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Offline TheDeadlyShoe (OP)

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Space Madness
« on: February 21, 2013, 03:25:06 AM »
Not sure if I'll stick with this.

space madness
spaaaace maaaaadnessss

The year 2050 seemed like a golden age.  Conflict on earth was at an end as all eyes turned towards the heavens.  A new kind of physics made it both easier and faster to get to the moon than across the city;  unlimited resources poured into Earth from the asteroid belt.  Advances in medicine and agriculture granted long life and security to all mankind.   The crowning achievement was the UN's Star City project, housing over fifty million people in Earth orbit.   

 But the glorious future was not to be...   A mysterious malady appeared.  Early astronauts seemed to be going mad in ever increasing numbers.  They were losing all connection with reality and descending into paranoid fantasies of persecution.  There was no discernable cause and no protocol for treatment.   All the efforts of medicine failed until 2 years into the epidemic, when a team of doctors and Trans-Newtonian physicists demonstrated the existence of a previously unsuspected stellar radiation that was destructive to human nervous systems.   It could be blocked out using treated Duranium.   But they also demonstrated that there was no cure... 

Perhaps mankind could have recovered from the panic of the doomed space travelers.  But everyone who could travel into space had, including leaders on virtually every level of every society. And between the madness and their panic they destroyed what chance we had. Wars began and ended for no reason at all.  Random violence and indescribably heinous crimes tore at society's fabric until inevitably it gave.  Forgotten nuclear arsenals were unearthed and used; bio-plagues spread unchecked; crazed ideologies and doomsday cults supplanted government and even family. 

The year 2200 is a very different place.  New societies have arisen from the ashes of the old, but the benefits of Trans-Newtonian science are no longer the heritage of all mankind.  Ideology, power, and war grip the solar system.  Nature's madness was not enough; we must inflict it on ourselves...

*No Terraforming
*No Mesons
*Arbitrary awarding of techs for plot reasons
« Last Edit: February 21, 2013, 03:52:46 AM by TheDeadlyShoe »

Offline TheDeadlyShoe (OP)

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Re: Space Madness
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2013, 03:46:12 AM »

One of the latter-day projects of earth was the Atlantis sea city. Meant to be a symbol of the new union between environmentalism and corporate superpowers, it moved from conception to grand opening in under 4 years.  The people who flocked there were uninterested in space and preferred to explore the still-untamed oceans of earth. This proved difficult as TN materials reacted poorly to prolonged immersion but the Atlantians persevered.  They seemed on the verge of establishing a new underwater society when the Madness struck.

With relatively few affected and with worldwide influence, Atlantis seemed a safe heaven in a world gone crazy. Refugees flooded in, far beyond the city's capability to support. The Atlantis Emergency Council guaranteed food and housing but even TN industrial might only goes so far.  Industrial apartment blocks, basic gruel and menial labor was all that was available for the refugees.  Increasing instances of Space Madness amongst the refugees led to suspicion and exclusion from the mainstream of Atlantian life.  Atlantis became a pressure cooker after the wars began.  Revolutionaries and madness cults waged ugly conflicts across the slums. Only the original Atlantians seemed spared the world's fate.  After some decades the Atlantians began to believe they were inherently superior.  They had an intact society and did not suffer from the madess - wasn't it obvious?  Citizen became a title of privilege and the refugee classes became slaves in all but name.  No revolution had a chance of success against Atlantian power armor.

By the year 2200 you were either a Citizen or you were a slave.  Atlantis has established some land colonies and has just launched the second of their stupendous Command Carriers, submarine warships adapted for space travel. The Citizens have become restless and forgotten their anti-space ideologies.  Entertainment is at a premium, and so are the means to distinguish oneself; the star navy is fashionable.  Only time can tell what the impulses of young Citizens will lead to.

Atlantis' military is somewhat inspired by the Peacekeepers from Farscape.  They use large battle-carriers, escorted by much smaller Escorts and groups of Strikers.   They have advanced industrial potential but are somewhat obsessed with creating the perfect race;  many of their labs are devoted to bio-genetics.    Their designs often make concessions to luxury and comfort rather than maximizing military potential.  Their research strengths are lasers, engine mods, fighters, and missile technology.

Code: [Select]
A class Command Carrier    45,000 tons     895 Crew     6143.6 BP      TCS 900  TH 1800  EM 0
2000 km/s     Armour 10-112     Shields 0-0     Sensors 48/64/0/0     Damage Control Rating 45     PPV 46
Maint Life 3.03 Years     MSP 3840    AFR 360%    IFR 5%    1YR 628    5YR 9422    Max Repair 320 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Flight Crew Berths 214   
Flag Bridge    Hangar Deck Capacity 9000 tons     Troop Capacity: 1 Battalion    Magazine 760    Cargo Handling Multiplier 10   

Type 80 Military Booster (3)    Power 600    Fuel Use 35%    Signature 600    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 3,000,000 Litres    Range 34.3 billion km   (198 days at full power)

Hastae UV Laser (6)    Range 192,000km     TS: 4000 km/s     Power 10-3     RM 4    ROF 20        10 10 10 10 8 6 5 5 4 4
UN PHALANX  (4x6)    Range 1000 km     TS: 12000 km/s     ROF 5       Base 50% To Hit
Type 54 Strike Targeter (2)    Max Range: 192,000 km   TS: 4000 km/s     95 90 84 79 74 69 64 58 53 48
Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor (4)     Total Power Output 18    Armour 0    Exp 5%

Riot Suppressor (10)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 10
Type 12 Missile Targeter (1)     Range 9.6m km    Resolution 1
T-25 (100)  Speed: 28,800 km/s   End: 6.1m    Range: 10.6m km   WH: 9    Size: 5    TH: 105/63/31
R-55 (260)  Speed: 28,800 km/s   End: 4.4m    Range: 7.5m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 182/109/54

Type 15 Area Search System (1)     GPS 64000     Range 362.0m km    Resolution 200
Type 16 Striker Control Sensor (1)     GPS 400     Range 14.3m km    Resolution 5
Type 12 Missile Detection Sensor (1)     GPS 112     Range 9.0m km    Resolution 1
Surveillance Telescope A (1)     Sensitivity 48     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  48m km
Surveillance Array A (1)     Sensitivity 64     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  64m km

Strike Group
10x Grendel Striker   Speed: 5000 km/s    Size: 9.6
10x Warrior Striker   Speed: 7500 km/s    Size: 6.4
1x Bago Yacht   Speed: 4800 km/s    Size: 10
Code: [Select]
Grendel class Striker    480 tons     3 Crew     101.2 BP      TCS 9.6  TH 24  EM 0
5000 km/s     Armour 2-5     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 0     PPV 4.3
Maint Life 3.63 Years     MSP 13    AFR 18%    IFR 0.3%    1YR 2    5YR 23    Max Repair 19 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 0.1 months    Spare Berths 7   
Magazine 10   

Type 11 Thruster (2)    Power 24    Fuel Use 392.02%    Signature 12    Exp 20%
Fuel Capacity 5,000 Litres    Range 0.5 billion km   (26 hours at full power)

Gladius UV Pulse Turret (1x1)    Range 48,000km     TS: 16000 km/s     Power 3-1     RM 4    ROF 15        3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
Type 59 Defense Targeter (1)    Max Range: 48,000 km   TS: 16000 km/s     79 58 38 17 0 0 0 0 0 0
Micro GCF (2)     Total Power Output 1.03    Armour 0    Exp 12%

Torpedo Rail (2)    Missile Size 5    Hangar Reload 37.5 minutes    MF Reload 6.2 hours
Type 65 Torpedo Guidance (1)     Range 10.3m km    Resolution 80
T-25 (2)  Speed: 28,800 km/s   End: 6.1m    Range: 10.6m km   WH: 9    Size: 5    TH: 105/63/31

Q-Slave Targeter  (1)     GPS 8     Range 280k km    Resolution 5

Offline TheDeadlyShoe (OP)

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Re: Space Madness
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2013, 08:48:32 PM »

Offline TheDeadlyShoe (OP)

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Re: Space Madness
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2013, 08:48:53 PM »
Reserved post -  KINGDOM OF MALTA

Offline TheDeadlyShoe (OP)

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Re: Space Madness
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2013, 08:51:25 PM »
Jan 2200 - Sep 2201: Exploration & Buildup

January 2200
With the completion of the A-class carriers Aurora and Arcanum, the Atlantis Emergency Council authorizes construction of 5 Eagle-class survey shuttles.  These fighter-size vessels are intended to quickly and cheaply identify sources of trans-newtonian minerals in the solar system.
April 2200
The Eagle class shuttles finish construction, and are launched with little fanfare or attention from the Citizen class.
July 2200
Atlantis: Purgation and cleansing efforts in mainland China finally succeed and the secure perimeter is pushed out. This frees up several defence battalions for general use.  The Council has grown concerned over the unprecedented size and power of the Kingdom of Malta, and begins expanding the security forces in general.
Celest:  The Grand Survey finishes its initial task of assessing the major planets for minerals.  Little of use is found, though Uranus has good concentrations of Sorium fuel.  The 4 Amalthea-class fuel harvesters are diverted from Jupiter to Uranus.  The Amalthea is an old UN spaceship built over 150 years ago.  Scavenging expeditions found them derelict in Jupiter orbit and an extensive refurbishment project resulted in their recent recommissioning.
Code: [Select]
Y200 Amalthea class Fuel Harvester    146,650 tons     630 Crew     2987 BP      TCS 2933  TH 1500  EM 0
511 km/s     Armour 1-247     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
MSP 13    Max Repair 37.5 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 60 months    Spare Berths 0    
Fuel Harvester: 50 modules producing 1400000 litres per annum

UN Ion Drive (10)    Power 150    Fuel Use 10.61%    Signature 150    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 5,000,000 Litres    Range 57.8 billion km   (1309 days at full power)
September 2200
Celest: The Grand Survey finds significant deposits of all TN minerals on the asteroid Ceres.  Celest's 5 Atlas-class freighters are pressed into service to ferry 100 automated mines to Ceres.  Luna faces no imminent mineral shortages, but with Earth expanding back into space it is felt best to stake a claim.
Atlantis: Two commercial shipyards on the island of Borneo reach minimum operating status. Both immediately commence further expansion.
November 2200
Kingdom:  Two secret military shipyards under the island of Malta - royal property, the brainchild of the Nameless King - become operational. Some finishing work is required before they can begin constructing the 3600 ton Malta-class warships.
Atlantis: 3 Liberty-class freighters are launched.  The Liberty class is an old UN design, but Atlantis sees no reason to update it beyond the minimum plating necessary to protect against the Madness.
Celest: The Ceres colony begins operation. Only a skeleton stuff mans the facility, enough to operate the mass driver and fix faults in the robotic mines.  Additionally, 2 Atlas-class freighters launch.  The Atlas is a modern design, using Celestian magneto-plasma thrusters and with the sturdy lifesupport systems characteristic of Celestian vessels.
January 2201
Atlantis: 3 new Vigilant class escort cruisers, the Garth, Fernie, and Exmoor finish construction.  The Vigilant was designed exclusively for defending the A-class command carriers. Slow and without active sensors of their own, they are totally dependent on their command ship for target locks.  This is not necessarily viewed as a flaw, as the Slummer (Asylum Seeker/Slum Dweller) crews are therefore less independent.   On the other hand, they are extraordinarily well armed for their size.
Code: [Select]
Vigilant class Escort Cruiser    2,850 tons     68 Crew     485 BP      TCS 57  TH 120  EM 0
2105 km/s     Armour 4-17     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 17.2
Maint Life 4.49 Years     MSP 160    AFR 43%    IFR 0.6%    1YR 13    5YR 192    Max Repair 115 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Spare Berths 1    
Magazine 40    

Type 81 Military Thruster (2)    Power 60    Fuel Use 66.5%    Signature 60    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 200,000 Litres    Range 19.0 billion km   (104 days at full power)

Gladius UV Pulse Turret (4x1)    Range 96,000km     TS: 16000 km/s     Power 3-1     RM 4    ROF 15        3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 0
Type 50 Defense Targeter (1)    Max Range: 96,000 km   TS: 16000 km/s     90 79 69 58 48 38 27 17 6 0
Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor (2)     Total Power Output 9    Armour 0    Exp 5%

Torpedo Rail (8)    Missile Size 5    Hangar Reload 37.5 minutes    MF Reload 6.2 hours
Type 65 Torpedo Guidance (1)     Range 10.3m km    Resolution 80
T-25 (8)  Speed: 28,800 km/s   End: 6.1m    Range: 10.6m km   WH: 9    Size: 5    TH: 105/63/31
20th January 2201 -  Citizen Lu Lan Jian decides that the Command Carrier Aurora is ready for action and proceeds to Mars with escort. Arriving two days later, he lands a Slummer science team with appropriate security.  A recreational dome is established near the pre-Madness ruins at the base of Olympus Mons.
25 Jan - Eagle 001 experiences a serious unnoticed fault in its sensor array.  
February 2201
Atlantis: Eagle 001 belatedly realizes its misalignment, and lands at the Carrier Aurora to effect repairs.
5 Feb - The Fool Equations - Eagle 003 calculates its path and broadcasts that it will run out of fuel and supplies just inside the orbit of Jupiter.  Overseer Chen Bao Ying, responsible for overseeing survey operations in the Solar System, is deemed at fault and executed. Chen Bao Ying is replaced in his position by Overseer Frigg Vessey, who promptly dispatches TK Hyacinth to resupply the stricken shuttle.
March 2201
The Atlantis Emergency Council places a halt on ship construction starts, much piquing the younger officer class.  Duranium stockpiles are running dangerously low.  
July 2201
Kingdom: The Duke of England completes his own naval shipyard.  The Duke of England is notoriously ambitious and his family has been hoarding technology for decades.
Atlantis: The science council has finished integrating the old pre-Madness databases found in Old Beijing. This increases research efficiency dramatically.
Celest: The Grand Survey draws to an end, with 99% of the system surveyed.  Although ships will still be sent to survey far Hale-Bopp and other distant objects, the Solar System is now deemed known territory.
August 2201
Celest:  Julius Hebel is elected head of the Oxygen Board by his peers.  Conservative to a fault, Hebel is nevertheless easygoing and has decades of experience in the regolith processing industry.  Contemptuous of his predecessor Zwalehn's pro-military agenda, Hebel announces a new development plan oriented around the traditional Celestian work gangs.  He shuts down the missile factories, and is only persuaded at the last minute not to cancel the construction of the new military power suits and listening post program.
Atlantis declares that everything within the solar system worth being surveyed has been surveyed and recalls its survey shuttles.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2013, 09:15:57 PM by TheDeadlyShoe »

Offline TheDeadlyShoe (OP)

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Re: Space Madness
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2013, 09:09:30 PM »
Sep 2201 - Mar 2202: Gambling & Such

September 2201
Celest establishes listening posts on Ceres and on Portia, a moon of Uranus, center of Celestian sorium harvesting operations.  Until the Celestian fuel refineries come back online, the 4 Amalthea-class harvesters are the only means Celest has of gaining fuel.
Celest begins construction of the Y201 Ozeros, first new fuel harvester since the conversion of the UN Amalthea harvesters.

Atlantis: Lu Lan Jian, tired of Martian pleasures, suggests a serious of war games to Holly Harian.  Harian is the only Citizen to have shown much interest in running the logistics of the fleet as the whole, and is nominally the supreme commander.  Unfortunately for the Slummers of the fleet, she also has a taste for blood and risky gambles.   She proposes a live fire contest between Lu Lan Jian's Aurora and her own Arcanum. If she wins, she takes over Lu Lan Jian's Martian interests; if he wins, he gets first call on the B-class command carrier now under development.  Aurora will defend Mars while Arcanum attacks.  Lu Lan Jian accepts, and both carriers ready themselves for battle.  Each fleet consists of one A-class command carrier, 4 Vigilant-class escorts, 10 Grendel-class strikers  and 10 Warrior-class light strikers.

Code: [Select]
A class Command Carrier    45,000 tons     895 Crew     6143.6 BP      TCS 900  TH 1800  EM 0
2000 km/s     Armour 10-112     Shields 0-0     Sensors 48/64/0/0     Damage Control Rating 45     PPV 46
Maint Life 3.03 Years     MSP 3840    AFR 360%    IFR 5%    1YR 628    5YR 9422    Max Repair 320 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Flight Crew Berths 214   
Flag Bridge    Hangar Deck Capacity 9000 tons     Troop Capacity: 1 Battalion    Magazine 760    Cargo Handling Multiplier 10   

Type 80 Military Booster (3)    Power 600    Fuel Use 35%    Signature 600    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 3,000,000 Litres    Range 34.3 billion km   (198 days at full power)

Hastae UV Laser (6)    Range 192,000km     TS: 4000 km/s     Power 10-3     RM 4    ROF 20        10 10 10 10 8 6 5 5 4 4
UN PHALANX  (4x6)    Range 1000 km     TS: 12000 km/s     ROF 5       Base 50% To Hit
Type 54 Strike Targeter (2)    Max Range: 192,000 km   TS: 4000 km/s     95 90 84 79 74 69 64 58 53 48
Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor (4)     Total Power Output 18    Armour 0    Exp 5%

Riot Suppressor (10)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 10
Type 12 Missile Targeter (1)     Range 9.6m km    Resolution 1
T-25 (100)  Speed: 28,800 km/s   End: 6.1m    Range: 10.6m km   WH: 9    Size: 5    TH: 105/63/31
R-55 (260)  Speed: 28,800 km/s   End: 4.4m    Range: 7.5m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 182/109/54

Type 12 Missile Detection Sensor (1)     GPS 112     Range 9.0m km    Resolution 1
Type 16 Striker Control Sensor (1)     GPS 400     Range 14.3m km    Resolution 5
Type 15 Area Search System (1)     GPS 64000     Range 362.0m km    Resolution 200
Surveillance Telescope A (1)     Sensitivity 48     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  48m km
Surveillance Array A (1)     Sensitivity 64     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  64m km

Strike Group
10x Grendel Striker   Speed: 5000 km/s    Size: 9.6
10x Warrior Striker   Speed: 7500 km/s    Size: 6.4
1x Bago Yacht   Speed: 4800 km/s    Size: 10

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

The match has caught the imagination of the younger Citizens, and even some of the Kingdom nobility. Tickets for ringside seats at Lu Lan Jian's Martian facility cannot be had for love or money.  It will be a great irony indeed if gladiatorial combat is what it takes to pick up where the peaceful nations of earth left off.

21 Sep 19:46 - The Carriers enter active sensor range of eachother.

22 Sep 15:30 - The range has fallen to 188mkm. Citizen Harian elects to launch a full strength strike, instructing her pilots to launch from maximum range then return.

23 Sept 05:31- Aurora detects the incoming strike and launches strikers of its own.

05:40 - The strike enters torpedo range.   After a short delay to synchronize targeting solutions, the wave of 10 2xT-25 torpedoes is launched with Aurora as the target.  The strike holds position while it guides the torpedoes.

05:45 - Intercept // 201 Yellowjackets detects  the oncoming torpedoes.

05:46 - Aurora detects the oncoming torpedoes and begins launching a limited number of countermissiles.  Only five torpedoes are intercepted. Another 10 are destroyed by point defence fire but 5 survive to detonate on target.  Aurora heaves, but comes through the firestorm relatively unscathed. Two torpedoes detonated on nearly the same point and create a weak spot in the armor but all systems remain operational. 

It is a milestone of sorts; The torpedos were the first nuclear weapons used against a human being in over 120 years.

06:03 - Aurora loses lock on the strike.  Intercept // 201 Yellowjackets continues to pursue on vector to the Arcanum,but finds nothing. Lu Lan Jian, grinding his teeth, concludes the strike must have doglegged once it exited Aurora's sensor range.   He orders the Yellowjackets to regroup on Strike // 101 Snakes for a counterstrike on  Arcanum.

09:46 - Arcanum's strike is nearly to its carrier when Arcanum detects Aurora's counterstrike.  Harian immediately orders her strikers to reverse course and closely engage the attacking Grendels.  She also orders her defence officer to spare no effort in shooting down oncoming torpedoes, regardless of ammunition expenditure.  The range between carriers has fallen to 87 mkm.

10:03 - Aurora's strike has just reached its assigned launch range of 9mkm when it  detects the Arcanum's strike group.  Exalt Armand, CO of Strike // 101 Snakes, elects to instead target the  oncoming Warriors with his torpedoes. Unfortunately their Type 65 torpedo guidance systems cannot lock onto targets as small as strikers at the current range of 275kkm.   At 150kkm, with both tension and panic building, the targeting system manages to resolve the enemy Grendel strikers.  Armand orders the strike to fire at will, desiring to fire torpedoes before combat is joined.

10:04 - The strikes are within 120kkm of eachother, maximum theoretical range of their Gladius Pulse Lasers.  Pilots on both sides begin jockeying for position and picking targets, though discipline holds and both formations stay in close contact.
Range: 75kkm.  The Snakes begin firing their torpedoes.
Range: 60kkm.  The torpedoes slam home to terrible effect. Five Grendels are destroyed outright while another 3 are knocked out of formation with damaged engines. All are severely damaged.   Both commanders are shocked at the carnage, assuming the Grendels would be resistant to torpedo attack.  Unfortunately all trials and projections involving the Grendels had assumed they would be traveling in close company with a command carrier and thus able to detect and fire upon incoming torpedoes.  Grendels are too slow to effectively evade and cannot engage incoming missiles without sensor coverage. Meanwhile the Warriors have entered extreme range for their targeting systems and begin exchange fire, each scoring a handful of light hits on the opposing formation.
Another grim milestone; the first spaceships destroyed in anger in over a century.  Exalt Marcos, CO of Arcanum's Intercept // 200 Chargers, orders all strikers to break off momentarily. 

10:05-  Arcanum's surviving Grendels regroup and return to base.  Exalt Marcos decides that the fight is not yet lost and orders his strikers to close to 50kkm range of Aurora's strike.  His pilots are skeptical but obey.  Of course, they aren't the ones facing execution if they return with such a poor showing.

10:06 - The Chargers begin holding distance at 50kkm, outside the Grendel's effective firing range.  The two Warrior squadrons begin exchanging fire.  Chargers comes out on top in the first exchange, disabling one Warrior and scoring several others while only receiving superficial damage in return.  The exchange continues in Chargers favor until an exasperated Exalt Armand orders all ships to hold fire.  After the next volley Aurora's strike cuts engines before the Chargers can react.  They volley lasers at 35kkm and the Snakes inflict significant damage to the Chargers. Unfortunately the Yellowjackets are down to only 2 combat-effective Warriors at this point. 

10:09 - Exalt Armands efforts are not enough. The Chargers finish off the last of the Yellowjackets and can now destroy the Snakes at leisure.  Exalt Marcos ceases fire and demands that the Snakes stand down.  Lu Lu Jian, seeing no hope for inflicting further damage on Harians forces, reluctantly agrees. 

Of Aurora's counterstrike, 9 Grendels and 5 Warriors survive the dogfight with varying degrees of damage. Although Lu Lan Jian had been elated at the results of Armand's torpedo strike, it proved meaningless to the larger struggle and was contrary to  orders.   Citizen Lu orders Armand's command pilot to immediately execute him. Armand's corpse is unceremoniously ejected into space while a waiting tanker provides emergency support to the surviving strikers.  Success is the only remedy to insubordination.

The situation looks grim, but Citizen Lu is still confident. Arcanum's surviving Grendels lack the salvo density to break his missile defenses and Aurora has the best gunners in the fleet. 

18:01- The distance has fallen to 29mkm.  The carriers each detect their opponents Vigilant class escorts.  Arcanum's fighters are fully repaired and ready for battle but remain in their hangars for now.

Much will hinge on the initial engagement.

21:40 - With fighters out and all systems hot, Arcanum closes within 10mkm of  Aurora. 

21:46 - Arcanum detects an incoming torpedo salvo.  Surprised, but prepared, Harian continues to close the range.  She did not expect Lu Lan Jian to expend his escorts torpedoes at this early stage. He must be panicking; it will cost him later. She orders countermissiles fired at maximum rate.

21:47 - 7 of the 32 incoming missiles are intercepted by the Arcanum's suppressors. 15 of the remainder are shot down by the task forces defences.  Cruiser Derwent is struck by 1 torpedo but the unfortunate Cleveland is struck by 9.  Harian glares around her command bridge; she had expected the torpedoes to target the Arcanum as her own strike had targeted the Aurora.  The loss of the Cleveland would go a long way towards evening the odds  in the coming firefight.  On the other hand, she still has a full array of torpedoes.

21:49 - After a couple of minutes Arcanum's tracking department loses contact with 3 of Aurora's escorts while Aurora's signal distorts unusually.  Initially puzzled, Harian confers with  her tactical expert who has deduced that the Arcanum must be manually reloading its Vigilants in its now empty  hangars.  Arcanum's chief engineer furiously declares this to be impossible as the Vigilants could not possible fit inside the hangar bay doors.  However after reviewing the ship's blueprints and bringing in the Ordnance chief, they soon figure it out -  both Aurora and Arcanum were initially converted from old UN Liberty-class freighters.  These ships were highly modular, and by removing a section of the hull next to the primary landing bay the forward section of a Vigilant could be docked where the ordnance androids could access them. These androids were standardized and knew perfectly well how to reload a Vigilant, though it was never expected to be done on a carrier!  It was theoretically possible to complete this reloading before Arcanum entered laserrange, presuming Aurora maintained orbit.  However the chief engineer was adamant that the drives could not be fired during such a reloading operation which ruled out the Aurora keeping the range open.

Absolutely noone had any idea whether torpedoes could keep lock on a Vigilant that subsequently docked.
In the face of such uncertainties Harian decides to launch a limited torpedo strike.  Her fighters could easily launch and rearm before a close engagement, and might serve to disrupt Aurora's reloading operation.  One vigilant firing in tandem ought to give enough weight to penetrate Aurora's reduced defenses. 

21:59 - The torpedoes are launched. 18 torpedoes bear down on Aurora's remaining Vigilant, Berkeley. Miraculously, it survives - Aurora's suppressors claim 10 missiles and the Berkeley hits with every laser.  However it is streaming atmosphere and debris and is clearly afire.  Berkeley's captain broadcasts that his targeting system is hopelessly wrecked and Beaufort withdraws from combat with mutual consent from both commanders.  Harian decides it is victory enough for the moment.  She wants to keep closing the range to prevent another torpedo salvo.  She should have the advantage in a torpedo engagement, but losing her escorts one by one has little appeal for her. She docks all fighters but keeps them on their launch rails should a new torpedo strike be detected.

22:40 - The moment of truth.  Arcanum closes within 1mkm of Aurora. Aurora's Vigilants decouple and her drive powers up.  Lu Lan Jian does not intend to play space station in a laser fight. Harian fervently wants to hold her torpedoes until she get inside Aurora's defense perimeter but she may lose several torpedoes unlaunched if Aurora launches first. 

22:47 - The carriers are now inside the theoretical range of their Hastae heavy lasers. However, their targeting systems cannot maintain steady locks at this range.  Aurora's suppressors open fire, followed shortly by Arcanum's.  Arcanum's fighters crash launch and scramble to stabilize their systems as all involved Vigilants unleash their torpedoes.    A hundred tiny suns pockmark the space above Mars, much to the delight of the observers at Cydonia.  Arcanum eats most of Aurora's salvo with limited damage, but Aurora's CLE Beaufort lurches out of formation.  Beaufort declares itself combat ineffective and withdraws.

22:48 - The range continues to close.  Both carriers suppressors are firing at maximum rate. Aurora concentrates all its fire on Arcanum while Arcanum is attempting to strip Aurora's escorts.  Arcanum's fighters finally stabilize their systems and start towards Aurora at maximum burn.   Seconds later, the Chargers pass Aurora and alter course slightly to avoid the streams of suppressors crisscrossing space. Aurora's lasers fire again but only score Arcanums armor. The Chargers strafe the Aetherstone, causing its primary reactor and drive to detonate. Aetherstone's bridge is destroyed and the crew abandons ship as the remaining drives tear the ship apart.  Aurora's next laser salvo is at much closer range and the power of its shotshas increased correspondingly.  Deep gouges now score Arcanums armor.  Arcanum's Grendels  finally sync their locks and fire a full salvo of torpedoes at Aurora at point blank.  3 torpedoes are shot down by the Aurora's Phalanx systems but 7 hit home.  Incredibly Aurora continues to simply shrug off the damage.  Even its builders have drastically underestimated the strength of TN armor and hulls.

Citizen Harian orders her vessel to retarget onto Aurora.  The fighters can finish off the escorts but if Aurora's lasers start penetrating Arcanum's armor she might be forced to surrender despite her advantage.

22:49 - Several of Arcanums fighters have been knocked out of the fight by the defenders laser turrets but at last the front half of Airedale dissolves into plasma. Both sides are caught up in the bloodlust now and have a hard time remembering that they are supposed to be on the same side.  In truth, many delight in the opportunity to use their training.  Atlantis Council naval crews are specially selected for loyalty and lack of political sentiment.   All of Arcanums forces now concentrate on the wounded titan Aurora.

22:50 - Seconds after Arcanum inflicts 5 strength 5 hits on Aurora, Aurora inflicts 6 strength 8 in return. The ranges have fallen to the point that the Hastaes are vaporizing many tons of duranium composite with each impact. 

22:51 -Point blank.  Both ships smash at eachother, though Aurora is coming off the worse from the pinpricks from the Striker's Gladius lasers.  Aurora's second point blank salvo penetrates Arcanums armor and inflicts heavy damage on one of its fuel feed systems. Fortunately, its failsafes function properly and after shutting off momentarily the drive restarts.   Aurora is not so lucky and Arcanum's return salvo breaches its armor in multiple places.  Hangar deck 3 explodes, catches fire, and vents to space in relatively short order.

Lu Lan Jian calls a halt to the battle. His gamble to cut off the viper's head has failed; he simply could not recover from the loss of his entire strikegroup.  After recovering survivors and conducting emergency damage control, both carriers return to Earth for maintenance and repair.  And in Lu Lan Jian's case, perhaps a good sulk. He cedes his martian posessions with ill grace, all the while blaming the unfortunate Exalt Armand for his losses.   In total,  8 fighters and 3 escort cruisers were destroyed outright; 12 more fighters and 2 other cruisers were heavily damaged. 225 Slummer crew died for the sake of the Citizens amusement.

November 2201
Aurora and Arcanum return to Earth orbit for refit and repair.  Their battle is the talk of Atlantis; even the Emergency Council takes note.  Space is increasingly the place to be and to be seen for young Citizens.   Both Lu Lan Jian and Harian review the battle.

December  2201
Lunar shipyards complete construction of the Icarus-class battlecruisers Mandator and Hypatos.  They remain in Lunar orbit owing to Lunar anxiety after the recent duel between Aurora and Arcanum.  Construction is started on a new pair of battlecruisers, while the yard retools to construct the new Shokaku-class defense cruisers.
The Atlantis escort and fighter groups are fully repaired and replenished, but the carriers themselves still await an appropriate shipyard slip to repair their damaged armor. 
Atlantis completes testing of the Type 13 Missile Collision Sensor.  This relatively small installation can detect incoming torpedoes at close range, enabling beam weapons to engage them.  Its certification enables the Vigilant II escort cruiser to enter the prototyping phase.  The slightly larger Vigilant II features independent sensors, enhanced firepower and a new engine array that is both faster and simpler to maintain.

Feb 2202
The A-class carrier Avalanche is launched, and the stupendous Borneo shipyard receives the Aurora to begin repairs. Strike 102 Mighty Shrikes and Intercept 202 Blackbirds are assigned to the Avalanche.
Luna completes two more Atlas-class freighters, and begins salvaging two of the Heritage-class survey ships for their Gallicite.

March 2202
Kingdom spies steal details of the R-55 Suppressor missile from Atlantis.  The Circle of Seers is impressed by its small size, but the Knighthood is contemptuous of its tiny warhead.
The Nameless King makes a speech inviting squires and sergeants from the entire kingdom to petition their lord to attend the newly opened Royal Academy.  The Academy will train them in the ways of Psience and star travel.  The King hopes that this will also prove a unifying force, as the Dukes and Barons have grown unruly in the past generation.  The Kingdom has not faced a serious external threat since the defeat of Skylord Gerrano at the Battle of Rome nearly sixty years ago.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2013, 09:12:10 PM by TheDeadlyShoe »

Offline TheDeadlyShoe (OP)

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Re: Space Madness
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2013, 09:10:29 AM »
April 2202 - September 2204: Star Power

April 2202
Baron Elise Evans, Lord-Commander of the Baltic Bunkers, dies in a suspicious accident. A test of the TN-adapted ICBM launch silos accidentally created tornado-grade pressure differentials inside the primary launch base causing great loss of life. The Nameless King publicly expresses sorrow, but quietly empowers the Duke of Metro to launch an investigation into the possibility of sabotage.

May 2202
Atlantis: Arcanum and Aurora have their armor damage repaired. The process proves easier than expected, possibly owing to their module construction. Holly Harian takes Arcanum on a victory cruise to Mars, along with crowds of friends and supporters. Meanwhile Lu Lan Jian starts trying to build a power base of Citizens opposed to Harians influence.

Celest: The fuel harvester Ozeros activates its systems. At 411,000 tons, it is the largest mobile vessel constructed since the Madness. It's largely similar in capability to the UN Amaltheas, but somewhat patchwork technology necessitated a far heavier build. Following initial trials, Ozeros departs for Uranus to begin harvesting operations immediately.  As promised, the Hebel administration now starts building up Lunar construction capabilities.  

June 2202
Celest: Agammenenon-class Orbital Monitors Keeper and Custodian become operational. The Agammemnon is a stopgap defense cruiser that was designed using largely off-the-shelf technology once it became clear that the Atlantis Council was expanding into space.  Though extremely weak in an open space battle, it is tough, cheap, and a dangerous beam combatant; it is designed almost entirely for Earth-Luna combat. Despite this, several are deployed to protected the Ceres colony and the Uranus harvesting operation.  They are far more rugged than the Icarus class battlecruisers and thus well suited to extended tours of duty.  
Code: [Select]
Agammemnon class Orbital Defence Monitor    6,000 tons     168 Crew     872.3 BP      TCS 120  TH 150  EM 0
1250 km/s     Armour 6-29     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 2     PPV 37.22
Maint Life 2.77 Years     MSP 227    AFR 115%    IFR 1.6%    1YR 43    5YR 640    Max Repair 65 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Spare Berths 5    

UN Ion Drive (1)    Power 150    Fuel Use 10.61%    Signature 150    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres    Range 14.1 billion km   (130 days at full power)

TosH Model 81 Comms Array (1x3)    Range 60,000km     TS: 12000 km/s     Power 9-3     RM 2    ROF 15        3 3 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
27TJ Antiproton Projector (3)    Range 192,000km     TS: 3000 km/s     Power 10-4    ROF 15        4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
R9/C3 High Power Microwave (2)    Range 90,000km     TS: 3000 km/s     Power 6-3     RM 9    ROF 10        1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
UN PHALANX  (1x6)    Range 1000 km     TS: 12000 km/s     ROF 5       Base 50% To Hit
TosH 12/12 Optical (1)    Max Range: 24,000 km   TS: 12000 km/s     58 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TosH 96/4 Boresight (1)    Max Range: 192,000 km   TS: 4500 km/s     95 90 84 79 74 69 64 58 53 48
Stellarator Fusion Reactor (3)     Total Power Output 20.7    Armour 0    Exp 12%

X-Band Naval Scanner (1)     GPS 32     Range 2.6m km    Resolution 1
25 Jun - Ozeros arrives in Uranus orbit after its 50-day journey. Its arrival boosts fuel output by 25%.
29 Jun - The final Heritage-class survey ship is scrapped. Lunar citizens are not given to sentimentality, and little thought was given to preserving a Heritage as a museum artifact.

July 2202
23 Jul - Jewel Wiese, foremost armaments expert in Celest and lead scientist on the Mk2 Missile project, dies under mysterious circumstances.
Atlantis:  Tooling for the Vigilant II is completed. 3 new cruisers begin construction, despite the Duranium shortage.

August 2202
Atlantis:  Strike // 105 "Red Lightnings" with 10 Grendel-class strikers is officially formed and assigned to the Phillipine defense zone.

The inner circle's tinkering with the human genome begins to yield fruit.  New exotic animals and even humans have been created, with properties ranging from the frivolous (Neon green antlers... on squirrels) to the questionably practical (A human version of the magnetic homing instinct.)

One of the wilder experiments,  that of a human lie detector, unexpectedly helps Atlantis in the most practical way possible - the detection and breakup of a Kingdom spy ring at unexpectedly high levels in the Emergency Council.  This discovery is kept secret, but behind the scenes the Kingdom of Malta is increasingly viewed as a threat.  Mobilization of new Legions is accelerated.
Celest:  Political infighting in Celest has grown fierce, as none of the Boards feels it has adequate resources to address its responsiblities.  Julius Hebel's most loyal base of support - the regolith miners - has been splintering, as it turns out that the backbreaking labor required is not as enjoyable as memory & tradition made it out to be.  In response, Hebel announces a shakeup of the government where he would take charge of a new Solar Oversight Board while his political ally Dr. Berniece Eastwall takes his spot on the Oxygen Board.  This does not actually solve any problems of limited resources, though surprisingly the shakeup has increased government efficiency.

October 2202
Atlantis: 3 more Liberty-class freighters are completed.
Celest:  The much-heralded detailed survey of Ceres has yielded no additional deposits of TN minerals.  Disappointed but not discouraged, the geology team boards the freighter Helium to begin an extensive survey the moons of Uranus.  

November 2202
Atlantis:  Intercept // 205 "Gamblers" becomes operational and is assigned to the Phillippines defense sector.

Celest:  Preliminary design work is completed on Aegina-class Construction Transport,  an engineering ship based off the Atlas freighter hull.  Capable of carrying 2 work gangs and all their gear, its modular construction enables it to be built at the same shipyard that constructed the Atlas freighters.   While this is military construction, Chairman Hebel pushed for it on the grounds of expanding the role and prerogatives of the traditional work gang.  It is expected that a construction board will be created to seperately oversee the operation of extra-lunar construction activities.

December 2202
Kingdom:  The Circle of Seers has quietly been expanding its interaction with the common people of the Kingdom.  Troubling and wild times are ahead, and the people need to be prepared.  Without adequate technology and tools, it is doubtful humanity will even survive the coming decades. (+1 Research Labs.)

January 2203
Kingdom: The Nameless King completes the construction of two secret shipyards located deep under the Royal Bunker.  The combination of recovered technology and wizardly Psience was required to even make this possible.  The King and his advisors feel that tipping their hand too soon could lead only to destruction.  The new facilities begun constructing Malta- and Viking- class warships.

Celest:  Helios Systems finishes prototyping of the Heliosys Stable Thruster.  This relatively efficient military engine is designed to be a compromise between Rocketdyne's high endurance and high thrust offerings.   The delivery of this component allows the Castra-class defence monitor to enter the prototype stage:
Code: [Select]
Castra class Orbital Defence Monitor    6,000 tons     171 Crew     1103.72 BP      TCS 120  TH 320  EM 750
2666 km/s     Armour 4-29     Shields 25-300     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 3     PPV 26
Maint Life 3.62 Years     MSP 345    AFR 96%    IFR 1.3%    1YR 41    5YR 610    Max Repair 128 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 36 months    Spare Berths 0    
Magazine 188    Cryogenic Berths 200    

Heliosys Stable Thruster (2)    Power 160    Fuel Use 63%    Signature 160    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 100,000 Litres    Range 4.8 billion km   (20 days at full power)
Ray Shielding (10)   Total Fuel Cost  200 Litres per hour  (4,800 per day)

27TJ Antiproton Projector (2)    Range 192,000km     TS: 3000 km/s     Power 10-4    ROF 15        4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
R9/C3 High Power Microwave (1)    Range 90,000km     TS: 3000 km/s     Power 6-3     RM 9    ROF 10        1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
TosH 96/4 Boresight (1)    Max Range: 192,000 km   TS: 4500 km/s     95 90 84 79 74 69 64 58 53 48
Stellarator Fusion Reactor (2)     Total Power Output 13.8    Armour 0    Exp 12%

GARDIAN Launch System (8)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 10
Reflex-104 (1)     Range 9.6m km    Resolution 1
Model GARDIAN (188)  Speed: 28,800 km/s   End: 7.8m    Range: 13.6m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 153/92/46

X-Band Defense Grid (1)     GPS 128     Range 10.2m km    Resolution 1
The Castra is an update of the Agammemnon.  Rather than off-the-shelf technology, it uses modern military grade engines and counter-missile defences.  The combination leads to a design far better suited towards guarding far-flung colonies from the potential predations of the Earth-based powers.  The primary drawbacks of the Castra are reduced beam firepower and significantly increased cost.

18 Jan - The Atlantian geology team on Mars completes its work; no significant TN deposits were found.  Citizen Harian dispatches the carrier Avalanche - under the command of Citizen Shannon Amon -  to reinforce the Mars garrison and to relocate the geology team to Mars.

25 Jan - The Atlantis Council finishes its Moho Mine project, significantly increasing the size of their mining operations.  (+100 mines)

February 2203
The Atlantis Emergency Council officially accepts Holly Harian into their ranks as the Councillor for Space Security. As a security councilor, she ranks equally to the Councillors for Naval Security, Civil Order, and Land Clearance. All security councilors report separately to the Executive Council, ever since a coup attempt by a unified Security Directorate was barely foiled owing to a misdelivered communique.   The promotion is widely popular amongst the Citizenry. Even many Slummers are enthusiastic about the news, as Space Security is seen as a path to opportunity and increased status.   Privately, many councilors consider it a means of coopting Harian's popularity.  It is rumored there was some infighting amongst the council, some of whom wanted to promote Lu Lan Jian to counterbalance Harian's newfound influence.

OOC:  Harian was promoted to the highest Naval rank, Councillor. Her political reliability score also increased.   The IC promotion seemed appropriate. Also, I fear Exalt Armand wasn't as executed as I thought. He received infinite promotion score as the result of a bug and was actually promoted to the position of carrier commander before I noticed. >_<

The Venus survey finishes its work surprisingly quickly. An enormous but largely inaccessible deposit of Corbomite is found.  A Bago shuttle is dispatched to transfer the team to Mercury.

April 2203
The Nameless King begins an armaments program to increase the firepower of the hundreds of border keeps of the Kingdom.  While this significantly increases the relative combat power of the major nobles, the King has a hidden agenda- almost all of the new weapons require stationary mounts or are otherwise defensive in nature.  Upgrading the border levies from Low-Tech Infantry to Garrison Battalions will actually drastically reduce the ability of the nobles to attack eachother.

May 2203
Atlantis completes a new naval shipyard, The Aerie.  The Aerie will manufacture small vessels too large  for fighter factories, such as the newly proposed Vulture-class dropship.

The Circle of Seers commissions its first exploration ship, the SS Belgarath.  A Psience team lead by Knight-Seer Palm boards the vessel to power and control it.  Their task will be to survey the solar system.  Normally the launch of a civilizations first transnewtonian vessel would be notorious, and an occasion for celebration.    The Circle of Seers prefers its secrecy however,  and few outside their circle even know of the Belgaraths existence.  Psientific persuasion even hides it from Lunar and Council observers, though this cannot last forever.

Celest:  Heliosys completes testing its second engine, the Heliosys Stable Booster.  It is extremely efficient and cheap in terms of TN minerals, making it perfect for huge industrial designs.  It has already been incorporated into the third iteration of the fuel harvester design - the Y203 Kastoria.  A proposed mobile 'mining crab' is also slated to use the HSB.  Unfortunately the HSB is too underpowered to serve any military purpose.  

June 2203
Celest: The first two Aegina-class Construction Transports are laid down.  

August 2203
The Psience team onboard the Belgarath senses something strange about the shape of gravity fields in the Solar System.  They recommend Belgarath returns to Earth to consult with the First Circle, which Knight-Seer Palm does with alacrity.

November 2203
The emphasis on the Lunar work gang has touched off a frenzy of innovation amongst the Celestian Colonies.  News of novel methods of applying TN techniques to everyday tasks floods the social networks. The new machines range from an absurdly strong version of duct tape to the grand Ultimate Crane built into the dome at Armstrong Dome.  It has all added up to a measurable increase in construction efficiency.

Shield and Rampart are launched. They are the last two planned Agammemnon-class monitors.

January 2204
Celest: Two Europa-class colony ships are lanched. At 60000 tons the York and Valencia are extremely large for their speed. They begin extensive trials of their cryogenics systems to ensure they are safe for human use.  The planned Ceres colony was canceled soon after the Hebel faction came to power.

Atlantis: Excavation of Chinese governmental archives continues to reveal a treasure-trove of information. The information on stabilizing genetic modifications is particularly valuable to Atlantean scientists, increasing the output of their genetics labs. (2x research labs completed.)

March 2204
Lord Gardner is found dead. It was an obvious murder and there are signs he was interrogated by unknown parties. Gardner is a widely respected defense expert consulted by many border barons about the layouts of their defenses and keeps.

Belgarath departs once more in the company of a new ship, Pandelume. The Circle of Seers keeps its own counsel on their observations, for now.

April 2204
The last 2 planned Icarus-class battlecruisers are launched. The Cantor and Vestitor boost for Uranus to join the training operation in the moon belts.  Icarus Yards begins laying down the first Shokaku-class battlecruisers, designed to give Icarus battlegroups viable countermissile defense outside Lunar orbit.

June 2204
Another fruitless survey on Mercury. A Bago-class yacht picks up the geology team and ferries them to mineral-rich Quaoar. The Bago lacks the fuel for a return trip, but the tanker Mayflower is slowly following and will hopefully rendevous at Quaoar before the survey is completed.

July 2204
The Kingdom has almost completely modernized its heavy industry after completing a round of Construction Factory and Mine conversions. (+100 of each).
Atlantis accelerates its intake of talented Slummers as a result of Holly Harian's popularity.  Many squabbling factions have begun to put together their differences, as the rise of Space Security is realized to be something genuinely new and transformative in Council politics.(+Military Academy.)

August 2204
Atlantic launches, the fourth A-class carrier to be completed.  Some in the council lobby against the construction of a fifth A-class, but they are quickly overruled by a Space-adoring majority.  For now, the Atlantic remains in Earth orbit, as an undetected fault in her computer systems necessitates a full reinitialization. Citizen Heriberto Cid commands the vessel;  an unusually fat and genial man, and a protege of Lu Lan Jian.  His appointment is a concession to anti-Harian pressure on the Council.

September 2204
The Kingdom of Malta finishes its first warship, the Malta-class Paladin Veteran.  For now, the Veteran remains safely concealed underground.  Those who find the name ironic are notably quiet about their opinions in the Royal presence.

Offline TheDeadlyShoe (OP)

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Re: Space Madness
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2013, 11:14:29 AM »
Quick and dirty battle report for the "Wild War".  Needs a lot of editing but I need to move on :)

Strike Planning: The entire Security establishment cooperates in a plan to seize vital mineral sources from Celest.  This is seen as regrettable but necessary.  CC Atlantic will attack Uranus. CC Barrier will attack Wild. CC Brunei will attack Ceres.  CC Arcanum wil defend Mars. CC Aurora, CC Avalanche, and CC Bellerophon will remain near Earth to defend Atlantis, in company with AtSec's platforms and fighter reserves. It will take almost 7 weeks for all carriers to get into position.
February 2215
Celest notices the uptick in Atlantian fleet activity and leaves are canceled.
Celest: Particle Beam 240,000km research complete and TiGER Gauss Turret research completed by Kirby McConico.
LUNA: 8x Icarus BC, 2x Shokaku BC, 6x Agammemnon ODM, 4x Agammemnon ODM (Overhaul), Planetary Defences
CERES: 4x Agammemnon ODM, 4x Zeus XL PDC, 8x Work Gang
URANUS: 4x Castra ODM, 2x Shokaku BC (Low ammo), Starbase, Fuel Harvesters, 2x Castra ODM (Overhaul)
EARTH: 2x A-class Carrier, 1x B-class Carrier, 12x  Vigilant escort frigates, 30x Grendel Strikers, 30x Warrior Strikers, 120x Obsolete Strikers, Planetary Defences
CERES: 1x B-class Carrier, 10x Grendel strikers, 10x Warrior Strikers, 2x CLE Vigilant II, 3x CLE Vigilant IIIA, Tanker, Dropships
WILD: 1x B-class Carrier, 10x Grendel Strikers, 10x Warrior Strikers, 4x CLE Vigilant II, Dropships
URANUS: 1x A-class Carrier, 10x Grendel Strikers, 10x Warrior Strikers, 4x CLE Vigilant II

24th Feb 2215 12:40 operation kicked off: Barrier FG under Exalt Duhon is escorting 2 dropships containing 107th and 108th Gene Legion to Wild.
Citizen Leigh Hem elects to close the range to Ceres in Brunei, rather than conducting a long range strike.
20:20 - Wild traffic control detects Barrier's FG and challenges them.  When no response is forthcoming panicked messages are sent to Luna .
20:27- Celestian demands for explanations to Atlantis and Malta are met with denials.  The Oxygen Board decides to immediately put the fleet on alert.  Lunar ships begin spinning up their shields and activating their anti missile sensors.   Celestian forces are currently located only at Ceres, Uranus and Luna.
20:28 -  Atlantis carriers across the solar system activate their sensors and put drives on full burn.
20:28 - Lunar battlegroup splits into 3 units:  The Hammer group under Admiral Bozek, consisting of 4x Icarus and 2x Shokaku Battlecruisers; the Anvil group under Admiral Brambila, consisting of 4x Icarus; and Monitor Group 3 under Captain Krampitz, consisting of 6x Agammemnon.
Noone wants to start a war yet, Celestian units are content  to spin up their shields while Atlantis will be perfectly happy if there is no shooting near earth while they seize outlying colonies. 
20:33- Celestian units finish spinning up their shields. Atlantean officers are unsure how quite to analyze the enormous EM emissions of the Celestian units.
20:37- Barrier's strike group flashes past Wild at top speed, dazzling the sensors.  The two Vulture-class dropships come in at such a velocity that to the colonists it seems they simply materialized in the sky, already spewing their deadly cargo. The assault legions are the fruit of much tinkering by Atlantean geneticists, impossibly fast  and nearly as hard to kill.  They are also fanatically loyal to the Council, via whomever holds  their Key.  But the colonists had plenty of time to make it to their bunkers and arn't willing to give up their homes meekly.  A short burst of footage and a plea for help are all that makes it to Luna before jamming cuts the transmission and the fighting begins in earnest.
Barrier's SG holds position while the carrier itself burns for the asteroid at maximum speed.
20:59- Tensions run hot, but information is scarce. Celestian commanders want to  help the Wild colonists,  but the work gang transports  are slow and unarmored. Loading them in Lunar orbit during a shooting war is suicidal.  No other suitable transports exist.  Similarly,  the Celestian forces are pinned down in Lunar orbit. Even if abandoning Luna was politically possible, attempting to burn towards Wild might invite the sort of apocalyptic Earth Orbit conflict that must be avoided.
Confirmed reports are now coming in from Ceres and Uranus of command carriers bearing down on them.  Active scans have also revealed a Carrier near Mars. 
21:09- After much negotiation and argument, it's decided that Ceres is too essential and home to too many people to let slip without a fight. Admiral Bozek is authorized to  head for Ceres with half of her ships. A direct burn for Ceres will take her perilously close to earth, but Bozek feels that a straight trajectory will make her intentions clear and hopefully avert orbital conflict.  She broadcasts a transmission in the clear ot that effect.
21:10- After initial panic that the ships were headed for Earth, Atlantean scanners confirm that 3 battlecruisers have left Lunar orbit on a direct shot for Ceres. When the oncoming ships reach 200,000km from Earth, Director of Space Security Holly Harian authorizes the launch of six PDC squadrons. Intercept 200, 201, and 204 will escort Strike 101, 103, and 106. 
Admiral Bozek detects the launch, but remains steadily on course.
21:12- Bozek's Battle Division 2 has left the Earth-Moon system, with the sixty fighters following close behind. Deputy Jian sends a transmission ordering Bozek to return to Lunar orbit or be fired upon.
After conferring  with her superiors Bozek issues a terse refusal and continues on course. 
21:14- Harian shrugs and orders the strike group to fire its torpedoes.
21:15- After a short delay to synchronize firing solutions  the strike group Grendels salvo their torpedoes on the Shokaku-class BC Akagi.
Akagi detects the contacts. Bozek curses and orders weapons free.  Beam weapons to point defence, Akagi on the missiles, Chiliarch and Droungarios pick out the 3 odd contacts in the Atlantean formation, presuming them to be sensor vessels.
The aptly named Overseer Raul Lash is the ranking officer in the strike and is somewhat mesmerized by the torpedoes on his plot.  The detection of Celestian fire control jolts him back to reality and he orders the strike to split into squadrons and maneuver for close attack.
Out of the 18 GARDIANs fired thus far, only 3 score hits on torpedoes. 3 more torpedoes are destroyed by the division's anti proton weapons, but the remainder slam home to terrible effect. The Droungarious is obliterated  in a nuclear firestorm after  a minimum of 38 hits by the Grendel's T-25 torpedoes. 
Fleet Captain Marra on Chiliarch takes command of the squadron and orders maximum firing rate while continuing to pull away.  Captain Marra lacks Admiral Bozek's intuitive grasp of space combat, but has drilled her crew to perfection.   They respond to her orders  according to training, not taking the time to dwell on the loss of their sister ship.  Akagi shifts her fire to the Strikers.
The com net of the strike erupts in cheers which Overseer Lash chooses to tolerate. What he won't tolerate is the wavering of the formation.  Squadrons 103 and 204 are newly assigned and still unaccostomed to the tight maneuvers required for beam range combat.  Lash curses as a tiny error by a single pilot leaves both rookie squadrons precious seconds behind.
The first return fire slams into the squadron, leaving one fighter crippled and another destroyed. The strike has no way to detect the oncoming missiles and must simply bear the hits until it can extinguish its tormentors. 
21:16- Another fighter is destroyed and more fall out of formation crippled. Missiles continue to pour in as the strike passes 200km. Proton beams begin adding their weight of fire, inaccurate at first but beginning to land hits as the range closes.
21:17- The front edge of the strike has come apart in dead and dying strikers under the endless hail of missiles, but the range has finally closed. Laser fire begins to spit from the Warriors and Grendels, focused entirely on Akagi. Akagi's shields hold at above 90% for the first two rounds of incoming fire. It may be too late...  Overseer Lash's fighter suffers an antiproton hit to the fore section and he is killed instantly.  Few Warrior-class strikers remain combat effective, and the Grendels are barely any faster than the battlecruisers.
21:18- Akagi's shields have dipped to 50% but the last Warriors  have had their engines or targeting equipment blasted away.  One squadron of Grendels has made it to weapons range but the others are too far away to help.
21:19- The strike is spent, with Akagi's shields bottoming out at 40%.  Akagi and Chiliarch conserve their few remaining missiles and clean up the stragglers still harassing them.    The remaining Grendels break off.
Although the strike was butchered in the end, in Harian's mind it still largely accomplished its objective.  The loss of one battle cruiser and the depletion of munitions will make it unlikely that Chiliarch and Akagi can succesfully engage the B-class attacking Ceres, should it be successful in destroying the defences there.   In total only 17 Grendels and 4 Warrior strikers return to base.
Lu Lan Jian wants to send another strike, but Holly Harian decides against it owing to the likelihood of a response by the Celestians.
A tacit ceasefire is observed while both sides send auxiliaries to rescue survivors.
23:20- As Brunei approaches Ceres, it launches a strike of Grendels.  Citizen Leigh Hem doesn't wish to risk damage to the Ceres colony, but he would prefer the orbital monitors out of the way if possible.
25th February
00:10 -  Every torpedo in the strike is blasted out of space.  The defenders of Ceres colony appear to be more heavily armed than projected.  The strikers return to Brunei as it closes the range. It seems apparent to both sides that beam weapons will decide this fight.
02:22- Brunei is less than 5mkm from the Ceres. Strike 112 launches again, and synchronizes a torpedo strike with the Vigilant-class escort frigates. 22 Barracuda torpedoes are launched in total.  14 are destroyed by anti-proton beams and the Phalanx systems on the monitors, but 8 slam home and detonate their enormous warheads.  ODM Vigilant draws the short straw being struck by four torpedoes, three of which land in nearly the same spot.  It's armor is massively breached but its redundant systems serve it well. Only the Phalanx system and an Antiproton projector are knocked out of action.  Citizen Hem, having been advised of  the incoming battlecruisers, elects not to waste time exhausting his missile supplies. He will close to point blank range and drop his troops.
03:09- Beam duel begins. Monitors advance just before carrier enters range.  Hits on both sides. 2 Monitors target the tanker, not knowing it to be a support vessel. 2 rounds of fire knock out its drive . Monitors targeting CLEs. Tynedale suffers minor damage. Citizen Hem orders the Intercept squadron to engage the monitors closely.
A huge salvo of anti-proton beams strikes Tynedale's already weakened armor.  Tynedale loses several turrets, fire control,  and two thrusters. A secondary explosion damages her fuel storage. Tynedale can maintain formation but is now combat ineffective.  A second salvo targets CLE Whaddon, inflicting minor damage.
The four Zeus-class antiproton arrays on Ceres open up on Brunei.  Dozens of hits are scored, but her armor shrugs it off easily.  The Intercept squadron reach optimum range and fires its lasers at ODM Sentinel.  A direct hit to bridge kills Commander Guthrie. Primary fire control also hit. Secondary remains online. Sentinel's crew smoothly shifts all weapons to secondary control, targeting the strikers.
All four monitors open up on the strikers with their secondary batteries.  Warrior II-034 is blotted out of space by a laser crossfire, and several other warriors have their fire controls irradiated by microwave beams.
Seconds later, another striker is destroyed and two more crippled after the monitors shift their primary batteries onto the strike as well.
03:10  Four warriors with disabled fire control head for Brunei. Four remain firing, though two are damaged.
Fourth PDC finally opens up, dealing a number of hits to Brunei.  Atlantis's code name of "Beholder" very appropriate.
ODM Sentinel takes numerous hits from Brunei's lasers, losing several systems. Ion drive flickers but restarts.
Monitors shift fire to remaining Vigilant escorts. Microwave beams wreak havoc on vulnerable fire controls. 
Citizen Hem orders the Grendel squadron to close the range, having concluded the enemy has no missile weapons. 
ODM Sentinel finally falls to CC Brunei's heavy lasers.
Grendels open up. Vigilant loses its laser array and secondary fire control, as well as minor damage to other systems. Return fire destroys a Grendel.  All Warriors now combat ineffective and are returning to Brunei for repairs.
03:11 Another immense salvo  of antiproton fire stabs up from Ceres, this time breaching Brunei's thick armor.  A Phalanx system is knocked out in addition to some minor ship systems.   In response, Brunei launches its Vulture dropships and shifts its fire to the Zeus PDCs. 
The monitors have retreated to Ceres and make their stand here. 
Techs desperately rush to replace damaged targeting equipment and weapons on the 8 Warriors that made it back to the carrier.
Dropships successfully land troops  on the nearest PDC.  The Zeus has minimal armor and is not designed for ground combat, but is staffed by a large number of Colonial militia.  Citizen Hem is only too glad to receive this report and orders a reversal in course.  If the Land Clearance troops manage to take the PDCs, the damaged monitors have no hope of holding off the Brunei. 
Massive electrical surges cascade through Brunei as it is struck by four microwave beams. One of its fire controls and a third of its sensor systems are knocked offline.  No impact on Brunei's combat effectivenss as of yet.
All Celestian weapons are focusing fire on the Brunei.  Between the monitors nd the PDCs, two lasers and their associated power systems are knocked out.   Critically, all of Brunei's active sensors are knocked out.  The escort cruisers quickly activate their backups, but it still interrupts the firing cycle.
03:12 Brunei's second fire control is knocked out. Brunei is no longer combat capable.  Citizen Hem can do nothing but grind his teeth while he slowly withdraws.
03:13 Brunei successfully withdraws from Ceres after suffering more damage. Her armor is blackened by hundreds of impacts and fires still rage in the forward section.  Citizen Hem withdraws to his private quarters and consults with Atlantis while the crew urgently repairs its combat systems.  Four Grendels survive to reach the hangars, and join the seven remaining  Warriors in the repair queue.
03:17 It is far too late for the defenders of Zeus 004, the attacking troops have penetrated to the control centers before most of the militia even knew what was happening. The remaining militia surrender after the defenders start wrecking life support and executing officers   Atlantean specialists set the guns to fire automatically, but the defending Monitors have already moved to the other side of the asteroid.     Security Captain Bustos orders a push into the asteroid interior. No orbital weapons can reach them here, but they must push through the colony itself to attack the other PDCs. The first militia ambush comes only a kilometer into the colony...   As Akagi and Chiliarch rush towards Ceres, Atlantic enters sensor range of Uranus...
Citizen Cid's Atlantic is an older model than Brunei or Barrier, but it's equipped with the newer Mk3 Grendels.  These fighters can conduct very long range torpedo strikes compared to earlier marks.   After reviewing the tactical information from Brunei's assault on Ceres Citizen Cid plans to press that advantage for all he's worth before committing to a beam range battle. 
05:18- TJ Action and its entourage transition back into Sol during a time of hostility. 
12:13 Brunei's crew chief pronounces its remaining Strikers fully operational.
17:39- Strike // 122 fires a synchronized strike at a Celestian battlecruiser.  The Monitors orbiting Uranus are not yet on Atlantis' active scans.
17:55- Uranus defences spit anti missiles at the oncoming torpedoes. Two survive the hail of GARDIANS but are destroyed by antiproton beams.
19:51- Barrier arrives at Wild and takes in its strike group. Barrier enters a parking orbit, keeping a watchful eye on the legions below. 
00:26- Strike 122 finishes loading new torpedoes. Just as the strike launches, Atlantic's sensors pick up the large group of Monitors near Uranus.   Cid orders the strike to target them instead of the battlecruisers. 
01:56-  Battered Battle Division 2 is within 10 mkm of Ceres.  Brunei has repaired most of its systems at the expense of its huge reserve of spare parts and material, but her massive Area Search array is still offline.  Thus the close range of Division 2 comes as an unwelcome surprise.  Fearful of a missile storm like that which devastated the Earth strike, Citizen Hem keeps his strikers in the hangars. But he positions the carrier 220kkm out from Ceres, on the opposite side of the captured Zeus.  Division 2 cannot reach the asteroid without taking fire from either the carrier, the PDC, or both.    Captain Marra maintains her distance for now while trying to figure out the situation on the colony itself. 
06:47- Strike 122 launches another wave of missiles. Only one makes it to attack range this time, and is handily dispatched by an AP-beam.  Citizen Cid orders the launches to continue.
13:04- On strike 122's third strike, a single missile penetrates the cordon and strikes ODM Fortress. Fortress's shields absorb the blow,  but the detonation fills local space with hash. 
16:04- Atlantic reaches the Uranus system.  Another strike is launched. 
16:25- 3 missiles from  the fourth strike penetrate every defence, all impacting on ODM Palisade.  The trio of blasts are sufficient to penetrate Palisade's shields and gouge a hole in its armor, but miraculously no systems are damaged.
20:28- Atlantic crosses the orbit of Titania, less than 400kkm from the Uranus harvester farm.  Cid wants to do a point blank launch but the targeting systems on the new Grendel IIIs are notoriously finicky.  The distance ought to shield the torpedoes from most anti missile fire at this distance. Atlantic stops at its current distance and the Grendels from 112 synchronize a strike with Atlantic's escorts. The targets will be the monitors covering the naval base orbiting the moon Portia.  When the fighters launch again however - this time in range of the Celestian sensors - the ODMs and BCs covering the harvesters immediately activate their drives, heading for Atlantic. 
20:29- 11 T-25 and 4 HT-16 torpedoes penetrate the defensive fire, a disappointingly low number.  The one antimissile salvo the defenders managed to fire scored an extremely  high number of hits.  The remainder are still enough to make all three targeted monitors reel with downed shields and minor damage to all systems.  The battlecruisers continue to advance, presumably to give their compatriots time to regenerate their shields. Having observed the battle at Ceres, Cid knows he must try to keep the Celestian microwave emitters away from Atlantic at this early phase of the battle.  But he also needs to preserve his striker strength for a decisive blow.  For now he elects to keep his strikers in their bays.
As soon as the weapons fire start, two of the monitors guarding the naval base ignite their engines, vectoring towards Atlantic.  But curiously, two do not. Their engines are completely cold.  Cid's analysis team believes their drives must have been shut down for maintenance when fighting broke out.  Atlantic reverses course to keep them out of the action and launches its entire complement of Strikers as the first microwave beams tag CLE Cleveland
20:30- Atlantic connects with every shot against ODM Castra, stripping her shields in a single blow and blowing out a magazine.  ODMs Castra and Palisade break formation and begin withdrawing towards Portia.
Intercept 210 strafes Castra, penetrating the armor of her magazines. A sorium explosion rips off a segment of the left pylon, warping one antiproton cannon into uselessness. Atlantic takes a microwave hit to her #1 fire control and shifts all lasers to #2.  She fires in turn and rips apart Castra's entire missile defence suite and starboard engine.
20:31- After another ferocious exchange of fire, the second monitor group enters firing range. The Strikers shift their fire to the newcomers as Castra and Palisade continue to retreat.  Castra continues to take fire fro Atlantic, having now absorbed a ridiculous amount of damage. 
Strike 122 curves around ODM Fortress and rips its engines apart. Fortress falls out of formation but its sister ship Citadel continues to press the attack. 
Microwave beams strike CLE Cleveland and CLE Cotswold, rendering all of Atlantic's escorts combat ineffective.
Castra exits combat range of Atlantic, but the Warriors stubbornly stay on her. 
Strike 122 lands a second volley into Fortress, ripping the monitor apart so suddenly the few of the crew have time to eject in life pods.
20:32- Atlantic shifts her fire to the battlecruisers. Citizen Cid has grown increasingly pessimistic and orders his personal yacht readied.  Atlantic's armor is barely scratched but she has no defence against microwave fire. 
Hiryu, Kaga, and Citadel flash past the crippled Cottmore, raking it with antiproton fire.  Both of Cottmore's reactors blow out in a spectacular display, and she is left spinning helplessly with fires on all decks.
Atlantic fires a full salvo into Kaga, stripping a full third of her shields. Microwave fire spits back and cripples Atlantic's remaining fire control.  Cid cusses and begins preparing to evacuate.  Atlantic is a long way from dead, but without her primary battery there is almost no chance of winning the battle. 
The last Warrior strikers are destroyed by the reserve monitors. Miraculously, Castra has survived the fight thus far although she is a barely functional wreck with few operative systems.  With  the Atlantic retreating and most strikers destroyed, the battle looks as good as won.  Port Consus begins the laborious task of charging its thrusters, as it looks like numerous ships may need a tow.
20:34 After over a minute of sustained fire into Atlantic with no response, the Militia commanders whoops with relief.  The battle is won and Uranus is safe.  Cid has assembled his cadre of 100 valued slummers and boards the Bago-class yacht. Waiting until just after a firing cycle, the Bago leaps  into space beyond the possibility of pursuit, leaving the Atlantic to its fate. The remaining crew is fragmented without access to command systems, and most are unaware the Citizen has even left. They continue frantic damage control efforts as the Atlantic falls apart under continuous bombardment. Strike 122 fires against Kaga's shields until the  followup monitors first strip their electronics  and then blast them out of space. 
20:35 Atlantic self destructs by detonating her Sorium fuel. The resulting fireball consumes her remaining escorts and leaves no useable wreckage. The battlecruisers are much too far away to be effected, however.

Atlantis:  A panel assembled by the council outside the auspices of Space Security spends weeks questioning witnesses and assembling an analysis.  Their conclusion is that Councillor Harian's tacical dispositions were correct,  lacking information about the Celestian microwave beams as she did. However, they find that Space Security could have done a much better job testing defences or gathering intelligence before the operation.
The Panel commended Citizen Cid's coolheadedness and tactics, and concluded he could not have won without an additional carrier or somemeans of combatting microwave weapons.  While some have charged Cid with cowardice for abandoning the Atlantic, the Panel found the possibility of the Celestians holding the carrier hostage unacceptable.   The possibility of Atlantic's capture was almost too much to be contemplated.  Atlantic's self destruction averted both futures.
In terms of ship design, all three classes of warship were found to have severe deficiencies in defenses against microwave weapons.  It was certainly decisive in the battle for Uranus, with Atlantic and its escorts rendered ineffective long before their armor was breached. Similarly, Brunei's strikers suffered far more combat casualties owing to microwave fire than they did to actual destructive weapons! It's recommended that next generation designs be developed as fast as possible with hardened electronics and redundant fire controsl. 
The panel also found that the archetypical 10x Grendel squadron lacked the throw weight to be useful.    Furthermore, they believe there might have been too much emphasis placed on missile defence.  Command Carriers currently have four layers of missile defence: their suppressors, their Vigilant-type escorts, their CIWS systems, and their strikers deployed in a hedgehog. The Panel believes that an all-Grendel carrier strike group would not materially reduce missile defence  capability enough to matter, while increasing throw weight and simplifying logistics.
The panel also found that the Mark 3 torpedo guidance systems on the Grendel III had no material impact on combat effectiveness. Since a number of design compromises had to be made to fight the Mark 3 on the Grendel, it recommends that the next generation of fighter downsize the system once more.
The panel could not reach consensus on the topic of a more radical striker redesign.  Some members of the panel have suggested that striker design be revisted from the ground up.  Having to close to short range proved to be fatal to Striker pilots again and again. 
Nor could the panel agree on recommendations for the Vigilant class. Vigilants were never intended to be used in any role but close defence against missiles and strikers, so many on the panel deemed it unsurprising that they failed against Celestian monitors and battlecruisers.
For their part, Lunar Militia commanders were ecstatic.  Ceres was still under threat, but many had believed that the Colonies would lose everything beyond the moon when the first garbled reports of enemy forces came in. Microwave beams had been falling out of favor compared to stronger antiproton batteries, but they proved decisive in almost every engagement.  Renewed effort is thrown into researching improved microwave weaponry and fire control systems.
More sober analysts raised a point of caution however.  The sudden and shocking loss of the Droungarios proved how ineffective Militia anti-missile systems could be in the Earth-Luna system.  Luna also lacks the kind of strong beam battery that protected Ceres, believing the missile systems and battlecruisers to be sufficient. In the case of a surprise attack on the Moon itself, battlecruisers caught with their shields down would be nearly defenseless. The analysts recommended establishing a military base away from Earth to protect against such eventuality.  While a outsystem fleet would be unable to protect the moon from a surprise attack, there is little point to a fleet that could be instantly destroyed.  The Moon's best protection will be additional PDCs and orbital monitors, optimized for combat in the Earth-Moon system.  The Zeus-type PDCs protecting Ceres have particularly captured the imagination of the military and public, and the analysts are not immune.  The deployment of at least six to protect the Moon is considered a priority task. 
The political fallout is apt to be severe. All of the dozen or so civilian colonies established throughout the system are screaming for protection after the seizure of Wild.  Much is promised, but the military realities are somewhat grim.  It is impossible and foolhardy to try to protect every colony from Command  Carrier attack but the colonies need SOME form of defence.  Argument continues, but little will be accomplished until the Lunar defences are strengthened.