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Black Eagle - Teaser
« on: February 04, 2010, 01:03:10 AM »
Ponta Delgada, Azores
0630hrs 12 Aug 2019
Bravo Company (Remnents), 2nd Battalion The Parachute Regiment

Sergeant McDonald squatted down and reached for the pack of cigarettes in one of his pouches.  He lit it and as he drew the smoke into his lungs, McDonald looked out at the town below.  Smoke still rose from several locations close by and not more that a hundred meters, he could make out the still smouldering hulk of a tilt rotor transport.  As he pondered the events of the night, he became aware of someone walking towards him.  McDonald took a few more drags, stubbed the cigarette out in the gravel at his feet and then rose up.

His visitor was just his Platoon Commander.  
“How you holding up McDonald?” the young officer asked
“Yea….. I’ll live, Sir.  How about you?” he replied
The Platoon Commander walked a few paces in front of him and gazed out into the bay.
“That was my first action.  This smeg will haunt me forever.”
McDonald walked up to him.
“Sir, you did well.  We should have kicked their asses. We out numbered them and we were in a defensive position but they still managed to smash us and break into the research lab.”
The Platoon Commander adjusted the bandage on his arm and turned to face McDonald.
“I was just talking to the US Marine Intelligence team; it seems that the Yank Navy sunk nearly all their ships, including their only carrier, but they lost most of their aircraft in the process.   It seems that we were not the only ones to under estimate them.”
McDonald shook his head.
“How the frakk do we fight against the smeg they have.  They walked right past our thermal sensors; their Tilt Rotors did not even show up on the Airport radar and caseless ammunition. I thought that stuff was useless…. cooked off in the chamber.”

“They used special thermal dampened suits, only a few of them and the Tilt Rotors, well Intel thinks that they don’t have any more left…. used them all being experimental and all.”

Both men stood in silence for a few minutes watching a USMC Amphibious Assault ship disgorging its cargo at the docks.

“What was so important in this smeg hole that they had to send us here to guard some duckweed geeks?” McDonald asked

“I over heard some of the surviving scientists mention Trans-Newton Physics and how it will change the world.   What ever it was, those goons were willing to risk war with us and the Americans to get their hands on it.   They lost most of their naval power, their best commando force”

In the distance, automatic fire broke out along with several small explosions. The Platoon Commanders headset buzzed to life.

“It looks like the local cops have cornered a bunch of stragglers in a warehouse.  They’ve asked for assistance.” The officer said

“frakk ‘em, let the marines take care of it” said McDonald as he walked back towards the compound.
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Offline backstab (OP)

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Black Eagle: Background
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2010, 02:07:43 AM »
43-45 The War

Some time shortly after Germany’s victory at Kharkov, Hitler’s transport plane crashes in East Prussia.  Hitler survives but is comatose and Goering takes charge until the Fuhrer recovers.   Goering leaves Military Strategy to the OKW and concentrates on the Political aspects of running Germany.  This enables Von Manstein to propose a daring action for the summer nicknamed the "backhand blow".  By using elastic defence, Von Manstein intends to bleed the Soviet offensive and then counterattack pinning large formations against the Sea of Asov at Rostov.   Goering and the OKW approve the plan.

By the end of May, the Soviet summer offensive in the Ukraine is defeated by the “Backhand Blow”.  The German Army continues to give up ground while destroying large concentrations of Soviet troops. Near the end of June, Hitler recovers and takes back the leadership.   Goering and the OKW expect retubution for disregarding Hitler’s ‘Not one step back’ orders but find that he is unconcerned. Over the next few weeks, Hitler’s Staff notice a change in character, gone are the rages and temper tantrums. Hitler becomes more reclusive and distant.  By the end of June, Stalin collapses and dies from a stroke.   Beira takes control and is convinced that the only hope for the Soviet Union is negotiating a separate peace with Germany.   Beira offers Hitler a separate peace for a return to the ’39 border.   Hitler surprises everyone by accepting the deal.  This separate peace enables the Germans to redeploy forces from the east to shore up the defence of Europe and Mainland Italy.   The Allies launch Operation Husky and manage to clear Sicily of Axis forces.  The Allies hope that this victory would topple Mussolini’s regime but with the war against the Soviet Union finished and German reinforcements arriving, the Italian Fascists remain in control.  The Allies attempt to land in mainland Italy but the beach head is quickly contained and destroyed.

When the final Axis troops leave Russia, Beira begins a bit of house cleaning by purging the Party and Military of any Stalinists and other parties that could possibly threaten his position.   By the time of D-Day, the Western Allies are faced not with hastily raised Garrisoned Formations but Eastern Front Veterans.   Over the next few months the Western Allies suffer horrendous casualties and by the beginning of 1945, most of France had been liberated but at unacceptable casualties.  Hitler suffered a heart attack; most probably a result of his earlier accident and Goering assumes power.   Still facing a war with Japan, the United States began to loose heart and suggested it is time to cut their losses and end the conflict with Germany now that Hitler is dead.  
When the Western Allies approached Germany with a Peace deal, Goering agrees and after a few weeks of negotiation the war officially ends in May 1945.   Germany agrees to withdraw from Greece, Belgium and the Netherlands for the allies’ recognition of the Fascist Governments in Norway, Denmark and Croatia/Serbia.   While the Axis forces concentrate on destroying the last elements of Polish and Yugoslavian resistance, the Western Allies shift their priorities to deal with Japan.  

While the Western Allies negotiate with Germany, Japan realizes it will not be long before the full weight of the US and Britain will bear down on their shoulders.  The Japanese decide that the war with the Chinese is drawing off too much of their Army and in a shock move, Japan withdraws from China.    Japan began to fortify the Home Islands and their holdings in Korea leaving their puppet ally, Manchukuo, to face a vengeful China.  

Operation Downfall began in late October.  The US was not prepared for the fanatical resistance put up by the Japanese Military as well as civilians.  After the fist few weeks, Allied casualties grew out of proportion to the territory they captured.   Appalled by the slaughter, the American public began to protest against the war.  Not willing to sustain the losses to force Japan’s surrender, the Allies agreed to a peace with Japan.

50’s Early Post War

During the years after the war, most of Europe and Asia began the massive task of rebuilding their shattered infrastructure and Industry.  France, struggling under the debt of rebuilding, cut away most of their colonial holdings in Africa and Indochina enabling them to concentrate on continental France.  Britain, on the other hand, held onto their colonial empire which ignited Arab nationalism in the Middle East and ethnic troubles in India.  After an abortive attempt to regain control of the Suez Canal, Britain began the process of decolonization and granted independence to the majority of their colonies under pressure from the United States.   Brazil had supported the Allied war effort during WW2 and was rewarded by an influx of US and British investment and trade.  This favouritism caused other South American Nations to resent Brazil’s special attention and many began to follow Argentina’s lead by opening up trade with Germany and other members of the Axis Block in Europe.   The Soviet Union, still overcoming the effects of Beira’s purges, began to influence communist groups within western India.  During this time, the US detonates the first atomic bomb closely followed by Germany.

60’s-70’s Mutually Assured Destruction

The early sixties saw the Soviet Union support the newly created nation of Pakistan against India as well as assisting Afghanistan in setting up a Communist Government.   The United States intervened in the1965 Cuban civil war to ensure that the Communist backed insurgency would fail.   After 8 years of low intensity conflict, American troops withdrew from Cuba leaving behind a stable Democratic Government.   A border dispute between China and Japanese Korea devolved into a 4 week war which showed the world that Japan was still a strong power to contend with by defeating the Chinese invasion and forcing them back over the border.  The Japanese intended to go further until the US threatened to intervene.   Germany and the United States began to mass produce nuclear weapons in an attempt to gain an edge in any future war.  Soviet spies manage to steal information from both the United States and Germany enabling them to develop atomic weapons.   To counter the growing threat of the Axis Block, France, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium and Greece form the West European Union.  By the end of the 70’s a three way cold war between Germany, the United States and the Soviet Union was in force with all sides attempting to spread their ideology in South and Central America as well as Africa.   In 1978, a Communist coup in Panama forced the United States to invade and annex the strategically important nation, protecting it against any further changes in Government.   Franco of Nationalist Spain dies and the first Democratic election is held.  By the end of the year, Spain is admitted into the Western European Union.


The early 80’s sees Japan develop nuclear weapons and join the Nuclear Club.  This development scares may South East Asian nations and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) is borne, at first this is nothing but an economic and military alliance but as Japan’s and China’s strength grows, a full federation is agreed and the Federation of South East Asian Nations is enacted by 1990.   South Africa withdraws from the Commonwealth and absorbs Zambia and Rhodesia.  Mozambique and Angola, abandoned by the Portuguese and threatened by communist insurgents agree to form the Southern African Confederation with South Africa.   Brazil, infuriated by Anti Brazilian propaganda and Venezuelan refusal to stop pro fascist insurgents from crossing the border, invades.   Other Hispanic South American Nations condemn Brazil’s actions and soon Argentina crosses the Border into Brazil.
Brazil strikes back at Argentina and defeats the invasion force, facing defeat, Argentina’s Fascist Government asks Germany for Assistance and by the end of the week the first German volunteers arrive in Argentina.  The “Condor Legion” as it becomes known as, is thrown into battle against the Brazilians and soon turns the tide of battle in favour of the Fascists.  Fearing a Brazilian collapse, The United States and the Commonwealth send forces to defend Brazilian territory and for the first time since WW2, US/Commonwealth troops face off against German forces.  After a few clashes, the US and Germany both hold talks with hoping to avoid a world war.  Both sides agree to reign in their respective sides and a peace plan is agreed on.   Germany lends clandestine assistance to Argentina which leads to their first atomic test in Dec 1988.   Brazil manages to develop nuclear weapons without assistance by early 89.


During early 91 Otto Leuenberger, a Swiss Mineralogist, discovers eleven previously uncategorized mineral substances in a meteor fragment in the Alps. After a few years of study, it is found that the newly discovered minerals reside deep in the core of the planet.   Several little known scientific bodies theorize possible uses for the minerals that could lead to development of another branch of mechanics. To complement Classical and Quantum Mechanics, the theory of Trans-Newton Mechanics would, if developed, change the very perception of the other branches.  Most reputable institutions distanced themselves from such “Fringe Science” and left it to the crack pots.
As the western world argued the feasibility of what was proposed, central Africa experienced one of the worst recorded famines that claimed millions of lives.   The South African Confederation was spared such hardship and used the chaos in the affected states as an excuse to expand their Confederation.   At first, the SAC arrived with genuine aid, helping the worst affected states through.  Then the SAC used its new found popularity to coherse these states into joining the Confederation.   The SAC changed its name to the Pan African Confederation to give the illusion of a united African super state like the Western European Union.  
It was also during these times that the Arab nations of North Africa and the Middle East finally solved their problem with Islamic extremism.  The methods they chose to use were examples from the German occupation of the Balkans with brutal reprisals, kidnappings, murder and torture commonplace but by 2000 extremism was stamped out and the long envisioned goal of a united Arabic superpower came into being.  


The three way cold war was beginning to show its cracks.   With its massive nuclear stockpile as well as huge technologically superior Army, the German Reich’s economy began to slide into recession.   The Soviet Union began to step up its support of Communist insurgents in Central America forcing the United States to continuously react to small uprisings that could potentially threaten the Panama Canal. These constant deployments and operations began taking its toll on the moral of US Serviceman and began to break the bank of the Soviet Union.

2019 .... The End of Our Times

The breakthrough into Trans Newton Mechanics would not happen in one of the Super powers but in the independent nation of the Azores.   The Azores Islands were given independence by Portugal at the conclusion of the Second World War.  The Azores perused a strict policy of Neutrality to the point where it had no military except a police force.  This neutrality made it a popular tax haven for researchers perusing all matter of science and a safe zone for spies.   During the early ’90, when Trans Newton Theory was envisioned, a group of Jewish Scientists set up a research facility funded by a little known International Jewish Foundation to turn the theory into fact.  The major world scientific institutions ridiculed them for their pointless pursuit of a fringe science but they continued their research regardless.  
The breakthrough occurred in the early morning of (          ).  Dr. Simon Feigenbaum immediately e-mailed part of his findings to several institutions around the globe to verify his team’s findings.  He was careful not to divulge the whole formula and insisted that it would only be kept on a single computer isolated from the internet to discourage hackers.

Feigenbaum’s discovery sent shockwaves around the world.   The US and Commonwealth offered protection for the research facility in which they accepted.   By the end of the day, a C-130 carrying a Company of British Paratroopers was inbound to provide security.  The US dispatched a Carrier Battlegroup to provide a Naval Blockade around the Island but it would be several days before they would arrive.   The Soviet Union, Japan as well as several other nations all had intelligence gathering assets either on the Island or on boats around the islands hoping to gather some useful information about the discovery.   Germany, on the other hand, had other plans.

At the time of the discovery, the Kreigsmarine was involved in naval manoeuvres in the Atlantic Ocean. When German Intelligence reported the discovery and its implications, The German Chancellor ordered that the information was to be obtained by any means, including military action.  The OKW worked through the night and developed one of the most daring plans ever to be put into action.   Trägerkampfflotte “Deutschland” (Germany’s only Carrier Battlegroup)  and elements of the Italian Regia Marina were close to the Islands on manoeuvres.   The plan called for a Company from the SS-Jagdverband ‘Otto Skorzeny” along with several of the experimental Fock Wulf Tilt Rotor Transports to be flown from the mainland to the Italian LSD “Roma”.   The SS Commandoes would be equipped with some of the most advanced equipment yet to be used in combat including the new StG-18 6.5mm caseless Assault Rifle and a few of the experimental Thermal Dampening Suits as well as experimental secure man portable communications.

The plan was simple.  The Jagdverband would fly out from the Italian Landing Ship at maximum range as to increase the chance of surprise.  The Tilt Rotors would land in several pre determined locations close to the target compound and be destroyed to prevent capture.   The Commandoes would then assault the compound, retrieve the information and then transmit the information using a secure radio straight to the Ministry of Technology in Berlin.   Once the transmission is complete, the commandoes would destroy the lab, disperse and attempt to make their own way back to the Reich by any means.   Unfortunately there was one major hurdle; the US Navy Carrier Battlegroup tasked with the blockade would come into range at sometime during the raid.  Trägerkampfflotte “Deutschland” would provide air cover as long as it could and remain on station until the mission was complete.   Overall, this was considered a suicide mission, especially for the Commandoes and pilots but the importance of the information outweighed any reservations that the Reich’s leadership had.   The men of the Jagdverband Company knew that they would most probably die but all volunteered without thought.

In the early morning of the 12 Aug 2019, Seven Tilt Rotor Transports carrying 92 Commandoes took off from the Italian LSD.   One crashed about ten minutes into the hour long flight but the other six made it to the landing zones with at least an hour of full darkness left.  The Commandoes then proceeded to assault the compound, making quick work of the British Para Company tasked with security.  Once inside, the Commandoes began the search for the required information.  At this stage, the KMS Fleet Carrier “Deutschland” began to launch its complement of Aircraft to provide Air Cover for the Fleet and Island as the US Navy Ships drew closer.  As the Commandoes searched the compound, the surviving British Paratroopers regrouped and began to resist.  

The CVN-76 Ronald Reagan and her escorts received word of the attack and increased speed.   Once in range, the Ronald Reagan launched a Squadron of F-18C Hornets to clear the skies of the German aircraft over the island while the other Squadron would escort the strike against the German Carrier Group.   As success of the mission took precedence over survival of the Carrier Group, the German TF Commander used the majority of his fighters to cover the island and left the fleet with a small CAP.  The US Airstrike manages to penetrate the CAP and caused major damage to the Deutschland and sink several destroyer escorts but the Squadron sent to clear the Island is quickly taken care of by the German Fighters on station.   While the US Fleet moved into position, the Commandoes managed to collect all the data regarding the Trans Newton Program and began to transmit the information.

To transmit all the necessary information, it would take over an hour but while the Commandoes could hold off any counterattack in that time, there was a major problem unforseen by both the Commandoes and the OKW Planners.   The experimental radio and cipher equipment involved and the encryption was guaranteed to be unbreakable by conventional means but as the Commando communications team began to transmit, they were unaware that the cipher code had not been imbedded and they were transmitting in plain.   Every Spy and Intelligence gathering outfit that was monitoring the happenings picked up the transmissions that were sent by the Germans.   The Commandoes, unaware of what happened, destroyed the radio equipment, firebombed the lab and proceeded to break out of the compound.  

By the time the transmission was finished, most of the German Carrier Fleet had been sunk including the Carrier.  The Kreigsmarine aircraft tasked with providing air cover for the commandoes returned and found no carrier to land on and were forced to ditch their aircraft in the ocean.   Some were recovered by a surviving Italian Destroyer as it withdrew from the combat zone but the surviving Commandoes were all hunted down by US Marines and the vengeful survivors of the British Parachute Company.

At the end of the action the Germans had lost their best Commando team, millions of dollars in experimental equipment and aircraft and was reduced to a third world naval power in the space of a few hours.  To make matters worse, while hoping to have an advantage in the development in Trans Newton Physics, they inadvertently passed the knowledge out to every major power on the planet and lost any advantage they would have gained.   Over the next few days, both the Fascist Alliance and the Atlantic Treaty Organization began to mobilize troops and their nuclear arsenal until the German Chancellor and American President both caved into world pressure and held emergency talks in Geneva to diffuse the situation.  At the end of the talks, both sides agreed to stand down.

[Transcript of the Azores Incident Conference]
[US President]   We need to clear this up before we condemn the world to Nuclear War

[Chancellor]   Yes, I agree. The Reich does not want war.

[US President]    Why did you order an attack in a neutral country?

[Chancellor]   Don’t treat me like a simpleton; you are well aware of what was at stake.

[US President]   You are willing to go to war over fringe science?

[Chancellor]   Have you had the chance to look at what was discovered and the implications of it?  

[US President]   Yes I have, it has not even been fully developed.  What you risked peace for was a framework ....... a hollow shell.  It could take years to work out the intricacies of this science.  

[Chancellor]   Not what my experts say.  They predict that the first practical application of Trans Newton minerals will be ready by mid next year.

[US President]   So they say.  Are you also aware that your transmission was sent in plain and not encrypted? The rest of the world also has the same data so you have lost any lead that you think you got. To add to that, our intelligence reports that your economy will melt down under such financial pressure of such a massive R&D program.

[Chancellor]   Your intelligence is wrong.

[US President]   What ever you think, Chancellor.   Do you also realize the implications of you losing your whole Navy?  We can now project our forces any where on the globe to counter any threatening posture you might take.

[Chancellor]   Mr President, don’t you realize that by this time next year your navy will be rendered obsolete.... what is the great United States going to do then?

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Offline Steve Walmsley

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Re: Black Eagle: Background
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2010, 10:50:23 AM »
Fascinating stuff!

Are you playing all the human powers involved on the campaign?


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Re: Black Eagle: Background
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2010, 04:24:48 PM »
Yes .... all of them.  The turn cycle is a bit slow due to the number of player nations , about 1-2 minutes each 5 day cycle , but this gives me time to write up what happens while it is still fresh in my mind.  I'll post a detailed summery of each nation over thenext few days and once my drawing skills improve, I'll put in some pic's
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Jane's Country Risk Assessments 2019 edition
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2010, 04:29:11 PM »
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Offline backstab (OP)

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Re: Jane's Country Risk Assessments 2019 edition
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2010, 05:28:10 PM »
1.   United States
   Code: US
   Capitol: Washington DC
   Government Type: Republic
   Head of State: President Bill Roberts
   Economy: 14358 (+61)
   Research Facilities: 12
   Conventional Industry: 640
   Population: 318.0m
United States (310.7m), Puerto Rico (4.0m), Guam (0.2m), American Samoa (0.1m), Panama (3.0m)
   ICBM Bases: 18
   ORBAT:   26 LTI /  8 LTA

1st Infantry Division - Mechanized
3rd Infantry Division - Mechanized
4th Infantry Division - Mechanized
5th Infantry Division - Mechanized
8th Infantry Division - Mechanized
24th Infantry Division - Mechanized
2nd Infantry Division
25th Infantry Division
9th Infantry Division - Motorized
7th Infantry Division - Light
101st Air Assault Division
40th Infantry Division - Mechanized
26th Infantry Division (USNG)
28th Infantry Division (USNG)
38th Infantry Division (USNG)
42nd Infantry Division (USNG)
47th Infantry Division (USNG)
193rd Infantry Division (Panama)
92nd Infantry Division (Puerto Rico)
82nd Airborne Division
5th SF Group
7th SF Group
19th SF Group (USNG)
1st Marine Division
2nd Marine Division
3rd Marine Division

1st Cavalry Division
1st Armoured Division
2nd Armoured Division
3rd Armoured Division
2nd/3rd/11th Armoured Cavalry Regiments
49th Armoured Division (USNG)
50th Armoured Division (USNG)
107th/116th/163rd Armoured Cavalry Regiments (USNG)

National Overview

The United States is a Federal Constitutional Republic situated on the North American continent.   The United States is one of the current three Super Powers and is considered by most to be the most powerful country in existence.   The United States is considered stable with little or no chance of internal conflict.  Due to the immense power of the United States Military, few nations can actively threaten the interests of the United States.   The Azores incident mid last year is the closest that the United States has ever come to a full scale war within the last 20 years and even though tensions with the German Reich have subsided, the United States remains wary of Germany’s true intent.


The United States Armed Forces is made up of the United States Navy, United States Army, United States Marine Corps, United States Air Force and the United States Coast Guard.  The US Navy is considered to be the largest and most technologically advanced in the world and enables the US to react to any threat around the world.   The US Army and Marines rate close behind the German Heer and Waffen SS.  The US is currently a member of the Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Security Concerns
The United States is currenty concerned with the future intentions of the German Reich and the impact of Trans Newton Mechanics will have on any future war.  The Soviet Union is also high on America's watch list as they continue to supply Left Wing socialist insurgents in Central America.  The CIA has also submitted reports on the rise of Japan and their possable impact in the Pacific / Asia zone.


The United States has run under a two party system for most of its existence and there is little to suggest a change will happen in the future.   President Bill Roberts is in his first year of Presidency.


Even though the cold war has forced the United States to increase the Defence Budget and spending in R&D, the United States economy is considered to be in good health.  The US has strong trade relations with Brazil, The Commonwealth as well as the United Arabic Republic.

Trans Newton Mechanics

The United States was one of the major players of the Azores incident. Even though they did not intercept the German Transmission, the United States benefitted by giving the scientists involved political asylum in exchange for their help in research.
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Re: Jane's Country Risk Assessments 2019 edition
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2010, 08:02:00 PM »
2.   Germany
   Code: GE
   Capitol: Berlin
   Government Type: Fascist
   Head of State: Chancellor Henrik Grossmann
   Economy: 4668 (-5)
   Research Facilities: 12
   Conventional Industry: 350
   Population: 117
   ICBM Bases: 20
   ORBAT:   29 LTI / 16 LTA
11th Panzergrenadier Division
4th Panzergrenadier Division
20th Panzergrenadier Division
2nd Panzergrenadier Division
6th Panzergrenadier Division
21st Panzergrenadier Division
8th Panzergrenadier Division
9th Panzergrenadier Division
15th Panzergrenadier Division
16th Panzergrenadier Division
1st Gebirgsjager Division
2nd Gebirgsjager Division
3rd Jaeger Division
4th Jaeger Division
5th Jaeger Division
21st Volksgrenadier Division
31st Volksgrenadier Division
41st Volksgrenadier Division
51st Volksgrenadier Division
61st Volksgrenadier Division
71st Volksgrenadier Division
81st Volksgrenadier Division
91sth Volksgrenadier Division
27th Fallschirmjager Brigade
25th Fallschirmjager Brigade
26th Fallschirmjager Brigade
28th Fallschirmjager Brigade
29th Fallschirmjager Brigade
1st Commando Brigade 'Brandenburg'
1st Panzer Division
3rd Panzer Division
7th Panzer Division
Grossdeutchland Panzer Division
10th Panzer Division
5th Panzer Division
12th Panzer Division
13th Panzer Division
14th Panzer Division
17th Panzer Division
18th Panzer Division
19th Panzer Division
1st SS Panzer Division' LSSAH'
2nd SS Panzer Division 'Das Reich'
3rd SS Panzer Division 'Totenkopf'
5th SS Panzer Division 'Wiking'

National Overview
Germany is a Fascist state situated in central Europe.  Having survived the Second World War and still remain a world power has befuddled other nations but by maintaining a second to none ground military as well as a huge nuclear arsenal, Germany hangs tight onto their Superpower status.  Germany has been instrumental in assisting fellow Fascist Governments hold onto power.   As instigator of the Azores Incident, Germany has shown the world that they have (or had) the capability to pursue any goal that will give them an edge over the other two super powers.


Germany is a nation surrounded by Enemies.  With the Soviet Union to the East , the West European Union to the west and the Commonwealth and United States in the Atlantic, Germany has gone to extreme measures to ensure that the Heer and Waffen SS Ground Formations are the best trained and equipped in the world.  This status has come at a steep price with the economy now buckling under the pressure.  Due to the size of the Kreigsmarine, Germany is not considered a global power and now that most of the German ships were destroyed in the Azores Incident, Germany’s power projection capability is gone.   It is rumoured that Germany has many experimental weapon systems waiting for Trans Newton Mechanics to ensure their feasibility.  

Security Concerns
Germany needs a strong military not only as a deterrent against the Soviets and Western European's but also to keed the Axis Block and Scandinavians in line.  So far, Germany has managed to keep both allies firmly in their camp and still lend support to the League of South American Nations.  Since loosing thier power projection capability, it is possable that Germany may keep any future operations on mainland Europe.  While this may be good news for Brazil, the Western European Union fear that Germany and her allies may try something in the near future.


Chancellor Henrik Grossmann has been the Fuhrer of the Reich for the last 3 years.  At the current time, he enjoys the total support of the General Staff and the full backing of the German People.  There is no indication of a regime change at this current time.


Germany’s economy is shot.  Massive spending in R&D, the Military as well as their Nuclear Arsenal has destroyed any world confidence in the Reichsmark.   Germany seems to be pinning hopes on Trans Newton Mechanics to solve their financial crisis.

Trans Newton Mechanics

It was Germany’s actions that led to the other major powers obtaining the necessary information to kick start their own programs.  Germany’s Trans Newton Mechanics research is most likely to suffer setbacks due to their worsening economy.  Germany has one advantage over the other powers, that is their massive experimental weapons research program.
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Re: Jane's Country Risk Assessments 2019 edition
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2010, 07:09:24 PM »
3.   Soviet Union
   Code: SU
   Capitol: Moscow
   Government Type: Stalinist
   Head of State: General Secretary Boris Timoshenko
   Economy: 4969 (+6)
   Research Facilities: 10
   Conventional Industry: 365
   Population: 493.0m
Soviet Union (283.0m), Mongolia (3.0m), Pakistan (177.0m), Afghanistan (29.0m)
   ICBM Bases: 14
   ORBAT:   51 LTI / 11 LTA

8th Guards Army
20th Guards Army
4th Guards Army
9th Guards Army
6th Combined Arms Army
Vyborg Corps
Archangel Corps
11th Guards Army
14th Combined Arms Army
28th Combined Arms Army
13th Combined Arms Army
38th Combined Arms Army
18th Combined Arms Army
12th Combined Arms Army
19th Combined Arms Army
1st Guards Army
2nd Guards Army
9th Combined Arms Army
10th Combined Arms Army
2nd Combined Arms Army
7th Combined Arms Army
4th Combined Arms Army
7th Guards Army
45th Combined Arms Army
5th Guards Army
1st Combined Arms Army
3rd Combined Arms Army
8th Combined Arms Army
3rd Guards Army
5th Combined Arms Army
6th Guards Army
11th Combined Arms Army
15th Combined Arms Army
40th Army (Mongolian)
42nd Army (Afghani)
1st Motorized Rifle Corps (Pakistani)
2nd Rifle Corps (Pakistani)
3rd Rifle Corps (Pakistani)
4th Rifle Corps (Pakistani)
36th Guards Naval Infantry Brigade
76th Guards Airborne Division
Baltic Naval Infantry Brigade
7th Guards Airborne Division
44th Guards Airborne Division
103rd Guards Airborne Division
102nd Guards Airborne Division
Black Sea Naval Infantry Brigade
106th Guards Airborne Division
104th Guards Airborne Division
6th Guards Airborne Division
Far East Naval Infantry Brigade
1st Guards Tank Army
3rd Shock Tank Army
2nd Guards Tank Army
5th Guards Tank Army
7th Guards Tank Army
1st Unified Corps
8th Guards Tank Army
2nd Unified Corps
4th Guards Tank Army
6th Guards Tank Army
5th Tank Corps (Pakistani)

National Overview

The Soviet Union is a Communist nation situated from Eastern Europe to the Far East.   After the death of Beira, the purges and show trials which devastated the nation’s military were stopped and the new leadership began to rebuild Russia.   By supporting Pakistani independence during the Indian civil war, the Soviet Union was able to shape Pakistan’s political landscape and ensure that a communist Government was installed.   Afghanistan was a different kettle of fish.  Even though the Soviets were able to install a communist dictatorship, the locals resisted and it took from 1960 to 2000 to subdue the Afghani tribesman.   The Soviet Union has been active in promoting Communism in Central America and has come to blows with the United States several times over this policy.  


The Soviet Union maintains a massive military and is ranked the highest in terms of manpower in the world.   By using cheaply made equipment, the Soviets have managed to keep their Defence budget from destroying their economy like what is happening to Germany.   The Red Army has not fought a conventional war of any length since World War Two despite numerous border clashes with China and Japan.

Security Concerns

The Soviet Union has had numerous border disputes with Japan (Korea) and China which could spiral out of control into a conventional war.   Supporting communist insurgents in Central America has also brought them to the attention of the United States.  Germany still is considered the greatest threat by the Soviet Government and the border between the two powers is the most heavily fortified in the world.


General Secretary Boris Timoshenko is the current head of state.   Soviet politics revolves around which member of the Politburo can gather enough support to force the other out of the job.   There are three main factions that dominate the Soviet Union, the Communist Party, the KGB and the Army.   When one side becomes too powerful, the other two factions join to counter the other’s influence.  Timoshenko was head of the KGB and has support of the Party. Rumours of another purge by Timoshenko could push the Army over the edge and mutiny.


The Soviet Union has relaxed its “Central Planning” economy and is in the process of introducing a limited market based one.  This has helped keep the Soviets from bankruptcy but has worried hard line Party members.

Trans Newton Mechanics

The Soviet Union was lucky to have a Intel gathering vessel in the vicinity at the time of the Azores Incident and managed to intercept the transmission.   Added to that, Dr Kamil Rasheed, a Pakistani scientist was working on Trans Newton Theory before the incident.  This may give the Soviet a lead in future developments
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Re: Jane's Country Risk Assessments 2019 edition
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2010, 01:39:28 AM »
4.   Commonwealth
   Code: CW
   Capitol: London
   Government Type: Representative Democracy
   Head of State: Prime Minister Alfie Watkins
   Economy: 5357 (+12)
   Research Facilities: 8
   Conventional Industry: 200
   Population: 132.0m
Australia (22.0m), Canada (34.0m), Fiji (1.0m), Jamaica (3.0m), Solomon Islands (0.6m), New Zealand (4.0m), New Guinea (6.0m), United Kingdom (61.4m)
   ICBM Bases: 3
   ORBAT:   14 LTI / 4 LTA

42nd Infantry Division (TA)
43rd Infantry Division (TA)
44th Infantry Division (TA)
50th Infantry Division (TA)
51st/52nd (Scottish) Division (TA)
53rd Infantry Division (TA)
1st Field Division (AU)
2nd Field Division (AU/NZ)
1st Canadian Mechanized Division (Can)
Royal Pacific Rifles Division
6th Air Assault Brigade (UK)
22nd SAS Regiment (UK)
5th RM Commando Brigade (UK)
ANZAC SAS Regiment (AU/NZ)
1st Armoured Division (UK)
2nd Armoured Division (UK)
5th Armoured Division (UK)
49th Armoured Division (UK-TA)

National Overview

The British Commonwealth started out as an intergovernmental organization and has grown into a strong Federation under a central Government and parliament located in London.   Even though some members have withdrawn (South Africa, India and all the colonial African nations), the Commonwealth remains stable.   Unfortunately, the actions of the United Kingdom during the ‘50’s are still remembered especially within the United Arabic Republic and some former colonies in Africa.  This still leaves some regional powers reluctant to improve relations with the Commonwealth.  


Each member state has its own Military even though they are organized along the same lines.   The Commonwealth has a small, well trained Defence force adequate enough to serve the interests of the nation as a whole.   They also posses a small nuclear arsenal to act as a deterrent against the German Reich and the Soviet Union.  The Commonwealth is also a member of the Atlantic Treaty Organization

Current Concerns

Even though the German Reich remains the Commonwealth’s highest concern, the Soviet Union is also considered a potential source of future conflict.   There is also mistrust with the League of South American Nations over the status of the Falkland’s  


The Commonwealth has a constitutional monarchy and a representative parliamentary democracy that works on a first-past-the-post system. This tends to produce stable one-party governments that see out their full five-year term, but also marginalises smaller parties which fail to gain representation in the legislature, or gain fewer seats than their share of the vote would allow in a proportional representation system.   Alfie Watkins, born in New Zealand, is the current Prime Minister.  


The Commonwealth economy remains steady despite the rising inflation and cost of living in England.   Recent calls to expand the Commonwealth’s industrial base have been shelved until the full impact of Trans Newton Mechanics is determined.

Trans Newton Mechanics

Since Commonwealth troops were first to respond to the Azores Incident, the Commonwealth was able to access the data gathered by the United States.   This information was enough to kick start their own program without having to rely on the Americans.

5.   West European Union   

   Code: WEU
   Capitol: Paris
   Government Type:
   Head of State: President Rute Castilho
   Economy: 4680 (+12)
   Research Facilities: 6
   Conventional Industry: 190
   Population: 162.5m
Belgium (17.0m), France (65.5m), Greece (11.0m), Netherlands (17.0m), Portugal (11.0m), Spain (41.0m)
   ICBM Bases: 3
   ORBAT: 29 LTI / 10 LTA

15e Division d'Infanterie - Mech (Fr)
8e Division d'Infanterie - Mech (Fr)
4e Division Aeromobile (Fr)
27e Division Alpine (Fr)
1st Motorized Infantry Division (Gr)
2nd Motorized Infantry Division (Gr)
3rd Motorized Infantry Division (Gr)
4th Infantry Division (Gr)
5th Infantry Division (Gr)
6th Infantry Division (Gr)
7th Infantry Division (Gr)
8th Infantry Division (Gr)
1st Mechanized Division (Ne)
4th Mechanized Division (Ne)
5th Motorized Division (Ne)
1st Portugese Mixed Division (Po)
2nd Guzman el Bueno Infantry Division (Sp)
3rd Maestrazgo Infantry Division (Sp)
6th Navarra Mountain Division (Sp)
1st Infantry Division - Mech (Be)
16th Infantry Division - Mech (Be)
9e Division Marine (Fr)
11e Division Parachutiste (Fr)
Division de Étranger (Fr)
Para-Commando Division (Gr)
1st Marine Brigade (Ne)
Espana Parachute Brigade (Sp)
1st Marine Brigade (Sp)
Para-Commando Brigade (Be)
1e Division Blindee (Fr)
7e Division Blindee (Fr)
14e Division Legere Blindee (Fr)
3e Division Blindee (Fr)
5e Division Blindee (Fr)
2e Division Blindee (Fr)
10e Division Blindee (Fr)
6e Division Legere Blindee (Fr)
20th Armoured Division (Gr)
1st Brunete Armored Division (Sp)

National Overview

After the end of the war, France and the other European Nations that were freed from Germany’s control knew that in time Germany may attempt another invasion.   This belief and the threat of Communism enabled the Western European nations to quickly form a Federal Union and present the Fascists and Communists with a united front.   After the death of Franco, Spain quickly joined the WEU out of fear of a new fascist uprising that never eventuated.  
The WEU continues to improve relations with the Independent African Nations in hope of preventing their slide into communism.


The WEU maintains a large Army and nuclear arsenal as a deterrent to Germany and other Axis powers.  The WEU is now considering a unified command structure to replace the current national armies.    

Current Concerns

Besides Germany and the minor Axis nations, The Western European Union is concerned with Moscows growing influence in the Non Aligned African Nations as well as some of the Central American Nations.


The WEU Parliament is currently heavily influenced by France.  This has causes some member states to reassess their membership but there is yet to be any clear evidence of any states breaking from the Union.    This political infighting has the capability of causing greater unrest and may lead to unwanted attention from the Axis nations.


The WEU’s economy is strong thanks to robust trading with the Commonwealth and Pan African Confederation.  The WEU government is keen to reinvest a lot of these extra funds back into infrastructure and R&D.

Trans Newton Mechanics

Even though the WEU did not have access to the German Transmissions, both the United States and Commonwealth agreed it was in their best interest to supply the WEU with enough information to start their own program.

6.   Japan
   Code: JP
   Capitol: Tokyo
   Government Type: Imperial Monarchy
   Head of State: Prime Minister Shunji Misako
   Economy: 8104 (+30)
   Research Facilities: 8
   Conventional Industry: 300
   Population: 198.0m
Japan (127.0m), Korea (72.0m),

   ICBM Bases:
   ORBAT:   27 LTI / 1 LTA

1st Konoe Shidan (Imperial Guard)
2nd Konoe Shidan (Imperial Guard)
3rd Konoe Shidan (Imperial Guard)
Dai-ichi Gundan (IJA)
Dai-ni Gundan (IJA)
Dai-san Gundan (IJA)
Dai-yon Gundan (IJA)
Dai-roku Gundan (IJA)
Dai-jy?-ichi Gundan (IJA)
Dai-jy?san Gundan (IJA)
Dai-jy?go Gundan (IJA)
Dai-jy? nana Gundan (IJA)
Dai-jy?ky? Gundan (IJA)
Dai-nijy? Gundan (IJA)
Dai-nijyuni Gundan (IJA)
Dai-nijyusan Gundan (IJA)
Dai-nijy?nana Gundan (IJA)
Dai-nijy?hachi Gundan (IJA)
Dai-sanjy? Gundan (IJA)
Dai-sanjy?-ichi Gundan (IJA)
Dai-ni Kempeitai Gundan (IJA)
Dai-yon Kempeitai Gundan (IJA)
Dai-roku Kempeitai Gundan (IJA)
Dai-nijy? Kuuteibutai Shidan (IJA) Airborne
Kure Kaigun Tokubetsu Rikusentai (SNLF-IJN)
Maizuru Kaigun Tokubetsu Rikusentai (SNLF-IJN)
Yokosuka Kaigun Tokubetsu Rikusentai (SNLF-IJN)
Dai-san Shusentousensha Gundan (IJA) Tank

National Overview

During ww2, Japan was a nation not ready for war.  But after sustaining heavy losses in Europe and then in the opening days of Operation Olympic, the United States lost its taste for decisively defeating Japan.    The US was content to see Japan boxed in by China, Soviet Union and themselves.  Post war Japan concentrated on rebuilding its shattered infrastructure and Industry as well as defending its Korean Territories from constant Chinese and Soviet violations.  


The Imperial Japanese Army is an Infantry Based Army with limited Armour Support.   They still retain a large amphibious capability which also serves as their Special Forces capability.   The IJA units in mainland Korea are considered the best trained and equipped infantry in Asia.  

Security Concerns

Japan’s main adversaries are China and the Soviet Union.  Border clashes between the three powers are commonplace and serves as a way for Japan to test new equipment and tactics without having to support a full scale war.   Japan is now beginning to focus on the FSEAN states, hoping to sway them into some form of alliance in the future but this is unlikely due to the lingering memories of the occupation by Japan during WW2.


Even though Japan is a Monarchy, the nation’s day to day operations is run by the Diet which is controlled by the Japanese Prime minister.    The Emperor’s power is slowly being eaten away and is becoming nothing but a ceremonial position.  There is a movement within Japan, mainly consisting of Military officers, with the aim of restoring power to the Emperor.  


The Japanese Economy is strong and benefits from trade with Persia and the United Arab Republic as well as several neutral nations.

Trans Newton Mechanics

Japan was able to obtain a copy of the German Transmission from a third party (Soviet Union) and whith their strong economy, able to divert enough funds to keep the project developing.

7.   India
   Code: IN
   Capitol: New Deli
   Government Type: Republic
   Head of State: President Savitari Khanna
   Economy: 5471 (+24)
   Research Facilities: 4
   Conventional Industry: 270
   Population: 1331.0m
India (1163.0m), Bangladesh (150.0m), Sri Lanka (18.0m)    
   ICBM Bases: nil
   ORBAT:   16 LTI / 1LTA
XIV Corps
XV Corps
XVI Corps
III Corps
IV Corps
II Corps
IX Corps
XI Corps
XXI Corps
I Corps
X Corps
V. Corps (Bangladeshi)
VI Corps (Sri Lankan)
Special Operations Brigade
Commando Brigade (Sri Lankan)
IV Armoured Corps

National Overview

Once Britain granted India independence, the Islamic majority in the west of India rose up in rebellion.   Unable and unwilling to spend the money and time in suppressing the separatist movement, India cut the Islamic west away and concentrated on building a democratic nation.   India’s population has risen greatly to a point where they will overtake china as the nation with the highest population.   Even though they have a large population, the majority still live in poverty and are uneducated which limits India’s ability to become a true superpower.


India maintains a large military to deter any threats from Pakistan over the disputed Kashmir region.   India’s military is large but not as technologically advanced as the Pakistani Army which can rely on Soviet Equipment and support.   India is believed to be in the process of developing nuclear weapons which could destabilize the region and start an Arms race.

Security Concerns

India’s main security risk is Communist Pakistan and its claim over the Kashmir region.   India also maintains a watch on the Republic of China after their invasion and annexation of Tibet in the late 60’s.  


India’s political system is a federal parliamentary multi-party representative democratic republic modelled after the British Westminster System.   The Formal head of State is President Savitari Khanna.   India is considered a stable nation with little chance large scale civil disturbances.


India’s economy is stable and is in no risk of a down turn.   The Indian Government is using their national budget surplus to increase the industrial sector and improve the general education in hopes of staffing new R&D facilities in the near future.

Trans Newton Mechanics

India was lucky enough to have an espionage team on the Island during the Azores crisis and manage to obtain a copy of the transmission.   With the information that they intercepted, they were able to fund a Trans Newtom Mechanics research program.  

8.   Axis Block
   Code: AX
   Capitol: Rome
   Government Type: Fascist
   Head of State: Luigi Serpotta
   Economy: 3487 (+7)
   Research Facilities: 5
   Conventional Industry: 200
   Population: 123.0m
Hungary (10.0m), Italy (58.0m), Serbia (16.0m), Albania (4.0m), Bulgaria (7.0m),  Croatia (5.0m), Slovakia (6.0m), Romania (22.0m)   

   ICBM Bases: Nil
   ORBAT:   29 LTI / 5 LTA
2nd Infantry Division (Slov)
3rd Security Division (Slov)
1st Mechanized Division 'Admiral Miklós Horthy' (Hun)
2nd Motorized Division (Hun)
3rd Infantry Division 'Carpathian' (Hun)
4th Infantry Division (Hun)
17th Infantry Division (Hun)
2nd Motorized Division (Bul)
3rd Infantry Division (Bul)
4th Infantry Division (Bul)
1st Infantry Division ‘Dacica’ (Rum)
2nd Infantry Division ‘Calafat’ (Rum)
3rd Infantry Division ‘Alexandru cel Bun’ (Rum)
4th Mechanized Division ‘Vanatori’ (Rum)
6th Mechanized Division (Rum)
1st Mechanized Division 'Centauro' (It)
3rd Alpine Division ‘Julia’ (It)
101st Motorised Division ‘Trieste’ (It)
54th Infantry Division Napoli (It)
2nd Blackshirt Division '28 Ottobre' (It)
3rd Blackshirt Motorized Division 'Acqui' (It)
1st Infantry Division (Ser)
2nd Infantry Division (Ser)
3rd Reserve Division (Ser)
1st Motorized Division 'Ante Paveli?' (Cro)
Croatian Home Guard Division (Cro)
99th Airborne Brigade (Rum)
San Marco Marine Brigade (It)
Folgore Airborne Brigade (It)
1st Fast Division (Slov)
11th Armoured Division (Hun)
1st Armoured Division (Bul)
5th Armoured Division (Rum)
136th Armoured Division ’Ariete’ (It)

National Overview

The Axis Block is a group of nations headed by Italy drawn together by a common ideology.   Most of the Axis Block nations had supported Germany during WW2 and remained under Germany’s protection during the early 50’s.  The Block remains an important ally of Germany as well as a strong trading partner.  


Each nation maintains their own military but an Axis Block Command structure exists for times of war/conflict which, in theory, be staffed by Officers from all member Nations.  While not a particularly advanced military, the Axis Block has a strong arms industry and also has access to some German military equipment (Mainly small arms and light antitank weapons).

Current Concerns  

The Soviet Union and West European Union remain high on the Axis Block’s threat list.  


The member nations of the block align their foreign policy with that of Italy’s who in turn, consults regularly with Germany.     Luigi Serpotta is the current leader of both Italy and the Block Nations.   Serbia and Albania remain the Block’s most unreliable members with coups and civil disturbances commonplace.  


The Axis Block’s economy is in better shape than that of Germany despite the large military force that each nation maintains.   Strong trade with Germany and South America has kept the Block from experiencing cash flow problems as well as having a small R&D budget.

Trans Newton Mechanics

Germany supplied all its Allies with copies of the Transmissions once it was obvious that most of the other powers managed to obtain it.   Even though the Axis Block R&D program is small, they have several notable reaserchers capable of accelerating their program.
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Offline Steve Walmsley

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Re: Black Eagle: Background
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2010, 01:46:48 AM »
Commenting here so I don't spoil the flow of the main thread. Really enjoying the details and looking forward to the game starting. It's going to be a major task though :)

The fact that neutral contacts don't cause interrupts in v5.0 should make this game a lot easier to run in that verison than in v4.91


Offline backstab (OP)

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Re: Black Eagle: Background
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2010, 01:51:09 AM »
Quote from: "Steve Walmsley"
Commenting here so I don't spoil the flow of the main thread. Really enjoying the details and looking forward to the game starting. It's going to be a major task though :)

The fact that neutral contacts don't cause interrupts in v5.0 should make this game a lot easier to run in that verison than in v4.91


Thanks Steve.  I have put it on hold and will transfer it over to Version 5.0 once its up.  In the meantime, I'll keep putting up the Nation Reports and hopefully shoot you through some more Name and Theme lists.
I'll put up a dedicated comments threat too.
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Black Eagle - Comments thread
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2010, 01:52:03 AM »
If anyone wants to make a comment, be my guest !
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Offline Sotak246

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Re: Black Eagle - Comments thread
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2010, 02:31:37 AM »
I really ejoyed your alternate history, and your setup for the game promises to be very interesting.  Egerly awaiting Steve's 5.0 so you can write your story.


Offline Beersatron

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Re: Black Eagle: Background
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2010, 01:30:29 PM »
I am thoroughly impressed with the research you must have done just for the naming of the ground units!

Can't wait to see a few turn reports :)

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Re: Jane's Country Risk Assessments 2019 edition
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2010, 12:43:08 AM »
9.   Scandinavia
   Code: SC
   Capitol: Oslo
   Government Type: Fascist
   Head of State: Chancellor Paula Tanquist
   Economy: 1489 (-2)
   Research Facilities: 4
   Conventional Industry: 70
   Population: 25.0m
Finland (5.0m), Sweden (9.0m), Norway (5.0m), Denmark (6.0m), Iceland (0.3m), Greenland (0.1m)
   ICBM Bases: nil
   ORBAT:   14 LTI / 1 LTA

'Skaraborg' Armoured Division
'Viking' Airborne Brigade
'Vinland' Marine Brigade
'Jutland' Division - Mech
1st Home Guard Division
2nd Home Guard Division
3rd Home Guard Division
4th Home Guard Division
'Harstad' Division - Mountain
'Trondelag' Division - Motorized
'Oslo' Division - Motorized
'Karelia' Division - Light
'Häme' Division - Light
'Souther Skane' Division - Mountain
'Norrbotten' Division - Light

National Overview

Norway was still under German occupation at the end of the war and remained in the Fascist sphere of influence along with Denmark.   When a German funded coup put a Pro #### Government in control of Sweden in the late 1950’s, Quisling proposed the formation of Scandinavia.  This enabled Germany to withdraw the occupation force and redeploy them to Serbia.  Finland joined Scandinavia sometime in the late 70’s.  To this date, Scandinavia has remained a loyal ally of the Reich


Scandinavia maintains a modest military for its size and is home to the best trained marine unit outside the United States.  The majority of the Army is positioned along the Border with the Soviet Union due to the number of “Accidental” border violations.

Current Concerns

The Soviet Union remains the Scandinavians main threat, but there have been recent activity from Pro-Democracy groups in Norway forcing the Scandinavian Government to redeploy security assets from Finland to deal with sabotage of industrial facilities.


Scandinavia is a single party state (Scandinavian National Socialist Party) with a Chancellor as head of State.   Paula Tanquist holds the position and is the first female to lead a Western Fascist Nation.   She has proved to be as ruthless and cunning as any of her Male counterparts in the Block.  Even though there are small active resistance movements within the nation, these have little chance of influencing a wider change in Government.


The Scandinavian economy is slowly crumbling like that of the Reich.    Massive R&D budgets, a highly payed military and a low population are contributing to a massive dip in the National Cash reserves.
Trans Newton Mechanics

Scandinavia received a copy of the transmission from Germany not long after the Azores Incident.   By funnelling extra cash into the Trans Newton Mechanics research program, Scandinavia hopes to make a breakthrough early and use the technology as a cash cow to rebuild their shattered economy.

10.   League of South American Nations
   Code: LSAN
   Capitol: Buenos Ares
   Government Type: Fascist
   Head of State: President Uma Merino Aguirre
   Economy: 6483 (+35)
   Research Facilities: 5
   Conventional Industry: 270
   Population: 196.0m
   Argentina (41.0m), Bolivia (10.0m), Chile(17.0m), Colombia (44.0m), Guyana (0.7m),  Paraguay(7.0m),  Peru(30.0m),  Suriname(0.5m), Uruguay(4.0m),  Venezuela(27.0m), Ecuador (15.0m)

   ICBM Bases: 1
   ORBAT:   9 LTI / 2 LTA
VIIma División Blindada
Ira División Blindada
Vta División Mechanizada
IIIer División de Infantería
VIta División de Infantería
VIIIva División de Infantería
IXna División de Infantería
Xma División de Infantería
IIdo División de Infantería
IVta División Paracaidista
Ita División de Marina ‘Rio Plato’

National Overview

Fear of a US influenced Brazil was the catalyst to the formation of the League of South American Nations.   Even though the League is far from a full federation, most of the member nations work together to overcome Brazilian influence within South America including Central America.   As the majority of the Governments are either Authoritive or Fascist in nature, the League enjoys considerable support from Germany and the Fascist Block.


Each Member state is responsible to provide a quota of personnel for the League Military.  Even though they are outnumbered by the Brazilian Army, the League Army is better trained and receives generous military support from the Fascist Block.   With clandestine help from German scientists, the League was able to produce a small number of nuclear weapons to counter the numerically superior Brazilian Army but recent developments have rendered this advantage null and void.

Current Concerns

The Leagues current concerns are towards the recent Brazilian development of Nuclear Weapons as well as US influence within the Neutral Central American Nations.


Each member nation Head of State is eligible to be elected by the others as the President Supremo of the League for a period of six years.  So far, this has worked and little or no problems have arisen.    President Uma Merino Aguirre (Bolivian) is the Supreme President of the League.   The League maintains a number of treaties with Germany and the Axis Block.


The League economy is strong due to trade arrangements with Germany, Scandinavia and the other Axis Block nations.  They have been lucky enough to funnel a great deal of capital back into the industrial sector and to improve the standard of living amongst the poorer member nations.

Trans Newton Mechanics

To prevent Brazil from gaining an upper hand in South America, Germany passed along the information they received from the transmission.   This information was enough for the League to begin their own separate research project without support from Germany.

11.   Brazil
   Code: Bz
   Capitol: Brasilia
   Government Type:
   Head of State: President Vasco Leao
   Economy: 5788 (+26)
   Research Facilities: 4
   Conventional Industry: 280
   Population: 201.0m
Brazil (201.0m)
   ICBM Bases: 1
   ORBAT: 14 LTI / 2 LTA

11ª Divisão de Cavalaria Mecanizado
12ª Divisão de Cavalaria Mecanizado
Divisão Anfíbia (Marine Division)
1ª Divisão de Infantaria Motorizada
2ª Divisão de Infantaria Motorizada
3ª Divisão de Infantaria Blindada
4ª Divisão de Exército
5ª Divisão de Exército
6ª Divisão de Exército
7ª Divisão de Exército
8ª Divisão de Exército
9ª Divisão de Exército
10ª Divisão de Exército
1ª Divisão de Polícia Militar
2ª Divisão de Polícia Militar
3ª Divisão de Polícia Militar

National Overview

Brazil was an active supporter of the United States during WW2.  This and its Portuguese Heritage alienated it from the traditional Hispanic majority of South America.   The American corporations invested heavily in Brazil and this ensured that Brazil remained just ahead of the rest of South America in industrial strength.   Brazil has fought several wars with Argentina which added to the rift between themselves and the other South American Nations.


Brazil relies on the numbers of their ground force to deter aggression from the League of South American Nations.  While their military technology can not keep up with the German equipped League, Brazil’s soldiers are brave and relatively well led.   Brazil has recently developed nuclear weapons which now act as a balance towards the Leagues nuclear arsenal.

Current Concerns

Brazil’s main adversary in the region is the League of South American Nations.  Even though Brazil’s military is larger, the League has access to advanced military equipment from the Axis Block and Germany.  Brazil’s development of Nuclear Weapons has shifted the balance of power back away from the League.


As a Democratic Republic, Brazil is relatively stable and in no threat of any internal trouble.    President Vasco Leao is a strong leader and well respected in his country.


While not as strong as the League, Brazil’s economy is stable enough to provide the current Government with enough slack to modernize the Military improve industrial infrastructure or even increase Research and Development.

Trans Newton Mechanics

Since the Azores was traditionally Portuguese, Brazil maintained an embassy on the Island as well as intelligence operatives.  It was through these assets that Brazil was able to intercept a copy of the transmission for their own research.

12.   China
   Code: CH
   Capitol: Beijing
   Government Type:
   Head of State: President Han Ai Meng
   Economy: 5680 (+28)
   Research Facilities: 4
   Conventional Industry: 210
   Population: 1378.0m
China (1378.0m)
   ICBM Bases: Nil
   ORBAT: 35 LTI / 3 LTA
1st Army Group
2nd Army Group
3rd Army Group
4th Army Group
5th Army Group
6th Army Group
7th Army Group
8th Army Group
9th Army Group
10th Army Group
11th Army Group
12th Army Group
13th Army Group
14th Army Group
15th Army Group
16th Army Group
17th Army Group
18th Army Group
19th Army Group
20th Army Group
21st Army Group
22nd Army Group
23rd Army Group
24th Army Group
25th Army Group
26th Army Group
27th Army Group
28th Army Group
29th Army Group
30th Army Group
31st Army Group
Shanghai Marine Division
Huangpu Marine Division
99th Airborne Division
100th Airborne Division
70th Armoured Division
71st Armoured Division
72nd Armoured Division

National Overview

China’s problems did not finish with the withdrawal of Japan and the absorption of Manchukuo at the end of WW2.   The Nationalist Government was forced to deal with the Chinese Communists led by Mao who received support from the Soviet Union up till the mid ’50 when they were abandoned by Beira.   To make matters worse for the Communists, Mao was captured in 1956 and killed.  Without the leadership of Mao, the Chinese Communists soon lost focus and their importance faded away.   The Republic of China then began the long process of rebuilding their nation, but corruption and a lack of industry hampered the process.   Today, China is a light industrial power, known for its cheaply made consumer goods.


Despite having a massive standing Army, the ROC military is nothing more than a paper tiger with Army Groups no stronger than Western Divisions.   The ROK Military has been involved in may border disputes with Japan (Korea) and the Soviet Union.  It is unlikely for some time that the ROK will be able to reorganize and replace their aging inventory and for the mid tem, they will continue to rely on numbers to win any future conflicts.

Current Concerns

China has fought numerous border actions against the Soviet Union and Japan.  These two nations remain China’s main concern but recently activity along the border with India has raised some concerns within the Military.


Even though on paper China is a Republic, china is run by a select council picked from high ranking military personnel and industrialists.  The President normally answers to this council when making any decisions regarding Foreign Policy.


While most of China’s population are rural poor, China has a strong economy devoted to cheaply produced consumer goods.   These goods find their way across the globe and the profits from their export has lined the pockets of Chinese politicians.  Even with the high corruption, China has enough money to keep the nation from economic disaster.

Trans Newton Mechanics

China was lucky enough to have a signals interception team in the area during the Azores Incident.  This enabled them access to the transmission but it took longer than expected for the Chinese to realize the importance of the message.  China is now desperate to regain any ground lost to the point of using espionage against the major powers and risking war.
Move foward and draw fire