Author Topic: Linux playing error  (Read 6265 times)

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Offline HUSED (OP)

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Linux playing error
« on: March 26, 2016, 04:18:48 PM »
First sorry for the English , I'm Spanish speaker.

Use linux 14. 10 with xfce 4. 12 , and wine 1. 6. 2.

The installation was , to use executable 5. 54 aurora and, in  another folder using portable 7. 10.

Using comand in terminal 
Code: [Select]
wine aurora.exefirst warning:
Code: [Select]
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0x1ee45c4,1086,0,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33fa30), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_SaveAsFile (0x1462f0)->(0x14b1b0, 0, (nil)), hacked stub.

if play turn in system map more warning:
Code: [Select]
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0x1eefde4,2246,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f3b4), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_get_hPal unimplemented for type 3. Returning 0 palette.
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0x1eefde4,370,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33f3b4), partially implemented.
. . .
Code: [Select]
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons.... .
Code: [Select]
fixme:olepicture:OleLoadPictureEx (0x1f0ba5c,1558,1,{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab},x=0,y=0,f=0,0x33e920), partially implemented.
fixme:olepicture:OLEPictureImpl_Render Not quite correct implementation of rendering icons...
fixme:win:LockWindowUpdate (0x10276), partial stub!
fixme:win:LockWindowUpdate ((nil)), partial stub!
Playing few of turn finally crash
error 445 was generated by Aurora
objet doesnt suport this accion.
Code: [Select]
fixme:ole:CLSIDFromProgIDEx L"Scripting.FileSystemObject",0x33e6f4: semi-stub
fixme:scrrun:filesys_QueryInterface Unsupported interface {7fd52380-4e07-101b-ae2d-08002b2ec713}
fixme:scrrun:filesys_QueryInterface Unsupported interface {37d84f60-42cb-11ce-8135-00aa004bb851}
fixme:scrrun:filesys_CreateTextFile 0x7ce918ec L"\\Logs\\Y5,txt" -1 0 0x33e428
error in creategameLog
error 424.

solution or advice on how to treat this?

Offline Erik L

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Re: Linux playing error
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2016, 08:10:13 PM »
You need a log folder

Offline HUSED (OP)

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Re: Linux playing error
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2016, 08:21:24 PM »
I dispose of the Logs folder because I copied all portable 7. 1.
So I 'm seeing if it is a question of permissions

Offline HUSED (OP)

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Re: Linux playing error
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2016, 11:52:02 AM »
I solved by uninstalling wine and starting from the beginning. .
I use the aurora 7. 1 installer , load the libraries in wine , run winetricks vb6run jet40 , and finally create a folder Logs . . /. wine/drive_c/Logs.

I could play many turns, but now shows me an error .
Error in execute order .
Error 5
invalid procedure call or argument.

And not proceed because it seems like program error and not the installation

Offline nafaho7

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Re: Linux playing error
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2016, 12:13:34 PM »
Error Five may not in fact be an error with Aurora directly.  According to the other posts I found referencing Error 5 (five) the error code triggers most commonly when a Task Group gets deleted in unusual circumstances.  I beleive it has to do with the Numerical ID given to each Task Group upon instantiation of the Task Group.

"Error in ExecuteOrders: Error 5 was generated by Aurora. Invalid procedure call or argument."

@ChubbyPitbull   That's not a bug, it's a user error.  Even though you "recreated" the TG name it's not the same TG.  The tables store id's numericly and each new TG gets the next sequenial id.

And also, in a different thread.

Error in execute orders?
Error 5 invalid procedure call or argument.

Previous solution:
I have several taskforces under a move to taskforce order, where that taskforce was just destroyed. This error probably has to do with you telling a ship to go somewhere it cannot possibly go.  Clear all orders of  your task groups and clear your civ industry orders if that doesn't work.

EDIT: As a side note, it is remarkably difficult to look up error codes in the single digits.  The search function demands that every "word" entered into search be at least 2 characters long.  I was amused.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2016, 08:14:57 AM by nafaho7 »

Offline HUSED (OP)

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Re: Linux playing error
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2016, 04:51:02 PM »
Thanks for the reply , effectively the error happened by a tf had orders to restock a TF that had exploded