Author Topic: 1926/1927 - The Austro-Hungarian Civil War (4)  (Read 1623 times)

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1926/1927 - The Austro-Hungarian Civil War (4)
« on: July 22, 2021, 07:02:21 AM »
There's nary a more dismaying sight than that of a human being, who was formerly discriminated and oppressed, perpetrating unto others that which was done unto them.

Austro-Hungarian Civil War

The year opened with apprehension in many of the european cities, as the diplomatic crisis on the Danube unfolded. After only seven years, war ravages central europe once again, a war threatening to be more deadly and devastating than even the Great War.
Nevertheless, diplomatic interests collided over the outcome of the war, with different powers supporting the three main factions in the conflict.

The loyalists, mostly located in Austria, Bohemia, Moravia and Galicia had the support of the United Kingdom and the Ottoman Empire, both trying to maintain a counterweight to the growing Italian influence in the mediterranean; the turks, given the current state of the Empire, could only spare equipment and humanitarian aid. Most of the foreign brigades fighting on the Austrian side were british or german volunteers, the latter without official support from the government.

Meanwhile, the hungarians were supported by various minor powers in the german alliance, chiefly Poland. Some polish and ukrainian freedom fighters led the resistance against Austria in Galicia-Lodomeria and received support by their respective home countries.

Finally, the Illyrian rebels unified under a broad coalition led by the Socialist Party of Croatia, receiving significant funding and great quantities of weapons, delivered via smuggling operations through Bulgaria by the French and Soviet governments.

In the first phases of the war, the decisiveness of Hungarian generals meant that their forces reached the outskirts of Vienna, and were able to shell the city with Railgun artillery. The loyalists in Galicia were sieged in Lwow, as Krakow raised the Polish banner after insurgents assaulted the garrison.
Kaiser Karl, despite the danger, opted to stay in the city and rally the population. Allegedly, at the pressing request by the parliament for an evacuation, he replied: "If i have, God have mercy, to be the last emperor of Austria, let it be known that i died defending the same city that was considered lost in 1683, and yet still stands."
Zagreb rapidly became a smoldering ruin, with shelling from Austrian and Hungarian regiments pounding the city day in and day out. However, the resistance adopted guerrilla tactics, using the sewers and the basements to set ambushes, fighting for every building shell still standing.

With most of the Austrian army concentrated in the defense of Vienna, an enveloping maneuver was attempted by the Hungarian army, reaching for Brno in order to attack vienna from the north. A timely counterattack by the loyalists was able to break the salient and force a retreat, with the austrians capturing Bratislava exploiting the breakthrough.
As the two halves of the former empire focused on each other, the town of Dubrovnik was secured by the Illyrian rebels. Reacting to the potentially hostile presence, the italian fleet blockaded the straits of Otranto and moved the 2nd Army on the Austrian border. The move caused tensions to flare up, as the british foreign ministry warned that any armed intervention will spark another Great War. The two powers held talks in Ajaccio to reduce tensions on May 1926. The talks led to an informal agreement, later accepted by Austria, on a plebiscite in the lands of the Littoral and Dalmatia after the war's end. Any sort of intervention was ruled out by the italians for fear of a british or french intervention, depending on the target.

In June, a second offer from Bucharest arrived through the embassy in Vienna. The first, sent in February, was immediately refused. To compromise on imperial land was unthinkable, but so was the damage inflicted by modern war on the nation. With the war dragging on and at a standstill, the Kaiser was forced to compromise with the Romanians in order to end the bloodshed as soon as possible. An alliance with Romania was signed, as well as a guarantee for its national claims in the Carpathians in exchange for their intervention in the war.
The planned Austrian offensive started as soon as the Romanian army crossed the mountain passes in the Carpathians. It soon bogged down, most of the attack's momentum funneled successfully in the killzones prepared by the hungarian army. With both sides lacking armored support, the frontlines remained largely stagnant.
Unfortunately for the magyars, the token defenses in the Carpathians were overran by a much stronger than expected push.

Following this setback, the Hungarian cause suffered greatly from a numerical disadvantage. Shrewd and sound strategy by the Austrian high command led to increasing focus on the Hungarian front, somewhat giving up on recapturing Croatia after witnessing firsthand the difficulties in controlling the rebellious and increasingly spirited population. As the outcome became increasingly clear, the willingness of the Kaiser to compromise made him an extremely popular figure among most minorities, forcing the issue on future reforms to create "a federation of equals".
Illyrian rebels reached and captured Lubljana in October, after Zadar suffered a similar fate the month before. With the austrian army approaching the outskirts of Budapest, Hungarian forces capitulated to the hammer-and-anvil maneuver, caught between the loyalists and romanians.
With the country in ruins and the fighting spirit of the Illyrians on full display, both sides decided to negotiate terms. Peace talks between representatives of Hungary, Austria and the newly christened People's Republic of Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia started in November, with representatives from all the European great powers in attendance. The resulting Treaty of Zurich redefined the borders in the Balkans for years to come.

Treaty of Zurich:

The People's Republic of Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia is formally recognized as the sole legitimate government of the Illyrian region by all the powers in attendance, holding on all lands controlled by its forces at the time of the ceasefire
Romania is awarded the entirety of its claims in the formerly Hungarian region of Transylvania
Northern Slovenia/Krain will hold a plebiscite on whether to be part of the PRCSB or Austria
The Austrian Littoral will hold a plebiscite on whether to be part of Italy or Austria
Serbia will receive a border region part of Vojvodina

Innsbruck Protocols and related treaties:

Alliance agreements are signed by Romania and Serbia with Austria, defensive in nature towards Austria and its allies
Montenegro and Italy sign a defensive alliance
The PRCSB joins the Internationale, becoming its third active and fully recognized government

End of the Austro-Hungarian Civil War

Other developments:

Over 1926, the Brahe surveys Jupiter and its system of moons, discovering large deposits of minerals on Io and sorium in the lower layers of the gas giant's atmosphere.
Additionally, Adrastea (a small asteroid moon) and Callisto harbor some minor deposits. The system as a whole could become strategically important in the upcoming decades, with the US having the distinct advantage of first discovery.

Io survey report:
Duranium:   3,343,233   0.60
Mercassium:   2,930,054   0.80
Vendarite:   931,476   1.00
Sorium:   796,181   0.80

Its sister ship, Copernicus, is launched in may and is dispatched to survey the asteroid belt and the various comets orbiting the Sun.

As the US continue the exploration of the stars alone, the European powers move on with the arduous effort of reclaiming the dark continent.
The British Army is able to regain full control of the southern part of Nigeria and Ghana, two of the most populated and wealthy areas that were overran in the post-Great War collapse.
(+10m pop, +3 CI)
After reclaiming Algeria, the Légion Internationelle (heir to the Légion Étrangére of old) was dispatched to Senegal, where Dakar held throughout the collapse as one of the few cities still in european hands. The surrounding regions become a warzone as the returning french face various groups in their struggle for control.
An Italian expedition lands in Madagascar, with the intent of claiming the island for the house of Savoy, wrestling the control of its jungles from the numerous militias and native tribes.
Finally, the first German expedition is escorted by the first cruiser squadron of the rebuilt Kriegsmarine and lands on the coast of Kameroon and the outpost in Equatorial Guinea. Late to the scramble, not unlike the first time, the Army is ordered to advance and secure the old colony of Kameroon and pacify Gabon before the french have a chance to regain a foothold in the region.

There remains but one achievement of note to be reported, during these troubled times. Perhaps, the darkest of them all.
On March 6th, 1927, in a facility near Sapporo, two hangar doors opened. The sun cast its feeble rays upon a machine built not for exploration, but for destruction. The first, and certainly not last of its kind: an armed spacefaring vessel. War had reached the stars.

Error: World Map: 15 March 1927 not found
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National Stability Changes:
Austria-Hungary: -3 -> -1

As Austria rebuilds, Japan gears for destruction. The importance of a first strike is often decisive, and the Empire is well aware. Most certainly, war will return soon, but in the meantime peace is back to the developed world.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2021, 12:36:21 PM by TheDOC »
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