conservation, and peaceful coexistence.

Economic Strategy: Sustainable economy with a focus on environmental technologies.
Diplomatic Strategy: Pacifist and cooperative.
Military Strategy: Minimal military, strong focus on space exploration.

Colonized: Enceladus, Triton, Io

United Terran Federation (UTF): Viewed as cooperative in resolving conflicts.
Asian Dominion (AD): Viewed with suspicion due to militaristic ambitions. Recognition of innovative technologies but concerns about the environmental impact of AD's actions.
Euro-African Coalition (EAC): welcomes the EAC's advancements in space capabilities, seeing potential for collaboration in environmental initiatives and sustainable technologies.
South American Union (SAU): Recognized for environmental consciousness. Potential collaboration in peaceful initiatives, but concerns about SAU's economic stability.

South American Union (SAU)
Government System: Democratic Federation

Goals: Economic prosperity, cultural exchange.

Economic Strategy: Export-oriented economy with a focus on cultural exports.
Diplomatic Strategy: Open to trade and alliances.
Military Strategy: Defensive posture, small but efficient military.

Colonized: Venus, Callisto, Io

United Terran Federation (UTF): Economic cooperation is prioritized, with concerns about potential conflicts arising from nationalist movements.
Asian Dominion (AD): Acknowledged as a significant economic partner, but concerns about potential military conflicts persist.
Euro-African Coalition (EAC): While acknowledging the potential benefits, remains watchful of any military implications and may advocate for diplomatic discussions on arms control.
Oceanic Alliance (OA): Valued as a potential partner in peaceful initiatives. Limited military capabilities raise concerns.

United Terran Federation (UTF)
Government System: Federal Republic

Goals: Maintain peace through diplomacy, and expand influence in the solar system.

Economic Strategy: Capitalist economy with a focus on technology and trade.
Diplomatic Strategy: Alliances and Cooperation.
Military Strategy: Maintains a defensive military posture while continuing diplomatic efforts.

Colonized: Mars, Europa, Io

Asian Dominion (AD): is viewed as diplomatically influenced, but internal dissatisfaction simmers due to perceived concessions.
Euro-African Coalition (EAC): sees the EAC's advancements as an opportunity for collaboration in technological innovation and space exploration.
South American Union (SAU): Economic cooperation is valued, but there's wariness about potential conflicts arising from nationalist movements.
Oceanic Alliance (OA): Perceived as assertive in defending territorial claims.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Text and RNG events are managed by my personal AI, AuroraGPT. I actively engage in questioning AuroraGPT, seeking clarification on various events and their implications and also prompt in manually my events based on the game ones. This process involves more than a quick three-second command and a copy-paste; considerable effort is invested while simultaneously playing the game and controlling all races, including humans and, if applicable, aliens. As spoilers, only Raiders and Precursors are currently active, and there may or may not be swarms introduced at some point via SM.
Awesome  ;D I'll just quietly cheer my bois in the UTF. Thanks for the info on the treaties. So most of them are more about the initial game setup rather than something you need to keep in mind for every future decision?

Yes and no, some have ongoing effects. The system is calibrated to account for treaties in place while elaborating prompts in events by me or producing random ones.
Australia seems to belong to two factions, did West Australia finally declare independence? Will the Oceanic Alliance develop Gundams at some point?

It was a typo, but I like the suggestion, so I am editing the post  ;D

I am quite a fan of making in-house rules for games like this, I get the general idea of the other treaties, but I'm not sure what the Interstellar Environmental Protection Agreement actually means in-game. Does it mean you don't want to colonise certain places or don't want to use terraforming?

At the moment, the Interstellar Environmental Protection Agreement spawned fewer mines than you would normally have in a TN start with the given populations. Also, treaties may vary, change, or be formed/canceled.

Awesome  ;D I'll just quietly cheer my bois in the UTF. Thanks for the info on the treaties. So most of them are more about the initial game setup rather than something you need to keep in mind for every future decision?

Accusations flew as the UTF claimed that the OA was encroaching on its territory. The spark ignited a military response from both powers, and the once-quiet borders of Europa were now arenas of tension and mobilization. Fleets were readied, and the galaxy held its breath, anticipating the clash of these powerful forces.

I'll bet it was those Eastern Staters coming over to work FiFo in our mines again!  >:( Still, we can only take our grudge so far before the great power in Australia wakes from its slumber and strikes, we must bide our time for now. We dare not risk a third Emu war...

In this cosmic economic dance, the UTF and EAC, recognizing the potential for mutual benefit, forged a temporary economic alliance. Together, they became the economic powerhouses of the solar system, their joint ventures in resource extraction and trade reshaping the balance of economic power.
I wonder if this trade deal involved any exchange of TimTams? Probably not, lets just stick with sheep or mining related products lol. This new wealth of resources could be called a Black Swan event right? Fitting, since we have one of them on the WA state flag.

Despite initial resistance from the AD, the United Terran Federation succeeded in shaping the Asian Dominion's military strategy. A buffer zone emerged along the disputed borders, a diplomatic stroke that prevented direct military confrontations and reduced the imminent risk of cosmic conflict.
That could have been bad! Hopefully they don't try anything, or we'll have to start exporting our cheapest and crappiest horse water beer to them! I bet even in this far future, Fosters is still the worst thing to drink in the whole UTF.
2042: Cosmic Crescendo.

In the vast reaches of the solar system, where celestial bodies held secrets waiting to be unearthed, a moon, nestled in the quiet expanse of space, suddenly became the epicenter of fervent activity. Trans-Newtonian resources, long overlooked, were discovered in abundance. The revelation set off a fevered rush among factions, each vying to establish mining colonies and secure lucrative trade agreements to harness the newfound wealth.

As Io's surface echoed with the hum of mining operations and the clink of trade negotiations, economic prosperity cascaded across the solar system. The Euro-African Coalition (EAC), the United Terran Federation (UTF), the South American Union (SAU), the Oceanic Alliance (OA), and the Asian Directorate (AD) found themselves presented with unparalleled opportunities for profit and resource extraction.

In this cosmic economic dance, the UTF and EAC, recognizing the potential for mutual benefit, forged a temporary economic alliance. Together, they became the economic powerhouses of the solar system, their joint ventures in resource extraction and trade reshaping the balance of economic power.

The perception update rippled through the factions. The UTF and EAC were lauded as visionary leaders, fostering cooperation for the collective good. The SAU and OA, though reaping the benefits of newfound trade, remained cautiously optimistic, wary of potential economic disparities. The AD, rooted in its state-controlled economy, expressed concerns about falling behind in the economic race.

The political landscape shifted as the economic alliance between the UTF and EAC took center stage. The once discreet players now commanded attention, influencing the economic dynamics of the solar system.

Amidst this economic renaissance, treaties were revised, and restrictions were adjusted. The UTF and EAC, recognizing the potential of their partnership, signed a short-term economic cooperation agreement. The document outlined joint ventures in resource extraction and trade, solidifying their commitment to economic prosperity.

Despite the solar system's economic boom and renewed cooperation, tensions between the United Terran Federation (UTF) and the Asian Dominion (AD) reached a critical juncture. The UTF sought to exert influence over the Asian Dominion through a blend of diplomacy and military posturing, aiming to forge a military alliance or establish a buffer zone to mitigate perceived threats.

Diplomats from both powers engaged in tense negotiations, and military forces mobilized along contested borders, underscoring the gravity of the situation.

Despite initial resistance from the AD, the United Terran Federation succeeded in shaping the Asian Dominion's military strategy. A buffer zone emerged along the disputed borders, a diplomatic stroke that prevented direct military confrontations and reduced the imminent risk of cosmic conflict.

As a result, the UTF was now perceived as a diplomatic and military influencer, asserting dominance over the Asian Dominion. Meanwhile, within the AD, a nuanced sentiment emerged—diametrically influenced diplomatically, yet tinged with internal dissatisfaction over perceived concessions.

With the immediate crisis averted, the powers adjusted their goals and strategies in the cosmic chess game. The UTF had achieved its objective of influencing AD's military strategy and, as such, maintained a defensive military posture while continuing diplomatic efforts to consolidate its gains.

The Asian Dominion, recognizing the geopolitical reality, shifted its focus to internal stability. Simultaneously, efforts were redirected toward establishing potential alliances to counterbalance the growing influence of the UTF in the cosmic arena.

Amidst this recalibration, a new diplomatic understanding emerged between the UTF and AD. The buffer zone, a symbol of compromise and strategic positioning, formed the basis of this accord. Despite the tensions, no wars were declared, and no truces sought. The cosmic balance had shifted, alliances were tested, and the powers now navigated the uncharted territories of influence and diplomacy, aware that the cosmos held both unity and discord within its infinite depths.

As a consequence of this challenging year, the Asian Dominion (AD) made a significant move. A formal request resonated through the corridors of diplomacy, expressing the intention to reconsider or terminate the Solar System Resource Sharing Pact (SSRSP) and the Trans-Newtonian Arms Control Treaty (TACT), ensuring the ability to protect strategic locations and resources if necessary. Thus began a dance of diplomacy and potential upheaval.

Confronted with concerns about resource access, the AD's request triggered intense diplomatic negotiations among the solar powers. Other factions responded with mixed reactions, each assessing the potential consequences and benefits of this crucial decision.

In this political arena, various potential outcomes stood out, each carrying its ramifications.

Eventually, a decision emerged. The powers agreed to review and potentially modify the SSRSP, addressing the economic needs of the Asian Dominion. AD secured more favorable terms for resource extraction while upholding the delicate balance of security outlined in TACT. As diplomats navigated the intricacies of politics, the adjusted treaties and perceptions paved the way for a new chapter in the unfolding saga of solar system politics.

Perception Update for All Powers:
UTF and EAC are seen as economic powerhouses, fostering cooperation for mutual benefit.
SAU and OA benefit from trade but remain cautious about potential economic disparities.
AD is concerned about falling behind economically due to its state-controlled economy.
AD vs UTF is perceived as a diplomatic and military influencer.
UTF vs AD is viewed as diplomatically influenced, but internal dissatisfaction simmers due to perceived concessions.

Adjusted Treaties or Restrictions:

Celestial Compact for Economic Advancement (CCEA) est 2042:
A 1-year economic cooperation agreement between the UTF and EAC, recognizing the potential of their partnership. The document outlined joint ventures in resource extraction and trade, solidifying their commitment to economic prosperity.

Solar System Resource Sharing Pact (SSRSP):
Original: To prevent conflicts over Trans-Newtonian resources, the powers have agreed to a system of resource sharing. In the event of resource scarcity on a particular planet or moon, the powers will negotiate fair access and distribution rather than resort to military confrontation.
2042 Version: To prevent conflicts over Trans-Newtonian resources, the powers have agreed to a system of resource sharing. In the event of resource scarcity on a particular planet or moon, the powers will negotiate fair access and distribution from non-strategic sites, rather than resorting to military confrontation.

Adjusted Goals:
UTF: Achieved the goal of influencing AD's military strategy.
AD: Adjusted military goals to accommodate the established buffer zone.

Adjusted Strategies:
UTF: Maintains a defensive military posture while continuing diplomatic efforts.
AD: Focuses on internal stability and potential alliances to counterbalance UTF's influence.

Asian Dominion (AD)
Government System: Authoritarian Regime

Goals: Assert dominance in space, and control Trans-Newtonian resources.

Economic Strategy: State-controlled economy with a focus on military production.
Diplomatic Strategy: Focuses on internal stability and potential alliances to counterbalance UTF's influence.
Military Strategy: Offensive posture, large ground forces.

Colonized: Moon, Titan, Io

United Terran Federation (UTF): is perceived as a diplomatic and military influencer.
Euro-African Coalition (EAC): Viewed as technologically advanced but lacking the will for significant military actions. Economic opportunities are recognized.
South American Union (SAU): Economic potential is acknowledged, but there's a sense of superiority in terms of military might.
Oceanic Alliance (OA): Perceived as weak due to minimal military presence. However, recognized for innovative technologies, especially in environmental sustainability.

Euro-African Coalition (EAC)
Government System: Parliamentary Confederation

Goals: Promote scientific research, and enhance diplomatic ties.

Economic Strategy: Mixed-market economy with a focus on research and development.
Diplomatic Strategy: Collaborative and diplomatic.
Military Strategy: Defensive stance, strong naval presence.

Colonized: Mercury, Ganymede, Io

United Terran Federation (UTF): Considered a potential diplomatic ally and valuable trading partner. Concerns exist about internal political divisions.
Asian Dominion (AD): Acknowledged as a significant military power, with caution due to perceived aggressive tendencies.
South American Union (SAU): Viewed as assertive in economic matters.
Oceanic Alliance (OA): Valued as a partner in environmental initiatives. Concerns exist about potential conflicts with other powers.

Oceanic Alliance (OA)
Government System: Direct Democracy

Goals: Environmental conservation, and peaceful coexistence.

Economic Strategy: Sustainable economy with a focus on environmental technologies.
Diplomatic Strategy: Pacifist and cooperative.
Military Strategy: Minimal military, strong focus on space exploration.

Colonized: Enceladus, Triton, Io

United Terran Federation (UTF): Viewed as cooperative in resolving conflicts.
Asian Dominion (AD): Viewed with suspicion due to militaristic ambitions. Recognition of innovative technologies but concerns about the environmental impact of AD's actions.
Euro-African Coalition (EAC): Valued as a partner in environmental initiatives. Diplomatic and economic cooperation are prioritized.
South American Union (SAU): Recognized for environmental consciousness. Potential collaboration in peaceful initiatives, but concerns about SAU's economic stability.

South American Union (SAU)
Government System: Democratic Federation

Goals: Economic prosperity, cultural exchange.

Economic Strategy: Export-oriented economy with a focus on cultural exports.
Diplomatic Strategy: Open to trade and alliances.
Military Strategy: Defensive posture, small but efficient military.

Colonized: Venus, Callisto, Io

United Terran Federation (UTF): Economic cooperation is prioritized, with concerns about potential conflicts arising from nationalist movements.
Asian Dominion (AD): Acknowledged as a significant economic partner, but concerns about potential military conflicts persist.
Euro-African Coalition (EAC): Seen as cooperative in resolving economic disputes.
Oceanic Alliance (OA): Valued as a potential partner in peaceful initiatives. Limited military capabilities raise concerns.

United Terran Federation (UTF)
Government System: Federal Republic

Goals: Maintain peace through diplomacy, and expand influence in the solar system.

Economic Strategy: Capitalist economy with a focus on technology and trade.
Diplomatic Strategy: Alliances and Cooperation.
Military Strategy: Maintains a defensive military posture while continuing diplomatic efforts.

Colonized: Mars, Europa, Io

Asian Dominion (AD): is viewed as diplomatically influenced, but internal dissatisfaction simmers due to perceived concessions.
Euro-African Coalition (EAC): Considered a potential diplomatic ally, especially in scientific endeavors. However, concerns exist about EAC's limited military capabilities.
South American Union (SAU): Economic cooperation is valued, but there's wariness about potential conflicts arising from nationalist movements.
Oceanic Alliance (OA): Perceived as assertive in defending territorial claims.

NOTE: Unfortunately, I cannot find the race comparison for this year as I was away for the holidays and I guess it may have been forgotten on my other desktop. The good news is that I have all the others, so this is a one-off. I will instead provide some context for what these updates mean, as it may not be clear from the narrative, and you will have to imagine or read between the lines. In this case, the RNG event of the new moon with minerals resulted in all powers gaining a free mining colony on Io. Each power uses a preset setup, considering how many resources in terms of population and infrastructure they can commit at the time of the event. Nobody receives "free" stuff; rather, they gain the ability to "teleport" instantaneously what is required. When necessary, I may add a line highlighting what was SMed as a result of the event. However, I believe it breaks the immersion. In case of any doubts, feel free to drop a post asking—I'm always happy to reply! ;D

FULL DISCLOSURE: Text and RNG events are managed by my personal AI, AuroraGPT. I actively engage in questioning AuroraGPT, seeking clarification on various events and their implications and also prompt in manually my events based on the game ones. This process involves more than a quick three-second command and a copy-paste; considerable effort is invested while simultaneously playing the game and controlling all races, including humans and, if applicable, aliens. As spoilers, only Raiders and Precursors are currently active, and there may or may not be swarms introduced at some point via SM.
2041: Echoes of Power and Diplomacy.

In the heart of global politics, where power and diplomacy intertwined, an unexpected turn of events triggered a cascade of economic tensions that would test the resolve and negotiation skills of two major alliances: the Euro-African Coalition (EAC) and the South American Union (SAU).

Economic tensions, long-simmering beneath the surface, erupted into the open as the EAC sought to address trade imbalances and resource disputes. Proposing new trade regulations, the EAC aimed to rectify economic disparities, but the SAU perceived these regulations as unfavorable and a threat to their economic stability.

Negotiations commenced, and the diplomatic arena became a battleground of words and strategies. Both powers, proud and determined, sought to safeguard their economic interests. The discussions grew heated as the world watched, uncertain of whether these economic titans would collide in a full-scale trade war.

However, as the negotiations reached a boiling point, a surprising turn of events unfolded. Through a series of diplomatic maneuvers and concessions, the EAC and SAU managed to avoid the brink of a trade war. The leaders on both sides recognized the importance of maintaining stability in the global economy, and a compromise was reached.

Revised trade terms were agreed upon, addressing the concerns of both the EAC and the SAU. The outcome was a testament to the power of diplomacy and negotiation, proving that even in the face of economic tensions, rational discourse could prevail.

The perception update for all powers reflected the outcome of the event. The EAC was now viewed as assertive in economic matters, showcasing its strength and determination. On the other hand, the SAU was seen as cooperative in resolving economic disputes, earning praise for their willingness to engage in diplomatic solutions.

The adjusted political landscape showed a slight diplomatic advantage for the EAC. The alliance had demonstrated not only its economic strength but also its negotiation skills, earning respect on the global stage.

Surprisingly, despite the intensity of the economic tensions, no changes were made to existing treaties. The world, it seemed, had witnessed a diplomatic dance between two powerful alliances, and the status quo remained intact. The events had unfolded, and the global stage was left to grapple with the ever-shifting dynamics of international relations.

Later in the year, on the vast expanse of Europa, where territorial boundaries were as fluid as the icy currents, a military confrontation unfolded between two formidable entities: the United Terran Federation (UTF) and the Oceanic Alliance (OA).

Accusations flew as the UTF claimed that the OA was encroaching on its territory. The spark ignited a military response from both powers, and the once-quiet borders of Europa were now arenas of tension and mobilization. Fleets were readied, and the galaxy held its breath, anticipating the clash of these powerful forces.

As the conflict unfolded, it escalated into a limited military engagement. Losses were incurred on both sides, a somber reminder of the high stakes at play. However, amidst the chaos, diplomatic channels cracked open. The leaders of the UTF and the OA recognized the need to avert a full-scale war that could plunge the region into devastation.

A ceasefire was declared, halting the military hostilities, and negotiations began in earnest. The diplomatic community cast its watchful eye on the proceedings, urging both powers to find common ground and prevent further bloodshed.

The perception update for all powers reflected the nuanced outcome of the event. The UTF was perceived as assertive in defending its territorial claims, showcasing its determination to protect what it considered its own. On the other hand, the OA was viewed as cooperative in resolving conflicts, a signal that diplomatic solutions were not off the table.

The adjusted political landscape revealed a slight easing of tensions between the UTF and the OA as they engaged in diplomatic talks. The once hostile atmosphere gave way to a fragile calm, providing an opportunity for the powers to recalibrate their positions.

In response to the unfolding drama, a temporary ceasefire was established, allowing both powers to step back from the brink of all-out war. The negotiations that followed aimed to redraw borders and redefine the territorial landscape, guided by the shared goal of preventing further military confrontations.

These outcomes unfolded in the intricate dance of politics and power, a reminder that even in the face of military clashes, the potential for diplomacy and resolution could emerge from the depths of conflict.

Perception Update for All Powers:
EAC vs SAU: Viewed as assertive in economic matters.
SAU vs EAC: Seen as cooperative in resolving economic disputes.
UTF vs OA: Perceived as assertive in defending territorial claims.
OA vs UTF: Viewed as cooperative in resolving conflicts.

Adjusted Treaties or Restrictions:

The Europa Accord (TEA) est 2041:
The UTF and OA agreed to negotiate new borders under the watchful eye of the diplomatic community, and a temporary ceasefire was established.

Adjusted Goals:

Adjusted Strategies:

Asian Dominion (AD)
Government System: Authoritarian Regime

Goals: Assert dominance in space, and control Trans-Newtonian resources.

Economic Strategy: State-controlled economy with a focus on military production.
Diplomatic Strategy: Assertive and self-reliant.
Military Strategy: Offensive posture, large ground forces.

Colonized: Moon, Titan

United Terran Federation (UTF): Seen as a rival in the race for space supremacy. There's a belief that UTF's diplomatic efforts mask a desire for dominance.
Euro-African Coalition (EAC): Viewed as technologically advanced but lacking the will for significant military actions. Economic opportunities are recognized.
South American Union (SAU): Economic potential is acknowledged, but there's a sense of superiority in terms of military might.
Oceanic Alliance (OA): Perceived as weak due to minimal military presence. However, recognized for innovative technologies, especially in environmental sustainability.

Euro-African Coalition (EAC)
Government System: Parliamentary Confederation

Goals: Promote scientific research, and enhance diplomatic ties.

Economic Strategy: Mixed-market economy with a focus on research and development.
Diplomatic Strategy: Collaborative and diplomatic.
Military Strategy: Defensive stance, strong naval presence.

Colonized: Mercury, Ganymede

United Terran Federation (UTF): Considered a potential diplomatic ally and valuable trading partner. Concerns exist about internal political divisions.
Asian Dominion (AD): Acknowledged as a significant military power, with caution due to perceived aggressive tendencies.
South American Union (SAU): Viewed as assertive in economic matters.
Oceanic Alliance (OA): Valued as a partner in environmental initiatives. Concerns exist about potential conflicts with other powers.

Oceanic Alliance (OA)
Government System: Direct Democracy

Goals: Environmental conservation, and peaceful coexistence.

Economic Strategy: Sustainable economy with a focus on environmental technologies.
Diplomatic Strategy: Pacifist and cooperative.
Military Strategy: Minimal military, strong focus on space exploration.

Colonized: Enceladus, Triton

United Terran Federation (UTF): Viewed as cooperative in resolving conflicts.
Asian Dominion (AD): Viewed with suspicion due to militaristic ambitions. Recognition of innovative technologies but concerns about the environmental impact of AD's actions.
Euro-African Coalition (EAC): Valued as a partner in environmental initiatives. Diplomatic and economic cooperation are prioritized.
South American Union (SAU): Recognized for environmental consciousness. Potential collaboration in peaceful initiatives, but concerns about SAU's economic stability.

South American Union (SAU)
Government System: Democratic Federation

Goals: Economic prosperity, cultural exchange.

Economic Strategy: Export-oriented economy with a focus on cultural exports.
Diplomatic Strategy: Open to trade and alliances.
Military Strategy: Defensive posture, small but efficient military.

Colonized: Venus, Callisto

United Terran Federation (UTF): Economic cooperation is prioritized, with concerns about potential conflicts arising from nationalist movements.
Asian Dominion (AD): Acknowledged as a significant economic partner, but concerns about potential military conflicts persist.
Euro-African Coalition (EAC): Seen as cooperative in resolving economic disputes.
Oceanic Alliance (OA): Valued as a potential partner in peaceful initiatives. Limited military capabilities raise concerns.

United Terran Federation (UTF)
Government System: Federal Republic

Goals: Maintain peace through diplomacy, and expand influence in the solar system.

Economic Strategy: Capitalist economy with a focus on technology and trade.
Diplomatic Strategy: Alliances and Cooperation.
Military Strategy: Defensive posture, strong space fleet.

Colonized: Mars, Europa

Asian Dominion (AD): Suspicion and concern due to AD's militaristic ambitions. There's a fear that AD's expansionist goals may lead to conflict.
Euro-African Coalition (EAC): Considered a potential diplomatic ally, especially in scientific endeavors. However, concerns exist about EAC's limited military capabilities.
South American Union (SAU): Economic cooperation is valued, but there's wariness about potential conflicts arising from nationalist movements.
Oceanic Alliance (OA): Perceived as assertive in defending territorial claims.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Text and RNG events are managed by my personal AI, AuroraGPT. I actively engage in questioning AuroraGPT, seeking clarification on various events and their implications and also prompt in manually my events based on the game ones. This process involves more than a quick three-second command and a copy-paste; considerable effort is invested while simultaneously playing the game and controlling all races, including humans and, if applicable, aliens. As spoilers, only Raiders and Precursors are currently active, and there may or may not be swarms introduced at some point via SM.
Australia seems to belong to two factions, did West Australia finally declare independence? Will the Oceanic Alliance develop Gundams at some point?

It was a typo, but I like the suggestion, so I am editing the post  ;D

I am quite a fan of making in-house rules for games like this, I get the general idea of the other treaties, but I'm not sure what the Interstellar Environmental Protection Agreement actually means in-game. Does it mean you don't want to colonise certain places or don't want to use terraforming?

At the moment, the Interstellar Environmental Protection Agreement spawned fewer mines than you would normally have in a TN start with the given populations. Also, treaties may vary, change, or be formed/canceled.

I think this will be very interesting, I'm looking forward to your first update  ;D

Thanks, I am planning updates for every year, and I have already played 5 years to create a bit of delay, which based on my experience I will need for when things get bigger or more complicated due to inevitable skirmishes.
Australia seems to belong to two factions, did West Australia finally declare independence? Will the Oceanic Alliance develop Gundams at some point?

I am quite a fan of making in-house rules for games like this, I get the general idea of the other treaties, but I'm not sure what the Interstellar Environmental Protection Agreement actually means in-game. Does it mean you don't want to colonise certain places or don't want to use terraforming?

I think this will be very interesting, I'm looking forward to your first update  ;D
General C# Fiction / Fractured Horizons: The Era of Earth's Five Major Powers
« Last post by Froggiest1982 on January 03, 2024, 02:13:27 AM »
2040: Background.

In the shadows of 1945, when the world still echoed with the haunting memories of war, a resilient spirit emerged from the rubble — the Unified Earth Coalition (UEC). With a noble mission to mend the fractures of nations and foster a united front, the UEC operated in secrecy, cultivating advanced technologies that would lay the cornerstone for an epoch of unforeseen possibilities.

The turning point arrived in 1965, casting a transformative light on humanity's trajectory. Deep within Earth's bosom, scientists unearthed the key to a cosmic revolution — Trans-Newtonian minerals. This discovery, shrouded in secrecy to avert a global scramble, unfurled a panorama of technological marvels that had the potential to redefine human existence.

The golden era of 1970-1985 marked the zenith of the UEC's dominance, as they boldly established colonies on Mars and the Moon, wielding the power of Trans-Newtonian technology. The allure of advanced knowledge and access to precious minerals drew nations into the UEC's fold, knitting a global tapestry of interdependence. Yet, beneath this facade of unity, the seeds of nationalism germinated, swelling into a formidable force that sought to challenge the UEC's authority.

As the world navigated the tumultuous years of 1990-2020, Earth became a stage for conflict. Nationalist movements, fueled by the promise of Trans-Newtonian resources, rose like tidal waves against the UEC's control. A struggle for independence ensued, with nations clashing over the dominion of these newfound treasures.

In the unfolding cosmic narrative, 2025-2035 saw Earth fragmented into five major powers. The once-unified coalition now splintered into factions, each clutching territories and colonies with a fervent grip. The solar system became a theater of contention, with divergent ideologies battling for supremacy.

By the time Earth reached 2040, the five major powers stood as cosmic contenders, their destinies interwoven with the intricate threads of Trans-Newtonian minerals. The cosmic tapestry bore witness to the ambitions and rivalries of these powers, each striving to etch its mark upon the celestial canvas. The stage was set, and the cosmos awaited the unfolding drama of Earth's five major powers.

Asian Dominion (AD): In the sprawling geopolitical landscape, the Asian Dominion (AD) emerged as a force, fuelled by authoritarian rule and military might. Determined to control Trans-Newtonian resources, the AD's large population and robust military made it a formidable contender. Despite limited technological innovation and constrained trade, the AD planted its flag on the Moon and Titan, casting its gaze toward cosmic dominance. Suspicious of the United Terran Federation (UTF), wary of the Euro-African Coalition's (EAC) military resolve, recognizing the technological prowess of the EAC, and admiring the innovation of the Oceanic Alliance (OA), the AD stepped onto the cosmic stage.

Countries: China, Russia, India, Southeast Asian nations
Government System: Authoritarian Regime
Xenophobia: 60
Diplomacy: 50
Militancy: 80
Expansionism: 90
Determination: 85
Trade: 60

Goals: Assert dominance in space, and control Trans-Newtonian resources.
Strengths: Large population, strong military.
Weaknesses: Lack of technological innovation, and limited trade.
Economic Strategy: State-controlled economy with a focus on military production.
Diplomatic Strategy: Assertive and self-reliant.
Military Strategy: Offensive posture, large ground forces.

Colonized: Moon, Titan

Starting Ground Forces:
Total Formations: 28
Total Transport Size: 359,720 tons
Total Cost: 16,875 BP

4,496x Infantry Squad - 2025
2,200x Peng Precision Arms Mech - 2025
1,496x Baranov Inc Supply Truck - 2025
620x Peng Precision Arms Tank - 2025
560x Baranov Inc Mobile Artillery - 2025
232x Baranov Inc GeoVehicle - 2040
184x Baranov Inc Engineering Vehicle - 2040
32x Baranov Inc Company Mod HQ - 2025
16x Scout Unit - 2025

Starting Military Navy: TACT and NASC temporarily prevented the building of a Military Fleet.

Starting Commercial and Civilian Navy: 2 Freighters, 2 Colony Ships, 3 Troop Transports.

Diplomatic Event: AD approaches diplomatic events with a strong and assertive stance, aiming to establish dominance and secure advantageous agreements. They are less willing to compromise.
Intelligence Event: AD invests heavily in intelligence events, seeking to gather information on rival powers and exploiting weaknesses. Espionage is considered a legitimate tool of statecraft.
Military Event: AD maintains a militaristic posture, responding to both perceived threats and opportunities for expansion with swift and decisive military actions.
Political Event: AD's political events are often influenced by a centralized authority, emphasizing national strength and unity. Decisions are made with a focus on maintaining power.
Economic Event: AD prioritizes economic self-sufficiency and military-industrial complex growth. Economic events are approached with a focus on military production.
Influence Event: AD seeks to influence other powers through displays of military strength and strategic partnerships, emphasizing their role as a formidable force.
Trade Event: AD engages in trade events cautiously, prioritizing self-sufficiency and avoiding dependencies on other powers.

United Terran Federation (UTF): Seen as a rival in the race for space supremacy. There's a belief that UTF's diplomatic efforts mask a desire for dominance.
Euro-African Coalition (EAC): Viewed as technologically advanced but lacking the will for significant military actions. Economic opportunities are recognized.
South American Union (SAU): Economic potential is acknowledged, but there's a sense of superiority in terms of military might.
Oceanic Alliance (OA): Perceived as weak due to minimal military presence. However, recognized for innovative technologies, especially in environmental sustainability.

Euro-African Coalition (EAC): In the face of geopolitical challenges, the Euro-African Coalition (EAC) emerged as a bastion of collaboration and scientific prowess. Governed by a Parliamentary Confederation, the EAC prioritized diplomacy, scientific research, and technological advancement. With a balanced approach to expansionism and a mixed-market economy, the EAC extended influence to Mercury and Ganymede. Valuing potential alliances with the UTF and SAU, cautious of the AD's military ambitions, and recognizing the OA's environmental initiatives, the EAC set forth a vision of unity and progress.

Countries: United Kingdom, France, Germany, African Union nations
Government System: Parliamentary Confederation
Xenophobia: 30
Diplomacy: 70
Militancy: 40
Expansionism: 60
Determination: 65
Trade: 80

Goals: Promote scientific research, and enhance diplomatic ties.
Strengths: Technological expertise, and cultural diversity.
Weaknesses: Limited military capabilities, and reliance on trade.
Economic Strategy: Mixed-market economy with a focus on research and development.
Diplomatic Strategy: Collaborative and diplomatic.
Military Strategy: Defensive stance, strong naval presence.

Colonized: Mercury, Ganymede

Starting Ground Forces:
Total Formations: 21
Total Transport Size: 187,194 tons
Total Cost: 8,472 BP

3,120x Infantry Squad - 2025
1,155x Kloster Armaments Mech - 2025
705x Beck Arms Supply Truck - 2025
300x Beck Arms Mobile Artillery - 2025
300x Kloster Armaments Tank - 2025
120x Beck Arms GeoVehicle - 2040
102x Beck Arms Engineering Vehicle - 2040
24x Beck Arms Company Mod HQ - 2025
12x Scout Unit - 2025

Starting Military Navy: TACT and NASC temporarily prevented the building of a Military Fleet.

Starting Commercial and Civilian Navy: 6 Freighters, 6 Colony Ships, 1 Troop Transports.

Diplomatic Event: EAC approaches diplomatic events with a cooperative and collaborative mindset, seeking multilateral agreements and diplomatic solutions to conflicts.
Intelligence Event: EAC invests in intelligence events for both defensive and cooperative purposes, using information gathering to foster diplomatic ties and avoid misunderstandings.
Military Event: EAC prefers a defensive military posture, responding to threats with diplomatic initiatives first. Military events are considered a last resort.
Political Event: EAC values political inclusivity and diversity, making decisions through parliamentary processes and incorporating varied perspectives.
Economic Event: EAC focuses on a mixed-market economy, emphasizing research and development. Economic events are approached with an eye on technological advancement.
Influence Event: EAC seeks to influence other powers through diplomatic and cultural means, fostering collaboration in scientific endeavors.
Trade Event: EAC actively engages in trade events, promoting economic cooperation and seeking to establish beneficial trade relationships.

United Terran Federation (UTF): Considered a potential diplomatic ally and valuable trading partner. Concerns exist about internal political divisions.
Asian Dominion (AD): Acknowledged as a significant military power, with caution due to perceived aggressive tendencies.
South American Union (SAU): Seen as a potential ally in diplomatic endeavors and economic cooperation. Limited military capabilities are noted.
Oceanic Alliance (OA): Valued as a partner in environmental initiatives. Concerns exist about potential conflicts with other powers.

Oceanic Alliance (OA): Amidst cosmic possibilities, the Oceanic Alliance (OA) championed environmental consciousness and cooperative diplomacy. Governed by a Direct Democracy, the OA navigated with a commitment to sustainability and peaceful coexistence. Technological innovation and environmental stewardship marked their strengths as they extended influence to Enceladus and Triton. Viewing the EAC and SAU as potential allies, recognizing the UTF's technological innovation, and harboring suspicions about the militaristic ambitions of the AD, the OA sailed into cosmic currents, leaving ripples of sustainability and peace.

Countries: Japan, Eastern Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Island nations
Government System: Direct Democracy
Xenophobia: 15
Diplomacy: 75
Militancy: 35
Expansionism: 40
Determination: 60
Trade: 85

Goals: Environmental conservation, and peaceful coexistence.
Strengths: Technological innovation, environmental consciousness.
Weaknesses: Limited military, and resource dependency.
Economic Strategy: Sustainable economy with a focus on environmental technologies.
Diplomatic Strategy: Pacifist and cooperative.
Military Strategy: Minimal military, strong focus on space exploration.

Colonized: Enceladus, Triton

Starting Ground Forces:
Total Formations: 35
Total Transport Size: 414,500 tons
Total Cost: 19,192 BP

6,230x Infantry Squad - 2025
2,580x Osaragi Armaments Mech - 2025
1,842x Koga Defence Supply Truck - 2025
800x Quinteros Arms Mobile Artillery - 2025
590x Osaragi Armaments Tank - 2025
270x Koga Defence GeoVehicle - 2040
180x Koga Defence Engineering Vehicle - 2040
38x Koga Defence Company Mod HQ - 2025
16x Scout Unit - 2025

Starting Military Navy: TACT and NASC temporarily prevented the building of a Military Fleet.

Starting Commercial and Civilian Navy: 3 Freighters, 3 Colony Ships, 3 Troop Transports.

Diplomatic Event: OA approaches diplomatic events with a pacifist and cooperative mindset, emphasizing environmental initiatives and peaceful coexistence.
Intelligence Event: OA engages in intelligence events for defensive purposes, focusing on protecting environmental research and ensuring the sustainable use of resources.
Military Event: OA maintains a minimal military presence, responding to threats with diplomatic initiatives and a commitment to environmental conservation.
Political Event: OA values direct democracy and environmental consciousness, making political decisions with a focus on sustainability and global cooperation.
Economic Event: OA prioritizes a sustainable and environmentally conscious economy, approaching economic events with an emphasis on ecological preservation.
Influence Event: OA seeks to influence other powers through environmental leadership and cooperative initiatives, promoting a global commitment to sustainability.
Trade Event: OA actively engages in trade events, emphasizing the importance of eco-friendly products and sustainable trade practices.

United Terran Federation (UTF): Recognized for technological innovation and trade partnerships. The lack of a substantial military presence raises concerns.
Asian Dominion (AD): Viewed with suspicion due to militaristic ambitions. Recognition of innovative technologies but concerns about the environmental impact of AD's actions.
Euro-African Coalition (EAC): Valued as a partner in environmental initiatives. Diplomatic and economic cooperation are prioritized.
South American Union (SAU): Recognized for environmental consciousness. Potential collaboration in peaceful initiatives, but concerns about SAU's economic stability.

South American Union (SAU): In the vast tapestry of cosmic powers, the South American Union (SAU) stood as a beacon of economic vitality and cultural richness. Governed by a Democratic Federation, the SAU embraced economic prosperity and cultural exchange. Prioritizing diplomatic ties and economic growth, the SAU extended its influence to Venus and Callisto. Seeking economic cooperation with the UTF and EAC, cautious of potential conflicts with the AD, and valuing the OA's peaceful initiatives, the SAU set sail into cosmic currents, weaving a narrative of collaboration and prosperity.

Countries: Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and other South American nations
Government System: Democratic Federation
Xenophobia: 20
Diplomacy: 60
Militancy: 30
Expansionism: 50
Determination: 50
Trade: 75

Goals: Economic prosperity, cultural exchange.
Strengths: Natural resources, vibrant culture.
Weaknesses: Limited military, and economic dependency.
Economic Strategy: Export-oriented economy with a focus on cultural exports.
Diplomatic Strategy: Open to trade and alliances.
Military Strategy: Defensive posture, small but efficient military.

Colonized: Venus, Callisto

Starting Ground Forces:
Total Formations: 28
Total Transport Size: 218,624 tons
Total Cost: 9,977 BP

3,440x Infantry Squad - 2025
1,240x Castro Precision Arms Mech - 2025
968x Ugglas Arms Supply Truck - 2025
320x Felgueiras Kinetics Mobile Artillery - 2025
320x Castro Precision Arms Tank - 2025
136x Ugglas Arms GeoVehicle - 2040
112x Ugglas Arms Engineering Vehicle - 2040
32x Ugglas Arms Company Mod HQ - 2025
16x Scout Unit - 2025

Starting Military Navy: TACT and NASC temporarily prevented the building of a Military Fleet.

Starting Commercial and Civilian Navy: 2 Freighters, 2 Colony Ships, 2 Troop Transports.

Diplomatic Event: SAU approaches diplomatic events with a focus on economic cooperation and regional stability. They prioritize trade agreements and diplomatic ties that contribute to economic prosperity.
Intelligence Event: SAU engages in intelligence events for defensive purposes, seeking to protect economic interests and prevent external manipulation.
Military Event: SAU maintains a defensive military stance, responding to threats with a focus on protecting national borders and economic assets.
Political Event: SAU values political stability and economic growth, making political decisions with an emphasis on national unity and cooperation.
Economic Event: SAU focuses on economic development through trade and resource management. Economic events are approached with a goal of sustainable growth.
Influence Event: SAU seeks to influence other powers through economic collaboration and regional stability, promoting a peaceful and cooperative image.
Trade Event: SAU actively engages in trade events, leveraging its economic strengths to secure advantageous trade agreements and foster economic growth.

United Terran Federation (UTF): Economic cooperation is prioritized, with concerns about potential conflicts arising from nationalist movements.
Asian Dominion (AD): Acknowledged as a significant economic partner, but concerns about potential military conflicts persist.
Euro-African Coalition (EAC): Seen as a diplomatic and economic ally, with wariness about potential military involvement.
Oceanic Alliance (OA): Valued as a potential partner in peaceful initiatives. Limited military capabilities raise concerns.

United Terran Federation (UTF): In the celestial tapestry, the United Terran Federation (UTF) emerged as a bastion of technological prowess and diplomatic finesse. Governed by the Federal Republic, the UTF maintained a cautious approach, balancing cooperation and protecting internal interests. Diplomacy, defensive military postures, and technological innovation defined their strategy as they extended influence to Mars and Europa. Expressing suspicions about the AD's militaristic ambitions, considering alliances with the EAC and SAU, and recognizing potential collaboration with the OA, the UTF embarked on a cosmic journey, shaping a future of collaboration and progress.

Countries: United States, Some former EU nations, Canada, Western Australia
Government System: Federal Republic
Xenophobia: 40
Diplomacy: 80
Militancy: 50
Expansionism: 70
Determination: 75
Trade: 90

Goals: Maintain peace through diplomacy, and expand influence in the solar system.
Strengths: Technological innovation, and economic stability.
Weaknesses: Internal political divisions, and dependency on trade.
Economic Strategy: Capitalist economy with a focus on technology and trade.
Diplomatic Strategy: Alliances and Cooperation.
Military Strategy: Defensive posture, strong space fleet.

Colonized: Mars, Europa

Starting Ground Forces:
Total Formations: 28
Total Transport Size: 218,624 tons
Total Cost: 9,977 BP

3,440x Infantry Squad - 2025
1,240x Castro Precision Arms Mech - 2025
968x Ugglas Arms Supply Truck - 2025
320x Felgueiras Kinetics Mobile Artillery - 2025
320x Castro Precision Arms Tank - 2025
136x Ugglas Arms GeoVehicle - 2040
112x Ugglas Arms Engineering Vehicle - 2040
32x Ugglas Arms Company Mod HQ - 2025
16x Scout Unit - 2025

Starting Military Navy: TACT and NASC temporarily prevented the building of a Military Fleet.

Starting Commercial and Civilian Navy: 6 Freighters, 6 Colony Ships, 4 Troop Transports.

Diplomatic Event: UTF approaches diplomatic events with a cooperative and conciliatory attitude. They seek alliances and agreements that foster mutual benefit and technological exchange.
Intelligence Event: UTF engages in intelligence events cautiously, prioritizing counter-intelligence to protect their technological advancements and prevent espionage.
Military Event: UTF prefers a defensive military stance, responding to threats with strategic planning and a well-equipped space fleet. Military actions are typically in response to direct aggression.
Political Event: UTF values political stability and aims for internal cohesion. Political events are handled with transparency and democratic principles, seeking public support for major decisions.
Economic Event: UTF focuses on economic growth through technological innovation and trade. Economic events are approached with a balanced strategy that prioritizes long-term sustainability.
Influence Event: UTF seeks to influence other powers through diplomatic means, emphasizing shared goals and collaborative efforts.
Trade Event: UTF actively engages in trade events, leveraging its advanced technology and economic strength to secure favorable trade agreements.

Asian Dominion (AD): Suspicion and concern due to AD's militaristic ambitions. There's a fear that AD's expansionist goals may lead to conflict.
Euro-African Coalition (EAC): Considered a potential diplomatic ally, especially in scientific endeavors. However, concerns exist about EAC's limited military capabilities.
South American Union (SAU): Economic cooperation is valued, but there's wariness about potential conflicts arising from nationalist movements.
Oceanic Alliance (OA): Perceived as a potential partner in environmental initiatives. However, the lack of a substantial military raises concerns about the ability to defend shared interests.

For many years, various powers have been involved in diplomatic efforts, trade agreements, and occasional conflicts over Trans-Newtonian resources. In an attempt to preserve the balance of power and prevent a World War III, treaties were established. These treaties initially aimed to prohibit the use of certain weapons in space to avoid catastrophic consequences and to regulate various other matters.

Trans-Newtonian Arms Control Treaty (TACT): All powers have agreed to limit the deployment of certain advanced weaponry in space to avoid catastrophic consequences. This includes restrictions on the use of high-powered energy weapons.

Interstellar Environmental Protection Agreement (IEPA): Recognizing the potential environmental impact of space colonization, the powers have committed to sustainable and responsible practices. This includes guidelines for waste management, resource extraction, and environmental monitoring on colonized planets and moons.

Solar System Resource Sharing Pact (SSRSP): To prevent conflicts over Trans-Newtonian resources, the powers have agreed to a system of resource sharing. In the event of resource scarcity on a particular planet or moon, the powers will negotiate fair access and distribution rather than resort to military confrontation.

Non-Aggression and Scientific Collaboration Treaty (NASC): The powers pledge not to engage in aggressive military actions against each other within the solar system. Additionally, they commit to collaborative efforts in scientific research and exploration, encouraging the sharing of technological advancements for the benefit of all.

Inter-Power Communication Protocol (IPCP): To facilitate diplomatic communication and avoid misunderstandings, the powers have established a standardized communication protocol for translating languages and ensuring accurate transmission of diplomatic messages. This protocol is particularly useful in resolving disputes and promoting peaceful negotiations.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Text and RNG events are managed by my personal AI, AuroraGPT. I actively engage in questioning AuroraGPT, seeking clarification on various events and their implications and also prompt in manually my events based on the game ones. This process involves more than a quick three-second command and a copy-paste; considerable effort is invested while simultaneously playing the game and controlling all races, including humans and, if applicable, aliens. As spoilers, only Raiders and Precursors are currently active, and there may or may not be swarms introduced at some point via SM.
General C# Fiction / Re: The War of the Worlds
« Last post by Louella on January 02, 2024, 01:41:25 PM »
The Blockade Of Mars

Mars is an impregnable fortress, any ship foolish enough to approach the Red Planet is fired upon by innumerable weapons from orbital forts, and even from the surface. If we are to win this war, a better plan than a direct assault is needed.
Analysis of Martian ship movements shows a number of vessels travelling to and from the asteroid belts and Jupiter. These do not appear to be military vessels, given the shape of their engine plumes.
It is believed that Mars may lack materials for conducting this war, and these vessels may be obtaining them from mines on the asteroids and moons of Jupiter.
If true, this flow of material must be stopped, and Mars cut off.
To this end, a blockade of Mars must be put in place.

Operation Stepping Stone

Quote from: Captain Alice Reynolds
To Rear Admiral Gilbert, Home Fleet.
Sir, attached is my report of the action of 12th August. In brief, the 2nd Frigate Squadron detected a number of Martian merchantmen, and destroyed them completely. None of the Martian ships were able to escape. We marked the location of the wrecks, for the Salvage Squadron.

Quote from: Captain Natasha Donnelly, Salvage Squadron
What do we have here ? What do you make of all these tubes, Chief ? Think this is something the science boys would be interested in ?

Quote from: Henry Mahmood, engineering researcher
An analysis of the Martian devices obtained recently by the Navy reveal that it is a kind of scoop or funnel, the use of which allows a ship to collect elemental Sorium from the outer atmosphere of gaseous planets. A second stage to the device contains a refining catalyst, operating on the same principles as a terrestrial Sorium refinery, allowing the ship to produce fuel directly. By products of the process appear to simply be vented to space. Most of the devices obtained exhibit damage, no doubt due to the manner in which they were obtained, but sufficient components remain intact to assemble a complete apparatus. Engineering drawings to allow production of our own harvesters will be completed shortly.
In addition to the Sorium harvester, the recovered Martian devices include an apparatus that appears intended to allow one ship to refuel another, whilst both are underway, which shall prove most useful in enhancing the endurance of our ships, allowing them to remain on station longer

Profound Social Change

In the wake of the Martian invasion, the women's suffrage movement in the UK had received a great boost, with many of the Kingdom's young ladies enthusiastically studying the sciences, engineering, and even military matters, resulting in profound changes in society.
While there was a degree of hesitancy amongst the more traditionally minded officers, the record of the young ladies in conducting the war against the Martians was exemplary, with the 1st Space Lord mentioning their dedication to Queen Victoria during the Jubilee of 1897.
Queen Victoria was amused.
General C# Fiction / Re: The War of the Worlds
« Last post by Louella on January 01, 2024, 07:36:50 AM »
Economic Crisis of October 1895

Quote from: Miss Eleanor Whittaker, propulsion researcher
To Treasury Secretary Mr.  Samuel Lee
Sir, I appreciate that the research we are undertaking is expensive, but the success of this war depends on finding a method of outmanoeuvring the Martian fleet, such that we, not they, can dictate the terms of engagement.  Our ships are still too slow to decline action should that be disadvantageous.  Surely you can appreciate this dilemma.

Ruinously expensive research has led to the UK being heavily in debt, even with the efforts of the most skilled economists.

Quote from: Lt. Col.  Dylan Bartlett, Coldstream Guards
Well, yes, bayonets were not particularly helpful against the Martian Fighting Machines last time around, but who knows what other aliens might be out there ?

Debate about the utility of the new powered infantry combat armour and the future need for bayonet drill, has occupied a great many military minds.
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