Author Topic: The Kingdom of Light (Mapless Challenge)  (Read 4179 times)

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Offline hyramgraff (OP)

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The Kingdom of Light (Mapless Challenge)
« on: February 01, 2018, 11:04:05 PM »
I've been thinking about writing an AAR for a while and the mapless challenge post from Caplin ( inspired me to start this.  Being a mapless challenge means that I'll be playing this without the system map (F3) and without the galactic map(F11).  I'm expecting the biggest drawback of playing without a map to be the lack of auto-turns because that checkbox is on the system map.

I'll be playing as the monarch of The Kingdom of Light, a nation on Earth that has taken the "make no graven image" commandment way to seriously.  We have a divine mandate to spread The Light to other stars.  All of our warships will have lasers.

In addition to the mapless challenge, I'll be playing with some more self-imposed restrictions:
  • Every ship must be in the same system as its parent task force commander
  • Flag bridges will only be on warships, not survey ships
  • The minimum deployment time for ship  designs that aren’t intended to stay in a single system is 60 months
  • Research projects can only have a scientist with that speciality assigned
  • Research labs can't be removed from a research project once they've been assigned to it
  • Only automated mining colonies will be allowed in the Sol system (we must take The Light to other stars)

I've made several tweaks to the default options in setting up this game.  The biggest change is that I created The Kingdom of Light with the Contemplative government type.  This means that I will start with just one shipyard and half the normal amount of mines, factories and research labs.  To offset this a little bit, I have boosted the military academy to a level three facility so we'll be getting 15 officer graduates a year.

Offline Caplin

Re: The Kingdom of Light (Mapless Challenge)
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2018, 11:12:16 PM »
I look forward to watching the light of the kingdom spread from star to star.

Offline hyramgraff (OP)

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Re: The Kingdom of Light (Mapless Challenge)
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2018, 12:56:39 AM »
From the records of the kings:

The First of January in the Fifth year of the Glorious Era:

Today marks the start of a new chapter in the history of our kingdom.  Today I will give the order to launch our first interstellar ships and we will begin our search for new worlds from which our Light can shine.

Before I get ahead of myself, I must record some of the more mundane decisions that will be implemented today.  First, I have named Jody Troung as the new governor of Earth.  I believe that he will be able to increase the yield from our sixty mines.  I have also ordered the construction of five new mines to boost our production of Duranium and Sorium.

I have also given new instructions to my top scientists.  Jamar Francis will be leading research into increasing the effective range of our lasers, Anthony Beauchamp will be leading research into better armor for our ships, Isaac Ruffini will be leading research into a ship module for transporting troops, and Kenton Cipollone will be leading research into improving the speed of our terraforming equipment.

I have placed Danita Washell in charge of our naval forces.  She will be overseeing the captains of our two Essex class destroyers (the Canary and the Cockatoo) and our two Lexington class grav-survey ships (the Nicolaus Copernicus and the Tycho Brahe).  I have also ordered the construction of two new Essex class ships (the Blackbird and the Eagle) that will eventually accompany our survey ships into new systems.

((OOC: Overall I got some good RNG in this setup.  A scientist with an energy weapons specialization is pretty much a must have for this setting and a logistics specialization will be nice to have if we find any ancient ruins.  Our one shipyard also turned out to be a 8k ton capacity naval shipyard that can build both of our two starting ship classes.  One of my early priorities will be building a commercial shipyard and then making it large enough to build geo-survey ships and then cargo ships.

One area where I didn't get good RNG was the allocation of the initial research points.  Lots of RP got spent on missile research and noting was spent on energy weapons.  My destroyers have a max range of 30k km, but since I was only planning on using them defensively I'm hoping that will be enough.))

Offline hyramgraff (OP)

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Re: The Kingdom of Light (Mapless Challenge)
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2018, 10:19:25 PM »
From the records of the kings:

The Seventh of March in the Fifth year of the Glorious Era:

Found the first jump gate in Sol

The Eighth of June in the Fifth year of the Glorious Era:

Found the second jump gate in Sol

The Eighth of August in the Fifth year of the Glorious Era:

Mines finished, will need twenty more mines to keep up with the Sorium demands for our fuel refineries.

Unfortunately it will take each mine five years to produce the amount of Duranium that we will use to build it.  Also, we don’t even have enough Duranium stockpiled to build that many mines.

We will build a few more construction factories so that we can produce the mines faster. And then we will go back to producing mines

The Eighth of September in the Fifth year of the Glorious Era:

Mohamed Larke has joined the Royal University.  He specializes in construction and production research and will likely be asked to work on improving our mining production once research facilities become available.

The Thirteenth of December in the Fifth year of the Glorious Era:

Sadly, Bettina Frances, a Colonel in our ground forces was killed in a training accident today.  Our thoughts are with her family in their loss.

The Eighteenth of January in the Sixth year of the Glorious Era:

Today I reluctantly accepted the resignation of Isaac Ruffini from the Royal University.  His health has deteriorated to a point where he is unable to work.
The two research labs that Isaac had been directing have been assigned to Mohamed Larke’s work on improving our mining production.

The Twenty-eighth of January in the Sixth year of the Glorious Era:

Emil Visage has joined the Royal University.  Unfortunately he also specializes in biology and genetics research which is not a priority at the moment.

The Nineteenth of February in the Sixth year of the Glorious Era:

A third jump gate has been discovered in Sol.  This new gate is farther away from Sol than the other two that were discovered.

The Fourteenth of March in the Sixth year of the Glorious Era:

The Eagle and the Blackbird have been built and are being sent to observe the systems on the other side of the jump gates that have been found.  Chad Cogdell will command a new task force from the Eagle

Work has started on two more Essex class ships, the Dove and the Blue Jay.

The Fifth of May in the Sixth year of the Glorious Era:

  • Discovered the Washington system.  This is a binary system with three planets orbiting the primary star and three planets orbiting the secondary star.  Nothing is suitable for colonization.
  • Discovered the New York system.  This is a binary system with no planets.  The secondary star orbits the primary at a distance of just over sixty-five light days.
  • Discovered the Los Angeles system.  This is a single star system with six planets.  Nothing is suitable for colonization.

The Twenty-Fifth of May in the Sixth year of the Glorious Era:

Jamar Francis has make a breakthrough and made it possible for us to design lasers with twice the range that our current lasers have.

Two of the labs that Jamar was directing have been transferred to Mohamed Larke’s work on mining production and Jamar is now working on improving the tracking speed of our turrets.

The Sixth of July in the Sixth year of the Glorious Era:

The grav survey of the Sol system has been completed.  The Washington and New York systems will be our next systems to survey because those two jump gates are the closest.

The Sixteenth of July in the Sixth year of the Glorious Era:

Regina Wehner has joined the Royal University.  She specializes in power and propulsion research and will almost certainly have a lab assigned to her when one of our current research projects finishes.

The Twenty-first of October in the Sixth year of the Glorious Era:

Donovan Acosta has joined the Royal University.  He plans to specialize in biology and genetics but he will also be good at leading survey teams.

Offline Gabethebaldandbold

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Re: The Kingdom of Light (Mapless Challenge)
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2018, 10:36:42 AM »
That donavan looks to me like an old guard hard core naturalist if I've even seen one, studying the rocks, and the living things
To beam, or not to beam.   That is the question
the answer is you beam. and you better beam hard.