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Offline Vynadan (OP)

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« on: October 06, 2011, 02:05:43 PM »
Until 2073
The Digital Age
The Third World War
The Aftermath
Times of New Order
Age of Exploration
Colonial Wars
Terran Reclusion
« Last Edit: December 10, 2011, 10:55:55 AM by Vynadan »

Offline Vynadan (OP)

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Re: History
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2011, 02:06:48 PM »
The Digitial Age
Until 2073

The Digital Age's most characteristic trait was the increase in information exchange and availability. With the development of ever faster computers and the internet the entire knowledge structure of the human race shifted by a small amount and thanks to several information containing databases a lot of scientific knowledge was available to the public. For culture, economy and politics this turned out to increase the speed of life on a global sphere:
Flight and the internet made cultures mingle and impact each other much quicker and severe. Interest in far away situations grew and people became involved with problems other cultures faced the moment those problems arose.
As a result, emotions and debates increased in politics, fueled by the media and the information it could now present to the public from the other side of the planet. Other nations often felt their sovereignity restricted or impaired due to international attempts to influence their internal affairs, while others tried to influence the entire international stage with their actions. Secrets were hard to keep and the more advanced the information technology became the more secrets from states or corporations were published on the internet.
Economically many nations relied on trade relations with other nations from all over the globe to maintain their finances. Larger corporations were operating internationally by standard and had facilities in several countries all over the world, while their logistical headquarters was located in yet another, more technological nation. This further increased the levels of which nations were connected by and their dependancy on one another.
Research received several breakthroughs: Not only did computational advancements proceed at unbelievable pace, but the internet and international cooperation between non-governmental research institutes brought more minds to think of the same problems and solving many.

The Digital Age culminated in the publishing of vast military data in the late 2060s from various economically, culutrally or politically important nations, revealing the existance of nuclear missiles and extensive armament where none was expected. While not military in principle, there was also information leaked about so far unknown and exotic matter.
In an instance almost every nations had important matters of concern to discuss with their neighbours and even those from the other side of the globe.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 05:03:20 AM by Vynadan »

Offline Vynadan (OP)

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Re: History
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2011, 03:56:36 PM »
The Third World War

Discussions continued from the 2060es into the early 2070es, where the last diplomatic solutions were abandoned. International discussions were without result as each country kept demanding the demilitarisation of their neighbours, while those demanded the same and neither was willing to believe in a mutual effort because of the secret arms buildup. Within but four years military bases were constructed in a rush and defensive missiles stationed whereever possible. Ultimately, there was no victor and the worst damage was caused among those nations that had the least armament.

First Pacific Conflict
In 2074 the United States of America declared war on the People's Republic of China, the result of conflict between the growing economical power of China during the century, the socialist dictatorship that ruled the country under democratic disguise and the mentality of the USA with their economic struggles to keep up their consumptionist way of life. China had – especially in military matters – cought up with the western world technologically, although large portions of its populace were still living in poverty. The initial battles were fought on the seas, where the fleets of the USA proved to be slightly superior, especially in their carrier fielding and air support. New military aircraft and proplusion systems allowed for the deployment of long range bombers, launching from the territory of the USA directly and attacking the Chinese fleet in the Pacific Ocean. However, Japan was situated just in front of the "Chinese Sea" which was the key to an invasion. The USA repeatedly requested allowances to station more troops and aircraft on Japanese soil – as did the Chinese forces – but Japan refused, insisting on its neutrality in this conflict.
When the first troops bearing fleet of the USA closed in on the Chinese Sea, China launched a missile attack on the incoming ships. The fleet was equipped with several anti-missile measurements, but modern Chinese tactical designs proved too many and advanced to be shot down completly – The fleet was almost entirely destroyed by Chinese nuclear strikes. International, this caused a tremendous stir in diplomatic affairs and China was soon cut off from most of its western trade partners. Japan, which was closer to the US fleet, was target of large amounts of radioactive rain over the next few years. This would later lead to the military cooperation between the USA and Japan.

Chinese Annexation of Manchuria
Cut off from the west, China lacked several higher quality imports and even larger amounts of export income. Out of desperation, an incursion into northern Manchuria was made with ground troops. While large portions of Manchuria were already under Chinese control, the Russian Federation held its northern most part for over a century now: And the Manchurian mountains contained rich mines, offering new economic targets for Chinese corporations and goods for the war effort. Minorities of Japanese and Russian settlers in the area were outraged by the incursion, but quickly put to eternal rest. The Russian Federation had developed to an economic giant over the last fifty years of the Digital Age – a course that was set by Putin shortly after the new millenium – and did not respond with a military campaign against China: The more populated and industrialised parts of Russia were far enough from China to allow for nuclear strikes and the construction of military bases was going slow in the cold and scarcely populated west of the Federation.
The USA refrained on any further attempts to invade Chinese soil for over three years and the two superpowers "simply" kept to fighting over the Pacific Ocean, making it a hazardous zone for any shipping.

Second Pacific Conflict
In 2079 the USA launched the next attempt to invade China. The fleet was left unhindered by the Chinese fleets in its crossing of the Pacific Ocean, but was onset by a nuclear strike once close to China. This time, however, new Japanese missile bases intercepted a large number of Chinese missiles and the US fleet successfully destroyed the rest. China immediately dispatched its home fleets located in the Chinese Sea to assault Japan, but the Japanese navy was ready to join the war. In order to stage a ground invasion of Japan, China invaded Korea with overwhelming forces, quickly subdueing local authorities with force. Japanese forces invaded soon after to prevent China from entering their country. A bloody ground war ensued where neither occupant wanted to give up even a single metre of soil. Korean losses were beyond numbers.
The US fleet was pursued by Chinese Pacific Ocean fleets, which in return were followed by the remainder of the US fleets. When the invasion fleet arrived at Japan, the Japanese navy sheltered the US transports and defended the eastern shores of Japan against an armada of combined Chinese Pacific fleets. The relentless battles lasted for over a week, wracking havoc on both sides and the Japanese isles until the US fleets finally arrived. Together the two armadas managed to obliterate the Chinese combined fleets entirely and thousands of captives taken. Losses were great on both sides, though. Yet Japanese Pacific fleets and the US armada continued into the Chinese Sea with every ship that could still do battle.
Battle in the Chinese Sea was shifting when the Pacific fleets entered the scene. Now that US aircrafts could be stationed on Japanese soil the US carriers were often making runs between the USA and Japan to tranposrt shorter ranged planes to the warzone. Japan also received large supply shipments from the USA, which mostly carried fuel to be used by the aircrafts. Chinese naval and aerial forces were soon reduced to wreckage and air superiority taken by the USA. The Korean battlefield was left to Japan while US ships bombarded the entire coastline of China. Only after all seaside cities were razed did the US land their troops and proceed to ensure a safe perimeter. Chinese troops were heavily fortified further inside the continent and unwilling to surrender. Aircrafts were flying bombardements day and night, but the war wasn't nearing its end any time soon.

Russian Incursion
2082 the Russian Federation used the desolate situation of China to launch their own incursion into the occupied Manchuria, taking not only the occupied north but the entirety almost down to Peking. Korea was invaded by the north until Chinese forces were destroyed between Japanese and Russian troops. After a short but heated debate between the two nations Russia withdrew from the ravaged Korea, leaving it to Japan.
In retort to the Russian Incursion, China launched an attack on the southern borders of Russia. The thinly settled Mongolia was quickly absorbed by desperate Chinese ground forces, whom traveled further north into Russia.
At this point of time, the Arabic League – a loose alliance between arabic states of northern Africa and the Middle East – grew restless as the "western crusade for western values" proceeded to occupy China. They started to deliver goods to China for "humanitarian aid" but the contents of these goods weren't controled by any international humanitarian organisation, leading to severe accusations from the western world and participants in the war, except for China.
China's attack on Russia was met by a swift mobilisation of additional forces and soon the whole southern borders were a battlefield. With the initial push the Chinese forces could pierce through most of the stationed military at the time and splinter groups were operating behind the later front close to Mongolia for years to come.
In 2083 Chinese refugees started to evacuate to Kazakhstan and India, often passing the borders during the night and therefor initialy unnoticed by patrols. Revolts were arising in Tibet, which quickly evolved into a full civil war. The Tibetanian populace tried to distanciate themselves from Chinese actions during the previous years as much as possible and were politcally supported by the USA and the majority of the western world.

During the next couple of years the ground war in China and southern Russia proceeded at a crawling pace – or not at all. The Chinese people proved remarkably defying and of growing fanatism for the glory of China. At the same time, China let go of Tibet because their forces were occupied on other front, but Tibet had to sign a hastily written contract not to get involved in any Chinese matters or wars.

Arabic League Involvement
Because of war crimes supposedly committed by all of the involved forces, the United Nations were investigating the bombardement of Chinese shores and the Korean ground war.
The supplies sent by the Arabic League increased in number and size, as did the protests against them.
India and Kazakhstan both tried to close their borders to China because neither wanted to get involved in the war, yet Chinese refugees kept entering the countries stealthily
When several humanitarian aerial supply convoy were intercepted by US aircraft in 2085 the Arabic League officially joined the war. Explosions from the planes suggested either an unknown kind of fuel or explosive goods loaded in their cargo bays, but the Arabic League denied all such accusations. The attack on the planes was proclaimed aa a grave infriction on human rights and willfull attack on civilians by the US.

The Arabic League had a small fleet combined to the naval forces of the US and Japan, but both of these nations had stationed the majority of their still functional ships close to Chinese shores. An attack from the Atlantic Ocean was started by the Arabic League, catching their defenses off-guard. Only a year later NATO forces were mobilised to defend the US as their member. Simultaneously, ground troops of the Arabic League were dispatched to attack the European members of the NATO and their fleet recalled to oppose the new European thread.
The USA chose to leave the European war to the NATO and declined to send any forces, which was answered by protest from the other NATO members. The US argued that the ground war in China was occupying all their forces, but NATO members insisted on at least some support by the nation that caused this war. Hence, the US split the remaining fleets and dispatched a large portion of them towards the Arabic League: A smaller fleet was going westwards through Indonesia while the larger fleet would enter the Atlantic Ocean through canals in southern Mexico. They still declined to send any additional ground forces, however.

Due to the small distance between the Arabic League and Europe, an aerial war was started immediately while armies were being assembled for proper invasions. The middle eastern members were first to send their troops north, ignoring the fact whether a nation was a member of the NATO or not. This cought the non-members entirely off guard, but previous actions between China, USA and Japan had made them more prepared. When NATO forces requested the right to move through their nation they denied, fearing a ground war on their own soil as had happened with Korea. Since the bombardement of naval and aerial forces caused huge damage to both parties the NATO decided that the reclusive stance of neutral nations was a threat to the member states. So troops entered the neutral territories regardless of protests and were soon met by the national defenses as well as Arabic League forces.
Naval forces of the NATO were fairly superior to Arabic League ships, both in number and technology, but the main battles were fought in the Mediterranean Sea. The largest fleets sailed under British flags, but they were blocked from entering the actual war zone because Arabic League land based artillery, aircraft and naval forces were stationed at the narrow entrance to the mediterranean waters. The Italien and partial navy of France and Spain were left to fend for themselves.

Peak of the War
Starting with 2087 the world war had reached its full spectrum, involving all superpowers and countless smaller nations waging war on their own and even neutral soil. The battered east Chinese forces remained a threat against US and Japanese occupants as well as Russian defenses, although they were slowly declining. Whenever one of the missile silos was close to being conquered, Chinese troops would fire the missiles onto the USA and Russia in a last resort. Most of these missiles were intercepted however, as no mass launches were happening. As resistance faltered simply due to lack of ammunition and armour China adopted a guerillia tactic, often disguising their forces as civilians or abandoning a missile silo to remotely launch or detonate the missiles when US or Japanese troops had occupied them. The battles on Russian territory waned and a push was made into Mongolia to free it of its Chinese occupants. As a result of Chinese missiles the atmosphere had accumulated a lot of radioactive winds that would slowly drift around the globe, cloud the skies and settle in the years to come.
European armies had less exercise in warfare and a much smaller army – No large scale war was fought on the continent for a long time. This showed now, as Arabic League troops were holding the fronts easily and even bringing several divisions across the Mediterranean Sea into NATO territory. Additionally, the coordination needed between the various nations which made up the NATO was immense. Since the publication of missile armaments, trust had been put to stress test between the members: War efforts were often slowed down or hindered, deployments delayed due to buerocracy or diplomacy. As a result, military generals of each nation individually saw the war as a prolonged defeat.

Nuclear Solution
By the time of 2091 the NATO members took the initiative with their missile armament. While the Arabic League was far too close to their own land to bombard them directly, the NATO decided to bomb neutral territory actually south of the Arabic League – This wouldn't lead to a direct destruction of Arabic League forces, but the ultimate demise of their people. On top of this, a combined missile strike would solve the issue of distrust when the armament was used up. In short order, a coordinated missile strike was planned and executed.

On the 7th of July 2091 the world experienced a bright nuclear flare in Africa. The missiles had been launched at 12 am GMT and impacted a good deal south of the Arabic League members. Those had noticed the missiles on their radars and launched intercepts – but the combined missile strength of Europe prevailed and just a little less than half of the missiles made it.
The Arabic League immediately responded by launching their own missiles against Europe and a surprising large number of Chinese missiles went live just a couple hours afterwards. Riots were started in India and Kazakhstan by large numbers of Chinese refugees equipped with military grade weaponry and Russia launched its nuclear arsenal onto west China, but also Kazakhstan and India in fear of a Chinese coop d'état, the latter two responding likewise with their own missiles sent against Russia. Anti-missile systems of Europe were opening fire automatically, as they were guided by computers in case of nuclear missile attacks. Russia responded with their various defensive missile bases a short time later. US anti-missiles were also launched automatically, but couldn't intercept more than the western most Arabic League missiles before impact.
On the 8th of July 2091 the world was in chaos. Central Africa was utterly devestated and turned into a radiactive wasteland devoid of unirradiated life. Europe had seen several impacts on tightly populated areas, although far fewer hits were scored. Among the razed cities were Dublin, Munich, Zaragoza and Aveyron. Kazakhstan was hit heavily due to its lack of countermeasures, India less so due to its better defensive means – yet three missiles still hit the second and third most populated cities. China, which hadn't launched a single anti-missile, was almost as barren as Africa. Only the fact that Russia had to split its missiles between three countries saved it from the same fate as central Africa. Tons of dust were thrown into the atmosphere by the missile strikes and dark radioactive clouds were darkening the skies above the hit areas. No formal ceasfire was agreed upon, and although many lifes were lost, not a single bullet was fired that day.

A week later frontline battles had resumed, but economy and even the media remained silent. Those not involved in direct war efforts were now bound to hospitals and impromptu reconstruction teams - Whom often actually destroyed damaged buildings in danger of collapse or rescued people from ruined houses. Politicians remained true to their profession and debated among themselves. China, however, wasn't this occupied and gained control of Kazakhstanian and Indian missile bases. Albeit small in number, they targeted Japan and the US with intercontinental missiles: The US had an automated defense system launching several anti-missiles, yet those were on low supply thanks to the previous automated fire. Japan was more lucky as most of the Japanese navy was still stationed in the Chinses Sea and capable of several interceptions. Still armed with their nuclear stock, Japan responded with an attack onto the few still operational missile bases located in India and Kazakhstan.
Either an error or virus prevented the US programs from reloading and rearming their anti-missile launch pads automatically, resulting in the impact of several ICBMs on the east coast.

The Decline
Over the course of the next years the war was crippled, but ongoing. Skirmishes between the Arabic League and NATO were common, but the spirit was gone on both sides. Dust spread across the globe, darkening the days slightly – especially around Europe, Africa and middle Asia – and temperatures dropped by two degrees until 2097. Chinese operatives made appearances around the world every year, waging a guerillia war far from a destroyed nation and set for revenge.
Remarkably, a group of four Chinese nuclear submarines surfaced just a mile from the US west coast, opening fire in an instant. Unprepared and confronted with low-flying missiles on these short ranges the US anti-missiles couldn't stop even a single one of them and major cities along the west coast were destroyed. US naval forces had been stationed in or close to the Chinese and Mediterranean Sea, yet daily patrols were made to prevent just this. No reports on civilian or military ships were made, so the Chinese submarines must have snuck through the entire Pacific Ocean – perhaps for months – to do this attack and ultimately succeed.
This occurance however led to the signing of a peace treaty in early 2098. All nations involved were wary from the war and the planet was most likely damaged permanently. Although reparations were demanded, no such terms were put into the signed treaty – Only the remark that reparations were in order and to be discussed on a later date, which proved the honest wish for peace among all signing nations.
In the case of China, a "voted representative" from the bombed and occupied east signed the treaty in name of the Peopl's Republic of China. He was shot by a Chinese citizen on the streets at the same day, just hours after signing.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 07:55:20 AM by Vynadan »

Offline Vynadan (OP)

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Re: History
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2011, 10:54:58 AM »
The Aftermath

The Third World War had changed warfare as much as the first and second world wars had: The broad use of nuclear warheads had caused an immense fear within the civil populace of the entire planet, not to mention the pollution and mutants that would plague the coming generations. Further, the total annihilation campaigns often practised by fleets and ground troops alike resulted in a new generation with a grim  and phobic mindset in the arabic and eastern nations, greatly in favour of their current military leaders and agendas. Unlike any previous war, the third world war had scarred the Earth itself for centuries to come.
Discrimination against Chinese was commonplace world wide – almost every Chinese immigrant was suspected to be a terrorist and often forcibly deported from one country to the next. Although the USA had declared war on China, it was their choice to fire the first nuclear missiles on the US fleets. Hence, the world saw them as the instigators for the nuclear exchange held during the last phase of the war.
However, China was also the most affected direct loser of the conflict. The coastline of the former nation was devastated from heavy bombardment and occupation. While many ruins were still inhabited and a formal state of China did exist – albeit under US administration - life for the Chinese was as much a nightmare in their motherland as it was in any of the other sinophobic nations. Countless Chinese survivors formed covert rebel groups against the US occupants, or tried to join the remaining army forces that were rumoured to exist somewhere on Earth.

In the rest of the 'civilised' world, conflicts were not put aside, but more important matters such as reconstruction and decontamination were simply more pressing for survival. Nations around the globe were in chaos and governments had problems to maintain control and order. Plunderings and crime were commonplace throughout Europe,  North Africa, Asia and North America. Many a country and its government saw a revolution during the coming years, caused by civil unrest and the general dissatisfaction that came with the end of the third World War.

The USA were hit the worst by civil uproar and suffered for several decades in a new civil war that rivaled the numerous infightings of central-African countries from the last two centuries. Minds were split about the general direction that the US had taken: While numerous patriots blamed previous governments for taking too little action in international politics and letting the world come to the situation it had, peace movements on the other hand gained considerable numbers and advocated a too strong and harsh handling of international politics. Patriotic notions were just as often followed by christian fanatics as they were by economical-imperialistic corporations, both of which even employed mercenary troops and slavish handling of former employees and believers to advance their own goals. This however fueled their opposition at least as much as it helped them.
Ultimately, with both the east and west coast bombed and severly irradiated, the peace movements became too large an impact and even resorted to violence, as contradicting as it was to their ideology. With the sheer numbers in their favour and a stern will, they overpowered many of the stronger oppositional forces in bloody battles and with grave losses. No official government, albeit with compromised power throughout large portions of the country, would be elected until the late 2150's.

Europe, what was formerly called the centre of the civilised world, had suffered greatly from the war. While only few nuclear warheads actually hit, the close proximitry to the Arabic League had allowed for numerous middle-range missile strikes and conventional aerial battles to take place even where no direct hit had devastated the landscape. As a result, the damage wasn't confined to the irradiated areas, but the frightened populace fleeing these locations now stressed the severly damaged infrastructure. While Europe had always been densely populated, people now tried to evacuate as far from the nuclear craters as possible without having to leave Europe for the Arabic League or Asia. Soon, the absurdly cramped conditions were the least of their problems, as the trade-dependant continent found itself on the verge of civil war, weakened by riots, looting, famine and military oppression.
The European military had renounced its subordinations underneath the – in their opinion – completly inapt political rule. Surviving generals from all over Europe put efforts into maintaining the rigid military hierarchy, cooperating with other European militaries whenever necessary to keep the populace, their own soldiers, and remaining foreign guerrilla troops in check. The harsh circumstances the Europeans now found themselves in allowed the younger generations to look up to the military in hope for salvation, often joining their ranks in the coming years. Ultimately, this lead to a combined military rule over Europe, with the most prestigious and highest ranking generals collected around a common command centre, each deciding with their own staff what their respective national efforts would be.

From a cultural perspective, Europe evolved to have a shared view on their military rules: While they were often harsh, so was their lives and the circumstances they now lived in. Politicians were soon shunned or even executed, while the younger generation supported the military that now guided reconstruction efforts, legislature and jurisdication. As the military rulers couldn't simply force their own will onto an entire nation, many laws and constituations were carried over to their new domains, giving the populace not only a certain safety from their autocratic generals, but also something known from their past lives to clinge on.
Among those restricted things, however, often were the freedom of speech and expression, as well as the right to vote for representatives.

Surprisingly, no power hungry general could ever take the power for himself alone. The past occurances of the war had shown the military leaders very clearly how necessary a mutual effort and coordination was. Hence, no single general would be allowed to govern more than his own national sphere of influence, while all international affairs were decided almost democratically (yet practically) among all the generals, conveying a unified look towards the outside. Not so surprising was the fact that discussions among the generals took considerably less time than those among politicians of the past age.
Alone, no single general was strong enough to force himself onto the others, nor would they allow one of them to go rogue.

Japan saw one of the more peaceful revolutions during these times. The western and eastern cultures had always been very different, and while Japan was among the most technological and western-oriented nations in the far east, there were many protesters against their cooperation with the USA during the third World War. Especially as Japan had received major radioactive winds and tides from the nuclear missiles strikes China had fired just east of their shores. Further, while China had been defeated in the end, Japan had taken severe losses and been damaged by bombardement from Chinese aircraft and ships before the combined Japanese and US pacific fleets could secure the Chinese coast.
The changes Japan undertook were more of a mental nature than anything else: The government was decisivly voted down from its position in the next election and a new party formed of isolationalist and nationalist minds gained convincing majorities. Japan would soon revert to a very reclusive, still technological oriented nation that conducted only sufficient trade to keep on living with the limited means they had on the Japanese isles. Their progression would be focused on recycling and new resource efficient ways to uphold a modern nation.

There also was the situation with Korea, as the USA had left it in Japan's hands. Both nations had a long history from the second World War and before, dominated by Japanese occupation and war crimes against the Koreans. The ground war waged between China and Japan had decimated the Korean populace almost to extinction and remaining inhabitants were far from pleased with the Japanese troops remaining in Korea to help with the reconstruction. As attacks on soldiers increased over time, Japan had to either subdue the Koreans by force or withdraw its forces. Ravaged by war itself, they decided to rather withdraw and utilise the manpower on their own isles rather than starting another conflict.
Thus, Korea was left to fend for itself amidst the rubble caused by Chinese and Japanese fighting. Soon North Korea would take the initiative to subdue its equally weak southern brother and 'unite' the Korean territories. However, due to infighting and resistances, Korea was unable to form a proper government or operate on international scales until far into the next century.

India had been repeatedly targeted from nuclear missiles during the war, but its adequate missile defenses helped it survive most of the barrages that were aimed at Indian soil. Yet, the two densely populated cities of Delhi and Bengaluru were hit directly, and their surroundings severly irradiated. Chinese 'refugees' had caused bloody riots in all major population centres and the Indian government had to react harshly with its military to keep the damage in check. Although for different reasons, Indian citizens formed their own riots after India was involved in the war, further adding to the problems at the government's hands. After years, the heavily military supported government and those few supporting citizens gained control of the situation by drastic means, usually executing Chinese immigrants on sight and jailing or killing all Indian protesters.
While India had been a highly populated nation before the war, its numbers shrunk significiantly, as did its sphere of influence. The borders were unstable, especially as Pakistan had tried to stay out of the war, suffering only the collateral damage that the entire world had received, and now pursued a conquest  of its larger Indian neighbour. Apparently, Pakistan was reluctant to enforce its conquest by what nuclear means the smaller country possessed, fearing international or environmental consequences. While weakened, India put up a strong resistance, and the two nations would be involved in a stalemate war not unlike the France and Germany borders during World War I.
This situation was maintained throughout several decades, with heavy losses on both sides. Neither of them wanted to back down from the war, even after casualties were sustained, in fear of retribution from the other. The considerable Pakistani minority in Britain lead to a call for support, but Britain was neither in any position to render aid, nor was their military leadership willing.

Russia was among the very few nations that emerged from the war almost as strong or even stronger than it had been before. Although they were targeted by many missiles, their strong defensive measures were able to intercept almost all of them, only on the eastern most parts of their borders two missiles managed to breach their anti-missile shield, impacting in remote areas. The Chinese incursion over their southern borders came unexpected, but didn't pose too much of a threat to the Russian military. More soldiers were lost to radiation in China than to direct Chinese attacks. However, Chinese guerrilla fighters that managed to penetrate Russian defenses in the early stage of the war damaged local infrastructure, convoys and even infiltrated smaller towns along the borders. While not a decapitating blow to Russia, it made the war against China an expensive undertaking, leaving the economy stretched.
With income declining after China and the US were taken out and Europe in chaos, Russia saw itself in desperate need for economic stimulus to fuel their military and pay for important infrastructural reconstruction efforts in the south, not to mention the general monetary needs of a nation this large. The Russian leadership decided to turn a negative into a positive and seize the oppurtunity to renew its claims on the various smaller countries close to their own borders. This posed a large financial difficulty for them, but they prefered to momentarily neglect civilian matters in favour of their annexation plans. In short order, Russia started a conquest of the Balkan nations and many of the eastern European states. Finally, they offered refuge to Kazakhstanian non-Chinese citizen, formerly announcing their claim on the territory, although the heavy irradiation would make the settlement or exploitation of Kazakhstanian soil difficult for the decades to come.
However, the war had left the Russian populace unsettled at best. While the conquest of their neighbours was a swift campaign, approved of by a majority of the citizens, the full subjugation was a time intensive task, and one that required constant military presence. The close relations many of the smaller nations had kept with Russia allowed for a moderate presence to suffice, but resistance was nevertheless uprising in all of the annexed territories. Meanwhile, the population back at home started to feel restless, stirred up by the immense military spendings and the neglect of civilian matters.

A Russian political movement rose up within less than a year, ready to pursue their goals with violence. Not unlike the october revolution from the past millenium, a harsh execution of current political leaders brought a radical change to Russia's political scene and actions. The usurpers quickly used the military still remaining at home to quell any unrest and enforce their own reign.
The revolutionists had a strong Russian-centric mindeset, with the goal to improve internal affairs and leave the rest of the world in the chaos it now was, enforcing the borders and incorporating the new annexations out of necessity. The military saw the best chances with this kind of policy, as their stretched deployment situation brought fears for a breakdown of the entire nation.
However, those troops stationed outside of direct Russian borders were temporarily left to fend for themselves, often taking the necessary food and supplies from the local citizens by force. This further unsettled the rebels and bloody uprisings unsuccesfully occured, beaten down by the superior occupants with harsh measures.
Ultimately, Russia was left with a military stretched thin, a deficit in civilian infrastructure and affairs, an unstable political situation due to the recent revolution and added responsibilities from their annexation. This unclear state would not stabilise until economic and infrastructural improvements were taking effect late in the 22nd century, yet Russia would soon become the Great Russian Federation, with its many annexed countried incorporated.

Ironically, China was least impacted by these revolutional motions. Those survivors still living in China were confined to the coastal areas, as anything located in the former west of this large nation was irradiated beyond hope and no human live could be sustained there. However, even the coast was but a huge field of rubble  now, as the US and Japan had thoroughly bombarded every major city, parcel of agricultural area and industrial complex.
The immense population of China had waned, but several million people still tried to make a living. US occupants prohibited the use of heavy industry. Farmlands were devastated from the war and reconstruction efforts slow. Chinese died by the hundreds while they had to feed the remaining US soldiers first, and clear the debris of their former nation with their bare hands or a shovel at best. Even despite the civil war back in the USA, the military divisons never left China. Instead, they formed their own kind of military dictatorship seperate from the US back in North America, treating the Chinese as lower class humans that had to repent for their atrocities during the war.
The Chinese were resisting the US occupation from the start, and no military declaration would keep them from that. While publically the Chinese obeyed the new laws the US military had made, literally every citizen was part of one rebel group or another: Partisan war bands on the border to the irradiated west, covert weapon production and supply to the remnants of the Chinese military, suicide bombings, poisoned food; all of these things were employed by the Chinese to free themselves of the US military that grew ever more violent and oppressing over the years.
Only the superior technology, heavy naval and aerial superiority and immensly harsh handling of all civilians allowed this new US rogue military leading China to endure for over a century.

Africa & Middle East
In parts, Africa and the Middle East were among those that suffered more from the war. Yet, others in these areas gained relative strength or used the war to further their own goals.

The Arabic League was left in a dispute not unlike that of Europe. The nations that made up the Arabic League had gained in wealth and prosperity since the new millenium began, but their union had risen as a retort to the European Union and United Nations, not out of actual unification. With the war apparently failed, the northern members bombed by conventional warfare and several southern member states deep in the hopelessly irradiated lands, the military leaders were blamed to a fault, although the decision to join the war had been a political one. As dissatisfaction with the current governments increased, so did the efforts of each nation to push away all blame from themselves to another.
While in the less stable member nations, such as Libya and Omen, revolutions occured that would ultimately heave a military ruler or dictator into leadership after a lon and bloody civil war, the other nations saw rapid changes of government over the next years, which would cripple the national integrity and almost lead to the complete failure of several countries.

Israel had remained silent when the Arabic League joined the war. They announced that they had built up their nuclear arsenal since the 1990's and had no interest in the war as it was. They further threatened all whom would try to fight their conflicts on Israeli soil. During the conflict, Israel proved capable of defending its territory against the minor incursions by the European Union or the Arabic League.  Before the nuclear resolution of the war, their threatening tactic had worked, and as missiles filled the sky they were situationed further north from Central Africa as most Arabic League nations and too far south for any of the Europe-aimed missile to affect them.
Exploiting the infighting of the Arabic League, they attacked Saudi Arabia a few years after the peace treaty with Europe was signed. The nuclear threat still present on their side and the tensions between the arab states left Saudi Arabia to fend for itself with its weakened military from the past war. Israel was quick to push into their territory unannounced and focused on executing the many oil barons that lead the country. The almsot fanatic jew government of Israel was reluctant to reign over Saudi Arabia as it was and began a purge of all muslims in the nation. While heavily opposed by rebels and military alike, their superior technology and throughout preparations prevailed.

Over the coming years Israel further exploited the economic might it now possessed with the oil reservoir of Saudi Arabia. Slowly replacing the recessing arab population of the annexed country with their own, trade relations with the growing economy of South America and many other nations across the world helped Israel solidify its claim, despite all agitations from the incapacitated Arabic League.

It was also during these times that an Israeli researcher called Even Hadassa published a thesis about exotic matter that could form close to the core of a planet. He based his research on particles found close to impact craters of several high-powered nuclear weapons, which he caluclated to have caused an environment closely related to the heat and pressure of a planetary core. He described some of the properties this matter could have, all of which seemed fantastical and beyond science. Both Israeli and international researchers whom heard from this theory denied the possible existence of such matter, often joking that he had studied irradiated craters up close for too long.

Not much is left to say about Central Africa. The areas close to the northern end of the continent and the Arabic League are nothing more than an irradiated wasteland made up of deserts and scorched land. Even the parts located more southern suffered greatly as continental winds carried the radiation to them. The Congo was still a heavily forested area, but little did they resemble the plants that stood there before the war, as radiation had caused all kinds of freak mutations and the slow death of the flora. Most of the continent between the Congo and Egypt was devoid of any unirradiated life, the far west of Africa being no exception.

South Africa had kept to itself. While the northern parts of the South African continent suffered medium radiation effects, the nation of South Africa duck in the face of the apporaching war and refused to emerge until it was over. They were reliant on many imported resources to fuel their more industrialised economy, but a slight recession in these affairs and progressive diplomatic efforts with the more powerful nations such as the South American Alliance and Israel provided them with sufficient material to continue living without the absolute need for military expansion, although some setbacks had to be accepted in technological and industrial affairs.

The Unirradiated
Australia and South America were the only continents not involved in the war. As such, they were the only areas left on Earth – save for the inhospitable Antarctica – that had not had direct contact with radiation. While the nature of the Planet would gradually spread the radiation by means of wind, rain and tides, these two continents would suffer the least mutations and consequences of the nuclear war. Many individuals and corporations still capable of intercontinental operations chose to evacuate themselves or their personnel to these locations.

South America was more likely to receive after effects of the bombardment the US had suffered, yet the situation on the US-Mexican border reversed over the years, with US citizens fleeing southwards. Similiarly, some Canada-based corporations were relocating their headquarters and essential personnel down south. Out of necessity, the nations of South America formed an alliance to better patrol and control their borders. Towards the Mexican borders and in all harbours, radiation screenings were made mandatory, and people showing even the slightest response to Geiger counters would be deported right away. Over the years, the alliance between the South American nations grew and became formalised to control more international matters than only immigration. Especially Brazil and Argentinia took a leading role, and with the benefits brought by educated immigrants and rich corporations setting foot all over the continent, South America soon prospered.

Australia came under similiar attention, but took an entirely different turn in its development.
While South America prospered, Australia saw itself swamped with asian refugees. Although a large continent in its own right, Australia was only thinly settled and many of the refugees could land secretly on Australian shores. Over the years, large Indian and Chinese minorities emerged in the Austrlian census: Both of these minorities couldn't get along with one another, and neither was well received from the Australian inhabitants. Chinese immigrants would often forego local authorities to establish their own settlements in remote areas, motivated by a will for revenge and false entitlement to claim land as retribution for ravaged China. Indian minorities were often more docile, but large in numbers and taxing on the local economy, as they competed for workplaces and resources. In general, Australia saw itself short of many necessary supplyies from all over the world to sustain their trade-based high-tech society.
The diminishing prosperity that Australia had built up over the years caused tensions between the ever growing minorities and 'native' Australians, further fueled by increasing aggressions and political ignorance from the Chinese settlements. These tensions finally culminated in protests and later even skirmishes between Indian, Chinese and Australian protesters and partisans. The Australian government was quick to step in with its military, preferably beating down on the minorities instead of their fellow kin. When the army stepped in, however, the Chinese revealed a surprising strength and high numbers to support their interests, and with military gear assumed to originate from the Chinese leftover military, went into a guerrilla war against the Australian government. Swift attacks, retreats and stealth were essential paragon tactics employed by these Chinese revolutionists, but the thin population made it difficult for them to project their might over enough territory to pose a threat to the Australian government. On the other hand, the government was reluctant to liquidate Chinese citizens that wouldn't take part in these revolts, although they were almost sure to harbour rebels. These circumstances, and the occasional Indian protest or terrorist attack, caused the unstable situation Australia found itself in for a long time.

In 2161 an event occured that would shape humanity and the development of Earth. The global temperature had dropped by almost eight degree celsius at this time, which was severe but far below the assumptions made by scientists. Several research institutes and universities were back to normal operations, and some international trade and cooperation was occuring. South America had taken the leading position on Earth, as with the least unrest it slowly developed into a prosperous centre for technology, research and social novelty – the latter of which caused by the equality and tolerance among the many ethnicities now native to the continent and its many nations.

In the late august of 2161 South American observatories were the first to pick up strange readings from the outer Solar System. While it was no surprise to spot celestial bodies where none had been expected before, a massive object appeared from behind Saturn, and on a straight course that would let it pass the sun by only a minimal distance. What was first presumed to be a comet that would meet its ultimate demise in the sun's hot plasma was soon rising more and more eyebrows among South American Astronomers. The object's course seemed unimpacted by the gravitational pull of other celestial bodies, not even Sol's gas giants and the sun itself seemed to divert its course by the slightest margin. As it approached closer to the sun and Earth, the amazing speed at which it moved became apparant, and many astronomers argued that an object of this velocity would only be minimally affected by the various celestial bodies, yet ultimately fall into the sun due to its very close course. Meanwhile, all attempts to identify the comet's mineral composition failed, as all visual photographs showed weird imagery that couldn't be matched to any known type of asteroid or comet. It was clear however, that this object was larger than most asteroids in Sol.
In early september first publishings rose the question whether the object was artificially created, although these claims were immedeatly denied. Luckily, Earth was in a good position at this time of the year, so that the object would pass between Earth and the sun, and not behind it. Optimistic astronomers expected to observe the object falling into the sun, and perhaps get a few images of it in front of the sun's radiant light. When these images finally apeared sometime mid-september, astronomers were reluctant to release them to the public. Indeed, the pictures showed that the object had not fallen into the sun, but passed it unimpressed by the gravitational pull. Further, it clearly showed three silhouettes in front of the sun, narrow and several kilometres long. On top of this, intensive lighting was seen at several spots of each silhouette, almost hinting towards an exhaust plume or very bright light radiating from the objects.
When the images were finally published a couple days later, all observatories left on Earth were aimed at these objects, following their trail past the sun into the void of space, culminating in their sudden disappearence from all instruments before the end of september. Needless to say, these news impacted on Earth like the first nuclear warhead fired in the third World War. Scientific and not so scientific theories were published around the globe, and the reconstructed information infrastructure collapsed for several days in face of the flood of queries.

It was shortly after this occurance and following validations that some respected scientific voices reminded of Even Hadassa's theory about exotic matter close to a planet's core, and some of the properties that could allow objects of this size to move this fast, unphased by gravitation. However, these theories were seldomly based on more than assumptions and unprofessional works, so they were dismissed by the scientific world, often due to the unprecise methods by which the actual size and weight of the observed objects could be measured.
While disputed, the facts were clear: The objects that so narrowly, but safely, passed the sun had to be of artificial making, and probably controled by something. Debates would rage for over two years, but the realisation slowly sank in that humanity had seen its first confirmed alien, and was indeed not alone.

Towards the end of these chaotic times, most of the more influental and succesfull nations signed the Treaty of New Order.  It was motivated by the shocking realisation that humanity wasn't alone in the universe, which wasn't that surprising, and that aliens had apparently visited the Solar System with travelled ease, appearing from nowhere and vanishing into nowhere, not just that humanity wasn't alone. While civilian debates about such a union lingered on the street and in the media, it was South America that would again take the leading role in this affair and be the first government to publicly talk about, and finally instigate a global formation of humanity by the means of this treaty.
The situation on Earth, however, was far from unified, to say the least. The treaty was intended to hold more power than the United Nations of the past, incite a feeling of unity into all of mankind, yet leave the authorities untouched to make such a cooperation feasable at all. The international body that would regulate the throughout upholding of the treaty's contents would be the Interdependant Human Organisation Afford, or IHOA for short. The most important contents of the treaty were the regulation of external diplomatic affairs, that would be regulated by a council made up of representatives from each member nation and the Internal Regulation Agency, which was supposed to stop wars waged on Earth. This agency was made up of juridically educated compartments from all major nations and could be adressed if any member nation wished to settle an  international dispute.
Further regulations under the treaty were the complete banishment of nuclear weaponry, the limitation of new nuclear power plants to be constructed only in already irradiated locations, and a neutral body of inspectors that would make yearly investigations into all member nations regarding these and other regulatory measures.

While some of the world's nations were more than eager to sign the treaty and agree to all its terms, many countries such as Israel, Pakistan and the Great Russian Federation were reluctant to do so. Both Israel and Pakistan were reliant on their nuclear armament to maintain their current position, while Russia was simply not participating in any international efforts due to their self elected isolation.
Ultimately, clauses were incorporated into the treaty that areas held by member nations were fixed at the point of joining and that no wars were allowed to be fought among these members. All disputes had to be settled by the regulation agency and Israel would be allowed to keep Saudi Arabia as its sovereign property. The Arabic League, as chaotic a situation as it was in, was in uproar about this clause, but with the further addition of the non-member classification they were forced into a signing of the treaty. This classification would contain all nations or areas of Earth that would not formally join the treaty and declare them to be 'fair game' for the members. The goal of the treaty was to unite humanity, one way or another. Hence military aid to non-member states was prohibited and wars against them not under penalties, but instead, encouraged and given aid by other member nations. Reluctantly, both Israel and the Arabic League signed the treaty.

The last nation to sign this treaty was the Great Russian Federation, which did so only reluctantly and after long and intensive diplomatic efforts to make them take interest into international affairs again. Although they remained abstinent from many international meetings and showed no positive behaviour towards other nations, they opened their borders for trade under strict regulations and honoured the contents of the treaty. The signing date, 12th November 2178, is formally accepted as the end of these chaotic times and the beginning of a new age.

Listed in the treaty as major nations or unions during this time were the South American Alliance, Great Russian Federation, European Union, and Israel. Mediocre nations of influence and economic strength were said to be the Arabic league, Canada, South Africa and Japan. Less important, but still internationally known nations that joined the treaty, were the United States of America, Australia, Mexico, and India.
The main administrative body and regulation agency were located in the capital of Brazil, Brasilia, and the inspector headquarter ironically in the capital of Israel.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 02:12:03 PM by Vynadan »