Author Topic: The Siliconate War: Damnatio et Memoriae  (Read 14920 times)

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Offline Þórgrímr (OP)

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The Siliconate War: Damnatio et Memoriae
« on: February 15, 2007, 08:32:57 AM »
This story takes place during the Siliconate War and is from the point of view of Roman Manipularii, Roman Marines. It proceeded the Arachnid War by 22 years.  :D



Technician Principale Iulius Vilanus parked his motorcycle behind a hedgerow and waited to see if his arrival had been noticed. When no shouts of recognition came forth he crouched and moved carefully towards the small farmhouse. The light from the red moon in the darkening night sky gave the whole area a sickly hue that reminded Vilanus of blood.

This is for the final payoff Iulius my boy, after this one you can retire to Epsilon Eridani and spend the rest of your life drinking Rum Runners, he thought with a sense of satisfaction.

The thought of beaches, booze and broads brought a smile to his face and he straightened up as he got to the door. He knocked softly waiting patiently for someone to answer the door. He glanced up at the stars and saw the yellow giant of 82 Eridani sinking below the horizon. ?I'm comin girls, so have the hot tub warmed up.? He said softly.
The door opened up and Vilanus entered, which Demanus quickly closed behind him. They moved to the kitchen where Vilanus was startled to find the presence of someone else, who was unknown to him, at this meeting.
He turned angrily to Demanus, "What in the name of Hades is going on Demanus, this was supposed to be a private meeting? And what's your friend all dressed up for, Autumn Festival?"
Demanus moved between Vilanus and the large, hooded and cloaked figure seated at the kitchen table. "This is my... employer Iulius, he wanted to talk to you to make sure everything was done properly before he made the final payment."
The bulky figure behind Demanus made no movement but the rasp of his breath filled the room. A labored breath preceded each sentence. "You must answer... I must ensure... that it was done... before I can give... you your reward... tell me everything... that you did."
Vilanus rolled his eyes and pointed at the figure. "Look Demanus hired me because I am good at what I do. I put the virus in the Orbital Command scanner system like you paid me to do. The long-range scanners will be out of commission for at least 3 hours starting at midnight just like you wanted. Hey, I don't care what you smugglers want to bring in and out of here. I just want my money!" Vilanus looked over at the kitchens wall chrono. "As a matter of fact, the system should have been offline for 15 minutes now."
At a strange chirp from something on the table Vilanus saw the figure reach out with a cadaverous looking arm and pick up a strange object. The figure lifted the device and looked at some sort of viewscreen. The head nodded and a tired voice rasped out.

"You have done... as you have said... The Plan is on... schedule." A long shudder went through the figures body. "And now it... is time to find... a new home."

Vilanus got a bad feeling as he saw the fear in Demanus's eyes.

Demanus's voice whined out. "But not me, you promised. Not me!"

Vilanus watched the figure stand up and start towards him and felt a grip of fear when the withered arm pointed at him and the voice croaked out. "That one... will do... "

Vilanus turned and ran down the hallway towards the front door. He clawed the door open and saw over his shoulder Demanus aiming a strange weapon at him. He dove out the doorway but he heard a <pfftt> and felt a sharp pain in his back. He felt his limbs grow heavy as he stumbled towards his motorcycle. He crashed to the ground and rolled on his back looking up at the stars.

Vilanus rolled his head to the side and saw Demanus and his friend move to stand over him. The large figure shrugged off his cloak and Vilanus looked in horror at what lay beneath.

The gaunt body looked as if it was human once but in the moon's light it resembled a cadaver dipped in blood. But the rock looking thing, which was pulsing, that had wrapped itself around the torso was anything but human. It seemed to unwrap itself and scuttle down the legs of the once human figure.

As it finally detached Vilanus saw the hollow, horror filled eyes meet his and read the barely moving lips whispering, "Oh, thank the Gods," before the body toppled backward.

Vilanus couldn't move his arms or legs, but when he felt the rocky, scaled tentacle of the thing wrap itself around his leg and pull itself up his body he started to scream. The weight of the thing slowly moving across his chest made it more difficult to breathe.

He saw sharp diamond tipped tentacles wrap around him and start probing his back and neck. The pain of the tentacles spearing his flesh was terrible but he began to feel a cloud fall over his thoughts. He saw flashes in the night sky and realized that their/our ships were destroying the orbital castra. The other flashes were probably the system defense ships being engaged by our/their ships. Vilanus's last conscious act was to turn his head towards the stars, "Gonna be a little late girls."
The figure got to its feet briskly and turned towards Demanus. Its strong voice boomed out. "Ensure the landing beacons are all activated so the ships of the Assembly may land safely."

The Siliconate watched the weak human run into the building to check the transmitters. It reveled in the strong body it now had. "The Assembly will want to reap this world with most haste." He looked over his new body and said, "Ahhh, it is good to have a strong host able to process the calcium and manganese we need. These humans make such nice hosts."
A long roar and a bright glow to the south marked the first landing of ships from the Assembly coming to reap the humans of Nova Tarentum I.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2007, 02:33:36 PM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2007, 02:49:48 PM »
Chapter One

Navarchus Quintus Helvius looked at his Legatus Classis and spoke. ?Permission to speak freely sir.?
Legatus Gnaeus Labienus looked him in the eyes and nodded.

Helvius chose his next words carefully. ?Sir, I want to stress my objection to this mission for the record. Anything strong enough to stop all communications from Nova Tarentum and Scylla is going to eat my two squadrons for lunch, not to mention the troop transports I am going to have to nursemaid all the way there.?

The Legatus picked up his quill and started stabbing the air as he made his points. ?First thing Helvius is we don?t know that it was a hostile force that had anything to do with the loss of contact.? He held up his hand to forestall the Navarchus?s next comments. ?I know the outer arm has never been fully explored but it has not been confirmed that any outside forces had anything to do with it. Intelligence thinks it is a local ?rebellion? that has spread to a few local systems, and THAT is why you are escorting those troops. If it is a local rebellion, you are to land and take Control as the Military Governor until order is restored.?

?You know that with the Medes making all the noise on the border that this was all the ships Classis Command could spare. Be happy, I had to call in a favor to get you as many ships as I did. So Navarchus, can I count on you for this mission or do I have to brevet Trierarchus Corinus up to Navarchus and take the mission??
The name of the one man in the Empire that Helvius despised had the proper effect. Navarchus Helvius straightened up and saluted. ?Orders received and understood Sir. I will carry out the mission.? Under his breath he whispered, ?If only to keep that glory hound from commanding anything bigger than a garbage scow.?
Labienus smirked at that last bit. ?Was there something else Navarchus? I didn?t catch the last bit.?
Helvius straightened up just a hair more and said, ?We will be coming home with our shields or on them sir.? He did a perfect about face and left the Legatus? office. He had the terrible feeling that he would never see home again.


Manipularii Suetonius Scaevola was assembling his rifle when he heard a low snore from off to his right. He picked up a cleaning rag, knotted it and pegged Legionarii Cassius Varus right in the forehead. Varus jumped and pieces of his rifle scattered all over the deck. He looked around and when he saw Scaevola staring at him he dropped his eyes. Scaevola normally would have let it go, but not right before they were going to be dropped in the garum.
He cleared his throat. ?Varus, if Metellus catches you racking out like that, you ain?t never gonna wake up. He is just gonna slit your throat with things this serious.?
Varus looked up at him, hesitated and then spoke. ?You really think it?s E.T?s or you think its just some kind of rebellion like the scuttlebutt says Optio?? Scaevola didn?t get a chance to answer when a rough voice caught the whole Contubernium?s attention.

?It don?t matter to Manipularii what they are facing, Animals, E.T?s or Rebels, we kill ?em all and let High Command sort ?em out before burial.? Principale Metellus looked at the men of his Contubernium. His eyes halted on Varus and his lip rose in a snarl. ?Varus, you have 30 seconds to find all the pieces of your weapon and assemble it or you are Numero Uno on my garum list starting NOW!?

Varus scrabbled to grab the scattered pieces of his rifle and started snapping them together. His Principale barely looked at him as he took out a pouch of tobacco. He pinched a large wad of it and packed it in this right cheek.

Without looking at his chrono Metellus just said ?Time!? He held out his hand and Varus placed his Gauss Rifle in it.
The whole Contubernium watched as Metellus did a quick inspection of the weapon. He flicked the power switch on and quickly threw the weapon to his shoulder aiming it at Varus. The Contubernium hit the deck as they heard the sound of discharge. Varus looked over himself searching for a wound. He looked at his Principale in shock.

Metellus just stared at him. ?Next time don?t forget the power transfer conduit or I am gonna stuff you in the recycler.? Metellus spit a stream of tobacco juice near Varus?s foot and threw the weapon to Scaevola. ?Make sure he gets it right, I gotta talk to the Centurio.? The Contubernium stared at Varus as the Principale walked out.
Legionarii Macer laughed for a moment before speaking, ?I thought for sure you were dead my friend. Good thing you are such a screw up, understand??
Scaevola threw the weapon to Varus. Varus disassembled his rifle down to the guts and saw the vacant space where the conduit should have been. He looked over at Optio Scaevola and whispered. ?How did he know it was missing without pulling it apart??

Scaevola shook his head. ?Do you think he cared??

Macer leaned over and touched Varus on the shoulder. ?The Principale is crazy but not that crazy.? He pointed to the deck. Varus looked down and saw a power conduit lying there covered in tobacco juice.
Scaevola shook his head and just pointed at the power conduit, ?Get that cleaned up and get squared away, quickly.? Varus was picking the power conduit up when the general quarters alarm went off.


Navarchus Helvius quickly recorded a message for the message pod. ?Legatus Labienus, following course from Nova Cartago>> Nova Londinium >> Nova Tarentum en route to Scylla. Entered Nova Tarentum system and detected 7 unidentified ships. Ships were of an unknown configuration. Three of Quinquireme size and 4 of Trireme size. Fifth Pila Squadron engaged at maximum range and scored numerous hits.?
He paused momentarily before continuing, ?Initial analysis shows enemy shields 33% more effective than ours and hull strength at least 25% higher. All seven ships destroyed at the cost of 3 of my Iuppiter Class Sexiremes. Enemy Pilas also much more powerful than ours.?
?We have detected signs of combat on the surface of the planet. Have ordered the deployment of the IV Manipularii Legio and the XI Mechanized Legio to assist local forces.?

Helvius paused a moment and hit the record button again. ?Legatus, I am concerned that whoever they were that we passed them in the Apollonian Gate passage. I think they dropped troops here and left these to guard Nova Tarentum while their Main Body moved on towards Nova Londinium.?
?You may relieve me but I am heading back to Nova Londinium to check it out then I will return to Nova Tarentum if everything there is ok. This doesn?t look good Legatus; you had better scrape all the ships you can get together to guard Nova Cartago. If we lose our only Imperial Communications Center in the whole outer arm I think it will be very bad. Navarchus Helvius out.? He turned to his Comm Officer. ?Get that sent out now!?
Helvius checked the board and saw the transports were landing on Nova Tarentum. ?Helm, once the transports have offloaded set course to Nova Londinium maximum speed.?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2007, 12:18:51 PM »
Chapter Two

The cargo bay shook as the ship entered the atmosphere. Metellus moved from man to man of his contubernium doing a final check of them and their equipment.

He stopped before Optio Scaevola, ?Keep your section spread out Scaevola, and keep a close eye on Varus. If he screws up bad just get rid of him, you get me?? Scaevola met his eyes and just nodded. Metellus gave his Optio a grin, ?I told the Centurio that you should be made a Principale and he is gonna put in the paperwork after this landing.?
Scaevola smiled briefly. ?I won't let you down Principale.?
Metellus put his hand on Suetonius?s shoulder. ?I know you won?t Scaevola, you just keep your head screwed on straight and stay alert.?
Metellus moved to Optio Sertorius Dentatus. The Principale looked him straight in the eyes. ?Hows the leg Dentatus, and don?t lie to me. That was a bad break and I gotta know if you are one hundred percent.?
Dentatus just gave him a huge grin. ?It?s fine Principale, it aches a bit but the Medicus gave me some ?candy? to knock the pain back if it gets too bad.?
Metellus poked him with his finger. ?Don?t take too many of those painkillers, they dull your senses and I need everyone frosty on this op.?
Dentatus just shook his head. ?Don?t worry Principale, I can take the ache. I?ll suck it up and work around it.? Metellus nodded to him and moved on.

Legionarii Aelius Regulus was adjusting the straps on his pack and body armor when Metellus stepped in front of him. Metellus watched for a moment before speaking. ?New armor still giving you trouble Regulus??

The young Legionarii looked up at him. ?Principale, I got the straps adjusted in the same notches as my old set but it just feels wrong and it?s rubbing my shoulder raw.?
Metellus turned him around and started adjusting a few clips and straps; he lifted the pack and slammed his fist down on the right shoulder plate of the Legionarii?s armor. After dropping the pack back in place he watched Regulus checking his movement.
?It?s perfect Principale, feels just like the old set now. How did you do that??
Metellus gave a rough chuckle. ?It?s a Principale thing Regulus, if I told you, everyone could do it.? Metellus was still laughing as he moved on down the line.

Metellus stopped briefly in front of Legionarii Licinus Volusus. From the top of his helmet to the soles of his boots, every piece of Volusus? equipment was in perfect place. Every item attached to his web gear was painted and there was not a glint of bare metal anywhere on his person. Metellus had been unsure of the young Manipularii when he first came to the contubernium but Volusus couldn?t help that his people had been cut off from the rest of Humanity for all those decades.
Still thought Metellus, Religious fanatics are bad enough, but military religious fanatics are just creepy. But if they can produce Legionarii like Volusus, it can't be that bad. He nodded quickly to Volusus. ?You ready for this Volusus? This is gonna be your first time under fire with us??

The Manipularii clicked his heels. ?This Manipularii is ready for duty in all respects Principale. I will do the contubernium proud, Praise Marius, and Mars willing, we will prevail.? Metellus just nodded as he moved off.

The squat soldier next in line was checking the power cable attached to his weapon as Metellus stepped before him. Manipularii Ursa?s squat build and massive muscles marked him as a Heavy G worlder. ?You keep playing with that weapon Ursus and your gonna go blind.?

Manipularii Fabius Ursa, ?Ursus? to the whole contubernium, just grinned up at his Principale. ?I don?t like these new Gatling Lasers Principale, any chance we can get ahold of an old Heavy Plasma Enveloper??
Metellus just shook his head at his Heavy Weapons man. ?No chance Ursus. They?ve all been sent to the scrap heap. What?s the matter, don?t like the ?weapon of the future???

Ursa frowned. ?I like the rate of fire, its just the round is too weak to do much to anything other than lightly armored troops, at least with the old Mk 5 H.P.E. I could knock out buildings and light armor.?

Metellus smiled and slapped Ursa?s helmet. ?If we see any armor, you just throw a rock at them. With your arm that should penetrate a foot of Tritanium.? Metellus walked away from a now laughing Legionarii.

Manipularii Macer had been watching the Principale move down the line and was memorizing all the things Metellus did to put each man at ease. He put them in his mental ?When I am a Principale? file.

Metellus placed his hand on Macer?s shoulder. ?You ready for this Macer??

Macer nodded, ?I?m ready Principale, I even managed to sweet talk the Ordinance Principale out of a couple of extra rockets for my launcher.?

Metellus turned him around and checked his pack and launcher. ?You gonna be able to handle this kind of load Macer? I need you able to keep up with me.?

Macer nodded his head. ?Can do Principale, I may not be as strong as Ursus but I will keep up no matter what.?

Metellus smiled at him. ?I know you will, you just stay near me and you?ll be ok. By the way, how did you get extra ammo out of that asshole of an Ordinance Principale??

Macer gave a sly grin. ?It?s a Hispanian thing Principale, if I told you, everyone could do it.?

Metellus looked at Macer a moment then burst out in a hearty laugh. ?You?ll do Macer, you?ll do.?

Metellus laughing came to a halt when he came to the last member of his contubernium. He didn?t say a word; he simply stared at Manipularii Varus. Almost a full minute ticked by as Metellus remained silent just staring at him. Varus began fidgeting and opened his mouth to speak but stopped as the Principale held up his finger.

Metellus's voice was cold and clear, ?Clean slate Varus, all your frakk ups to this date don?t matter. But you frakk up one time during this op. I am gonna stuff a grenade down your throat and have Ursus throw you at the enemy. You get me Manipularii? Varus nodded and was about to say something when Metellus held his finger up again. ?Don?t speak, just listen and understand. You got a fresh start and that?s the last one you?re gonna get.?

Metellus turned and looked back along the lined up contubernium. ?Listen up First Contubernium, we are the best contubernium of the best damn Century in the Legio. As usual we are gonna get picked for every garum flavored mission Command can come up with. We will probably be in the thickest part of every firefight and told to ?volunteer? for every suicide mission that the Legati Legionius can think up. So you better stay awake ?cause we still don?t know whom the enemy is. The Century?s job is gonna be to hit a small farming village and gather Intel on what we are facing and who. Stay alert, stay alive. You got me Manipularii??

A chorus of voices came back. ?Yes Principale!?

Metellus tapped his ear. ?Is this Third Contubernium I'm looking at? I said YOU GOT ME MANIPULARII??
A louder chorus shouted out, ?YES PRINCIPALE!!?
The shout was drowned out by the sound of the landing rockets firing and a loud thump as the troopship landed on the surface of Nova Tarentum I.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2007, 07:43:02 AM »
Chapter Three

                                            Landing (L+ 10 mins)

Principale Metellus packed a wad of tobacco into his right cheek as he waited for the bay to open up. The cargo doors made a shrill whine when they finally rolled up. Cold rain began blowing into the bay. Of course it would be raining, Metellus thought, Why is it every planet I land on it's either snowing or raining?

He saw Centurio Gallius turn towards his ten Contubernium?s. "First Century lets move out!"

Metellus spat a stream of tobacco juice on the cargo deck before he ran down the landing ramp. He watched as the Centurio checked his compass and pointed off towards a set of low hills. Metellus checked his own compass and nodded to himself. The Centurio had the right bearing so First Century wouldn't be getting lost today. A large splash behind him caught his attention. He turned to see Varus getting up from the large puddle he had fallen into.

Metellus just shook his head. He called out to his Contubernium, "Spread out and follow me! We've got miles to cover and not much time to do it! The Contubernium followed Metellus as he started jogging towards the hills.

The Century had been in a slow jog for an hour to get clear of the landing zone. The Centurio had First Contubernium on point with Second on the left the Third on the right and the Command Section along with the rest of the Century bringing up tail end Charlie.

Metellus had seen only a few buildings in the distance and all showed signs of having been burned down. He thought to himself, What ever went on here looks like it was nasty. Anything that could burn buildings to the ground in this kind of rain must have been bad. Sorry we missed the fun.

The Centurio's voice crackled over his comm, "First Century according to my map, there is a crossroads over the next hill and what looks like some large buildings. The main body of the Century and the Command Section will take position on the hill as overwatch. First and Second Contuberniums will head to the bottom of the hill. Second will cover from the base of the hill while First checks out the surroundings. First Contubernium, this is just to check things in the area. If you encounter any real resistance you are to pull back to Second Contubernium."

Metellus keyed his comm, "Understood Centurio, are we looking for prisoners?"
There was a pause. "If possible Metellus, but no one gets killed trying. Watch for civilians, but no hero crap from anyone."
Metellus smiled, the Centurio had more common sense than any other Centurio he had served with. He keyed his comm again. "Understood Centurio, we will attempt capture only if circumstances allow."
The Century paused for a moment at the crest of the hill. Everyone was peering through their image enhancers to check the buildings and road below. The rain obscured most of the details but the cluster of a dozen buildings appeared intact. Unfortunately the buildings clustered below concealed some views of the road. When no movement could be seen anywhere the Centurio motioned First and Second Contuberniums to proceed.

The grass on the hillside was slick as the men cautiously made their way down and Metellus expected to hear Varus crash down the hill any moment. When they reached the base of the hill safely Second Contubernium spread out and set themselves up.
Principale Clodius came up to Metellus and spoke quietly. "I don't like this one bit Met. This place is way too quiet. I saw two doghouses behind those buildings. The wind is blowing our scent straight towards that place and I haven't heard one bark. I have a real bad feeling about this."

Metellus nodded after a second and spit into the grass. "I agree with you Marcus but it's gotta be done. You just be ready to come support us if things get ugly." At Principale Clodius's nod, Metellus motioned for his Contubernium to move out.
The Contubernium began moving up towards the nearest building. Metellus saw a child's swing set in the yard, the wind blowing the swings made a metallic jingling as the chains slowly rocked back and forth in the breeze. The back door appeared to be open and Metellus motioned for Optio Scaevola to have his section cover them while he checked inside. Metellus signaled Volusus and Dentatus forward and when they entered he motioned for Macer to follow him inside.

He entered the back door into the kitchen and saw the remains of what looked like a half eaten breakfast on the table. He saw Dentatus come out of a doorway on the left side of a small hallway ahead. He looked at Metellus and just shook his head in a 'no'. He and Volusus then entered the front room while Metellus and Macer entered another room to the right. Everything appeared to be in place but there was no sign of anyone. A partially folded basket of laundry was sitting on a fresh made bed. He heard a creaking floor board coming from the front room when he heard his comm pop, "Principale, Dentatus. Front room clear. Heading upstairs."
Metellus motioned for Macer to follow him into the front room. He looked out the front windows and looked at the nearby buildings. He saw no sign of anyone moving around anywhere in the small village. A few gravcars sat parked in driveways. A large three-story building further on, across the street caught his eye. The large red letters read 'LUCULLUS'S Grain and Feed'. Metellus did a double take as he thought he had seen some movement near the large loading bays.

He activated his comm, "Scaevola, move to the front of the house till you can see a three story building down the south road. Dentatus, see if you can observe anything from the upper windows. I thought I saw some movement in the Feed and Grain loading bays." Metellus motioned for Macer to follow him out the back door and around to the front of the house.
He moved behind a small group of shrubs and keyed his comm, "You see anything from up there Dentatus?"
He heard some slight breathing and then Dentatus's voice. "No movement Principale, but the big loading doors are wide open."

Metellus checked the ground for a moment. "First Contubernium, we are going to move towards the Feed and Grain loading bays. Dentatus, you and Volusus stay up there and keep a watch on that house across the way. If the Feed and Grain store is clear we will scout outward from there."

Metellus motioned to Scaevola who then moved across the street with Regulus a second behind him. Metellus signaled for Ursus to cover them as he and Macer moved to the corner of the building. Metellus then motioned for Scaevola and Regulus to move up towards the open bay doors. He watched as Scaevola covered the door from behind a parked gravcar. He watched Regulus run up beside the closest door and peer in. A moment later Regulus threw himself backwards and rolled behind a light post. Before he could ask what the problem was Metellus heard the sound of electronic interference blocking his comm signal. He heard a strange high-pitched whine emanating from the building. A large vehicle came floating through the open doorway.

Metellus didn?t recognize the design, but the large turret and stubby gun barrel told him its purpose. He motioned to Macer. "Grav vehicle, Papilio or Lorica, I can't tell which." Macer unlimbered and loaded his launcher. Metellus looked back around the corner just in time to see Scaevola and the gravcar he was behind engulfed in a wash of what looked like plasma.

He ducked back and motioned for Macer to fire. The rocket fired straight up and made an abrupt turn and plunged straight down on the other side of the building. A massive flash and explosion rocked the area. Metellus glanced around to see wreckage, a huge glassy crater and no sign of Scaevola or Regulus. The comm jamming ceased with the destruction of the vehicle and he heard the voice of the Centurio.
"What?s going on Metellus? Do you need assistance or fire support? Do you...

A sound like ripping linen came from overhead; Metellus hit the deck and yelled. "*INCOMING!!!*" He noticed smoke from a massive series of simultaneous impacts that tore off the top of the hill where the rest of the Century had been, the Centurio's voice had been cut off mid sentence.
Damn, he thought, You just get an officer trained and he gets vaped like that. He set the comm to the Maniple frequency just in time to hear mass confusion about a major attack on the landing zone area. A powerful signal came over the all units? frequency.
"All Units... All Units... This is Command... LZ being overrun... Massive chemical attack... Take precautions against bio/chem warfare... All Units will follow plan '89 Polar Sunshine'... Repeat, all Units will enact '89 Polar Sunshine... Good Luck and may Iuppiter be with you... Legati Litor..." The Command net went silent.

Metellus checked his wrist comp and found the plan list. He read down till he found it, '89 Polar Sunshine': All units to execute guerilla operations. Units will not gather in groups larger than Century size. Make contact with local Cohors Urbanae units and assist. Units will fight at commander?s discretion until relieved by High Command authority.

Clodius must have read it at the same time because he came on the comm, "Are you there Met? Did you get that last transmission?"
Metellus answered him immediately. "Yeah Marcus, we better head towards those woods to the north. Once we find someplace to hole up we can try and find some locals and find out what's going on."

Clodius replied quickly. "Well, you are senior, so it looks like you are in charge of what's left of the Century."

Metellus assembled his two Contuberniums and set off towards the north. Without orders, First Contubernium took point.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Þórgrímr »
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

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Siliconate Wars
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2007, 08:42:28 AM »
Excellent stories, well written.  I like the way you developed your Roman Universe.  When might we see additional materials?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by kdstubbs »
Kevin Stubbs

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Siliconate Wars
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2007, 08:42:44 AM »
Excellent stories, well written.  I like the way you developed your Roman Universe.  When might we see additional materials?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by kdstubbs »
Kevin Stubbs

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« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2007, 11:54:10 AM »
I love the idea of a military that actually _has_ formalized contigency planning for when things go so badly to h*ck that a commander can order the entire unit to go into guerilla ops with one sentence.

Of course, with that many special orders, a commander might have to spend some time leafing through them before he got to the right one, and that could be *less* than handy.  After all, wouldn't want to confuse "All units are to execute scorched earth tactics" general order with, say, "all units are to present for 'surprise parade inspection'".

I really appreciate how you have captured some of the eternal verities of military life mixed in with the dangers that are likely on a high tech battlefield.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Michael Sandy »

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« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2007, 04:49:03 PM »
@Kevin, I have some other things done. I figure I will post them slowly but surely.  :D  

@Michael The Romans were meticulus about their military ops, so I figured if they had managed to keep it together they probably would have gamed out and written contingency orders for just about every imaginable scenario.

Thanks for the comments guys. So it seems my time in the USMC is paying off in my stories. I was worried that I would have too much detail. Glad to see you folks are enjoying them.  :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2007, 08:24:02 PM »
Yes, enjoying it very much. Thanks for posting!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by mavikfelna »

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« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2007, 07:46:48 AM »
Chapter Four

                                          Landing (L + 12 hours)

The rain fell steadily among the tall pine trees. A small group of men clustered in a makeshift shelter consisting of a large group of boulders that were a deposit from a long ago Ice Age. Further out from the gathered men, other individuals kept watch. The sentries seemed alert as they peered out into the dark forest. The falling rain muffled any sound beyond a few yards as the group of men spoke among themselves in low voices.

Clodius?s voice showed the fatigue from the multi hour run to these woods. ?The map shows a larger town to our northwest Metellus. If we are gonna find any locals still around, that?s gonna be the place. The data crystal is showing 6000 people there and I don?t see how someone could move that many people without leaving some evidence. Unless you want to head towards this planets capital, but that?s where the bulk of the XI Mechanized Legio was headed and only the Gods know what happened down that way.?

He watched Metellus pack his cheek with that disgusting weed and then spit on the wet ground. ?Well we ain?t heading towards the capital if that?s where the Army is, those Papilio?s draw more fire than smeg draws flies. I say we wait out the night here. Then head for...? He checked his wrist comp. ?...Ducorum and see if we can find out who the hell we are fighting. So everyone not on watch, check your weapons and try to get some shut eye.?


Metellus was just beginning to disassemble his rifle when a voice on the comm hissed out. ?Contact! I have movement to the south!?

Metellus snapped his rifle back together and motioned for the men to spread out. He took position behind a large rock and keyed his comm, ?Who had contact? Give me a bearing and numbers.?
The voice was from a Legionarii in Second Contubernium. ?Indus here, I can see four figures moving right at us Principale. They are big Principale, I mean like Ursus if he was seven feet tall kind of big. They are spread out and I don?t think I could pop more than one by surprise.?
Metellus stole the feed from Indus? image amplifier and looked at in his eyepiece. Yup, Metellus thought, he wasn?t lying, those are some BIG nasties. He signaled Macer to ready his rocket launcher. The Legionarii motioned to all the trees around. Metellus just pointed up. Macer nodded, loaded his launcher and aimed it skyward.

Metellus watched the figures through Indus?s transmission and then saw them begin to spread out even more. ?They know we are here folks, everyone stay put. Indus do not fire at them, just stay down and keep track of them.?
The gout of plasma that ended Indus?s transmission lit up the night. Metellus heard a crashing in the woods as something large headed his way. He saw the first figure at about 100 meters heading straight towards the boulders. ?They got us pegged, OPEN FIRE OPEN FIRE!?

The sounds of Laser and Gauss rifles firing shattered the night. He watched a shimmer as rounds were deflected by a shield of some sort and others struck the surface of the things body armor with minimal effect. The arm raised and plasma washed over a pair of men to his left. Metellus set his Gauss rifle to max penetration and aimed around the boulder. The figure stopped for a minute as it was struck by a series of impacts. Metellus spit and fired a single round that hammered through the shield and made a perfect hole in the things armored faceplate.

The sound of a rocket firing was followed a moment later by a huge explosion to the left. He saw Macer reloading behind him and gave him a thumbs up.

?And then there were two.? Metellus thought. A dull thump hammered overhead and a strange dark mist drifted down from above. ?GAS! GAS! GAS!? He threw on his protective mask and looked around for the other two nasties. He saw one on top of the largest boulder firing a strange weapon down on the men. A moment later its chest armor ruptured as Ursus, firing from the hip, blew it apart.

He looked around as he heard the voice of Volusus cut in. ?Principale, this Manipularii begs to report that the last enemy is destroyed.?

Metellus stood up and began to check the area. He keyed the comm, ?Volusus, take perimeter where Indus was while we figure out the situation.?
The reply sounded weak. ?This Manipularii regrets that he is unable to comply with the Principale?s orders at this time.?
He pointed to Macer, ?Get on the perimeter Macer while I sort this out.?

He moved among the rocks. He came on Varus bandaging Ursus?s arm and nodded. At least he is doing something useful he thought.

He found Volusus a moment later. The huge armored form had its fingers buried in the Legionarii?s chest. Blood was leaking from beneath Volusus?s shattered body armor. The head of the nasty was completely gone and Metellus smiled down on the dying Manipularii. ?Breaching charge?? he asked.

Volusus nodded and spoke weakly ?Yes Principale, this Manipularii believed that if the charge could breach armored doors it could destroy one of these. This Manipularii regrets that he will be unable to continue the mission Principale. The Contubernium has my apologies.? Volusus?s eyes slowly closed.

Metellus leaned down and checked for a pulse. He nodded down at the dead trooper. ?No apologies needed Manipularii.?

Metellus stood up and saw Optio Domitius looking at him. ?How many?? Metellus asked.
?Indus, Clodius and Rufius from Second Contubernium and Volusus from First. We also have two that are alive but we can?t wake up.?
Metellus walked over to where the two motionless bodies were laying. He knelt down and checked the pulse of Legionarii Matius. It was incredibly slow and his color wasn?t good. He saw the other casualty was Optio Dentatus. ?We are moving out in five mikes, and we are not leaving them behind.? He looked over his shoulder. ?Ursus, you ok enough to carry Matius? He looks about 180 pounds.?
Ursus walked over with Varus still tying off the bandage on his arm. ?No problem Principale, I won?t even notice him.? Metellus nodded.
He heard a cough from Ursus?s left. ?You got something to say Varus?? he snapped.

?I can carry Dentatus Principale. You are gonna need all the good rifles on the line if we get hit again.?

Metellus stared at him for a moment. ?Fine, divide his and Matius?s gear for the others to carry and get ready. We move out in 2 mikes, I don?t want to bet that they didn?t call in our position.? In a brief period of time the remnants of the Century gathered together and moved to the northwest.

The rain fell steadily among the burned and shattered pine trees.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2007, 10:21:25 AM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2007, 07:54:09 AM »
Chapter Five

                                           Landing (L + 66 Hours)

Rain pattered off the shingled roof seeking every hole to pour into the interior. The building may have been a cozy barn at one time, but time and weather had turned it into a ruin. The farm it had once served was long overgrown and there was no sign as to why it had been abandoned. The building still held a faint smell of hay and cow, but now newer stronger smells overlaid them. The smell of gun oil, ozone, and sweat now took residence. One other smell filled the building, it was a scent none of the occupants wanted to speak of, a smell as old as Man himself... Fear.

Principale Metellus growled in anger. ?I have no frakking idea HOW they keep finding us, but if we don?t figure it out soon we are gonna be whittled down to nothing before too long.?
The troops not on watch looked towards their Principale. They were scared and angry. They had been running for two days and the enemy kept finding them. First the long run from the crossroads; then the air attack that cost them Second Contuberniums Heavy Weapons man. Legionarii Bessus had made the pair of attack craft pay heavily for his death. He killed both of them before a seeker missile homed in on him. Then the pair of armored figures that killed Legionarii Kim and a still unconcious Legionarii Dentatus as they crossed a freezing river. They had stumbled on this barn late in the night and took cover from the endless rain.

Optio Domitus looked up from the pack he was laying on. ?You know what I think Principale, I think they are homing in on our electronics. No way infrared would work in this rain and we aren?t making enough noise to be detected that way. That?s the only thing I can figure.?
Metellus spit on the ground and shook his head. ?All our electronics are supposed to be shielded from detection.?
Domitus nodded before replying. ?Sure Principale, they are shielded well enough from OUR detectors, but these nasties look like their tech is more advanced than ours in a lot of ways.?

Metellus thought about it for a while and slowly nodded his head. ?That makes sense. But if we shut down everything, that?s gonna put all our weapons and detectors offline.? He sighed. ?But it beats getting attacked every few hours.? His voice filled the barn. ?Everyone listen up, turn off EVERYTHING electronic, detectors, sensors, weapons, everything. If you got a wrist chrono, pull the battery. We are going electronic neutral.?
Legionarii Macer on watch in the loft whispered down. ?What do we fight with if we get attacked Principale??
Metellus looked up at him and grinned. ?You are a Manipularii aren?t you? Improvise, Adapt and Overcome.?
As Macer shut down the last of his electronic gear he checked his bayonet?s edge first. He then dug into his pack and pulled a cloth wrapped package that was the parting gift from his Grandfather. The cloth fell away revealing a sheathed Gladius Hispanicus. The hand guard was polished smooth from use and age. Macer remembered it hanging on his Grandfather?s wall for many years and couldn?t believe his luck when he found it in his suitcase on his way to boot camp.

There was a brief scrawled note written by an arthritic hand. He remembered reading it and not understanding at the time. All it said was, ?This has been in our family since the time of Caesar and the first of the Civil Wars. I had a dream you might need it out there in the stars. Carry it proudly?. He drew it from the sheath, the wicked double edged blade was as sharp as a razor. He looked down at his Principale as he fastened the short sword to his belt.

Sure Principale, he thought with a wicked smile. I will improvise.

Optio Domitus watched the Principale leaning against the wall nearby. Although he had never been in First Contubernium, he had heard all the stories about Metellus. Domitus knew that the Principale had been busted down from Primus Pilus twice. He was a legend in the Corps. A man that had the stones to tell a Legati Legionis during a formal retirement ceremony that he was probably saving the lives of thousands of Manipularii by retiring early. Domitus laughed to himself, Only the fact that you held the Golden Laurel of Terra and the Manipularii Cross saved your ass that time. If anyone can get us through this, you can.

He noticed a strange look on the Principale?s face, then a very scary look appeared. Metellus looked him in the eyes and Domitus felt a chill run through him. ?What are you thinking Principale? Whatever it is it seems evil.?

Metellus moved close to him and knelt down. ?I have a plan to get a little payback on the nasties. Let me tell you what I have in mind and let me know if you have any suggestions.?
As Metellus sketched out his plan, an evil smile slowly appeared on Domitus?s face.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2007, 09:24:13 AM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2007, 08:01:50 AM »
Chapter Six

                                             (L + 72 hours)

The cold rain blew in gusts across the overgrown field. A dilapidated barn stood to one side while a seldom-used road led up to the farm from the north. A low whine could be heard in the distance as three vehicles glided down the road. Two were fat bellied with a top mounted missile launcher. One was low slung and sloped with a heavy turret on top.

They stopped a moment where the road opened up onto the fields. The turreted monstrosity grounded itself at the forests edge and the turret rotated to bear on the barn. The two other vehicles split left and right to flank and come at the barn from separate sides. They passed old farming equipment and some old rotting piles of straw before they grounded. Clamshell doors opened in the back of each of the vehicles like a grotesque mouth. Four armored figures exited each and moved towards the barn. Four of them remained outside and two went to each end of the barn.
Metellus smiled as he saw them moving towards the barn. Someone is gonna be surprised, he thought with a wicked smile on his face. He laughed to himself when he remembered the look on Ursus?s face when he told him what he wanted.
?You feelin? alright Principale?? Ursus had asked.

When he explained the plan to what was left of the Century they fell into the work with a will. About an hour later, a dirty disheveled Ursus had returned with what he had asked for. Metellus watched as the four nasties entered the barn.

Trapped you with your own tech, he thought with a wicked smile playing across his face. And right about... NOW! he thought as the explosion of the trigger mines went off in the barn.
He hit the power switch on his gauss rifle and started the coils charging. He saw Ursus sit up from the pile of straw he had been laying under and make a beautiful 50-yard throw of a plasma grenade into the back door of the left hand APC. He heard a crack and explosion and saw the tank explode as Macer?s launcher went into action. Regulus and Varus ran up to the rear of the other APC and tossed grenades in. The left hand APC started lifting as Ursus?s plasma grenade detonated and it grounded hard. Regulus was hit several times by the four nasties in the open just as the other APC tore itself apart.

Metellus looked over at the remaining nasties. One must have been caught by the APC debris and was down. The other three were firing bursts of plasma at random. He knew if he stuck his head up they would turn him to slag.

We need a distraction, he thought.

A moment later there was a high-pitched squeal from the barn. A wounded pig with a set of image intensifiers tied to it ran away from the barn. All three figures spun and began firing at it. There was a beep from his rifle showing the coils were charged. He grabbed it and fired a quick round through the back of one helmet. The other two were too intent on their squealing target to notice until Metellus dropped another one. The remaining one fired at every bit of cover in the area. Raw plasma set fire to everything it touched. Metellus heard a single crack and the last one fell. Metellus then looked around and saw Varus in a textbook-firing stance pointing at the downed nasty.
Metellus stood up, packed his cheek and headed towards the downed figures.

He moved carefully forward. ?Ursus, make sure that other Papilio is out of action. If it looks like it can move, use another grenade.?
Metellus walked over to the nasties as Varus covered him. He saw holes in the helmets of the two he had shot; saw that one had taken massive shrapnel to the chest. He rolled over the last and saw a perfect hit in the center of its helmet. ?Good shot Varus, where did you get the gauss??
Varus answered without lowering his weapon. ?It was Regulus?s, I didn?t think my laser rifle could penetrate the armor.?
Metellus looked at him a moment and spit. ?You made a good call, I think these things armor have made the laser rifle obsolete. Now cover me while we check the others in the barn.? They moved to the remains of the barn and saw nothing but shattered bodies and ruptured armor.

He exited the barn and shouted, ?First Century, shut it all down. We need to get electronic neutral again and get the Hades out of here.?
He saw Macer come running in from the wood line, he had an ear-to-ear grin. ?You were right Principale, I didn?t need all that electronic garum to get a hit. The rocket just flew nice and straight into the side. How did you know where they were gonna stop so I could get a clear shot??
Metellus laughed. ?Macer, the one thing experience will teach you is that a track toad is a track toad. All those Lorica riders think alike, I don?t care if they are Human or E.T. They are all brain damaged. The terrain will always tell you where they are gonna come from and what they are gonna do.?

Macer looked over the area and nodded. ?I see that now Principale, it makes perfect sense.?
Metellus patted his shoulder and smiled at him. ?Manipularii always do Macer. Now let?s check these nasties out and then get a move on.?
Metellus knelt down next to one of the downed figures and found the catches on the helmet. When he removed it a gaunt bald face that was distinctly human stared back at him.

Metellus growled as he released the massive breastplate. He heard an electrical crackle and threw himself backwards. ?HIT THE DECK!? he shouted as the armor detonated. He got to his feet cursing and dusting himself off. ?I guess they don?t want anyone salvaging that armor. Alright Manipularii, lets move out, double time!? The Manipularii jogged off to the northwest.

The pig hadn?t been eating well lately and being tied up in the barn with no food had made it ravenous. The smell of that much meat brought the pig back to the farm. It was too busy rooting pieces of flesh in the field to notice the breastplate of a fallen soldier unhinge and rise up. The tentacled figure seemed wounded as it moved up behind the pig. Several tentacles lashed out and wrapped around the pigs torso and held it tight. The pig thrashed around as a pair of tentacles dug into its neck but slowly began to calm down. A few moments later the creature had pulled itself on top of the stubby legged animal.

The pig looked around a few moments to gather its bearings and set off in a trot to the northwest.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2007, 08:35:49 AM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2007, 08:42:57 AM »
Chapter Seven

                                              (L + 6 days)

The rain blew cold against the windows, but the Manipularii were dry for the first time in almost a week. They were only a few miles from Ducorum but Metellus had decided to rest the men for a day. They had found a house on a hilltop with excellent visibility of the surrounding area.
Matius was still unconscious and was slipping away a bit at a time. Metellus also wanted his men well rested before scouting out the town so he decided to take a calculated risk in letting them rest indoors. The men found plenty of food, but he only allowed them to eat out of cans until he found out what was going on.
The discovery of humans under the armor had shaken Metellus more than his men knew. Better, he thought dismally, that it had been E.T.s. I thought we had outgrown fighting among ourselves long ago. Heck even Volusus?s people welcomed us in brotherhood when we found them, even though we had nothing in common except being Human. He absently spit into a trash can next to the couch he sat on.

Ursus stuck his head in the living room. ?Principale, it?s Matius, I don?t think he is gonna be with us much longer. His breathing has gotten real bad and his color sucks.?
Metellus sighed as he levered himself off of the couch. He went into the bedroom and took a look at Matius. Ursus was right; the kid was not long for this world. His skin was as pale as the sheets he lay on and his breath came in ragged gasps.
?Better get Domitus in here and take care of that other thing we talked about.? Metellus watched Matius until Domitus came running in. Both men stood by the bed unspeaking as the breathing came slower and slower and finally stopped.
Domitus looked over at him. ?How are we gonna bury him Principale??

Metellus shook his head. ?No way we can do that. I don?t want any fresh turned soil giving us away. I had Ursus clean out that big freezer in the basement. We can put him there until graves registration can catch up to us.? He could tell that Domitus didn?t like the idea. ?Best we can do Dom, most of us won?t get even that nice a box by the end of this.?

They both gently lifted the young Manipularii?s body and moved down the stairs into a finished basement. Ursus had lined the large rectangular freezer with blankets. He took Matius?s body from them and effortlessly lowered him inside. He folded the blankets around him and closed the lid.
He moved towards the stairs when Domitus?s voice stopped him. ?Ursus,? he said pointing at the freezer, ?Thanks for that.?
Ursus looked back at him and just nodded before heading up the stairs. Metellus and Domitus stood looking at the freezer for a time.
?He was a good Manipularii, he never gave any backtalk and he was the best shot in the Contubernium.?
Metellus put a hand on his shoulder. ?The first twenty of your men that you bury are the hardest, they get easy after that.?

Domitus read the lie in Metellus?s eyes as he headed towards the stairs. Metellus followed him a moment later. The freezer stood in the basement windows light, its gleaming white surface now marred by hand painted words on the side.

Manipularii Legionarii Iulius Matius
Roman Manipularii Corps
Per Mare Per Terram Per Astra
II Cont. I Cent. VI Maniple X Cohors
Best contubernium in the IV Manipularii Legio

The Manipularii gathered in the living room around a paper map sitting on the coffee table. Metellus wanted his men to know every hill and house on the way towards the town?s center.
?Our main mission is to see if any military or civilians are left. If there is any Urbanae left, we organize them and fight back. If there are none left, we train some then strike back. We keep hitting them and hitting them until we get reinforced. Anyone have any problems with that?? After getting nothing but nods of acceptance he traced the route they would travel and all the rally points if contact was lost.
?OK, Me and Varus are on watch. Everyone try to get some sack time. We may not get another chance for quite a while.? He motioned Varus to watch the front as he moved to the back of the house and kept a lookout from the kitchen.
He stared out the window as cold rain ran down the glass.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2007, 09:32:48 AM by Þórgrímr »
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« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2007, 07:39:21 AM »
Chapter Eight

                                                (L + 8 days)

The early morning rain muffled the noise of the Contubernium?s movement as they headed deeper into the town. They passed house after empty house. For the first time since landing they had seen signs of battle. There had been several makeshift barricades on the town?s edge that showed signs of a fierce fight.

The Marines had twice taken cover as grav-tanks had cruised by. They were headed to the north edge of town where most of the noises they heard had came from. The paper map they had found in a nearby house showed a small star/airport in that area.
The Contubernium moved towards an eight-story hotel that overlooked the starport. They picked their way through its lobby and double-timed it up the stairs. They found a room on the top floor facing the right way. Metellus and Domitus inched their way onto the room?s balcony and used their optical binoculars to scan the area.

Metellus whispered to Domitus, ?at least we know where everyone went. Looks like seven or eight thousand people packed in there.?

Domitus grunted in agreement. ?Would be hard pulling a rescue with the whole Cohors, let alone the five of us.?
The field to the east of the starport had been turned into a huge prison camp. A double-tiered razor wire topped fence surrounded the area. Several armored figures patrolled the perimeter and every so often a pair of grav-tanks made a slow circle of the fence. There were tents everywhere, from small nylon domes to huge military types. Several temporary buildings looked to have been set up as bathing and toilet facilities. A long line of people stood outside a huge set of tents that looked like a military mess unit. The compound looked to be crowded, but not to an unhealthy level. They even saw several children playing a game of soccer in an open area.

Metellus saw a child kick a ball and it sailed over both sets of fences to land near a pair of nasties. The children froze as they watched one of the nasties stop by the ball and execute a perfect kick to send the ball back to the children. The kids went back to their game, a few of the braver ones even waved to the figures.
Domitus snorted, ?We could use him on the Cohortal team.?
Metellus looked over at him. ?It?s gonna be hard to rally support to fight them if they look like nice guys. I guess we should be grateful that they aren?t killing the civvies. We gotta try an? what?s going on over there??

They both watched a group of white-garbed figures gathering at the large gate area. An armored nasty appeared to speak to one of the people and the gates opened up. The group boarded several buses and the vehicles headed into town. They watched until they disappeared behind some tall buildings.

Both Manipularii backed into the room. Metellus opened up his map and pointed to a set of buildings. ?What do you want to bet they are headed to the Valetudinarium? Well if we are gonna be able to make contact with anyone in the camp, we should talk with someone who comes and goes. We need to find out if there are any of our Manipularii or those useless Army pukes in there.?
The men looked at the map and Varus pointed at a building near the hospital. ?Umm Principale... maybe we should be careful, that shows an Urbanae Armory. They might be guarding it.?
Metellus looked at him and rapped him on the helmet. ?Now you?re starting to think knucklehead. I already planned to detour around it, but just keep using your head like that and we?ll make a Manipularii out of you yet.? The troops headed out of the hotel and carefully moved down the street.

It took two hours of careful travel to get to the Hospital Complex. They watched a few ambulances come and go from the emergency bays. They didn?t see any nasties anywhere near the Hospital. They made a slow circle of the main building looking for an entry point. A heavy looking door that was screened by some shrubs looked like the best choice.

Ursus splashed across the empty parking lot and stopped for a few moments. A metallic creaking was heard for a moment and he waved the rest across one at a time. They found themselves in a stairwell. Ursus looked at Metellus. ?Up or down Principale??
Metellus pointed up the stairs. ?If we go down and get found we got nowhere to go, if we stay on the second or third floor, we can still dive out the windows if we need to.?
Domitus saw understanding in the other Manipularii's eyes. You do it without even thinking don't you Metellus? he thought to himself. You turn every situation into lesson time to help them survive.

The Manipularii carefully made their way up the second floor access door. Metellus slowly opened it and peered inside. He saw a few Medicus? and Capsarius? moving around and what appeared to be some offices nearby.

Sunlight shone through a window and Metellus saw a shadow moving around inside. He whispered to his men, ?There is an office to the left, Macer you come with me. Domitus you be ready to back me up if I yell for you. If someone comes down the stairs, join up with me and we will get out of here.?
Metellus checked the door again and rushed through with Macer right on his heels. They rushed into an office and Macer closed the door enough to just peer out into the hall.

The white-coated man looked up from his desk with fear and confusion in his eyes. ?What? What? Who are you? What are you doing in my office? What do you want??
Metellus looked at a diploma hanging on the wall. ?Medicus Romanus, I am a Principale in the Manipularii. We were sent here to assist local forces in fighting the invaders.?
The Doctor gave a shrill laugh. ?Local forces? Well I am afraid that you are far too late for that. The Cohors Urbanae were all killed or captured in two days. They never stood a chance against the Siliconates.? At Metellus?s look of puzzlement the Doctor continued. ?The invaders call themselves The Assembly. They come from another arm of the galaxy.? Before Metellus could ask he said. ?No I don?t know how they got to this arm, I just know what I heard.?
Metellus thought a moment before asking. ?Have they said what they want??

The Medicus looked askance at him. ?That?s the question that everyone has been asking since they got here. I mean on one hand, they came in and slaughtered everyone bearing arms against them. But on the other hand, they were careful not to kill any civilians and have been especially protective of the young people and children. They are very strict about sanitation, cleanliness and medicine. They had the valtudinarium back on line the day after they took over here. Their... medical people have been talking about all the cures that they have for diseases and illnesses that we haven?t defeated yet. They are going to be instituting some new health programs among our people. They have been bringing plenty of food and supplies to the camp and they genuinely seem to care about the welfare of the people. They listen to any recommendations we make for the good of everyone?s health. I believe, as occupations in history have been this one has been remarkably civilized. They have told us that once they catch the last of the Legionarii, we will all be allowed to go back to our homes.?

?Legionarii?? Metellus asked. ?There are still troops around? Were they Urbanae or were they Legionarii? Where are they at Medicus??
The Medicus had a look of distaste on his face. ?Yes Principale, we have heard that most of the survivors of the Urbanae and some other Legionarii headed west to the Mons Scythian. But they won?t last long Principale; the technology of the Assembly is decades ahead of ours. It would be better for everyone if they just surrendered and spared everyone the pain and grief.?

Metellus smiled at him. ?The problem with that Medicus is that in my 34 years as a Manipularii, I was never taught how to surrender. I think any instructors we had that taught that class were sent to the Army years ago. Thanks for the tip Medicus; I think we have got to head out until we can link up with some friends. You take care of the civvies until we can come back.? Metellus turned for the door.


Macer, standing by the door heard a strange <pfftt>. He turned in time to see Metellus slump to the floor. He saw the Medicus with a strange weapon in his hand moving it to point at him.

Macer dove to the floor and rolled as he drew his Gladius. He heard another <pfftt> and felt something glance off his shoulder armor. He thrust the blade as he came to his feet next to the desk and cut the weapon in half. In a moment he had the blade against the Medicus?s throat. ?Do not yell Medicus, my blade is sharper than one of your scalpels. For killing my Principale though I am going to make you pay.?
Medicus Romanus looked at the long blade pressing against his throat and croaked out ?Not dead.?
Macer leaned in on the Medicus. ?You shot him in the back Medicus.?

Macer saw fear in the Medicus?s eyes as he answered. ?It was just a tranquilizer dart, don?t you see, this is best for everyone to...?
His voice trailed off as he saw the look on Macer?s face. Macer spoke clearly, his Hispanian accent barely showing in his anger. ?Medicus, you have 5 minutes to revive my Principale or I am going to do things to you that this valetudinarium will never be able to fix.?

Medicus Romanus looked into his eyes. ?I have to call someone to bring the antidote. I don?t have it here.?
Macer pointed at the comm, ?Call who you have to Medicus, but you will die well before I will if you call the enemy.?
The Medicus?s hands were trembling as he dialed the comm code, ?Sylvius, this is Medicus Romanus, I need a gurney brought to my office... yes another one... no just one... oh and please bring a dose of antidote... no I had to dart him twice and he is having a bad reaction to that much of the drug... yes make it quick.?
Macer smiled at him. ?Very smart Medicus. I hope for your sake that you are not being too smart.?
A few minutes later Macer heard a squeaking from the hallway. He pulled a grenade from his pouch, pulled the pin and moved behind the door. The look on the face of the Manipularii with a sword in one hand and a live grenade in the other made the Medicus?s bowels go weak.
A burly Capsarius opened the door and rolled a gurney inside. ?Hey Medicus, man you look like Pluto himself, I can see why you darted him twice, looks like a Manipularii, they are bad news. You want to hit him with this?? he asked as he held up a pressure injector.
Seeing the Doctor?s shake of ?no? he leaned down and injected Metellus in the buttocks. He removed the pack and lifted the Principale to place him on the gurney when Metellus?s hand shot out and clamped onto his throat. The sound of cartilage crunching filled the office. The Capsarius?s body began thrashing but ended in a moment when Metellus?s Pugio slid into his heart.
The Medicus reaching for his comm ended when Macer?s Gladius took his hand off. Then a quick thrust and the Medicus?s throat began to spurt his life out onto the desk to join his hand. The look in the Medicus?s eyes was of hatred for his own species and it did not take long for that light fade.


Metellus shouldered his pack as Macer replaced his grenades pin.

Macer's voice called him to the window. ?Principale, you better come and take a look at this.?
Metellus saw four APC?s heading down the road towards the Hospital. ?Lets roll Macer. We got a lotta miles to hump to get clear of here. Good job by the way on handling the Medicus. You had him pissin' his pants.? At the look on Macer?s face Metellus smiled. ?I could hear, I just couldn?t move, and I didn?t want to say anything to distract you, you were handling it perfectly. When we get out of here I?ll put you in for Optio.?

Metellus checked out the door and ran for the stairwell. He cut short the others questions and they ran down the stairs into the rain. The Contubernium headed to the nearest building across the way. They weren?t spotted near the Hospital but over the next few hours they had to take cover from aircraft and grav vehicles. It took them 12 hours of hiding and moving to reach the edge of town. Metellus checked his compass and led the Contubernium into the woods.
The evening rain muffled the noise of the Manipularii?s movement as they headed west toward the mountains, and safety.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2007, 08:38:51 AM by Þórgrímr »
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

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« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2007, 06:41:24 AM »
Chapter Nine                                    

                                             (L + 16 days)

When Navarchus Helvius?s message arrived at Nova Cartago several days ago the effect was akin to a kicked over anthill. Legatus Labienus had ordered a full analysis of the holo crystal's download to evaluate the enemy?s tactics and capabilities. The message he sent to Classis Command was brief but he knew the right words to say to get the ships he wanted. Every ship in the Classis reserve had been released to his command with more promised to him as soon as they were available.
Legatus Labienus stared at the star map projection as his Intelligence Officer delivered his briefing to the assembled staff.
?If the computer estimations of enemy speeds are correct, the Enemy forces will be hitting Nova Londinium in two days plus or minus one day. Now, if they land as they did on Nova Tarentum and depart prior to the invasions completion Intel Section has gamed out four possible scenarios from that point:?
?One, the Enemy classis heads down the dead end Apollonian Gate line to the colony at Nova Olbia and then heads back to Nova Londinium before heading here. If they choose to head that way, it will buy us at least a couple of months to prepare before they can attack Nova Cartago. We estimate only a 5% chance of this scenario happening.?
?Two, The Enemy classis holds position at Nova Londinium and fortifies their position and forces our classis to remove them from there, taking Nova Olbia at its leisure. One of our analysts believes that the Enemy is only interested in taking systems that are lightly defended and will not attack here as long as we have a strong fleet presence. But we can only place the likelihood of that at 7%.?
?Three, the Enemy classis splits and sends a small unit towards Nova Olbia while the majority of their fleet heads here. This scenario is most likely if the Enemy's main fleet is overwhelmingly large and has sufficient ships to guard Nova Londinium from a counterattack while attacking our base here. We estimate a 34% chance of this.?
?Four, and the most likely scenario says that the Enemy will leave a small squadron behind to guard the landings on Nova Londinium. They will then push on to strike us here. If this scenario plays out we should expect them to hit us here within 30 days. This scenario plays out at a 53% likelihood.?

Labienus nodded. ?Thank you Navarchus, I expect your section to keep the battle scenarios updated if we get any new information.? He turned to his staff. ?Navarchus Helvius should be entering the Nova Londinium system in 9 days. If the Enemy's main fleet is there, he should be able to retreat to either Nova Tarentum or back here. If they only left behind a small squadron, we can hope that he has enough power to defeat it and send us back more data. Either way, we have to prepare for the defense of Nova Cartago.?
He looked down to the end of the table and pointed at the lone Army officer in the briefing. ?Pro-Consul, how prepared is Nova Londinium for an attack? We have deployed only a small squadron there to gather information on Enemy numbers, and the orbital castra are relics. Is there any chance that they will be able to hold against a ground invasion??

Pro-Consul Hindenburg looked uncomfortable. ?We have deployed the I and II Legionarii Consular Armies there plus the V Ala Consular Army to reinforce the Cohors Urbanae. Imperial Command wants to hold the rest of the reserves to defend the Inner Worlds.?

?The Nova Londinium forces have sufficient munitions to fight for months and they should be able to hold the line for quite a while. The Enemy has only ever fought Urbanae, on Nova Londinium they will be facing Legionarii for the first time.?
Labienus looked at him hard. ?You are incorrect Pro-Consul, the enemy fought Legionarii for the first time on Nova Tarentum. We have heard nothing from those forces which could mean they are already all dead. We have to assume that the forces on Nova Londinium will be defeated and start planning on holding here at Nova Cartago at all costs.?


The mountains were barely visible in the falling rain as the Contubernium moved forward. The Manipularii had bypassed artillery and supply units that they could have destroyed on their way to the mountains. They started seeing more and more combat troops as they got into the foothills. They moved past what appeared to be the ?front line? of the Assembly forces facing the mountains. ?Good sign? Metellus had said. ?Shows that there are still holdouts in the mountains.?

They were moving slowly when they came to a large stretch of open ground that they had to cross to get back to the forest at the base of a mountain. ?Alright Manipularii, if we get on that mountain their grav stuff won't be able to follow us up anything that steep. I am gonna cross first then Ursus, Varus, Macer and then Domitus. Stay alert and stay frosty.?
Metellus packed his cheek, tightened his pack straps and spit. He ran in a low crouch across the open ground. He was halfway across when motion to the right caught his eye. He cursed as he saw four grav-APC?s moving right at him. So close, he thought. We almost made it.

The firing of missiles from the APC?s lit up the night. The explosions went off on either side of Metellus deafening him and knocking him to the ground. He slapped the power switch on his gauss rifle. 60 seconds to charge, gonna be like 30 seconds too late even if it could penetrate their armor.

He took cover in the missile crater as a quad of rockets flew out from the APC at him. He was hammered into the ground by the pressure. He peered out over the edge and saw the Papilio?s moving quickly towards him. He heard his rifle beep and shouldered it. He watched a rocket leap from the woodline and destroy a Papilio.
?Thanks Macer.? he whispered. He watched as the remaining three vehicles fired a salvo of rockets that flayed the treeline where his contubernium was seeking shelter.
He began firing at max penetration to draw their fire back towards him. His gauss cracked round after round when he saw one of the Assembly vehicles detonate. The remaining two turned and a moment later another blew up. The last one fired a rocket behind Metellus before it too exploded.

Metellus ran back to the woods to rally his men. He found Varus and Ursus tying a tourniquet around Domitus's arm. Macer saw him and pointed across the field. Metellus saw a large vehicle heading for them sending up a rooster tail of dirt behind it. ?Hold fire Macer.? He said.

With a clatter of tracks a Legati rolled up to them. The heavy gauss cannon aimed their way as the troop ramp lowered in the back. A small but powerfully built figure came down the ramp and waved them aboard. ?Come on Manipularii, they?ll be sending Loricas soon and I am not sticking around to get blown to Hades.?
Metellus motioned his men aboard the vehicle; Ursus carried Domitus in and placed him on the vehicle?s armored deck. The ramp closed and Metellus felt the vehicle start to roll across the field. He looked at his men holding on to the straps in the crew compartment. When he was sure they were all ok he moved to the Commander?s station. He moved up and sat down in the gunners seat. ?Thanks for the rescue Decurio. That coulda gotten messy.?
The Decurio laughed. ?That?s our job Principale.? He held out his hand. ?Decurio Marcus Sempronius Longinus, 2nd Equites Cohors. Rescuers of virgins, small children and sometimes of Manipularii.?

There was a huge bump and he hammered his comm, ?Principale Saturninus, if you throw a track I am going to throw you off the side of this mountain.?

Decurio Longinus looked over as Metellus started groaning. ?Saved by the Army. Not just the Army, but by a track toad. I am never gonna be able to show my face in civilized company again.?
Sempronius?s basso laugh filled the crew compartment as his Legati clawed its way up the mountain.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2007, 09:25:06 AM by Þórgrímr »
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war