Author Topic: The Galaxy Awaits ... Choose Your Path!  (Read 104671 times)

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Offline Bryan Swartz (OP)

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The Galaxy Awaits ... Choose Your Path!
« on: August 05, 2013, 01:04:49 AM »
** OOC Author's Note:**

First things first -- this is a 'community game'.   That has so many meanings, it's probably best understood as a 'sign-up game'.   It was originally intended for another forum where I have long desired to introduce people to the awesomeness of Aurora, and after some considerable amount of test games(I'm still a newbie and pretty much suck but I think I've got a handle of most of the basic mechanics now) I felt I was ready to start one.   And then I thought, why not include the official Aurorians in the process?

The setup is pretty basic, a slightly nerfed conventional start. , United Earth 2025.   WWIII having decimated the population after the discovery of the TN elements, a new laughable named agency was formed to head up the remaining fraction of the world's population:  SPACE(Strategic Planning Agency for Collective Endeavor).   

So, as a sign-up game, it pretty much works like this: to allow more interaction and give readers another reason to follow the story, should they choose, I'll be accepting applications to the GLTC(Global Leadership Training Academy).   Successful applicants must supply:

Career Path(Naval Officer, Ground Forces Officer, Scientist, Civilian Administrator)
First Name
Last Name

Beginning when an appropriate recruit graduates from the academy, I'll post periodic updates on the career arc of each who choose to participate(one per person, for the sake of my sanity and keeping the game moving -- although I'm a slowish methodical player anyway).   When one dies/retires/is the victim of an 'accident', a new one(child? nephew? or not) may be put in the queue.   Some limited decision-making, based on the rank/situation of the character, is also possible and part of my plans.   

I'll be posting the story of humanity's efforts in space here as my own humble contribution regardless, but I've found this kind of thing can help keep interest going(for myself as well as the readership).

I hope you enjoy, and feel free to join the fun if and when you wish!

Offline joeclark77

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Re: The Galaxy Awaits ... Choose Your Path!
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2013, 08:49:14 AM »
I'll take a naval officer, name him Joseph Clark.

Offline JacenHan

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Re: The Galaxy Awaits ... Choose Your Path!
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2013, 05:48:55 PM »
Naval Officer, Jay Cin, Male.

Hope this goes well.

Offline Brainsucker

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Re: The Galaxy Awaits ... Choose Your Path!
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2013, 09:24:04 PM »
Naval officer, I name him Ling Hu Zhong. btw, you have my permission to make him like a fool or make him a great hero. Up to you.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2013, 09:26:44 PM by Brainsucker »

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Re: The Galaxy Awaits ... Choose Your Path!
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2013, 06:52:26 PM »
Ken Mckay, Naval Officer.


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Re: The Galaxy Awaits ... Choose Your Path!
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2013, 08:44:29 PM »
Scientist, Karabishi Juishao, Female

Offline Bryan Swartz (OP)

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Re: The Galaxy Awaits ... Choose Your Path!
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2013, 11:16:27 PM »
Thanks all for joining!

Your beginning facts and assignments . . . 

Lt.  Cmdr.  Joseph Clark
Age:  24
Commissioned:  Jan 1st, 2022
Current Assignment:  None
Fleet Movement Initiative:  171
Bonuses:  Factory Production(25%), Fighter Combat(10%)
Personality Traits:  Conservative, Poor Family, Subjective, Unforgiving
Promotion Score:  111(18th out of 20 Lt Cmdr)

Yes, that's just what we need, a fighter pilot who knows a lot about factory production?!?  Perhaps LT Clark chose the wrong career . . .  ;)

Cmdr.  Jay Cin
Age:  27
Commissioned:  Jan 1st, 2019
Current Assignment:  None
Fleet Movement Initiative:  168
Bonuses:  Logistics(30%), Mining(20%), Survey(10%), Intelligence(10%)
Personality Traits:  Faith in others, good motivator, Motivated
Promotion Score:  390(6th of 7 Cmdr)

Lt.  Cmdr.  Ling Hu Zhong
Age:  24
Commissioned:  Jan 1st, 2022
Current Assignment:  None
Fleet Movement Initiative:  284
Bonuses:  Crew Training(25), Factory Production(25%), Fighter Combat(10%), Mining(10%), Fighter Operations(10%)
Personality Traits:  Conscientious, Delegates Easily, Methodical, Subjective
Promotion Score:  250(5th out of 20 Lt Cmdr)

Lt.  Cmdr.  Ken McKay
Age:  25
Commissioned:  Jan 1st, 2021
Current Assignment:  None
Fleet Movement Initiative:  183
Bonuses:  Survey(15%), Fighter Operations(15%)
Personality Traits:  Good judge of character, Impatient, Motivated
Promotion Score:  345(3rd out of 20 Lt.  Cmdr. )

Unfortunately, scientist Karabishi Juishao has been placed on the waiting list.   The RNG was not kind -- we have six scientists, all of them male.   

Offline wobbly

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Re: The Galaxy Awaits ... Choose Your Path!
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2013, 11:41:15 PM »
If it's not too late to join I'll take a Ground Forces Officer: Benjamin Berkley.  My internet usage can be a bit sporadic, so feel free to do as you wish with him if you don't hear from me.

Offline Bryan Swartz (OP)

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Re: The Galaxy Awaits ... Choose Your Path!
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2013, 11:44:02 PM »
Jan 1st, 2025

Be careful what you ask for . . . 

Earth's new governor-elect Lena Dungey could not help but consider her place in history, fragile though it was, looking around at her new office.   She had barely won with 29. 6% of the vote over three 'more qualified' men, including rival Terrence Forson who was the choice of over 28% and whose help she would need now.   Humanity would now look to her as the first director of SPACE and leader of a new more peaceful and prosperous future in what was already being called the 'Trans-Newtonian Age'.

500 million souls.   So many problems faced them.   Nearly half(44+ million) of the manufacturing sector had no work.   The miners were busy, but for all the excitement about the newly discovered TN minerals, it would not take long to exhaust their supply.   The report she held just now indicated tritanium was the most plenteous, but also was so difficult to get to that not much would be recovered.   The fact that it wouldn't run out for almost 600 years was of little consequence as a result.   Corbomite and vendarite were equally inaccessible.   

Other minerals were easier to find, and would run out quickly.   In less than a generation, all of the neutronium, boronide, and corundium were projected to be exhausted -- eight minerals would be gone within her lifetime more than likely.   While there was nothing she could do about it directly now, she looked around the room at Forson, Jayson Riese, and Slick Willie, and made it clear to all of them that humanity's number one priority was finding supplies beyond Earth.   This world would not be humanity's sole home long into the future.   If hadn't found and prepared to begin exploiting veins elsewhere in the solar system within a decade, SPACE will have grievously and perhaps fatally failed humankind.

Discussion of the direction of research was very short.   It was obvious that not enough was known about the TN materials, potential uses, chemical properties, what new industries or manufacturing techniques might be gleaned from them.   Other than the fact that they existed and had exotic properties, little else was certain.   Dr.  Deacon Palmer was clearly the foremost expert in matters of physical materials, and he was given carte blanche with the five research complexes and corresponding millions of support staff at SPACE's disposal to find practical applications, and find them quickly.   Even preliminary findings were expected to take nearly four years, the initial target date being the summer of 2028.

It was also clear that the military, though what use it might be in the new age was unclear, needed more leadership.   The Navy needed several more staff officers to be prepared for a proper command structure to be in place when needed, and the Army had three of it's fifteen battalions, limited as they were, operating without proper commanders as it was, to say nothing of any future growth.   

Director-Governor Dungey's final order of her first day on the job then, was for the industrial sector to work on expanding the academy and ramping up recruitment of the best and brightest to serve in human armed forces.   It was the Roman Cicero who said wisely centuries ago, "If you want peace, prepare for war. "  Peace was indeed mankind's desire after so much destruction, but it could not be assumed that wish was even possible.   Was space empty, or were there even greater threats in it's unimaginably vast expanse?  The former conclusion was assumed by many, but as with all assumptions, it was dangerous and unprovable.   

Thus the human race moved cautiously into a new era.   Lena would not sleep well for some time.   

Offline Bryan Swartz (OP)

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Re: The Galaxy Awaits ... Choose Your Path!
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2013, 11:45:07 PM »
Wobbly -- it's never too late to join!  You've been added to the waiting list -- I don't expect it will be that long.   Since I've started the game at this point, you'll get the next guy out of the academy :).   

Offline Bryan Swartz (OP)

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Re: The Galaxy Awaits ... Choose Your Path!
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2013, 09:43:30 AM »

Such events happen all the time, but it somehow seemed significant that by the third day of the year the comet Crommelin had rounded the Sun and was on it’s long journey back towards the outer reaches of the known system.   By summer it was passing through the Kuiper Belt, continuing on it’s 27-year journey.   Whipple headed off in the other direction, while Faye and Wolf-Harrington were nearing the end of their latest trip.   Such is the rhythm of the universe.

Administrative staff occupied themselves with relatively small goings-on . . .  a new promising naval officer was commissioned, without knowing for certain if there’d ever be a ship for her to captain.   Captain Louis Meola, Survey Staff Officer, soon developed a serious medical problem and doctors reports came across Dungey’s desk on a daily basis.   And there was the long wait –
what would happen with Dr.  Palmer’s research team?

Lt.  Cmdr.  Lucius Patino seems more interested in cultivating political allies than anything else, which may be a wise strategy in these times, positioning himself for future action if there is opportunity.   

** January 2026 -- Col.  Benjamin Berkeley is commissioned and given command of the 9th Low Tech Infantry Battalion.   His notable skills are in Xenology(25%) and Ground Combat(15%).   He has the cautious, many social interests, and cold manner traits, and immediately ranks 1st among 12 active Colonels, making him a prime candidate for quick promotion.   

** May 2026 – Col.  Woodrow Husar’s commission gives the last of the battalions a qualified commander.   Naval staff officers is still a severe shortage and will be for years.


The population on earth has grown to 522. 8 million, staying steady at about 2. 5% per year, although it's dropping just slightly.   The expansion to the academy is set to finish in about two months, and for now one expansion seems that it will be sufficient.   And we still have a year and a half or thereabouts remaining waiting for Dr.  Deacon Palmer's report.   

** Normally I'll put an update here with the position of the various officers and leaders, but as time is running short for the moment I'll post that this evening.

Offline Bryan Swartz (OP)

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Re: The Galaxy Awaits ... Choose Your Path!
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2013, 06:15:09 PM »
as of January 1, 2027, current game date

** Lt.  Cmdr.  Joseph Clark is 19th out of 23 Lieutenant Commanders.   He has failed to distinguish himself even compared to most raw recruits coming out of the Academy.   
** Cmdr.  Jay Cin ranks 7th out of 8 Commanders.   He has paid no attention to 'knowing the right people' and does not appear to have improved his actual performance either in simulations.
** Lt.  Cmdr.  Ling Hu Zhong is 7th out of 23.   He has been superior at least to most of the new recruits.
** Lt.  Cmdr.  Ken McKay ranks 5th.   

** Lt.  Cmdr.  Benjamin Berkeley ranks 2nd out of 14 Colonels, which gives him the distinction of being the lowest-regarded officer to command an armour battalion, the 15th Low-Tech.   Not bad at all for a recent graduate . . . 

** Karabishi Juishao continues to bide her team in the Academy.   One more scientist has been appointed, but there are still no women researchers.   Charges of sexism are beginning to be whispered . . . 

Offline OAM47

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Re: The Galaxy Awaits ... Choose Your Path!
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2013, 06:50:56 PM »
The next recruit out of the naval academy if you please  :)

Just because I like surprises, I'll take a gender neutral name, and should cut down on wait, heh, not like I'm concerned.  How about Sam Baker.

Offline Bryan Swartz (OP)

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Re: The Galaxy Awaits ... Choose Your Path!
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2013, 11:52:07 PM »
?3. 3. 2027 – Military Academy finished.   For the next year-plus, the miners are charged with stockpiling as many minerals as they can, pending completion of the Palmer team’s research.   

In September, Mitchell Aull, a master of the political game, is promoted to Captain and assigned to Fleet HQ as the Intelligence Officer.   Three of the seven staff positions there are now filled. 

Late March 2028 – As the team was approaching the time to work on their final report, Dr.  Deacon Palmer was noted to have increased his expertise markedly in Construction & Production as a result of his work on the project(now a 15% bonus).    Although there isn’t enough time left for it have a huge impact, this is expected to accelerate the reports’ arrival by about two weeks.   

July 11th, 2028 – The Palmer team’s report was delivered to SPACE HQ the previous night, and this day(and many to come as well) would be spent poring over it.   

Lena Dungey and the three deputy directors soon lost their powers of speech, able only to gurgle and blink and grunt in response to what they found.   The high-level summary of the report detailed an unbelievable finding and two inescapable conculsions: 

** The TN minerals were more revolutionary than anyone had imagined, or could have.   Their properties were so revolutionary that:

** Earth’s economy was obsolete.   Not merely parts of it.   All of it, in it’s entirety.   A complete conversion would be required to take advantadge of the fact that
** New technologies in all fields, previously unconsidered and un-thought of, would now be possible.   


The present economic paradigm was based on large-scale factories which could be adjusted to whatever needed to be built.   In order to unlock the potential of TN technology, this way of doing things had to go.   The Palmer report detailed the need for dedicated facilities that specialized in a particular branch of manufacturing, taking advantadge of the amazing properties of the new minerals.   An astounding increase was possible in what was possible to produce:

** 10-fold increase in mining output from converting factories to mines
** 20-fold increase with conversions to refineries
** 10-fold increase for conversions to either multi-purpose construction factories, ordnance factories, or fighter factories(not that there is any immediate use for the latter pair)

It was clear that whatever was decided, this conversion was absolutely necessary and would need to be a major focus of efforts in the coming years.

In addition, there were many more types of facilities possible.   New, modern research labs could be built; orbital shipyards of either commercial or naval focus: automated mines which would require no labor at all, freeing up the work force for other tasks, and many others which would have no imminent value but helpful potentially down the line. 

It is clear that it will be rarely if ever that the factories sit idle in the future as they have for over a year . . . 


The expansion of research possibilities was similar in scale.   TN technology provided the possibility of not just a revolutionized present: rather, that was merely the tip of the iceberg.   In broad terms, the Palmer report outlined the following areas of potential advancement:

** Rudimentary terraforming possibilities, based either on orbiting vessels or land-based installations
** Potential increases in the efficiency of all manner of production above the incredible gains already described
** Future abilities to mine asteroids or convert fuel from the gases in the upper atmospheres of gas giants
** Improved materials for better armor, and the possibility of kinetic shields on spacecraft
** Space-based weapons of several varieties of significant reach and potential damage, several orders of magnitude beyond the only current try(ICBMs).   Some had a ballistic base, others were based on focused energy
** A wide variety of specialized modules for potential spacecraft, including cryogenic transport for colonizing other worlds, advanced cargo and storage systems, orbital habitats, salvaging any derelict spacecraft that might potentially be encountered, and many more
** Improved power-generating technology to allow significant amounts to be produced in small enough size to be useful on a starship
** Higher power output and efficiency than current engine technology could allow for
** Improved sensors optimized for space of various types
** Scanners that could detect mineral deposits and/or gravitational anomalies
** Etc.

Like the Manufacturing Ministry, Reserach & Development had no lack of options to consider.   

All of this left Dungey and the three deputy directors quite overwhelmed.   They needed to move immediately, but weren’t quite sure what the right direction was, so Dungey ordered the Manufacturing Ministry to concentrate half it’s efforts on upgrading the factories, another quarter each to converting some to mines and some to fuel refineries.   That would get some progress moving and hold down demand for action while a more detailed long-term plan was formed over the rest of the month.   As for the research team, the top priority had been and still was to find TN minerals beyond Earth.   Unfortunately none of the top scientists had particularly noteworthy knowledge of sensors and the associated instruments, so the most talented overall – Dr.  Wayne Sabagh – was tapped to lead a team investigating ship-mounted geological scanning packages.   All 5 laboratories were tasked over to this effort for the time being, which was expected to take until next May.

Offline Bryan Swartz (OP)

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Re: The Galaxy Awaits ... Choose Your Path!
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2013, 12:41:08 AM »
August 1, 2028

Executive Order of Director Lena Dungey -- For Immediate Release

Strategic Development Plan

** The Manufacturing Ministry will focus half of our industrial output on converting to the more modern and specialized facilities.   Initially, 34% will work on converting 715 of our 1000 units to construction factories;  1% on converting 10 to fighter factories; 3% on converting 50 to Ordnance Factories; 8% on converting 150 to Mines; and 4% on converting 75 to Fuel Refineries.   When one of these projects is completed, the remaining capacity will be re-allocated among the uncompleted projects until the entire conversion is complete, but the ratio is designed to allow all of them to complete as close to the same time as possible.

This should result in a more than 7-fold increase to general purpose production, 50% increase in fuel and mineral extraction, and allow a modest but significant ability to produce ammunition and fighters should they be needed.   This conversion is expected to take nearly 40 years(Sept.  2066) at current levels of production(1 facility has already been converted and is operating well at the new TN standard as a construction factory), but should accelerate quickly as more and more of the conversion is completed.   

** The remaining 50% will be divided into the two most critical needs of new production:  more research labs, and an initial shipyard for general exploration and transport vessels.   Each of these will require nearly nine years at current levels, but should see the same benefits of increased construction rate as the economic conversion proceeds.

** Given that the geological sensors are expected to be ready several years ahead of the time when there will be a shipyard available to build a ship that can use them, the decision has been made to divide our research efforts for the time being.   Dr.  Sabagh will retain two of the five labs for his work(this should still allow him to complete the project in a bit under two years, well ahead of it's usefulness).   With resources always a concern, Dr.  Santo will oversee a single lab investigating ways of improving fuel efficiency, Dr.  Palmer will oversee a project aimed at improving the speed of construction yet further, and Dr.  Grimmett will be developing a larger fuel storage module aiming at eventually increasing the range of potential ships.

** For his team's monumental and unprecedented contribution at this critical moment in human history, Dr.  Deacon Palmer has been awarded the title of 'Pioneer' for his part in revolutionizing human civilization.