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Offline Þórgrímr (OP)

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« on: October 25, 2009, 04:58:48 PM »

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Received 31 Jan-1830[/center:xlt46djv]

The Foreign Minister has announced that attacks by the Bey of Algiers has forced French citizens who are residents of that North African nation to leave for France. While the Minister of War, Clermont-Tonnerre, proposed a military expedition in response. The ultra-royalist Count of Villèle, President of the Council, along with the monarch's heir opposed any military action. For the last three years the King had decided to blockade Algiers. But the important trade with the North African nation was forced to keep away, while the Barbary pirates could easily take them as a prize. Due to the failure of the blockade, the King and his ministers decided on 31 January to engage a military expedition against the Bey of Algiers.

The Opera "Fra Diavolo," premiered in Paris on January 28th.

[center:xlt46djv]London/United Kingdom

Received 31 Jan-1830[/center:xlt46djv]

The Government of the United Kingdom announced that two ships, the Asia and James Pattison have arrived in the Crown Colony of New South Wales with their cargo of 196 female, and 199 male convicts to serve out their sentence for crimes against the Crown. It was also revealed that the Nithsdale sailed from Sheerness with a cargo of 184 male convicts on January 1st. It is expected to take four months to reach the New South Wales Colony. On the same note it was announced that two ships, the Prince Regent and the Bussorah Merchant arrived in Van Diemen's Land with their cargo of 396 male convicts.

The government of the United Kingdom passed an ordinance on the mistreatment of slaves in her colonies. Almost immediately the Dutch population in the Cape Colony began to protest what they believe is their right to do with their property what they will.

The First Sea Lord has announced the following ships will be offered for sale. The Admiralty will entertain bids till July. Then announce the agreed upon sales.

ZEALAND 64 gun Third Rate Ship of the Line – ex-Dutch, captured 19 Jan 1796. 30 Wus.

ELEPHANT 56 gun Fourth Rate Ship of the Line - Built in 1786, Bursledon. 25 WUs.
LEANDER 58 gun Fourth Rate Ship of the Line - Built in 1813, Blackwall. 26 WUs.
GLASGOW 50 gun Fourth Rate Ship of the Line - Built in 1814, Blackwall. 22 Wus

DORIS 36 gun Fifth Rate Frigate - a converted Indiaman built in Bombay, 1808. 18 Wus.

VALOROUS 26 gun Sixth Rate Frigate - Built in 1816, Pembroke Dock. 15 Wus.

BANN 20 gun Sloop of War (Gunboat). Built in 1814. 11 Wus.
BACCHUS 18 gun Sloop of War (Gunboat). Built in 1812, Chatham. 10 Wus.
PERUVIAN 18 gun Sloop of War (Gunboat). Built in 1808, Parson's Yard, Warsash. 10 Wus
SAPPHO 18 gun Sloop of War (Gunboat). Built in 1806, Ipswich. 10Wus.
BULLDOG 16 gun Bomb Ketch (Gunboat). Built in 1782, Dover. 12Wus.
BEAVER 10 gun Sloop of War (Gunboat). Built in 1809, Ipswich. 8Wus.

CHATHAM 6 gun Survey brig. Built in 1788, Dover. 5 WUs.

[center:xlt46djv]Washington DC/United States

Received 31 Jan-1830[/center:xlt46djv]

The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad announced that on January 7th they opened their first section rail, 1½ miles (2.4 km), in Baltimore, Maryland.

On January 9th Ground was broken in Charleston, South Carolina, for the first railroad to use steam locomotives in South Carolina, the South Carolina Canal and Rail Road.

On January 11th LaGrange College opened its doors for students, becoming the first publicly chartered college in Alabama.

From January 12th to January 27th – Robert Y. Hayne of South Carolina debated the question of states' rights vs. Federal authority with Daniel Webster of Massachusetts in the United States Congress.

The Great fire that broke out on January 13th in New Orleans was thought to have been set by rebel slaves.

[center:xlt46djv]xxx - End News Feed - xxx[/center:xlt46djv]
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Offline Þórgrímr (OP)

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« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2009, 11:23:22 AM »
[center:1o2aq3hm]London/United Kingdom

Received 28 Feb-1830

The three Great powers of the United Kingdom, Kingdom of France, and the Russian Empire have finally agreed upon a protocol to create an independent Greek state, carved from the Ottoman Empire, under their joint protection. The three Powers concluded the Protocols on 3 February 1830.

The Government of the United Kingdom announced that one ship, the Katherine Stewart Forbes has arrived in the Crown Colony of New South Wales with her cargo of 199 male convicts to serve out their sentence for crimes against the Crown.

On the same note it was announced that the ship, the Eliza III arrived in Van Diemen's Land with her cargo of 115 female convicts.

[center:1o2aq3hm]Washington DC/United States

Received 28 Feb-1830

The Camden and Amboy Rail Road, the first railroad to be built in New Jersey, has issued a statement of charter on February 4th.


Received 28 Feb-1830

On February 25th Victor Hugo's "Hernani" premiered in Paris.


Received 01 Feb-1830

The debate raged on between the Army, Navy and the King of Sardinia's Treasury Minister over finding the funds for additional ships, artillery, and mounted troops. While the King has not spoken publicly on the matter, it was well-known in the Sardinian court that he considers the navy incapable of effective pirate suppression. And that the army lacks the capability to do more then man the walls of their grand cities.

General Antonio Bertolucci was heard complaining that any increase in banditry would stretch the Kingdom's available troops beyond the breaking point, and cause a potentially ugly diplomatic incident as trade is disrupted, along with the loss of additional revenue to the crown from the sudden disruptions.

In other news, the Kingdom has reported that the keel for another merchant ship has been laid. Along with the fact the King has ordered the clearing and leveling of some of the more common routes of trade between towns inside of the Kingdom. The roads are expected to be finished by early spring.

[center:1o2aq3hm]xxx - End News Feed - xxx[/center:1o2aq3hm]
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Offline Þórgrímr (OP)

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« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2009, 02:18:38 PM »
[center:9lc8tkpu]London/United Kingdom

Received 30 Mar-1830

On March 16th the lord Mayor of London announced that the reorganization of the London Metropolitan police force has been completed and has added a new department for detecting crimes, called Scotland Yard.

The Govenrment of the United Kingdom has announced that the ship, the Forth II, sailed from Cork in Ireland with a cargo of 120 female convicts on March 6th. It is expected to take four months to reach the New South Wales Colony.


Received 30 Mar-1830

Victor Bellini's opera "I Capuleti e i Montecchi," premiered in Venice on March 4th.

[center:9lc8tkpu]Amsterdam/Kingdom of the Netherlands

Received 30 Mar-1830

On March 10th The Dutch Army announced the formation of the KNIL, also known as the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army, to protect their colonies in the East Indies.

[center:9lc8tkpu]Washington DC/United States

Received 30 Mar-1830

On March 15 The New Orleans, Louisiana City Council approved the right of way for the construction of the Pontchartrain Rail Road.

On March 16th The New York Stock Exchange announced the slowest day ever in it's history, only 31 shares were traded on that day.

On March 26th a new look at Christianity called the Book of Mormon was published in Palmyra, New York. It was immediately criticized by the local church officials.


Received 30 Mar-1830

The Transportation Minister for the Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont has announced that additional roadways will be built to improve internal trade. The King was reported to have said in his court that, "Far too many towns and villages are isolated from the rest of the kingdom by badly kept trails and roadways that are maintained sporadically at best. We need to change this."

It remains to be seen just how spending money on nonproductive dirt tracks can benefit the kingdom, but this reporter is willing to wait and see what transpires before offering my opinion.

[center:9lc8tkpu]xxx - End News Feed - xxx[/center:9lc8tkpu]
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Offline Þórgrímr (OP)

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« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2009, 10:45:46 AM »
[center:50cd49pt]London/United Kingdom

Received 30 Apr-1830

The Government of the United Kingdom announced that one ship, the Forth I has arrived in the Crown Colony of New South Wales with her cargo of 115 male convicts to serve out their sentence for crimes against the Crown.

On the same note it was announced that the ship, the Mary III arrived in Van Diemen's Land with her cargo of 167 male convicts.


Received 30 Apr-1830

Civil struggles in Chile explodes into a full-fledged coup! According to the coup instigators this has been brought on due to the harmful effects the policies of Presidente Francisco Antonio Pinto Díaz had on the economy. In particular his policies on exports, which prompted conservatives to seize national control. After the defeat of the liberal army under Freiere at the Battle of Lircay on 17 April, Freire, like O'Higgins, escaped into exile in Peru.

[center:50cd49pt]Washington DC/United States

Received 30 Apr-1830

On April 6th, Joseph Smith and 5 others organized the Church of Christ in Fayette, Seneca Co, New York. The criticisms of the new church began almost immediately.

[center:50cd49pt]Mexico City/Distrito De Federal

Received 30 Apr-1830

On April 6th Mexican president Anastasio Bustamante signed a series of laws onto the books that were aimed specifically at the province of Texas.
Among the actions taken were the following:
An order for Texas to comply with the emancipation proclamation or face military intervention.
Rescinding the property tax law, which had exempted immigrants from paying taxes for ten years.
Increased tariffs on goods entering Mexico from the United States.
Settlement contracts were brought under federal rather than state control. Colonies that did not have at least 150 inhabitants would be canceled.
Prohibited immigration from the United States to Texas.

[center:50cd49pt]xxx - End News Feed - xxx[/center:50cd49pt]
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Offline mavikfelna

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« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2009, 02:06:52 PM »
:: chuckle:: Being LDS, it's fun to see the church in the news here.


Offline Þórgrímr (OP)

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« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2009, 02:38:11 PM »
Quote from: "mavikfelna"
:: chuckle:: Being LDS, it's fun to see the church in the news here.


Well, keep your eyes peeled, there is a bit more, in time, to do with the LDS, including the Mountain Meadows massacre.  :wink:

Cheers, Thor
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Offline mavikfelna

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« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2009, 11:23:50 AM »
:: chuckle::

Just so long as you don't forgot Haun's Mill or the winter scourging of Nauvoo, or the army's depredations of the Utah saints during that time period it's a fair cop. Mountain Meadows was a sad chapter in our history but it was almost inevitable given the nature of what had happened before the fact that among the attackers there were many that believed there were Missouri mobbers among those in the traveling wagon train. I don't know if there's any truth to that belief, and it shouldn't have mattered, but it did and it happened.

I'll leave it at that.


Offline Þórgrímr (OP)

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« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2009, 02:01:52 PM »
Quote from: "mavikfelna"
:: chuckle::

Just so long as you don't forgot Haun's Mill or the winter scourging of Nauvoo, or the army's depredations of the Utah saints during that time period it's a fair cop. Mountain Meadows was a sad chapter in our history but it was almost inevitable given the nature of what had happened before the fact that among the attackers there were many that believed there were Missouri mobbers among those in the traveling wagon train. I don't know if there's any truth to that belief, and it shouldn't have mattered, but it did and it happened.

I'll leave it at that.


Every one of those events you described are in the list. Believe it or not, I just use the events, and do not bias them in any way. That is up to the reader to do.  The main reason I am including the LDS events is that if a player is playing the US, there is a possibility for a Mormon Declaration of nationhood and a nation called Deseret coming into play. now how long it would last... well, who knows. :wink:

On October 27th Missouri Executive Order 44 was issued by Missouri Governor Lilburn Boggs. The Governor stated the order is in response to what he termed "open and avowed defiance of the laws, and of having made war upon the people of this State . The Mormons must be treated as enemies, and must be exterminated or driven from the State if necessary for the public peace — their outrages are beyond all description." Then a few days later the Haun Mills event happens.

Cheers, Thor
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Offline mavikfelna

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« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2009, 02:43:25 PM »
Sorry Thor, didn't mean to imply you were intentionally being biased. I really am enjoying the news.

And yes, Executive Order 44 was a dark day. The fact that it took until 1976 to get it rescinded is probably why a large portion of Utah LDS still don't like Missourians.

The threat of Deseret forming is what prompted the president to send troops to Utah I believe. Their arrival is what prompted Utah to seek statehood instead. I think playing the nation of Desert would be alot of fun, but I don't think it would ever have had a chance to survive. The early failure of trying to develop an iron industry by the saints is more the reason than outside pressure as to why they would fail to develop a lasting nation.

Offline Þórgrímr (OP)

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« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2009, 03:04:42 PM »
Quote from: "mavikfelna"
Sorry Thor, didn't mean to imply you were intentionally being biased. I really am enjoying the news.

And yes, Executive Order 44 was a dark day. The fact that it took until 1976 to get it rescinded is probably why a large portion of Utah LDS still don't like Missourians.

The threat of Deseret forming is what prompted the president to send troops to Utah I believe. Their arrival is what prompted Utah to seek statehood instead. I think playing the nation of Desert would be alot of fun, but I don't think it would ever have had a chance to survive. The early failure of trying to develop an iron industry by the saints is more the reason than outside pressure as to why they would fail to develop a lasting nation.

Np my friend. My love of history is so great, to try and bias anything is anathema to me.  :shock:

Yep, in 1847 the Mormons proposed that their territory be admitted to the Union as the State of Deseret, but Congress only went so far as to make it a Territory. And to mollify the local folks Brigham Young was appointed as Territorial Governor. It was when Buchanan tried to remove Young in 1857, over the polygamy issue, that the "Utah War" broke out. But, fortunately, cooler minds prevailed and actual conflict averted.  8)

Cheers, Thor
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« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2009, 06:29:43 PM »
[center:1m6lxgok]London/United Kingdom

Received 30 May-1830

On May 3rd the  Ceremonial opening of the Canterbury and Whitstable Railway in England was announced. The steam locomotive Invicta was used in the inaugural run.

The Government of the United Kingdom announced that two ships, the Mermaid and the Nithsdale have arrived in the Crown Colony of New South Wales with their cargo of 391 male convicts to serve out their sentence for crimes against the Crown.

It was also revealed that the David Lyon has sailed from Sheerness with a cargo of 220 male convicts on May 2nd. It is expected to take four months to reach the Van Diemen's Land Colony.

On May 18th Edwin Budding of England signed an agreement to manufacture his invention, the lawn mower. Saturdays are destroyed forever.

[center:1m6lxgok]Bogota/Gran Columbia

Received 30 May-1830

On May 13th The government of Gran COlumbia has announced the former province of Ecuador has seperated from Gran Columbia and has formed a new nation called The Republic of Ecuador, with Juan Jose Flores as president.

[center:1m6lxgok]Washington DC/United States

Received 30 May-1830

On May 20th the first railroad timetable is published in a newspaper, the Baltimore American.

On May 22nd The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad announced the completion on the line between Baltimore and Ellicott's Mills, Maryland. They expect trains to begin running in a few days.

On May 24th The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad announced the first revenue trains were operated between Baltimore and Ellicott's Mills, Maryland, a distance of 13 miles (21 km).

On May 28th The United States Congress passed the Indian Removal Act. Allowing U.S. President Andrew Jackson to grant American Indian tribes unsettled western prairie lands in exchange for their settlements within the borders of the existing U.S. states, thereby clearing the way for further white settlement.


Received 30 May-1830

The Foreign Minister for the Kingdom of Sardinia reports that the results of negotiations with England should be known within the next several months. no details were forthcoming.

The Kings's Privy Council announced that they were committed to reducing the numbers of jobless people and have begun the first of several public initiatives to accomplish this.

In other news, the Piedmont Trading Company is pleased to announce the delivery of the first of several trade ships that have been ordered. The various merchant guilds have combined resources to increase the flow of goods throughout the Kingdom. This writer is sure that they have a nefarious plot behind this. Likely to garner additional power for themselves!

[center:1m6lxgok]xxx - End News Feed - xxx[/center:1m6lxgok]
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« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2009, 07:16:46 PM »

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Received 30 June-1830

On June 3rd it was announced that Admiral Duperré assumed command, in Toulon, of an armada consisting of 600 ships and headed for Algiers. It was reported by a source in the French Ministry for War th General de Bourmont, commanding general of the land forces, was using Napoleon's 1808 contingency plan for the invasion of Algeria. General de Bourmont on June 14th landed 27 kilometres (17 mi) west of Algiers, at Sidi Ferruch, with 34,000 soldiers. Our corrospondent attached to the Franch forces reports that General de Bourmont estimates the Bey of Algiers sent 7,000 Janissaries, and about 17,000 Cavalry. It is also suspected that the Bey of Algiers was sent 19,000 infantry with about 17,000 Cavalry from the Beys of Constantine and Oran, the allies of Algiers. Our corrospondent reported that the French established a strong beachhead and pushed towards Algiers, and thanks in part to superior artillery and better organization the French troops defeated the Bey on June 19th during the battle of Staouéli, only losing one hundred while the Algerian casualties were reported to be several thousand.


Received 30 June-1830

The Government of the United Kingdom has reported that George IV (George Augustus Frederick) has died on this day and will be succeeded by his brother Prince William, Duke of Clarence, who will reign as William IV. George IV was the king of Hanover and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from the death of his father, George III, on 29 January 1820 until his own death today. From 1811 until his accession, he served as Prince Regent during his father's relapse into insanity from an illness that is suspected to have been porphyria.

George IV is remembered largely for his extravagant lifestyle that contributed to the fashions of the British Regency. By 1797 his weight had reached 17 stone 7 pounds (111 kg or 245 lb). He was a patron of new forms of leisure, style and taste. He commissioned John Nash to build the Royal Pavilion in Brighton and remodel Buckingham Palace, and Sir Jeffry Wyatville to rebuild Windsor Castle. He was largely instrumental in the foundation of the National Gallery, London and King's College London.

The King is dead, long live the King!

In lesser news the Government of the United Kingdom announced that one ship, the Roslin Castle, has arrived in the Crown Colony of New South Wales with their cargo of 128 female convicts to serve out their sentence for crimes against the Crown. It was also revealed that the Forth II sailed from Cork with a cargo of 120 female convicts on June 6th. And the Lord Melville II sailed from Downs with their cargo of 176 male convicts. It is expected to take both ships four months to reach the New South Wales Colony.

On the same note it was announced that three ships set sail with cargoes of convicts bound for Van Diemen's Land. The Mellish sailed from Spithead with 118 females, the Royal George sailed from Portsmouth with 215 males, and the Southworth sailed from Sheerness with 160 males. It is expected to take 4 months to arrive in Van Diemen's Land with their cargoes of convicts.

[center:18tkycp7]Washington DC/United States

Received 30 June-1830

On June 5th the Boston and Lowell Railroad was chartered to build a railroad between Boston and Lowell in Massachusetts.


Received 30 June-1830

The Privy Council has announced new diplomatic initiatives and an intention to continue developing the interior road network in order to permit the greater flow of trade within the kingdom.

This Reporter has noted that the Statements of Direction press releases from the King have dropped precipitiously over the past several months and that the Privy council has been slowly taking over the announcements that the King has traditionally done. I do not know what this means but you can bet that we shall be watching them closely. It is remotely possible that this may be the result of a move by the Merchants to slowly take power from our king. God bless his soul.

[center:18tkycp7]XXX - End News Feed - XXX[/center:18tkycp7]
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Offline Þórgrímr (OP)

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« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2009, 03:04:07 PM »

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Received 31 July-1830

After a three week campaign the city of Algiers falls to the French Armée de la Algériens on July 5th. The battle of Staouéli was the only major battle this reporter observed and it went as follows. The French forces set up in defensive positions as the Algerians and their allies approached. In the first hour of the battle the French artillery was seen to have devastating affect on the attacking forces, destroying one infantry battalion and hitting two more hard enough to cause them to try and flee the battle.

The Algerians continued to close the range and in the second hour the Algerian army managed to get into musket range and the flurry of musket fire began in earnest, with the French infantry having the upper hand. I observed two Algerian infantry battalions and two cavalry squadrons being destroyed by the relentless French musket fire while the rest of the Algerian army was taking horrible casualties as they tried to close within hand to hand range so their melee weapon armed infantry could engage the French forces. Unfortunately for the French Cavalry, the Algerian Janissaries managed to inflict casualties on the French forces. The I/2e Régiment de Cuirassiers took 34 wounded and 10 dead as casualties, while the II/1e Régiment de Chasseurs took 54 wounded and 17 dead.

By the third hour the Algerian artillery was finally in position and began to open fire on the French, inflicting several hits on the French Cavalry. Unfortunately for the Algerians they had not closed in enough to reach the French infantry. The Algerian dead began to pile up in mounds as whole units were wiped out by the devastating volleys of French musket fire. At last count fourteen Algerian infantry battalions were observed disentegrating under French fire. The biggest loss to the Algerians may have been their irreplacable artillery. To be able to fire on the French cavalry they had to position themselves within French musket range, and paid in blood by doing so. Two of the three observed artillery battalions were destroyed by counterbattery and musket fire, while the third was heavily damaged and seen to be falling back in disorder. The Algerian cavalry was hit just as hard with the loss of 11 cavalry squadrons.

The Algerains seemed to have had enough by this time, and were beginning to retreat in disorder while the French Armée de la Algériens once again began the advance towards Algiers in triumph.

On July 25th King Charles X of France issued the three ordinances of St-Cloud. They were issued, according to a statment by the King, to control the press, dissolve the Chamber of Deputies, and have anti-government voters removed from the electoral lists following the victory of the Liberal opposition in the previous elections.

On July 27th Revolutionary action flared up in Paris and other areas of France following the publication of the ordinances of St-Cloud by King Charles X. Parisians began revolting and blockaded the streets today. Among those manning the barricades were army units and former members of the National Guard, disbanded in 1827. Charles the X acted too late in annulling the new ordinances and dismissing Polignac to prevent the outbreak of unrest. Polignac was arrested and condemned to life imprisonment.

On July 31st Charles X abdicated as King of France, following continued opposition to his rule. He will be succeeded by his cousin, Louis-Philippe, the Duc d'Orléans.

[center:2map4x2q]London/United Kingdom

Received 31 July-1830

The Government of the United Kingdom announced that one ship, the Lady Feversham, has arrived in the Crown Colony of New South Wales with their cargo of 128 female convicts to serve out their sentence for crimes against the Crown. It was also revealed that three ships have sailed for New South Wales. The Hercules II sailed from Dublin with a cargo of 200 male convicts on July 7th. The Royal Admiral sailed from Portsmouth with their cargo of 193 male convicts. And the Burrell sailed from Plymouth with their cargo of 192 male convicts. It is expected to take all three ships four months to reach the New South Wales Colony.

On the same note it was announced that The Sir Charles Forbes arrived in Van Diemen's Land with their cargo of 160 male convicts. While the Persian sailed from Falmouth with their cargo of 198 male convicts bound for Van Diemen's Land. It is expected to take 4 months to arrive in Van Diemen's Land with their cargo of convicts.

The Admiralty announced today, July 4th, that two ships had been purchased by the Kingdom of Prussia and the others will be broken up and sold as scrap. No further details were given.


Received 31 July-1830

On July 13th The General Assembly's Institution, one of the pioneering institutions that ushered in the Bengal Renaissance, was founded today by Alexander Duff and Raja Ram Mohan Roy, in Calcutta, India.

[center:2map4x2q]Washington DC/United States

Received 31 July-1830

It was announced on July 15th that three Indian tribes, Sioux, Sauk, & Fox, have signed a treaty with the United States ceding to the US most of Minnesota, Iowa, and Missouri.


Received 31 July-1830

The Privy Council has announced the King's authorization of continued investments in the future of the Kingdom.

Most notably, this writer found that amongst the extensive list of projects to be initiated was a "Kings Highway", meant to radiate outwards from the Capitol to all points of our mighty kingdom. It is an incredibly expensive edifice of construction requiring truly permanent bridges made of stone and a roadway "meant to be traveled in all forms of weather throughout the year."

While no costs were included with this release, I can only say that stone is expensive, as are the masons to work it correctly. While I have not been exactly quiet about my suspicions about many people of persuasion, this has drawn my attention more than most of the recent spending projects initiated by the Merchants on the Privy Council. I simply can not see our King spending such large sums from an already threadbare treasury without significant persuasion from the Privy council. I can only hope that this will not end in a disaster with precious Kingdom resources wasted upon a mistaken dream or that it goes not to merely line the purses of the Merchants in charge of directing this massive series of projects.

I can only hope that his Majesty the King sees the future with a clear eye. May god bless his soul.


Received 31 July-1830

On July 20th it was announced the provisional Greek government granted all Greeks of Jewish descent citizenship.

[center:2map4x2q]XXX - End News Feed - XXX[/center:2map4x2q]
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« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2009, 03:28:12 PM »

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Received 31 August-1830

On August 9th Louis-Philippe, the Duc d'Orléans, formally accepted the crown of France, following the abdication of Charles X.

On August 11th the first ministry of King Louis-Phillipe's reign in France is formed, comprising a range of moderate and progressive liberals led by Duc de Broglie, Jacques Lafitte, Casimir Périer, and François Guizot.

[center:1pkkdw0o]Washington DC/United States

Received 31 August-1830

Construction began on the Mohawk and Hudson Railroad between Albany and Schenectady, New York.

On August 4th the plans for upgrading Fort Dearborn into a city called Chicago are laid out today.

On August 28th the first locomotive built in the US, "Tom Thumb," makes its initial run from Baltimore to Ellicott's Mills, Maryland.

[center:1pkkdw0o]London/United Kingdom

Received 31 August-1830

The Government of the United Kingdom announced that two ships, the Adrian and the Marquis of Huntlet, have arrived in the Crown Colony of New South Wales with their cargo of 395 male convicts to serve out their sentence for crimes against the Crown. It was also revealed that two ships have sailed for New South Wales. The Florentia sailed from Dublin with a cargo of 200 male convicts on August 8th. The Andromeda II sailed from Cork with their cargo of 181 male convicts. It is expected to take both ships four months to reach the New South Wales Colony.

On the same note it was announced that The Manlius and David Lyon arrived in Van Diemen's Land with their cargo of 417 male convicts. While the Clyde I sailed from Portsmouth on August 30th with their cargo of 216 male convicts bound for Van Diemen's Land. It is expected to take four months to arrive in Van Diemen's Land with their cargo of convicts.

It was reported a threshing machine was destroyed on Saturday night, August 28th, by a large group of farm workers in East Kent.

[center:1pkkdw0o]Amsterdam/United Kingdom of the Netherlands

Received 31 August-1830
It was announced by the Government in Amsterdam that on August 25th, after a performance at the Brussels opera, a riot erupted, which was quickly followed by uprisings elsewhere in the country. Factories were occupied and machinery destroyed. The King declared the rioting an insurrection of Belgian Nationalists against the Dutch Crown in Brussels. But the King expects the insurrection to be quickly crushed.

[center:1pkkdw0o]XXX - End News Feed - XXX[/center:1pkkdw0o]
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Offline Þórgrímr (OP)

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« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2009, 02:44:43 PM »
[center:1sfsdshr]                      THE INTERNATIONAL NEWS NETWORK

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[center:1sfsdshr]Amsterdam/United Kingdom of the Netherlands

Received 31 September-1830

On September 1st it was reported that representatives of the Estates General in Brussels convinced the crown prince, Willem Frederik George Lodewijk van Oranje-Nassau, that the administrative separation of north (Netherlands) and south (Belgium) would be the best solution for the constitutional problem.

On September 5th a proclamation from the king, Willem Frederik I, called on the Estates General to not support the dissolution of their nation.

Wilhelmina Frederika Louise Charlotte Marianne, Princess of the Netherlands and Princess of Orange-Nassau has today, September 14th, married her first cousin Prince Albert, the fourth son of her mother's brother, Frederick William III of Prussia.

On September 23rd through 26th battles raged all throughout the streets of Brussels as Prince Willem Frederik II attempted to occupy Brussels by force. He was repelled after intense street fighting costed him hundreds of Dutch lives.

[center:1sfsdshr]Washington DC/United States

Received 31 September-1830

On September 9th Charles Durant becomes the first US aeronaut by flying a balloon from Castle Garden, NYC to Perth Amboy, NJ.

On September 16th Oliver Wendell Holmes has published a new poem called Old Ironsides.

On September 18th in a race between the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad's Tom Thumb and a stagecoach near Ellicott's Mills, Maryland, the horse and coach wins.

On September 20th the first Negro Convention of Free Men in Philadelphia has agreed to boycott slave-produced goods and called on all Americans to join in the boycott.


Received 31 September-1830

On September 11th Ecuador is recognized as an independent republic and granted a constitution by Colombia, under which it is to be part of the Confederation of Gran Colombia.

[center:1sfsdshr]London/United Kingdom

Received 31 September-1830

The Government of the United Kingdom announced that the York I has sailed from Sheerness for New South Wales with a cargo of 200 male convicts on September 4th. It is expected to take the ship four months to reach the New South Wales Colony.

On September 15th the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, the world's first purpose built passenger railway operated by steam locomotives, opened in England from Liverpool Road, Manchester, to Edge Hill, Liverpool.

In unfortunate news the first person to be run over by a railroad train was William Huskisson. He was attending the opening ceremonies of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway.

On September 18 Robert Stephenson was appointed to survey the route to be taken by the London and Birmingham Railway.

[center:1sfsdshr]Berlin/Kingdom of Prussia

Received 31 September-1830

It was announced that His Royal Highness, Frederick William II, attended the re-flagging ceremony of two warships recently purchased from England for the Preußische Seehandlung. His Highness enjoyed a show of the sailors skill and commented on the high morale of the fledgling Navy. He then addressed recent graduates of the Royal Prussian Naval Academy, stressing the importance of developing a strong Prussian Navy to protect their maritime interests overseas.

[center:1sfsdshr]Turin/Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont

Received 31 September-1830

His Majesty made an appearance today riding through town towards the port with an escort of guards. Shortly there after the Privy council announced that those seeking gainful employment could apply as laberors with Gregerio and Amoruso, a small company that has won bids for improving the dirt paths around our Kingdom. I would not be surprised if a member of the Privy is not receiving monies for this announcement. Never before have I heard a member of our government make such an announcement as to direct the people to a place of private employment!

I find myself partaking of a thought that is not unique at the paper. Why was this announcement done AFTER the King, may god bless his soul, departed for the docks? While my belief is for the thought of his majesty visiting our Island of Sardinia, I cannot be sure of this.

We do find it suspicious in the extreme that His Majesty has withdrawn so utterly from duties that he meticously attended for so many years and that the Privy has become so much more bold in its utterances!

In the end all that I may say it that again do we find Kingdom monies flowing from the Privy to private hands. Private hands of which we know little. Rest assured that these actions will not go unoticed by myself or any other who guards the nobility of our Kingdom!

[center:1sfsdshr]XXX - End News Feed - XXX[/center:1sfsdshr]
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war